#Divinity OS & OS 2
arcenergy · 1 year
i hope that more people play the divinity games now that bg3 is out
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krarka · 1 year
I need to get my mind wiped and play pillars of eternity again :(
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spiritualitygeek · 1 year
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~ PAC: Your Mystical Mosaic ~
Where is your current energy leading you?
This pac is for entertainment purpose only. I am not liable for any actions or decisions taken or made based on the information presented in the reading. The interpretations and insights are subjective and open to individual perception. Please use your own judgment and intuition when applying the messages to your life or situation. Thank you!
Pile 1 ~ 🪄
the fool, 9op, aoc
All positive cards for you, Pile 1, which is amazing! I can clearly see you're about to embark on a new journey with a very positive and determined mindset. You're fearlessly diving into new adventures just for the thrill of it, without caring about what others think or even expect out of you. You exude a very warm and gentle energy, like someone who has faced challenges in life but hasn't let them dim their light. Your loving and joyful nature attracts people towards you, and you might find yourself being a natural healer to those in need.
Your current energy is attracting abundance, creativity, and happiness into your life. It's like a box full of blessings is on its way to you. You're manifesting your biggest desires, whether it's financial independence, glowup, specific person, or something else you deeply yearn for.
In this new journey, there's a strong possibility of finding a new love interest or forming a deep connection with a new best friend. For those not seeking romantic or platonic relationships, you could discover a new hobby or passion that brings you immense joy.
You've been seeking signs from the universe about your life purpose and career, and it seems like you're finding your true passion. Your faith in the divine timing is unwavering, and you're manifesting your dreams through pure belief.
If you're currently in the flow of life, trusting in the universe's plan, you're on the right path and a true winner. Your understanding of this concept sets you apart and leads you towards a fulfilling and abundant future.
Pile 2 🦋
the temperance, 8ow, knight-os
Okay Pile 2, you legit need to calm down/slow down. I just heard, "Hold your horses!" Your energy is everywhere.
What's the rush, love? You're running too fast as if there's a train or a flight you gotta catch. You're feeling as if you're running out of time, or that you're lacking behind. You're ambitious and it's good to be. But moving so fast and without caring to think before you act can sometimes put you in undesirable spot. It has happened with me recently and it happens almost all the time? I am quite like that myself. Sometimes, it can be out of overconfidence, other times it's anxiety. It's crucial to know the reasons and work on them.
I'm getting Mars dominant, Mars in first house or Aries/Scorpio energy. I'm a Scorpio moon and I have Mars in my first house so girl, I get you! I really do!
With the Temperance card, angels advise you to attain that balance, harmony, and modesty. You are encouraged to seek a middle ground, to balance opposing forces, and deal with circumstances carefully and composedly. In addition, it takes self-control and patience to get through life's challenges. You don't have to be so ferocious, fiesty, and overwhelmed. You're getting my point?
Also, are you juggling a lot and all on your own? You don't need to do everything on your own. Are you for real? I know you're awkward around people and you don't like asking for help but there's no loss in trying, love. There are people who are more than willing to help you. Atleast, ask them?
Lastly, I'd like to conclude with the fact that I saw the number 8 in my vision while shuffling for you and the card that came out was 8 of Wands and then I saw number 8 on my phone suddenly. So it's an 888. It can be a sign. Something you've been seeing frequently these days? Please check for the meaning of 888 angel number and decide what could it mean for you.
Pile 3 💭
8os, 5os, 5owX
Pile 3, I'm seeing you being trapped or restricted in a cage/prison, a prison you've built around yourself or have surrendered yourself, possibly due to past actions which you deem as mistakes. There's someone in your close circle of friends or family who you're mad at. For some of you, it's yourself who you're blaming! For not taking that leap of faith, or for leaving that job that offered you stability. For not being patient enough or not being careful enough. For not allowing you to be you or for not having enough freedom to try everything you wanted to.
You're feeling trapped in a cycle. A cycle that's repetitive, too mundane that you're sick of it. You want to go away to leave it all behind. You don't like the way things are. The way you are? And you're blaming them/yourself for it.
I know my words would come off harsh, but you're acting like a victim, not realising you can choose not to be one. It's not about survival, it's about existing! Life is a gift. And you're a divine being! Count your blessings instead of mishaps and you'll see a drastic change in everything, including your mindset. "Attitude of gratitude" ever heard of it?
Currently, you might be attracting situations that reflect the need to break free from self-imposed limitations and negative thought patterns. Financial problems, weakening relationships, unhappy job situation. You're aimlessly wandering for that funding for your project and so on...
You're determined, more than ever right now to go get it! But trust me anything that you start with this negativity within you, will only bring disaster in its wake. The self doubt and victimization will only bring more of it. There's things that need to be addressed. Matters that need to be resolved. Don't run away from them. Face your fears. Confront it head on! Don't avoid conflict. Be it with your own conscience or with your family/friends. The person or situation you're blaming, forgive them. Let go of them! It's nobody's fault. It doesn't have to be.
This combination of cards is your call to embrace self-empowerment, letting go of past grudges and forgiving yourself and others for past mistakes. What's done is done! Past is past for a reason. You have control over your present and future though. It's essential to confront any inner conflicts or self-doubt to find a sense of peace and clarity in your life.
The advice for you is to take a step back and reassess your current situation. Look for opportunities to release negative energy and work towards healing any emotional wounds. Embrace a more open and compassionate approach to yourself and others, as this will help attract positive and harmonious energies into your life. Remember, you have the power to overcome obstacles and create a more balanced and fulfilling future. Blaming yourself and others never helps. Trust me, I've been there!
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Thank you all for taking the time to read my pac. I hope the insights resonated with you and provided some guidance. If you found this helpful, I'd be grateful if you consider following me for more spiritual content and future tarot readings. Wishing you all love, light, and positivity on your journey! ✨
- with love, Snow ❄️
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mists-reading-nook · 2 years
The guilt of the masses
Part 2 (or part 1,considering the first ever "part" was a prologue.)
Anyway,This is part 1 of the series I'm doing that focuses on the guilt of the acolytes. This chapter features the "most devoted". Zhongli! I hope you enjoy,and as always, may the divine light lead you to glory untold.
