#pagan practices
alicemain0541 · 11 months
Hi everyone!
Non fandom post here just letting people know that my free tarot readings are back open. I’m doing about 10 slots to start with and will see how my energy levels are after that. To get a reading all you have to do is reply to this post or reblog or message me. They are completely free as I’m still practicing and any questions are open!
I really appreciate boosting this if you don’t want one so that more people can know! Thanks 🫶🔮
UPDATE: closed as of November 2nd 2023 thank you so much to everyone who interacted! My readings will be open again before December probably some time next week!
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stardustmagicalnews · 22 days
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Witchcraft in History: The Evolution of Magic from Ancient Times to Today
Whether you’ve seen it in movies, read about it in books, or maybe even dabbled in a bit of spellwork, witchcraft has a long and complex history that’s way deeper than just pointy hats and broomsticks. 
Let’s dive into how witchcraft has evolved from ancient times to what it looks like today.
Ancient Beginnings: Magic in Everyday Life
Witchcraft isn’t just some trend that popped up in the last few centuries—it’s been around for thousands of years! In ancient times, people didn’t have science to explain things like thunderstorms, good harvests, or sickness.
So, they turned to magic and rituals. 
In places like ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, magic was a normal part of life. People believed in gods and goddesses who controlled the forces of nature, and they used spells, charms, and potions to keep their lives in balance.
Think of it as their way of making sense of the world around them.
The Middle Ages: From Wise Women to Witch Hunts
Fast forward to the Middle Ages, and things started to get a bit darker for those who practiced witchcraft. Back then, many women (and some men) were seen as wise healers who used herbs and spells to help their communities. But as Christianity spread, the church started to view these practices as dangerous or even evil. 
This is when the whole idea of witches as people who made deals with the devil started to take shape. 
Unfortunately, this led to the infamous witch hunts. Thousands of people—primarily women—were accused of witchcraft and faced terrifying trials. Fear and superstition ruled, and people were punished for being different or practicing old traditions.
The Modern Revival: Witchcraft Reimagined
Thankfully, we’ve come a long way since then. In the 20th century, witchcraft experienced a revival, especially with the rise of Wicca in the 1950s. Wicca is a modern pagan religion that draws on ancient practices but focuses on nature, spirituality, and the belief in both a goddess and a god. 
It’s all about harmony with the earth and the cycles of the moon, and it’s probably the closest thing to what many people think of as witchcraft today.
But modern witchcraft isn’t just about Wicca. It’s also about reclaiming ancient traditions, finding personal power, and connecting with the natural world.
Nowadays, witchcraft can be as simple as lighting a candle with intention, carrying a crystal for good vibes, or meditating under the full moon. 
It’s less about casting spells from dusty old books and more about creating your own practice that feels right for you.
Witchcraft Today: A Path of Empowerment
Today, witchcraft is all about empowerment, self-care, and spirituality. It’s no longer hidden in the shadows but celebrated openly by people from all walks of life.
Some see it as a way to heal, others as a spiritual path, and for many, it’s simply a way to feel more connected to the world around them. 
What’s cool about witchcraft today is that it’s so personal—you can make it what you want it to be. Whether you’re drawn to the history, the rituals, or just the aesthetics (hello, witchy Pinterest boards!), there’s a place for everyone. 
Witchcraft isn’t about being spooky or sinister; it’s about tapping into the magic that’s already inside you.
So, next time you hear the word “witchcraft,” think beyond the stereotypes. It’s a practice that’s evolved through history, survived centuries of change, and continues to empower people today. Who knows? Maybe there’s a little witchcraft in all of us. 
Until next time, friends. Stay curious, keep exploring, and remember—magic is everywhere if you know where to look!s
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haveacupofjohanny · 2 months
SundayHotTopic: Christianity's Bias on Witchy Practices
Explore the historical and modern biases of Christianity against witchy practices. From the Salem Witch Trials to today's misconceptions, learn how interfaith dialogue can foster understanding and respect. #SundayHotTopic #ReligiousTolerance #InterfaithDi
“Fear of the unknown and the need for control are at the root of many misconceptions about pagan and witchy practices.” – Margot Adler Throughout history, Christianity has often been at odds with witchy practices, labeling them as dangerous or sinful. This bias has roots in historical events like the Salem Witch Trials and persists in modern times, contributing to misconceptions and fear…
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thespectralcottage · 1 year
Getting Back Into Your Practice
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Sometimes life is shitty and your spiritual practice doesn't take priority. Thats okay. Here are some tips for how to get back into your practice once you're feeling up for it.
Cleanse and Clean Your Space This is defiantly the first think you should focus your energy on. This can take as long as needed and as intensive as you want or feel is needed. Spiritual and physically cleanse your space. Pick up items, open windows and start your cleansing method of choice.
