#Dm vc: we went to super hell actually
hxdrostorms · 5 months
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@eternalstarlights has sent: 👄 Saori Kido (For Aldebaran, Deathmask, Milo, Shaka, and Kanon. If you need me to separate the asks, just let me know)
send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character [Accepting, SPECIFY MUSE]
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"I'm glad to be given a second chance, to repent for what I did while blindly serving Saga. Even though I recognize it wasn't a simple mistake, one would make. Miss. Saori is so forgiving, no matter what..."
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"Admittedly, it took me a bit... Actually, a lot more than I wish to admit, to convince me she was our Goddess. I've always heard from Mu that something wasn't with the Sanctuary, but at the time I couldn't possibly imagine what exactly, he was referring to. I got an earfull from Mu that night, that's where I'll leave it."
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"I don't think it's a wise thing to ask for one of the guys that died, opposing her and her those bronze saints. I may be a tad guiltier, than just not believing her. Listen, we all ended up in Hell, we didn't even come close to reaching Heaven so that should speak by itself."
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"I won't stand here and act as if I knew all along, that the real Athena wasn't amongst us. But at the same time, I was trained to trust my gut instinct at all costs, and I always got the impression that I wasn't meant to ever lower my guard. In the end, I'm just glad the truth came to light, it's a shame a lot of blood had to be spilled along the way. It's an honor to serve her."
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"I didn't really imagine I would ever find myself having such a deep and complex connection to the girl. To this day, I'm not quite sure what make of it, or even how to process it. All I'll say is that: I'm in debt with her. However, I've long since pledged my legiance to Poseidon. I don't respond to her call to action. But I'm sure she has her reasons for keeping me alive. Gods rarely do anything without expecting anything in return."
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mauserfrau · 4 years
Headcanon Post? Headcanon Post!
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I usually prefer to express my thinks as pieces of fiction, but it’s a long weekend here in the US so what the hell?  I am however going to go ahead and cut this since not everybody wants to read about Calypso digestion issues.
Do you have a headcanon post about the twins you’d fancy sharing? I know Border-Spam has an awesome one, but I also know I’ve seen a few one-shots go by that I just loved.
Anything here is up for grabs because no two people write any one thing the same way and honestly, send me a link.  I’m here for for more reading material.
* Did you know I was imagining Troy with longish hair in Satellite? It’s easier to tie back and trim long hair than to maintain an actual haircut.  Plus, I like men with long hair and he’s definitely got the profile to pull it off.  I just try to avoid having POV characters talk about how they look.  Actually still fussing with something related to that in Chapter 10.
* The way I’ve described him experiencing being fed... Well, first off, I’m using feed/eat for how Psyleech works here since that’s visceral and understandable to the audience.  Since it’s also not a sensation any reader has ever experienced, I needed terminology to ground the more surreal aspects.  We all eat.  There you have it.
** I’ve written more than my share of Schuldig from Weiss Kreuz.  I get very into describing how his telepathy works.  Both of the major ways I’ve written him were themselves inspired by a children’s book by Bruce Coville where the main character ended up in a universe where light split differently, i.e. there were new and different colors.  I was fascinated by that growing up.  What does a spectrum with nine colors look like? How do thoughts taste? What’s it like to have your sister force her own life into you so you don’t die? I haven’t got a clue about any of that and that’s cool.  I do however write so I bet I can make these impossible phenomena interesting to read.  
** Oh and I have some weird sensory input issues myself.  You can DM if you’d like to know more for yourself or anything you’re writing.  I actually like talking about it, I just feel it’s OT.  
*** As a sidenote, I wouldn’t be doing it this way if I was planning a sequel that intersected canon in any meaningful way.  If this Troy leeched Maya? One, I’d be saying ‘devoured Maya’ and two, he’d do some combination of barfing and creaming his drawers.  
*** For this sequel which I’m absolutely not writing [wink], no I wouldn’t describe Tyreen’s half of the equation as the inverse.  I would do something twice as batshit.
* I’ve had several long, detailed discussions with my sibling (they’re a nurse) about how how Tyreen’s innards work. Short on that people with severe enough food sensitivities can and do learn to vomit on cue-- we’ve heard her do it.  Also, she still has to poop since her digestive system would still be shedding its lining even if it doesn’t work right.  It’s probably not fun though.  Not fun at all.
* I do believe she’s in some shade of constant pain and that’s part of the reason she acts the way she does.  I don’t see this as excusing her behavior or softening it.  There’s a difference between explaining and excusing.
* As much as I fancy learning about semi-identical twins, I’m super here for FTM Troy and I wish more people wrote that.  Why didn’t I? Given the amount of sensory fuckery I already have going on, I didn’t want to come across like I was equating living in a disabled FTM body with ridiculous space magic.
* So why did I go with Troyreen? I’m an ecumenical shipper, but I also grew up in the era of VC Andrews/Flowers In The Attic.  Hmm, two siblings forcibly removed from society by a cruel relative? Sounds familiar. I just went with what I knew.  I’m here for reading about them being siblings too.   ** Other stuff I especially like involving them includes, but is not limited to: either one with Aurelia, both with a kindly vault hunter who takes them in, Troy & Katagawa, Tyreen and any other siren.
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