#Digimon fanfiction by DFS
dutchforstrangers · 1 year
Digimon Adventure: 2023 - The newborn chronicles 1/?
Since approx three weeks, I'm head deep into diapers, broken nights and feeding sessions, trying to navigate through life with a newborn. All the while, coming here feels like this could be both my escape from and way of dealing with everything. So I might as well throw in some drabbles about my faves during pregnancy/labor and/or with newborns! Don't expect too much shipping or even shipping at all, just these mofos being newborn parents and not knowing sh*t about all of this.
If you have any suggestions or requests for this series (character(s) and/or prompt/idea), please crawl into my ask box and leave a message (: It's great writing exercise for me after being out of it for so long! I'm taking everything on a scale from everyday domestic fluff to drama with a funny twist and from comedy with a serious touch to dark and heavy angsty emotional rollercoaster.
Episode 1: Taichi & newborn Souta, pt. 1
"Well, just kill me now..."
He said as he exhaled loudly, his hands desperately buried in his hair that seemed wilder than ever before. The bags underneath his eyes in combination with the messy hair and stinky boxers indicating the lack of sleep and showering.
A small piece of Taichi hoped his wife would hear him sigh, wake and come to his rescue. The biggest piece, however, wanted to let her have a peaceful night after all the tough ones she already had and show her he could actually do this by himself.
Thing was he wasn't sure how to.
He reached for his phone on top of the dresser, next to his one week old son. Their eyes met, one set of brown eyes expectingly piercing through his own pair.
"I'm sorry I'm letting you wait, I just... I just need to be sure. So stop looking at me like that."
Taichi's eyes quickly moved from the baby to his phone, scrolling through the names in his contacts.
If he'd call Hikari, or Sora, they would immediately mother and scold him for not knowing "anything". They were an easy skip.
He could call Yamato, but the scenario in his head made him skip his friend faster than lightning.*
Jyou could be useful knowledge-wise, but he'd probably be in a night shift and too busy picking up.
Mimi wasn't an option either, feeling she would leave him with unuseful anecdotes about her traveling life and more questions than answers.
Takeru he felt too awkward to call and Daisuke was simply a hard no.
That left him with one last option. And even though Taichi wasn't sure about that person's knowledge regarding this specific topic, he was sure that he would help him in the best way possible.
Plus, the voice on the other end weirdly soothed him.
With his gaze fixed on his son's overly yellow-brownish body, Taichi started rambling.
"Koushiro, you've got to help me. What do you know about changing diapers and cleaning one week old babies after they covered themselves in their own poop?"
x x x
* The Taichi - Yamato scenario/convo I envisioned:
Y: "Oi, Taichi, why you're calling me in the middle of the night?"
T: "Why are you picking up in the middle of the night?"
Y: "... F*ck you." *hangs up*
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dutchforstrangers · 1 year
Ten times ten more - A Taiora drabble for Mother's Day (with a little announcement from my side)
I'm back! Kind of. At the beginning of 2023 I had so many plans on how to immerse myself in everything fandom again. How to fight back from the drama and demons chasing me. But life had other plans.
This little drabble is the first thing I wrote in a long time, so please be kind to me. It's a Taiora -as expected from me- with a hidden announcement in it! Saved for this Mother's Day occasion ;)
Based on true, personal events (:
Taiora drabble | Genre: Family | Characters: Sora Takenouchi (POV) x Taichi Yagami | Wordcount: 875
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Ten times ten more
Her eyes shifted from the window to the object lying on top of the toilet’s basin. She was convinced the light was playing tricks on her, exposing suspicions only the object could know. Cause she felt fine, didn’t she? Besides, there were still ten seconds left on the timer.
To kill time, taking the unusual order, she lifted herself off of the toilet and walked to the sink to wash her hands. Slower than ever, Sora’s feet dragged her back to the toilet. To flush it, but also to take one last quick look. Her head was sure it was the way the light complimented the little object’s window. Deep down her heart, however, already knew what she was going to find.
Sora’s eyes were quick and before she could even flush the toilet, she had already seen the second line that had indeed appeared and had become more clear. No doubt.
Her jaw dropped as she took the stick in her hand and brought it closer to her face. Two clear lines. It was her heart that knew first and immediately started to skip beat after beat. She had to sit down, the first thing she could find to sit on being the still not flushed toilet. Feelings of utter disbelief and pure yet unexpected happiness mixed, alternating her state continuously. All the while her eyes were glued to the object, the thing shaking between her trembling fingers.
“T-Taichi…?” Sora yelled from the toilet.
Thoughts were racing through her head, her body was numbed. They had just been making jokes about pregnancy and babies, this test was just for fun. There was no way this was actually true and happening, not after the amount of stress she had experienced in the past weeks. Sora remembered how sick she had been mere weeks ago, how her body betrayed her with it after all the hard work she and Taichi had put into buying their first house together. In Sora’s eyes, it was her body signaling it wasn’t ready for more hard work and most definitely not now.
Life, apparently, had decided differently. It had its own little ways so it seemed.
“Yes?” Taichi answered casually from the kitchen.
“Can you please come to the bathroom? I’ve got to show you something…”
Sora could hear him drop his progressing breakfast and within seconds he was at the bathroom’s door.
“What’s it?” He answered, his head thoughtfully peeking around the corner first.
Sora looked up, catching his deep brown, concerned looking eyes. She inhaled deeply, all of a sudden, time seeming to creep by very slow. She turned her hand with the stick in it to him, showing Taichi the little treasure she was holding.
“It’s positive. I’m pregnant,” she stated matter-of-factly. Her eyes scanning his expression for any hint of emotion or judgement, she saw images of the future flashing in front of her eyes. The future with him and the creature carefully forming inside the cozy nest her body was providing. It was at that moment realization hit, water formed in her eyes. “Taichi, we’re expecting!”
A sharp exhale escaped him and realization hit him as well. Taichi shook his head, taking the test from her hands.
“How… Why… I-is this real…? Sora, did you just take this…?!”
Sora nodded in response, but not for Taichi to see, as he had already captured her in his warm embrace.
Awkward laughing and smiling from the same utter disbelief as well as pure yet unexpected happiness Sora had felt before, filled the little bathroom. Speechlessness was what was left and together they let themselves fall to the floor.
They stayed there for ten minutes, almost making the second line vanish with their staring. Little words were exchanged, feelings and thoughts taking the upper hand.
It had been ten seconds turning into ten minutes. Those ten minutes turned into ten hours. Ten hours into ten days, into ten weeks and finally into nearly a ten weeks more.
Week 23.
The belly had popped. Ultrasounds had all been good so far, the heartbeat sounding like magical music, making everything even more real. Rumbling intestines had made their way for baby kicks every now and then. Disrupted sleep patterns made Sora tired, but the stomach acid kept her up and awake during the day.
Not that it mattered, because in the end, it would all be worth it.
Sora smiled looking down at the card she was holding in her hands, amazed by the amount of words he apparently had been able to find.  
Just 17 more weeks and we can meet our little creation!
I can’t wait to hold her and play football with her, it’s that exciting. But because she’s only kicking balls inside of you for now, I get to put all of that excitement into you.
Sora, I’m so, so, so proud of you. You amaze me as a friend, a lover and a mom. Even though you’re not really a mom yet. To me though, you’re already one! And always have been.
Happy first kind of Mother’s Day to you, love! And I hope to spend at least 10 x 10 more of those with you and our little family.
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
As autumn's breeze blows (for Taiora week 2022 Day 6)
Series of Haiku's written by me. In collaboration with / art by @seventeenlovesthree
@taioraweek 2022 Day 6. Feudal Japan / Calm / Autumn breeze
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As autumn’s breeze blows Passes through woods far and wide She loyally waits
Leaves on fertile soil With colors falling from trees Time keeps passing by
Though why would she sit As she can pick up the sword Following his tracks
Bravely she stands tall The wind leads as a whisper Showing paths to take
Rising sun shimmers Over mountains, across seas Shines a light on him
Returning with scars A man battered in battle Now a warrior
Relief releases Like waterfalls flowing down Opening new streams
Warmly welcoming He falls into fertile arms Now arriving home
Tears fall like raindrops On bruised feet that root closer Deep through heavy stones
Indeed autumn calms Feelings from under armor The journey was long
She softly speaks words About seeds growing inside her fertile grounds near
Home tired fighting But returning to his love(s) Is worth thousand fights
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Something about us - A Taiora one-shot
Just here quickly to drop this after being on a big hiatus (sorry...), because it's @jamesthedigidestined's birthday today! And he became a very special friend to me this last year, during good and bad times, so this is my present and a thank you to him <;3
James, we've talked about so many things. Such different things. All things Taiora, but also other animes, Avatar the Last Airbender, personal stuff and so on. I tried to compile some of those things into a one-shot, obviously Taiora, because that was what initially brought you to me. And there's something about us ;)
All the love! Big hugs ^^
Taiora one-shot | Genre: Angsty domestic fluff? | Characters: Sora Takenouchi (POV) x Taichi Yagami | Wordcount: 1.778
Something about us
Sora, 7:12pm Taichi…?
