#Diary of a Madgod
Court of Mania
After the events at Xedilian, Lord Sheogorath has instructed me to study and understand his two courts. I’ve decided to start with the Court of Mania and Duke Thadon. The Duke revealed to me that he suffers from an addiction to Felldew. He sent me to retrieve a chalice that will cleanse him of the bad effects of the drug.
To enter the Burrow, I had to take Felldew myself, which made me understand Thadon’s urgency. The high is amazing, but the withdraws are violently painful. Making my way through the Burrow, I had to periodically take the drug in order to not crumble under the weight of the withdraw. Feeling it flow through my veins, I cursed myself for getting myself in this situation.
Entering the Sanctum, I found a group of people also addicted to Felldew, using the chalice to never fall from their high. I tried to reason with them, but in their drug fueled frenzy, they wouldn’t listen to me. I didn’t want to fight them, their suffering was enough. I felt the same screams as I did when entering the isles, but this time inside me. The blue glow from my hands swirled around me before erupting out and enveloping the addicts. They let out earth shattering screams, shaking me to my core at the raw fear in their voices.
Shaking it off, I took the chalice, drinking from it to wipe away my addiction. When I got back to Thadon, he placed all of his Felldew inside it and drank from it. I personally believe that defeats the purpose, but to each madman their own. My next task is to learn from the Duchess of Dementia, but i am exhausted and still recovering from the after effects of Felldew.
I’m currently in my room in the House of Dementia, the stone walls providing a comfort I haven’t had since Martins death. My heart still weeps for him and just thinking of him brings tears to my eyes.
[three circles dot this passage, most likely from tears]
If I had only been faster. If I brought Martin to the Temple instead of to Ocato. If I had fought Dagon myself. If I stopped Camoran sooner. So many things I could have done. So many ways his death is my fault.
That’s enough for tonight. I am going to walk through Crucible, maybe give Cutter a few of the Madness Shards I’ve found. I don’t know why, but the damp alleys and dirty roads calm me. I believe it’s because they remind me of the Asylum, how little I do remember.
- Velentius Cosades
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I might have too many OCs.
I’ve already started posting about Threil Bone-Spear, my half Daedra Nerevarine, but I also want to start posting about my first Nerevarine, Neioli Sadras, who I’ve already written multiple headcannons for and have already written pretty decently into Elder Scrolls lore.
I also want to post about Diana Kingsley, who’s one of my other Hero of Kvatch’s, but I’ve already got the Diary of the Madgod series going on.
There’s too many of them for me to post about and keep a consistent time line going😔
It might not be too late to change some things tho. I’ve only posted about Threil twice, and I’ve barely shared anything about Laylah. Velentius is gonna stay, but I’ll post about Diana as a part of my Daedra of Kvatch AU as the Champion of Cyrodiil.
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The Court of Dementia
I awoke to find a woman in my room. She seemed confused by me, stating that she didn’t recognize me. I felt like i did know her, but I couldn’t place from where. Her blonde hair, her blue eyes, her familiar uniform. The Asylum. We stared at each other for what felt like hours before her form faded out of sight.
In the morning, the woman still stayed in my mind, but I still went along with my duties. I approached the Duchess, Syl I believe her name is. She told me she believed that someone in her court wanted to betray her. I didn’t believe her, of course, but I had little choice but to comply. She named me “Grand Inquisitor” which left a bad taste in my mouth. I spoke with Herdir and we started our quest. Kithlan told us that Anya might know something. I felt something inside me break while watching Herdir torture Anya. I wanted to feel bad. I knew I should. I know exactly what that felt like. The priests of Julianos would use shock magic on us before the priests of Mara forced them to wear magic suppressors while inside the Asylum. But I couldn’t. That scared me more than anything I’ve faced before. Martin would feel bad. He would force Herdir to stop. Call Syl on her insanity. But here I was, less than a year after his death watching a woman be tortured and scream for mercy. But she did tell us about some Kahjiit who might know something. He refused to talk, but after some “convincing”, Bhisha told us about his meeting with a Dark Seducer. After confronting him, he told me to meet him at his house at midnight tomorrow. I’m waiting at the tavern now, reliving everything that’s happened today. What Martin would think of what I am now. He’s been gone for four months now. I’ve only been in the Shivering Isles for a month. And I’ve… what I’ve become… what I’m doing… helping an addict. Giving into the delusions of a mad woman. Serving a Daedra, the very thing that killed him! I can’t help but think what he would think of me. He always saw through what everyone else saw. He saw me. What I was, what I am, and who I could be. And I’ve throw everything he wanted for me away.
- Velentius Cosades
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Diary of the Madgod: Prologue
Velentius stared at the stone wall, his eyes glazed over. He rubbed the bandages on his arms as he felt his mind start to shake. The stone dissolved, transforming from dark bricks into white columns. The floor transformed into grass and flowers, and his empty cell was filled with butterflies and the golden women he’s grown accustomed to.
A man in blue robes and a bronze crown sat at a table with 3 others, a kahjiit with a purple shine to his fur, a rabbit wearing a vest with a pocket watch, and a mouse wearing a top hat. Velentius approached the table, taking his typical seat next to the cat and staring blankly at the cup in front of him.
“Oh dear me! A new guest!” The man cheered, raising his wine glass in a toast. “Hmm, perhaps this one is not as new as Thadon claims.” The kahjiit said, sniffing Velentius’s hair. “New or not, old is relative.” Thadon drunk from his glass, and the vision of the garden erupted in color as Velentius fell backwards.
He landed in a room that was lit by a singular torch, which burned with a blue flame. “The Greymarch approaches, but maybe this is the last. If a champion arrives, and Order is destroyed, will the cycle end or repeat?” Velentius stared at the hunched over man in front of him, his messy white hair fell of his eyes and his purple and yellow suit was dirty and wrinkled.
The vision changed again, this time Velentius was inside a throne room. The same man was now sitting on the throne, but looked much cleaner and presentable. “Haskill, make preparations for a portal. The Isles are growing lonely and they need a friend.” The man said, looking at a balding man wearing a black suit. “At once my lord.”
Velentius sat up, staring at his cell in the Asylum. “The Greymarch is coming! The End is near! Order will rise and Madness will fall!” He screamed, visions and memories rushing through his head as he rocked back and forth. The door opened and he snapped up, staring at the Stendarr priest.
Lunging forward, he snapped the man’s neck and took his armor. Hiding his hair under the helmet, he made his way out of the Asylum, then the city. “Mother always said she had family in Skyrim, let’s see how the Ervine’s react to me.” He whispered as he traveled down the road towards the Imperial City.
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Diary of the Madgod: The Ascension of Velentius Cosades
Pre-game timeline
Strange Door
A New Alarm
The Court of Mania
The Court of Dementia
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I made a second blog, @diary-of-a-madgod-in-training, which is going to be what this blog was originally going to be, a place where I’m gonna post about my first Oblivion OC that has never had a post about him on this blog🤷‍♂️
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