stygiananon · 2 years
You really wished those weird cult types stopped coming to the door.
Granted, they had a somewhat reasonable excuse as to why.
Turns out summoning a cosmic entity from beyond the veil of realities was remarkably easy, somehow they found out you'd done it, and since their prayers were never answered in the centuries of their fringe existence, they wanted to talk with the object of their worship.
Most tended to bugger off if you pushed them hard enough, but you figured if they came in numbers, you probably couldn't keep them out.
They always told you not to worry, and despite their predilection for human sacrifice, the cult was actually fairly sweet, just... annoying. 'They are like an extremely cling ex that doesn't take a hint' Their echoed voice reverberated deep within your soul. much like it always did, though you could swear their was a hint of exasperation in the choir.
"Nice or not," you began, taking a seat next to the avatar of unreality laying on your couch. "You'll have to talk to them eventually." An umbral appendage of inscrutable origin wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you against their cool void skin. 'I know... Just not today.' Their multiplicitous eyes scattered haphazardly across the vague approximation of humanity They wore, all pleading in unison.
Who would of guessed eons alone in unreality would make something with make something so touchy-feely.
"Fine. But your doing it before the weekend."
------------------------------E N D---------------------------------------
No prompts. It was a bad brain day, but maybe Anyone/Unwanted Eldritch Roommate would be fun.
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stygiananon · 2 years
Fabian knew it was bad when Claire didn't hit him with a quip for almost dropping her.
Damn the Noble brats. Damn the Death Corps. And damn God.
"Come on Claire... you gotta watch your step. You know... the terrain around these plains is rocky..." The words fell from Fabian's mouth through hot laboured breath. He knew at least his leg was broken, and undoubtedly a few ribs as where that monk and met iron fist to his solar plexus in rapid succession.
No response. But she was still moving, albeit mostly slumped against his right side, clinging with fading strength to his thief's leathers. But still moving.
Claire had been one of the first taken out, her white mage's robes painted with growing blots of crimson from where the arrows had struck her. Two in the leg, one in her shoulder; Fabian could have sworn that noble ass was smirking in satisfaction at his handiwork.
None of that mattered now. Their former comrades were either crystals or corpses. That either could move was a miracle.
'...euhhg.... Fab. Can we.... rest a minute?' Claire's voice was barely above a whisper. 'The rain's stopped... We should... We should watch the sunset.'
He didn't want to stop, he wasn't sure if he did he would be able to start again.
"Sure, I see a couple slabs of rock we can rest on"
Claire made some wheezing sound of approval, and Fabian continued to drag the both of them forward.
'...Hey Fabian...?' That was bad, Claire never used his full name and with how she sounded this was serious.
"Yeah Claire?"
'Do you... do you remember our first battle in the war? I was a chemist back then.'
"Yeah... yeah I remember, I was green as our cloaks were. What about it?"
'Seems this is a role reversal... you're finally paying me back for all those pheonix downs...'
"Don't be like that " By now, Fabian was gingerly setting the wincing woman down on the smooth pale stone propping her up between two slate slabs; absently noting her sudden resemblance to her impromptu resting place. "I only ever collapsed on you one time."
'Mmmmhmmm... right.' as she spoke, Fabian settled against her.
"Twice now, I guess." He exhaled and felt the strength seep away. Languidly, he turned his head and rested his forehead against her temple.
'We're... were not gonna make it... are we?' Claire's eyes struggled to stay open, eyes fluttering and skin turning the same colour as the unstained robes of her profession. With incredible exertion, Fabian swung a leaden arm around to bring their foreheads together. "Sure we will... we'll get to Gariland... after we rest." 'Right' Claire's breathing slowing further. 'We'll do *cough cough* whatever we want...'
"Just the two of us."
Claire labouriously inhaled 'You' and exhaled 'and me...' Claire's body grew suddenly heavy against his, eyes glassy and unfocused, resembling a crumpled doll rather than the fiery woman he knew.