Taichi, 7:14pm Yes?
Sora, 7:14pm Are you available?
Taichi, 7:17pm As in single? Nope. I’m dating you, remember?
Sora, 7:18pm No, you ass. As in could you maybe come over to my place? Like, now?
Taichi 7:18pm Already on my way!
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
She read his message over and over again, unsure whether he was serious or not. It hadn’t always been like that, he wasn’t always the fastest to feel or know she wasn’t feeling well. But as they all grew up, Taichi did too. And when it came to Sora, he didn’t need a reason to come over any longer, Taichi had a sixth sense.
One thing that had never changed was that, in the end, he was always there for her. Sora had always appreciated that a lot. They had each other’s backs, were basically ride or die for the other. And so it was only a matter of time before they moved from football buddies, to friends, to best friends, even back to just friends, to unexpected crushes, to eventually boy- and girlfriend.
Sora’s lips curled up at the thought of that word and the association she had with it. Because even though people had said it was only a matter of time for the two of them to finally realize, at first, she herself hadn’t seen it coming at all.
When the realization of love struck, it came like a storm. Thunder and lightning made the sky lit up in a sudden manner. A whirlwind raged over her lands, leaving a track of confusion behind. Then rain poured down and slowly washed away doubts and concerns. And as the storm of emotions lied down, a cool breeze made stormy clouds drift apart, showing Sora the sun she had always been with, but had never seen like that one part that completed her clear blue skies.
They called it “love at first sight, but a bit late”. 
Sora glanced at the clock. 7:46pm.
She hadn’t expected him here already, though she would lie to herself if she said she wasn’t disappointed.
With winter here and Christmas around the corner, Sora felt rather uneasy. Her mother had said it was annual winter moodswings. Which was very plausible, but she had never wanted to admit this was a thing she suffered from. There hadn’t been much time or room for Sora to be vulnerable towards others as she needed to be the strong and bigger one. Everyone counted on her. She was the one who had to take care.
But with Taichi being her rock in every way, she knew she had to exhale those old habits and let herself be taken care for. 
“Let me take care of you, okay?”
Taichi’s words were engraved in her memories. Loud and clear.
Pulled out of her thoughts abruptly, Sora heard the doorbell ring through her little apartment. She hurried herself to the door, making it look like there was no time to lose.
“I’m sorry I’m so late,” Taichi said, his breath creating small clouds in the cold air right outside Sora’s front door. He then stepped inside, closing the door behind him and starting to take off his jacket and shoes.
“Here, let me help—”
“Na-a, missy,” Taichi quickly interrupted, “I can do that myself. You, however, can take this and bring it to the couch or bed. I’ll be there before you know it.” He said, pressing a plastic tote back into her hand and pushing her towards the living area. With one hand he gestured her to move and not stand still, a sweet smile on his face.
As been told, Sora took a seat on the couch and setting the bag to her left side. It didn’t take long for Taichi to follow, plopping into the seat on Sora’s right and in a swift motion, pulling her onto his lap and into a warm embrace with Sora’s legs on either side of his. She wrapped her own arms tightly around his neck and buried her face in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent that she grew to love so much.
“Thank you,” Sora mumbled against his warmth radiating skin.
“For what?”
Sora loosened her grip on him, taking back a head an pulling away from him slightly so she could look at him straight.
“For being here with me.”
Taichi smiled, cupping her face with his hands and pulling it back close to his, but leaving just enough space between himself and her for him to speak. “Anytime.” He said before eventually closing the gap and pressing his lips against hers.
She could feel him kiss kindly, with care and no rush. He took his time for her and she absolutely loved him for it.
“Now tell me, what do you need, or want to do?”
Sora shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know…”
“Oh!” Taichi exclaimed with excitement, reaching over to his left where the plastic tote bag was laying. “Haven’t you wondered what was in there?”
“I guessed it had something to do with food?” Sora questioned, trying to tease back.
“Haha. But no, it’s the reason why I was so late.”
Out of the bag came a headband with tiger ears on it. Sora looked at him confused.
“You were late because of hair accessories?”
“Basically, yes. I don’t know, I walked past a store on my way here and they were displayed in the window. I thought they were cute and they reminded me of you, ” Taichi smirked while placing the hairband in Sora’s hair.
“Not the first time you’re buying me hair accessories. I guess that’s a very special Yagami Taichi love language?”
“Perhaps. I also bought a bunny one for myself. The puppy one was too adorable to leave behind, so I’m bringing that one to Koushiro tomorrow as an early Christmas gift. You though…”
With his hands he roamed down from Sora’s hair over her side to her waist. He pulled her closer and Sora could feel him getting excited.
“You’re my feisty tiger~”
His lips quickly found hers, covering them in kisses and Sora could only follow kissing back. A little make out session wouldn’t harm anyone, Sora thought to herself, but tonight was not a night like that.
She gently placed her hands on Taichi’s chest amidst the kissing, pushing him back slightly.
“Not now.”
“Sorry, my bad.”
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it though,” Sora quickly followed up. “I’m just… not in that kinda mood…”
Taichi showed her a reassuring grin. “I understand, Sor, it’s okay if you’re not in that mood. We can also just cuddle and talk. Like, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
Sora shrugged, pouting.
“You know you can talk to me, right?”
“Mmhm,” she hummed, giving him a half smile as she rolled off of his lap and back into her seat next to him on the couch. She curled herself up against him, words unnecessary, and she turned on the television. There was a football game on which seemed like the perfect thing to watch for now.
Half an hour went by without sharing words. Taichi had brought them something to drink and snack from the kitchen a while ago, but Sora had not yet touched anything. She wasn’t in the mood, she was just feeling low, numbly staring to players playing with a ball over a field back and forth.
“Football or tennis.”
What? Suddenly, Sora turned her head into Taichi’s direction. She looked at him with confusion.
“You have to choose. This or that. Football or tennis?”
“Ehm… Football, I guess?”
Taichi smiled. “Obviously, I would choose football as well!” He happily exclaimed. In his hand he held his phone, the screen lighting up and his eyes scanned the text on it. “Here, I have some more for you.”
Sora smiled fondly, knowing this was his way to cheer her up for the night. Her back straightened and she decided to play along with his little game.
But with every choice she had to make, Sora started to feel a bit more low again. Taichi rambled on, excitedly explaining all of his choices in depth. It was what made him Taichi. Impulsive yet thought through. So innocent and playful yet serious but funny. The thing was, however, that most of his choices -if not all- didn’t line up with hers.
He was being honest, choosing what he thought was the better thing among the options. Sora wondered whether Taichi heard what she chose and if he took her choices into account. A feeling of disappointment overwhelmed her, doubts about them being together flooded her thoughts.
“We’re so not compatible…” Sora sighed, her eyes directed to the ground as she spoke quietly.
“What do you mean?” Taichi asked back, his voice sounding worried.”
“It’s just… You picking all the opposites makes me wonder whether our connection is strong enough…”
There was a short silence. Wanting to fill it up, she wanted to sigh once more, but was interrupted by Taichi’s warm hand holding her chin up and pulling it towards him. His own face closing distance between their faces as well.
“I like us being not alike in everything,” he smiled sweetly. “That way you complete me. And that makes me happy!”
Sora’s eyes grew wide, a bit watery from tears stinging. “Y-you do..?”
Taichi nodded, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close and hugging her tightly one more time. “Now stop worrying, okay?”
She smiled a wide and thankful smile and she was sure he could feel it starting to get its sparkle back.  
“It might not be the right time, I might not be the right one, but there’s something about us I want to say, ‘cause there’s something between us anyw—”
Teasingly, Sora pushed him away and playfully smacked his arm, smirking at his antics and lyrical quoting all the same.  
“Hey! Stop you woman, you’re hurting me..!”
“Then stop quoting Daft Punk lyrics, you baka!”
He laughed, his warmth radiating through her skin like sunshine after rainfall. And she felt thankful, re-understanding why they had always worked so well. Her eyes locked with his, trapped into their intense but sweet staring at each other.
“I love you so much,” he mouthed, knowing he didn’t need to use any sound, his eyes completely focused on her and nothing else.
Taichi saw her, whether it were their similarities or complete differences. Sora’s lips curled up into a relieved smile and shook her head no, thinking about one more difference left. Something about them.   
“I love you more~”
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Snow in August - Happy (belated) Odaiba Day!
Also @digiweek Day 7 - Free Day Fieldtrip (I hate that I missed it and I really wanted to contribute at least something)
Lately, the entirety of Digimon isn't getting me excited the way it used to do. Even the new 02 movie's sneak peek didn't get me that hyped the way I saw others were and it made me incredibly sad and to a certain point even left out...
It truly bothers me, because I do miss the fandom, the community and interactions. So, being on vacation as we speak, I sat down in the car on the passenger's seat, on my way to Austria towards my beloved mountains, surrounded by the beauty of Germany's Black Woods, to think of what exactly brought me back to the Digimon-hype a little over one and a half year ago.
