#Demeter needs to understand that Persephone is her own person and not an extension of herself
Lore Olympus 231
If you don't like LO, ignore this post; TW for emotional abuse; you don't have to agree with my perspective on the story
I really like how Demeter's character and her interactions with Persephone have been handled. Her behavior isn't pure evil or abusive, it's not motivated by malice. She loves her daughter, in her way. She's also, even unintentionally, harming her daughter and being too stubborn to admit that she's being emotionally abusive and that her daughter is not an extension of herself.
I get people not personally liking this interpretation of the myth or Demeter, not liking the idea of man love interest > mother, and I understand the want to show that story about a mother who grieves her daughter getting taken away. But that's not this story, and I don't think that it needs to be. But this relationship is nuanced and that's why it's so painful for Persephone and for the reader. It resembles what I felt when I came out (I got the initial reaction and then a fucking intervention sometime later). The conflict isn't a choice between Hades or Demeter, it's between Persephone's mother and herself. Persephone chooses herself, and that doesn't fit with the image that Demeter has of her daughter and herself as a mother. Persephone wants to be a good daughter, but she can't fit Demeter's impossible expectations and - also importantly - she doesn't want to.
When I came out, the question was about whether I "could." Whether I could just be straight, instead. Whether I could just stop being bisexual. They took my wants for granted, they decided that I wanted to be what they wanted me to be. That moment where Demeter tells Persephone that she doesn't have to worry about anything, that she'll get her things from the Underworld, shows how far her projection has gone. She wants to be the hero, and she wants to fit her daughter's defiance of her into something she can understand: weakness. She can understand her daughter being too weak to leave the Underworld on her own, she can understand her daughter as a victim. She cannot understand her daughter as an autonomous person, because then she cannot be an extension of herself. I remember being told I was loved and that they were going to fix it for me, that I just didn't understand and had been brainwashed.
It's hard to even be angry afterwards because you "know" or maybe you just hope that they really do love you, and you could never think of them in a bad light. But then you see something like this, and you're reminded that the things that happened to you weren't right, and you're not alone in feeling that way.
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monstrumpuella · 2 years
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A mother's denial
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clareisa · 4 years
Seventeen/Vocal Unit as DEMIGODS
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♠ - greek demigods AU
♠ -  English is not my first language, so please, excuse my mistakes
♠ - hip-hop unit / performance unit / vocal unit
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Son of Aphrodite, Goddess of beauty, love and desire
popular like Aphrodite’s child can be, he knows that very well and sometimes using it to his advantage
no matter who it is, when Jeonghan smile their direction no demigod can’t stop blush appearing and feel memorable tingling in the lower tummy
appearing shy at first, because he is conscious of his surroundings, but is quite social and knows how to have fun
master of relationship advice for anyone that comes to him... somehow he just knows what is the best
likes to gossiping around about who is with who and doing what, he is telling that he just like what is going in his surroundings
loves to admiring his work when someone that asked for his advice confessed successfully or resolved a problem in a relationship 
another of his hobbies is flirting with any breathing and living creature in the camp and making them flustered
sometimes he is doing it when he needs something, sometimes for boosting his ego and sometimes to just make them smile and brighten up their day
his speciality is growing beautiful roses that will be blooming as long as love is present between the person who gave the rose and person who received it as a gift 
not a really competitive demigod, not so hard on him with training with weapons and such 
he rather has his “beauty sleep” any time of the day he likes to... well you can’t argue cuz it, obviously, doing its job 
has different likings and preferences like most of his siblings in regards to friends who never liked to be near demigods that represented something dark, evil or simply different 
he changed his mind when once Joshua, son on Hades, helped him when no other could and since then they are best friends
became fascinated by “dark” demigods and their mystical aura 
came to a camp in his middle teens and it didn’t take a long time for his mother to claim him as his son even with some misunderstandings 
he was really beautiful but thanks to his extensive love to sleep children of Hypnos were almost sure he belongs with them
sometimes savage with his pranks but everyone loves good prank by him especially towards fierce children of Ares
friendly and talkative but loyal only to his inner circle
