#Dimitri is focused on the bunny
squeaky-potat · 1 year
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Sooooo… this lil brain worm of a drawing 🐛 came from three things :
#1. 2023 being the year of the rabbit 🎆
#2. This fic, where Dimitri talks about wanting a rabbit 🐇
#3. It’s cold AF outside. ❄️
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hyperfixatinator · 3 years
Animaniacs/Sly Cooper AU Ideas
So I decided to join the bandwagon of Animaniacs AUs and came up with some ideas last night instead of sleeping. I'll happily hear your suggestions if you're interested, but since sideblogs can't reply to asks , I'd rather they be in the notes or directly messaged (Although, I'll still try to answer asks, but I'd have to type them out word-for-word).
Sly Cooper = Yakko (Sneaky, smooth talking leader of the group who'll fight to the end for them)
Bentley = Dot (Not nearly as cowardly as Bentley was at the start of the game, but is very smart and shares his sarcastic commentary)
Murray = Wakko (The most innocently minded and physical of the trio, and is hongry.)
Carmelita = Max (Might not be as forceful, but he's definitely more responsible than the Warners. He might take a while to warm up to Yakko)
Penelope = Webby (I can definitely imagine Webby swordfighting pirates on the mast of a ship, and I can't imagine anyone else to pair with Dot)
Guru = Dr. Scratchnsniff (Maybe a stretch, but his job focuses on the mind, and Wakko seems to like him enough to take mentoring from)
Dimitri = Daffy Duck (They both got that eccentric style, it's perfect)
Contessa = Norita (She just has that menacing vibe, and she seems like the kind of person to perform tests on her prisoners)
Clockwerk = Salazar (Big serious baddy that killed the Warners' family)
Those are the ones I have so far. Still trying to figure out how Pinky and the Brain, Bugs Bunny, Heloise Nurse, Plots, and other characters can be fit in (they can also be toons from other studios too). There are also some roles that need filling, like the Panda King, Neyla, etc.
I have some plot notes too, but this post is a bit long already, so I'll stop here and make a separate list. So, what do you all think so far?
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rachelbethhines · 7 years
The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 136
“Line of Succession Part 1″ - Line of Succession I - Sonic the Hedgehog #155 
To the surprise of no one, it’s revealed this issue that “Antoine”, a.k.a. Patch, was the one poisoning the King and most likely the General as well.  
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Meanwhile, it’s revealed that Sonic and Fiona are now in a relationship and Tails is jealous.  
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“Since when?” You may ask. After all weren’t they building up to a Bunnie/Sonic relationship all this time? Also why? Fiona just stated two issues ago that she still blamed Sonic for leaving her behind in Robotnik’s prison and thought he was selfish. And before you say “well Scourge charmed her”, we never actually saw the two of them together in issue 150; we’re just told through editor text boxes that he flirted with her. 
I give Bollers a lot of shit for his cliched and forced romances, but at least he bothered to establish those relationships first. However, Penders’ romantic drama is just pointless and thrown in here without any thought what so ever.  
(P.S. It’s still weird that Tails got upset over “Sonic” and Bunnie making out. I don’t know why the comic feels the need to bring that up again. It makes it look like Tails is in love with Sonic instead of Fiona) 
Anyways due to the King’s illness worsening, he cuts his world tour short and places Sally in charge permanently; on one condition that is.  
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This is the biggest criticism I see hurled at this story; Sally’s lack of agency. And to be fair I can see where they’re coming from. After all, if Max is too ill to lead then Sally would be placed in charge regardless of his blessing and once in charge she can do or not do whatever the hell she feels like. There’s no logical reason for her to be forced into an unwanted marriage. 
But abuse isn’t logical. 
That’s what we’re seeing here. This is what we’ve been leading up to since issue 59, way back when Max first revealed the Source of All.  Remember the Source told him that she would marry Antoine; it just failed to say which Antoine it would be. 
