Po drugiej wojnie światowej wielu Polskich żołnierzy nigdy nie powróciło do ojczyzny I już na zawsze zostali na emigracji. Przez komunistyczne władzę w Polsce pozostali okrzyknięci zdrajcami skupiając na sobie uwagę reżimowego wywiadu. Powojenna Polonia budziła wielkie obawy wśród komunistów, bali się ich. Bali się dlatego że w tamtych czasach środowiska polonijne głównie składały się z byłych…
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ringringdinghello · 1 month
I love prom goers. You should join us.
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Context for the last photo(@caseyqz):
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@b3thecowboy @c0olt0mato
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polish-art-tournament · 2 months
sculptures* round 1 poll 26
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Arcadia: landscape and bodies by Ewa Pachucka, 1972:
[no propaganda has been submitted]
Sphinx by Krzysztof M. Bednarski, 1982:
propaganda: The artist dedicated this to "The Great Builders: starting from pharaos to Stalin", a pitch black humor and comment on totalitarian systems- The sculpture is made out of empty matchboxes, the material makes me think how the people on whos back this systems are build are excluded from the spoils of it.
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guy60660 · 7 months
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Krzysztof Bednarski
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vintage-ukraine · 1 year
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Christ Is Risen postcard by Volodymyr Bednarsky, 1983
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b3thecowboy · 9 days
listed under the cut
— because of brad’s bad relationship with his dad, and the fact that josh’s parents are never home, brad practically lives at josh’s house. Only going back to his to check on his younger sister
— josh can cook/bake really well and brad will js sit/stand there and watch him
— josh has a cat and it hates brad
— brian and greg made a bet on their relationship before they told anyone they were dating
— they MET through the whole prom joke . (the promgoers rigged it so that josh would win prom queen and brad won prom queen)
— they keep their relationship on the downlow for a gooooodd while just because brad cant be out as gay
— adding to that, josh has a plain blue hoodie with brads number in white on the back
— brad will still flirt w josh like they arent actually dating yet
— brad was an asshole to josh at first, but josh wouldnt really give up on just trying to HELP him. brad would make comments like “youre alright i guess”
— brad is physically clingy if theyre alone
— josh is brads only emergency contact in his phone
— josh ALWAYS has music playing in his house for background noise and brad got used to it so now when its not there he feels weird
— josh is an old music + jazz guy
— josh’s parents are good parents, theyre were around for his whole childhood up until he could fully and genuinely take care of himself, so from 16+
— rhe reason theyre never home is because josh’s family is very well off so theyre very work oriented
— hes 5’9
— josh knows violin
— he lived in NY until he was 4, and then he moved to Connecticut
— really likes horror
— cannot STAND horror
— lived in cali until he was 11
— has a little sister
— even though hes not a great person hes a really good older brother
— fav movie is superbad
— hes 6’1 but tells people hes 6’3
— he knows calligraphy becausehis mom made him learn it
— said mom is now absent because they left her in california
— ok whole brad huff backstory. Brad lived with his mom and dad in cali. dad cheated on mom but then had to keep the kid (his sister) cs neither mom wanted anything to do with them and so they had to move away 🥶
— brad genuinely doesnt listen to music but if he does its always rock
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duranduratulsa · 1 year
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Now showing on my Spooktober Filmfest and Stevegoolie Saturday Night...Eternal Evil (1985) on classic DVD 📀! #eternalevil #winstonrekert #KarenBlack #pattytalbot #johnnovak #andrewbednarski #dvd #80s #spooktober #halloween #october #stevegoolie #Svengoolie #METV
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bauerntanz · 1 year
#Lingen: #BarDO in der #Kunsthalle - Kaiserstraße 10a Donnerstag, 3. August 2023 - ab 18 Uhr, kein Eintritt; Zu sehen sind aus Anlass 40 Jahre Kunstverein Werke von 40 Künstler:innen, kuratiert von Meke Behm und Heiner Schepers
BarDO in der Kunsthalle Lingen (Ems) – Kaiserstraße 10a Donnerstag, 3. August 2023 – ab 18 Uhr kein Eintritt Morgen, Donnerstag, 03. August,öffnet ab 18 Uhr die Bar. Um 18.30 und um 21.00 Uhr führen Meike Behm und Heiner Schepers, verantwortlich für die Ausstellung, gemeinsam durch „40 Jahre – 40 Künstler:innen.“, die noch bis zum 20. August gezeigt wird. Der Kunstverein Lingen wurde am 02. Juni…
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rebeccareviews · 1 year
This Art Is for the Birds by Susan Bednarski
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Susan Bednarski’s This Art Is for the Birds is a lovely, funny, and unique picture book about determination, innovation, and the power of friendship. The birds are an absolute hoot and the watercolour art is wonderful!
Alex the Crow is a talented artist who loves going to art museums and creating interesting art. He constantly gives artsy gifts to his four pigeon friends who all adore him and his presents. One day, they decide that Alex’s work belongs in a museum. With courage, perseverance, and a lot of creativity, these pigeon friends set out to help Alex achieve his dream!
This is such a unique and charming book! Bednarski’s writing is simple, easy-to-read, and so funny. The book is filled with short sentences and dialogue that are approachable and kid-friendly. I also appreciate that the book gently encourages perseverance, individuality, creativity, friendship, and supporting the arts. Both adults and kids can definitely learn from these morals and values. Although this book is fairly short, I admire how Bednarski still manages to effectively represent so many things without being preachy or pushy.
These smart and funny pigeons are an absolute riot! I would read an entire series about their adventures! The interesting friendship between the four pigeons and a very different crow is sweet and nicely written. I love the pigeons’ devotion to Alex. But, I do wish that the pigeons had names because I did get tired of calling them ‘the pigeons’. However, I really enjoyed the end of the book where the author encourages us to reflect on the story and think about things like what we would name the pigeons and what inspires us. This is a great way to encourage active readers. I also love that Bednarski briefly tells us what inspired her to write the book and her creative process which can really appeal to the creative spirit in readers.
I love the beautiful and soft full-colour watercolour illustrations! The lovely art really makes this book memorable for me. The four pigeons are fluffy, distinct, and colourful with great and funny facial expressions. I can definitely relate to the pigeon who is always looking for food! I particularly love when they wear their cute gifts from Alex: the bottle cap hat and button necklace are adorable! Art lovers will also have a fun time finding the famous art Easter eggs in the pages.
Thank you to NetGalley and Kind World Publishing for this book in exchange for an honest review.
🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️ out of 5 birds!
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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Viking Silver Treasure Hoard Discovered in Norway
46 pieces of silver from the Viking age were recently discovered in a field in mid-Norway. “It’s an exceptional find,” says archaeologist.
“It’s been many years since such a large Viking treasure was found in Norway,” archaeologist Birgit Maixner, from NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet, says in a press release from NTNU.
Save for two intact finger rings, the silver treasure consists of fragments. Arab coins, a braided neck ring, arm rings and necklaces – all of them cut in pieces.
“This find is from a time when pieces of silver would be weighed and used for payment,” Maixner says.
This economic system was used in the transition between bartering with goods to the money economy, the archaeologist explains.
While coins were in use on the Continent from around 550, people in the Nordic region mainly bartered, until the end of the 800s when the weight economy was established.
Most of the pieces weigh less than one gram, which suggests that they have been used repeatedly for payment.
A fine day for a Viking find
And here the treasure lay, until one day in December 2021, when the weather was finally nice, and Pawel Bednarski decided to bring his metal detector out to do a bit of searching around a field.
“The first thing I found was a small ring,” Bednarski says in the press release.
He didn’t think much of the ring. But then he found another one, and a piece of an armring, and so on. Finally he had dug out a pile of silver, hidden beneath no more than 2-7 centimetres of soil.
“It wasn’t until I got home and rinsed the pieces under water that I understood that this was an exciting find,” says Bednarski.
He handed the find over to the municipal archaeologists, who confirmed that this was very interesting indeed, and most likely from the Viking Age.
Carefully cut into pieces
The find includes an almost intact bracelet – cut into eight pieces. Archaeologists believe these types of bracelets were developed in Denmark in the 800s.
The Arabic coins are older than what is usual in a Viking find, four of them have been dated to the end of the 700s and into the 800s.
These features are more common for treasure finds from Denmark than Norway, archaeologist Maixner explains. Based on this she believes the treasure is from around 900 AD.
It’s more common to find fragments of several different items in these sorts of Viking treasures. In this case, however, the find contains several pieces of the same item – such as the carefully cut bracelet.
“We can imagine that the owner had prepared to trade by cutting the silver into appropriately weighted pieces,” Maixner says.
“The fact that this person had access to an entire broadbanded bracelet, which was primarily a Danish item, might suggest that the owner had been to Denmark before travelling to this area in mid-Norway,” Maixner says.
Just over half a cow
Previous finds in the same area, such as equipment used to weigh silver, suggest that trading was taking place here.
And using pieces of silver to pay clearly had its advantages. If you wanted to barter for a cow, you needed to have for instance a number of sheep to make the deal. Carefully weighted pieces of silver was much easier to handle and travel with, and allowed the owner to buy goods whenever it suited.
So what could this Viking have bought with these 46 silver pieces – that weigh 42 grams in total?
Based on information from Gulatingsloven, the Gulating Law, about the price of cows, Maixner calculates that the money would fetch around 0,6 cows.
The value of the treasure was considerable, particularly for an individual, Maixner says, noting that a medium sized farm might have around five cows.
We can only speculate on why the treasure was hidden, not to be found for more than 1.000 years.
Such deposits are sometimes interpreted as offerings to the Gods. Or perhaps a Viking arriving from Denmark hid his treasure to keep it safe, and was somehow prevented from returning to fetch it.
By Ida Irene Bergstrøm.
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Nathan Aaron Kowalski, proud human and creature advocate yet deeply recovering
Younger twin brother to Larissa, born a week later in Paris in June 1949, to shopkeeper Jan (b. 1921) and Miriam (nee Bednarski), of full Polish Jewish heritage. Both Nat and Lyssa were adopted by their great-uncle Jacob (b. 1900) and great-aunt Angie (nee Sawickia) in young childhood from unseen circumstances.
Staunchly American, Nat always had a deep passion (or obsession) with other languages and cultures longing for a free Eastern Europe as all all his parents did. At Ilvermorny, Nat made it into Nikommo and Lyssa into Thunderbird but they maintained their strong bond.
Always often in Britain visiting the Goldsteins and Scamanders, Nat and Lyssa took exchange at Hogwarts from 1964 fully spurring the M.V.F. into the Earthling Advocate Fellowship finding new friends, and both stayed on the next year fighting an impossible campaign. 
Tikkun olam ("repairing of the world"), was the only reason Dad let his overprotectiveness waver, and his deep trust in the Scamanders’ political influence. Nat and Lyssa stepped up in the E.V.F. as core fighters and leaders for Headmaster Dumbledore’s appointment. A miracle, and Nat still breathing, but the fight isn’t over yet. Let there be peace. Shalom.
Read the full story in Cor Aut Mors, of the tale in the aftermath of a freer yet still trapped Hogwarts beginning in 1968 just prior to Minister Leach’s downfall to the aftermath in the outbreak of war in 1970.
(Pictures: apple pie from pexels.com, Star of David and globe from Pinterest, and animals poster from nonstop-news.com)
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paniniqueen · 2 years
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You’re on your own, kid. Is it freedom or loneliness?
Charles Bukowski // Nighthawks Edward Hopper // “You’re on Your Own, Kid” Taylor Swift // Afternoon Coffee Joe Bednarski // “Bliss and Grief” Marie Ponsot // “I am a Rock” Simon and Garfunkel // Arthur C Clarke
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Barnum - CBS - November 30, 1986
Drama / Biography
Running Time: 120 minutes
Burt Lancaster  as Phineas Taylor Barnum
Hanna Schygulla as Jenny Lind
John Roney as Young Barnum
Sandor Raski as General Tom Thumb
Patty Maloney as Older Tom Thumb
Laura Press as Charity Barnum
Kirsten Bishop as Nancy Fish Barnum
Michael Higgins as Phineas Taylor
Lorena Gale as Joyce Heth
Deborah Hancock as Caroline Barnum
Andrew Bednarski as Young Phineas
Joe Cazalet as James Gorden Bennett
Rob Roy as Horace Greeley
Bronwen Mantel as Queen Victoria
Sean Hewitt as Coley Draper
Shawn Lawrence as R. W. Lindsay
Philip Spensely as Deacon Cox
Chris Wiggins as Francis W. Olmstead
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josifffag · 1 year
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Performance, Władysław-Hasior-Galerie in Zakopane, Poland. 27.5.2023
Photos by Jedrzej Bednarski
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guy60660 · 6 months
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© Krzysztof Bednarski
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vintage-ukraine · 2 years
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988 - 1988 One Thousand Years since the Baptism of Rus-Ukraine by Volodymyr Bednarsky, 1983
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