#Dessert High is my dream XD let me live it
aisling-o-lantern · 4 months
June Drawling Calendar!
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So for March @wydownaspiider made a Monster High Drawling Advent Calendar (I'm not sure if that's what they're called, but yall know what I mean) and it was a lot of fun! It really challenged me and forced me to practice. It also made me want to do another one! (after a break XD) So, I decided to make one for June! and what's more perfect for summer than Strawberry Shortcake? I hope you'll enjoy and draw some stuff with me! (And if you want to look up more Strawberry shortcake characters, here's a list;
Strawberry Shortcake
Apple Dumplin
Pupcake and Custard
Angel Cake
Ginger Snap
Honey Pie Pony
Rainbow Sherbet
Orange Blossom
Sour Grapes
Blueberry Muffin
Lemon Meringue
Raisin Cane
Raspberry Sorbet
Tea Blossom 
Free space. Do what you want :D
Obscure character of your choice
Obscure character of your choice
Summer festival
Make and Oc!
Make an OC!
Baking fun
Berry picking
Relaxing scene
drinking lemonade
Glam up a character. 
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mu11berry · 5 years
another otp meme for rhen and dameon
I always steal memes from @the-moon-dust-writings because I can’t help myself, I’m sorry
Who offers their jacket when the other is cold? Dameon even though he is then freezing since he gets cold more easily but he really loves Rhen. And when Rhen notices him shivering she insists on sharing and they are a warm bundle of cuddly floof, thank you. Also there’s like an “imagine your otp” post or something I’ve seen about person A having a soft fluffy oversized jacket with their name on the back that they’ve kept carefully since high school in hopes that one day they’re significant other would wear it and when they meet person B it becomes their life mission to see B in the jacket and A would be Rhen and B would be Dameon and Rhen would be so frustrated because he would always remember to bring a coat and she just wants to be cute, dang it!  I really need both of these fics 
Who giggles uncontrollably when the other playfully picks them up? Dameon, and he has this adorable fairy-giggle except deeper and Rhen loves it. (When Dameon picks Rhen up she smiles and nuzzles into his neck and he still ends up being the one giggling, thank you)
Who compliments the other in front of everyone? Dameon, this is just pure canon. He’s always building her up and will tell everyone how great she is<3 Rhen keeps her compliments mostly private because she knows Dameon would get embarrassed and she respects him. Also pure canon. I am blessed.
Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun? Dameon discovers to his horror that he has a sense of humor when he starts telling jokes to make Rhen laugh, and even more to his horror, most of the jokes are puns. Rhen does laugh though, not necessarily because she thinks the jokes are always funny but because Dameon makes her happy<3
When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up? When Rhen has a bad day, Dameon makes her favorite dinner and takes her out for dessert, and he brushes her hair and listens while she talks it out and always knows the right things to say and the right times to be silent and he lets her cuddle into his chest and strokes her back and is so gentle and kind and being with him makes everything Okay. When Dameon has a bad day, Rhen brings food home and finds the biggest softest blanket to wrap them both in (+ the cat) and there are lots of cuddles and she doesn’t always know what to say but she cares enough to listen and try to say something and that means so much to Dameon and her courage and strength inspire and comfort him and they just love each other so much, I love them
If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear? Rhen would pick something soft and flowy and simple and light for Dameon and spend all day sitting in his lap because it’s so soft. And Dameon would pick something comfortable and pretty for Rhen, that she could easily move in but would also feel angelic in and also he would enchant it with a shield spell just in case. 
Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go? Well in canon Rhen meets Dameon’s family before she meets Dameon, and the introductions go messily. Being introduced as the other’s significant other is a whole different story. Rhen’s parents would have met Dameon before, the first time they passed through Clearwater (and ps I totally need that fic), and they would be thrilled because Dameon is so respectful and so obviously gentle and kind and so clearly adores Rhen, plus Ma is absolutely tickled by Dameon’s sense of humor, and he reminds Tailor of himself.  Devin is also thrilled because he knows a child of Talia’s will be good to his daughter. And Talia is obviously on the moon because she shipped them before they even met each other; remember when she introduced them? And had apparently been going on and on about Rhen to Dameon before that? They are her OTP, it’s canon. (Rhen has three parents and Dameon has one, I am crying help me </3)
In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer? Okay you caught me, I haven’t actually read that many coffee shop AUs. But I think I can see Dameon as the employee more easily. Rhen is not a coffee person, she already has so much energy to burn, but she has a huuggee sweet-tooth and she likes to come in for hot cocoa sometimes, and when she meets the cute barista who says her name with that adorable half-twist and has beautiful dark eyes richer than the chocolate in her drink then she starts coming in for hot cocoa all the time. And Dameon used to dread work and having to put on a smile for hordes of grumpy people who haven’t had their morning coffee yet, until one day when he looked up to take an order there was an infectious smile and a chipper voice asked for hot cocoa with whipped cream and sprinkles and when he took her name he knew he’d never forget it and then they fall in love obviously. And now I need this fic too
When they sit side by side, do they touch one another? For example, does one person have their arm around the other, do they sit holding hands, or linked arms, ETC. Not at first because Dameon is not used to being touched and Rhen respects him, but when Dameon opens up and starts to feel comfortable he is a real life teddy bear and loves all the little touches like his arm around her waist or her head on his chest and half the time Rhen probably just plops down in his lap probably
What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy? Dameon does all the small things, cooking meals and helping Rhen with her hair and getting her flowers and everything he can think of to make her life easier and happier. Rhen likes to surprise him with kisses and cuddles and she uses the flowers to make flower crowns for him sometimes<3
What would they do to celebrate their one year anniversary? They both try to spoil each other and it becomes a playful contest but at the end of the day Rhen lets Dameon take care of dinner and he lets her get the doors because they know it’s nice for the other to feel useful and like they’re improving the other’s life and also they have a ball with all their friends and family and they and dance all night, thank you now I also need this fic
When did they know that loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another? It happened very gradually for both of them. Rhen was stolen from her world and thrown into chaos, getting to know Dameon and experiencing his friendship and compassion felt like coming home and she didn’t realize how much she had come to adore him until she started to have chances to experience parts of her old world again and found she preferred everything, old and new, with his company. Dameon hasn’t felt at home in a long time, despite living in the same place his whole life; there hasn’t been love there since he was very small. When Rhen walks in the first time with her Big Personality and easy conviviality he immediately feels the difference, but he doesn’t know what’s happening and when he does start to realize how important she has become to him he’s terrified of letting her in and risking losing everything again but slowly, gradually her courage and strength inspire him and he does his best to open up and tell her how he feels even though he’s not sure he understands it, and when he does she kisses him and that’s answer enough for both of them and THIS TIME, I already wrote the fic so yay. I am still accepting submissions though. Also I like to headcanon the confession happens in or near Thais for symbolic reasons
Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss? Rhen does this! Very Gently because Dameon is precious to her<3 Also he has to bend down for the kiss because she is short XD
Who would make a playlist for the other person? What would be featured on the playlist? I think Dameon would be this sap, and he’d pick songs like the ones on my rhenxdameon playlists on spotify and youtube (I’m unstoppable guys). Recent additions are “You Are The Only Exception” by Paramore and “You Bring Me Home” by Imaginary Future. There would also be a lot of Sleeping At Last.
Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars? Dameon-- he’s been dreaming of it for weeks, he prepares a little picnic with homemade desserts, all of Rhen’s favorites, and he brings the softest warmest blankets and casts some kind of shield spell to keep the bugs off, and he brushes up on all the constellations, and then Rhen is there and he forgets everything except how to laugh at all the silly stories she comes up with for the shapes she finds in the sky and how to wrap the blankets around them both when it gets cold. And Rhen loves it, her stories get sillier and sillier to keep Dameon laughing, and she appreciates the blankets but she mostly cuddles up against him, and it’s just them and the stars and they are in love and everything is beautiful<3
also am tagging @queen-of-ice101 and @ghedahrianvampress
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lovemyciel · 6 years
Tag game
I was tagged by.... a lot of people XD Thank you!! I will not be able to answer everyone so I'll do the first ones I find on my timeline.
I will start with @just-sebaciel​
1. Which animal could it be your Patronus?
I think that probably a cat XD
2. Do you believe in magic? Why?
I do believe in magic as little things that inspire your soul.
3. Which magical creature you wanted to be real? (mermaids, werewolwes etc.)
Hmm... I don´t know! Maybe fairies?
4.What was the worst day in your life?
In our lives we have more than one day that we can classify as "this was the worst day". Things happen and we are not always ready for them. But if I have to mention any I would say the day I lost my cousin who was like my brother and the day I lost my mother. 
5.  What was your favorite book when you were a child?
I always loved the fairy tales and I read a lot of these books when I was little child.
6. If you had chance to had deathly hallows which one you prefer? (A wand, a cloak or a stone)
Probably a stone. Discreet and easy to hide lol
7. What is your Hogwarts House?
8. Which smells remind you home?
I really love the scent of lemon grass. I feel so relaxed and calm.
9.What is your dream about your future?
Financial stability and time to dedicate myself to what I love.
10.What is your favorite memories always made you smile?
My son, the joyful moments with friends and when I can have fangirl attacks about my otp with them.
Questions of @gin-devil​! Thank you so much!!
1. Your first pet?
It was a dog. Big and not too friendly. He was a watchdog and he was quite big. I remember I was always afraid of him lol I was 5 or 6 yo? He was already an adult dog when he arrived home.
2. What was one of your favorite childhood games?
Hide and seek. And any game where I could pretend to be someone else in another life lol from a princess to a knight XD
3. First favorite food?
4. A song that usually -if not always- cheers you up?
Oh, lots of songs! How to choose one? I'll mention one that I was listening to this morning and that made me smile a lot  "Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing".
5. How would you spend your ideal weekend?
Having fun with dear friends.
6. If you suddenly became incredibly super-rich, what would be the first thing you would buy/spend money on?
On a trip through all the countries I've always dreamed of visiting.
7. If you could change one thing that happened in history, what would it be and how would you change it?
I would like to change the historical events that caused the massacres of innocents. 
8. Last thing you ate?
9. What is something you would want to tell your past self if you had the opportunity?
Do not let anyone convince you that their mistakes are your fault, do not let anyone hurt you to the point that you forget that you deserve respect. Do not let people convince you that you do not matter.
10. Do you have any regrets?
Not having understood the same as I said above unless many years later.
@thedemonssidekick​ questions! Thank you!!!
1. Do you prefer to stay up late or get up early?
To stay up late!
2. Your three things that you would bring on a lonely island?
A good book ( or fanfictions lol), a friend and good food XD
3. Do you have a morning routine? What is it like?
Hm ... I do not have a proper order to do things in the morning. I do everything half asleep lol
4. Do you use the calendar in you phone or a not-digital one? Or none at all?
I prefer a non-digital one. Much better!!
5. Tell me one good thing that happened today!
I took some time to talk to dear friends.
6. You first impression of tumblr vs now.
My first impression of tumblr was that of a place to enjoy things from my favorite series without restrictions, how I was mistaken lol... now I see it as a place with incredible people but also with many people who likes to do bullying people pretending to be more noble than others. Yet all the amazing people I've met here still make my experience here awesome and worthy.
7. Text message / E-Mail, phone call or talking in person?
With the life we have we are not always available all the time. But getting messages or leaving messages to someone we like is always very good. We can keep in touch.
