#Do we agree that with the big pile of snow he threw at Dick it's attempted murder ?
wandeel · 2 years
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What A Wicked Game Pt. 2
Summary: A hot tub bet between Jake and Amy goes completely wrong.
Pairing: Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago
Part One
Jake sat on the other side of the door mentally cursing himself. Why did he kiss her? He was perfectly happy before imagining what it would be like to feel her lips against his or what she tasted like. But now he actually knows, and somehow that is a thousand times worse.
His lips still tingled from where they had met hers. He groaned slightly to himself. He should’ve quit that bet far sooner. But in the back of his mind he knew there was a very real possibility that this is the closest he will get to being intimate with Amy. She made it pretty clear that he was not husband material, let alone boyfriend material. Jake had never thought too much about being married, in fact it wasn’t even something he was sure he wanted to do. But for some reason, the fact that she didn’t think he could be a good husband hurt.
Jake wandered out into the kitchen, looking for anything containing alcohol. There were cartons of beers left on the table from outside in the hot tub. He sat on the couch in the dark living room and silently drank his beer. Before he knew one beer had turned into two which had turned into three. Finally he decided he couldn’t sit on the couch until he saw the sunrise, so he got up and went back to his room.
He laid in bed staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours. The only thought on his mind was her. In the little sleep he did get, he dreamt of her. Wearing that blue bikini, that was far more revealing than anything he had ever seen her in. He woke up in the morning to a series of knocks on his door. It was eight am in the morning, way to early for a non work day. He opened his door rubbing his eyes. “Hey we’re eating breakfast.” Charles said. “I made kuy teav pork and seafood noodle soup- a traditional Cambodian dish.” Jake slammed the door in his face trying not to throw up in his mouth at the idea of pork and seafood in one dish.
He threw on a clean plaid shirt and yesterday's jeans before he left his room to join his colleagues, he reminded himself - they were colleagues, at breakfast. “Look what the cat dragged from the garbage.” Rosa said cocking her head to one side. “You look like hell.” she noted.
“Yeah, well that’s what happens when you have one too many drinks.” Jake said taking a seat as far away from Amy as he possibly could. Unfortunately that mean in between Boyle and Hitchcock. The smell of whatever Charles had created piled on top of Hitchcock's body odor made him want to vomit. Yet it was still better than sitting next to Amy. Probably.
“You didn’t drink anything at the hot tub.” Amy said looking at him as if she was concerned about him. She didn’t care he reminded himself. If she cared, she wouldn’t have agreed to sit on his lap last night. Or tried to kiss him, and then later kissed him back. She wouldn’t have agreed to pretend the whole thing never happened. And she definitely wouldn’t have worn that little blue bikini, that will definitely haunt him in his dreams.
“We have a big day planned for today.” Terry said breaking the awkward silence that had fallen over them. “We’re going to do the ski lift that takes us to the top of the mountain. Then there's the mountain coaster that will go up into the mountain as well. Then I thought we could play a game of laser tag. After that we’re going to go hiking in the state park to a waterfall.”
“Good lord Terry.” Jake said putting his head in hands trying to ignore the headache that was coming on. When everyone was done eating, they all piled into Terry’s minivan. Jake chose a bucket seat, careful not to get the seat next to Amy.
Eventually they pulled into the parking lot for the ski lift. “We’ll have to do it in partners of two.” Terry told the group “so everyone pair off.” Jake looked to Boyle, who tilted his head toward Amy. Jake sent daggers at Boyle with his eyes.
“Looks like we are the only two left.” Amy sent with a grin on her face as she walked over to him.
“Oh yeah, looks like it.” he replied. They waited in line with everyone else. Neither Jake nor Amy said anything to the other. Silence usually wasn’t awkward between the two of them. But this silence was suffocating. When it was their turn to load into the cart, they each sat as far apart as they could from each other.
“There’s a camera up there, so make sure that you smile.” The attendant told them as he lowered the safety bar.
“Lovely.” Jake muttered under his breath. Just like standing in the line, going up the mountain was painfully quiet. Jake swung his legs back and forth in a nervous like motion.