I found it was fanfiction that eventually led me to the reboot. So on this 1st (2nd... I'm a day late, blame writers block) of August, Odaiba Memorial Day, while I initially had different plans and ideas, I found myself writing the following.
A careful try getting out of my Digimon-block with a short little thing. Enjoy~
Digiweek Day 7 - Free day | Characters: Taichi Yagami (vague mentions of the others) | words: 579 | Setting: Digimon Adventure: 2020, Summer Camp in episode 3
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Pic + edit by me (Schwarzwald, Badener Höhe, Germany)
Snow in August
Looking around, all Taichi saw were rocky trails zigzagging their way up along trees. The goggles around his neck had been hanging there since this morning and though everything was new and unknown, a feeling of familiarity had struck him. It was all vague, but oddly familiar all the same. The goggles around his neck traveled up to his head, the glass reflecting the shimmers of light seeping through the green leaves, dashingly providing all that was there with light, love and liveliness. Including himself.
He had no idea where he was going, or why he was going. He only knew he was and that something inexplicable had pulled him towards here. It had ogled at him from a distance, lured him in without it feeling suspicious or scary. It was sheer excitement and curiosity that made him follow the unknown path, all the way up, over meandering paths paved with rocks and dirt. It was the adventure that had kicked in, the want and need to get more, go higher. Be courageous. He had something to fight for.
Once up that hill, still unclear of what had brought him here, unsure of what he had to find or see, he knew he had to wait. His peers often called him impatient, though he knew he was not. Especially at times like these he knew he had to wait. And so he would.
Maybe he was chosen, even though he was just a child. Just like he had been chosen to fall into that strange digital realm, meeting the yellow-orangy dinosaur, facing threats in there, accompanying the mysterious blonde boy… He had been destined to shake the hand of his bright newfound friend. They had been destined to literally trip and catch in front of his female teammate and friend.
They had all been coincidences, encounters by any chance, nothing was preconceived. It had been encounters for life, connection that were made, that were not easy to unbound. They were chosen to stay. The why, however, was a question he wasn’t been able to answer. It wasn’t complete just yet.
They weren’t complete.
Suddenly, chillness filled the air, the sun disappearing behind white clouds and a shadow crossed the valley where Summer Camp was held. Instead of it feeling like it was a threat, it was more of a welcoming change of weather.
Before he realized it, there were little crystals falling out of the sky. White dots flying and falling, not staying, just falling. Every normal kid would think it was strange, but this as well gave him that familiar feeling. A feeling of coming back home to a place, a moment in time, where he, for as far as he could remember, had never been before…
Slowly the snow continued to fall, whirling down to touch the still warm ground. It evaporated into thin air, leaving invisible damp traces fogging up his goggle’s glasses. Looking in those glasses, he saw colors; Orange and pink, green, blue, grey, red and purple and yellow. In the falling snow he saw silhouettes, one more clear than the other. Friends, known and unknown, objects, creatures, signature clothing pieces.
He wondered… He shook his head, trying to see clear again. To think and act or act, then think.
It was out of the ordinary, snow in August. But he knew, he felt, it had happened before, marking the beginning of adventure.
Taichi could do it -whatever that ‘it’ was- all over again.
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Lynn writes Digimon - 2022 Masterlist [in progress]
Sora Takenouchi appreciation week | March 20th - March 26th
[Endless soaring love | Day 1: Piyomon | Sora x Piyomon] [A flower's glow | Day 2: Flowers | Sora x Hikari] [From another mister | Day 3: Friends & family | Sora x Mimi] [Twinkling and blazing | Day 4: Love/Compassion | Sora x Miyako x Iori] [Does this tell you enough? | Day 5: Sports | Sora x Daisuke x Ken] [Rich, proud and purple | Day 6: Fashion | Sora x Haruhiko x Toshiko] [Silly boys | Day 7: Free day | Sora x Takeru x 01 boys]
x x x
Taichi Yagami appreciation week | May 15th - May 21st
[Little light | Day 1: Hikari & Agumon | Taichi x Hikari x Agumon] [Seven/eleven friends | Day 2: Friends | Taichi x Jyou] [Dream big | Day 3: Mentor | Taichi x OC!son, with mentions Susumu, Gennai and Daigo] [Privilege | Day 4: Goggles | Taichi x Yamato x Koushiro] [Before it falls | Day 5: Courage | Taichi x Daisuke] [Blurry vision | Day 6: Growing up | Taichi x Mimi]
x x x
Taiora 2022 monthly events | February - December 2022
[A loving reminder | February: Valentine's Day] [Blossoming hearts | April: Hanami] [Alive | May: Rainy month]
Taiora week 2022 | ???
In progress
x x x
Astrology headcanon birthday fics continuation | [x]
[Coffee for the soul | Sora Takenouchi - 21st of March] [... | Jyou Kido - 11th of May In progress]
x x x
Requests and other events
[Treasure | requested by Eve | Taiora x Koushiro x Yamato] [Snow in August | for Digiweek 2022 Day 7 and Odaiba Mermorial Day | POV: Taichi]
x x x
Sway with me - Taiora & Koukari multi chapter | [AO3] [FF.net]
Chapter 3: Just dance partners [AO3 / FF.net]
x x x
Here with you - multichapter, Taichi and Sora centered
Chapter 1: Prologue [In progress]
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Sora Takenouchi week 2022 Day 7 - Free day
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
A/N: One week late, but... I finished!
So this drabble is loosely based on that one promo art where the boys are all dressed in white suits and Taichi in the middle holding that little box... find it here. Anyway, here's my take on it ;)
Again, shout out to my boi @jamesthedigidestined for proof reading and making it even better <3 Also, a little artsy bonus at the end of the fic by my girl @seventeenlovesthree! :D
A big thanks to @sluggybasson107 for organizing the event. I hope you are well, Sluggy ^^ And thanks to all of you wonderfull readers! All the love for Sora :3
Day 7: Free day All the healing! | Characters: Takeru Takaishi, Sora Takenouchi, Koushiro Izumi, Taichi Yagami, Yamato Ishida, Jyou Kido | Wordcount: 1.037
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Silly boys
Takeru found her softly sobbing in the doorway when he arrived to pick her up. As he approached, she wondered aloud why out of everyone, it was him who had to see her like this. Why he was the one to check in on her.
“Because you are my nee-san,” He answered, even though she didn’t expect a reply. Sora looked at him confused. “Not really, of course, but you always felt like one.”
The smile that formed on Takeru’s lips made Sora carefully smile along. But just a discreet smile, since she was still pretty heartbroken.
Yesterday came the news that Sora and her boyfriend of almost five years had decided to breakup. Apparently they had mutually decided it, though it still came as a shock to most of the others. But Takeru had already seen it coming. He always had a special connection with the auburn haired girl. She truly felt like an older sister at times, hence why the breakup was just a matter of close observation and gut feeling.
Takeru also knew that next weekend would be an important Ikebana exhibition for Sora’s mother, and the whole group was invited. Naturally, Sora had also planned on bringing her boyfriend as her date, but this only further broke the redhead’s heart as she realized she’d be alone for the event.
Though she was strong, and after a full day of crying and eating ice cream with Mimi, Hikari and Miyako, Sora had straightened her back. It wasn’t a secret that Takeru admired Sora’s strength, but at times, especially these, he wished she was able to tell the people around her exactly what she wanted, no, needed them to do.
And he knew that what she needed was friends soothing her. And maybe a new date…
Takeru smirked to himself, increasing his pace and with it, dragging Sora along.
“Oi, Takeru-kun, why the hurry..?” She asked with a mixture of curiosity, tiredness, and annoyance in her voice.
“Because I’ve got to show you something.”
“But I’m not in the mood for anything. I just want to crawl up into my bed and—”
“Wow.” Takeru stopped suddenly, making Sora turn her head slightly in confusion. His hand held tightly to her wrist, the strong blue of his eyes grabbing the attention of her own copper orbs. “That’s not the Sora I know. I know you’re sad, disappointed, probably even angry, but you’ve got to trust me on this. Sora-san, do you? Do you trust me?”
A careful nod with a trembling lip said it all. He could see her swallow and it absolutely pained Takeru to see her look so sad and vulnerable. He flashed her his trademark grin and Sora finally let out a giggle, her puffy eyes beginning to shine as her red cheeks turned into a genuine smile. Even with the aftermath of her sorrow written on her features, Takeru was glad to see the old Sora was still there.
“I can see you have something in store for me.”
“That’s correct. Or… actually we. Anyway, so I take that as you trusting me, right? Good, because we’re almost there.” Takeru said as he started walking again, Sora’s hand in his, guiding her to the place where the surprise for his nee-san was waiting.
“Koushiro-kun’s office?”