8. What’s your favourite season?
Spring and Fall. (Because here is too hot on summer)
9. Do you use your queue?
I´m very embarassed to say that i didn't understand this question... lol English isn´t my first language and i did not grasp the meaning of the question.
10. One thing you always wanted to tell but no one ever asks for.
I would like to dye my hair in blue lol.
@bannu219​ questions! Thank you!!
1. What is your spirit animal?
Repetitive but i think that it is a cat XD
2. Who are the people the inspire you the most in your life?
People who accept themselves well.
3. If you could meet your tumblr mutals in real life who would they be?
Omg! Lots of wonderful people! @chromehoplite​, @just-sebaciel​, @jaena-eowyn​, @vieilleotaku​, @bookstakeyoutootherworlds​, @peritian​, @nisaki-chan​, @rinfiorarara​, @batdesu​, @deet-doot-diz​, @tragicd0ll​, @dragonsploosh​, @thedemonssidekick​, @baccoart​, @bannu219​, @phantomichaelisx   and I´m sure i´m forgetting more... lots of awesome friends here.
4. What is your aesthetic?
I love victorian aesthetic and steam punk aesthetic.
5. Which song best describes you?
That´s a very hard question...
6. What was your favorite childhood cartoon character?
Deslock from yamato (lol its old as fuck but someone in home was watching that and i watched it togueter with them. It was my first anime crush XD I don´t even remember my age)
7. Favorite place to go shop?
Japanese sites.
8. What was your best and most favorite high school memory?
A few excursions I did with friends.
9. What was the dream job you wanted to do but can’t?
Professional Illustrator
10. Which color best describes you and why?
I think that it is lilac, I do not know exactly why. But it's a color that comes to mind when I think of myself.
I tag everyone I mentioned in this post lol But only if you want to do it XD
My questions:
1. If you could make 3 wishes, what would you wish?
2. What superpower would you like to have?
3. Favorite food and why?
4. Have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? Which character?
5. Coffe, tea or wine?
6. A dream trip?
7. A book that you love but that is not so well known by the general public.
8. Favorite dessert?
9. Do you prefer to watch a movie on theathers or watch a movie at home?
10. Is there something crazy you'd like to do but you're too embarassed to?
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lillotte17 · 7 years
10 Questions
Tagged by @scurvgirl  and I’ll pass it on to @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @littleblue-eyedbird  @snowfjord and...whoever else is bored, I guess. X3   
1. What’s your favorite dessert? 
This...is a very difficult question. >_> I love marble cake with fudge icing, angel food cake with fresh strawberries, apple crisp, and cheesecake. But you can’ t go wrong with a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie, either.
2. Would you rather live on the beach or on a mountain?
Beach, but only if it is someplace temperate. My body is not good in long-term tropical weather.  
3. If you had magic, what kind of magic would you want it to be?
Tbh, the way Molly Weasley uses magic to cook and clean stuff around her house seems amazing. Sign me up. 
4. Favorite musician(s)?
My music taste is sort of all over the map, but I really like Florence + The Machine, The Decemberists, and Nightmare.
5. How do you take your coffee/tea?
I take my coffee and pour it straight down the drain. Bleh.
Black tea gets straight sugar, Chai needs milk and a bit of sugar, fruity teas don’t need much, but I like them cold, and green tea is perfect on its own. <3
6. What is the best thing you’ve ever eaten (or just in recent memory)?
Um, I have eaten a lot of good food. I think there were a lot of highlights  from my trips to Japan though. I had REALLY good Okonomiyaki in Hiroshima, excellent Shabu shabu in Tokyo, and some AMAZING french toast with ice cream and fruit on it in...a smaller town whose name escapes me. ^_^;; 
7. What is one country you’ve always wanted to visit, but have not yet?
Egypt! But me and hot weather are not friends. 
8. One story house or two story house?
My preference is for one story, but atm I have a 2 story.