With fading consciousness Fabian spoke his final words against her lips. "Together..." -------------------------------E N D---------------------------------------
That scene in the first Final Fantasy Tactics game where Ramza's company is sent to the Thieves' Hideout to wipe out the last of the Death Corp will forever live rent free in my head.
Have a lovely day.
Prompt #914
“Don’t be like that, I only collapsed on you the one time.”
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stygiananon · 2 years
The Rhyston Royal Academy of the Arcane was practically buzzing. Not an entirely uncommon state for the grand campus, as students, professors and endless support staff often bustled through the halls like worker bees, endlessly weaving to and fro.
Today however, was different.
In the centuries old history of the institution, never had a single person -- much less a child -- shaken their convictions so thoroughly.
They were an unremarkable thing. At least mostly human, long pale hair pulled and tied with leather into a messy ponytail with strands falling and framing their face; handmade linen robes, stitched with love from a mother and sister that watched eagerly from the stands.
For today on this unprecedented day, a young person of no great birthright, from the Capital's lower market districts stood proudly upon the final testing stage, under the scrutiny of Mage and Magister; Peer and Proctor alike. A grand sea of silk robes with eyes that watched aghast at the events unfolding before them.
The final examination - Familiar Conjuring - was used as a gauge to decide where a potential student would fit. While nearly anyone with mana could manage simple spells like producing flame or mending a broken plate, the act of summoning and maintaining a Familiar is a far greater feat; at this portion of the exam, it was common for a student draw their summoning circle in expensive chalk, lighting incense and speaking the words of power. In a blinding flash an animal - typically a small domestic animal like a cat or a crow; though a few particularly impressive summonings have lead to the occasional alligator or sky-drake - will appear, and the results will be tallied to decide if a student will be welcomed here or to a lesser magical college throughout the lands.
As the final word rang from their mouth, the smell of brimstone and sulphur permeated the stage, a great plume of smoke crackling with lightning rose from the summoning circle. 'Mmmmmm... Well, well, well. What in the seven realms is this?' A voice of like liquid honey rang through the mind of every bystander, causing many to fidget uncomfortably. 'A summoning circle? Of ancient yew ashes and blood *and* incense of cinnamon and honey? Impressive. Most impressive.' Slowly the smoke cleared revealing a tall, feminine figure sat back upon a great serpent's tail, terminating at her waist replacing her legs. The four-armed creature's head - crowned by several twisted pairs of horns and framed by extremely long, ghostly white hair - craned towards her summoner, gazing appraisingly. 'I am Maliflexius, Mistress of Misery. Firstborn Exile of the Great Creator's Children and ancient beyond all measure. By our bond of mana and the sigil drawn in poultice with your blood little one, it appears you seek a mage's companion. Speak not your answer, for our connection tells me all I need know. Know that I heard your call, and know that I obliged. It has been a great age since I last held a mortal in contract, and longer still since I was free to walk as flesh and sinew.'
With lightning quickness Maliflexius coiled behind the unassuming child and pointed a chilling stare at the Headmaster, who seemed to be the first to have recovered amongst the horrified assembly. "L...le..." He visibly swallowed, trying to regain some composure in under the withering eyes that now fell upon him expectantly. "In light of your... masterful summoning, let me be the first to welcome you both to Rhyston Royal Academy of the Arcane..." ------------------------------- E N D ---------------------------------------
You know, I was honestly just aiming for something more along the lines of like 100 words for a bit of microfiction.
Oh well. I'm rusty but I had a good time.
I got the idea to do some daily writing from DarqChylde Audio over on twitter, if you happen to stumble upon this post you should absolutely check out her work.
Prompt #934
“I can’t believe you summoned an elder demon in your first week.”
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stygiananon · 2 years
Destiny Hearts - Carnelian Heart Bleeds
Background: It's been three weeks since breaking up with your partner. Three gruelling weeks of fighting monsters nearly every night on your own, and slowly becoming more and more self-destructive.
Trigger warning [Creature Death]
Character List
-> Magister Albrecht - A detached, stoic magus from beyond the Rift. Ancient and Mysterious. Originally, the mentor of the Destiny Hearts. ->-> Destiny Heart Azurite Blue - Calm, kind and motherly. The Oldest Destiny Heart, she was already well into her late teens when chosen and into her early Twenties when Al'uric was defeated.
