#Destiny Hearts
destiny-islanders · 7 days
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I got the wonderful opportunity to see Labyrinth on the big screen last week (thank you Fathom Events) and I think this time around really helped me nail down one of the things that makes this movie so special to me: the ending message.
A story with a somewhat childish sixteen-year-old girl who immerses herself in magic and fantasy worlds who goes through a journey and a transformation and comes out the other side more mature could very easily have ended with the message of "Now that the adventure in the fantasy world is over, our heroine has grown and matured enough to leave magic and fantasy behind and become an Adult."
But Labyrinth doesn't do that.
Labyrinth says: "You might grow up a little. You might put away your costumes and your music box and your crown. You might give your teddy bear to your little brother. But that doesn't mean you have to leave it all behind. Every so often in your life, for no reason at all, you might need a little magic back in your life. And your friends in the fantasy world will always be there for you."
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"Should you need them."
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haido · 3 months
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Listen to my story
(KH ver.)
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luxmoogle · 5 months
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The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.
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asteraws · 2 months
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cynnoct · 3 months
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wish things could stay like this forever
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nanariemi · 3 months
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"love like you", a short destiny islands trio comic i made in 2021 💓
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keytrio · 7 months
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i miss the trio ever
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stygiananon · 2 years
Destiny Hearts - Carnelian Heart Bleeds
Background: It's been three weeks since breaking up with your partner. Three gruelling weeks of fighting monsters nearly every night on your own, and slowly becoming more and more self-destructive.
Trigger warning [Creature Death]
Character List
-> Magister Albrecht - A detached, stoic magus from beyond the Rift. Ancient and Mysterious. Originally, the mentor of the Destiny Hearts. ->-> Destiny Heart Azurite Blue - Calm, kind and motherly. The Oldest Destiny Heart, she was already well into her late teens when chosen and into her early Twenties when Al'uric was defeated.
Speaker List
-> Magister Albrecht ->-> Azurite Blue [Sound Effects] * * Expression ** ** Emphasis Story Start [Running footsteps on stone]
-> Lady Carnelian. Three Vero class chimera have been sighted in Central Park. I have taken precautions to set barriers to---
-> I am merely attempting to impress the---
-> I am aware of your competence Lady Carnelian.
-> As you desire. I will be on hand to provide support. Battle Sound Effects [Distant roars] [Magic Change Sound Effect]
[Spell Ignition][Flame Sfx][Beastly Scream]
-> Lady Carnelian! More Chimera are rising from the fallen!
-> You have to get out of there! NOW!
[Spell Ignition][Flame Sfx]
-> Your magic is doing more harm than good! Cease your attack and retreat!
[Beastly Scream]
-> Carnelian retreat at once! You are going to die!
[Spell Ignition][Flame Sfx Rapidly]
[Distant footsteps approaching]
-> Carnelian! Carnelian!
[Beasts Attack] [Spell Ignition] [Ice sfx]
->-> Don't worry Red. I've got you.
[Muffled thumps and growls][Muffled thumps Throughout]
->-> We can talk after. I take it Albrecht is close by?
-> Yes Lady Azurite. I am maintaining the barrier.
->-> Excellent. Close it.
-> Excuse me?
->-> Bring the walls in on my frost circle. I'll ensure Red and I will get free. I trust you haven't forgotten my magical signature?
-> Of course not. But I fail to see--
->-> Leave the rest to me. (softer) Come on up. [Rising sfx] I can tell you're hurting. We have a lot to catch up on.
[Rumbling approaching]
->-> When I say so, I am going to punch through the wall and we are going to jump.
[Louder Rumbling approaching]
->-> Now! [Shattering Ice][Beasts screech] *Exertion grunt* [Spell Ignition][Sharpening sfx][Skewing Sound][Beast sounds abruptly stop] *Heavy Breathing* That's them sorted then.
-> Lady Azurite is Lady Carnelian well?
->-> No. No, she is not. And I **think** that you aren't helping. Come gather the Chimera's heart shards and leave Red to me. I'll come to speak with you in the archives when I'm finished, and not a moment before. Understood?
-> If there---
->-> You can call my Heartstone. Under no circumstances will you be calling Red again tonight.
->-> Enough.
->*sigh* Of course, Lady Azurite. Apologies.
[Pair of footsteps on stone]
->-> As for you, come with me. You **know** you shouldn't let that old Bastard push you around so much. *Chuckle*
->->You're coming home with me of course. You look an absolute mess, and I don't mean just from the fight.
->-> Ah ah ah ah. None of that. You stopped keeping in contact with everyone 15 years ago, we've got a lot to catch up on. Besides... we haven't had a proper sleepover in **ages**. We can paint our nails and ---- [Hug] Whoa~
->-> Hey. I've got you.
->-> You can let it all out. I'm here.
->-> Don't worry about the disappearing act Red. It doesn't matter now. None of that matters now.
->-> Whatever happens next, I'll be here to help. And I called the others. I suppose the Destiny Heart's resonance hit me first because I am the closest.
->->*Exhale* I have plenty of questions for **him**. But all of that can wait, for now let's get you home.
Story End
Commentary: A mostly fight oriented script seems like a foley nightmare. Still, it seemed most appropriate that one of her teammates come and assist in her darkest hour.
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klyukvav · 6 months
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xshinina · 1 year
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These memories may stay forever, but...
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destiny-islanders · 15 days
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doodled a sora during a star wars marathon with frens
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nebulousbren · 1 year
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It's done! Everyone's having a good time playing games and nothing will ever be wrong :D
For anyone wondering where the Disney dudes are, Mickey and Donald are on a double date with Minnie and Daisy at Scrooge's bistro, while Goofy is catching a movie.
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haido · 7 months
Destiny Islands 🌴⭐
(project time: 7 weeks)
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luxmoogle · 2 months
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The End~! ❀༉‧₊˚.
->Beginning // ->Previous
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hyakunana · 4 months
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"My friend, my partner… my Guardian."
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