Po drugiej wojnie światowej wielu Polskich żołnierzy nigdy nie powróciło do ojczyzny I już na zawsze zostali na emigracji. Przez komunistyczne władzę w Polsce pozostali okrzyknięci zdrajcami skupiając na sobie uwagę reżimowego wywiadu. Powojenna Polonia budziła wielkie obawy wśród komunistów, bali się ich. Bali się dlatego że w tamtych czasach środowiska polonijne głównie składały się z byłych…
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belligerentnonsense · 2 years
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clara deninson in “up n’ down” editorial
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Wednesday 15 July 1835
9 25
12 20
no kiss ready in an hour then A- had Mr Grey from 10 25 to 11 ¾ - mentioned the circumstances about Eliza Raine’s will - he had no recollection of them till I explained them fully - will turn to his memoranda I felt sure he must have some note of my having authorized him to act for me - Had Cooper - had sent for him - my pony’s back sadly hurt by the saddle - besides her off hind leg swelled from a knock the other pony had given her when she got loose in the stall on Sunday night - much grieved -  C- said it would not be of much consequence - Had George upstairs - told him to see about saddle bags and all that could be wanted for a riding expedition - then breakfast at which Mrs Duffin caught us at 12 ½ - after sitting a little while she returned to us at 1 ½ and I walked with her into Micklegate leaving A- expecting Mr Brown (who in fact came immediately and staid till 4 ¼) Mrs D- would make me look over Mr Duffin’s papers for the will - in vain - said I felt assured Mr D- had done as he said he had, and that the will ought to be in Mr R. Swann’s keeping - afraid however it was lost - said it was very strange, but Mr Duffin was not to blame, and I should regret the loss perhaps as little as anybody in my case would - my uncle had never liked the thing, and I was easily reconciled when I thought of this - the property is £220 per annum - the expense about £200 if the will is not found the property escheats to the crown - if the will is found, I get all but £500 to Mr D- £50 to his niece Mrs Jane Duffin, £50 to Isabella Norcliffe and £10 per annum to Whinray who lived as servant with Eliza at the time the will was made - in Dr B-‘s printed paper put down E-‘s age 44 -  Rain came on about 2pm so returned from the Duffins’ in a fly at 3 1/4- found Mr Brown with A- she shewed me his etchings (drawings) of architectural ornaments in the minster, meaning to publish them as a sequel to Halfpenny’s great work - we told him to put down A-‘s and my name on his list of subscribers tho’ not knowing what the subscription would be - Had horses to the carriage, and A- and I (took John Clark) off to Pocklington at 4 ¾ to see Banks (schoolmaster) there - alighted at Fallowfield’s (Feathers Inn) at 6 25 - ordered a roast duck for dinner and sauntered out - Banks a sit-down, unpolished, dissenter-loving man, his wife apparently frightened of ‘our master’ but much the best of the 2 - Mr Dennison had dismissed him from the national school for he knew not what reason - tried him at decimals could not, I saw get the decimal of £19.19.6 till he in fetching his slate turned to his book and rules at the same time - would not do at all - then sauntered to the end of the town - neat and rural - neat new-built public grammar school - only obliged to take the boys in the town - only 6 of them at present - then to the national school - it appears it is a private concern under the patronage of Mr and Mrs Deninson - only saw the mistress - her husband out - they are people from Melbourne recommended by Lady Vavason - very nice civil woman - much pleased with her - the donation box open - put in 2/6 then on an instants thought the woman saying she would take care to give Mrs Denninson took it out and gave it to the woman for hers - she much pleased, saying she really did not deserve it - she behaved very discretely about Banks evidently avoiding speaking of him - we learnt his love of dissenters, at the Inn - dinner at 7 ¾ - the duck admirably roasted - the old lady of the house (mother) clean and very civil and a good cook - going to have a conservative dinner on Wednesday at 2/. a head - off from P- at 8 43 and at the Black swan at 10 ½ - tea - finish day till about 2pm when rain for sometime but fair and finish while we were at Pocklington and as we returned
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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“‘Button Your Tunic,’ Says P.M. To Soldier,” Toronto Star. April 3, 1919. Page 05. --- Latter of Foreign Birth, But Interpreter Explains Source of Magisterial Displeasure. --- A returned man of foreign birth wore his khaki overcoat unbuttoned when he pleaded guilty before Magistrate Kingsford to a charge of drunkeness.
