bentomtime · 1 year
"Call me Lucifer..." 😈🖤🔥🫠🥵
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vampiirxblood · 8 years
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moonlight witch🌙
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joshuadunzo · 11 years
My favorite thing about your blog: theme
What fandom I associate you with the most:  merlin
What I think of your URL: yess
If I follow you and why: yes. lovely!
send me a ♛
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snowgwarts · 11 years
✞ ☢
Religious views : I'm atheist
Most embarrassing moment : Probably the billion times i fell in front of people.
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darkdean · 11 years
No, it's NOT :)
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devillucifer · 12 years
My twitter account : )
Here !!
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doughbutts · 13 years
devillucifer answered your question: Someone Quick!
i have a torrent torrents.thepiratebay.o…
I've got it already. But thanks(:
0 notes
bentomtime · 1 year
Lucifer Morningstar - Hotter than the fire in hell 🖤🔥🔥🔥🤤🥵🤪
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bentomtime · 1 year
Tumblr media
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joshuadunzo · 11 years
answer: you mean of what I’ve seen? (I’ve only just started season 7 SO SHHHHH) “What is and What Should Never” Be OMFG IT HURT 
blog: meh | good | great | amazing | flawless | CAN U NOT | KJHGJKJH
do i follow you: yes | no, sorry | I do now
send me a question and I’ll rate your blog
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