#Detective Lil Lin Stagehand
whispatchet · 4 months
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I got another commission done! And this time I am ultra excited because it's my first Turn Around! And it's a Bumper Pack!!
Featuring of course Detective Lil Lin Stagehand, care of @vwildmonk
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krakenator · 7 months
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commission pieces for @vwildmonk! Trouble in Huesburg capped off with, shall we say, a panic at the disco.
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vwildmonk · 2 years
Hiya! 6, 35 and 38 for a certain Lin with the recent ask meme?
Hell yeah, good prompts
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
A lot of Lin’s good dreams are surprisingly minimal. They are memories of good times, of gentle times- either the memories replaying for her of good moments and places, or a warm darkness while the sensations come in and out. It’s especially the phantom of positive touches and laughter and affection. A hair ruffle, a skeletal hand on her head, a good scratch behind the ears, a tail or hand in her own, her tail brushing against someone or bapping into them to hear a life, being bapped by someones own tail, her fingers carding through feathers or fur. Being held against someone’s side or in a full hug as well. Sometimes it’s also now the feeling of warm air under soaring wings, or running and playing- brief sparks of views of Halloweentown from above or the underbrush. It’s like basking in it all. It’s warm and peaceful and with a feeling like a purr deep in her chest and through her entire being, a rising and falling hum ever-present.
How does your character behave around people they like?
Depends on how much she likes them. She tailors herself to each person she is around, many different ways to present herself and express herself- facets. For those she likes she tends to smile with her eyes more, gets in closer, checks if they have eaten and provides chilli. She listens and tries to be attentive, tries to find what you need or connections that are required and helps you get them. Offers protection, provides support. Deeper you go into things the more she works to remember the small things- show she’s listened or seen you, show she’s picked up on what you like and is working to provide it. Let's you in more to see her simian aspects. She also gives out more physical affection- and seeks it out.
Another way she shows she likes- is by showing she trusts, and this is complex and multi-faceted in and of itself- not everyone she likes gets it, or gets it in different forms. Which is something very special in and of itself from a paranoid monkey.
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
Remove the threat. It is a deep seated aspect she works with.
She is The Detective, Detective Stagehand, she Protects. She handles and solves and deals. Figure it out, come at it from different angles- bring others in if she can and create contingencies for if they can help or if she is doing it solo- multiple contingencies with branching parts to snare the problem or threat. Working to make things safer for others and tackle the situation If it’s a problem that only affects her? She’s used to shutting up and putting up and handling or silencing, for all she defends others she is very bad at defending herself I’ve found.
She’s learning how to stand down and remove herself from the situation after calling in back-up or handing something off to others. She has Halloweentown now in her corner, has other detectives (and doesn’t that just make her emotional, detectives no longer alone). It’s hard though. Very hard, and she’s trying- working on getting things go in therapy and knowing that sometimes there is nothing she can do. That what happens beyond her awareness or to others close to her is not her fault. Trying to learn this and distance herself, even if it is not always possible.
The plots work to hook her and sometimes she must rise to it. She hates it sometimes, knowing how much it hurts those around her to see her come back from dealing with threats and problems in a state... she'll still do it for them. She hasn't got much choice. But she works to be able to come home and take help where she can. So removing the problem or threat as best as she can- with who and what she can- has to be enough.
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obbydrawsstuff · 1 year
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The last of the attacks I've done for art fight this year! I've had so much fun drawing all these awesome characters.
( Part 1 / Part 2 (You're here!) )
(Tags/links are under the read more, as well as the names of each character, and who they belong to!)
