#Discord gow
sassycattimetravel · 1 year
Important discord discussions are being had on Twitter accounts
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medievildead · 1 year
Thinking for a moment about it though- Because the events of gow are a separate universe, the death of certain gods happening sooner than intended changed the trajectory of how mythology played out. Because Baldur died earlier than it did in the OG myth, fimbulvinter happened early. Everything happened early. We know that in the dimension of Yggdrasil, the reign of mankind is still blossoming and the age of the vikings has yet to prosper and- by proxy, mortal classism has not yet become heavily implemented among midgardians.
The tale of Heimdall/Rigr's sons occurred when mortalkind was thriving and beginning to form an economy, and Heimdall took it upon himself to visit the "realm of man". During the events of gow, this has not yet happened. In fact it feels implied Heimdall hasn't even stepped foot in midgard yet as he has no need to. So, evidently, Heimdall's sons have not been born. Because they have had no reason to be, there is no current midgardian class system present in the realm for Heimdall- or his unborn sons- to enforce.
It's like a break in spacetime. Because of the premature death of Baldur, certain things haven't happened. Because the real tyr has been locked up all this time, certain things haven't happened. Because Laufey didn't mother Loki until Kratos came around, so many events among the aesir played out differently.
Among these things that bent myth, Heimdall's sons are among the unfortunate cast that never existed. Because Heimdall died in the canon of gow much sooner than anticipated- Midgard never began a proper social class system and economy, so he never got the chance to take the role of Rigr in Midgard, and he never got the chance to seek shelter in mortal homes, and therefore never got the chance to grant children to the women of each home.
So Heimdall's children don't exist. Simply because they never got the chance to in that specific universe. Quite literally, Kratos stepping foot in Midgard changed the trajectory of life forever. Much like how Kratos changed the fate of the olympian gods, he changed the fate of the aesir gods too
And actually, going by this theory, because Karl, Jarl and Thrall have never existed to represent and enforce the socioeconomic-ness of Midgard- in killing Heimdall, Kratos may have inadvertently made the Midgardians communists. And frankly that is the funniest thing to come out of this theory
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heimdallsram · 2 years
Himinbjörg - A Heimdall-centric Server
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The Himinbjörg is a 17+ Discord Server for fans, writers, and artists, of Heimdall from God of War: Ragnarok. It was created for the sole sense of gathering into a community and pushing further interaction between readers, writers, and artists and bridging the gap that relies on likes and reblogs to spread content.
While this is Heimdall-centric server, discussion of all other characters is welcome, as well as the plot, original mythology (or what remains of it), and more.
In this server you can:
make requests for writers and artists that anyone can choose to pick up.
share ideas, plots, prompts, especially if you are a reader and want to see something specific!
create a collection of Heimdall content that is not hidden away within the darkness of tumblr!
And much more! The server is small, at the moment, so if the idea of large servers does not interest you, no worries!
Just click this link here to join!
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theruntwolf · 9 months
still looking to be Atreus in a literate roleplay!!! can be gen, mxm if you have a male oc<3 i have a few headcanons of him being bigender so please only queer people!!!
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pterodach · 1 year
Thank you @anyabathory-blog for putting up with my blabber on discord. Patience is always rewarded, here's your reward
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asoothingmelody · 10 months
I craaave God of War roleplay
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voidy-vibing · 3 months
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hghhgrhr Rúni Reference for Artfight!!!
Team Seafoam for the win
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breakintomyhead · 11 months
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muppetjackrackham · 2 years
hey all! honestly very tired from work and this week in general so i’ve been playing god of war to unwind but mutuals if you want to add me on discord you’re more than welcome to! just lmk who you are and i’ll send u a friend request.
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sassycattimetravel · 2 years
Suffice to say that GOW Discord has made me realise that all the Heimdall Simps are simping the same characters in DA and I'm sure there is a scientific connection there...
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flame-shadow · 1 year
Based on a brief but fascinating discussion in a discord server. The options are taken from that, so if I missed a potential pronunciation, feel free to write in your version.
