#Deshayes twins
boredwrites · 9 months
Oookayyy... What about Charlotte Deshayes? I was thinking reader refusing to kick Victor because, well, as different as he looks and acts, he still resembles a baby. Perhaps Charlotte notices throughout the trials that reader is the only survivor not to hurt him or stunt/blind her and she spares reader during a match in which the other survivors leave her behind! (Please, do let me know if you like the idea, and no pressure!)
YES I WILL GLADLY WRITE FOR THEM. You know what, you’re getting headcanons and a little fic cause Lottie and Victor literally deserve more attention, they’re my favorite killers (Don’t tell Anna)
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Charlotte, being herself, hardened by how the world had treated her, would be very confused as to why you were considerably more nice to her and her brother than the others. She saw you not dare hurt a hair on his head. Or hers, for that matter.
She'd notice the other things that you would refuse to do like drop a pallet on her or blind her with one of those modern time devices. She still had no idea what they were but she learned to be wary of them.
Even in the endgame when you would escape, you'd wave goodbye to her. Not in a taunting way. You always had such a nice smile while doing so. She was confused, but Victor was very pleased at not being crushed by someone for once. But if Victor was pleased, then Charlotte was happy.
After a few trials with her realizing you wouldn't do anything to jeopardize her performance, she grew fond of you. Definitely slower than Victor. Victor was always excited to see you, despite you always being a bit wary. It was better to be safe than sorry, you thought.
After a rough trial for both of the twins and three of the survivors escaped, they felt discouraged. But they still pressed on. There was one more survivor, but they had no way of knowing it was you.
It was a rough trial for the Deshayes twins. Nea was being, what other killers called her, a bitch. Blinding, stunning, crushing Victor. If there was only going to be one kill today, it would be Nea. But Charlotte just couldn't get her hooked a third time, all because of the other two survivors, David and Jake. Needless to say, both Charlotte and Victor were getting angry. And that was an understatement.
It all came crashing down when the generators were finished and one of the gates was opened. Pulsating red cracks appeared all over the Thompson's farm as the endgame collapse slowly closed in on the realm. Victor chased the others out of the gates. But he only counted three. When he reported that to his sister, a little bit of hope was regained. They could still have one kill, even if it wasn't Nea.
As the two separated ways again, they both looked to cover more ground. Charlotte checked the other door. It was closed and none of the lights were turned on. The survivor hadn't started it. Weird. Was this survivor lost somewhere in the realm?
Oh, how right she was. Y/N was panicking. Her breathing was quick and irregular as she scaled the parameter of the realm, searching for either of the doors. Tears streamed down her face as she realized that all of her teammates left her behind.
The sound of pitter pattering of little feet broke Y/N out of her tears and into confusion. When she heard the familiar little growling, she knew immediately who it was. She quickly looked around and spotted Victor running around a corner.
He stopped in his tracks as he saw who it was. It was his favorite survivor. Wait. His favorite survivor? And the others left her here? That's not fair! Seeing his favorite survivor in tears, Victor knew exactly what to do. He scampered away, leaving behind a very scared, very confused Y/N.
When Victor made it to Charlotte and informed her of who it is and where she was, her posture brightened up. Y/N? The one who wouldn't do what other survivors do to Victor and her? Charlotte was excited, yet confused. She must've been so angry with Nea she didn't even notice Y/N. She let Victor jump back into her chest cavity before starting on the direction he pointed.
Before long, Charlotte could hear small and sad sniffles and labored breathing. She found Y/N cowering by the wall, her eyes stared at Charlotte with tears. Charlotte felt pity for the survivor, though the Entity was screaming at her in her head to kill her. But she couldn't. It wasn't right. This survivor did nothing to her and her brother. Why would she have to die?
Charlotte lightly shook her head to try to rid herself of the Entity's whispers. She raised her left hand and pointed in a direction. Y/N looked in confusion. What was she doing? Was the killer pointing to one of the gates? No, don't be silly. No killer would do that. Unless...
Charlotte had a look on her face as she was in deep thought, as in looking for something.
"... Follow."
A simple word, yet it held a lot of meaning in this instance. Y/N was shocked. She knew the twins were French. So that's what Charlotte was looking for; 'follow' in English.
Y/N straightened herself up and nodded at Charlotte. She knew it was risky trusting a killer. But... This one was different. As she followed her, Charlotte kept looking back so check if Y/N was still there. Victor sat patiently in his sister's chest as he too looked out for the opened gate.