Speaker List
-> Magister Albrecht ->-> Azurite Blue [Sound Effects] * * Expression ** ** Emphasis Story Start [Running footsteps on stone]
-> Lady Carnelian. Three Vero class chimera have been sighted in Central Park. I have taken precautions to set barriers to---
-> I am merely attempting to impress the---
-> I am aware of your competence Lady Carnelian.
-> As you desire. I will be on hand to provide support. Battle Sound Effects [Distant roars] [Magic Change Sound Effect]
[Spell Ignition][Flame Sfx][Beastly Scream]
-> Lady Carnelian! More Chimera are rising from the fallen!
-> You have to get out of there! NOW!
[Spell Ignition][Flame Sfx]
-> Your magic is doing more harm than good! Cease your attack and retreat!
[Beastly Scream]
-> Carnelian retreat at once! You are going to die!
[Spell Ignition][Flame Sfx Rapidly]
[Distant footsteps approaching]
-> Carnelian! Carnelian!
[Beasts Attack] [Spell Ignition] [Ice sfx]
->-> Don't worry Red. I've got you.
[Muffled thumps and growls][Muffled thumps Throughout]
->-> We can talk after. I take it Albrecht is close by?
-> Yes Lady Azurite. I am maintaining the barrier.
->-> Excellent. Close it.
-> Excuse me?
->-> Bring the walls in on my frost circle. I'll ensure Red and I will get free. I trust you haven't forgotten my magical signature?
-> Of course not. But I fail to see--
->-> Leave the rest to me. (softer) Come on up. [Rising sfx] I can tell you're hurting. We have a lot to catch up on.
[Rumbling approaching]
->-> When I say so, I am going to punch through the wall and we are going to jump.
[Louder Rumbling approaching]
->-> Now! [Shattering Ice][Beasts screech] *Exertion grunt* [Spell Ignition][Sharpening sfx][Skewing Sound][Beast sounds abruptly stop] *Heavy Breathing* That's them sorted then.
-> Lady Azurite is Lady Carnelian well?
->-> No. No, she is not. And I **think** that you aren't helping. Come gather the Chimera's heart shards and leave Red to me. I'll come to speak with you in the archives when I'm finished, and not a moment before. Understood?
-> If there---
->-> You can call my Heartstone. Under no circumstances will you be calling Red again tonight.
->-> Enough.
->*sigh* Of course, Lady Azurite. Apologies.
[Pair of footsteps on stone]
->-> As for you, come with me. You **know** you shouldn't let that old Bastard push you around so much. *Chuckle*
->->You're coming home with me of course. You look an absolute mess, and I don't mean just from the fight.
->-> Ah ah ah ah. None of that. You stopped keeping in contact with everyone 15 years ago, we've got a lot to catch up on. Besides... we haven't had a proper sleepover in **ages**. We can paint our nails and ---- [Hug] Whoa~
->-> Hey. I've got you.
->-> You can let it all out. I'm here.
->-> Don't worry about the disappearing act Red. It doesn't matter now. None of that matters now.
->-> Whatever happens next, I'll be here to help. And I called the others. I suppose the Destiny Heart's resonance hit me first because I am the closest.
->->*Exhale* I have plenty of questions for **him**. But all of that can wait, for now let's get you home.
Story End
Commentary: A mostly fight oriented script seems like a foley nightmare. Still, it seemed most appropriate that one of her teammates come and assist in her darkest hour.
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stygiananon · 2 years
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stygiananon · 2 years
Denizens of the Sultry Siren - The Gourmand
For some context, I play a great many TTRPGs in fleshspace (Though not as many as I'd like) and over a long history, I have played or written a great many characters. Some, even more than others, seemed to have a life of their own. As such I think I'll share a few in individual posts as short character studies, each and all residing the eponymous Sultry Siren.