“Look.” Amy said to him finally. “I’m sorry that things got so awkward last night.” He stopped swinging his legs. There was no escape. He was trapped in this little car hanging on a cable wire, only half way up the biggest hill he had seen his whole life. “But that dosen’t mean that we can’t like still be friends. Nothing has to change.”
He closed his eyes for a second. “I’m sorry that I’ve been kind of a dick about it.” He admitted. “It’s just you know, awkward.”
“Like so awkward.” Amy agreed with a laugh. “At least you didn’t get Hitchcock's stripper money.”
“How have we not talked about that?” He said laughing.
“Well, you should know, that there is no one else’s lap that I would rather have sat on then yours. In the group. At the hot tub. Not just in general.” Amy said stumbling through her words.
“Aims.” he said laughing at her trying to stutter her way out of that one. “It’s okay and for what it’s worth, you’re a good kisser.” Oh god. Why did he say that. The cart had started descending back down the mountain, and Jake wanted more than anything to jump. But instead he forced himself to look at her. It was as if she could read his mind, because the next thing he knew she was leaning in and they became far closer than they were the whole way up the hill. Her lips touched his, and once again that tingling feeling was back. He wrapped an arm around her deepening the kiss and pulling her closer to him. It wasn’t as passionate as last night. It was the kind of kiss where if it was the last one he would be totally okay with that. Well mostly okay with that. Okay he could never be okay with not kissing her but this would come close to being okay.
His hands moved up to cup her cheeks, while she moved her hands into his hair. When she finally pulled back, there were close enough to the ground to see Terry’s van in the parking lot. “So that happened.” He said still resting his forehead on hers.
“Yeah.” Amy said raising her voice an octave. He recognized the tone, it was the one she used when she was regretting something. Shit he thought. The attendance at the bottom undid the safety bar. “How was the ride?” He asked them as they got out of the car.
“Great.” Jake said dramatically. Amy and him walked into the gift shop at the bottom of the lift. They had all the pictures on the wall.
“Oh no.” Amy said pointing to one of the pictures. Jake followed her finger to see a picture of the two of them kissing. “What do we do? What do we do?” She was clearly panicking.
Jake walked up to the employee working the photo booth. “If I buy a picture, will you take it off the screen?” The employee nodded her head. “Okay I will take the picture of us.” He said motioning back to where Amy was standing terrified that any one of their co workers would get off the lift come in here and see the picture. Jake gave the girl cash, and the girl handed him the picture in a plastic bag. “ See problem solved.” Jake said as he handed Amy the bag.
“What? I don’t want that.” She said pushing it back towards him. “ Well I don’t want it!” he pushed it back towards her. They continued like this until Terry and Gina got off the lift and came into the giftshop. Jake frantically tossed the bag at Any one last time, so that she would be stuck with it.
“Oh what did you buy?” Terry asked her.
“Uh, I bought a snow globe.” She said grabbing one off the nearest shelf. “I have a collection at home, and thought this one couldn’t be passed up.” It was a good lie, but she over confiscated with a dramatic laugh.
“What’s next Tear Bear” Gina asked when the rest of the group showed up.
“Laser tag.” Terry informed the rest of the group.
The group gathered in the lobby of the lazer tag. “Alright, we’re going to do this in groups. There will be two team captains. I will be one, does anyone volunteer to be the other.”
Rosa raised her hand. “Great. So I will pick who I want first. Jake.”
“Amy.” Terry said.
“Boyle” Rosa chose.
“Gina.” Terry said.
“Scully.” Rosa decided that he was the lesser of two evils.
“Damn.” Terry muttered. “Hitchcock.”
They went back into the holding room and put on the gear. “This is so much lighter than what I’m used to.” Jake said.
“It’s cause your playing laser tag, and lasers don’t hurt when you get hit.” Gina said to him. “I should create a twitter account and tweet all the stupid things you say.” She walked away back to her team.
Amy walked up to Jake, “So whose team do you think is going to win, cause I have a pretty good idea.”
“You really think you guys are going to win. Please you have Gina who doesn't shoot a gun for living and hitchcock.”
“Yeah, but we have Terry and myself.” She said with a smirk.
“Wow someone is feeling a little confident. Even if you are that good, there is no way you are going to rack up more points than me,”
“You want to bet?” She asked getting slightly aggressive. “Fifty dollars says I get more shots than you. And you know I have plenty of money.”