Basically, after all of the manipulation, lies, and emotional abuse over the years, Sally’s lost control over her life. Yes, she could logically tell her dad to fuck off and do what she wanted, but that wouldn’t be in line with her character thus far. And honestly breaking away from such relationships is rarely that easy.        
Now you could make the argument that Sally should never have been written into an abusive relationship begin with, or that after this story she should have made more of an effort to escape. Those are legitimate complaints. But within the context of the ongoing story, her behavior here does make sense.  
Of course this news doesn’t go over well with Bunnie. 
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Babe? So are you two dating or not? Since when did you ever call her “babe’? Did Penders forget that this is the real Sonic and not Scourge? 
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Turns out that Bunnie is still in love with Twan, once again to the surprise of no one. 
But enough of her feelings, which have been the primary focus of the “dark Antoine” arc up till now, lets focus on Sonic and his feelings instead. 
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Yeah, I’m not going to lie, I sometimes hate the fact that Sonic’s the main character of this series. He often steals panel time away from far more interesting characters. 
And no I’m not delusional or anything. I fully understand why he is the main character and that it’s something that’ll never ever change regardless of medium. But lets face it, Sonic is constantly surrounded by a unique and likable supporting cast that quite often gets the shaft in terms of story development. 
 Also, there’s this....
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Ummm...Sonic, Sally’s not beholden to tell you a damn thing. She broke up with you, remember? And regardless of my personal feelings about the slap, she has every right not to have you involved in her relationship decisions.All this talk about how she hurt you and how it’s all her fault only serves to make you look bad, not the other way around.  
Any hoo, Sonic is stopped at the gate by “Antoine” and they duke it out. 
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I love this scene. In fact there are a lot of little moments that I’ve cut due to time and their lack of plot reverence that I personally enjoy. If there’s one thing that this story does really well, it’s that it makes Patch a credible threat. He’s not only manipulative and conniving, but a physical force to be reckoned with. One that can and has taken on Sonic and won. 
In fact I would argue that Patch is the most effective villain in the entire comic. In that he’s the one to accomplish the most without deteriorating due to diminishing returns. Think about, Snively and Linda are enjoyable characters but they aren’t real threats, Robotnik/Eggman, Mammoth Mogul, and the like start of competent but slowly lose their effectiveness due to constantly losing, while characters such as Scourge, Fiona, and Jack Rabbit can be interesting but their goals are generally more petty and focused on one individual rather then bringing harm to everyone, and Dimitri, Gefforey, and Thrash are more anti-villains then anything.     
So that pretty much leaves who? Finitevus and the Iron Queen are pretty much the only other big bads to be serious threats to world but they don’t have the psychological edge that Patch does. Patch is both a villain who threatens the realm and one who personally harms and challenges our main heroes. But most importantly, he very nearly wins. I’ll get into it more next issue, but basically the only thing that stops him is the plot convenience fairy.     
Speaking of being a manipulative asshat, after his altercation with Sonic, Patch visits Sally. 
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Ooooh, he’s good; acting like he’s just as much a victim as her, reinforcing the same bullshit about “duty” that her father has ingrained into her since childhood, pretending to still be her childhood friend that she’s known and trusted for years. This conversation would be almost sweet if it wasn’t for the fact we know who he really is. It’s easy to see from this scene just how Patch managed to replace Antoine with little suspicion despite the obvious changes in behavior. He knows just when to drop the cold exterior to keep people guessing. 
The next morning, the King has gotten worse and Sally’s come to a decision.   
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You know it’s not explained very well about why Sally changed her mind. I’d like to think it’s a misguided attempt to honor her father’s dying wishes rather then “duty” or “obligation to the kingdom”. Especially since there is no real political, strategic, nor moral reason for her to marry anybody. The only reason this is a dilemma to begin with is because Max’s a jerk.      