Takeru nodded and brought Sora with him into the building, guiding her to the front door of the office. Silently, Takeru slid open the door that divided the pair from the office, and by extension, Sora’s surprise. Holding Sora’s hands in his own, his fingers brushing over her wrist, he could feel her heart pulsating like mad. It was an excitement he was happy to feel, knowing that Sora’s heart wasn’t truly broken just yet. Besides, Takeru knew that this would help with healing the heart that cared so deeply for him and their friends.
In the middle of the office was Koushiro, accompanied by Taichi, Yamato and Jyou. Genuine smiles on their faces, their bodies clad in kimonos that Sora herself had designed for the boys during one of her school assignments. Each of the boys had a flower in their hands, the same ones that Sora had used in her favorite Ikebana piece. Remembering how Koushiro and Jyou had done their utmost best to discover what flowers she had used was a great memory to him. It reminded him of the yellow flower he had been carrying with him the entire time.
“I couldn’t wear mine, since that would spoil the surprise,” Takeru said as he stepped forward and away from Sora, turning around so he could take his place between the boys with a wide grin on his face. He pulled out the yellow flower he had been carrying with him. “But I do have my flower.”
He looked at Sora, who was already tearing up. This time not from her broken heart, but because of her heart mending slightly with every piece of the sight she took in. She put her hand in front of her mouth when Taichi pulled out a small little box with chocolates, gasping a little since Taichi looked like he was about to pop another kind of question. Instead, Taichi hit Yamato with his elbow, beckoning him to step forward as well.
Sora’s emotions went from tearing up, to a flushed face, to an almost anxious one, unaware of what was about to come next. Takeru could see her swallow, and soon after an already small smile formed on her lips, copper eyes twinkling from both tears and excitement. And he thought to himself how much his nee-san deserved this little piece of all of them.
Yamato scraped his throat, making Sora’s heart visibly skip a beat.
“Please, give us the pleasure to be your date next weekend.”
It was for the first time since the breakup that Sora truly and genuinely laughed. Sora’s feet glided across the floor to the boys as fast as they could carry her, nodding fiercely and falling into their arms for a warm group hug. Tears of pure joy streamed down her face.
“We love you, Sora.” Taichi concluded for all of them.
“Silly boys,” Sora sniffed, “I love you too.”
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Alive | Taiora fanfiction for 2022 May - Rainy month
Loosely based on Selah Sue's Alive. Written for Taiora Year 2022 May prompt 'Rainy month' after a sudden spark of inspiration last week.
Also, no romantic!Taiora! But anything can happen right after this story. I leave that hope to you ;) Last thing: what's Kizuna?
Content warning: A few little bits of light swears, implied depressive feelings (and a high building..............)
[Read on AO3 and FF.net.]
Taiora year 2022 - May: Rainy month | Genre: Friendship, Angst | Wordcount: 2.762 | Rating: T(+) | Characters: Sora Takenouchi, Taichi Yagami, brief appearances of most other DigiDestineds and Piyomon and Agumon
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From inside the train, the young copper-eyed woman looked at the scenery quickly passing by. She counted the trees, saw how the sky line changed more and more with every moving mile. Her eyes traced the raindrops on the train’s window glasses, sliding down from top to bottom until finding the ground. A bolt of lightning could be seen in the distance and a jolt traveled her body as a reaction to the flashy spectacle miles away.
Rain. Coldness. The rummaging sounds of the thunder nearing. One would say it was depressing.
But not Sora.
She loved thundershowers.
A small smile made its appearance, her eyes now shifting from the window to the phone in her hand. She scanned through her messages, her thumb brushing the screen looking for the words she had been reading over and over again when she was still back in Kyoto.
He had some nerve, Sora thought to herself. Her fingers unintentionally tightened their grip around the phone as sudden frustration seeped through her body’s veins. She tried to think back to the last time she had seen him or properly talked to him. Just the two of them. Him and her.
There had been a time where that was the most natural thing in the world. They had known each other inside out, or at least, that was what she had always thought. By now she wondered though whether she had actually really known him.
Sora closed her eyes and exhaled, the tension in her hand loosening.
“Sora, we’re here.” Piyomon said to which Sora’s eyes opened again, her head turning towards the pink bird. The grimace she was carrying immediately softened. “Are you okay?”
Her partner was smart though and looked right through it. Was she okay? Sora wasn’t sure.
“I’m fine,” she smiled anyway and passed Piyomon, her feet making her move to the exit of the train and the pink bird only able to simply follow. A bit later the two of them walked through the pouring rain, on their way to their destination.
It was a mostly quiet walk, rather slow but undoubtedly determined. Her feet effortlessly guided them to where they were heading to, Sora was that familiar with this city. She had wandered through them uncountable times for a thousand different reasons and more. Alone or together. She loved these streets, even when rainy season was early like this year.
For the sake of feeling the water running down the sky, she stuck out her hand from under the umbrella shielding herself and Piyomon from the said water. The caught raindrops Sora took back into the shield, closely observing them as if she was looking for something. She shook her hand and rubbed it against her coat to dry her skin again, with that looking down.
In the reflections of the puddles decorating the stones paving the Tokyo streets, the rain only providing more and more water, Sora saw all the things she’d once experienced in these streets. Tokyo was like a memory lane and he sure was occupying lots of houses down the lane. He lived in all of those houses. And as much as Sora didn’t want to admit, he did live in her head and heart as well.
Sora was very much aware of the fact that this guy was very hard to let go. And it wasn’t him, it was all her.
Her feet eventually stopped in front of the apartment building she was expected at, her eyes immediately catching the blonde figure who was leaning against the wall. In his hand he was twirling around an old musical relic. One she hadn’t seen in so many years, but still remembered vividly, the sound of the so familiar harmonica bringing back even more memories, both fond and melancholic.
“Hey Sora,” Yamato smiled, pushing himself off of the wall while approaching her. Sora smiled back and stepped forwards while letting down her umbrella, stepping under the shelter Yamato was under. The two met each other in a friendly embrace.
“Yamato, how’s he?” She asked after letting go.
“He thinks it’s his fault. Again. Does that tell you enough?” Sora slowly nodded, a little sigh escaping her. “You have to see it for yourself though. Come on, let’s get you up there.”
Together with Piyomon, Sora followed Yamato inside to the 7th floor of the building, the sound of the rain on the steel balustrade of the gallery present the whole way. She knew these hallways and galleries all too well too, the entrance of this apartment one way too familiar. As was the nameplate with the name “Yagami” written on it. It looked the same for as long as Sora could remember.
The door was open, the house symbolically welcoming her in after years. It had never been her own home, but it certainly felt like that. Respectfully she took off her shoes and placed her umbrella in the holder. Her slightly damp coat she hung over Yamato’s, seeing there was no free spot left, telling her there were probably a lot of people already here.
And they had all tried.
With Piyomon already reunited with her Digimon buddies, Sora made her way to the living room area. She saw how her old friends were all scattered across the room. Sitting down on the sofa, chairs, arm rests or the carpet. Standing, leaning against the wall or staring outside through the closed glass sliding door that led to the balcony.
“Sora-kun, you’re here.”
Jyou was the first one to notice Sora’s quiet entrance, greeting her by looking up from his spot on the couch, carefully waving at her.
Hikari was the next one to verbally greet Sora, calling out for her for both Mimi and herself. Together with the honey-haired girl, Hikari stood up from her spot on the couch next to Jyou, getting to Sora as fast as they could. The two girls wrapped Sora into their embraces, their warmth penetrating Sora’s own skin and for a good minute, happiness overwhelmed Sora. It had been a while since she last saw all of them. Especially all together.
“It’s good to see you, Sora-san,” came Takeru’s voice. While Hikari stepped aside to give Takeru some space, Mimi clinged to Sora, taking in all the affection she could get out of the girl. On Sora’s other shoulder was enough space for Takeru to place a soothing hand on. “How are you?”
“I’m doing okay, thank you for asking,” she answered Takeru before her eyes darted around the room. “Where is he? Taichi.” She said to no one in particular.
“Up on the roof.”
The maroon headed man turned around in his place at the window to look Sora straight in the eyes. Even though Koushiro’s voice sounded almost stern and factually, Sora could see the worry and desperation in his dark eyes, the tone in his voice giving her hints as well. They had been friends for so long, she knew him, could read between the lines.
“I-in the rain? The pouring rain?!”
Koushiro traveled across the room, his head nodding in response to Sora’s questions. On his way, he swiftly brushed Hikari’s shoulder to calm her down a bit more. “Unfortunately…” He said as Mimi stepped aside now as well to get to a worried Hikari, giving the two redheads space for a brief hug. “We all tried to talk to him—”
“But with no success yet,” interrupted a voice Sora recognized as Daisuke’s, finishing Koushiro’s sentence. Usually, his voice was more uplifting and enthusiastic, but this time it sounded frustrated and maybe even defeated. Sora turned around to find Daisuke in the opening of the door, taking off his raincoat.
Taichi was a lost cause, Sora concluded to herself, and she was here to try to mend the pieces back together. She was fully aware of how Taichi could be or become, his depressive and angsty mood swings not something unknown to any of them.
