#it seems like the denial is still strong with demeter
monstrumpuella · 2 years
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A mother's denial
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sillybub · 5 years
heyy are you still doing the headcanons? if no, you can ignore this 💛🔥
Why yes I am!! I am never not willing to talk about the characters!
💛 - Demeter
I want to protect her! She's such a great example of how the cats have implied backstories without explicitly saying anything. She's so frightened of Macavity, yelling out several false(?) alarms before he shows up for realsies. She sings about him with Bomba, she is the first to notice that it's really him and not Old Doot, and then he tries to kidnap her?? They DEFINITELY have history.
She seems to be quite skittish and anxious, but I think the her pain has brought out her kindness and sympathy--it seems like she really WANTS to touch Griz, but can't quite bring herself to. Even when she sings about her with Bomba, she seems to have more pity than contempt.
Anyways, she still manages to be so strong and courageous despite her fears!!
Pretty basic, but she used to be Macavity's mate
They were actually childhood sweethearts--but then Macavity started going off the rails
Demeter, who had always struggled to stand up for herself, tried to see the good in him and was in denial about how bad he truly was
Her breaking point came when she realized that she was pregnant with Jemima; she couldn't bear to raise her child in such a loveless, cruel place
So she ran. She didn't know where to go, but she knew that she had to get away from Macavity.
For weeks, she wandered the streets and struggled to feed herself and her quickly-growing kitten
It was Bombalurina who first found her shivering and curled up in a ratty cardboard box; her heart broke for the half-starved queen, and she started bringing her food
Bombalurina encouraged her to come meet her tribe, saying that they could help her and keep her safe
Demeter was reluctant to go with her--after all, Macavity had promised her those same things.
But in the end, she agreed for her kitten's sake
The tribe welcomed her with so much warmth and love that she thought she was dreaming
Their protector, Munkustrap, promised her that she would be safe and that he wouldn't let anything hurt her
And she didn't doubt him for a second
She moved in with Bombalurina; when Jemima was born, she had an entire network of other cats who were there to help her out in any possible way
Munkustrap especially took joy in babysitting Jemima 👀
Although her past still haunts her, she is happier than she has even been
🔥 - Bombalurina
Oh what a feisty queen!!! I love her confidence and they way she carries herself!! She knows what she's about!!
Although she enjoys flirting and flustering, I think she has her priorities straightened out far more than Tugger. She seems like the type to take charge and step up whenever there's a sticky situation. She's much more relaxed than Munk, but just as loyal and reliable. She is a cat you can count on!
Both of her parents were Jellicle Choices; they were both getting quite old and sick, and we're Chosen within a few years of each other, some time prior to the Ball we see in the show
Bomba is happy for them--but she still misses them.
She and Tugger ended up dating for a while
They were both fairly lonely--Bomba desired a meaningful relationship after her parents were Chosen, trying to fill the gap they left, and Tugger enjoyed the attention she gave him
The two hottest cats in the tribe ended up with a lukewarm relationship; they were both just kind of going through the motions
They broke up, but remained close friends
They make awful jokes about it all the time
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Aphrodite: You think you’ve seen a feminist blog? Think again. There are ~tasteful~ pictures of nipples left and right, quotes about body image and lots of empowered women. The title is: freethenip_keepthewhip Rupi Kaur would probably deem the blog too much, but somehow she manages to keep it to a sane level. Everyone follows her, even tho they all deny it. 10/10 inspirational as fuck
Hermes: He runs: yaboy-hermesss This blog is a mess. There is no such thing as a theme, or any kind of cohesion, the boy just reblogs what he likes. That’s it, that’s the only rule. It’s a shame he mostly only blogs when he’s high, so it’s a game of “will today be a motivational quotes over colorful sunsets OR Low-resolution pictures of literal houseplants in the dark” kinda day? 7.5/10 – if you’re high too, it’s the best thing you’ve seen all year
Dionysus: AKA: yourdaddywouldnever. The blog is pretty tame, it’s mostly just memes and an occasional photo of the latest shenanigans he’s gotten into. But he likes everything. EVERYTHING. From cat pics on Hephaestus’ blog to random selfies of Indian dudes, it seems like Dio uses the like button every time he takes a breath. 5.5/10 the blog itself is really mediocre
