#Batman aka the guy who will yell at you for using the Justice League computer for personal research...
wandeel · 2 years
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
Wrong Universe, Wrong Time [Marvel/DC Crossover]
Requested by anon: “Can you do one where the reader is part of the Avengers and they find some sort of portal and the reader gets thrown in by accident. The reader ends up in the DC Universe in the Justice League watchtower and ends up kicking the JL's ass. You're a great writer and I think you'd do this perfectly!! Thank you! ❤”
A/n: Sorry this took me so long, I was able to figure out this request and I hope you love it anon. I had some trouble getting an idea how to write it so I’d love some feedback to know what you think! <333 ________
It was a… weird. One moment you’re fighting Loki in New York. The next you’re Odin knows where, you can’t get in touch with the others, not even JARVIS was coming through your comm. Waking up with the feeling of a cold floor under you and your head pounding. Groaning you sat up and leaned against a wall behind you. Muscles still aching from your prior battle with the God of Mischief. Feeling at your holsters you felt your guns and knives, sighing that you didn’t loose anything. Sitting forward you let your mechanical wings retract from their pack and back. Sighing in relief because Sam and Tony would kill you if you damaged them. Looking around noticing you were in space.
…….Hold on a second, SPACE?!
Your eyes shot from window to window. Yup, space, there was the Earth. The planet you’re supposed to be on. Pushing off the ground you walked over to what seemed like a computer, your finger barely touched it when an alarm started blaring. “What the hell?!” Yelling to yourself, all of a sudden two people ran into the room. “Hey!” Whipping around at the voice you saw a man with a mask and green hood and a blonde woman in fishnets.
“Stop!” The man in the green hood yelled, a bow drawn at you. “I will when you put the bow down.” Answering calmly. Though the two didn’t budge. Your hands slid to your weapons and he let the arrow loose. In an instant you caught the arrow before it could hit you, leaving them a bit shocked. Your training with Clint is finally paying off. Running forward you threw a knife and knocked the bow from his hand with precision. However, before you get any closer, the woman stopped you when she screamed. Supersonic powers, great. Covering your ears you ducked behind the computer from before. When the screeching stopped you quickly stood up and shot your guns at the both of them. Causing the two to fall back into the hallway.
Little did you know they had contacted other members of their team. Engaging the wings in your pack, you flew over the computer. Another arrow was shot but you immediately avoided it. Before the two could react you barrelled down the hallway, chanting in your head ‘find a way out, find a way out, find a way out.’ Entering another room, you most certainly did not find a way out. Three more men were in front of you. One was flying with a large ‘S’ on his chest, another in a red suit with a lightning bolt, and the third wore a...batsuit? Alright then.
“Shit!” Yelping a bit when you were knocked against the wall in the blink of an eyes. ‘Okay, so red leather has super speed. Great.’ Thinking before pushing yourself to your feet again. Whipping out one of your guns, letting out a round but the man with the ‘S’ the bullets just bounced off of. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.”
He quickly flew at you but you pushed off the wall and used your wings to fly over him, causing him to run into the wall because he was distracted by you above him. Landing again the man in the bat costume charged at you. Nimbly you blocked his attacks, his fighting style somewhat similar to Cap’s. Finding an opening you caught his wrist and flipped him. But he easily recovered. Just then another arrow came flying, trying to swiftly dodge it, but it grazed your shoulder. Tearing the sleeve of your suit and cutting your arm. “Agh!” You grunted, holding your arm. But you held your fighting stance.
“Who are you?” The man in the batsuit asked, his voice low and gruff. You chuckled, “I could ask you the same question. Where even am I?” They all exchanged a look before they each fell out of their fighting stances. Each of them wondering, ‘how could you be in the watchtower and not know where you are?’
You rose an eyebrow before standing up yourself. Holding your bleeding arm, feeling fatigued from your prior battle too. “Who are you all anyway?”
“We’re the Justice League” The man with the lightning bolt emblem responded. “The what now?”
“You know, the Flash?” He grinned and pointed at himself but you just shook your head. “Superman? Wonder Woman? Batman? Black Canary? Green Arrow? Aquaman? Ect. Ect.” He asked in disbelief. You just looked at the rest of this ‘Justice League’ putting together who was who. As soon as Flash had listed everyone another woman walked in, she had black hair and carried a shield. She stopped when seeing you. “Who is this?” She came up next to Flash.