“I’m glad you could come, Sora.”
This time the voice came from beneath her and so she looked down to see a small yellow dinosaur standing next to her. She could imagine being Taichi’s partner wasn’t always easy, though, Agumon often brought up the best in him. Today, however, it seemed like even Agumon couldn’t cheer him up.
“I think Taichi needs you.” Agumon told Sora.
From behind her she could hear confirmative sounds, both from the Digimon as from their human partners. A short encouraging touch of Koushiro’s hand on her shoulder and a silent nod from Yamato was enough for Sora.
She nodded to Agumon and the others, then made her way up to the roof. Umbrella in hand.
Sora found him standing there, with his back facing her, close to the edge, probably looking over the slowly flooding streets. He wasn’t wearing a coat or whatsoever, nothing to shield him except for his normal clothes. By now, his significant messy brown bush of hair was fully flat and down, the rain heavy enough for his to finally lose to gravity. Sora wondered how long he had been standing there.
“Taichi…?” She carefully started.
When no sound came back she slowly began approaching him. Step by step, the wet stones underneath her shoes crunching, warning Taichi someone was coming. Sora knew that he knew.
Her mind raced, trying to find the right words. She couldn’t be too vague.
“There was nothing you could do for that boy,” Sora said, immediately regretting it, worrying whether it was too direct or not. But then again, there’s wasn’t a way back anymore. She thought about the things she had heard over phone when they asked her to come to Tokyo as fast as possible. “It was his own choice to chase that dangerous Digimon.”
There had been a Digimon that appeared in the streets of Tokyo. Of course Taichi and Yamato had rushed to the scene with Koushiro in their ears. During the fight, Taichi was in charge of evacuating the people in the neighborhood, however, apparently one very adventurous boy had slipped his sight and went straight into the action, holding up his cell phone to record the whole fighting scene between Garurumon and the other Digimon, assumably to upload on the internet later. The boy got hit and was brought to the hospital, currently being in critical danger.
“I’m certain you, Yamato and Koushiro made the right decisions. You really couldn’t have done it any better.” Sora once again continued after not receiving any response from Taichi. But even now he kept quiet, his back still turned towards her. Her feet still carried Sora towards him though. “Taichi, please… Talk to me…?”
“Shouldn’t you be in Kyoto?”
Sora stopped walking, taken aback by Taichi’s words sounding so passively aggressive. He looked over his shoulder, his eyes not directly making contact with Sora’s. She could feel how, similarly to the way her hand had tightened around her phone back in the train, it now tightened around the grip of her umbrella.
“Yes. But I’m here now, right? I came here for you,”
“Well, you’re too late now!” Taichi snapped, turning around. His brown eyes pierced through her own eyes and Sora sharply gasped, taking the verbal hit from her childhood friend. “That boy is fourteen and he’s in the hospital now fighting for his fucking life! I could have saved him, Sora, I—”
“No, Taichi!” Sora’s impulses took over, screaming at him in ways she was only capable of doing so when directed at him. “Damn it. You can’t protect everyone! You have to understand that! And you can’t let yourself become depressive after every fight you fight, whether it’s with or without Digimon! Sometimes you have to take your losses and let it go!”
“Then why are you here Sora?! Tell me, weren’t you the one who decided to let go? Huh? Who decided to move to your dad in Kyoto to change study direction? To leave all of us here fighting for our lives?!”
Sora’s jaw dropped from disbelieve. “Taichi, that’s so unreasonable, I—”
“You were the one who decided to leave me.”
She was going to tell him how he dared to say things like that. How she had been so mad with him when he moved to his own little condo basically right after high school. How disappointed she was every single time he didn’t text or call her back. Of course she knew how busy he was and obviously she was busy with making life decisions herself, but she needed her friend. The one she had been friends with for better or worse.
She had been annoyed with him for slowly forgetting her. She absolutely despised herself for giving him the space to fade away from her life, faster than she wanted. And she had been downright outraged with the fact that she had left Tokyo without telling him a thing. Because she thought he didn’t care. Or in the hope he did care, enough to let him make the step to message her.
That message never came. And Sora regretted it, now more than ever.
“Yeah…” Taichi huffed and turned back around to face the building’s height again.
Instead of swallowing it away, tears started to stream down her face. Her eyes were the rainclouds that made it rain, her cheeks the canvas for the drops of salty water to paint on. She lowered her umbrella, her hand loosening, resulting in the umbrella finding the ground, the rain now having free game to soak her clothes just like Taichi was soaking wet. Sora wondered whether he had been crying too and that she just wasn’t able to see it due to the rain mixing with his tears.
The rain had washed it all away.
The rain.
“There’s a reason I love the rain so much.” With her body and voice calmed down, Sora spoke. “Even now that we’re standing here together like this.” She said as she stepped closer and closer to him with every word.
“You do?” She could hear Taichi quietly say, his head turning a mere millimeter.
“Mmhm. Do you remember how we used to play soccer in the rain and how we somehow always ended up here? Laughing, making stupid jokes? I’ve never told you, but I really needed those little moments.”
Sora looked at his wet face revealing itself to her bit by little bit. Every word, every second was worth another inch. Simultaneously, Sora kept making baby steps, until she was right next to him. She didn’t look at him, her eyes finding peace with the rainy skyline of Odaiba.
“You were my escape, Taichi,” the corners of her lips slightly curled up. “On my way from Kyoto to Tokyo, I kept wondering why I let myself be persuaded to come here. You know why?”
“Because I’m being a drama queen baby who needed his mother?” Taichi said looking down to which Sora giggled. Her eyes found his again as she playfully punched Taichi in his arm.
“No, baka, because I needed an escape. And there’s only one place to go for an escape and that’s my home. Which is right here,” Sora said looking at him, “in the pouring rain,” she said looking up, “on top of this…” she said stepping forward looking down over the edge, “… very high roof, holy shit…”
Taichi smiled. “A swearing Sora Takenouchi, who thought— Look out!”
Fascinated by the height, Sora had taken one step forward too much, almost tripping over her own feet. However, she safely landed in Taichi’s arms.
“Oi, Taichi, thank you…!”
Just sheer seconds felt like eternity. Sora’s eyes met his hovering over her, her heart skipped a beat or two. With him above her, it felt like the rain had stopped for a little while, of course it had.
“If I can’t protect everyone, then at least let me protect you.” He grinned.
Taichi was like a home. The walls to keep her safe and protected. The roof to shield her from any storm. Sora bit her lip, the blush that was forming on her face one she was unable to hide.
“Such a cheese,” she teased him as he brought her back on her two feet again. With her hand she went through his wet hair after brushing the skin of his overly hydrated cheek. “How do you feel now?”
“Cold,” Taichi said while following Sora back to the staircase, taking the hand she was holding out for him. “But alive.”
You stay alive in the cold in the rain. - Alive by Selah Sue
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Happy headcanon (belated) birthday! | Sora Takenouchi 21/03/1988
And I'm two weeks late, but hey, I celebrated this girls' birthday by writing for her for a full week long! However, she deserves a proper birthday gift since the 21st of March was fierce Aries-babe Sora's birthday regarding my Astrology headcanons.
As always, I used the tropes that fit Sora's big three (that are pure headcanon!) according to @earlgreymon's build your own story through Astrology post. I had to look up what a soulmate mark is, but I'm hooked now hehe
Also, I needed a little bit of Taiora in my life, so I made it Taichi x Sora. Aaaaand since it's April and April's theme for the Taiora 2022 year event hosted by @taioraworld is Hanami and everything sakura/cherry blossoms, I tried to put that into the drabble as well and I might be writing a second and third piece this month as a little series <3
Happy belated birthday to my Sora dear. To all of your readers: happy readings! :3
Part 1 (Koushiro) Match | Part 2 (Taichi) Not so unrequited | Part 3 (Takeru) Getting to know you
Genre: Fate in a coffee shop? Or like a romantic fire igniting... | AU setting: Coffee shop (Taurus Moon) | Tropes/prompt: Soulmate mark (Cancer Rising) | Wordcount: 949 | Rating: K+ | Characters: Sora Takenouchi & Taichi Yagami
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Edit by @earlgreymon
Coffee for the soul
The first rays of the spring’s sun were slowly bursting through, signs of the cherry blossoms colored the trees in soft pink and white tones. A chilly spring breeze flooded the streets and with it a lot of people who came outside of their little homes to enjoy the shining sun and blue skies. And who could blame them after such a depressing winter?
Fortunately for Sora, on Friday afternoons, she had always find a reason to go for a walk after classes were over. Even in times of depressing winters.
Tanned skin.
She smiled to herself as she walked the streets she was so familiar with. In sight was the little coffee shop she loved so much and for yet unknown reasons she always found herself going there.
Some times she would meet her friends, other times she would go there to study. To read about flowers and designs, to doodle fresh inspiration, turning it into sketches of new patterns for clothing pieces. At rare times she brought her laptop to watch a series with a good cup of tea.