Hephaestus: Pictures. Of. Cats. Just so many cat pics. He recently began adding gifs to the mix. He names every kitten, and his tags are full of things like #fluff #meow #furryfriends. There is an occasional photo of him posing (but pretending to be natural) and some of those memes your aunt would post on facebook, tagged with three crying-laughing faces. The name is: hephaestus1 – “hephaestus was already taken” 9/10 gotta admit the kitties are cute as fuck
Hestia: Poetry blog. She uploads her own stuff and reblogs quotes from others, but the main purpose of tumblr for her is to get into debates about meaningless stuff in the comments. Her blog’s name is: lines­­­_of_revolution 6.5/10 the poems are not bad actually, but for the love of everything, don’t tag her
Ares: His blog is mainly black and white images. He tries to maintain an aesthetic but sometimes it is too much for ADHD boiTM, and he spirals into a pit of sad and miserable quotes only. But when he’s doing good, the pictures are a very decent way of telling what mood he is in, and actually tell a pretty good story of his week. The blog name is: ares-godofwar 8/10 when he’s fine
Artemis: This is The Aesthetic Blog TM. Everything matches with everything. She keeps up themes that change every month, and there is not a post that’s out of order. The blog is so aesthetically pleasing, legends say you can not look at it for more than 15 minutes at a time or your life will fall apart and nothing will ever seem worthy of looking at again. Her blog is: goddessofperfection
Apollo: There is no good way of putting it, Apollo’s blog is a good ol’ pornblog. He strongly argues and puts it as some kind of “artistic choice” or “naturalistic expression” but that’s no way of fooling anyone when there are more naked butts on his page than on Burning Man. His username is: harp­_me_up (he spent 3 weeks coming up with this name) 5/10 for the denial (just admit it bro)
Demeter: She runs: demeter-dontmakeatumblrplease. Now listen. I don’t have any explanation for this. But her blog is the funniest shit ever. In the history of time, it is the most hilarious thing to grace this blob of stone we call Earth. It is just straight up hysterical. It resonates with everyone. The things she reblogs and the things she posts herself. Quality content. This is what I’m here for. And by myself I mean everyone ever. 100000/10 would recommend
Athena: Song lyrics everywhere. She probably thinks the site is a knockoff karaoke bar. Her blog is the equivalent of every single time a song has gotten stuck into your head for two days. Besides that, it’s usually “intellectual” stuff such as quotes from famous thinkers, but just when you think there is more to that than annoying lyrics, a line from I Wanna Know What Love Is pops up and the illusion is ruined. Her blog is: itsa-kindof-magic 5/10 pretty boring (sorry)
Persephone: Pretty convinced that her site (queen­_of_the_dead) is just a cover for some serious satanic shit. It’s straight up scary. Can’t really give a rating, cuz I’ve only looked it up once and it still haunts be, but let’s go with a 10/10 not to piss her off.
Hera: It’s a pretty standard hipster blog with the trademark pics of cozy coffee shops and those backpacks (you know, the ones you see on the back of a dude with a beard longer than your last relationship) in every color imaginable. The blog is: mom­_friend101 It’s cute and sweet and reflects her personality very well. Lot’s of rolled up pants to reveal crazy patterned socks. All around great vibes. 9/10
Hades: Ah yes, the dog rating site. “how many TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT IT’S NOT A DOG RATING…!!” Ssssh, Hades, it’s okay. We all have a soft spot. A for effort for posting some other stuff once every month or so just to keep up the illusion. But it is what it is. His blog is: not-a-dog-rating-site JK, it’s actually: hatethis­_hades 10/10 because it’s the best thing to come out of the grumpy old man (the dude gives every dog a max score)
Poseidon: Doesn’t get the concept of it, regularly confuses tumblr with twitter and posts his opinions nobody asked for. His username is: better-than-zeus, and he begins every single one of his posts with “Now guess what…” a strong 8/10 because he is actually pretty funny but no one will admit it, so don’t bring it up
AKA: zeusofficial Only posts about twice a year and it is always a link to some other site or article you know you’ll never read. -100/10, this is not your granddad’s facebook page, get it together man
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The Mad God
A beast they call me. Uncouth. Uncivilized. A disgrace. And perhaps, if I am honest with myself, they are not so wrong as I would once have liked them to be. I cannot deny what I have become in my isolation. Part of it, I’ll admit, is self imposed; but the larger part of this misery has been out of my control. If there is anyone to blame, it is I. The sweetness of victory stales over time, it grows foul and sour even with the most tender touch, all things, in perspective and time, become clear. But, as the mortals say. I chose my bed linens, it is time for me to find if they are to my satisfaction as I lie in them.