So we therefore end this part of the arc on Sally’s and “Antoine’s” wedding, while Sonic rushes off to find a way to stop it. 
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I do like Sally’s internal monologue here as she tries to justify to herself this horrible mistake. Especially the part about how the real Antoine has a lot of good qualities that she does like. Just the other day @nuttyrabbit asked me how I think a real Sally/Antoine relationship would play out, particularly if they came together early in the comics run. And I honestly do think they would be good for each other if they got together naturally and didn’t have this predestination forced down their throats. And if, you know, Patch and/or the Source of All wasn’t a total dick manipulating events. 
The rest of the comic is a dumb and unimportant backstory for Ducly. Pay it no heed. 
Next time we’ll finally conclude the dark Antoine arc. However I make no promises as to when the next review will come out. I’m going out of town next weekend and the weekend after that is my birthday. But rest assured I won;t leave you hanging for too long viewers. 
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teaveetamer · 3 years
How to make FEH fun again?
Disclaimer: I know IS likes to make money, this is focused on how I’d make the game fun with no consideration to monetization.
Dragon Flowers are a bandaid. The thing is, even though I can increase Takumi’s stats by 3 each with dragon flowers (and an additional 2 if you got his resplendent) it doesn’t actually help him that much because guess what? His statline isn’t ultra min-maxed enough to compete with newer archers. So first off I’d make Dragon Flowers more abundant, or at least lower the cost to use them on older units significantly, and then I’d let people put them into whatever stats they want. To a limit, like no just dumping +15 into his attack, but he’d be SO much more useful if I could put like, 5 extra points into his speed and 5 into his atk.
Just for comparison sake btw here’s my +10 merged, +15 Dragon Flowers, +ATK Resplendent Takumi’s stats compared to a neutral IV unmerged +0 DF Shinon
49 HP/ 44 ATK/ 42 SPD/ 34 DEF/ 27 RES (Takumi) 40 HP/ 38 ATK/ 42 SPD/ 27 DEF/ 24 RES (Shinon)
(They have more atk with their weapons but let’s compare without weapons for the moment)
So even though I have literally as fully invested a Takumi as I could possibly ever get, Shinon is still objectively better because guess what? If you have an archer character they’re best used to hit stuff and not to tank! And unmerged Shinon kicks Takumi’s ass in Atk and Spd.
Also I checked and a fully invested Shinon, right now, would have 44 Atk and 48 Spd, which means he matches Takumi’s Atk and outperforms him in speed.
If I could have rearranged some of those Dragon Flowers, I could have, say, a 46 ATK/ 44 SPD Takumi at full merges + Resplendent  and 42 ATK/ 40 SPD at zero merges + Resplendent (or 40/ 38 with no resplendent) which is MUCH more competitive with Shinon.
It would also give you a TON more freedom with building your units.
This was honestly the stupidest thing they did with the dragon flowers. They’re designed to help older units compete with newer units so why do newer units have access to them at all???
Prf skills can be cool! They can be really fitting for a character! But literally every character and their mother needs to have one these days, to the point where they’re just inventing shit that never existed (like Marianne’s super special tome that only she can use for some reason) just to give characters a prf. And it’s awful because even a great unit with a great statline can get fucked over if they don’t have a super OP PRF skill.
I’m not saying that every single skill should be inheritable by every single character, or even that there should be no character-specific skills at all but like? Imagine if you could slap, say, B!Edelgard’s axe on Dedue or any other axe armor. Just for an example. People will still pull for the fodder! Character specific skills should be saved for like legendaries and shit, it shouldn’t just be on random banner fodder!
After five years these super repetitive seasonal themes are just boring. We’ve already seen characters in bunny ears and halloween costumes. Get creative with it!
I had FEH pass for one month and I miss it every single day when stuff like Forging Bonds comes around. Imagine if instead of autobattling a bunch of random maps over and over, you actually got little miniature quests for each character? Like imagine if you got to replay the BL finale on a smaller scale for B!Dimitri, or you had like a five map quest where the characters will talk to you between maps (kind of like the story mode chapters, but more self contained)?