But his Worship’s military eye had detected something of a greater importance than even an admission of guilty. When Mr. Kingsford had seen was the unbuttoned coat.
‘Button your tunic, sir,’ repeated the interpreter.
It wasn’t a tunic, but the soldier ‘stickled’ less than Mr. Kingsford, and the veteran buttoned his overcoat.
‘Now, sir, what do you plead?’ Mr. Kingsford demanded, his stern mien somewhat softened.
A most obliging man was the man in the dock, even if he couldn’t speak English.
‘Guilty,’ he said to Interpreter Markowitz.
‘Guilty,’ echoed the linguist to Mr. Kingsford.
‘Case Withdrawn.’ The liberated one walked out to freedom, but never again would he appear before Mr. Kingsford, once a citizen-soldier, with even a single button unbuttoned. 
Full of Hope and Hops. Full of hope, foreigners and others go to Montreal. Full of hops, carried in valise or grip, they come back again. Then, at the Union Station, plainclothesmen pounce on the hopeful hopsters. Officers Waterhouse and MacMahon treated the once sanguine Stephen Chriss in this self-same heartless way. Chriss had ten bottles of booze in a suit case.
He was going through to Guelph or Galt, he said, and had left his coach with charity in his heart and the lush in his hand - all for a soldier.
‘Going to Galt or Guelph, eh!’ ejaculated Col. Deninson. ‘If there’s a conviction here, Galt or Guelph will lose something.’
‘If he has money,’ qualified Mr. Corley.
‘Chriss had money, and he paid his fine of $200.
Just as Col. Denison had feared, Galt or Guelph were minus this revenue.
A Nice Point Raised Dr. Edmund P. Kelly was charged with drunkenness and B.O.T.A. He had a big bottle. Obtaining this at a Government’s cendor’s, he had taken it to his House, and then out. He was treating himself for tuberculosis. The box into which Kelly, so a policeman said, how thrown the bottle was in a relative’s backyard.
Kelly’s lawyer argued that the law permitted a doctor to carry whiskey. ‘Your client made a mistake,’ said Col. Denison to Kelly’s counsel. ‘Will you accept a fine in this case, Mr. Corley?’ Mr. Corley declined to accept the responsibility, and he opposed the blanket theory that a physician might have whiskey with him away from his office, whatever his condition might be.
‘I should have more sympathy if there were less drunkenness,’ observed the Crown Attorney.
Mr. Corley wanted a conviction for B.O.T.A. He could not assent to any such a precedent as the defence desired. Kelly was remanded for a week.
Max Helpern, whose car killed a man at a street car intersection, was committed on a manslaughter charge on evidence taken at the inquest.
‘No bail.’
‘Vengeance Is Mine.’ John Turner was committed on a charge of having attempted to murder Benjamin Pringle.
Turner was stabbed in the stomach.
According to Active Detective Elliott, Turner gave voice to ‘Vengeance Is Mine,’ after his arrest, and declared that, if he hadn’t killed Pringle he would do it next time.
Peter Sansone, pursued yesterday by fleet-footed detectives, armed with guns that popped skyward during the chase, pleaded guilty to-day on a charge of theft. He was remanded until Friday for sentence.
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ramospremium · 6 years
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C63 AMG Ano 2008 70mil km Blindada NIIIA Manutenção em dia, não há o que fazer Importação oficial com notas fiscais do carro e da blindagem Envelopada com Avery Deninson Escapamento GIBA Há uma delaminação no vidro traseiro R$ 118.000 https://www.instagram.com/p/BuycSbkA0qY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pd6l6b19jal3
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lfonsecadaily · 8 years
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It’s great news day! We have learned Lyndsy is confirmed in a new and very exciting project. This time, Lyndsy is set to star along with Tony Deninson in  in the virtual reality project called Agent Emerson. The movie  serves as the pilot for the original content VR series, Identity Experience.