Nestled deep between the verdant growth of the Fae Queen's Wood, and the endless desert vistas of Old Acadia, rests a peculiar Tavern. Within stalwart walls of carved bronzewood and a canopy of living vines, resides evermore peculiar peoples.
Hard at work within the kitchens, a great form works, perfecting food and drink for patrons from far and wide. Bitterbark, an Autumnal Treant from lands afar, toils happily away. His mahogany boughs moving with surprising dexterity unbefitting his bulky frame. Stirring pots, pestling spices, distilling draughts and crafting concoctions while a seemingly endless cloud of sprites flit between his leaf wreathed crown, slipping down gnarled limbs to assist their friend with his duties. A cacophony of swirling lights dancing, floating utensils, and singing in the ancient tongues of the Forest. It is an rare day indeed in which the Siren's Kitchens are not awash in scents of exotic spices, bubbling brews or the scent of baking and the steady thumps of Bitterbark.
Gregarious and warm, in stark contrast to his namesake, Bitterbark feeds each and all unforgettable meals drawn from all corners of the realm - and even perhaps beyond. A procession of pixies watching eagerly from the door frame or rafters as patrons sample his creations. When not working in the kitchens, he can be seen reading recipes, cookbooks, and manuals to improve his craft. That rare day, however, falls but once a year. When ballads of spring, and songs of jubilation are instead a melancholic dirge. On that singular day, the fairies rest within his crown clinging to his mighty from, their natural illumination dimmed, as he rests in his hidden grove. It is on this day Bitterbark seeks solitude. For this singular day, he allows himself to reminisce over the events which brought him to the Siren. On this singular day, all know why he is Bitterbark.
And that's the first of many who call that Sultry Siren home! I do hope if you took the time to read it, you enjoyed. One day when my artistic skills are up to it, I would love to render at least a headshot of these characters.
Formatting for stories in a similar vein will include the italicized blurb and have the Sultry Siren tag. Thank you again
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stygiananon · 2 years
Destiny Hearts - Prologue
Short Pitch : Magical Girls that have moved on with life suddenly being called back into action, with all the silly trappings played straight.
Background: It's been eighteen years. Eighteen long, normal years since you and the other Destiny Hearts put a stop to the diabolical plans of invaders from beyond a magical rift.
Shifting alliances and dire revelations lead to great sacrifices in the name of peace. Still, with the combined magical might of the Destiny Hearts, the Great Magos A'luric lay defeated.
Following the defeat you, Former Leader Carnelian Red, drifted apart from your companions and mentor, guilt and shame at your decisions driving you to isolation and seeking to forget a past you no longer wished to remember. Triggers for [Breakup][Mentions of injury]
Context: Another night, another call from the Destiny Heart. This time however, your partner confronts you over leaving yet again.
Speaker list
[ ] - Sound Effects -> - Partner
Story Start
A pair of sleeping figures lay in bed, in a small bedroom.
[Cute chime of the Destiny Heart, rustling of the sheets, groggy moan]
-> Seriously? This is like the third time this week... Doesn't your work have anyone else they can call? [Rustling of clothing / sharp click of a tongue]
-> What could possibly be so important that so the need specifically *you* for anyway? Wouldn't the owner or your manager be the better choice? -> And that means it has to be you?
[Exasperated sigh]
-> Sweetheart? Can you please stop for a second and look at me?
-> What's *really* going on with you Red?
-> You get calls to run off at all hours of the night, come home bruised and sweaty, and you honestly expect me to believe that it is from your *office* job?
-> You look like you went three rounds with a heavyweight champion in bare knuckle boxing. Is something happening with you? Is there any way I can help?
-> I just want to be supportive, but you've been shutting me out for weeks.
-> Yes, weeks.
-> The first time was just after you got that job. You had a fractured wrist, I drove you to the hospital after you appeared on the doorstep.
-> Red. We've been living together for months, you're more graceful than a cat. Trying to pawn this off like it is no big deal or that you're just clumsy isn't going to work on me.
-> And the black eye from a few weeks ago? The one that you tried to hide with makeup and when I caught you you said you fell into a door handle? Is... Is someone hurting you?