Today, however, she decided to bring nothing but herself. The spring breeze carrying her body to the place she wanted to be.
Toned legs.
An old school bell rang as Sora opened the door to the little coffee shop. Immediately the smell of freshly made coffee entered her nostrils. Even though she didn’t like the taste of coffee, the smell made her reminisce the times at her parental house with her dad. How she would sit on the ground, leaning against her father’s legs while he was drinking his coffee and telling her little made up fairy tales about princesses who wanted to play football instead of becoming a queen.
The good old times was what came to her mind first, but this little spot was a very close second. Sora also loved the people being and working here. The regular guests she was able to personally greet and the personnel that greeted her back as well.
Messy hair.
Sora smiled to herself, recognizing the faces and taking in all the details. Soon after she arrived at the register to place her usual order.
“Hi can I have—”
“A chai tea latte?” The guy behind the register finished for her as she took a bit too long. Sora nodded and smiled, a soft warmth creeping up her cheeks. “Alright, coming right up.”
She recognized this guy but didn’t know him all the same. It was always a strange interaction, yet it felt natural and… destined? She hadn’t figured out why yet, but she had never dared to look him in the eyes. But she saw him, watched him flashing that lopsided grin of his every time she placed her order.
Goofy smile.
“To-go today? It seems rather sunny outside and you strike me like a girl that needs to be amidst the other flowers,” he winked at her.
Other flowers? Was he flirting? Sora wasn’t sure, but she was flattered to say the least. The warmth that rose to her cheeks now turned into a visible shade of pink complimenting her expression. She swallowed first, then decided to respond to his question with a nod.
“Seems like I guessed you right then,” he said while working on her drink. With the machine doing its work, he turned around to grab a cup to-go for her, from his pocket he took a marker. “May I ask what name I can write down on the cup?”
“So Sora, huh? As in the sky? I was right about you belonging outside with the flowers, they do need bright skies like you.”
Sora giggled before biting her lip. Trying to calm down her beating heart, she looked at the guy’s hands writing down her name on the cup.
Gentle hands.
Her eyes drifted from his hands over his lower arm, slowly traveling to give her some time before meeting his eyes. But Sora’s eyes never made it to his face, stopping at a scar on his right elbow. It wasn’t a particular big one, the shape though was a very interesting one to her as it looked like a perfect semicircle.
“Ah, don’t worry,” he eventually said as he caught her staring at it intensely, “it’s just a little scar I got after I fell on my elbow. If I recall correctly, it was during a football match against another elementary school in the region and there was a girl who I collapsed with. I think she fell on her elbow too— actually, I think she had the same hair color as you do.”
Shared scar.
It was then that it hit her that she not only shared the same scar with this guy on the exact same elbow in the exact same form, but that it had actually happened at the exact same time. And she was sure she shared a connection with him.
Without any further thinking, her eyes shot up to finally meet his. The weird feeling of meeting an old friend struck her, just like little pieces of what could be flashed in front of her.
Deep brown eyes.
“Can—Will you— May I…” Sora stuttered, her face turning as red as cherries. She knew what she wanted to say, but she couldn’t get it out.
“I’d love to see the cherry blossoms with you,” the guy with the tanned skin, toned legs, messy hair, goofy smile, gentle hands, shared scar and deep brown eyes responded to her unsaid question, guessing it like they shared the same mind. Answering as if he knew exactly what her heart wanted.
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Sora Takenouchi week 2022 Day 1 - Piyomon
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A/N: Happy Sora Takenouchi appreciation week 2022! @soratakenouchiweek
I'm living a very busy life at the moment and I kinda wanted to skip this week, but... How can I skip my favorite girl's first appreciation week? So here I am, writing a little collection of sweet little Sora-centered friendship drabbles (no shipping this week!), through the eyes of the important people in her life. Not sure yet if I will complete it in time, but I'm outlining and I'm getting there <3
For this first drabble, you can first read this Valentine's one-shot I wrote in February, but it's not required.
Happy readings! And I truly hope all of you beautiful souls are doing great :3
P.s. I'm also back with more stock photos :D
Day 1: Piyomon | Characters: Sora Takenouchi, Piyomon | Wordcount: 294
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Endless soaring love
Sora looked up from the new collection she was designing, her expression one that spoke volumes. Volumes about all the adventures together in the Digital Worlds, about all the past times she had shared with her, good ones and bad ones.
Wings flapping interrupted any more thoughts, brining Sora’s focus back to reality. Her eyes scanned the room, looking for the one she desired to be here. With her. Though she knew she wouldn’t come back. At least not anytime soon.
And so like many more had probably done in the past, a tear rolled down her face, hitting the corner of her curled up lips. Of course she could be sad forever, mourning over the loss of her feathery friend, but why would she if she had a little pink reminder that had been landing on her shoulder at the exact right moment?
“Sometimes I think I can still hear her,” Sora said to the little bird on her shoulder, the tiny friend not able to talk back. She smiled and rubbed it’s small head.
“But you can still hear me.”
Piyomon could feel her own head being scratched as Sora’s fingers danced across the small bird’s head. She smiled to herself, looking down at the Chosen she cared for and adored so much.
She might have dissolved into floating and invisible data when she separated from Sora and vanished, but Piyomon had made sure to always stay at her Sora’s side. After all, they were meant to be partners till the very end of time. And so, every once in a while, she called her partner’s name, hoping Sora would in one way or another fly back to all their shared moments and emotions, satisfied and filled with endless soaring love.
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Sora Takenouchiweek 2022 Day 5 - Sports
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A/N: One day late, life is busy (: This drabble is not me projecting my own random fanaticism during any kind of sport ssshhhhh ALL THE DAIORA <3 (they're my guilty pleasure heh)
Day 5: Sports | Characters: Daisuke Motomiya, Ken Ichijouji, Sora Takenouchi (Taichi Yagami mentioned) | Wordcount: 662
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Does this tell you enough?
I can’t make it, I’m sorry… But you should ask Sora!
It was a mixture of disappointment and sheer confusion when Taichi told him he couldn’t make it to the soccer match, immediately followed by the suggestion to ask Sora instead. Of course Daisuke was aware of Sora’s history with the sport, especially the history Taichi and Sora had shared in their elementary school days, but he thought her love for soccer was long gone.
Together with Ken, he waited for Sora outside the stadium. He raised his eyebrow when he saw her approaching in neat pants and a flowy blouse, looking all business and not casual and ready for a match at all. For a minute, Daisuke wondered whether she was ‘pulling a Mimi’.
“Sorry, I came straight from a meeting and I hadn’t had the time to change—Oh, wait, I gotta take this. Hello?”
Sora turned her back to Daisuke and Ken, the rest of the phone call not audible for the boys. Or not interesting enough for Daisuke to be aware of the words said, he wasn’t sure. Eventually, the three of them together walked into the stadium with Ken being the gentleman scoring them some drinks while Daisuke and Sora went on their way to their seats. Once there, Sora immediately pulled out her phone again.
“Busy day at work?” Daisuke asked, sounding as politely as possible, even though he was a bit annoyed.
“This new kimono collection will be my death, the other designers are grinding my gears and all I want is just to be left alone for a minute or two.” Sora said, mirroring Daisuke’s own annoyance. “My apologies, I’m not fun company like Taichi.”
She sounded genuine and so Daisuke decided to let it slip and enjoy the game. Still, he couldn’t help but think that soccer just wasn’t Sora’s interest anymore and she was just being polite agreeing to tagging along on Taichi’s behalf.
“Go left, you stupid idiots!!”
But boy, was he wrong, because five minutes in and the phone in Sora’s hand was just a mere accessory.
“Offside, offside!”
Her own cheering and yelling had taken over the constant beeping sound of her phone, resulting in Sora turning the thing off with a satisfied smile on her face.
“Dear God, that idiot of a ref has shit in his eyes or what? Even my mother would have seen that.”
The expressions on her face changed rapidly, going from building excitement to sheer disappointment to straight-up rage and…
Ken and Daisuke looked at Sora, pure amusement filling their own expressions, loving how she was letting go all kinds of restraints. It was at that, that Daisuke couldn’t hold himself back anymore either and together with Ken, he joined Sora in her cheering, sharing her joy and annoyances.
“I would have never guessed that she would be such a fanatic…,” Ken wondered out loud with a stunned grin on his face, watching Sora leave to grab them some drinks.
“Neither did I, but I have to admit, Sora-san really is fun!,” he laughed out loud, his thoughts replaying images of Sora’s fanaticism.
He grabbed his phone when he felt it vibrating in his pocket.
So tell me, how loud did she get during that first half?
Daisuke snickered at Taichi’s message, apparently, his senpai was being the only one knowing how much Sora still loved the game. He wasn’t sure though whether Taichi knew that she really loved it that much.
With three beers in hand, Sora came back with her hair up in a messy bun, her cheeks covered in the colors of the team they were cheering for and a new jumper with the back number of her favorite player over her blouse.
“I’m ready, how about you two?”