loves to see others happy but secretly desperate for someone loving him and not just because of his beauty 
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Son of Hades, God of underworld, death and wealth
the polar opposite of what a lot of demigods and other creatures in the camp thinking of him because of his origin, his father
his eyes are so pitch black that when someone scared or disgusted by him would look into them for a long time, they will see their worst fears
people might think he is cold-hearted but is as gentle as a man can be with the flawless soul
good with money and knows well how to earn them, has a really good expensive taste
no matter if someone is scared of him or not, every demigod come to him or one of his few siblings if someone close to them dies
they want to know if their soul safely went to the other side, maybe hearing some last words from them 
most of them after such an experience stops being scared of him and begins to act kindly to him 
owns three black Canis Panther dogs which are always by his side, they are sibling and he saved them from the street when they were puppies
with Joshua not knowing that it was his dad sending them so the dogs will keep him company and protect him
he is talented at brewing potions of any kind
one of his hobbies and talents it’s actually making beautiful jewellery with beautiful gems and precious metals that are sometimes enchanted by his friend Wonwoo 
those who are still stereotyping him telling about him that “the devil is and always will be a gentleman”, suggesting that even tho he acts kind he is still evil inside
this always made Joshua feel heartbroken and made him a lonely and bitter demigod, but after meeting Jeonghan and Vernon he started believed in friendship again and opened up to more people gaining amazing friends
has soft spot for children of Persephone, they are always so charming and mysterious... he probably has this from his father 
came to the camp when he turned twenty already being a successful businessman making it easier for his dad to mark him 
it did take some time but after blooming flowers dying when he walked by it was incontestable who is his godly parent 
started to carrying more about the world around him after he came to the camp so it’s now a regular guest at Athena’s cabin being their sincere listener 
the brightest person around his best friends and willing to give out a life for them
from time to time he is staring lovingly at the moon, imagining that one day someone will love him dearly despite his dark origin and always cold hands
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Son of Athena, Goddess of wisdom, battle strategy and crafts
a beloved demigod in the camp and prominent part of his mother’s cabin being quick-witted and very perceptive
every living being in the camp can’t help themselves and just love and adore him for his captivating charms and intelligence
seems shy and blunt, but he has deep feelings, and when he becomes close to someone, such a relationship will be for eternity 
the best demigod to go to when you need some advice... but only if you crave logical and rational solutions ... he is not emotionless, he just like clear answers 
loves to relax by walking around reading a book or play on piano along with Apollo’s children 
thanks to his origin Woozi is easily learning new languages and not just the human ones 
other demigods often get confused when they see him happily talking to  all kind of magical creatures around the grounds of the camp
cheerfully and happily teaching all those who ask for his help... either academic stuff or strategy for their battles in the arena
he doesn’t want to call it divination, more like an instinct, when he can predict opponents moves in battle 
he is interested in sculpture and pottery a lot, creating beautiful and useful pieces of pottery for other cabins 
famous scolder of kids of Poseidon and Dionysus, mainly Mingyu and Soonyoung, for being too reckless and risking hurting others or violating the rules
he would like them to study more and not just fighting to blood or running around usually getting lost 
caretaker of the camp library... he secretly put all the books he wrote to the front shelves because they are just so good
came to the camp at a very young age being too intelligent for his own good
his mother claiming him as her son was the reason he even went ... seeing his extra-ordinary talents was more than enough
one of the only one that can defeat children of Nike in battle or intelligence tests
very protective about his friends and siblings in any occasion, even the smallest one
wishes to meet someone that will make him think with his heart rather than his head... when that will happen he will know that person is the one
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Son of Demeter, Goddess of agriculture, harvest and seasons
known as the happy, cheerful and energetic demigod that cares for everyone and everything around him
smiling at everyone, greeting them or complimenting, charging them with some kind of positive energy only him and his siblings can give
noisy at a first impression and that is how actually he is all the time... always talking or singing, he just loves to communicate 
he is an expert at making people laugh and feel better, any time he sees or sense someone is down he immediately wants to help
often offering the delicious fresh juice or fruits he is growing in Demeter’s gardens because he believes something delicious can change your mood for better