@luisalecto - Luis, Tobias O'Crowelle, Simon.CGI
@yunisverse - A.L.M.A.N.A.C., Beckett, Larry Samuel, Ondan, Xan Adieu
@lizzybeanbutt - Etti Sketti
@whispatchet - Lil Rai Stagehand
@vwildmonk - Detective Lil Lin Stagehand, Network
@beebeerock - Pip
@fletchier - Ikora
@marzibird - Mariz Meadowglow-Dillinger
@toonrevamp - Mersel Arlo Von Vixen
@megamarine - Meshi
LeDerpu - Kevin
Mitho - Vermillion
Andromedia - Eris
@artsavi - Abby K. Debra
@launchqueen - Rhode Is-And
@atomicrow - Mac Lonless
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staarbles · 3 years
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more slightly old toonkind character doodles!!
feat Detective Lil Lin Stagehand - @vwildmonk / Unnamed friend - @cherri-picked / Shooting Star - @softglowofcandlelight / Decimal Weaver of Fate - @rjmeta / M1-A - @that1nkyone / Little Joe - @doctor-yoshi-soul / Fleck and Mariz - @fletchier and @welcometotheauthor  / Rowan - @celebi9 / Marigold - @hug-monster 
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babblable · 3 years
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A little comic I did to accompany a poem I wrote. Featuring the hands of all the people Jackie knows or will know at some point in the future atm, bc i have been so soft and filled with brainrot since I first played them back in December 2020. They’ve come a long way and I’ve met a lot of amazing people.. I wanted to show my love through something soft.
So, here’s my hands comic:
Baph- @hexabeast
TOC- @authorticity​
Mac- @atomicrow
William and Messo- @magicaltophats​
Abbigull and Bilgerat- @krakenator​
Phasmus, Phii and Cara- @rjmeta​
Ollie- @aikaikaik​
Philleap- @deedee-sunflowers​
Legs- @crankyteapot​
Triny- @megamagma17​
Luc- @argentdayl​
Lin- @vwildmonk​
Turpin- @bilbobobbins​
Tobias- @alectogrem​
Dj Mooves- @snailcomicz​
I love ya’ll so very much!!! Words and this comic alone cannot ever fully convey!
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mirasorastone · 3 years
Hi there- long-time follower of Sammy games here- living for your work- bawling my eyes out becos this rainbow boy is A SWEET TOON. was curious- latest FPS- who is the monkey?- they had good vibes with your Sammy! <3 cannot wait for future games to listen to while doing chores- well done on great character gsidfhgsiughsihit
The monkey is Detective Lil Lin Stagehand! Lin’s been in a few games with Sammy! They met during Turnabout Jumpscare and they have friends in common with March and Hugh, and ran into each other again in A Grave Situation where several parallels happened to come to light between the two of them. She’s played by the wonderful @vwildmonk who is always an absolute delight to play with. 
I’m glad you’re enjoying his storyline! I will admit, there have been moments where I’ve cried playing him. Glad that the games have kept you company while doing chores!
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vwildmonk · 2 years
Heyo Vwild! If you're taking asks for that new ask meme- 4, 6, 8, 30, 31 for Lin? and E for you :3c
A'right, lets do this!
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
Not as easy as some would think. For all she is a bleeding heart she is a suspicious being. A surprising factor really, for all she seems to willingly give out her trust to many people. She likes people and she cares a lot- but trust is something that takes effort to form and she is always looking in small ways. The world taught her to have caution. There are ways, and she does have different levels of trust- actions that highlight things and make her put her trust in someone. But under the surface there is always an initial level of wariness or caution paired with that care and want to have faith in people. You'll know when she trusts you enough though- or at least you hope you do.
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
Laws are there for a reason- but some of those reasons are stupid-ass ones made by those in power with something else going on. In her eyes they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, places and people. She works within the law as much as possible, does her best to make Einquell a safer place and that means making sure Justice is dispatched truly and honestly. She has her own guidelines and parts she won’t cross specifically because she does not want to go over the line of taking the law into her own hands (and she outsources with who she trusts to help her with her guidelines/morals- even if she doesn't outright say as such).