The story centers on a “CIA operative who awakens to find himself part of an experimental government program where subjects are under complete remote control by “The General” (Denison). He must fight to retake charge of his own actions and escape the high-security facility with the aid of Lyndsy’s character”.  Ilya Rozhkov is directing and producing for the Rogue Initiative, along with Cathy Twigg and Pete Blumel. It is also co-written by Rozhkov and Joshua King. 
Russian producer Sergey Selyanov, founder of CTB Films, is financing and producing. Production will start on saturday and will be completed in Los Angeles following the shoot.
“This is a stellar opportunity to embrace the new virtual reality frontier and I am excited about working with director Ilya Rozhkov and the Rogue Initiative,” Lyndsy said to Variety. 
The Rogue Initiative will handle distribution for “Agent Emerson” and plans to take it to film festivals and distribute the finished product to VR content providers. 
We can’t wait to see the movie! Stay tuned for more news.
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deninsonmota · 7 years
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  What is Gregorio Beads?
First of all, I would like to introduce myself before jumping into details. My name is Deninson Mota and I am the founder of Gregorio Beads. The company designs jewelry mostly for men and lately has been working on some jewelry for women as well due to high demand.
I’ve created this company with the vision of bringing something new, different and unique to the modern man. It all began as a hobby, but soon turned into a passion and now we are in business thanks to all of our customers around the world.
We are constantly creating new designs and bringing new stuff to the table. We know that our customers deserve to stay on top of new trends and the more the company grows the more stuff we can offer.
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Our product is made with high quality materials we buy from shops all around the world. We guarantee you a good quality product that will exceed your expectations and thanks to our customers we are confident that you will love our product.
Men’s beaded bracelets.
Women’s beaded bracelets.
As our company grows we are constantly asked for women’s bracelets, so we are introducing some cool pieces for women. You can check them out in our website http://www.gregoriobeads.com. Our selection for women is not as broad as our men’s selection, but we are designing some new cool things for them.
#gallery-0-23 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-23 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-23 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-23 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
More to see.
In our online store you can also find stuff like men’s and women’s necklaces and chokers too. This is just the beginning of a beautiful journey and we would like you to be part of it.
Men’s necklaces.
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More to see.
Stay tuned for more articles. In the next few articles I will talk about the power and energy and other properties gemstones can bring to our lives and surroundings.
Gregorio Beads What is Gregorio Beads? First of all, I would like to introduce myself before jumping into details.
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travelthebucketlist · 4 years
The final part of the QLD Road Trip that grouped into Beaches, Lookouts, Tours, Walks & Waterfalls, focuses on my stops for Tours.
Organised tours are not my go-to during travel, but some can provide experiences impossible to experience solo.
So my wrap-up of this 5 part blog about my July Covid Queensland Road Trip covers the balance of this covid-19 cabin escape.
Heart Reef in the Whitsunday Islands
The iconic Heart Reef on Queenslands Great Barrier Reef, is best viewed from plane or helicopter, so I joined a packaged sea & air day with GSL Marine & Aviation to see the 17m long (tiny) Heart Reef, then a cruise out to Whitsunday Island to snorkle and get my bare feet onto the stunningly beautiful Whitehaven Beach.
  The other tours involved a Sunset cruise on the Daintree River with Solar Whisper, Whale Watching in Hervey Bay with Pacific Whale Foundation, a Sunset Segway Dinner Tour along boardwalks of Airlie Beach, and the surprise of attending a unique Festival at Airlie, given Covid restrictions in place.
So lets start with the Daintree. There are a few operators offering short cruises on the Daintree River, but I chose the 2hr Dusk Tour with Solar Whisper, and David & his furry bosun were perfect guides. As an adventure in the wild, there are no guarantees to see crocodiles or particular birds etc, but we had fortunate encounters with some beauties. The highlight was the cruise back to base with the late afternoon light drenching the shores, just stunning.