one of few children of Demeter that can understand to the language of animals 
it is helpful not just to him but his siblings and whole camp as well since animals around plays a big role in a life cycle 
often gets weird stares when he is walking around since almost all the time he has birds sitting on his shoulder or squirrels holding on on his arm
his speciality is honey made by his magical bees... this honey added to any tea can heal the sickness or give you the energy you need 
he is quite competitive in training and fights in the arena but often forgets to even arrive since he is so deep into nourishing his precious gardens
he can use any plant as a weapon by making them grow fastly and controlling their movements 
but such enchanted plants won't be able to grow some harvest to eat 
often inviting son of Apollo and Zeus, Seungcheol and Vernon, to his gardens to hanging out
yes they are his friends but having two demigods controlling powers thanks to which his gardens grow is very convenient 
he came to the camp in his middle teens when actually some of his siblings spotted him talking with animals
it took quite a long time to Demeter to claim him as her son since he wasn’t very good with growing any kind of plant
when he is the happiest any fruit or herb will turn gold in his arms, making the taste of it heavenly and after eating it you can last without food for weeks
only trust his best friends and some of his siblings but he is opened and willing to help anyone
dreaming about someone that will come to his life and will be taking care of him and his heart like he is doing it with his precious gardens
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Son of Nike, Goddess of victory, speed and strength
one of the most lively demigods in the camp, running around with energy almost coming out from him to space
has sensitive and emotional personality and sometimes takes unnecessary things too much to his heart
appearing as very active and full of life and that is exactly how he is, he is naturally giving people hope with just his existence
the best demigod to go to when you are down and you need to level up your self-esteem, he can boost your mental strength well
loves company but his way to relax is just walks along the lake, forest, just nature in general when he can only hear himself and the beautiful silence
after months he finally became one of the best fighters in the camp and is now representing his mother’s name by winning 
some demigods like children of Ares or Nemesis are often accusing Nike’s cabin that they are winning just cuz of the magic
but Seungkwan knows the true powers of his mother aren’t in winning without anything, but in the determination in him and other siblings 
thanks to that they are never tired of trying the same thing over and over until they’ll win
has wings growing from his back like his siblings but his and just a couple of others wings’ feathers are made from pure gold
he loves to spend time in stables, taking care of his favourite creatures ever... pegasuses
his favourite times in camp is when after wild thunderstorm made by Zeus cabin, children of Iris creates beautiful rainbows he loves so much flying throught
went flying with Vernon once since he wanted to see how his friend’s wings can actually bring a thunderstorm
but thanks to his wings being so close to Vernon’s, the raindrops turned gold
one of the newest campers came just a couple of months ago
his mother claimed him quickly since as soon as he came to the camp his wings started showing... which freaked him a lot 
the best in chariot races and it is just because the horses like him the best
is ready to fight for anyone that is standing on the good side
waiting for someone who will break his stereotype and finally, win his heart over
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whorphydice · 5 years
Enter Orpheus- Modern AU
So this could be considered the opening piece to the modern AU @hollywoodx4 and I work on all the time. Again, my reminder that she is a wonderful human.  This gives the intro to the story which is essentially college aged Hermes and Persephone (and by extension Hades) become the caretaker of this baby.
The only thing that probably needs explained is that Demeter is the epitome of crunchy granola mom. She is a doula. She doesn’t believe in most modern medical interventions. And her big thing is connecting to cosmic energy and like...she’s a little psychic. She just knows things. But she loves her daughter very much.  Demeter is crunchy and kind. 
Fun fact: this google doc was titled ‘lil beany orphie”
“Take a deep breath, Seph, calm down.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down, Hades! It’s a baby! A tiny, living baby that calliope just left here. To die!  How do I calm down?”
“Listen..she left it with  her brother. Stay out of it if-”
“Stay OUT of it? How do I stay out of it? Hermes needs help..and it’s not an it! It’s a him.”
“He needs help, and i’m helping him. He’s so tiny, Hades you wouldn’t believe.. I have to help. If this is too much for you-”
“If this is what you want, i’m here. I’m here for you in an instant. Are you at the bar?”
“I’ll be there soon. We’ll figure it out. I love you.”
“Love you more.”
Persephone hung up her phone with an audible sigh, tossing her phone onto the bar counter. She readjusted her focus to the matter at hand- the tiny tiny baby in Hermes’ arms. 