 I chose this hell, thinking myself smart. I chose to rule the earth, and so, my brothers granted it to be so. I was given uncontested rule of all things here. I am rich beyond any kingly measure for I am owner of all precious things. I think nothing of arming my soldiers in iron chased in platinum, I think nothing of the jewels embedded into all surfaces so that naught but a candleflame flickers with the intensity of a sun on all that which I hold in my domain. I am surrounded by others, soldiers, peasants, merchants, tyrants all. I am surrounded by so many, and yet, I remain alone. Grossly forgotten about in ways that if one were not familiar with my family, could be perhaps be considered cruel, but alas, for me this is nothing new.
 I wanted to matter.
 I should have known that I never would. That my brothers, in their cruel and deceiving ways, have once again, shown me my place. Shown me that they do not want me with them, in their ruling of mankind. And so, over the centuries, I have learned to quite trying. Zeus, ruler of the sky and God-King. He lords over them with nothing but fear and manipulation, an iron fist in which he forces them all to abide. I have heard that he has forced them to shape him great weapons of lightning bolts in which he has some show for his bluster. I can’t help but wonder how long it will take for one of them to realize that he isn’t much more of a threat than Father Cronus. Perhaps one of his own children, thus, the cycle repeating. Poseidon. Hot tempered bastard. I’m surprised he is still alive given some of the things he’s pulled. But then, I suppose, why not? He can create earthquakes in his rage and then blame me for them, after all, I’m never allowed there to defend myself against such accusations and being the Lord of the earth, seems like it would be my fault. And, if I knew it would get back at any of them, I’d consider it, but man, well, his time is brief, and I will see most of them soon enough, why bother speeding up the process?
 What hurts the most, in all this time. Is the complete denial of my family. Those, whom humans seem to have the closest bond to, are nothing more than strangers at best, and annoyances seeking a favor at worst. It’s funny how I simply do not exist, but for the butt of jokes or a boogeyman figure until one of them needs me. And then they come, pleading with me for understanding and forgiveness. “Forgive us,” they plead, their mewling tones but pathetic nonsense I have long since grown used to, “Please Hades, we know you can help.” And I can; and I do, because I am too desperate to matter, to feel as though I have a purpose to someone, anyone. But then they leave, and I am alone. And nothing I did ever matters.
 I clenched my fingers around the goblet, the burnished gold glowing in the dim glow of my candlelit hall. I was a God, a King in my own right. I sat upon a throne, and had servants, I had soldiers, and yet in all the important ways, I was alone. I took a long pull on my wine, listening to the creak of bone and iron, the clacking of mandibles, and off in the distance, like birdsong, came the shrieks of the damned. Those cruel enough, vicious enough, and horrible enough that they had somehow managed to gain the attention of my rather dense brothers. And so, Charon had brought them here. To me. He was the closest thing I could call to a friend, but our talks were brief and preciously rare. He was my sole contact with the outside world, a place that I wanted to both forget existed, and also, remember desperately. Amusing, how even with the powers of a god at my beck and call, I was limited. That even with my powers over the very earth itself, my freedom was just barely beyond my reach. I looked around at those surrounding me. I was no better than they, no different either. Just as I picked the perfect punishment for those that came before me, so too, my brothers had picked for me. It could be amusing if it wasn’t so pathetic.
 There was one thing in this world that at least made my existence tolerable. A great pomegranate tree that I had managed to coax into taking root. It was my deepest secret. And it was the only thing that I still held onto from my humanity. It was the one desire of mine that I had managed to salvage, the one thing that I had taken for myself, in spite of my brothers, and the others that claimed me as kin. It was the only living thing that I had in my domain. It was a gross violation of what was allowed with my restrictions, and if anyone happened upon it in my inner sanctum, the thought of that punishment was not worth considering. I both loved and hated that tree, there were days that I did nothing more than watch the way that the candelight flicked through it’s leaves with a green so crisp and beautiful that no stone had hope to match. And Other days I hated it so desperately I wanted to burn it to the ground into a pile of smoldering ash for what had been taken from me. My hopes and dreams, twisted by the cruel designs of others. Not one had asked my opinions, not one had cared what I had wanted.