She’s a Licensed detective and really does Try not to go full vigilante- adherre to toon laws and practices and justice- genuinely do her job well as The Detective/Detective Stagehand. But sometimes those laws need to be budged or circumvented or the fine-prints and lines toed; thwart a minor criminal and then let them go, interrogate and find information and then help hide the person better, hear out the situation and then act as best suited. She believes in reformation and rehabilitation more than jail- even if she does put people in cuffs so that the proper court system she is placing faith in can handle them, and if that answer is jail then it is jail.
At the end of the day, her duty is to the people of Einquell, not a system. She cares for the individuals, especially those that slip through the cracks- and she’ll do what’s right for them. At their service. All a real solid reason why she is ‘chaotic’ and not ‘lawful’.
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child Ol Tort and Auntie Mao did their full best, as with all the family, to encourage more than stop- to try and be good role models who didn’t crush anything. To make sure she never felt ashamed of any of her quirks or make her feel forced to do something. If something became a problem she was sat down like a grown up with her own professional cup and things talked over. Ways to help found, reasons for stuff searched for. That said it was probably for her to stop racing around the entire hub when it was nap time or using too much strength or- “how did y’get dusty AGAIN we just undustyied y’- stop going out and rolling in the dustbath it’s time for chilli”
... “Never stop being yerself, and never stop coming home t' this here Hub- y’re loved here, and it will always be yours.”
30.  Who do they most regret meeting? 
The Thing.
They changed her life in ways that will forever be present, ways she's still learning of. She doesn’t regret going on that case- it had to be her. But so much changed because of them, sometimes she mourns who she would have been had they never crossed paths… she perhaps would have never gone to that Corn Maze though if she hadn’t been at that point of tired or confused… would never have met the best people in her life or been here to help now. So in the end, well.
She surprisingly doesn't regret meeting folks other than that as far as I can think- her regrets lie elsewhere, and are being put to bed.
31.  Who are they the most glad to have met? 
Network. Network is special beyond all measures. She's glad she got to be there to bring her Sweetheart into being. Her heart-and-hearth, her literal soulmate. Network means more than she can put into words to her, glad doesn't begin to cover it.
Second to that? The Corn-maze crew. Hands down, point blank. If she hadn’t met them- she wouldn’t be here. They brought something irreplaceable into her life and started everything for her- brought her back to herself and helped her grow in a way she didn’t think was possible anymore. They made her Lin again, and she loves herself now because of them.
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Morski, for all I have put this monkey and her found-family through now and with hidden lore and everything else? This monkey would MAUL me and we both know it. Would I get along with her if she didn’t know that? Highly probably- we’d vibe. Pleasant chaos and food and mutual love of many people. But the moment she figured out WHO I was I would be the consistency of mince meat going into a chilli and the rest of our angst gremlin gang of DnD buddies would be going into hiding.
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vwildmonk · 1 year
Network has a mode that she can engae when she particularly feels like it that makes the inside lighting go sepia-toned and hazy, with a saxophone playing from one of her many collected items in the wall- because they really like it when Lin gets in the right detective mood to go full 'old school hardboiled detective mode'. The Noir genre was a good state to be in with the profiles of cases the Requiem Agency took on- and they made sure to use it.
Yes, Detective Stagehand has used this exact setting within Network to get a plot-hook or the right 'then she walked in-' person with a clue to arrive so she could keep a case going when she was getting stumped. Both Lin and Network know their tropes.
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vwildmonk · 1 year
Heyo Vwild! may I slide a 📂 for a certain Lil Lin Stagehand? as well as one for whichever series is stuck in your head right now!
Lin when she was a younger detective (both in the good and bad period) would get the intense wanderlust that mixed with her workaholic tendencies well. The urge that would have her hopping on trains or across the known and the hidden routes all over Einquell. Both in the light as a detective across the newspaper pages, and also her slipping off the radar for a few weeks or so at random to come back very satisfied with herself for whatever she’d done or solved or found in that time. Deception and identities, and skills used to the full extent. Always returning to Network (she could never leave her sweetheart after all), but having that time alone to just herself and her capabilities was enjoyed beyond measure.