I’m also super sad that they don’t really do stuff like Tap Battle anymore because those were a really nice, occasional change of pace from the usual humdrum “pick a team and hit autobattle a million times” modes like Forging Bonds and Tempest Trials.
Like. Seriously if I had two words for FEH at this point it’d be “missed opportunity”. There’s so much creative potential and they always squander it.
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michaelfallcon · 5 years
Amman, Jordan: The Sprudge Coffee Guide
Amman, Jordan’s capital and largest city, has gone by many names—‘Ain Ghazal in 7200 BCE, Ammon during the Ammonite Kingdom, and Philadelphia under the Roman Empire. Despite its long history, at the end of the 20th century the city consisted primarily of a small community of Circassian immigrants. However, after it became the capital in 1921, internal migration and waves of refugees from Palestine, Iraq, and Syria led to a population boom. These communities have left their mark on Amman, and today the city has a population of more than four million. Despite its size, Amman has been treated by many visitors as a city that lacks the “authenticity” of other regional capitals like Jerusalem and Damascus. But since its modern founding, Amman has been a religiously and ethnically diverse capital that has served as a space of refuge for migrants fleeing other parts of the Middle East.
Amman’s diversity is also reflected in its expanding coffee scene. Ammanis love coffee, but it was only recently that specialty coffee gained traction in Jordan. A significant part of this growth can be attributed to younger Jordanians traveling around the world, cultivating a desire to bring the coffee experiences that they’ve had abroad back home. The result is that coffee in Amman is no longer defined exclusively by roadside coffee stalls and late-night cafes. This guide is intended as a first foray into Amman’s coffee community, highlighting a selection of the cafes that can be found throughout the hills defining the cityscape. (And besides these featured, I’d also recommend checking out Bunni Coffee Roasters, which just opened in Weibdeh, as well as Kava Roasters in Abdoun.)
The Coffee Room
If you ask Ammanis to tell you about the most historic areas of their city, Jabal al-Lweibdeh (Weibdeh) will inevitably be mentioned. As people expanded out of downtown in the 1920s, Weibdeh was one of the first places they went. Since then it has been home to prominent Jordanian writers, poets, and politicians. Over the last five years, Weibdeh has also become one of the most popular areas of the city. Located on Paris Square—the neighborhood’s central traffic circle—is The Coffee Room. Its small size and unassuming exterior are deceiving. The Coffee Room serves some of the best coffee that Amman has to offer.
Opened in 2016 and serving the United Kingdom’s Artisan Roast Coffee Roasters, The Coffee Room’s menu offers a full selection of espresso-based drinks, along with multiple manual- and cold-brew options. Its cozy size and brick interior oozes warmth and provides a welcoming spot to grab breakfast or a pastry, all of which are made in-house, while you enjoy your morning coffee. In the evening, seating spills onto the sidewalk outside and provides a chance to watch Weibdeh come alive.
The Coffee Room is located on Paris Square, Jabal al-Lweibdeh, Amman. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
  The Coffee Lab
Tucked away in the Jabal Amman neighborhood near the French Embassy, The Coffee Lab, which opened in 2018, is a recent addition to the city’s coffee community. The shop is located near Rainbow Street, a popular destination among visitors. However, it is far enough away from Rainbow that it isn’t affected by the area’s congestion and noise, which is particularly bad on weekend evenings. Ample seating also makes it a prime place for work, but in the middle of the day you might be hard pressed to find a spot, as doctors and lawyers from the surrounding neighborhood regularly make The Coffee Lab a destination for lunch and meetings.
The cafe’s sleek interior draws inspiration from coffee’s molecular structure, and also includes a tweaked periodic table of the elements that adorns the wall above their couch. The Coffee Lab takes what they do seriously, pairing a full menu of espresso and brewed drinks from illy with a robust food menu. All of their food is made in-house, including multiple pastries, sandwiches, and fresh fruit drinks. The Coffee Lab also sells most of the necessary tools to step up your home-brewing game, which can be hard to come by in Amman.
The Coffee Lab is located at Abu Feras Al-Hamadani Street. 24, Jabal Amman, Amman. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
  Dimitri’s Coffee Roasters
Dimitri’s Coffee Roasters has in many ways become the face of specialty coffee in Jordan. Founded by three brothers in 2014, there are currently four locations around Amman, including the newest location on al-Baouneyah Street in the Weibdeh neighborhood. Their locations also include a shop on The Boulevard, a massive pedestrian thoroughfare housed inside Amman’s $5-billion-dollar Abdali mega-development. Dimitri’s was also one of Jordan’s first specialty roasters, using a roaster that was designed by one of the brothers and built by local engineers in Jordan.
The Boulevard location features comfortable seating, including a large communal wood table. The shop also boasts a large outdoor patio area that provides a great spot to people-watch. Dimitri’s offers a number of single-origin roasts and blends that can be ordered on multiple manual brew methods. Their extensive manual brew options couple with their espresso menu, which offers everything from straight espresso to blended drinks. No matter what you’re looking for, you can find it at Dimitri’s. If you’re not planning on staying, they also offer retail beans and all of the home-brew equipment you could possibly need.
Dimitri’s is located on The Boulevard in the Abdali Project, Abdali, Amman. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
Established in 2017, Melange is another new addition to Amman’s coffee scene. Situated on Fawzi Al Qaweqji Street in the affluent West Amman neighborhood of Abdoun, Melange is located around the corner from another well-known Ammani coffee destination—Kava Roasters. Their close proximity makes it easy to sample multiple shops in a single visit, but if you’re looking for a place to get some work done, Melange is a perfect spot.
When you enter Melange, you are greeted by a high bar and a menu of their daily single-origin offerings from Vienna’s CoffeePirates. In addition to their multiple pour-over offerings, Melange offers a full menu of espresso and cold brew. Melange is somewhat unique among Amman’s cafes, which are often defined by their small interior footprints, because of its comparatively vast seating area. The downstairs includes a collection of tables both inside and outside, as well as stool space at the bar. Upstairs, a large communal table is surrounded with additional seating. Both floors rely heavily on natural wood decor, which makes Melange particularly inviting during Amman’s short, but exceedingly wet, winters.
Melange is located at Fawzi Al Qaweqji Street 12, Abdoun, Amman. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
  Rumi Cafe
At the corner of Kulliyat Al-Sharee’ah and Jarir Streets in Weibdeh is one of Amman’s more well-known cafe destinations: Rumi Cafe. Sitting across the street from Patisserie Fayruz, Rumi’s interior is styled with white tile and natural wood elements. Floor-to-ceiling windows encase the shop, opening during warmer months to seamlessly connect Rumi’s interior to its large outdoor patio. Additional seating lines the sidewalk, stretching across the next door in the evenings when the neighboring post office closes its doors for the day. Rumi has become one of Amman’s most popular cafes, particularly among younger residents, artists, designers, and visitors.
Rumi serves illy coffees from early in the morning and late into the night. Their drink menu focuses on espresso-based beverages, cold brew, and an extensive tea selection with limited manual brew options. Rumi also offers house-made sweets and pastries, including a rotating selection of cakes, multiple different sandwiches, and a number of breakfast items. Seating is always pretty tight at Rumi because of how popular it is. That’s especially true on summer evenings when the patio and sidewalk fill up quickly. If you’re not up for a crowd, visiting in the morning means you can usually grab a seat.
Rumi Cafe is located at Kulliyat Al-Sharee’ah Street 14, Jabal al-Lweibdeh, Amman. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
William Cotter (@cotterw) is a freelance journalist based in Amman, Jordan. This is William Cotter’s first feature for Sprudge.
The post Amman, Jordan: The Sprudge Coffee Guide appeared first on Sprudge.
Amman, Jordan: The Sprudge Coffee Guide published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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shebreathesslowly · 5 years
Amman, Jordan: The Sprudge Coffee Guide
Amman, Jordan’s capital and largest city, has gone by many names—‘Ain Ghazal in 7200 BCE, Ammon during the Ammonite Kingdom, and Philadelphia under the Roman Empire. Despite its long history, at the end of the 20th century the city consisted primarily of a small community of Circassian immigrants. However, after it became the capital in 1921, internal migration and waves of refugees from Palestine, Iraq, and Syria led to a population boom. These communities have left their mark on Amman, and today the city has a population of more than four million. Despite its size, Amman has been treated by many visitors as a city that lacks the “authenticity” of other regional capitals like Jerusalem and Damascus. But since its modern founding, Amman has been a religiously and ethnically diverse capital that has served as a space of refuge for migrants fleeing other parts of the Middle East.
Amman’s diversity is also reflected in its expanding coffee scene. Ammanis love coffee, but it was only recently that specialty coffee gained traction in Jordan. A significant part of this growth can be attributed to younger Jordanians traveling around the world, cultivating a desire to bring the coffee experiences that they’ve had abroad back home. The result is that coffee in Amman is no longer defined exclusively by roadside coffee stalls and late-night cafes. This guide is intended as a first foray into Amman’s coffee community, highlighting a selection of the cafes that can be found throughout the hills defining the cityscape. (And besides these featured, I’d also recommend checking out Bunni Coffee Roasters, which just opened in Weibdeh, as well as Kava Roasters in Abdoun.)
The Coffee Room
If you ask Ammanis to tell you about the most historic areas of their city, Jabal al-Lweibdeh (Weibdeh) will inevitably be mentioned. As people expanded out of downtown in the 1920s, Weibdeh was one of the first places they went. Since then it has been home to prominent Jordanian writers, poets, and politicians. Over the last five years, Weibdeh has also become one of the most popular areas of the city. Located on Paris Square—the neighborhood’s central traffic circle—is The Coffee Room. Its small size and unassuming exterior are deceiving. The Coffee Room serves some of the best coffee that Amman has to offer.
Opened in 2016 and serving the United Kingdom’s Artisan Roast Coffee Roasters, The Coffee Room’s menu offers a full selection of espresso-based drinks, along with multiple manual- and cold-brew options. Its cozy size and brick interior oozes warmth and provides a welcoming spot to grab breakfast or a pastry, all of which are made in-house, while you enjoy your morning coffee. In the evening, seating spills onto the sidewalk outside and provides a chance to watch Weibdeh come alive.
The Coffee Room is located on Paris Square, Jabal al-Lweibdeh, Amman. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
  The Coffee Lab
Tucked away in the Jabal Amman neighborhood near the French Embassy, The Coffee Lab, which opened in 2018, is a recent addition to the city’s coffee community. The shop is located near Rainbow Street, a popular destination among visitors. However, it is far enough away from Rainbow that it isn’t affected by the area’s congestion and noise, which is particularly bad on weekend evenings. Ample seating also makes it a prime place for work, but in the middle of the day you might be hard pressed to find a spot, as doctors and lawyers from the surrounding neighborhood regularly make The Coffee Lab a destination for lunch and meetings.
The cafe’s sleek interior draws inspiration from coffee’s molecular structure, and also includes a tweaked periodic table of the elements that adorns the wall above their couch. The Coffee Lab takes what they do seriously, pairing a full menu of espresso and brewed drinks from illy with a robust food menu. All of their food is made in-house, including multiple pastries, sandwiches, and fresh fruit drinks. The Coffee Lab also sells most of the necessary tools to step up your home-brewing game, which can be hard to come by in Amman.
