#Dez Sienty
wwprice1 · 5 months
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New 52 Superman awesomeness courtesy of Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder!
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oosteven-universe · 6 years
Artifact One #2
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Artifact One #2 Aspen Comics 2018 Created & Written by J.T. Krul & Vince Hernandez Illustrated by Romina Moranelli Coloured by Enrica Eren Angiolini Lettered by Dez Sienty       “WHISPERS IN THE NIGHT”     The curious and adventurous relic hunter Remi, and her father, Dawah, lived on the edge of a blade in a constant balance between their secret life of discovery and a hierarchy that disavowed scientific knowledge in any form. Yet, that balance came crashing down in tragedy, as her father was brutally slain by the ruling power, The Akolouth. Now, Remi is left with only the relic left behind by herblate father, a relic foreign to her in every way…       I think the opening is cute and it’s a nice reminder for Remi to life like her father wished she would. Okay maybe not so nomadic but as with as much truth as she can put down regardless of it’s consequences. It does bring us up to speed however with what she has gone through since her father was murdered and she ran from the Clerics in her town. We don’t hear much more about the differences between those who seek discovery and the religion that rules with an iron fist which I wish we’d see more of.      The way that this book is structured and the whole flow that we experience while reading it. There are a few things about the book that still elude my grasp but hopefully that will come as the story continues. So when we pick up Remi in her new life, or that which she is currently living as she doesn’t stay for long periods in one place, there’s another who talks. He is much like that town drunk that nobody really pays any mind to but likes to ramble on about things that go against the grain. However because this is a bar and it’s where Remi works she hears him and is intrigued.      At first it seemed that on her time off Remi was meandering around town. Until you realise what it is she’s actually doing and then things get a little more interesting for me. The only question I have is are notes detail enough about the kinds of metals and materials she’s testing that when she has to relocate will that be enough or will she have to start all over again? Also I have to give out major props for where we see Remi living and the creativeness of it. I like that she is a part of the town, as she works there, but doesn’t live in directly so that affords some distance in case things get weird.      I do rather like the interiors here and how the aliens and alien landscape comes to life. The linework is interesting as there really isn’t a finesse to it but it gets the job done to create the looks and feel that we need to experience the story. The utilisation of the page layouts and the angles and perspective that we see in the panels shows off a nice eye for storytelling. Backgrounds are utilised well and they do a lot to expand the moment or locations nicely. I find the different races among the people here interesting as well or maybe it’s just different between the sexes and either way I like it.      There are a few things that happen in this issue that I wasn’t expecting but make for exciting reading. That they are connected is even better. Also that it would seem that any species that forms a society and spreads out to create communities that trade and share with one another seeming all have a common ancestry theme. The written word as it evolves from it’s earliest for as cave drawings. That was the case with our own race and we use supposition to put that elsewhere and it’s not illogical since we find them all parts of the world. ​      Cute, interesting and with the whole science versus religion aspect in full effect this is a fun read that is easy to relate to. With excellent characterisation and a solid base plot I recommend this.
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oosteven-universe · 6 years
Artifact One #1
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Artifact One #1 Aspen Comics 2018 Created & Written by J.T. Krul & Vince Hernandez Illustrated by Romina Moranelli Lettered by Dez Sienty      When tragedy strikes at the center of her world, Remi is forced to leave behind everything she holds dear in order to discover the truth behind her life’s upheaval—all while escaping the near infinite resources of the ruling clerics of faith that seek to not only bring her to justice—but end all traces of her existence!      Now this is a great example of a zero introduction issue setting up the series. I came into this with that impression left from the zero issue and these folks didn’t let me down in the slightest. While we had that zero issue this one also kind of sets the stage as well and brings us Remi’s life leading up to her being out there on her own and as an exile of her people. This is so well written and the characterisation is utterly sensational as we navigate our way through the book every aspect brings you the passion from the creators and that’s so integral to me.      The opening is gorgeous and it really makes me want to learn more about this world and her people. That stone structure really is a complete standout and it generates that desire and that longing in the reader so they want to know who that is and how it got there. Aspen is so underrated and while their big books are the most well known it’s gems like this one that really showcase the kind of talent these folks have. J.T. and Vince are no strangers to the business and have impressive resumes and to see them collaborate on this is a thing of pure joy.      The characterisation is so good and I love that we are seeing Remi going through a transformation as the obstacles are placed before her. The development is so raw and real that it makes it easy to identify with her and it makes her more likeable. So to form a connection this quickly is not just impressive but it establishes the level of storytelling and talent the boys have. Also I feel like the way that the rulers of this culture feel like the Republican Party. Using the Elders and the Gods to keep the populace complacent, compliant and essentially nothing more than slaves/servants that don’t have the knowledge to stand up and voice opinions.      The interiors here are so romanticised and that’s not a bad thing. The style is consistent throughout the book and the way that creativity and imagination are incorporated into the visage of these people and how the present themselves, the masked robed guards for example, makes it feel like a race you’d see on Star Trek. It makes you wonder about the environment as Remi’s hair seems to float and again the readers mind is engaged. The utilisation of page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels shows a great eye for storytelling. Backgrounds are double edged sword because they are used really effectively here so much so they expand the story in every way it should. ​     Alone and on the run Remi is going to have to learn how to survive on her own. This isn’t going to be easy and I am looking forward to see her grow and evolve as a person and a woman. She’s got the aspects of Lara Croft and Tia Carrere (Relic Hunter) to her that will emerge and it makes quiver in anticipation to see it come. With some amazing storytelling and characterisation wrapped up in some gorgeous and ethereal imagery this is going to surprise readers with just how damn good it is.
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