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cheerful-skies · 2 months
So...I have been thinking of posting this for a while now, but why not do it now? This is Sinking the Sub, a fan game I made up that centers around Ellie. (Sorry for any spelling errors)
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You might be asking how or why I came up with StS, well let me tell you:
It all started in a Discord server for a Henry Stickmin rp game on Roblox, there was a suggestion about adding a potential Submarine division map in the game based on a drawing of it on Reddit. The main dev and many members liked the idea, we even got permission for the original artist. However, we never got any updates or responds on whether or not the map will be added.
Then at some point, something hit me: We never really know about why Ellie was in the complex, especially why she was in the same waiting room as Henry. Another thing I want to note is that Sven mentioned something about there being another division besides the Airship in the Special BROvert Ops route, meaning he might be from another division, but what? So I thought, why not mash the three?
StS is about Ellie being tasked to take down the Submarine division while Henry was dealing with the Airship. This screenshot will give a more detailed explanation:
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Here is a slight ref of the two characters that were on the cover: (Note: Archie's ref was the most recent which is why the art style looks different, same gows for the cover)
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So yeah, thank you THSC fandom for reading whatever was going on inside of my head while coming up with this
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rainitsarakun · 6 months
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INTRODUCING HELGA. hello everyone, i'm helga! i'm 25+, prefer she/her pronouns and am in the est timezone! i play rain & jaeyong who are portrayed by lisa and baekhyun respectively. this blog is my main one, while jaeyong is on a sideblog, so a lot of my correspondence will be from this one. you can also find me on discord @ storiiies, so feel free to hit me up there!
INTRODUCING RAIN & JAEYONG. my first muse is the lovely rain itsarakun who is 27 years old and is meant to be a visitor, though she is working as a fitness trainer at yuseong community center, so her roots maybe already be taking place in yuseong bay after staying for 3 years now. her profile page can be found here! my second muse is cha jaeyong, and he is a 31 year old lifelong resident of yuseong bay. he works as a beekeeper, offering pollination services to local farms, but he also sells surplus honey at a farmer's market stall. his profile can be found here!
when did your muse first arrive in yuseong bay? "it was, ohhh, about three years ago now? it was so foggy, i could barely see the bay, but i still felt more at home here than i had in awhile. i had to get away from chiang mai ... a bad relationship, you see. i'll spare you the details, but my family always used to come on vacation to yuseong bay and there was someone here i was friends with when i was younger. i decided to go out on a limb and reach out to them and long story short, here i am."
what does an average day look like for your muse? "i wake up pretty early and i'll usually have some breakfast or a shake, if i don't grab something from the café on the way to work. then i head to the community center, or to the gym more specifically, usually with my playlist at full volume by that point, but i digress. i'll spend a good hour stretching before my shift starts, because you do not want to experience a muscle giving out or locking up on you when you're holding a heavy weight. then i'll start working with my usual clients, walking them through certain pacing issues, showing them new techniques or spotting for them. then i might join in on a dance or baking class, depending on what's going on at the center that day? sometimes i'll stop by the bar on my way home to have a drink with a couple of friends, or i'll meet with my pai gow club to play a few games to wind down after work. then it's pretty much home to have dinner, maybe read a little bit and then i'll head to bed."
where can your muse usually be found? "i can't lie, i spend a lot of my time at the community center. whether it's at the gym or in the pool, at one of the other classes or just out on the grounds. it's a nice, peaceful place to be."
how does your muse feel about hanhwa resort? "i guess i'm not really sure? on the one hand, people who stay there come to the gym sometimes and need a trainer, so it kicks more business my way, but ... i also can't help but feel like it's slowly taking away some of the magic of yuseong bay? commercializing it, i guess you could say. i feel bad for the people it's affecting negatively."
is there an aspiration for your muse to stay in or leave yuseong bay? "i would just like some time, i suppose. some would argue i've had more than enough, but the truth is, i'm still finding out who i am and what i want to do. i hate when people act like i should have it all figured out. i don't think that will ever happen, but i hope being here can help."