Redo Wards and Protections Once you've cleansed its important to redo your protection. Cleanse to get rid of, protect to keep it away. Even if nothing has *hit* your protections and wards, its important to keep up to date on them being energized.
Keep Actives Low on Spoons Now that you've done the basics, stick to low spoon actives and slowly build from there. Even if you feel super energized and ready to get into it- you want to take things slow. This'll help you from losing steam..
Slowly Add Back In Your Daily Practice This is totally unique person to person, but dont expect to be back into your multi step daily routine right away. Add in each step one at a time, or slowly so you wont feel overwhelmed.
Come Up with a Ritual Youre EXCITED About You want to focus on the parts of witchcraft you love. Do something you've always wanted to try, something you always love doing, or anything that will make you excited for the working.
Pick a New Topic, Not an Older One Getting into your practice and going to an older topic might feel disheartening. Pick a new topic like astrology, plants, or an aspect of witchcraft you havent gotten too into before. Then go back to the older topic you left on.
Do Some Divination on What You Need Right Now Spend time with your spirit team, deities or ancestors and figure out what you should be focusing in on right now. Maybe you need more rest, maybe theres a ritual they want you to work on.
Remember You Dont Have To Do Magic Daily Dont put too much stress into doing something every single day. Take breaks. Youre still a witch.
I hope these helped. Remember to take things slow and dont let the pressure of getting back into it weigh you down. Magic is suppose to help not hinder.
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delusionalisted · 2 months
“Low Spoon” witchcraft doesn’t exist.
This is a post for all my disabled siblings. (But it applies to broke or low-income siblings as well.)
By the way, you heard me. What does exist is capitalism, consumerism and scarcity, all things that don’t belong to witchcraft. Witches in the past were mostly poor, unprivileged and unhealthy individuals with just one skill: knowledge. Yes, for today’s americentric standards they’d have been called “low-spoons practitioners”.
No fancy candles? No cauldron? Just one heavily used tarot deck?
Yes, no fancy candles Susan, you can keep those paraffin toxins to yourself.
Cauldron, Deborah? I have no money to waste for your pinterest aesthetics. We cook in this house, I can simply use a kitchen pot.
Mais oui Elizabeth, just one old tarot deck. It’s used my dear Elizabeth, you know… that’s something that happens when you actually use… tarot instead of purchasing 15 decks, then ending up using just one or two of them and leaving the other 13 to collect dust and resentment towards you.
This is all to say, witchcraft doesn’t need a 9-steps process to be achieved. Calling it “low-spoons” practice just means “high spoons” practice is the norm. It is not. Most importantly, it never was. You don’t need 30 specific crystals to perform a spell, you don’t even need one most of the times.
— Addition: If you fit into the “Low Spoons” type of witch and you noticed that your spells or rituals don’t work, then let me share one of the possible reasons why they fail: you followed a “low spoons” recipe or spell preparation, consciously or unconsciously gave the title “too much power” (your subconscious registered your spell as something lesser than a proper ceremony) and any energy that you and the ingredients released just plopped like a pudding on the floor.
Branding something as “lesser” in spirituality can lead to two results: failure or high delays. Yes, the herbs you use still have, nourish and release power, but without YOUR faith, their power alone can do so much; in most cases, your subconscious skepticism rejects your desired manifestation leading to a delayed or completely failed magickal attempt.
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psychopomp-recital · 5 months
Unpopular Opinion Time
The doodle you make or the picrew you use, the poorly executed poetry or basic bare bones prayer will ALWAYS be better than AI generated offerings.
I am sick of having my feed flooded with practitioners, pagans and other polytheists using AI. Specifically deities like Brigid should never be offered AI in my opinion, it’s essentially a slap in the face.
AI generated spells aren’t shit, it’s what a computer assumes will work based off of what it can gather from internet trends and research. MAKE IT YOURSELF, ask a human for help anything but AI.
There is no place for Artificial Intelligence in these spaces.
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undeadmagick · 5 months
shoutout to my disabled gods out there (hephaestus, týr, höðr, etc). y'all are so cool. isn't it so cool that there are gods like this????