Daintree River 20200720_153548
Daintree River 20200720_153738
Daintree River 20200720_154620
Daintree River 20200720_160911
Daintree River 20200720_160921
Daintree River 20200720_161025
Daintree River 20200720_161053
Daintree River 20200720_163205
Daintree River 20200720_164614
Daintree River 20200720_164916
Daintree River 20200720_171302
Then Hervey Bay Whale Watching provides an opportunity to see Humpbacks in their playground. Again, as an experience in the wild, weather and whales are never a guarantee, so you make the most of opportunity. For me, a RIB (rigid inflatable boat) small tour was more appealing than the larger tall deck Cats, so Pacific Whale Foundation my chosen experience.
Hervey Bay Whale Watching 20200727_123444
Hervey Bay Whale Watching
The Whitsundays offers many ways to get on, over and under the water, but having Segway’d off-road at a Canadian ski mountain and around the streets of Rome, this Sunset Segway Dinner Tour around the waterfront of Airlie Beach appealed, and was a sensational well paced experience, with an excellent dinner at the Sorrento Restaurant included. Hats off to the operators 🙂 I will have to return to do one of their other adventures.
Airlie Beach Sunset Segway Dinner tour 20200724_154308
Airlie Beach Sunset Segway Dinner tour 20200724_161918
Airlie Beach Sunset Segway Dinner tour 20200724_162231
Airlie Beach Sunset Segway Dinner tour 20200724_162645
Airlie Beach Sunset Segway Dinner tour 20200724_171257
Airlie Beach Sunset Segway Dinner tour 20200724_170754
Airlie Beach Sunset Segway Dinner tour 20200724_174307
Airlie Beach Sunset Segway Dinner tour 20200724_180813
I am a huge fan of music, artists & concerts, and have sadly missed these events as a consequence of Covid-19, so when I got a call from a friend saying she was playing at an impromptu Airlie Festival, I just had to change my plans to stay to enjoy a rare Concert.
The promoter cleverly arranged the artists to sing off the back of a large boat in the Port of Airlie marina, to an audience platformed on the cresent shaped Mantra Boathouse Apartments balconies and a few extras along the dock. A very sensible way to physically distance. It sold out very quickly as you can imagine, and could be a great solution at other locations for a while.
Airlie Festival 20200725_101743
Airlie Festival 20200725_174526
Airlie Festival 20200725_181135
So to wrap-up this blog series, I had some memorable stays along the way, Comfortable special BNB’s at Daintree Village Hideaway, Licuala Lodge at Mission Beach & The Summitt at Atherton,  fabulous AirBNB hosts at Herberton & Hervey Bay, quicky hotels like the Deninson Boutique at Rockhampton, and the below excellent Airlie Guest House. 
  I hope you have enjoyed this short series insight into The Sunshine State of Australia (QLD). With significant time on my hands, I have numerous travel plans semi-researched, awaiting whatever becomes our new normal to embark on. So the List continues 🙂 Safe travels !
Airlie Guesthouse Kookaburra Sunrise 20200716_065915
Airlie Guesthouse Kookaburra Sunrise 20200716_070014
Hervey Bay Sunrise 20200728_063256
WILT – What I am listening to ?