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list your muse's three favorite songs. slow dancing in a burning room by john mayor, if you love her by tokyo tea room & fingers crossed by lauren spencer-smith.
describe your muse's wardrobe. frequently pairs hoodies, jeans and sneakers if she’s not strolling around in vibrantly colored sportswear. her fashion choices are fairly basic, prioritizing comfort and breathability over style. when she does dress up, she likes an elegant a-line silhouette.
what is a color, word, and emoji that you feel describes your muse? i think an ashy grayish blue fits her because of its difficulty in placing as it pertains to emotion or mood. the word i think fits her the most is 'drapetomania'. the emoji that is best suited for rain is probably 🌧.
three strong likes and dislikes for your muse. likes: exercise, cold water & cats. dislikes: scarecrows, gossip & crash dieting.
three positive and negative traits for your muse. positive: amicable, energetic & sensible. negative: stubborn, flighty & distant.
three talents and shortcomings for your muse. she's rather adept at helping people build muscle or get active, as she's very encouraging and energetic in the gym. she's also a talented dancer, always volunteering to help out in dance classes held at the community center. rain has a talent for pai gow too, having been an avid player since she was a child, and she does very well in tournaments. her biggest shortcoming is her uncommunicative nature, as she often would rather suffer in silence than tell people close to her something is wrong. she's also prone to running away from a difficult situation rather than facing it head on and resolving things. she can also be a little defense if she feels people are being accusatory towards her.
what is a book/tv series/movie/video game character that you feel your character relates to? i definitely think rain has a similarity to leah from stardew valley, but i also draw parallels between her and sophie hatter in how mild-mannered, sensible and humble they both are.
a relevant goal or arch for your character to overcome. i would like to develop rain's ability to trust other people with her feelings in all facets of life, as it's arguably her biggest struggle. i would also like for her to let go of all the anger and resentment she feels for her ex since it's really only hurting her in the long run.
if you would like to plot with rain, please like this post and i'll come bug you! i'll be posting jaeyong's prompt answers separately on his blog 💟
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ponysongbracket · 1 year
MLP Song Tournament: Results of Round 1
Warning: Very long post. So many stats
Of the three biggest landslides, two of them were This Day Aria, with the reprise winning with 93.04% and the original winning with 95.85%.
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The reprise's sweep is extra impressive considering that it went up against an actual song rather than a joke songlet.
The number one sweep, The Smile Song, won with a whopping 98.15%!!!
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For context, this is a bigger sweep than Discord (Remix) [which eventually won] vs Discord's Puppet. This is bigger than Chris Pine vs Chris Pratt. This is bigger than the assassination of Julius Caesar. This is even bigger than Oscar Wilde vs Oscar de la Renta, the previous record holder for sweeps in my tournaments (and because that matchup and the Smile Song ended at around the same time, that record stood for about 10 minutes)
Now, going from the biggest sweep to the biggest opposite of a sweep: we had another tie! We Got This Together vs So Many Wonders.
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This one got more votes than this blog's previous tie (Earnest vs On Wings of Moonlight)*
*If you remove my vote, the win margin for We Got This Together becomes 50.21%, which is still more than Rainbow Factory got against Anthropology and The Moon Rises.
The two next closest matches were Friendship Bound vs The Goof-Off (51.41%) and Pinkie's Singing Telegram Song vs Off to See the World (53.125%)
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Speaking of the Singing Telegram, that was the only song that was originally put in the "Okay" Tier (fifth tier from the top, or second from the bottom), thus making it's defeat of Off to See the World (which was second tier from the top on a Movie song tier list) the biggest upset of the round. There were 9 upsets in total this round*
*technically Glass of Water beating Friends Are Always There For You was an upset too, but I am not counting it, as they were both in the tier "Wonderful Songs" (third from top) and it was entirely random that FaATfY was one seed above GoW. Since they really had the same ranking, I don't count it as an upset
One matchup wasn't a massive sweep, nor was it close, but it is interesting for a third reason. That being, the third option. B.B.B.F.F. vs The Heart Carol was the matchup that got the most Show results votes.