-> I'm asking questions *because* I care Red.
-> No. I can't just let it go... I should never have let it go on this long, but I thought you would have come to me by now.
-> Because you won't give me a straight answer.
->[scoff] You refuse to tell me where you are actually going for a start.
-> No. No you aren't.
-> [sigh] I know because... because I followed you, or... at least I tried to.
-> Yes, I did. A week ago, you slipped out at night, I tried calling you several times. You didn't pick up, so I drove to your office building.
-> I ended up waiting for at least an hour and a half. A night guard came over and spoke to me, said you never showed up. In fact, he said no one called you at all.
-> Please Red. Please just tell me the truth. Is there... someone else? Are they hurting you?
-> There is no one else... but you can't tell me who is hurting you or where you go?
-> I wouldn't believe you? [Raised voice] I can't possibly understand?! Of course I can't! You won't explain a damn thing.
-> Overreacting?! Are you listening to yourself?! I'm worried sick about you. You've disappeared without a word, not returning for several days, and when you do you're battered and bruised yet you act like nothing happened. You've slipped out of bed no less than six times this past month. Whatever the hell it is you are getting up to has you so exhausted that when you sit for even a few minutes you pass out... How *exactly* am I supposed to be taking this?
[Pause] [Destiny Heart chimes]
-> Trust you... Trust you?! How can I possibly trust you? You aren't saying---
[Destiny Heart chimes]
-> Last chance, I love you Red and I want to trust you but whatever **this** is, whatever it is that's happening right now...
[Destiny Heart chimes]
->[Exasperated sigh] Red... I'm gonna leave. When you are ready to talk, we'll talk.
-> You keep lying to my face, evading my questions, you're hurting and you won't say how or why...
-> I'm going to leave.
-> No. Not forever. I just need time.
[Destiny Heart chimes]
-> Go on. Whatever it is seems important.
[Destiny Heart chimes]
-> No. No, I won't be here when you get back. I'll leave my key.
[Destiny Heart chimes]
-> No tears Red... When you think you can tell me the truth... the entire truth, you know how to find me.
[Destiny Heart chimes]
Happy Valentine's Day! Here's a little something that has been kicking around in my head for quite a while. It's gonna be split into many pieces otherwise we'd be here for ages.
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stygiananon · 2 years
An Ancient Bat King Shares His Umbrella
Inspired by a writing prompt from a thread off of @mkdarqchylde on twitter, I come today to show what I think is still a work in progress for the first real thing I have written in ages. I can only hope I did the prompt some justice.
Context: Fantasy world. The listener is new to the Great City Spira, Bastion of the Goddess. Following a visit to the Adventurer's Guild to seek opportunity, they find themselves waiting at a stagecoach station waiting for a ride down the Heroes' Causeway which connects Spira's prosperous Upper Wards to the Castletown's Lower Districts. After some time, the storm which had been threatening all day finally began, leading them to seek cover under the meager shelters, when from the darkness an auspicious stranger appeared.
Tags : Monster Speaker x Human Listener. No Warnings. M4A. Solo
Italics - Foley sounds
-> - King Nightshade speaking.
Storming ambiance
->Tis a strange sight indeed, one of the Sun Queen's children at this late hour. Tell me little one, why is it you tarry here?
->A thousand pardons. My monstrous visage and apparation from the night's turmoil have set you ill at ease. I assure you, I mean you no harm.
->Thou dost not find me a grotesquerie? In ages past, naught more than a single glance alone was cause enough for Empires to arm against my ilk. Mayhaps thine eyes are as feeble as mine in daylight.
->Truly? Forgive my presumption, and my addling of thine wits.
->Further, I meant no offense by mine inquiry, thou are as welcome within the Spira's vaunted walls as I, to whatever or wherever thine heart leads. Merely, I inquire as to why thou are *here*, tis a surety a tavern or your demanse would be more appropriate...
->I see... Pardon my inference, but mayhaps you are a new arrival to this city fair? 