The Devoted
He could hear you. He could hear your screams of terror,your pleading and begging. He felt like he was trapped,trapped in his own body as he slashed and stabbed you over and over again. Ignoring the crystal tears that fell from your now blank eyes,ignoring the shimmering blood that dripped from your wounds. He just kept going,even as his mind screamed in protest. 'NO NO NO-!' His mind screamed and wailed. Screamed as the life was drained from your eyes and the stars that seemed to shine in them dimmed. He could feel his hands began to clamp up,his breathing beginning to slow. No…NO… he had killed his God. And there was nothing he could do about it… He sunk to his knees,prayers falling out of his breathless lips. No prayer could save him now,however. He knew that. He just didn't want to believe it.
Zhongli awoke with a cold sweat on his brow. His entire body shook as he sat up in his bed. That dream again… it haunted him. Was this your punishment for his sins? Were you taunting him with his guilt,making him relive the scenario that had ran through his head the day of your almost-execution over and over again? He shakily stood from his bed. He needed to leave. He needed to go anywhere but here. He walked around the palace,letting his feet carry him anywhere but here. To his chagrin,he ended up in front of your room. No matter what he did,no matter how far he went,he would always come back to you at the end of it all. You were his guiding light,his God. Guilt surged in the recesses of his stomach. He shouldn't be here. He doesn't deserve to even reside in the same place as you,much less stand in front of the door of your private quarters like some lost puppy. The constant guilt eats him up inside,destroying him from the inside out slowly but surely. It's pace quickens whenever you tense around him,whenever your eyes flash with fear when he is around. It whispers in his ear,taunting him. You did that. You betrayed them,made them fear you. You hurt them, Morax. You did the one thing you swore to never do. Zhongli's eyes burned with tears as it kept going,stating his every misdeed. He felt so small in the presence of his guilt. It wasn't much unlike the way he felt the day he had pledged his loyalty to you,except that feeling had made him feel safe. This made him feel inadequate.
He let his weary legs fail under him,and his knees hit the floor in a way that was painful. But he ignored that. He focused on looking up at your door and feeling small. He focused on you and only you. Maybe if he did that,maybe if he made himself *lsmall for you,you would grant him the blessing of your forgiveness. Maybe that would make you feel safe enough to finally lean on him. To finally trust him. He would take any punishment you gave him,any consequence you deemed fit. You could hurt him and he would thank you. Just please don't push him away. Hurt him,ignore him,make him kneel and repent until his bones withered away. Just please,please don't push him away. He content to simply be by your side,even if he os ignored and treated with distain. Just...don't send him away. He doesn't think he'll be able to handle it if you do.
Will you? Will you give him the chance at earning your forgiveness,or will you make him yearn and wait until the end of his days? The choice is yours.
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eternalremorse · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy MC: Oscar Weasley
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Full Name: Oscar Frederick Weasley Nicknames: Os Date of Birth: 7th December 1872 (Sagittarius) Gender: Male (he/him) Nationality: English Blood Status: Pureblood House: Gryffindor Wand: Notched (warm brown), walnut wood, Phoenix feather core, whippy, twelve inches Patronus: Black Swan Likes: Quidditch, Beasts, Butterbeer, chocolate frogs and lamb shank Dislikes: Divination, Potions (mainly because of Garreth), liver, cabbage and arguments Traits: Confident, chivalrous, charming, active, friendly, outgoing
Hair: Ginger Eyes: Light green Height: 5’11’’ Physique: Slim and toned Other features: Freckles all over the face and most of his body
Parents: George Weasley, Marie Weasley Siblings: Nigellus Weasley, Garreth Weasley, Hector Weasley, Millie Weasley
Career: Quidditch (Beater for the Montrose Magpies) Partner/Spouse: Poppy Sweeting Children: George Weasley, Robert Weasley, Alice Weasley
In Depth Details
Oscar is the second-born child of George and Marie Weasley.
From a young age, Oscar has always been the most charming and confident of his siblings, often resulting in many girls to develop a crush on him.
When he started Hogwarts, he immediately took to his flight class and decided that he would train to play for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. After a couple of try-outs, he secured a spot as a Beater. Oscar became one of the best players in the team alongside his housemate and best friend, Isaac Cooper.
Oscar had a reputation of seducing many girls during his time at school, the majority didn’t lead to courtship, but he would bring them to his dorm room or one of the broom cupboards for make-out sessions, and on the odd occasion, something else *wink-wink*.
Oscar’s first relationship happened in his fourth year with a Ravenclaw girl called Francesca. He’d had a crush on her for a few months and she reciprocated his feelings. Unfortunately, Francesca transferred to Ilvermorny later in the year which left Oscar heartbroken!
If Oscar isn’t playing Quidditch or flying around on his broom, he’s usually with his friends in the common room, outside one of the courtyards or at the Three Broomsticks. He’s always down for a pint of Butterbeer! (And the odd cheeky fire whiskey)
He may not be a very studious person, but Oscar does enjoy a good novel every now and then – his favourite genres are adventure and mystery.
Oscar gets on with all his family but spends the most time with Garreth and Millie. He loves to embarrass them!
At his home, he isn’t one for being couped up inside all day, Oscar needs to get outdoors for at least a few hours a day. Whether it be playing ball games with his siblings, meeting his friends, or hiking around the area – even if it’s raining outside!
At family gatherings he is the life of the party! He’s cracking jokes, socialising with everyone there (and I mean everyone) and dancing the night away if music is involved!
Oscar Weasley on Character AI, created by me - [LINK]
Gringotts Pensieve
Sorting Ceremony
Common Room Introductions - Part 1
Common Room Introductions - Part 2
First Day & Field Guide - Part 1
First Day & Field Guide - Part 2
Charms Class
Defence Against the Dark Arts Class - Part 1
Defence Against the Dark Arts Class - Part 2
Weasley After Class
Welcome to Hogsmeade - Part 1
Welcome to Hogsmeade - Part 2
Welcome to Hogsmeade - Part 3
Potions Class
Room of Requirement
Beasts Class
The High Keep
Astronomy Class
In the Shadow of the Study
Rookwood Trial & Second Beasts Class
Fire and Vice - Part 1
Fire and Vice - Part 2
It's All Gobbledegook
Poached Egg
The Polyjuice Plot
Surprise Meeting
In the Shadow of the Mountain
The Centaur and the Stone
Lodgok's Loyalty
San Bakar's Trial
In the Shadow of the Relic
Wand Mastery
History of Magic Class
Harlow's Last Stand
A Bird in the Hand
The Final Repository - Part 1
The Final Repository - Part 2
The Final Repository - Part 3
The House Cup
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love4heejayke · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS: Born from the full moon's light, Y/N is sent by her witch aunt on a secret mission to Decilis Academy, the purpose of which is to investigate the source of the obscure energy that hovers under the Silver Millennium. However, when she saves her roomate Sooha from the attack of dark creatures with the power to fortify themselves from the energy of nightmares and discovers her secret identity, she promises not to tell her friends, but everything changes once she falls for Lee Heli, one of Decelis' star students and posibily, her past life's lover.