“Your on but be warned I am going to beat you Santiago. And take your stripper money.”
“We’ll see.” She said winking as she walked away back to her team. It’s like she’s trying to kill me he thought. The employee quickly explained the rules to them, although no one in the group was listening. Except for Amy, because of course she was. When he opened the door and told them they could go, everyone in the group took off running into the dark room.
Jake made his way into the back wanting to find a good hiding spot so he could shoot people who ran near him. The laser sensor on his chest lit up letting him know that the game had officially begun. He could hear running on the top level, so he positioned himself so he was ready to shoot whoever was about to come flying down the stairs.
He needed a radio, someway to communicate with Diez about who was where. Laser tag should really up their game. Whoever was above him just keep pacing around up there. It was probably Scully who didn’t understand how to play the game. He was startled when he heard the sound of a laser hitting his vest. He looked down and sure enough the red was flashing. “Ha got ya.” he heard Amy say. “Take that. Santiago one, Peralta zero.”
“That’s not fair you distracted me.” he said as he got up from his apparently not so good hiding place. He dropped his gun to his side and let it dangle from the wire.
“Oh please, do tell me how I distracted you.” She asked also dropping her gun and putting her hands on her hips. Jake took a step towards her while she instinctively took a step back.
“Well for starters, I think that you put someone up to the job of pacing around upstairs. Because you knew I would be down here and get distracted. That gave you the perfect opportunity to sneak up behind me.” He kept walking towards her and she kept walking backwards until her back hit the wall. He could audibly hear her breath hitch.
“Secondly, I think you knew I would be laying low in the back, as you gave me the idea last year during one of those stupid mandatory trainings that the captain made us go on. Which I will say it’s not a bad idea.” He put his hands on either side of her traping her between him and the wall.
“And lastly, I'm beginning to think that you kissed me on the ski lift solely for the purpose of making me too distracted to beat you in laser tag. You probably knew you would make a bet with me before we got into the cart.” Both of their vest had lit backup, but neither one of them moved to grab their guns. Jake was standing so close to her he could smell her vanilla perfume. It was intoxicating, and he wanted to bury his face into her skin to soak up as much of it as he could.
“Some of those may be correct.” She admitted standing on her tiptoes. “But I think we both know the real reason I kissed you on the ski lift.” She put her arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair.
“Cause I’m just that good?” he asked in his boyish voice.
“Well I think you did say it the best. ‘You’re a good kisser you know?” She said quoting his words from the ski lift. She reached up and grabbed his hair pulling his lips down to meet hers. Jake moved his hands from the wall, one to wrap around her waist, and the other into her hair. Her hair was slightly tangled, probably from running, but it was still soft, and he imagined it smelt as good as her perfume.
He licked her bottom lip and she opened her mouth slightly more, allowing him to slip the tip of his tongue into her mouth. God, he was going to end up addicted to way she tasted. He moaned into her mouth as she bit his bottom lip.
All of a sudden the room was lit up with lights that were obnoxiously bright. Amy’s face grew bright red and he quickly backed away. “So uh I’ll go this way?” He said pointing to his left.
“Yeah and I’ll go this way.” Amy said pointing in the opposite direction, before each of them quickly left the corner. Outside the whole group was standing looking at the tv monitor showing the score.
“We won!” Terry exclaimed at Rosa. “Take that.” Rosa looked at the board for a second as if she was looking for a reason the score was wrong.
“Wait a minute.” Gina said. “Look at Jake’s score. He scored no points.” Gina pointed at Jake’s name on the tv, and sure enough attached to his name was a big fat zero.
“His gun was broken, that’s the only way Jake wouldn’t have had more points than the rest of us combined. Jake is like a God when it comes to laser tag”
“Yeah that’s definitely it. I kept trying to shoot, but nothing would happen.” Jake said mentally thanking Charles to throw out that excuse.
“That’s weird I never saw you.” Gina said.
“He was hiding, under the stairs, probably trying to shoot people as they came down them.” Amy said trying to distract people from the fact that she herself had only shoot one person. “It’s actually a great idea” She added.
Gina looked between Jake and Amy for a second. “Are you guys having sex?” She asked her eyes still darting back and forth between the two of them as if she was trying to solve the mystery.
“What? Gina, how could we have possibly been having sex during the laser tag game?” Jake asked.
“I meant like last night after the hot tub, but the fact that you just brought up the laser tag game makes me a bit curious.” She tilted her head to the side looking only at Jake now.
“I’m not having sex with Amy.” Jake said.
“Okay.” Gina said giving up her argument, although she never did wipe the smug grin off her face. As the group walked out Gina came up right behind Jake. “I’ve known you long enough to know when you’re horny, and well, I know. Don’t try to hide anything from Gina, because Gina always finds out. Tootles.” She skipped ahead of him to the front of the group. Jake felt like his face was on fire.
The hike to the waterfall was only a mile, but if that mile went anything like the rest of day, Jake knew it was going to feel more like ten miles. Everyone had gone except for Hitchcock and Scully, who said walking wasn’t their thing. No one protested their decision.
“After this the only thing we have left is the mountain coaster. And luckily for us, it’s going to be dark which means the track will be all lit up. The girls always loved it.” Terry told the group.
Jake and Amy had fallen slightly behind the group. “We have to stop secretly making out. Someone is going to catch onto us eventually.” Amy whispered
“Like you could resist all this.” Jake said gesturing down to his body.
“What exactly is all that?” Amy asked raising an eyebrow at him.
“The thing you can’t resist.” Jake said repeating what he had said two seconds ago.
“You’re such a idiot. I can’t believe I am actually attracted to you.” Amy said with a sigh.
“Oh so you admit it. You find me hot. I’m so going to tease you about this. Score for Peralta.”
“Of course I find you attractive, I don’t make out with people that repulse me, although I guess people can fall into two categories.” She said looking directly over at him, with eyes that glared ‘that’s you’.
“Aww Aims. That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.” He said with a big goofy grin on his face.
“I hate myself.” She said right before she grabbed him by the wrist and pushed him back until his back hit a tree. “How does it feel to be cornered?”
“I’m so turned on right now.” He said as she kissed him, her hands once again making their way to his hair. “Grab it like you did in the hot tub.” He told her in between kisses. She did what she was told grabbing a lock and pulling it back harder than she had the day before.
He opened his mouth, and she ran her tongue over his teeth. Jake put his arms around her waist pulling her as close to him as he possibly could. He then moved his hands under her shirt to feel her skin. Soft. Just like he had imagined. He moved his hands up from her waist to the edge of her bra creeping his fingertips under the fabric.
“I need you.” She whispered into his ear noticing the way he swallowed his adam apple bobbing. His eyes were far darker than the sweet chocolate brown eyes she was used to.
“Well then you should’ve worn a skirt.” He said back is voice low and laced with desire.
“I hate you.” She whispered back although she couldn’t help the smile that crept over her face. She went back to kissing him shoving her tongue into his mouth. It was sloppy, but he didn’t mind. They were cut off when they heard laughter that was unmistakably Gina’s. “Fuck.” Amy hissed. “Did they make it all the way to waterfall and back down?” Amy quickly backed away from Jake and kneeled on the ground pretending to tie her shoe.
Jake walked over and stood next to her. “Hurry up!” He shouted just as the group rounded the corner. “They’re probably already at the top.” He glanced up and saw everyone walking towards them. “Damn it Amy. I really wanted to see the waterfall.”
“I didn’t ask you to stay with me.” She defensively as she got up.
“Wait were you guys not up there?” Charles asked.
“No I had to wait on Amy to tie her shoe.” Jake responded. The group continued to walk and Amy joged up to the front to be away from Jake.
“Uh huh.” Gina whispered into his ear again. “I’m sure that’s what happened.”
“It was.” Jake said dryly as they continued to walk towards the van.
Terry was not joking about the coaster having a lot of lights. Jake could see lights all the way up at the top of the hill. “Uh how fast does this thing go?” Jake asked watching the other carts come flying off the hill.
“About thirty miles an hour. Not too bad.”
“Thirty miles an hour? In a cart with no sort of roof?” Jake asked freaking out slightly. “Not too bad?”
“Aw are you scared Jake?” Rosa asked clearly mocking him.
“Yeah a little. I’ve never been a big roller coaster fan.” he admitted.
“Well they put two people in a car, so there will be someone else in there with you.” Terry told him as they got in line.
“I’ll go with you.” Amy said. Turning around to smile at him, he knew exactly why she wanted to get in his cart. He had to give her credit though, that was far more brave than he expected her to be. From behind him he could hear Gina snickering.
Soon it was their turn. Jake got into the car first, while Amy climbed in after him. The employee buckled them into the seat and told them to have a fun time before the cart was slowly moving up the hill.
It was quiet out in the middle of the woods. The only thing he could hear was the crickets chirping, and the sound of the cart being pulled up the hill by the cable wire. “This is nice.” Amy whispered.
“Yeah.” he agreed tucking her head under his chin. And then it hit him, that’s what boyfriends would do, and he was definitely not her boyfriend. Unless she wanted him to be. He quickly jerked his head back up away from her. He heard her sigh.
“Jake?” She asked.
“The whole reason I got into this cart with you, is so that you would kiss me again, and we’re almost halfway up the hill. Tell me I did not risk everyone knowing that I am... “ She took a deep breath “attracted to you for us to just sit in silence.”
Jake leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Well, I can’t reach your lips.” He said kissing down to her ear, biting lightly on her cartilage. She let out a small moan as he worked his way down to her neck circling the skin with his tongue before lightly sucking the area. Her hands gripped onto his arms that were wrapped tightly around her, digging her nails into his skin.
“I hate how good at this you are.” She whimpered as his mouth found a sensitive spot on her neck. He would have to remember that for later tonight he noted.
“Title of your sex tape.” He said. Jake looked up momentarily and realized that they were almost at the top of the hill. “Shit. I really don’t want to do this.”
“It’s not that big of a deal, thirty miles is like how fast the kid’s roller coasters go.”
“Thank you for distracting me.” He said as the cart reached the top of the hill. Right before it started to go down, Amy grabbed onto his hands giving a supportive squeeze. The cart was soon plummeting down the hill, Amy’s hair flying behind her. And yep, it smelt amazing. Jake gripped on to her hands so hard, he was slightly worried that he was hurting her.
It didn’t take long for Jake to be able to see the ground. He let out a breathe as the cart started slowing down. “See that wasn't that bad.” Amy said.
“Yes it was.” he said. “Don’t ever ask me to go an amusement park.” Amy laughed and let go of his hand. His hand had never felt so empty, so unnatural.
“Back to the cabin now right?” Amy asked Terry very anxiously the second she saw him. Jake couldn’t help but crack a slight smile for the reason that she was so anxious to get back to the cabin.
At the cabin, everyone had decided that it had been a really long day. So they all decided that they should just go to bed. In his room Jake took off his flannel and threw it on the ground searching for a t shirt to wear. A knock at the door stopped his search. When he went to open it, he was not surprised at all to see Amy.
Jake moved from the doorway and let her into his room. He quietly closed the door behind her. “Alright, I’ve been waiting for this moment, since the second I sat on your lap yesterday in the hot tub, so no funny business okay?” She had her eyes squinted as if she was already pissed at him.
“Funny business? Who do you think I am Holt?” He asked sarcastically with a smirk.
“Oh I wish you were Holt.” she said back her eyes still narrowed.
“Okay just gonna ignore that.” he said. She took her shirt off and his mouth suddenly became drier than it ever had.
“Stop staring and take off your pants.” she ordered. He did as he was told throwing them into the pile of clothes that was now growing. He stepped towards her and kissed her the way he had several times already today. It didn’t take long for her to end up on his bed, and him hovering over her kissing down her neck, paying special attention to the spot he had discovered on the coaster.
His hands roamed up and down her stomach, while her hands did the same to his chest. His fingers found their way to her underwear. “You sure?” He asked playing with the band.
“Jakey” She whimpered. “So help me God.” he took that as a yes. He slipped a finger under the band.
“God I love it when you call me that. You should do it more often.” Just then there was a knock at the door.
“Who the hell is that?” Amy asked with fear in her voice.
“Who is it?” He shouted looking into her eyes, brows furrowing with the same fear that she had.
“It’s Charles. I’m coming in.”
“NO!” Jake shouted, but it was too late Charles opened the door and dropped whatever he was holding when he saw the way Jake and Amy were laying in his bed. With no clothes on other than bra and underwear.
