#Docking Station Market size
shashi2310 · 6 months
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marketspace360 · 2 years
Docking Station Market Trends, Leading Players and Forecast 2029
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ranticore · 7 months
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I thought I'd post the sketched out map of the city before I take it in for redrawing (which will take a very long time and it's definitely a backburner project) in a decent resolution so that people can actually see what's going on. The full size version is 4800px wide so too big to actually have full res on tumblr anyway
Invergorken is your basic city built in the armpit of a bay. Although its original medieval castle still stands as the Sharps ranger barracks, the citadel north of the grand canal is where the palace sits. The main reason it was all built here, slammed up against the Ruad, an inhospitable forest, is because it was a trade hub for goods passing through the Ruad. If you look at the whole country map you can see that Invergorken is built right where the Ruad is narrowest from west to east, and also that the forest cuts off overland travel in a massive part of its range. Farmland to the north and south of the city serves it though the farms are more extensive in the west, both north and south of the bay.
Before the railways were built, goods were ferried through the forest overland (the grand canal & river on which it was built goes sharply north out of frame and does not connect with the lough). A huge amount of Invergorken's infrastructure was built to directly facilitate ease of travel between sea and lough; the canals connect major points of interest. with a pretty robust lock system, ships from the sea are able to travel right on through the city to the train station, the industrial areas, and the lumberyards lining the edge of the Ruad.
The four quarters (five if you count the citadel) are named for the ring roads that originally surrounded them, but over centuries the built-up area has expanded to all but bury their original shapes. The east ring is where most of the usual city business takes place, mixed housing and shops and markets and everything else you could imagine. It's the oldest part of the city outside the citadel. This includes the city's singular Suzette hospital which is inconveniently located as far from everyone as possible. the north ring is the heart of industry in Inver, with hundreds of smokestacks, brick yards, furnaces, and foundries all in relatively close range of their own dock system (not drawn.. i forgor). Although it's a greatly productive area, it's also the poorest; extremely crowded tenements, poor facilities, housing built rapidly and without much care to provide for the mainly immigrant workers at the factories. Although the buildings are newer than the average east ring tenement, they are not pleasant.
The south ring is the rich-but-not-noble district, it consists of relatively new buildings, as the new rich of Invergorken have only recently come about as a separate phenomenon to the gentry of the citadel. These capitalists are responsible for much of the north ring & its development. The buildings in the south ring are deceptive; they look old, built to ape the style of the ancient buildings in the citadel, as clout-chasing upper class citizens struggle to elevate themselves on the same level as the nobility. Here you will find the Stagsons' black market as well as the Barnyard opera house and its adjoining brothel. The businesses are relatively fancy and cater to upper class tastes, like the Fernery which is for anybody who wants to take in the healing properties of nature without actually having to go outside.
The west ring is another new area, mainly built up by slightly richer immigrants from the western duchy of Moya, as this is the area of Invergorken you must travel through to get to Moya in the west, as well as all of the west-coast towns. It has a new train station and the beginnings of a new railway, though no trains run on it yet. The majority of iron from the north ring foundries is transported here to facilitate the building of the railway, which stretches all the way to Aberharain.
The citadel (or, in common parlance, the Hound's Den) is where the king and nobility go. It consists of a hexagonal wall with watch towers at each point, with portcullis gates opening out to several main thoroughfares. Many of the canals in the city actually arise from the citadel; the limestone bedrock is riddled with underground caverns and rivers, and these emerge at the surface within the citadel. The citadel contains the townhouses of the nobility, to be used on a seasonal basis as the main family residences are usually far out in the countryside, as well as the largest of the monarchy's three palaces. The citadel palace tower is the tallest building in Invergorken (not counting the smokestacks). The palace has its own walls blocking it off from the rest of the citadel, and its grounds are divided into four gardens, one for each season. The citadel has every stupid luxury you could possibly imagine; marked on the map are the important family houses but also the dressage arena, north of which is an extensive golf course with an arboretum. Although the noble families often only live in their townhouses during seasonal events hosted by the king (solstice and equinox hunting events in particular), the citadel is mainly home to an army of staff year-round, vastly outnumbering the nobility but hidden away in back streets and purpose-built corridors. this gives the odd impression of a ghost town, servants making things perfect for absentee landlords, heating and lighting their empty houses.
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greatestrival · 14 days
in celebration of star trek day (which i am. three days late to) have this star trek maxiel au from an abandoned star trek au that i won't finish until aos4 comes out. which will probably never happen. but enjoy!!!
879 words.
“Are you staying onboard for shore leave?” Daniel asks.
They’re both in Max’s quarters. Which doesn’t mean much considering Daniel’s quarters are only four rooms away. Though, everyone on the Nomad knows that Max’s quarters have been the Verstappen-Ricciardo quarters since the start of her second voyage. The medical crew would ping Max’s quarters if they ever needed Daniel, same with any urgent messages from the commanding officers. Daniel’s clothes are stacked inside of Max’s closet and Daniel’s blue uniform hangs beside Max’s red on the rack. 
“Max...” Daniel whines. They’re both lying on the bed. These beds weren’t made for two people. Even if both of them have lieutenant commander privileges, Starfleet isn’t particularly encouraging bed-sharing between personnel. They make it work. Daniel is a chronic cuddler and Max is a chronic Daniel-er. 
Daniel is lying on Max’s chest. They’re both wearing loose shirts and shorts. Both of them know that with all the privileges of being high-ranking officers, they have the responsibility of being the first people called in any emergencies. In short, they don’t have the privilege of sleeping naked anymore. 
Max already has his eyes closed and only lets out a short grunt as Daniel pokes him in the chest. The thing is, Max enjoys a good night out as much as anyone whose job is to be cooped up in a skyscraper-sized Starship. But it’s already passed the halfway point of their deep space exploration. Which means that the Nomad will need more reparations and inspections before they can come back to Earth. During shore leaves, it’s the best moment to do inspections since there’s no rush to turn on the warp core for a speedy exit. Max knows it. Daniel knows it too. 
But the thing is, it’s been a while since Max has gone out on a date with Daniel. During their last shore leave, they were running the warp core a little too much after a hostile encounter with some Klingons. Forcing them to retreat after attempting to contact any nearby vessels for aid. Starfleet informed them to dock on a nearby known friendly planet and Captain Horner declared a shore leave as the engineering and operations team worked night and day to fix everything. Safe to say, Max did not have enough time to enjoy the days off. 
Neither did Daniel. 
After the announcement, Max told Daniel that he should spend some time off too. He and his crew were running on fumes after taking care of all the injured. The planet that they docked at was known for their night markets and after a quick search, famous for their grilled—something? Daniel read out loud from an article that the flavour is similar to an Earth grilled barbeque and Max knew that it was one of Daniel’s vices. 
Daniel had taken a look at him and told him that he’d bring something nice back. On the first night of the leave, Daniel showed off all the things that he brought back and hand-fed Max something grilled on a stick. Max had been too tired to notice what it was he was eating other than the fact that it was good and Daniel was feeding him. Then Daniel proceeded to hole himself in Max’s office for the rest of the shore leave and declared himself the “Max recharging station!” whenever Max got too frustrated during repairs. 
It was safe to say that many engineers only had their heads still stuck above their shoulders because of the “recharging station.” 
(What Max doesn’t know is that the engineering department had sent Daniel a box of nuts-free chocolates.)
“Where are we going?” