#Discussion Of Sparda Pussy
storytellering · 2 years
hi! sorry if you don't know the answer, you're an active spardacest artist so i thought you might know. is there any specific reason many artists (especially asian i think) draw vergil with a pussy? not dante, not nero, but vergil
Hello! Honestly, I don't know how to answer this question besides... the vibes I guess lol? I'm very active in several spardacest discord communities and have been since the start of 2021, and I can tell you that as far as people hc'ing them to have a pussy or hybrid genitals, the overall trend seems to be "if one of them has it, then they all do" - with a slight focus on whichever boy is that person's favorite. I think there's just a very strong influx of people specifically drawing Vergil with it, whereas you'll find most of the Dante/Nero pussy content in writing and general speculation/scenario playing in discord servers. As to why people want it at all - honestly, I think it's just that dmc as a whole tends to resonate a lot with many non-cis people who like to equate the "demon" thing as almost an allegory to themselves. I know dmc was THE fandom that helped me get over my own bottom dysphoria (and now I actively prefer when at least one of the characters has a pussy when I couldn't stand it at all before lol), mostly because before it felt like there was a black and white choice between - either full on escapism (everyone has a dick, therefore I don't have to think about my own feelings about my own genitals that bring me grief) or making the characters trans (which works great for some people who feel like they need the relatability/representation! but for me it just felt too close to home and reminded me of things I didn't want to think about in the safety of my fictional mindscape.), whereas with dmc a lot of the common attitude seems to be "who cares? They're demons, they can be trans if you want but they can also have a pussy just because, there doesn't have to be any deeper reason for it" and that attitude really helped me, because the possibility to have it without any baggage helped me dip my toes in to the point it doesn't strike that chord of raw primal grief in me anymore - and in being ok with it in fiction, helped me be more ok with my lot in real life too. Now, of course that's just my reason, and not everyone has to have an in depth serious reason for liking it! some people just like it when their fictional blorbo has a pussy, lol. As for why Vergil specifically - like I said, it feels like in the end, it truly is a lot more evenly split than what the art you see might suggest, but Vergil does have a certain intrinsic something to him that just reads... womb-like, I guess, to me and many other people. That's not to say he necessarily reads as feminine - I think all the spardas have their own masculine/feminine attributes and they're all pretty neat for being, at the core of it, masculine men with softer edges that you would not usually see portrayed in popular media - more that I think there's something in his sharpness, in his specific brand of anger, (not to mention all the symbolism he coats himself in) that feels very pointedly afab, I guess if I had to intellectualise it. Also it's just very emotionally poignant to me specifically to imagine him being the birthing parent to Nero, because of all the emotional baggage and turmoil that would add to their relationship/imply about the situation.
Sorry if this doesn't exactly answer your question, and for all the waffling about gender! I just think the spardas are very neat and I love to think about their pussies (for all of them)
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shuttershocky · 5 months
Is there any power scaling discussion that will inevitably make you feel the need to respond, no matter how irrelevant power scaling is to the actual media in question?
"How did Nero defeat Vergil at the end of DMC5 he's only 1/4th demon he should be much weaker wahh wahh plot armor"
First of all, Nero won because he wanted to win more than Vergil did. Second of all, Vergil's used to fighting an agile clown like Dante and not a brute gorilla like Nero who has no problem with just grabbing him and slamming him into the dirt repeatedly until he cries uncle.
BUT ALSO we know that human blood fuels demons in Devil May Cry. They have to consume it to grow their powers, which is why these guys keep powering all their infernal machinery with blood and why the tree whose fruit is kingmaker of the underworld must feed on human blood.
Before Nero, it looks like Vergil and Dante's strength came from being the sons of Sparda, who was Mundus' strongest soldier and was able to solo all of hell for his lady love.
But honestly I think a lot of their power comes from their nature as hybrids. When Urizen consumes the same fruit that made Mundus king of the underworld, he gets torn a brand new asshole by Dante working with an 8 year old's logic (if Vergil cut himself in two with the Yamato, maybe stabbing myself with Rebellion glues both my sides tighter?) and it actually works.
Not only is Dante's SIN Devil Trigger form written down in Nico's notes as matching (or even surpassing) Sparda's peak, he crushes Urizen both before and after the latter consumes the fruit containing human blood worth millions, completely mystifying the demon king because what the fuck kind of bullshit powerup is that?
Urizen's only able to match Dante's strength once V fuses his human self back into him to recreate Vergil.
I think being a demon-human hybrid basically acts like an infinite human blood battery. It's already inside you and never runs out because your body just makes more blood. The demonic side isn't granting the power, it's granting the abilities; the human side is the gas fueling this killing machine.
The whole time Sparda was turning on his own hell legions for Earth pussy he was unknowingly stumbling into the blueprint for creating unbeatable demonic super soldiers, and had no idea.
Every time Dante defeated the likes of Mundus or Argosax they must have been calling horseshit because there's no way they're getting destroyed by this buffoon just because he's Sparda's son when fighting skills aren't something you inherit like it's hair color, not realizing Dante's powers are fueled by his own blood (and plenty of self-stabbing).
This means that Nero is not inherently weaker than Vergil or Dante by having less demon in him, because it's the hybrid nature itself being their strength.
While Nero's powers aren't as mature as theirs, his demonic strength is enough to grab both Dante and Vergil's SIN devil trigger forms and push them back when they charged at full might, and in fact he's physically strong enough to lift giants like Goliath and ragdoll them around like their name is Bluto and he's just eaten a can of spinach.
Dante even points out at the end that Vergil cut off his own son's arm for more power and the son still kicked his ass anyway. By the end of DMC5 Nero doesn't need the Yamato anymore to do Buster moves, he can shape his own aura into arms to punch and grab things just as effectively, making him completely independent from actually using any devil arms to fight (he only needs human weapons like Lady does). He's strong enough that Dante trusts him with protecting the world by himself while Dante goes to hell, which is a big ask given you know, everything in DMC 1-4.
TL;DR - Nero strong
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lucienlowell · 5 years
...yeah, this is what we do.
Discussing headcanon-y things with @ratha-is-me again, and this happened:
[8:17 PM] Åøga: And now I'm imagining an entire line of Sparda-themed sex toys, please kill me. XD [8:18 PM] Ratha: ...oh dear lord, that would be a thing in Fortuna. [8:18 PM] Åøga: exactl--brain. [8:18 PM] Åøga: brain no. [8:18 PM] Ratha: ? [8:18 PM] Åøga: a pocket pussy called "the Hellgate" [8:18 PM] Åøga: kill me [8:18 PM] Ratha: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [8:18 PM] Åøga: Why XD [8:18 PM] Ratha: No, it'd be called Gates of Heaven. XD [8:19 PM] Åøga: Why not both? XD [8:19 PM] Åøga: ... Ethan! XDD [8:19 PM] Åøga: "No, the Hellgate's the rear hole." [8:19 PM] Ratha: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [8:19 PM] Åøga: kill me [8:19 PM] Åøga: please [8:19 PM] Åøga: XD [8:19 PM] Ratha: Breathe, Dante. XD [8:19 PM] Ratha: ...you, too, Vergil. XD [8:19 PM] Åøga: You too. XD [8:20 PM] Åøga: Then again, I could use the same advice. XD [8:20 PM] Ratha: XD [8:20 PM] Åøga: .............. that's it, I'm gonna kill Ethan. XD "Brings new meaning to Devil Trigger, huh?" [8:20 PM] Ratha: XDDDDDDDDDDDDD [8:20 PM] Ratha: He's clearly Dante's hellspawn. XD [8:20 PM] Åøga: Clearly. XD
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