 Even now, there was a part of me that still yearned for that dream. The dream of being a God-King, like Zeus, but not. I wanted to be ruler of the lands, of the earth. To be wealthy yes, but, I wanted so much more. I wanted to feel the light and warmth of Apollo’s chariot as he passed by, and to wave to Artemis in the night. I wanted to grow things upon the earth. Trees. Point of fact. I had wanted an orchard. A silly, whimsical dream, that even now, held on with a tenacious grip. A hold so solid that it felt as though a dagger driven through my heart would be less painful. And now, the only thing that allowed me that dream, that age old fantasy; was a solitary pomegranate tree.
 I heard the barge sounds, my mood was foul as I stood and made way to the Acheron. On my thoughts was one particular Goddess, one that I disliked as much, or even perhaps more than my brothers. Demeter. The one creature alive that held my dream in the palm of her hand with a careless grip, her indifference to what I would sell my soul for was something that always brought me to a near rage. It felt so wrong that someone who should care so little about something should have it when I wanted it so badly. I shoved open my doors with my force than strictly necessary but it helped me feel better. And that, was valuable at this moment. I walked with purpose, I could feel my robes clinging to rough patches of the cobblestones, the chill of them a constant presence here, even with the mighty Phlegethon burning with it’s dragon’s breath, it did not travel far enough to warm my domain. This was not a pleasant plane. This, was quite literally, Hell.
 I raised my arm in greeting to my friend, his great height appearing diminished beneath a cloak, his pole and burden bending him nearly in half but I dared any hero to underestimate him. Charon was a wise creature, perhaps even wiser than me, for it seemed only I was fool enough to fall for the pleading guilt trips that my family ensnared me with. He always seemed impervious to such tricks, I cannot deny I was envious of him for that. “Charon!” I greeted, his boat was full. I glanced to my soldiers, ready to guide them to be judged. It was the same thing, every time.
 “Hades.” He had a strong voice, gravelled from lack of use, though I am sure mine didn’t sound much better. Besides dolling out punishments, there was no point to speaking much here. Nothing intelligent to converse with besides each other. Well, besides the Titans; and given that brother Zeus and crew were the ones that defeated them and put them here, I had my doubts that they would enjoy talking to me, even without me being his twin, I bore enough resemblance that it wasn’t worth risking again. “Demeter is on earth again.” I felt my hackles rise, my temper flaring white-hot, my fingers clenching into fists in my robes. Down. I had to get control. Charon didn’t know my secret, not from a lack of trust on his behalf, but my being the God of the Underworld and all, I had a certain image to maintain and nurture. “She brought her daughter with her. Zeus had some bitch fuck a bull.” He shrugged, neither of us understanding my brother and his sadistic ways. Still though, Demeter had a daughter? Holy shit, when was the last time I had bothered to look at the human world? It hadn’t been that long. Right?
 I delayed court. Who was going to stop me? I took a long while at my pool, the black waters now allowed me to watch the scene upon it’s surface with a growing amount of wonder and a jagged pain that stabbed through my chest. Demeter had brought a young woman with her. And though I wanted to rip apart Demeter with my bare hands. This woman held me enchanted.
 Her face was serene, with a kind, delicate smile that knew no hatred. She spoke with a kindness and a gentleness that I had only heard about, never given the graces of seeing it. She danced through fields of flowers in a carefree way, her long hair flowing out the colour of wheat and her eyes so green they reminded me of the way grass looked. Her laugh put birds to shame with its beauty, and yet she did not judge them for being less than she, she instead took delight in them and encouraged them to join her and so they sang in a way that brought tears to my eyes. Her skin was a light tone, softly tanned beneath the kiss of sunlight and I suddenly grew jealous of all the things around her. I was jealous of the grasses that got to touch her skin, the flowers that she kissed with the softest of affections, the breeze that got to play in her hair. I was losing myself here, what the hell was I thinking. She was the daughter of the Goddess I hated most, and more, I did not need comfort, I did not need anything she offered to me. In fact, I didn’t even want it. I was here, in my domain, it was all I knew, it was all I required
 So why did it hurt so much when I left?