Don’t try to read too much into these WILT’s, it’s often just that earworm from my music library
  Queensland Road Trip – Tours The final part of the QLD Road Trip that grouped into Beaches, Lookouts, Tours, …
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Wednesday 15 July 1835
9 25
12 20
No kiss. Ready in an hour then A- had Mr Grey from 10 25 to 11 ¾ - mentioned the circumstances about Eliza Raine’s will - he had no recollection of them till I explained them fully - will turn to his memoranda I felt sure he must have some note of my having authorized him to act for me - Had Cooper - had sent for him - my pony’s back sadly hurt by the saddle - besides her off hind leg swelled from a knock the other pony had given her when she got loose in the stall on Sunday night - much grieved -  C- said it would not be of much consequence - Had George upstairs - told him to see about saddle bags and all that could be wanted for a riding expedition - then breakfast at which Mrs Duffin caught us at 12 ½ - after sitting a little while she returned to us at 1 ½ and I walked with her into Micklegate leaving A- expecting Mr Brown (who in fact came immediately and staid till 4 ¼) Mrs D- would make me  look over Mr Duffin’s papers for the will - in vain - said I felt assured Mr D- had done as he said he had, and that the will ought to be in Mr R. Swann’s keeping - afraid however it was lost - said it was very strange, but Mr Duffin was not to blame, and I should regret the loss perhaps as little as anybody in my case would - my uncle had never liked the thing, and I was easily reconciled when I thought of this - the property is £220 per annum - the expense about £200 if the will is not found the property escheats to the crown - if the will is found, I get all but £500 to Mr D- £50 to his niece Mrs Jane Duffin, £50 to Isabella Norcliffe and £10 per annum to Whinray who lived as servant with Eliza at the time the will was made - in Dr B-‘s printed paper put down E-‘s age 44 -  Rain came on about 2pm so returned from the Duffins’ in a fly at 3 1/4- found Mr Brown with A- she shewed me his etchings (drawings) of architectural ornaments in the minster, meaning to publish them as a sequel to Halfpenny’s great work - we told him to put down A-‘s and my name on his list of subscribers tho’ not knowing what the subscription would be - Had horses to the carriage, and A- and I (took John Clark) off to Pocklington at 4 ¾ to see Banks (schoolmaster) there - alighted at Fallowfield’s (Feathers Inn) at 6 25 - ordered a roast duck for dinner and sauntered out - Banks a sit-down, unpolished, dissenter-loving man, his wife apparently frightened of ‘our master’ but much the best of the 2 - Mr Dennison had dismissed him from the national school for he knew not what reason - tried him at decimals could not, I saw get the decimal of £19.19.6 till he in fetching his slate turned to his book and rules at the same time - would not do at all - then sauntered to the end of the town - neat and rural - neat new-built public grammar school - only obliged to take the boys in the town - only 6 of them at present - then to the national school - it appears it is a private concern under the patronage of Mr and Mrs Deninson - only saw the mistress - her husband out - they are people from Melbourne recommended by Lady Vavason - very nice civil woman - much pleased with her - the donation box open - put in 2/6 then on an instants thought the woman saying she would take care to give Mrs Denninson took it out and gave it to the woman for hers - she much pleased, saying she really did not deserve it - she behaved very discretely about Banks evidently avoiding speaking of him - we learnt his love of dissenters, at the Inn - dinner at 7 ¾ - the duck admirably roasted - the old lady of the house (mother) clean and very civil and a good cook - going to have a conservative dinner on Wednesday at 2/. a head - off from P- at 8 43 and at the Black swan at 10 ½ - tea - finish day till about 2pm when rain for sometime but fair and finish while we were at Pocklington and as we returned.
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lfonsecadaily · 8 years
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Yesterday, it was revealed that Lyndsy will be starring in a new virtual reality project called Agent Emerson. Today, we bring you all the info we have about the project. Keep in my we’ll be updating this post constantly, with any new bits of information we get. We also invite you to follow our page and check Agent Emerson’s tag in case any new pictures or news come out. 
Now, without more further ado, let’s get into it:
Agent Emerson will tell the story of a CIA agent who wakes up to find himself being a part of an   experimental government program where people are controlled by The General. Once he realizes this, he must fight his way out, with the help of Lyndsy’s character (description unknown).
The project is a roughly 12 minute 360-degree spherical video short. Agent Emerson serves as the pilot for the original content VR series, Identity Experience. Shot on a custom stereo camera rig providing an immersive first-person perspective, the viewer is dropped into a visceral, action-packed VR experience that will allow them to live out a James Bond-esque storyline.
So far, Lyndsy is set to share the spotlight with Tony Deninson (IMDB), who will play The General.
Ilya Rozhkov (IMDB) is directing and producing for the Rogue Initiative, along with Cathy Twigg and Pete Blumel. Rozhkov has also  co-written the project with Joshua King. Russian producer Sergey Selyanov, founder of CTB Films, is financing and producing.
Production is expected to start on Saturday March 4th, 2017, in Louisiana. Casting calls for extras have been made and the filming of stunts will take place on Sunday March 5th, 2017.
The Rogue Initiative will take the project to major film festivals and distribute the finished product (perhaps split into 2/3 shorter episodes) to be viewed on the major VR headsets and viewing platforms.
The date for Agent Emerson’s release is yet unknown.
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