TAGLIST #1: (closed) @enhacolor @amarillyis @ckline35 @fairycheol @jeanbobean @heejakegf @axartia @ineedcoffeeandtherapy @rosie-is-everywhere @prdxinvade @heedeungieluvbot @jungwonnnnnnnnnnnn @bambisgirl @yebin14 @m4r1eluvs
TAGLIST #2: (open) [comment or send ask] @bluemanifesto @ineedaherosavemeenow @ahnneyong @jiawji @aki1e @yjjungwon @captivq @jaxavance @rikiluvly @dimplewonie @talia02 @cherriegyu @enhastolemyheart
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2 - the new student who wants to learn (2)
Located in the Silver Palace's center is the Crystal Tower, accessible only to the royal family and allies. Erected during the reign of Queen Artemis in the 14th year post-Fall of the Moon reign. This tower was built by its allied architects with elements inspired by the Gothic and Greco-Roman architecture of humans, with its sky blue vaulted ceiling, silver arches on the ceiling, with a silver crescent moon on top, as well as white marble Ionic pillars on the sides. lower corners, with symmetrical curved ornaments on the capital, to symbolize the divine perfection which the royal matriarchy rules over its subjects. To protect the Silver Millennium from Solari invasions and attacks by beings carrying dark magic and their subjects worship the Silver Sister - celestial entity that sustains the official religion of the kingdom and veiled protector of the night, Lunari matriarchs erected 3 blocks of the Legendary Silver Crystal in the center, thus forming the Chamber of Prayers, the sacred place for the royalty and followers of the Lunari religion to perform rituals and prayers of prayers for the protection of the kingdom, and with 3 generations of Silver Millennial royalty now assembled, everyone was ready to to start.
With the white and blue magic dusts, taken from small white bags on their waists, Hecate and Selene drew a circle on the ground and a half moon facing upwards, symbolizing the 2 strongest tribes of the lunar matriarchy and the pillars that support them: The blue half moon at the top designed by Selene, symbolizes os Coronas Plateadas and its Force, which its followers swear to use its abilities in favor of the defense of the individual and the collective, and the white circle in the center that Hecate drew, the Lunarosa and the Spirit, inviting those who chose to shelter in this tribe, directed it their visions beyond the material plane and enjoy only good virtues in life, so that the individual may be worthy of reincarnation. Finally, the mother poured a silvery dust into her daughter's hands to sprinkle over Avys. Dalia bit her bottom lip and hesitated for a while, causing Selene to shoot her a sneer. She had just been reborn in the body of a stranger, who had no bonds to the Lunar Realm, so she feared that if she tried, the ritual would fail, and the thread of life force that still keeps him alive might snap due to guilt. aware of this, Selene used her daughter's internal conflict and mentally warned:
I hope you know what you're doing, my precious jewel, or else you'll have to say farewell to your little friend long before his time.
Although she felt scared by the psychological pressure that her mother put on her, she was sure that behind that divine body and soul, she keeps a human heart, which beats strongly for the appreciation of having him as her friend, and a mind that is proud of the good and bad memories she built with him and how each one of them was crucial for her to reach this moment, so she sighed and threw the silver powder on the top of her head, her mother with her magic summoned light currents of wind to spread it around. it all over your body. With almost everything prepared, the druid puts his friend on his knees in the middle of the circle and with a little of his greenish mana, he makes a cut in the fabric of his feathered blouse on the back, leaving the scars of his wounded wings exposed.  Even unconscious, his hands were still trembling slightly, so he laced his fingers through theirs, not just as part of the rite, but to convey a little calm through his touch, and that was working decently well, as that was enough for Avys stood completely still, but with her shoulders relaxed. Hand in hand and eyes closed, the quartet began the sacred healing rite with the Silver Sister's Healing Chant.
"Viken, Daughter, repeat after us." asked the Corona Plateadas' Mother-Moon
Heil, Silver Sister, Veiled Protector of the Supernatural, Noble Righteous of your life forces.
Heal this heart hurt by darkness and by its light be guided.
Bless it with your glorious radiance and embrace it with your merciful heart.
With the first verses of the prayer, the magic powders that were sprinkled on Avys, began to glow on his skin and slowly evaporate, causing him to float with his legs, arms and knees outstretched and slowly twirl in the air like a ballerina in a music box. The flow of green, light and dark blue and silver manas that came out of the hands of her summoners, completely enveloped her body in a spiral from bottom to top, allowing her to awaken from Hecate's euthanasia. The ornite opened its eyes and mouth wide open, surprising itself with the spectrum of mana involving it from bottom to top and transforming itself into a colorful rosebud shape. A remnant of that specter penetrated his body and destroyed the fragment of darkness trapped in it and accelerated the healing of the wound, at the end of the rite, the bud opened like a rose, along with its restored wings, causing petals of different colors to fall. donate. With a light flap of his wings, he controlled the speed of his fall and landed safely, bending his left knee forward and placing both hands on the ground.
Surprised to see him completely healed, the platinum princess runs to him to hug him, her angelic face flooded with tears of concern. Avys's heart lost its rhythm for a moment, but he wrapped his arms around her back, closing his eyes and letting the warmth of her embrace comfort him, but he disappeared after the princess left his arms and noticed the downcast look. from Hecate to them. They both sighed, but he nodded, allowing the newly reincarnated Moon's daughter to comfort her witch aunt.
"Aunt Hécate, are you alright?"
"So-so. Watching you alive, doing our rituals, reminded me of our old times."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, we had a third moon in our cort, our little sister." the priestess smiled in a corner
"Priestess, do you know where she is now?"
"I have no idea." Hecate sighed deeply "All I know is that she lost her way home and never returned. Every night I pray that our beloved Silver Sister would guide her back to us, that we will be a family together again.  Our grandmother Diana, Selene, you and her."
Like the Spirited Moon, Lunarosians always seek Hecate's blessing in their routine, so she feels obligated not to show herself vulnerable in front of her subjects, but not with Nyx. Even with the rules of etiquette and the rigorous training enforced by the Mockery of the Moon, Nyx was the only faerie with whom Hecate brought her comfort. From her youthful attitude, the games the three sisters played together in the kingdom, to the tricks she invited her to play on the guards with her illusory magic, the two entertained each other and never tired of their company. But when the Psychic Moon sneaked out of the palace on a New Moon night, she was almost lost to find her, but the moment she embraced her, Hecate felt that her dear sister had not returned as the youngest she used to love.  She returned cold, reserved and violent, abusing the subjects of the kingdom and despising the legacy of the old Moon Mothers, so in order not to scare away the new subjects and ensure their safety, Selene and she agreed to never speak about her renegade sister again and erase all records of her and her deeds from the Royal Archives, a decision Spirit Moon regrets to this day.
Impatient with her daughter's delay, the Righteous Moon interrupted their conversation with a clearing of her throat.
"May I interrupt, sister? My daughter and I have a lot to talk about." 
"Yes, Selene" the half sister sighed.
"So that was it?" Avys questioned
"Yes, but Selene and I have a really bad fight. Somehow she doesn't wants me to talk about…" Y/N gulped "her."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know Avys!' she sighed. "If she was such an important Lunari at court, and most importantly, related to my past life, I have the right to know about her. That's the only way I can prevent anything from my world from tormenting them in yours."
The young fairy got up and started to walk in search of more shelves in that cubicle, but was stopped by the ornite, who caught her by the wrist.
"Y/N wait!" Avys fixed her with a passionate gaze. "You belong to that world too! I can't live in it without you!"
"Then learn to live in it from now on, because I don't belong there anymore."
A/N: theory hours are now open, kids, feel free to comment them!
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wrennnies · 1 month
so in the last month ive been on holiday and then got sucked into inazuma eleven, since i was alresdy playing it ill give a short summary of what i thought (plus inaxuma eleven 2) and also the anime!!! (though shorter bc i watched it in a dub of a language i barely know) ill try and play all the inazuma eleven 3 games, i only watched the first season of inazuma eleven go tho.
inazuma eleven 1: it was great!!!! unfortunately ive been endeared to bobby shearers. also i thought the erik plotline went nowhere but i was supposed to get him before kirkwood.... the last battle i beat by mere happenstance, whoops!!! i lovedit tho. ALSO someone pls answer this: are zeus like.... genetically modified humans????? cuz it neverr gets answered, ray darks way of speaking was SO VAGUE. like is the research abt the boys or the steroids????
also nellys so cool i love her. the anime was super cool, but i was confused with its 127 eps since i only played the first game so i thought it mightve been like some anime only stuff??? turns out theres more than one inazuma eleven game.
i think the anime adapted the game pretty well, from what i could understand but i thought celia was way meaner abt jude in the game??? idk if its bc she has the “im gonna end ur life” face all the time in that game that made me think that though.... probably since shes like way more "innocent and cute" in the second game (todd ironside is so wrird i HATE HIMM in the first game)
anyway inazuma eleven 2!!!!!
great game, i called shawn shibuya since i didnt know his english name, or his Japanese one for that matter. the reason i chose shibuya was because i played twewy right before seeing him, and he looks like a shibuya.
speaking of which, i had some names for the people i didnt know the names of!! heres a list of the more interesting ones:
shawn: shibuya
victoria: peach (because her name sounded like peach in the localisation)
sue: girl inlove with erik
dvalin: hades (he looked like a hades)
hurley: dry sea (same reason as victoria)
darren: knockoff mark (look i didnt know anything abt this guy)
knockoff axel (i dont remember his name im sorry but his hairs kinda styled the same way????)
archer: giacomo????? giakomo???? i literally have no idea who or ehat a gyacomo is i just saw him and said "giackomo" SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHO GIACOMO IS, maybe i mixed gakupos name and komo os name together???? but WHY????
camilla: kori (i played time hollow before this and they looked kinda similar)
anyway back on task i really liked the girls, even if they got their ass kicked most of the time... like everyone else 😭😭 also jack was so sexist like WHATTT least mark was like yeah u come over here NOW.
the love stuff was cool, i savestated to ge everyones dialogue lol... i think my favs either toris or celias, its hilar that they dont even CONSIDER celia to be gf material 😭😭😭 but thats fine with me, love her. i liked how nathans mental breakdown was done in the anime betterr than the game since he left himself and bot bc he got the shit beat outta him. also SHAWN FROSTE. KIND????? HE CALLED CLOISTER DIVINITY "CLOTH EARED BEGGARS" AND TOLD SOMEONE THAT THEY HAD A FACE ONLY A MOTHER WOULD LOVE FUCK YOU MEAN KIND???? blunts more accurare i think. hes also scottish so i thought hurleyd be welsh since shawn was scottish and hes north uk so i thought west would be welsh... even if that makes no sense. AND SOUNDTOWN IS SO FUNNY like "hed kill the coach to get that key" lmao???? some of the character sprites are.... interestinf!!!! victoria definitely looks better in the anime 😭😭😭
nah but to learn that these orphans were just cosplaying their ocs while bombing schools is insane LIKE THET GET NO REPRECUSSIONS???? THEY DESTROYRD SCHOOLS ANDI KNOW THEYRE ALL LIKE 12 BUT STILL???? also dvalin is such theatre kid, they ALL ARE.
aliens destroying the world via football is honestly so level 5 i think they found their footing.
linas eng voice does NOT suit her LMAO itsl like a teenagers voice like thats a grown ass woman bro
caleb is cool tho love his insane sprite
like did jordan EVER apologise for destorying a bunch of schools??? i prolly shouldnt say bombing cuz they werent bombs...
also i thouggt for SURE this franchise would be more popular like ONLY 2,861 FICS ON AO3 FROM A SERIES THAT LARGE????? FUCK OFF... LIKE PROFRSSOR LAYTON HASLIKE TEN THOUDAND OR SMTH STUPID??? and i also need to know which game i can recruit professor layton to football fight with me
and jordan was done SO DIRTY in sesson 3 LIKE NOOO COME BACK :(((((
and i thought axel x mark would be WAYYY more popular than it is???? like i cant believe caleb x jude is the most popular thing on ao3 😭😭
also i cant believe jordan and xavier adopted kariya and its ONLY MENTIONED IN THE DISCONTINUED GACHA GAME???? like isnt that breaking SOME sort of workplace relationship rule?????
im glad to see nelly and mark together, tho it makes me a bit sad to think what silvia wouldve thought bc she def was there when it happened, i also read some of the fandom pages for them and he gets married to camilla in an au???? like GOD silvia cant catch a BREAK
also go was really good!!! hate that pikachu fucker though. /j they got people that arent british!!!! and i got spoilt via my sister. cant believe hurley whirley wasnt in season ine tho wtf. caleb also lookslike a middle aged mother when hes older lmao. i also hate that fuck ass dog for a moment i thoight he was gonna start talking like a certain other level five dog i could name, SHERLY.
and im guessing tenma isnt in orion bc hes dead since axel wasnt alienating himself to save him that time....
i got spoilers and i thought that shawns dead bro was actually alive 😭😭😭 in inazuma eleven
descole and stahnguns secret love child is also cool, love the new captain even if hes rich and plays piano
and i think thats it!!!! thanks for reading if uve read this far lol
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melancholia-ennui · 1 year
ok but like it's almost funny to me as someone who has been playing 5e more or less consistently since release and also has god-knows-how-many hours in divinity: os 2 with all the familiarity with Larian's encounter building philosophy that implies seeing people playing bg3 on tactical and actually. struggling? finding it difficult? routinely having to rerun multiple fights or tpking on the reg?
and I'm just here with my partner like: i mean it's fine. we're getting through potions a bit. sometimes we're actually pretty low on resources before we hit the next rest. oh look here's one fight we had to try twice but tbh that was because we just walked in the first time because my partner was bored and now we've planned for 30 seconds we kinda curb-stomped them.
like it's kinda surprising just how much difference that experience and familiarity with the system and design choices can make.
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revenant-coining · 1 year
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 13 horizontal lines. the outer 2 on both sides and the inner three lines are straight while the rest are wavy. line sizes in this order: 2 thin, 2 thick, 2 thin, medium, 2 thin, 2 thick, 2 thin. colors in this order from top to bottom: a gradient from black-red to yellow, black-red, bright yellow, black-red, a gradient from yellow to black-red. End ID]
Chaosdivine: a genderdivine subterm; a gender connect to chaos and being divine, being a chaos divine, being the divine of chaos, etc.
Etymology: chaos, divine
Pronounced: k-os divine (chaos divine)
for day 29 of @crying-roses ‘s march coining event; for the prompt: chaos
@radiomogai , @oneofmanyarchives
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[ID: an orange line divider with a star covered in flame in the middle. End ID]
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sweetstardewvalley · 2 years
✨ Mods visuais que utilizo
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Vou compartilhar aqui os mods que eu utilizo no meu jogo, simplesmente pra compartilhar exatamente os que tenho~
Eu não faço mods, mas admiro bastante a dedicação do pessoal que cria essas maravilhas pra comunidade!
Ah é! Eu sempre baixo meus mods via Nexus Mod ou Moddrop e dificilmente do Stardew cafe no Naver. Digo dificilmente, pois, muitos mods dali vem em .xnb e é necessária a conversão pra Content Patcher que eu não sei fazer direitinho ainda.
Por fim, sempre preste atenção nos mods que são requeridos para que os outros funcionem!
🧋 Vapor Rain
🧋 [Alternative Texture]
🧋 Asters Big Furniture Pack 🧋 Barfyscorpion Furniture 🧋 Casual Furniture Set 🧋 Chocobo Ostrich 🧋 Idaida Furniture recolor 🧋 Kirby Plushies 🧋 Midori's camping set 🧋 Oh so cute! Kitchen 🧋 Ornamental Garden Furniture 🧋 Pretty pink wallpapers 🧋 Rainbow mushroom fairy trees 🧋 Sanrio Plushies 🧋 Spooky Furniture 🧋 Sprogs Festive Tappers 🧋 Sweet lolita furniture 🧋 Sweetheart Furniture 🧋 West Elm Furniture
🧋 Arhen's Beige wood tone interior 🧋 Aster and Nari's more japanese walls and floors 🧋 Babies take after spouse v2 🧋 Bathhouse hot spring 🧋 Bus stop sign moved one tile up 🧋 Chocobo Ostrich 🧋 Coop and barn facelift 🧋 Custom Menu background 🧋 Cuter Artisan Goods 2.0 🧋 Cuter Crops and foraging 🧋 DaisyNiko's Earthly Recolour 🧋 Elle's Grass Replacement 🧋 Elle's New Horses 🧋 Elle's Town Buildings 🧋 Ellie's Witchy Shipping Containers 🧋 Gwen's Paths 🧋 Idaida Furniture recolor 🧋 Idaida's craftables 🧋 Idaida's flooring and paths 🧋 Idaida's Goth Buildings 🧋 Idaida's wallpapers and floors 🧋 Idaida's Wisp torch 🧋 Idaida's Witchy Scarecrows 🧋 Kailey's Better clinic beds 🧋 Kitty channels 🧋 Market stall traveling merchant 🧋 Missy's walls and floors 🧋 Movie tickets replace 🧋 Nicer sewer 🧋 Overgrown flowery interface 🧋 RoseDryad's plant sprinkles 🧋 Rustic Country town interior 🧋 Rustic Country walls and floors 🧋 Seasonal Cute Characters 🧋 Seasonal Cute Characters SVE 🧋 Seasonal fences 🧋 Simple foliage 🧋 Slightly recolored volcano 🧋 Stardew Foliage Redone - foliage only 🧋 Warp totems to magic book tomes 🧋 More elegant farmer body (baixe também o make up no files) 🧋 Sailor Cat Statues 🧋 Animated Gemstones 🧋 Asters Festival Kotatsu
🧋 [Fashion Sense] 🧋 Animal Stuff 🧋 Animals and Mythological Creatures stuff 🧋 Asters dyeable wedding dress w sleeves 🧋 Backpacks and baubles 🧋 Cardcaptor Sakura Collection 🧋 Cozy Scarves 🧋 Kawaii hats 🧋 Kisekaes skirts 🧋 Le halo 🧋 Lumisteria's hairstyles 🧋 Missy's shirts 🧋 More accessories and stuff 🧋 Rino's clothes#1 🧋 RoseDryad's fairy wings and accessories 🧋 Sabi santa set 🧋 Seasonal hats 🧋 Shardust's animated hairstyles (versão prismática nas files) 🧋 Simple farmer dresses 🧋 Skell's wings 🧋 The coquette collection 🧋 Traveller's attire 🧋 Wabi's wardrobe 🧋 Winter solstice hats 🧋 Witch hats 🧋 Yuriyuri's hairstyles 🧋 Butterfly veil 🧋 Kyuya's hats 🧋 Kyuya's accessories 🧋 Kyuya's hairstyles
🧋 [Json Assets]
🧋 Daily Shirts set ver.2 🧋 GhostyTea's cute new hats 🧋 Holiday outfits 🧋 Moon lamps 🧋 Nami ribbon shirts
洛离的上衣与下装11 洛离的上衣与裙子4 洛离的上衣与裙子7 洛离的上衣与裙子10 洛离的上衣与裙子12 洛离的上衣与裙子13 洛离的上衣和裙子9 洛离的上装与裙子5 洛离的上装与裙子6 洛离的上装与裙子8 洛离的可爱上衣4 洛离的衣服6 洛离的裙子 洛离的鞋子2 洛离的衣服3 洛离的衣服7 Luo Li's top and skirt2 Luo Li's top and skirt3
🧋 Tudo se encontra nesse perfil
🧋 AdoptSkin 🧋 Aesthetic secret notes 🧋 Asters Phonebox shop 🧋 Cute animal ears hat 🧋 Divine decor 2.2 🧋 Fairytale furniture 🧋 Greenhouse Entry patch 🧋 HannahsFences 🧋 Lune's Offerings 🧋 Rural outfitters 🧋 SailorStyles 🧋 Usirono Natus【[JA]+[FS]】 🧋 VisibleFish 🧋 WindEffects
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cyberbun · 9 months
tentative list of games I want to play in 2024:
Tactics Ogre Reborn
Tales of Berseria
Chrono Cross
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous
Mary Skelter 2/Finale, Gothic I + II, and Wizardry 8 thanks to @self-loving-vampire's corrupting influence making me really really want to play those.
Dragon's Dogma 2!!!
games I want to co-op in 2024
Monster Hunter World w/ da polycule
See if I can drag any of my RPG enjoying girls to finish Divinity OS 1 with me
Doing more honor mode in BG3 with @golbette and get past act 1. hopefully.
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haggord · 28 days
been playing divinity os 2. my character fucked fane and he said it was bad 😔
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b-oovies · 2 years
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todos os filmes estão em ordem alfabética.
observação: se algum link não estiver funcionando, por favor, avise na ask, que iremos mudar o link.
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2046 - Os Segredos do Amor
A Bruxa: Parte 1 - A Subversão
A Bruxa: Parte 2 - A Outra
A Câmera de Claire
A Criada
A Despedida
A Garota de 1 Milhão de Ienes
A Ligação
A Man
A Moment of Romance
A Moment to Remember
A Mulher que Fugiu
A Tale of Two Sisters
A Taxi Driver
A Vilã
A Violent Prosecutor
Adeus, Minha Concubina
After My Death
Amor à Flor da Pele
Amores Expressos
As The Gods Will
Assunto de Família
Battle Royale
Better Days
Blue Spring
Borboleta Púrpura
Born To Fly
BTS - Burn The Stage
Casa de Beija-Flor
Céu e Inferno
Christmas in August
Close Knit
Cinzas do Passado Redux
Conflito Mortal
Crow Zero
Decisão de Partir
Dias Selvagens
Die Tomorrow
Drive My Car
Drowning Love
Eu Sou um Cyborg, E Daí?
Fantasy of the Girls
Fallen Angels
Felizes Juntos
Garota do Século 20
Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum
Hana e Alice
Helter Skelter
Hidden Blade
Honey and Clover
Hostage: Missing Celebrity
Hotel by the River
Iris: O Filme
I Am Hero
I Saw The Devil
Ichi the Killer
Invasão Zumbi
j-hope IN THE BOX
Just Friends?
Kamikaze Girls
Kill Boksoon
Lady Vingança
Lanternas Vermelhas
Linda Linda Linda
Longa Jornada Noite Adentro
Lust, Caution
Marcas da Maldição
Mary is Happy, Mary is Happy
Memórias de um Assassinato
Meus Dias Chuvosos
Midnight Runners
Millennium Mambo
Minari: Em Busca da Felicidade
Moonlit Winter
More Than Family
Mr. Vingança
My Broken Mariko
Na Praia à Noite Sozinha
Nobody Knows
O Amante
O Caminho para Casa
O Gângster, o Policial e o Diabo
O Grito
O Mundo de Kanako
One Day, You Will Reach the Sea
Os Setes Samurais
Our Love Story
Pais e Filhos
Parasite in Love
Podres de Ricos
Project Wolf Hunting
Rastros de um Sequestro
Return To Seoul
Room No.7
Sede de Sangue
Sintonizada em Você
Shang-Chi e a Lenda dos Dez Anéis
Soulmate, 2016
Soulmate, 2023
Sweet & Sour
Swing Kids
Take Care of My Cat
The Beauty Inside
The Box - No Ritmo do Coração
The Cat
The Closet
The Divine Fury
The Last 10 Years
The Mimic
The Negotiation
The Novelist’s Film
The Outlaws
The Silenced
Three Times
Três Gerações, Um Destino
Tudo em Todo Lugar ao Mesmo Tempo
Tudo Sobre Lily
Um Dia Quente de Verão
Uma Noiva Para Rip Van Winkle
Yojimbo - O Guarda-Costas
Young Adult Matters
Your Eyes Tell
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espiritismo · 3 months
Viver Kardec
1 O serviço da unificação em nossas fileiras é urgente mas não apressado. 2 Uma afirmativa parece destruir a outra. Mas não é assim. É urgente porque define objetivo a que devemos todos visar; mas não apressado, porquanto não nos compete violentar consciência alguma. 3 Mantenhamos o propósito de irmanar, aproximar, confraternizar e compreender, e, se possível, estabeleçamos em cada lugar, onde o nome do Espiritismo apareça por legenda de luz, um grupo de estudo, ainda que reduzido, da Obra Kardequiana, à luz do Cristo de Deus. 4 Nós que nos empenhamos carinhosamente a todos os tipos de realização respeitável que os nossos princípios nos oferecem, não podemos esquecer o trabalho do raciocínio claro para que a vida se nos povoe de estradas menos sombrias. 5 Comparemos a nossa Doutrina Redentora a uma cidade metropolitana, com todas as exigências de conforto e progresso, paz e ordem. 6 Indispensável a diligência no pão e no vestuário, na moradia e na defesa de todos; entretanto, não se pode olvidar o problema da luz. 7 A luz foi sempre uma preocupação do homem, desde a hora da furna primeira. Antes de tudo, o fogo obtido por atrito, a lareira doméstica, a tocha, os lumes vinculados às resinas, a candeia e, nos tempos modernos, a força elétrica transformada em clarão.
8 A Doutrina Espírita possui os seus aspectos essenciais em configuração tríplice. 9 Que ninguém seja cerceado em seus anseios de construção e produção. 10 Quem se afeiçoe à ciência que a cultive em sua dignidade, quem se devote à filosofia que lhe engrandeça os postulados e quem se consagre à religião que lhe divinize as aspirações, mas que a base kardequiana permaneça em tudo e todos, para que não venhamos a perder o equilíbrio sobre os alicerces em que se nos levanta a organização.
11 Nenhuma hostilidade recíproca, nenhum desapreço a quem quer que seja. 12 Acontece, porém, que temos necessidade de preservar os fundamentos espíritas, honrá-los e sublimá-los, senão acabaremos estranhos uns aos outros, ou então cadaverizados em arregimentações que nos mutilarão os melhores anseios, convertendo-nos o movimento de libertação numa seita estanque, encarcerada em novas interpretações e teologias, que nos acomodariam nas conveniências do plano inferior e nos afastariam da Verdade.
13 Allan Kardec, nos estudos, nas cogitações, nas atividades, nas obras, a fim de que a nossa fé não faça hipnose, pela qual o domínio da sombra se estabelece sobre as mentes mais fracas, acorrentando-as a séculos de ilusão e sofrimento.
14 Libertação da palavra divina é desentranhar o ensinamento do Cristo de todos os cárceres a que foi algemado e, na atualidade, sem querer qualquer privilégio para nós, apenas o Espiritismo retém bastante força moral para se não prender a interesses subalternos e efetuar a recuperação da luz que se derrama do verbo cristalino do Mestre, dessedentando e orientando as almas. 15 Seja Allan Kardec, não apenas crido ou sentido, apregoado ou manifestado, a nossa bandeira, mas suficientemente vivido, sofrido, chorado e realizado em nossas próprias vidas. Sem essa base é difícil forjar o caráter espírita-cristão que o mundo conturbado espera de nós pela unificação.
16 Ensinar, mas fazer; crer, mas estudar; aconselhar, mas exemplificar; reunir, mas alimentar.
17 Falamos em provações e sofrimentos, mas não dispomos de outros veículos para assegurar a vitória da verdade e do amor sobre a Terra. 18 Ninguém edifica sem amor, ninguém ama sem lágrimas.
19 Somente aqui, na vida espiritual, vim aprender que a cruz do Cristo era uma estaca que Ele, o Mestre, fincava no chão para levantar o mundo novo. 20 E para dizer-nos em todos os tempos que nada se faz de útil e bom sem sacrifícios, morreu nela. 21 Espezinhado, batido, enterrou-a no solo, revelando-nos que esse é o nosso caminho — o caminho de quem constrói para Cima, de quem mira os continentes do Alto.
22 É indispensável manter o Espiritismo, qual foi entregue pelos Mensageiros Divinos a Allan Kardec, sem compromissos políticos, sem profissionalismo religioso, sem personalismos deprimentes, sem pruridos de conquista a poderes terrestres transitórios.
23 Respeito a todas as criaturas, apreço a todas as autoridades, devotamento ao bem comum e instrução do povo, em todas as direções, sobre as verdades do espírito, imutáveis, eternas.
24 Nada que lembre castas, discriminações, evidências individuais injustificáveis, privilégios, imunidades, propriedades.
25 Amor de Jesus sobre todos, verdade de Kardec para todos.
26 Em cada templo, o mais forte deve ser escudo para o mais fraco, o mais esclarecido a luz para o menos esclarecido, e sempre e sempre seja o sofredor o mais protegido e o mais auxiliado, como entre os que meno conforme a observação do Mentor Divino.
27 Sigamos para frente, buscando a inspiração do Senhor.
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huntinglove · 3 months
Added some new F/Os to the list!!
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Ennui / Boredom (Inside Out 2)
Tag: ❥ never bored of you
Status: Romantic F/O, main, uncomfortable sharing
Side notes: Because of the variations in the voice acting across countries, I headcanon this character as genderfluid and refer to them with he/she/they/it pronouns! Also, for my selfship with this character, Ennui would be my own emotion, not Riley's, so their behavior may vary from what's shown in their source!
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Edouard (Castlevania Nocturne)
Tag: ❥ voice of the divine
Status: Romantic F/O, uncomfortable sharing
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König (Call Of Duty)
Tag: ❥ angel with a shotgun
Status: Romantic F/O, main, comfortable sharing with mutuals/friends
Side note: I'm not very familiar with his or his source's lore, so the story between him and my self insert may be all over the place... But I love him nonetheless!
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Annette (Castlevania Nocturne)
Tag: ❥ as Golden as the sun
Status: Romantic F/O, comfortable sharing with mutuals/friends
Edouard and Annette can be a polycule with my S/I or have individual relationships, depending on the context or my own feelings!
I've been crushing on both of them for a while but I had been procrastinating about adding them to the list, which is why they're not currently in the list of mains!