9. What is your most disappointing video game boss?
??? Idk if ‘disappointing’ is a word I’d use to describe any of them. Bongo Bongo from OoT might be the worst though. It was so hard and it honestly sort of scared me as a kid. That whole Temple was a nightmare pit.
10. What is your favorite video game boss?
Idk if they count as Boss Fights, but I like all the high dragon fights in DA (so long as I am leveled up enough). I also like all the Boss fights Bioware lets me talk my way out of so long as my charisma is high enough. XD
I...uh, am sort of out of time rn, (I’m at lunch) so I am going to be a horrible cheat and just steal most of Scurv’s questions. >_>
                                                                                          1. What’s your favorite thing to bake?
2. Would you rather live on the beach or on a mountain?
3. If you had magic, what kind of magic would you want it to be?
4. Favorite musician(s)?
5. How do you take your coffee/tea?
6. Favorite snack food?
7. What is one country you’ve always wanted to visit, but have not yet?
8. One story house or two story house?
9. What was your dream job when you were a kid?
10. What is your favorite video game boss?
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An eternal love
Hello ! I hope you’re okay today or tonight.. Regardless of the time of day xD Here I’m again with a little fanfic that I wrote today and that I got the idea from “Animals” by Maroon 5 and “Thinking out loud” by Ed Sheeran. It’s a mixture of love and some “things”.. I’ll not say more ! Before you read the fanfic, I would like to thank all of you again because it’s like I’m living a beautiful dream. It's only a few days (4 days hardly!) and I already feel so good in this community ! I was very well received and you don’t know how happy I’m with the comments you leave me and the likes. In short ! I stop talking ! xD I talk too much..
I tag : @itsneganslucille - @smuttwd - @heartfulloffandoms - @negans-dirty-girl and @autumnjade22
Summary : “Take me into your loving arms. Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars. Place your head on my beating heart. I'm thinking out loud maybe we found love right where we’re”. Lyrics from “Thinking out loud”.
Ships : Negan x reader
Words : 3232
Warnings : Curses, smutt (not a lot)
Enjoy !
You quietly read a book, strolling your eyes on the lines before you, leaping over every word that was written. You gently turned the page when someone entered the room, opening the door with a loud noise, arms outstretched and a huge smile on his face : Negan. “How are you, darling ?” I hope you’re okay because today is a special day”, he said excitedly, swinging Lucille beside him. You frown as he sits down beside you. “A special day ? What do you mean ?” Feigning not to know while you were continuing to read. Negan spoke and spoke but you were not paying attention at all, too absorbed by the story of the book you were reading. Negan groaned with displeasure and withdrew it. “Hey ! Give it to me !” You reacted reaching the arm to recover it while Negan posed it on the night table. “Nope. You will listen to me first”. “I don’t want to listen to you, okay ? I just want you to get out of here and leave me alone”, you retorted as you lay down more comfortably. As you closed your eyes, you felt a hand wandering on your hip and a body sticking to you. Negan wrapped a hand around your waist and collasted against him, feeling now his warmth against your whole body. You shuddered and you had difficulty remaining indifferent to this contact. Negan ran his hand under your sweater and began rubbing your stomach, his face over your shoulder. Your body tensed and you let out a little groan, that you cursed you for not being able to hold it back. Negan smiled and continued, feasting at your reaction to his caresses. “You don’t forget that today is our fucking birthday, do you ?” You sighed and you didn’t pay attention to his lips settle on your neck, releasing kisses all along it. “No, I haven’t forgotten”. You turned and you were facing him, your face a few inches from his. You caressed Negan’s face, passing your hand on his beautiful beard salt and pepper that you liked so much. “And even if I forget, I know you would have reminded me”, you said smiling slightly. You bowed and laid a kiss on his rough lips, making him smile. He threw you down on the coast and stood over you. He devoured you with his eyes as he passed his tongue over his lips. “You don’t know how I want to take you. Right now”. “But you'll have to wait," you said, waving a hand on his chest. “Yesterday didn’t you tell me you had a ton of work ?” He grunted and gave you an accusing glance, making you frown as you raised your hands as if to defend yourself.