“Are you two…” Charles asked his mouth. “Oh my gosh, you two were going to make love. I knew you wouldn’t be able to deny your chemistry after the hot tub.” Amy moved her hands up to her face. “Well forget I was here, and go back to what you were doing.” He closed the door behind him, but they could still hear him say “Oh! I love it! two young kids in love!” from the hall.
Amy moved her hands away from her face, and Jake thought that she might be about to cry. “This.” She started her voice breaking. “This was a mistake.” She finished. He moved over to get off of her. “I should go.” she got out of his bed and gathered her clothes that had been discarded on the floor. Jake watched her go lightly closing the door behind her.
Why didn’t they lock the door he mentally cursed himself. Jake grabbed his phone off the bedside table and sent a text to Charles. “Please don’t tell anyone what you saw.”
Charles responded almost right away. “I can try, but you know I can’t promise.” Another one came through “I really well try though” And then another one. “Like I will try my hardest.” And another “But you guys should definitely go at it tonight.” And another “don’t forget that washing her hair is the most romantic thing you can do.”
“I will block you.” Jake finally texted back before shutting his phone off completely off. He got up and was about to put back on his shirt when he decided to screw it. He left his room turning off the light and closing the door behind him.
He didn’t even knock on Amy’s door, instead he just barged in. “You know what. That may have been a mistake, but it was the best mistake that I’ve ever made. I’ve had more fun sneaking around with you all day, than i’ve had with any girlfriend I can remember. The damage is already done. Charles is going to tell people we had sex whether we do or don’t, so shouldn’t we give them something to really talk about?” He finished, he didn’t mean to say that much it just kind of came out.
“I was hoping you would come over Jakey.” She said as she got up and kissed him for what felt like the thousandth time that day.
0 notes
Hella OOC Batfam and Prim Christmas fic
Ignore this if unless you wanna read the most out of character writing of all 4 Robins. doing this for the anon that asked
It was Christmas Eve in Gotham City and Wayne Manor was of course covered in a thick blanket of snow which the children quickly destroyed in snowball fights and snowmen, in fact, they were going at each other at the moment gang up on each other with large snowballs that flew in every direction. No-one had known Damian was such a kid at heart until the time Prim spent a full year at the manor slowly widdling down the kid's facade, yet there he was rosy cheeks howling with laughter as he threw snowballs at his older brothers (mainly Tim and Jason) and at Prim.
"Prim put me down!" Damian howled when his small feet left the ground, he yelped when Prim left them fall back into a large pile of snow sending some of it into the air then back onto them.
"Hi you" Prim chuckled shifting the youngest so she could see his face getting a little worried over how flushed her was getting,     "hey let's go inside for lunch, Dickie could you give me a hand?" she laughed holding Damian in one arm while kind of flailing the other.
"Could we have Hot Cocoa?" Damian asked his eldest sibling as he latched onto her so Dick could pull them out, he beamed when Prim said of course and they all ran inside with Prim of course shielding him from the rest of the cold.
"Done with world war three already?" Alfred asked seeing the kids stop in the room adjacent to the kitchen where they shed their winter clothes and came in Prim still holding a now shivering Damian who after living with them for three years had lost his tolerance for copious amounts of cold,
"Shall I toss clothing through the drier while the kettle heats up and you warm yourselves in the drawing room?" he offered noticing Tim was shivering in Dicks embrace.
"Yes please" the 5 siblings chorused before trekking across the hallway to the drawing room where a roaring fire greeted them and beckoned them to it, the five siblings sat down with Jason in the middle with an empty lap.
"Here Hermano" Prim used her magic to bring the Afghan from the couch over where she claimed Tim as well and bundled the youngest two in her lap under the blanket, she smiled as Dick started to hum Christmas music to himself.
"Hey Prim, will you sing to us tonight?" Tim asked from his sister's lap while Damian forced his way into Tim's embrace causing them to share body heat, "we're all spending tonight in Bruce's room once he gets back from that stupid Gala he has to go to," he said as he caved and hugged the youngest bird.
"Of course I'll sing tonight Timbo" Prim smiled,
"Pigeon will pout if I don't" she laughed looking at the two of them before hearing the drier go off.
"Warm clothes" Damian cooed from his position curled up against his brother, he couldn't help but pout when Tim wiggled free to get his clothes first.
"You'll get yours next Pigeon" Jason teased the 13-year-old playfully pinching his cheek, he swore when Damian simply smacked his hand since he had no weapons and knew it was too childish to bite his brother.
"Only Prim can call me that" Damian scolded Jason as tiny Emerald orbs peeked out from the blanket, the second Tim was back in the room wearing pajama's Damian bolted to the laundry room leaving his siblings in stitches.
"You can change next Prim" Dick smiled at the eldest as Jason snuggled up to her for warmth,
"shouldn't be that hard to get him off" he chuckled.
"I'm fine Dickie you can go," Primrose told her brother as she laid the Afghan over Jason petting his hair as Damian returned in a Green sleep shirt and some Gray Pajama pants,
"this is kind of comfortable" she smiled softly looking up to Alfred entering with the tray of Hot Cocoa.
"Master Jason do allow the Young Miss to get up so she can change" Alfred requested of Jason as he sat the tray on the coffee table, "if you need anything else I shall be preparing Master Bruce for the gala," he told the kids he saw as his grandchildren before heading off to help his boy get his tuxedo ready for the gala that started in a few hours.
"Thank you Alfred" the group chorused before everyone but Prim and Jason claimed a mug, the two played rock paper scissors and Jason left to change.
"He sure is stubborn huh?" Dick asked as Damian claimed his lap where he rubbed the teens head,
"hey, Lil'Wing" he smiled at the drowsy teen.
"He sure is, I'll be back in a flash" Primrose smiled and flashed upstairs after hearing Jason coming down the stairs, she returned a few moments later in her sock monkey footed PJs like every Christmas then claimed Damian so Dick could change. "Hey kiddo" Prim greeted Damian as she sat on the couch claiming a mug smiling when Damian sat sideways in her lap sipping from his mug, she was relieved to see how he'd regained color.
"Hi Prim" Damian sighed sleepily nearly done with his drink, he always did have a sweet tooth for hot chocolate, especially Alfred's so the boy would often let it cool off a little before chugging it heavily.
"Tired already?" Jason teased Damian who glared at him over the rim of his mug,
"it's only 5 maybe we could all take a group nap or something? As long as you have him we'll all fit in Bruce's bed we just gotta kick him out of his room" he chuckled.
"He's in the study," Dick told them as he drank his Cocoa in four quick mouthfuls,
"let's brush our teeth then claim his bed" he laughed taking care of the empty mugs while the others brushed their teeth.
"I'll never understand how you can carry Damian like he's 6," Jason told Prim watching her set the boy down so everyone could brush their teeth to rid it of breakfast and Cocoa breath,
"you probably have an impression of his ass on your arm" he laughed swearing when Damian kicked his shin with a small socked foot.
"He's lean" Primrose reminded Jason rubbing Damian's head, "be nice or we'll embarrass you" she threatened him playfully reaching for the teen with wiggly fingers making him squeal and run for Bruce's room already done brushing his teeth.
Jason and Tim laughed while Prim brushed her teeth, once the three were done they pursued Damian eventually joining him alongside Dick.
"Hmm, I don't see him" Dick mused seeing a big lump in the middle of Bruce's bed under the comforter,
"maybe Titus is in the bed again" he sat next to the lump and weakly laid against it chuckling to himself. "I'm just gonna lay here maybe you three should look for Damian" the second eldest child joked winking at his sister who was checking in and around the desk and couch, he snorted a few laughs when Tim and Jason left the room standing just outside of it.
"Guess he's not here" Prim mused helping Dick off the bed, "or is he" she yanked the comforter off earning a startled yell from the 13-year old before she had him laughing.
"Oh good you found him," Tim said sarcastically though he was joking as he joined them with Jason on his heels,
"so what'll you sing tonight sis?" he asked Prim as she laid down with the smaller than average 13 years old on her chest like she used to do with Tim and Jason when they were kids.
"No idea yet" Prim shrugged yawning softly burying her face in Damian's hair sleepily as she lazily rubbed the boys back a warm calloused hand against his bare back making him melt,
"I'll figure something out" she smiled humming to her brothers while she rubbed Damian's back and Tim's as he laid on her side making it so she and Dick had Tim and Jason boxed into the middle of the bed.