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iliiuan · 1 year
Epic Fantasy through the Ages
A Chronology of Story
This is a work in progress, but here is my list as of 6 July 2023. Please feel free to send me additions or corrections. I have focused on epic (works that are long and took a long time to create) and fantasy (works that include an element of magic, the supernatural, or superpowers). Some of the list could be categorized as myth, some as Literature™️, some as science fiction, but beyond these categories are the two main criteria of epic and fantasy. I also don't fully know what all of the ancient to modern works encompass, but that's the fun of read and find out. I probably have added some things that don't properly meet my criteria, and that's fine with me. 🌺
Works by Mesopotamian Bards (3100 BC - 539 BC)
Enumah Elish (Epic of Creation)
Atrahasis (The Flood)
Epic of Gilgamesh
Descent of Ishtar
Epic of Erra
Nergel and Ereshkigal
Avesta by Zoroastrian Bards (1500 BC)
Ramayana by Valmiki (750+ BC)
Mahabharata by Vayasa (750+ BC)
The Illiad and the Odyssey by Homer (650+ BC)
Thoegeny; Works and Days by Hesiod (650+ BC)
Popol Vuh (4th century BC)
The Torah and other Jewish stories (4th century BC)
Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes (270 BC)
Bellum Punicam by Gnaeus Naevius (200 BC)
Annales by Ennius (170 BC)
De Rerum Natura by Lucretius (50 BC)
Poem 64 by Catullus (50 BC)
The Aenid by Virgil (19 BC)
Metamorphoses by Ovid (2 AD)
Punica by Silius Italicus (50 AD)
Satyrica by Petronius (60 AD)
Pharsalia or Bellum Civile by Lucan (62 AD)
Argonautica by Valerius Flaccus (70 AD)
Thebaid by Statius (90 AD)
The Irish Myth Cycles: Mythological, Ulster, Fenian, and Kings (3rd Century AD)
The Bible and other Christian stories (5th century AD)
Dionysiaca by Nonnus of Panopolis (500 AD)
The Quran and other Muslim stories (7th century AD)
Arabian Nights (7th century AD)
Hildebrandslied and other German heroic lays by Bards (830 AD)
Shahnameh by Ferdowsi (977 or 1010 AD)
Chanson de Roland (1125 AD)
Cantar de Mio Sid (1200 AD)
The Dietrich Cycle (1230 AD)
Poetic Edda and Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson and others (1270 AD)
Beowulf by Old English Bards (11th century AD)
Nibelungenlied by Middle High German Bards (1200)
Amadís de Gaula (13th century AD)
The Divine Comedy by Dante Alghieri (1308)
Teseida by Bocaccio (1340 AD)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Middle English Bards (14th century)
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer (1392)
Morgante by Luigi Pulci (1483)
Le morte d'Arthur by Thomas Mallory (1485)
Orlando Innamorato by Boiardo (1495)
Orlando Furioso by Ariosto (1516)
Os Lusiadas by Camoes (1572)
Gerusalemme Liberata by Tasso (1581)
Plays and Poems by William Shakespeare (1589)
The Faerie Queen by Edmund Spencer (1590)
Discourses on the Heroic Poem by Tasso (1594)
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes (1614)
L'Adone by Marino (1623)
Paradise Lost; Paradise Regained by Milton (1667)
Le Lutrin by Boileau (1674)
Order and Disorder by Lucy Hutchinson (1679)
Mac Flecknoe; Aenid English translation by Dryden (1682)
The Dispensary bu Samuel Garth (1699)
The Battle of the Books; A Tale of a Tub by Swift (1704)
The Rape of the Lock; Illiad and Odyssey English translations; Dunciad by Pope (1714)
The Vanity of Human Wishes by Samuel Johnson (1749)
Scribleriad by Richard Owen Cambridge (1751)
Faust by Goethe (1772)
The Triumphs of Temper; Essay on Epic Poetry by William Hayley (1782)
The Task by William Cowper (1785)
Joan of Arc; Thalaba the Destroyer; Madoc; The Curse of Kehama by Southey (1796)
The Prelude; The Execution by Wordsworth (1799)
Jerusalem by Blake (1804)
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge (1817)
Laon and Cythna; Peter Bell the Third; Prometheus Unbound by Shelley (1817)
Hyperion: A Fragment; The Fall of Hyperion by Keats (1818)
Don Juan by Byron (1819)
The Kalevala by Elias Lonnrot (1835)
Sohrah and Rustum by Matthew Arnold (1853)
Hiawatha by Longfellow (1855)
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman (1855)
Idylls of the King by Lord Alfred Tennyson (1859)
Cantos by Ezra Pound (1917)
The Wasteland by T.S. Eliot (1922)
Ulysses by James Joyce (1922)
The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings/The Silmarillion etc. by J.R.R. Tolkien (1937)
Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake (1946)
The White Goddess by Robert Graves (1948)
Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell (1949)
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis (1950)
Anathemata by David Jones (1952)
Dune by Frank Herbert (1965)
The Dark Is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper (1965)
Briggflatts by Basil Bunting (1965)
Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin (1968)
Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey (1968)
The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny (1970)
The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice (1976)
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen Donaldson (1977)
The Magic of Xanth by Piers Anthony (1977)
Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolf (1980)
The Dark Tower by Stephen King (1982)
Belgariad and Mellorean by David Eddings (1982)
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley (1982)
Shannara by Terry Brooks (1982)
The Riftwar Cycle by Raymond E. Feist (1982)
Discworld by Terry Pratchett (1983)
Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock (1984)
Neuromancer by William Gibson (1984)
The Black Company (1984)
Redwall by Brian Jaques (1986)
Valdemar by Mercedes Lackey (1987)
Memory, Sorrow, Thorn by Tad Williams (1988)
Sandman by Neil Gaimon (1989)
The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan (1990)
Queen of Angels by Greg Bear (1990)
Newford by Charles de Lint (1990)
Omeros by Derek Walcott (1990)
The Saga of Recluse by L.E. Modesitt, Jr. (1991)
The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski (1993)
Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind (1994)
Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb (1995)
His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman (1995)
Old Kingdom by Garth Nix (1995)
A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin (1996)
Animorphs by H.A. Applegate (1996)
Crown of Stars by Kate Elliott (1997)
Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling (1997)
The Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steve Erickson (1999)
The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher (2000)
The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini (2002)
Prince of Nothing by R. Scott Bakker (2003)
Bartimaeus by Jonathan Stroud (2003)
The Gentlemen Bastard Sequence by Scott Lynch (2004)
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer (2005)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan (2005)
Temeraire by Naomi Novik (2006)
The First Law by Joe Abercrombie (2006)
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson (2006)
The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss (2007)
Shadows of the Apt by Adrian Tchaikovsky (2008)
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (2008)
Graceling by Kristin Cashore (2008)
Riyria Revelations by Michael J. Sullivan (2008)
Night Angel by Brent Weeks (2008)
The Demon Cycle by Peter V. Brett (2008)
Inheritance by N.K. Jemisin (2010)
The Lightbringer by Brent Weeks (2010)
The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson (2010)
The Expanse by James S.A. Corey (2011)
The Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence (2011)
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (2012)
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas (2012)
Grishaverse by Leigh Bardugo (2012)
The Traitor Son Cycle by Miles Cameron (2012)
Worm by Wildbow (2013)
The Powder Mage by Brian McClellan (2013)
The Broken Earth by N.K. Jemisin (2015)
Shards of Heaven by Michael Livingston (2015)
The Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee (2017)
The Band Series by Nicholas Eames (2017)
Winternight by Katherine Arden (2017)
The Folk of the Air by Holly Black (2018)
The Founders by Robert Jackson Bennett (2018)
The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir (2019)
Grave of Empires by Sam Sykes (2019)
Djeliya by Juni Ba (2021)
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