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This was because it was reblogged by @todayontumblr, and as such was shown to a lot of people who don't care about MLP but do like pressing buttons.
Below is how many songs from each season entered the tournament, how many remain, and the percentage that moved on.
Season 1: 18 | 7 (39%) Season 2: 14 | 9 (64%) Season 3: 12 | 8 (67%) Season 4: 19 |13 (68%) Season 5: 14 | 8 (57%) Season 6: 14 | 5 (36%) Season 7: 6 | 3 (50%) Movie : 7 | 6 (85%) Season 8: 7 | 2 (29%) Season 9: 7 | 3 (43%) Promos : 3 | 1 (33%) Comics : 2 | 0 (0%) Other* : 7 | 2 (29%)
*Other refers to songs from Best Gift Ever, Rainbow Roadtrip, the Theme Song, and the song A Pony Kind of Christmas
Of the 131 songs, 67 moved on, or just over half. Seasons 2-5 all performed better than this, while season 1, the later seasons and most other media performed worse. I would guess this is due to Season 1 being full of songlets, and the later seasons and other media being less familiar. The exception to this is the Movie, which impressively won all but one match-up (and even then it was the third closest match)
Here is the above, but with specific episodes with a lot of songs
Magical Mystery Cure : 7 | 5 (71%) Pinkie Pride : 6 | 4 (67%) A Canterlot Wedding : 5 | 4 (80%) A Hearth's Warming Tail : 5 | 4 (80%) Crusaders of the Lost Mark: 4 | 3 (75%) The Mane Attraction : 3 | 3 (100%) Filli Vanilli : 3 | 2 (67%) The Crystal Empire : 3 | 1 (33%) Rainbow Roadtrip : 3 | 0 (0%)
Aside from Rainbow Roadtrip and The Crystal Empire, musical episodes all performed better than half
Now here is the above, but with the character singing the song
Pinkie Pie : 26 |10 (38%) The Mane Six : 17 |12 (71%) The CMC : 12 | 6 (50%) Fluttershy : 9 | 4 (44%) Rarity : 8 | 6 (75%) Twilight : 9 | 5 (56%) Rainbow Dash : 6 | 3 (50%) Applejack : 5 | 4 (80%) Cheese Sandwich: 4 | 3 (75%) Flim and Flam : 4 | 1 (25%) Coluratura : 3 | 3 (100%) Starlight : 3 | 3 (100%) Queen Chrysalis: 3 | 3 (100%) Celestia : 3 | 2 (67%) Spike : 3 | 0 (0%)
Pinkie Pie actually held on better than I expected, considering how many of her songlets got swept. As there are a lot of Pinkie Pie songs, and multiple people provide her singing voice, here is a breakdown of just her Voice Actors
Shannon Chan-Kent: 15 | 9 (60%) Andrea Libman : 10 | 1 (10%) EileMonty : 1 | 0 (0%)
As you can see, Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie mostly did the songlets that got swept, with the only song she sang remaining being The Fresh Princess of Friendship (though she also sang The Goof-Off, which came close to winning)
As for how my taste conforms to Tumblr's, I have 36 MLP songs saved to my Music folder, and of these, 29 made it to Round 2*
*2 of these songs, At the Gala and True True Friend, were given byes, and so could not have been eliminated. Also, in 2 matchups, I had saved both songs, so the possible range was 4-34
But how about how my 11-year-old self's taste conformed? They had 5 songs saved to their IC Recorder, and of those, 3 made it to Round 2*
*This is kind of cheating, because the fact that I had saved At the Gala and Babs Seed when I was 11 is literally part of the reason they were given byes. So the possible range was 2-5.
Round 2 Starts Today!
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konirathax · 1 year
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The group piece I did for my discords GoW OC collab. I offered to draw up all the canon dwarves since my only two OCs are also dwarves - Kludrin and Davlinn. It was so much fun to draw this.
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