All three of them were growing anxious. The timer was nearly over. If they wouldn't find the gate soon, Y/N will be taken by the Entity. Charlotte couldn't remember exactly where the gate was, she only knew where the general direction it was in. Her own heartbeat was quickening. She didn't want to let this survivor down after such kindness had been shown to her and her brother.
Finally, after what seemed like forever of searching, they found the opened gate. A sigh of relief escaped all three of them. Y/N was relieved she could finally leave a trial alive. And the twins, well, they were happy to finally repay the little acts of kindness.
As Y/N stepped past the doors, she stopped. She turned around to see the twins staring at her in confusion. Why had the survivor stopped? Didn't she want to survive?
Both twins were in shock when Y/N surprised them with a hug. Charlotte was frozen. She couldn't remember the last time she had been given a hug from anyone other than Victor. Unlike his sister, Victor gladly returned the hug- to the best of his abilities.
"Thank you," Y/N said, her voice just above a whisper.
Charlotte awkwardly patted her back before finally sending her on her way. She watched with Victor as Y/N left the trial safely and in the nick of time, too. However, this did mean the Entity was going to be cross with them, but neither of the Deshayes twins minded. They finally, finally had a friend in this cruel, unforgiving dimension.
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teeniegreeniebeanie · 11 months
Sweet baby bumpkin sweetie poo babygirl pookie pie cutie patootie honey pie shnookums
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If you think she's ugly, I can meet you any place, any time, AND WE WILL FUCKING SETTLE IT
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cryinglittlepeople · 1 year
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Women’s RIGHTS and women’s WRONGS!!! After the survivors lineup, here’s the killers too! 
These were a completely different challenge to stylize, from the survivors. The killers have a very specific silhouette established by their entire look, while survivors are...well, a lot of jeans and shirts in there, so it’s more about stylizing the hair and face!
It was also more of a challenge to get them to lineup nicely because there’s much bigger differences in height! Especially Plague...girl was a struggle.
But we got there in the end!!
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rootsofdread · 9 months
How do you think some women and men killers would treat us after putting their s/o through a lot of pain?
(Gonna love angst and fluff)
*nods sagely* we do gotta love it.
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Amanda Young / The Pig:
Rarely, if ever, does Amanda feel remorse for anything she does. John taught her well, and she understands that what she’s doing is right. One of these rare moments of remorse is seeing the tears in your eyes when she throws you on a hook, or a genuine, pained cry when she fastens a reverse bear trap on your head. In those moments…she feels remorse. You keep coming back, after all, you survive. You choose life, you don’t need to be tested any longer…on some level, it confuses her as much as it hurts her to do these things to you. But she knows she’s hurt you more. She holds you close, whispering sincere apologies to you, you don’t deserve to be tested over and over, while you’re nuzzled under her jaw. She knows you’re grateful.
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Charlotte Deshayes (and Victor) / The Twins:
It likely goes without saying, but Charlotte feels…absolutely awful when she has to hurt you. Every time, without fail, it never gets any easier for her, and she hates seeing you so upset because of it, too. She’s hovering around you constantly after a particularly tough trial, checking on you, telling you she loves you, giving you little squeezy-hugs when she can. She’ll even send Victor for you if she can’t tend to you for any reason, and he may not be the best, but he knows what helps Charlotte feels better and he’ll do the same for you, like holding your hand or cuddling up in your lap. It’s his way of telling you sorry, both on Charlotte’s behalf, and his own. At the end of the day, Charlotte just wants the best for you, and it tears her apart when she has to hurt you so badly like that.
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Kazan Yamaoka / The Oni:
Never has Kazan been known for his kindness nor his compassion; but when you’re upset with him, he’s a completely different man. He knows he’s doing what is right, punishing those that need it, but he knows you’ve done nothing wrong. He takes no joy in hurting you. Unlike everyone else…you don’t deserve it. And he lets you know that, that you shouldn’t be caught up in his duties. He will always tell you that he’s sorry that it has to be this way, and he holds you close to his chest. He lets you do whatever you feel like you need to do to decompress: yell, scream, cry, beat your fists against his chest. As long as you feel better by the end, and you know that you don’t deserve any little bit of it, that’s perfect for him.
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Elliot Spencer / The Cenobite:
Most people would honestly be genuinely shocked by how gently Elliot treats you “behind the scenes.” Nobody would expect it from a cenobite, much less the leader of the gash. On days after he had to hurt you so badly, he’s all gentle touches and gentle words. His hands caressing your shoulders or your lower back, he knows that it hurts, he knows you must be angry at him. But you must know that the more pain you go through, the more divine you become. One day, it won’t hurt at all anymore. But until then, he’s here for you, to hold your hand, guide you, and help you through it all. He assures you, all this, one day, will make you better than the rest.