They all laughed out loud, Sora posing as Daisuke snapped a quick picture of her to send it to Taichi.
Does this tell you enough?
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Taichi Yagami week 2022 Day 3 - Mentor
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For context see this post here. Content warning: mentions of persons who have passed away
Day 3: Mentor | Characters: Taichi Yagami & Souta Yagami (mentions of Susumu Yagami, Gennai and Daigo Nishijima) | Wordcount: 503
'The map doesn't tell me where to go,' Little Dragon said. 'The journey isn't visible on any map' Big Panda said. 'You've got to find your own path.' - Page 40
Dream big
Taichi’s head turned to his son.
“What is it like to not have a dad anymore?”
The unexpected question struck him. Although, it wasn’t that suddenly taking how things had gone the past month. He was aware of the death of his own father, but he never thought about being fatherless because of it. Why though?
Images of himself passing away and leaving behind Souta flooded Taichi’s mind followed by a shiver along his spine. Of course his motherless son wanted to know what living without a father would be like, since a father as a parental figure was all he knew.
“Well… ehm…”
He thought about his old man, how his own father had guided and mentored him through life whenever he could. But in times that he couldn’t guide, Taichi was reminded by his own memories of the many other mentor-like figures he had.
His football coach telling him to run and attack.
Gennai explaining to him about the potential he had and could have.
Nishijima-sensei giving him the strength to dream big.
He remembered how the latter had already left him behind in the most agonizing way. Taichi had to bite his lip, swallowing away the forming lump in his throat as a single tear rolled down over his cheek to the floor below.
These mentors had all made him suffer in one way or another, including his own father. He could never pinpoint why they had done that, but looking at his son, looking at the father and mentor he had become, he could see now.
In the end he had to score the goal on his own.
In the end he had to find out where his potential lay and what it meant.
In the end he had to live his dream himself, because no one could do that for him.
Taichi nodded and laughed to himself, smiling through the pain, feeling how the hands on his shoulder encouraged him to continue and struggle, walk and run over the path he paved for himself.
“You know, Souta, I might not have a physical dad anymore, but I was lucky to have more than one.”
“You’ve got to figure that out yourself. But just remember, you will always take them with you in ways you can’t understand now.”
Souta cringed his eyebrows, tilting his head slightly just like a puppy who tried to understand life. “Just like mommy?”
Taichi softly smiled. “Yeah,” he nodded.
The bright smile on his son’s face was like the sun to Taichi. And through the rays of light he could not only see Rei, but also his own father. Or fathers. “Dad, I’ve got to keep dreaming big!” Souta exclaimed enthusiastically as he jumped on the couch, one hand above his eyes as if he was searching for that big dream in an imaginary distance. Taichi laughed with him, silently promising he would be the guide to his own son the way his handful of father-like figures had been mentors to him.
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Taichi Yagami week 2022 Day 2 - Friends
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For context see this post here.
Day 2: Friends | Characters: Taichi Yagami & Jyou Kido | Wordcount: 443
'What's more important,' Big Panda asked, 'the journey or the destination?' 'The company,' Little Dragon said. - Page 12
Seven/Eleven friends
“What did she say?”
“You’ve got to understand that it’s not always about what you are doing or where you are going, Yagami-san. It’s also about who’s helping you along the way and most importantly, it’s about you accepting that help.”
He let those words pass his racing mind over and over again.
“Eh, something with accepting help from people who have been reaching out to me all along I guess?”
“Do you think she was right?” Jyou asked him as he put on another bandage on the wounded Digimon. His words sounded soft, but Taichi knew he was digging in his own way.
Taichi shrugged.
With his hands in his pockets, Taichi walked a few steps, his eyes wandering, taking in the sight of the Digital World. The ground had taken him to countless of adventures, the river a guide to where they were heading to. Back when they were just kids fighting in the Digital World that was both unknown and familiar, everything had been so clear. The road, the destination. But now…
All the dragging from the past few years had made his vision foggy, as if everything was hazy in front of his eyes and in his mind. He couldn’t think straight and now that the therapy sessions were coming to an end, he knew he had to clear that vision very soon.
It sure wasn’t easy though. He sighed and directed his eyes to the ground, his head too heavy for his neck to carry.
“You know, Taichi-kun, it’s okay to let someone lend you a hand,” Jyou said, the hand on Taichi’s shoulder making his words even more powerful. “Besides, we’d all love to help.”
As he broke his stare and turned his head to look at Jyou, his beloved Digital World in the background, the fog in front of his eyes and in his head did slightly lift. He remembered how these grounds had not only carried him over paths filled with adventures, but also Jyou and all of the other ‘DigiDestineds’. This world gave him a sense of home, but it were the seven, or actually eleven, friends that made it worth it in the end.
“One day I’ll get there,” Taichi said nodding confidently while looking away in the distance. In the corner of his eyes, he could see Jyou turn his head as well, assumably in an attempt to see what Taichi was looking at.
“Get where?” Jyou questioned him, his trademark confusion audibly seeping through.
“I don’t know,” Taichi laughed, for the first time since long showing someone the Yagami grin he was known for. “That’s what I have friends for, right?”
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Taichi Yagami appreciation 2022 Day 6 - Growing up
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For context see this post here. A/N: *Another one* I tried to stay away from shipping during this 'week', but... I failed. I can't ignore them...
Day 6: Growing up | Characters: Taichi Yagami, Mimi Taichikawa (Taiora mention...) | Wordcount: 900
'Sometimes it storms in my head as well,' Little Dragon said. 'If you listen closely,' Big Panda said, 'you can hear the raindrops splash on the stones. Even in a storm you can find a little bit of peace.' - Page 52
Blurry vision
From his seat on the couch, Taichi listened intently to her words and tone. As a single father, he had learned how to be strict and clear towards his son when he was in need of it. But whenever they had bigger fights, Taichi wasn’t able to calm him down. Souta could stay mad at him for hours and hours after, sometimes even a day or two would pass.
Listening to the way Mimi was talking to her son, going from loud and strict to soft and gentle in what seemed like mere seconds, reminded him of how he often missed the force of a woman or mother in the life of his child. And in his life as well.
It wasn’t as if there never were any mother figures in his life, on the contrary, there had been enough. His own mother was a sweetheart, a fierce and passionate woman with a heart of gold. Even though her cooking skills weren’t always the best, she was always able to soothe him with something self-made. It wasn’t the food itself per se, more of the love of a protective mother. One he adored greatly.
He admired his younger sister who could easily step into the gaps his mother left whenever she couldn’t be there for him. Hikari was gentle, understanding, empathetic. She could make him sit down and think, reason with him, make him see life through different perspectives. With her, he found solace, a ground in between fires burning. And of course she could still offer all of that, but with her having her own life and family to take care of, she wasn’t always available.
He considered himself lucky when he found Rei. Not only could she reasons with their son, she could perfectly calm the storms in Taichi’s own head. He had often fought demons, ones that had scarred him or made him spin like a raging whirlwind. In times of those storms, it were her serene words, gentle touch and overall softness that could make him reflect and see what his own whirlwinds could wreak.
Rei understood him in ways he didn’t even understood himself.
She leveled his passions, ambitions and fires, while being the splashes of water that could keep the fire in control, preventing it from scorching its surroundings. She had made him grow into the man he was then and the man he was now.
He was incredibly grateful for her being in his life, but oh, how angry he was when she left him. Time would tell whether he was able to heal. Whether there would be someone else to fill the emptiness she had left.
Over time, it was an emptiness he had grown over, a gap he had bridged. But a storm in his head remained, making his vision blurry
His mother and Hikari had both tried to talk sense into him, saying he shouldn’t be looking for a replacement, another Rei to fill the voids. They had also always told him that beside them and Rei, there were other people, men, women, friends, colleagues, who had always been able to handle his darkness, who dragged him back up from pits and could take the thunder. And he knew they were there, he could look, but with blurred vision, due to heavy rainfall and grey clouds, it was hard to see.
Or maybe he was just afraid to admit it.
“You look like you’re in deep thought.”
Taichi looked up from his apparent trance. He shook his head as he followed Mimi with his gaze, flopping down on the couch beside him. She looked tired to him and he wondered if his mother, Hikari and Rei had looked as tired whenever they had tried and succeeded calming him down.
“It’s not easy to be a mother,” Mimi sighed, closing her eyes as she let her head fall back on top of the backrest of the couch, slouching further into the couch. Taichi laughed to himself, seeing Mimi in such a vulnerable state always made him appreciate her more.
“I think you did great anyway.”
He could see her opening one of her eyes to look at him. One corner of her mouth curled up, showing him a sly smile. “Is this Yagami Taichi admiring me? I like it.”
“Whatever,” he responded softly, mirroring the way she was seated.
For a little while they just sat there, staring at the ceiling. Comfortable silence surrounded the two.
“We could always tell it stormed under that big bushy hair of yours. It made it hard to read you, you know?” Mimi said, her eyes still glued to the ceiling. Taichi looked at her as she continued to talk. “There were only a few people who could get through those storms and let you at least experience some kind of peace.”