“It isn’t my fault that you’re the leader of a great group like the Saviors. And..” You stood up and put yourself by his ear. “Don’t think I'm so easy to have”, you whispered warmly in his ear, smiling as he clenched his fists, feeling his urge rise to a very high level. You pushed him and you got up, putting your clothes back. “Hurry up and finish what you have to do before I get hungry”, you say biting your lower lip. Negan looked up and down at your body as you walked toward the door. “See you later, Negan”, you said insisting on his name, knowing full well that he loved when you said his name. So you left with a smile, not even daring to imagine the impatience and frustration that Negan was going to feel right now. And you had to confess that it excited you. You went down to the kitchen where several women were, looking at you as you passed. You rejoined Sherry who was waiting for you there, a smile illuminating her face as she saw you. “There you’re ! I was waiting for you. I've already prepared everything”, she said  showing you the work plan that was actually filled with everything you had asked her to take. “Thank you, Sherry. I’m sorry but I had to hold him back a bit so he didn’t find out what I wanted to do”. “Of course. So, do you really want to do all of this ? I mean, it's romantic. But I don’t think Negan is very romantic”, she said surprisingly seriously. “I intend to do it. And then, you would be surprised at the many facets that Negan owns”, you said then that you put on your red apron and that you tightened it by making a knot. “Good luck to you, then”. “Thank you, Sherry. Have fun with Dwight !” You laugh at seeing Sherry leave while pulling out her tongue. You took a deep breath and clapped your hands. “Let's go !” And you began to work, the joy filled your whole body with the idea of ​​the wonderful evening that you had planned to spend with your beloved, Negan.
Negan walked steadily into the forest, accompanied by Simon and his group. They were out for a run like the usual and there, they stopped near a forest to search a little, looking for what might be interesting for the group.
Negan had his head elsewhere. Today was your first birthday, after months of sheer madness, become a couple two months after you met. He was crazy about you. He was crazy about your body, your voice, your face, your way of being - which was very much like his - and he loved this animal side but at the same time sensitive and generous that you had. You had trusted him enough to tell your story before and after all that. And you were patient enough to understand his, learning a little more every day that passed. You had listened, consoled and changed him. Oh yes ! You had changed the man he was before. You had healed him with your wonderful smile that you offered him every time he was near you. He loved you too much and you counted a lot for him, even if he didn’t tell you so often. Negan stopped for a moment and turned to a tree behind him. He waited a few moments, waiting for the walker he had heard coming to him. The undead approached and before he could hold out his arms, Negan hit him violently with Lucille, his wooden bat surrounded by iron barbed wire. He gave another blow or two before getting back straight. “Boss, we found a few interesting things out there. You should come and see, “, said Simon appearing from behind Negan, causing him to turn towards him. Negan sighed and finally followed Simon. “Oh damn, this day is going to be long”. *** You were near the fence, whistling a little song that Negan had taught you. Thinking of him, you smiled. You raised your head towards the sunset, slowly descending behind the trees. You put yourself back straight, stretching your arms over you and yawning. If you were already exhausted now, you were praying for yourself when Negan was coming. A day like this was perfect for a night of madness ! You shivered with excitement at the idea of ​​this evening and you went back to prepare yourself, knowing that Negan would arrive in a few minutes. *** Negan sighed but couldn’t help but feel the excitement of seeing you again and enjoying this evening alone with you. As he scratched his beard, he saw the gate of the entrance open by seeing them. The numerous lorries and cars came in single file, the walkers trying in vain to stop them. The vehicles stopped softly and Negan opened the door directly, jumping out of the truck. He took Lucille in his hand and made his way to Simon, his right arm. “Simon, unload all that and bring the stuff to the warehouse”. “Understood, boss”. “Ah, and Simon. Let no one come to disturb me this evening. If only one bothered me, I promised him that he would meet Lucille very quickly”, Negan added threateningly before leaving.