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uselessmossball · 1 month
My DBD brainrot has started
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dbdkillertournament · 6 months
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Pick your favored killer by any metric you chose (ex; gameplay, character, design)
Current Bracket Group:
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zxid · 1 year
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sweet sweet
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littleman3453 · 2 months
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charlotte my beloved..
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minadoodlesblog · 5 months
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Gingerbread twins 🎄☃️❄️
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boredwrites · 8 months
New World Stowaway
Charlotte Deshayes x fem reader
Part one | Part two (coming soon)
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Charlotte managed to get herself hired by a French trading company. She was hired for her strength and agility, despite her size. Victor came with the package deal.
Her jobs were to load and unload heavy cargo, as well as keep it in place below deck. That's where she spent the majority of the voyages, away from the crew. She knows they only tolerate her and Victor to keep their jobs.
It stayed the same when you, your father and your brother scraped enough money to hitch a ride across seas. Charlotte was always wary of newcomers. She made sure to make the very least amount of contact with you and your family.
That was, until your brother went exploring without permission. He would come running up from the lower deck screaming and crying about a monster with two heads.
When the crew forced introductions, you were fascinated by the conjoined twins. It was the first time you've ever seen something like this. Charlotte noticed but didn't know what to think of it. A normal person not having any ill thoughts about her or her brother? Very curious.
After initial introductions, you wanted to get to know the twins a bit more. You would spend a few hours a day spending time with them in the lower deck. Charlotte was quiet, giving only head nods and shakes and dry, quiet answers. Victor gave obnoxious nods and shakes accompanied by growls and broken speech.
Charlotte noticed how comfortable Victor had become with you. She was still wary, but figured that if her brother liked you, then you were okay.
Before long, you had begun to grow feelings for the mysterious, taller twin. She was as beautiful as she was quiet. And you couldn't help but watch as she moved the cargo that even you couldn't pick up if you tried. Her blue coat hugged her muscles just right, giving you quite the show.
Charlotte, on the other hand, was rocking in the same boat. She couldn't help but love your kindness and patience. She loved watching you interact with her brother and treat him like a normal human being. She often caught you staring, but she noticed it wasn't out of disgusted curiosity. Your stares were full of admiration. Something Charlotte hasn't been given since her mother died. She loved it.
One night, while most of the crew were asleep, Charlotte took this time to come out from below deck. She loved the silence and peacefulness of the night. She often came up here to enjoy the limited peace instead of sleeping. But that time it was different. It was that night that you couldn't sleep.
Throughout the night, you talked to the Deshayes twins. Victor answered with his typical growls and broken speech. But this time, Charlotte talked more than you'd ever heard before. She told you stories about her life. You learned about where they came from and what their lives were like before the trading company. It broke your heart.
That was the night Charlotte came to a conclusion. You were her favorite person, aside from Victor. You made her feel safe and seen and validated. You made her smile more than any other person had aside from her brother. You were special.
From that point onward, she favored every moment with you. She emerged from the lower deck more often despite the crew's dismay. She wanted to spend the most time with you. She dreaded the day the voyage would come to an end. But for now, she took nothing with you for granted.
It was in the middle of another sleepless night when you two discovered your feelings for each other. Charlotte was a bit more quiet in fear of rejection. When you told her that the feelings were mutual, she was the happiest girl in the world. You two shared an awkward first kiss. You were worried that Victor would be repulsed by the lovey dovey stuff but you were reassured that he was very happy for his sister. He was beyond glad to see his sister so happy.
Every morning after that, you visited her below deck and kept her company while she did her job. She didn't shy away from your gaze when she worked. In fact, she showed off her strength, revelling in your looks of awe.
Sometimes Charlotte would hunker down and take a short nap. You took this time to keep Victor entertained with books you brought with you and stories passed down through your family and friends. He sat surprisingly still during this, either for Charlotte as to not wake her or he was actually entertained, you didn't know.
Sometimes, though, some of the crew thought they could get away with certain things, like harassing you when they thought no one was looking. Oh, how wrong they were. One look at the men making you uncomfortable made Charlotte see red. But due to her needing to keep this job, she kept it under control. She only intimidated the men and scared them off. But she wanted to hurt them so bad.
From then on, she would fuss over you over every little thing. Where did that cut come from? Did you get enough sleep last night? They're not bothering you, are they?
As the voyage started closing to an end, Charlotte seemed a lot less happy and you knew why. You weren't happy either. You didn't have any experience working on a ship like this, so there was no way you could get yourself hired.