She still gets that urge to disappear as she pleases from time to time- but can’t exactly do that anymore given the war on and all her people that she refuses to leave. Plus another factor keeping her close. She's also got a ton of enrichment as she needs in town. But she does treasure the memories of those times of just running and going and dissappearing as she saw fit. We'll see what the future holds.
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vwildmonk · 2 years
22, 23 and 44 for Lin! :D
huzzah, fun as always
What does your character like in other people?
Interesting question, and it honestly varies. She likes finding what makes each person shine. There are overarching aspects of integrity or passion or intellect or determination. But she knows these things can be excess or flawed- so she likes looking to each person that she focuses her gaze on to see Who They Are and then deciding from there. Kindness is one thing she likes in others though. Because Kindness is hard- not everyone is Kind, no, kindness is something you work for and work to learn and project- it just comes easier to some than others and some days it is so damn Hard. She likes seeing people put in the effort for eachother- in their own ways. She likes the desire to grow that others possess, the drive and spark in people to keep getting up and getting better and healing and loving. That’s it: she likes in others their capacity for things: to be kind, to find themselves, to Grow, to be Them.
What does your character dislike in other people?
She’s met a range of folks- the best and worst of Einquell and a little beyond. She works to see people- and so she sees a lot she dislikes as well as things she likes. She does not inherently dislike criminals- as not every criminal intentionally becomes one and she believes in reform and finding the root of the problem. However, there are the worst of folks out there. Ones that target children have her immediate distaste. But also the smarmy folks, the oilslick backstabbers, the cruelty-for-cruelty-sake or self-justifiers. The ones who carry the veneer or haughtiness of being better than others, of being Right- the ones that get so up their own arse that they think what they are doing is law and superior- that they Deserve to do what they are doing, damn those who oppose. Who hurt children or dehumanise or assign others as pets/pawns/test-subjects and means to an end over actual People. She’s seen enough cases and helped the victims of enough folks to have a Strong dislike of those that gamble or break others for their own ends- whether it’s sadism or cold justification.
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
It can be easy. She was raised on an openness and abundance of love. She expresses it as much as she can- working to tailor to the individual’s Love language. Saying it comes pretty freely, she still builds to it sometimes- and sometimes doesn’t say it as much as she feels it for concern of being too much or misinterpreting something. But she loves so many, so much and saying it can be as easy as breathing when she knows it's right to- not leaving it unsaid. It's many forms from through laughter, to the sarcastic but genuine, or full of casual love in the lull moments, or as straight up declarations. She knows how to say it for all forms of affection. There’s something incredibly warm even in the worst moments of seeing how others react to the statement, and their response- whether verbal reciprocation or a non-verbal indicator. She doesn’t need others to directly respond, she knows. Still loves hearing it from the right folks, makes her very fluffy.
As for saying it without meaning it? … yes. Very convincingly. With her voice and her eyes and the normal ways to tell. She knows how to lie and lie well for the right reason. Back in the day once or twice it was wrapped in something else- the words slipping out when she's playing into a cover and disguise and timing a blundered ‘I love you’ to make people lower their guards. An “I love you, but not in the way you want me to” for a case or to let someone down. Other times, other ways she could if needed in future. It’s all about Tapping into it right, calling on skills and project anything from a truth in another form to a complete lie that she can make herself immerse in until for the line it is the truth- smoke and guise and truth. It’s easy. She doesn’t though, and knows when to just say she doesn't feel it for someone. She is not one to play with people’s hearts.
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whispatchet · 4 months
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They work in the shadows so you don't have to. The Detective's best clandestine agents, known only as The Sketches.
Done on Commission for @vwildmonk
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vwildmonk · 2 years
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child? (This one might be a me thing, because I LOVE writing/reading about family dynamics, but knowing what kinds of things were ‘normal’ for them growing up is important.) @ Monkey
I rambled and i regret nothing-
This is a fun one- when Lin- or rather Lil Pompom was growing up within the Toontown Stagehand Hub she was classified as the 'eldest of the youngest generation'. It's a mushroom colony, not a family tree here folks!