Simon nodded his head and gave the orders as Negan walked, almost running to his room, jumping and whistling with joy at the thought of spending the moment he waited all day with the person he just thought all the time. As he approached his room, he felt a delicious smell emanating from there. A smile was already on his lips as he opened the door of the room, discovering on a table what he least expected. He began to laugh as he slowly approached the wooden table. He couldn’t believe you had prepared that : a good dish of bolognese spaghetti and an apple pie. He rubbed his beard as he continued to laugh. Suddenly, arms surrounded his waist and he felt lips kissed his neck. “It's perfect for a romantic meal”, Negan laughed as he always watched the table with amusement. “Isn’t it ? I have prepared your dish and your favorite dessert. What better ?” You said from behind, always hugging him in your arms. He withdrew your hands and turned, and what he saw made him smile more than he could. His eyes sparkled with a spark of wonder and envy at the same time, seeing your magnificent black dress and your hair capped aside, revealing the magnificent earrings he had once found and he had offered. You also wore that wonderful smile that he had wanted to see from the moment he left you. His smile was great as he slowly approached you, taking you by the waist and watching your embellishing face. You held his gaze as he put a wick behind your ear, watching you with his green hazel eyes. “You're fucking beautiful. You're the most beautiful woman in the world I've ever seen in my fucking life. And I've seen women !” You rolled your eyes at this comment but it made you happy. You took his hands, swinging them slightly. “Of course I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. I must be”, you said as if it were an obvious. He laughed and you smiled when you saw him laugh. You took him gently to the table, pulling his leather jacket aside and throwing it on one of the armchairs nearby. Negan didn’t move at the meal, as if something prevented him from doing so. He seemed troubled for a moment. You frowned. “Negan, eat”. He said nothing and still looked doubtful. “Negan. Go ahead. I've prepared all that for you”. He stood still a moment before finally moving, to your relief. You knew it was difficult for him. It had been a long time since he had such a gift from a woman. All this surely reminded him of his painful memories.
He took a first move and opened his eyes for a moment before raising his head towards you with a smile. You waited anxiously for his verdict. “It’s delicious. You're still a good cook. It's the best I've ever tasted”, he said full mouth. You sighed in relief and you began to eat in your turn. This evening looked pretty good. You then eat the dish then the dessert - dessert that Negan liked very much with whipped cream - and you spoke happily as time went by and the stars were already shining high in the black sky. Negan told you about his rather tiring day and you explained how you had deceived him to prepare all of this for him, which he admitted was a great blow. After swallowing the last mouthful, Negan felt filled and in a good mood. He put down the fork and stretched himself, sighing contentedly. He dropped his arms beside him as he watched you. “It was good, wasn’t it ? I think I should prepare dishes every day like that”, you boasted in spite of yourself. “Don’t boast either”, Negan said as he stood up. “I'm a great speaker, just like you," you said winking at him. He approached you and bowed to take your face from his hands and laid a chaste kiss on your lips. He drew back and passed his tongue over his lips. “I thank you for the fabulous meal you have prepared, (Y/N)”. He bowed again and kissed you now with more ardor. You savored this little moment before you retreated again. “You’re welcome, Negan. And now..” You put a kiss on his lips before backing away “if you devoured me all believed ? Because I’m dying of envy”. He felt the heat rise in him and he smiled with a predatory air. “Your desires are orders”, he whispered warmly in your ear. You smile as he takes you off the ground and grips your legs firmly, leaving a groove of kisses along your neck. You couldn’t help letting a groan escape you, making him smile on your neck. He moved slowly back to your ear. “Already excited ? It's only the beginning”, he said as he passed his tongue inside your ear. He smiled as he saw your red face embarrassed. He began to bite and suck your earlobe before softly descending to your neck, nibbling and sucking every little piece of skin available, enjoying with delight the sounds of impatience you let go.