“He’s on his way.” She whispered, eyes locking onto the baby in her pseudo-brother’s embrace. “What do we do? What do we call him?” Persephone reached out to touch him, the infant grasping her finger and causing her heart to flutter in her chest. 
“Callie left a letter- haven’t read it yet. I bet she didn’t care enough to name him”
“She probably named him so she could leave- what are we gonna call you, little one?” She smiled at the baby, shaking his little hand with her finger. “I don’t get it..how can she leave her kid?”
Even at 21, she was appalled. She couldn’t fathom relinquishing her baby, especially not one so small and frail, in the middle of winter. “He’s a tiny little thing.”
“Cal can’t feed herself three meals a day let alone care for a baby. Bet she doesn’t even know the daddy.”  Hermes told her, simply bouncing the incredibly small baby softly. “Your boyfriend in his way?”
“yeah..Mama too. She said she was already on her way.” Persephone couldn’t help the way her hands instinctively flinched towards him. “Can I hold him?” 
He looked at her, with mischief in his eyes as he gently transferred the tiny boy to her arms. Immediately she felt something fiercely protective bubbling inside her and in that instant she knew she’d never let anything happen to this little boy. “Hey there, sweetheart.” She cooed, rocking him in the crook of her arm. She was sure now that Calliope’s intentions would never be understood. He wasn’t even hers and she would die for him. 
The door flew open and took her by surprise as her boyfriend burst through the doors.
There was a moment between them they will never understand nor discuss, but it was a moment where the sight of her with this baby in her arms caught his heart in his throat. Where four years down the road became none. “Seph..”
“She just dropped him here. Didn’t stop by. Just left him. We got nothin’ for him but we can’t just leave him you know? And he so so tiny that I can’t believe he’s even real and-’ He cut her rambles with a hand on her cheek and a deep kiss. He rested his forehead against hers, just trying to calm her even for a moment. 
“Noone said you had to leave him, we just need a game plan. This is a whole other person to care for. And ain’t none of us ready for it, but here we are. You call your mother yet?” Demeter was not his favorite person, but the woman knew babies.
“Her mother is right here, yes, hello.” Demeter waltzes into the bar, locking the door behind her. Her hair falls in loose braids, a hand knit shawl around her shoulders. “Ahh yes. Good to see you Hermes. Hades. And Kore, give me that boy” She eyed the men briefly, looping her arms down to pull the baby right into her arms.
She lifted the infant to her height, simply connecting her head to his own gently, letting out a deep contented sigh. “Ahh yes. Orpheus has joined as at last.”
Hermes looked up from the glasses he was cleaning- a last ditch effort to prepare for the night- and raised a dark eyebrow. “What did you call that boy, auntie?”
“Orphan?” Hades mumbled, settling his law books and coat down on the free barspace before wrapping his arms around Persephone’s shoulders. “Did she call him Orphan?”
“This boy, his name is Orpheus. I’ve been anticipating his arrival..smaller than I expected..healthy none the less.” Demeter brought the baby down, resting his head on her shoulder, swaying gently with him. 
“Now how in the hell do you know his name…”
Perephone tapped his hands gently. “She just knows these things sometimes…”
“Well if she knows everything why did his mama leave him behind like he means nothing to her-” Hades grumbled, resting his chin on Persephone’s head. 
“All that negativity is not good for this boy, Hades.” Demeter’s tone, while never loud, seemed warning. “She left because he was not meant for her. He was meant for you three.”
Persephone felt the blood drain from her skin, Hade’s grip on her tighten, and the sound of shattering glass filled the room as Hermes dropped a shot glass. 
“He was meant for who know? I am trying to finish school-”
“I just opened the bar..”
“I just learned how to take shots..”
“Yet, all three of you were ready to take him even before I said so. Yes. Orpheus is meant for the three of you to care for.” Demeter mused, kissing his forehead before handing the little baby back to Persephone. 
“He’s going to teach you great love. All of you. And bring so much joy into your lives as long as you can imagine. Yes you are young and unexpecting of this- but it’s meant to be. It’s what the stars want.” She leaned in and kissed her daughter’s cheek, resting her gentle hand on the other. “Cherish all the moments with him.”
Demeter looked up briefly. “And hermes? Set up his crib in your room.”
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