->Well Little one, tonight marks the beginning of the full lunar cycle, as such the stagecoaches that frequent these causeways are suspended. The were-pups are prone to bouts of frivolity, and while the keen eyed Night Watch are ever observant, tis better to remove temptation all together, lest their urges cause greater concerns. One of many foibles one must endure, being the greatest asylum city in the lands I suppose. 
->*Muted chuckle* Of course. That you *cannot* see them is precisely the point. Were they to adorn themselves in garish colours and gleaming plate, t'would be a simple thing to spot them.
->No, I am not one of their number. Though a great many are drawn from my retainers.
->Well Little One, you find thyself in the presence of Lord Shadewing, First and Only Scion of the lineage of the Eternal One. True ruler of the Mournmire Country. Other titles I have, thou for brevity's sake Shadewing will do. Charmed, to be sure.
->Now now, no need to grovel or bow Little One. Thine audacious lack of decorum is freshing. Yours is a countenance free of falsity and agenda. When I gathered my brood and people to seek The Sun Queen's Pardon, I found myself free of millennia of courtly intrigue. T'would be a shame to return to such fabrications in such pleasant company.
Peel of thunder
->Alas, it would seem the night's storm turns evermore tumultuous. And whilst I hath enjoyed our conversation, tis hardly proper to keep you exposed in this tempest with naught but sodden cloth to keep you warm.
-> Nonsense, stand close little one beneath my wing and warm thyself against my fur. Let me be thine aegis.
->There now... Thou art shivering as a wind wracked leaf! Tell me plainly, where are thine lodgings?
->The Widow's Web? Not too far then, I am familiar with it. *Umbrella opening sound* Tis my word on mine honoured heritage, I shall see you there safely.
->This? *Shakes umbrella* Tis my parasol.
->*Chuckling* Monstrous by most measures, in this I remain in civility. Stand as close as you please little one, mayhaps we might converse more while I guide you
wet footsteps retreating
->You have an inquiry? You may ask it, but with the knowledge I may decline to answer.
->If I am the true king of the Mournmire, whyst would I seek The Queen's Pardon?.... Hrmmm.... A fair question... But not one for idle chatter on a dark evening Little One.
->None taken, we just simply haven't the time.
->Because thy stand barely a hair's breadth above my waist. When thou are as prestigious of frame as my kind, many measure to little more than children to us. And more besides, your curiosity of mine and my people harkens back to a child's idle mind.
->*Chuckle* Take no offense... It has been a great many centuries since any outside of my own have cared so much. Wonderment is a gift oft lost in the weathering of time, that thou keepest yours is a treasure of its own.
Footsteps stop
->But alas, it seems our evening stroll is at an end. As good as my word, we've arrived at The Widow's Web.
->I am afraid I must decline, the hour as grown later then I had intended, thusly I must make my haste to mine own affairs before Sun's rise. But ...
Umbrella closes
->Take with you this boon and token, my parasol to shield you as I did and as an opportunity.
->The current court of Miremoor now resides in the Northeastern Section of Upper Castletown. Shouldst thou desire it, bring with you my gift and you shall be welcomed. Merely show any its pummel and they will know you walk with the authority of House Shadewing.
->Until next time Little one, walk in Her Light. Always. 
Wet footsteps recide
There it is. Words from my head about a peculiar situation, a first draft I think, I feel there are some edges that need smoothing. It took quite a bit of willpower to not turn an auspicious meeting into a lore dump.
Thank you if you took the time to read these word of mine. If you wish to indulge me more, there is a comment section below.
Until next time, Cheers!
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stygiananon · 2 years
Who am I, Why am I
Hello and welcome to my sliver of the internet. I am StygianAnon, a creative in my thirties seeking to rekindle my creative passions. Here is where I plan to occasionally post my various endeavours, and other flights of fancy as the mood strikes.
This blog is 18+ as it is written by an adult for other adults. Occasionally my works will cross into mature and dark topics, heed any warnings seriously.
Thank you for your time.
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stygiananon · 2 years
I can't believe I actually convinced myself to remake a Tumblr after I left so long ago.
Guess I'll have to set everything back up.
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