“We don’t know” Batman answered. She stepped forward to be in front of you. “I am Diana of Themyscira, or Wonder Woman.” Now that rung a bell, Thor had talked to you about the legend of Amazons, but they were just legend. “Wait, you’re an Amazon?” She nodded and looked back at the League who seemed interested at your knowledge. “Yes, how did you?”
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other, processing what was happening. When your eyes widened a bit. “We’re not in Kansas anymore” mumbling to yourself. “Damned God of Mischief. I think I know what’s going on here.” Looking at them all. “I know you’re an Amazon because where I come from, Amazons are just legend. I know the legend from a teammate of mine. Thor Odinson of Asgard. My team, the Avengers, were battling his brother Loki. Somehow a portal must’ve opened due to his powers, and it ended up with me here. Wherever here is.”
Diana nodded, “I heard stories of the legends of Asgard as a girl.” Everyone seemed to have a better understanding of what was going on. “But how will you get back to your universe?” Superman asked. You thought for a moment, “If there is anyway for me to get into contact with my team, they should be able to get here. If I know them well enough, they’re probably coming to the same conclusions as we are.” The League nodded before leading you back to where you had first shown up.
You walked over to where you had woken up. “This is where I woke up, there must be a rift somewhere in this room.” Taking out a small scanner you turned it on. It was a more condensed version of the scanner used to track the Tesseract. After scanning the room you walked over to the computer. “Nice tech” Flash stood over your shoulder watching as the wavelengths shown on the computer. “Thanks, a teammate of mine invented this.”
Looking at the data you saw small differences in wavelengths. Batman came over your other side, “There is interdimensional fluctuations.” He noted as you nodded. “If I can somehow get a message through, I can contact my team, but I’m not entirely sure how.”
“Well” Green Arrow said before looking over at Flash “We do know someone who has traveled to alternate realities” Flash looked between them before shaking his head. “No, nonononono.” “If you can open a breach on that rift then you should be able to travel to her world and talk to her team.” Batman said next.
Flash groaned before crossing his arms and sighing. “Alright, who am I looking for?” You smiled, “If you go to New York find Avengers Tower. It literally has a giant ‘A’ on it. Find Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.” He nodded before speeding away. In a few seconds you felt a large rush of air before a light beamed from by the wall and he was gone. You looked at the rest of the League, “I assume it worked?” They all nodded.
“Yes, but we still have yet to know who you are.” Diana asked what everyone was thinking. “Oh, my apologies. I’m [F/n] [L/n], or [s/h/n] is my alias. I’m an Avenger, a team of superpowered people that work to keep the world safe. Much like you all I assume.” They all nodded in understanding.
While you all waited for Flash to return, Black Canary and Batman took you to get your arm stitched up and to tend to any other injuries. They both asked you a lot of questions, surprised to hear about how you didn’t have a secret identity and neither did any of the Avengers. Black Canary was fun to talk to, while Batman stuck to the facts in his menacing voice. You’re sure it struck fear into any criminal he came against. But you’ve faced a raging Hulk before, it’s hard to scare you.
Once stitched you all received an alert from the speakers that Flash was back. When reaching the deck you saw two familiar figures. “Tony! Steve!” Grinning you walked over to them. “What happened with Loki?” Questioning them both. “Thor is taking him back to Asgard.” Steve answered and Tony nodded beside him. “Yeah you disappeared and all of a sudden there’s a speedster in our midsts.” Tony chuckled and you shrugged. “It wasn’t on purpose.”
You looked back at the League members you had met. “Guys this is the Justice League. Justice League these are my two teammates. Captain Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, aka Captain America and Iron Man.” Cap and Tony shook their hands, thanking them for their help. Well Cap thanked them, Tony talked about his armor when asked about it.
You ended up lingering for a moment until you heard a familiar voice come from Tony’s helmet, which he had off. “Mr. Stark, it appears S.H.I.E.L.D is demanding for your return to Avengers Tower.” At that you all went to make your leave. However you did tell the League that if there is any need for your or the Avengers assistance just to get into contact. They nodded in thanks before you all turned and walked through the breach that had been stabilized.
Once back in Avengers Tower you collapsed in the common room. “Exhausted?” Clint asked throwing a water at you. “No not at all, I only fought in that battle against Loki and then dimension hopped and had to fight a league of superheroes.” You sassed making him laugh. “Made you sassy too.”
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