 Court passed with an agonizing slowness that felt like it’s own sort of torture. Despite getting to sentence a pedophile to a beautifully devious thing I had been wanting to test out for awhile I knew I was distracted. I knew that my choice of torments had been poor at best, not well thought about, but they had sufficed. I needed to focus. I walked around my domain, torturing here, tormenting there. Tasks required of me an my station, a promise to those I found to be slacking that I had no particular fondness for them and that they could join those in their torment just as easily. It was an effective strategy, and most days, just the variance in a monotonous existence was enough to cheer me up. But it wasn’t working. Nothing was working. Not walking down by the Phlegethon just to hear the screams of those I had placed there on purpose, a reminder to those that I truly did not like. Nothing in my world could cheer me up like that smile, a smile that hadn’t even been directed at me. I couldn’t be that pathetic.
 I was, in fact, that damn pathetic. I kept watching her, day after day. Finding new things in her that fascinated me. Her kind spirit, her gentle touch. She had even inherited her mother’s knack for growing things, as she helped crops grow, and flowers. She showed me the beautiful things I had so desperately wanted to achieve, and though I wanted to hate her for it, to hurt her for things that I had no control over. I found myself liking her. I found myself searching her out when I had other things to do. Spending long hours with her in front of my pomegranate tree as she spent her time doing what she did best. Being her. It had taken me a long while to finally hear her name, and when I did, I spoke it, just to taste it for myself.
 I spent so long watching her, focusing on her in the human world. Watching her create beauty while I was surrounded by nothing but darkness, despair, and ruin. She encouraged me to be better. I dressed better, taking care to look like a king properly should, though none here cared or even noticed. My robes were swapped out for finery, my trinkets became more embellished and royal. She made me grow flowers around my tree, things of platinum stem and gemstone petals that sparkled and glinted. All hues and varieties stood around me. Amethyst violets, diamond daisies, and aquamarine weeping bells. Trees took form with gold bark, emerald leaves and ruby apples. She encouraged me to not only look better, she taught me how to live.
 Finally, I could not take it anymore. I couldn’t take the insanity of it. Something had to be done. And I had tried to be noble. I had tried to ignore her, to go back to my life. But now, there were memories of her all around me. My rich robes that were of a finer quality than even Zeus was afforded, every gemstone and mineral I saw reminded me of my secret garden, my pathetic musings over a woman beyond me. I spent days wandering my plane, beating spirits and doing my best to distract myself. But when you are exposed to the light, it is so hard to go back to the darkness.
 I tried to behave. To be noble. But I couldn’t do it anymore. One more night in a lonely bed with cold sheets as my comfort, one more day without anyone to talk to, one more day knowing my brothers had their wives and took them for granted. Wasn’t I deserving of that? Couldn’t someone be mine? I would make sure they never regretted it. Ever. And there was only one person that came to mind for that desire, that need inside me that had awoken. Persephone. I tried to avoid her, tried to contain the madness that made my sanity feel like it was unhinging. Even when I wasn’t at the pool I could see her, out of the corner of my eye. Never there when I focused, but my fantasies so strong that I felt like I truly was going to lose it. I saw her on the throne I had created on a whim, she was dancing through the garden that I had made for her, she was right there beside me as we walked down the Acheron. I couldn’t tell when I was asleep or when I was awake anymore because the nightmares didn’t stop when my eyes were open and the dreams kept going into the night. I couldn’t take it anymore.
 She came to me. Swallowed up by the only earthquake that I had ever caused. My desires finally getting the better of me as I brought her here, to me. She looked so beautiful, a ray of sunshine in my world that had no knowledge of it, her beauty looked so much more in person, it was nearly painful for me to look upon her. But still I did, I drank my fill, my desperation winning out over common sense. Perhaps I was a beast, uncouth, uncivilized. But, I would keep her safe here, I would be everything she ever needed here. Here, I could love her properly. And as she looked up at me, her green eyes widening with recognition, I spoke past the lump in my throat. “Please,” I swallowed hard, “don’t be afraid of me too.” Because if she rejected me, I don’t think I would survive it.
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