When the time came for you to part ways with her, there were a lot of silent tears. Even Victor was sad to see you go. As you gave her one last kiss, you remembered all the happiness you shared during the voyage. The not-so-sneaky glances, secret kisses in the lower deck, sharing your life stories with each other under the stars. You sure were going to miss it all.
You promised her that on your way home, you will try your best to buy a voyage on the same boat, even if you had to wait for her to come back.
It was poetic, in a sense. Two star-crossed lovers separated by the sea, promised to come back to each other.
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teeniegreeniebeanie · 10 months
Please please please for the love of christ
Yes, he's small enough and sounds like a child BUT STOP IT. He grew up with Charlotte. He is a man old enough to run for president (but please don't give him any ideas.) Plus I don't think Lottie would appreciate how people talk about her brother like that.
Anyway just wanted to get that out. Victor may be unsettling to look at but he's still a grown human being. Pls treat him like one.
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yoitsgb · 7 months
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FINALLY two smol besties in the game!!!
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mlgmi316 · 7 months
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chucky voice: "Killing you will be Child's Play!!! 2™!!!! We don't got the rights to the first one."
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rootsofdread · 11 months
I've been stewing on this one for a while, but decided to just go ahead and drop it while requests are open~
What if the bug that can occur in game where killers can get stuck (mostly in pallets) happened to some of the killers? They can't seem to free themselves no matter how hard they try when a survivor appears. Once they realize the killer is stuck, they approach, cautiously. The killer isn't sure what they expect, but it certainly isn't for the survivor to free them.
Who held still to be let loose vs lashed out at the survivor? Who showed appreciation/mercy for the favor? Only killers I particularly had in mind was Sadako, the Dredge, and the Twins (Imagine Charlotte or Victor panicking over the other being trapped); any others are dealer's choice.
once again a fun one, i thought this was super cute to write!! <3
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Charlotte & Victor Deshayes / The Twins:
Charlotte had been alone when she got trapped by another survivor inside of a pallet. She really wasn’t too sure how it happened — but to be fair, she didn’t understand much of what went on in the Entity’s realm, so she figured it must be…relatively normal. She called for Victor until he came, and the poor little guy freaked out when he realized she couldn’t move. He ran to find help for her, but every survivor ran from him. Except for you. You seemed to understand that he was clearly in distress, and actually paid him some mind. He pulled on your pants leg/skirt to lead you to his sister, where she was still stuck inside the pallet. You weren’t too sure what to do either, but you knew you had to try something. You put your shoulder under the edge of the pallet and pushed it up, while Charlotte stayed still (Victor did not, but he didn’t bother you). As soon as she was freed, Victor climbed up her dress and crawled back into her chest cavity to make sure she was alright. She left with her brother in a hurry, but she left you alive that trial.
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The Dredge:
Dredge was actually used to this sort of thing. Being a…half-incorporeal assembly of body parts leads to it getting stuck in places often. When it suddenly stopped moving after being hit with a pallet, it knew exactly what had happened. It’s also not used to most people helping it get out of these situations, so it knew it had to get comfortable for the rest of the trial. And after a little while, it saw you walking by — and when you noticed it was stuck, you immediately started laughing. It seemed actually amused by you finding humor in its situation, and…maybe you heard it giggle a little to itself. It then motioned for you to help it out as a suggestion, and was surprised when you accepted it and came over. It has a tough time sitting still so it gave you some issues, but you successfully got it out. It thanked you by following you around for the rest of the trial.
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Sadako Yamamura / The Onryō:
Sadako had been Demanifested while chasing you around, and figured that must be the reason she got trapped inside of a pallet. She had been completely blind-sided by it and didn’t even realize why she had stopped at first…she’s stuck. She was calm at first but slowly started to panic. She…hates being stuck. She thought you had taken the opportunity to run away and re-join your group, and didn’t realize you were still nearby keeping an eye on her. You could see how panicked she was and, even if she had tried to kill you, it pulled on your heartstrings to see her freaking out like that. You approached her cautiously. She seemed like she was shaking, but relieved someone had come back to help her. She seemed like she wanted to stay still for you but she did attempt to attack you; luckily the pallet blocked all of her hits. She still seemed scared once she was free, but now she didn’t try to hurt you. She stood there for a moment before Projecting to a different location, and you didn’t see her for the rest of the trial.
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grimmshood · 1 year
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love loses
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dbdkillertournament · 6 months
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Pick your favored killer by any metric you chose (ex; gameplay, character, design)
Current Bracket Group:
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