She was the last Stagehand to be adopted directly by Ol Tort- and boy is that significant. Then Lil Haddy came a year after her adopted by Auntie Mao, and Lil Looloo hatched under Lil Ogan’s watchful gaze at the Villestown hub after that (and all with that toucan sure has been something). She very much is and views herself as a protector and big sibling to them both- even if the word every Stagehand uses for each other (bar a few) is cousin. They are hers.
Within the family Ol Tort and Auntie Mao (through many shenanigans when she was little and just watching her) thought she would grow up to be the next Hubmaster, and as she already liked helping she was slowly getting fast-tracked onto that route- the offer of officially training to become the next Hubmaster was meant to be a present for when she turned 18.. but well, everything went very wrong before then. So she does view herself as a protector of even the ones older than her- and is viewed as such by a Lot of the Hub despite being one of the younger ones. She’s the one to stand in front and Help and Handle. She is after all Detective Stagehand, and she’s always helped her elder cousins and aunties and uncles and auncles and niblings and everyone else out. So there’s something more to it than just ‘eldest child’ of her group.
She genuinely likes this about herself as well. She’s learning to let some weight off her shoulders, to let Haddy in a bit… but being someone they can turn to? She likes that. To be someone they can talk to and her be able to shield or help, able to handle the tough choices… she likes doing that so others don’t have to. She feels- she is- a lot older than her chronological age nowadays, even though she can act like a chaos ball for them as well. But she’s still theirs, always. Haddy & Looloo's elder cousin. Their Pompom of the Superman Trio.
Complex eldest child.
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vwildmonk · 2 years
What is their grooming routine? (how do they treat themselves in private)---- Monkey
It changes semi-frequently depending on what her design can handle. Changed a lot over the years- but she does try to look her best. Especially now, she does her best to be in peak physical form given everything.No undue stress from being bullheaded in the grooming department.
Mainly given everything and how often her design condition gets Bad given everything… showers are out. The high pressure needed to get through her fur means it’s rarer than she likes. She’s got the shower seat and everything to help ease stuff. Can still do it when she Really wants one or Needs it due to something in her fur. Especially with a realisation she had about a creative use of a certain form-changing item she got from a storybook. But it still isn’t first port of call anymore.
Baths take too long for day to day events due to her sheer volume of DENSE chinchilla-akin, very water-resistant fur and how long it takes to dry even With (multiple castings) of Prestidigitation and/or Network helping- special occasions only. Although she does enjoy them when they get to be a luxury- positive experiences.
Sandbaths are the best. Hands down. The best option and as long as she doesn’t get TOO overenthusiastic on the rolling over it works a wonder for both her design and cleanliness.
Right now she’s mastering the techniques of leave in shampoo and prestidigitation for every day, sandbaths every other, and using unique methods to get a full water shower once a week. Not to mention her daily grooming with her brushes and her hands to keep her fur and hair in order (although she loves when her loved ones like Rai helps her with her hair the most).
Her main concerning priority is sketch and outline maintenance, exercises, and stretches- which she keeps to her routine very strongly on. Not anything she can do to Fix the microstrain condition and scar damages. But she can monitor and ease it. The little daily things that she can do and use to judge how she’s doing and make sure she’s as fit as possible for what is to come. She’s got a few extra thoughts on that front, she’ll see how they work out in the future.
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whispatchet · 2 years
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Recently finished this commissioned piece for @vwildmonk, featuring Detective Lil Lin Stagehand, Junior Detective Lil Rai Stagehand, and Lil Nettle Stagehand, around Lin's new desk, which Rai made for her. More than a little proud of it :D
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krakenator · 3 years
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my god it was a journey but hey guess what! friends @vwildmonk
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