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spiritchill · 6 months
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This vibe ain't right, better fix it. ✨
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stitchtehzombie · 2 years
Some witch: * fills a glass jar with crystals, herbs, salt, and glitter, then chucks it in a bush in their local park *
The jar: * breaks *
The salt and glitter: * spills into the soil *
The soil: * becomes infertile *
Plant: * dies *
Some animal: * gets hurt on the broken glass *
Another animal: *chokes on the lid ring *
The nature spirits: "what the actual fuck"
The witch: "why isnt my spell working :(((("
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auraofrose · 20 days
im in my research era (it never ends)
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that-one-grey-witch · 6 months
To my pagan/polythiest friends, heres a reminder to actually sit and chat with your deity about what you want/need and what would make life easier for you. They cant read minds most of the time (when you're not actively quietly communicating with them) and communication can only strengthen bonds. Go say that thing youre terrified to say or admit that you dont like some aspect of your practice. 90% of the time life gets easier when you do. And they're genuinely happy to see you succeed how you want to.
I see u, you're doin great
-Grey ♡
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alicemain0541 · 11 months
hi, how are you today?
what will 2024 be like for me?
please and thanks (i hope to start living for real). 😮‍💨
I’m good thanks! You didn’t say how many cards so I went with three cause that’s my usual.
6 of swords: I see you getting rid of a lot of the more time consuming and turbulent aspects of what happened this year and being able to get some closure before turning a new leaf for next year!
Reversed 5 of swords: again a good card. This usually means picking up the pieces and getting back on track. A lot of people tend to get this around the new year as it’s the best time to reflect on things that went wrong and what really happened. Have a think about the past year and set your mind to something you want to pick back up for 2024!
And finally reversed king of cups: I think next year is when you’ll find yourself a lot more. You’ll come out of your shell and be a lot less shy, let your emotions control you a lot less and in general just start having real fun. Of course be careful of going too far as with anything but remember to enjoy yourself! You are the only one who can make or break your year!
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month
Fellow pagans. Remember that the pagan experience is not purely an ex Christian experience. That experience is worth talking about, but please don't talk about the pagan experience as if leaving Christianity is universal to being neopagan.
Ex atheist pagans deserve to have their experiences acknowledged by the community.
Ex Muslim pagans deserve to have their experiences acknowledged by the community.
Non practicing Jewish pagans deserve to have their experiences acknowledged by the community.
Pagans who have been pagan for most or all of their life deserve to have their experiences acknowledged by the community.
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gods-and-accolades · 2 months
I think something important to remember when it comes to working with deities and spirits and the like is that you’re not always going to be perfect at it and it’s not always going to be going well.
We put such an emphasis on all the good experiences that we can sometimes forget that there are going to be times where you can’t face doing your practice for a while (mental health, illness, life in general). There will be times you can’t sense your deities/spirits when trying to communicate with them. Your tarot might come out as nonsense. You might feel completely disconnected.
I think it’s so easy to get disheartened when dealing with this type of stuff. When you’ve been able to grasp something so magical in the past, only to feel it slipping away in the present, it will, of course, feel awful and like you’re failing as a devotee.
But it’s important to remember you’re not doing anything wrong. You’re only human, and sometimes human things get in the way.
Take a moment to breathe. If it’s not coming to you as easily as before, take a break. Give yourself to opportunity to fail for a while. Your gods will still be here when you’re able to hear them again.
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thespectralcottage · 1 year
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Spiritual Hygiene
Spiritual hygiene is basically keeping yourself, cleansed, protected and grounded spiritually. People tend to try and do this through daily practices, which for some can be hard to upkeep. As someone with depression and can be lazy at times- sticking to routines can be difficult for me. So here’s some “basics” you can try to slowly add to your day to day that will give you a regular spiritual hygiene routine.
Cleanse yourself when you shower: This can be as simple as asking the water to cleanse you while you shower. Sometimes showering can be hard- for times like this i recommend a cleansing spray. Quick and fairly low spoons. But if you want to put more energy into this step you can enchant your soap/body wash for cleansing, hang eucalyptus above your shower and ask it to cleanse you, make a shower sachet, use spellcrafted oils for cleansing, ect.
Enchant your jewelry and/or skincare for protection: Obviously this one is for when you feel up to doing an actual spell. But, once its done you can just put your jewelry or skincare on for the day and be good to go. Every once in awhile take a moment to check in with your jewelry/items and see if it needs to be cleansed (or make a jewelry cleansing bowl) or needs to be re-enchanted.
Ground yourself when you wake up: once you wake up take even a minute to ground and center yourself. This works both if youre a person like myself who needs to lay in bed for a few minutes before getting up, or if youre a crazy person whos ready to go right away.
Even doing these three things through the week will help build you a strong spiritual hygiene routine and daily practice. Remember to take your time when building a daily practice, and forgive yourself if it’s not done everyday. ✨🫶🏻
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noctisarcanae · 1 year
Some witches want to be whimsical and heal people and be creative with good spells.
Some witches want to be haunting and dark and obscure and be ready to strike when evil is afoot.
Some witches are both, some witches are none. Some witches want power, some others want balance.
You are valid in your craft.
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