Dick managed to make eye-contact with Prim and gave her a particular look before smiling, he opened his mouth a little and simply vocalized with his sister. They harmonized what they called 'Sapphire's song' to their younger brothers, he watched Jason fall asleep after a while of the eldest kids harmonizing.
Prim smiled seeing Jason fall asleep and eventually she and Damian conked out too leaving Dick to lull Tim to sleep, she'd set an alarm for 7 around the time Bruce would leave so they could give him a hug or something before he left.
Bruce entered his room to get his tie as 6:40 rolled around, he chuckled to himself seeing his kids sleeping in his bed and snapped a picture before getting his tie and securing it. "Prim, do I get a goodbye hug?" Bruce chuckled rubbing Primrose on the cheek watching Sapphire eyes flutter open,
"I'm heading out early" he smiled as she struggled to sit up and hug him while essentially cradling Damian.
"Be careful Papa" Prim pleaded softly, "the news said we might get a blizzard and I'd hate for you to get stuck at a boring gala all night" she smiled as he rubbed her cheek.
"I'll do my best Prim" Bruce soothed her smoothing out his suit,
"I'm Batman a little snow won't keep me away from home" he smiled heading for the car after rubbing Damian's head.
Seeing as she was awake now Prim woke her brothers and they got ready for dinner, Alfred had made chicken for dinner and the kids were eager to eat.
After a good dinner and showers the kids decided not to open the usual Christmas Eve present until Bruce got home, it was around 10:30 when they got the call from Bruce that they were snowed in at the Gala and the roads wouldn't be plowed until tomorrow morning. Naturally, the kids were heartbroken that he'd be missing this Christmas, they enjoyed hot chocolate then brushed their teeth and went to Bruce's room for bed.
"Hey, guys" Prim caught Dick, Tim, and Jason as they approached the room with a morose Damian in her arms,
"would you three be up for singing with me? It'd make Christmas so much nicer" she requested rubbing the boys back tenderly.
"Totally we haven't done a harmony in years," Dick said softly watching his sister sit on the far edge of the bed, he smiled when his two younger brothers agreed.
"Oooooooooo.......... " the 4 elder siblings harmonized as they sat on the bed with a video of a fireplace playing on the TV,
"Fahoo fores dahoo dores" Dick sat next to Prim this time and held Tim in his lap leaving Jason to just lay against him.
"Welcome Christmas come this way" Prim rubbed Damian's back softly as the 5 sat on the large bed with Titus at their feet,
"Fahoo fores dahoo dores" Tim sighed softly.
"Welcome Christmas, Christmas day" Dick and his younger brothers harmonized as Prim simply nuzzled Damian,
"Welcome, welcome fahoo ramus" Dick rubbed Tim's head.
"Welcome, welcome dahoo damus" Primrose smiled kissing Dick's cheek lovingly,
"Christmas day is in our grasp" she gently took Tim's hand in hers.
"So long as we have hands to clasp" the elder 4 harmonized holding each other by the hand while Primrose held Damian who was just a little drowsy but thankfully feeling a little better but still a little down,
"Fahoo fores dahoo dores Welcome Christmas bring your cheer" they gently squeezed the hand they held and Damian claimed the hand of the arm holding him.
"Fahoo fores dahoo dores" the 4 smiled at each other as they essentially serenaded Damian,
"Welcome all who's far and near" they leaned towards each other so their heads touched.
"Welcome Christmas, fahoo ramus" The boys smiled hooking their arms around each other, Dick slung his free arm around Prim and Damian smiling at them.
"Welcome Christmas, dahoo damus" Prim smiled messing up Tim and Dick's hair, she looked down at Damian and brushed his cheek with her fingers.
"Christmastime will always be" The 4 harmonized tightening their embrace around the other,
"Just as long as we have glee" the group of 4 smiled at each other while Prim pressed her lips to Damian's temple chuckling when he whined pulling away.
"Fahoo fores dahoo dores Welcome Christmas bring your light" Jason being closest to the nightstand turned off the lights and the siblings slowly shimmied until they were laying down, "Oooooooooo.........." they merely harmonized smiling when Damian's Emerald eyes slowly drifted shut and that was where Bruce found them Christmas morning when he got home.
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