The Coffee Lab is located at Abu Feras Al-Hamadani Street. 24, Jabal Amman, Amman. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
  Dimitri’s Coffee Roasters
Dimitri’s Coffee Roasters has in many ways become the face of specialty coffee in Jordan. Founded by three brothers in 2014, there are currently four locations around Amman, including the newest location on al-Baouneyah Street in the Weibdeh neighborhood. Their locations also include a shop on The Boulevard, a massive pedestrian thoroughfare housed inside Amman’s $5-billion-dollar Abdali mega-development. Dimitri’s was also one of Jordan’s first specialty roasters, using a roaster that was designed by one of the brothers and built by local engineers in Jordan.
The Boulevard location features comfortable seating, including a large communal wood table. The shop also boasts a large outdoor patio area that provides a great spot to people-watch. Dimitri’s offers a number of single-origin roasts and blends that can be ordered on multiple manual brew methods. Their extensive manual brew options couple with their espresso menu, which offers everything from straight espresso to blended drinks. No matter what you’re looking for, you can find it at Dimitri’s. If you’re not planning on staying, they also offer retail beans and all of the home-brew equipment you could possibly need.
Dimitri’s is located on The Boulevard in the Abdali Project, Abdali, Amman. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
Established in 2017, Melange is another new addition to Amman’s coffee scene. Situated on Fawzi Al Qaweqji Street in the affluent West Amman neighborhood of Abdoun, Melange is located around the corner from another well-known Ammani coffee destination—Kava Roasters. Their close proximity makes it easy to sample multiple shops in a single visit, but if you’re looking for a place to get some work done, Melange is a perfect spot.
When you enter Melange, you are greeted by a high bar and a menu of their daily single-origin offerings from Vienna’s CoffeePirates. In addition to their multiple pour-over offerings, Melange offers a full menu of espresso and cold brew. Melange is somewhat unique among Amman’s cafes, which are often defined by their small interior footprints, because of its comparatively vast seating area. The downstairs includes a collection of tables both inside and outside, as well as stool space at the bar. Upstairs, a large communal table is surrounded with additional seating. Both floors rely heavily on natural wood decor, which makes Melange particularly inviting during Amman’s short, but exceedingly wet, winters.
Melange is located at Fawzi Al Qaweqji Street 12, Abdoun, Amman. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
  Rumi Cafe
At the corner of Kulliyat Al-Sharee’ah and Jarir Streets in Weibdeh is one of Amman’s more well-known cafe destinations: Rumi Cafe. Sitting across the street from Patisserie Fayruz, Rumi’s interior is styled with white tile and natural wood elements. Floor-to-ceiling windows encase the shop, opening during warmer months to seamlessly connect Rumi’s interior to its large outdoor patio. Additional seating lines the sidewalk, stretching across the next door in the evenings when the neighboring post office closes its doors for the day. Rumi has become one of Amman’s most popular cafes, particularly among younger residents, artists, designers, and visitors.
Rumi serves illy coffees from early in the morning and late into the night. Their drink menu focuses on espresso-based beverages, cold brew, and an extensive tea selection with limited manual brew options. Rumi also offers house-made sweets and pastries, including a rotating selection of cakes, multiple different sandwiches, and a number of breakfast items. Seating is always pretty tight at Rumi because of how popular it is. That’s especially true on summer evenings when the patio and sidewalk fill up quickly. If you’re not up for a crowd, visiting in the morning means you can usually grab a seat.
Rumi Cafe is located at Kulliyat Al-Sharee’ah Street 14, Jabal al-Lweibdeh, Amman. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
William Cotter (@cotterw) is a freelance journalist based in Amman, Jordan. This is William Cotter’s first feature for Sprudge.
The post Amman, Jordan: The Sprudge Coffee Guide appeared first on Sprudge.
from Sprudge http://bit.ly/2ZIE3ss
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