Taichi smiled softly. “You mean Rei?”
“Among others, yes. Maybe.” Mimi paused, her head turning to meet his eyes. “But who calms your storms now? Who enables you to listen to the raindrops in the middle of it all? Who’s your peace?”
He sat up right again, Mimi’s questions on loop trying to clear his vision. He didn’t know why, but he had always been looking for, or rather seeing a woman. A girl. A friend. A buddy.
A soulmate.
And in the end… it was never Rei.
“It’s Sora-san, isn’t it?”
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Taiora year 2022 | April - Hanami
A/N: Don't mind me posting this just on time/one day late :')
This is a follow up to part 1 (of 2, and this 'diptych' will be called 'Soul & Heart') which I wrote somewhere in April for Sora's belated headcanon birthday and for April's prompt 'Hanami' during Taiora year 2022 hosted by @taioraworld. So this fits the Hanami prompt as well! Sorry though I'm a bit late, hope youll have it anyway :3 Didn't proofread..!
Taiora year 2022 - April: Hanami | Genre: (blooming) Romance + Taichi-cheese | Wordcount: 783 | Rating: K+ | Characters: Taichi Yagami & Sora Takenouchi (Taiora)
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Blossoming hearts
His heart had made a little jump when she first entered the coffee shop he was working in. At first he didn’t know why. Sure, she was an absolute natural beauty to him, but it wasn’t a heart skip of love at first sight. It was more of an unfamiliar feeling of familiarity, without having any clue from what or where. His mind had tried to grasp it, but it always seemed to slip from him. What he did know was that his heart had some kind of connection with the heart of that auburn haired girl.
When he heard her stutter, trying to find the right words, it was his heart that automatically filled in the blanks for her. For them. As if he knew what her heart wanted. Responding to her unsaid question thinking like one mind.
“I’d love to see the cherry blossoms with you.”
It made him both grin and blush at that time. She had nodded so fast to his question back then, that she spilled some of the content in the cup. A chai tea latte. He had to offer her a napkin and his lopsided smile of charms and small victory crept up his face.
“I’m so sorry. I’m usually not like this,” she sweetly said to which Taichi had to laugh, waving it all away.
“It’s fine. I would have done the same. Actually, you seem like a woman of control, I’m usually the clumsy one.”
Those words had made the girl, whose name was Sora, smirk a little. Looking back at that moment, it did catch Taichi a bit off guard as she showed another side of her.
“Guess we’re already switching roles then, huh?”
It was a side of her he absolutely loved, especially because every time she adopted his little quirks, she got shy immediately after. Like a flower that took a bit of the sun as she bloomed, but then closed as soon as she felt caught taking in too much from others.
Sora had always been like a flower to Taichi. Like a beautiful blossom, pure and elegant, making every blue sky brighter. Making his heart blossom like the trees grew flowers every spring. Any cherry blossom would fade against her beauty.
His eyes were glued to her every move that first date. There was a feeling he could only describe as knowing he belonged with her. To her.
“Sakura is the flower of renewal,” Sora had started as they stood under one of the many trees, looking closely to the little pinkish flowers. Taichi was in awe of the knowledge she seemed to have, nodding to every word she said. “It’s about new beginnings and bright—”
“—bright futures that lie ahead of us.”
Sora’s cheeks had turned as pink as the blossoms. She giggled and bit her lip soon after, her attention shifting back to the trees. Wind blew through the branches, making leaves of the blossoms softly float away, just like it made the auburn locks of the girl move. The girl, however, stayed. Two feet on the ground, her eyes following the wind, her hand trying to catch some of fine nature.
Taichi inhaled. He was fully aware of the fact that going down on one knee, being only in his early twenties, on their first ever date after talking to each other for not even an hour in total yet was a very, very bad idea. He sensed that it wasn’t her style, just like it wasn’t his either, but somewhere deep down he knew that she would take it anyway.
He didn’t do it that day. His eyes were seeing Sora from the inside and out, his senses heightened around her in between those cherry blossom trees, observing her in every way possible, taking it all in. He followed her. Right until he knew her through and through.
Right until this very day.
“It has been five years since that certain day and Sora, my soulmate, you have no idea how much you’ve changed my life. You make my heart blossom and my soul shine in ways I could never held possible. Watching these trees filled with flowers, the ones we’re standing under and in between right now, every year… Man, I truly hope I will be able to do just that year in and out.”
In her eyes and tears he could see the blossoms float by, hinting at that bright future that was so close he could taste it. See it. Touch it. Feel it.
“Together, forever connected as yours and yours alone.”
“I thought we would have a more traditional wedding, baka,” she whispered, smiling through her tears.
“I do.”
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Sora Takenouchi week 2022 Day 6 - Fashion
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A/N: Woops, two days late... Enjoy anyway :3
Big shout out to my friends @seventeenlovesthree and @jamesthedigidestined who helped me writing the bits <333 COLLAB
@soratakenouchiweek Day 6: Fashion | Characters: Haruhiko Takenouchi, Toshiko Takenouchi, Sora Takenouchi | Wordcount: 780
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Rich, proud and purple
It was the Friday before the big Ikebana exposition that weekend and on the bed laid a hundred kimonos. Okay, maybe not a hundred, but at least twenty. Or ten, he wasn’t sure. Defeated, he looked at his desperate wife who couldn’t make a decision on what to wear.
Haruhiko sighed.
“Toshiko, just take a pick.”
“But you have no idea, Haruhiko! It has to be perfect, besides, it has to fit the pieces exposed, especially the grand collaboration piece by my top students,” Toshiko answered rather stressed.
Looking interested, Haruhiko looked over the kimonos on the bed. “I like the deep purple one, I always liked that color on you,” he told her while placing his hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.
He should have known though that that wasn’t how Toshiko worked after listening to her response saying that purple wouldn’t fit the flowers.
“Then don’t pick the purple one.” Haruhiko shrugged his shoulders, giving up.
“I won’t! But then what should I pick…”
His eyes scanned the kimonos on the bed once more, then scanned his wife up and down, but nothing came to mind. Except for one thing.
Out of his pocket appeared his phone, his thumb quickly going to his contacts, scrolling through the names and stopping at one name in particular. Haruhiko smiled to himself, pressing the video call button.
“Sora, honey, how are you?”
“I’m kinda worried now that you call. Especially a video call…”
Haruhiko laughed, him video calling his daughter being something he rarely did, unless there was something going on. And because desperate times asked for desperate measures…
“Your mom can’t decide which one of her thousand kimonos she wants to wear—”
“I only have twenty-three!” Toshiko interrupted, making both Haruhiko and Sora snicker.
“Fine, she can’t decide which one of her twenty-three kimonos she wants to wear, minus the purple one, because according to great Ikebana master, it doesn’t fit the flowers” he corrected himself, making Sora giggle a bit harder. Toshiko shot him a signature annoyed eye rolling look.
“Is she rolling her eyes at you right now?” Sora asked loud enough for her mother to hear, indirectly teasing her through the phone.
“I heard that you two…”
Haruhiko laughed a little more with his daughter before bringing his phone and thus Sora to the scene. Because he knew that there was only one person in the whole wide world who could help his wife.
“There are multiple ways to pick your kimono. One would be… think about what the most common color theme of the flowers will be and pick the complementary color to it. When the theme’s red, you pick the green kimono. When the theme’s blue, you go for the orange one and when most flowers are leaning more towards yellow, you pick the purple kimono.”
“But can’t she just pick the purple kimono at all?” Haruhiko asked, genuinely interested in his daughter’s explanations.
“Because you like it on her? Dad, you’re such a cheese,” came Sora’s voice to which he shrugged his shoulders. Toshiko was holding two different kimono’s in the air, holding them in front of her one after the other, looking at herself in the mirror.
“However,” Sora continued, “to be honest, it’s best to just trust your gut. Like you do with Ikebana, mom.” Haruhiko was seeing a frown form on Toshiko’s lips, knowing this wasn’t her usual way of thinking. “Look at yourself as an Ikebana piece, and then put together all of the pieces you think work best together. Try to add on to the story with yourself. If you do that, then everything will come together."
Toshiko nodded, her expression softening with every word Sora was saying.
“And she will look absolutely lovely?” Haruhiko asked, a light blush on his face.
“For sure,” Sora smiled, before she rushed, “I’ve got to go now though. Mom I love you and you’ve got this! And if you have a hard time trusting your gut, listen to dad, because purple really does look good on you.” She winked before pressing the call off.
It were those last lines that made Toshiko relax, her fingers running over the purple kimono with a satisfied smile shaping her lips. It made Haruhiko relax as well, not only because his wife had begun to settle down, but seeing how his wife and daughter had found a better understanding of each other and their different ways of thinking over the years.
And Haruhiko felt rich looking at his wife, proud thinking back to what they had brought into the world together, having been gifted such a beautiful and talented daughter like Sora.
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