He took you to the bed and dropped you there, making you cry slightly. He took off his t-shirt, revealing his torso and muscular arms, several tattoos drawn on it. He threw it on the ground and returned to kiss you, letting his tongue run all over your mouth with frenzy. He put his hands on your legs and went up slowly, scratching you sometimes in passing. You kept moaning as he passed his hand under your dress, going up on your hips while continuing to kiss you. You parted for a moment, already out of breath. “I'll make you scream my name, I'll make you scream so many times that everyone will know you're mine”, he whispered to your ear, now reaching up to your chest. “I'll send you to paradise”.
You breathed loudly, all sticky and sweating everywhere. You caught your breath, still not believing what had just happened. You turned your head to your right, seeing your man in the same state. He put a tongue on his lips and looked at the ceiling, shaking his head. “It was.. It was fucking incredible !” He said turning towards you, swallowing with difficulty. You nodded your head, smiling stupidly at what Negan had just offered you : a dream night. Negan was still breathing with difficulty. You stood up in spite of the pain and opened the drawer beside you, rummaging inside under the astonished eyes of Negan. You seemed satisfied when you found what you were looking for. You went back to bed and handed a box to Negan, who was looking at you with total incomprehension. “Take it. It's for you”. He looked at you and took the small box that was packed. It was a tiny box and Negan couldn’t help but wonder what was inside. He unpacked the gift under your impatient eyes and discovered a red blood box. He slowly opened the small box and opened his eyes by discovering what it was inside. “I knew you wouldn’t have time to find me a present. So I thought a gift for the two of us, a gift that will make us think of each other every time we look at it”. He went tremblingly out of the jewels. It was simple silver bracelets where there was a small plate indicating his name and yours engraved on it. Negan put his hand to his hair, not believing what he saw before his eyes. He raised the bracelets in front of him, looking at them for a long time. “I asked someone to engrave our names on it. I thought it could make you happy”. Negan glanced at you and looked again at the bracelets. He remained silent and suddenly began to look at you and then the bracelets, doing that for a whole minute. He started looking at you again and what you saw was the thing you least expected : Negan was crying. “Negan.. Don’t cry. I mean, why are you crying ?” You asked worry, thinking it didn’t please him. He took a little time to calm down. He took a deep breath and dried up the tears that didn’t stop flowing. “You don’t know how I love you so much”, he finally said with a huge smile. Your heart stopped for a seconde and it was now you who felt the tears in your eyes. You let out a groan of happiness, bringing your hand to your mouth. You looked at him for a moment before jumping on him by surprise, making him fall back. You embraced him like never before you kissed him, transmitting now all your feelings through this kiss. He wrapped his arms around you and returned your kiss, feeling his smile beneath your lips. You embraced for a long time before you separated. Negan, his eyes still filled with salt water, began to look at you. You saw it, that thing that made you fall in love with him, that thing you loved more than anything else : the real Negan. This Negan who had been wounded by the loss of his wife, Lucille, and who had remained strong despite everything. This Negan who was attentive to those he loved. This Negan who was endowed with a big heart, despite what others could think. This Negan so sensitive and sincere with his feelings. Negan, the chief of the Saviors. The one you loved. Your man. Your Negan. You put your forehead against his and with all the sincerity and love of the world, you murmured : “I love you too. Happy birthday, Negan”.
Whoa ! So, what do you think ? I loved writing this one. I was listening to the music while I was writing and it was amazing ! But nevertheless, I have the impression that it’s bad xD I don’t know, tell me what you think. Too much fluff ? Maybe.. So, thank you again for reading my fanfics and I hope I’ll see you for an another fanfic ! Me I’m going to cry in the corner.. I just saw Solace and it was so sad.. Joe, I loved you so much.. *actually crying*
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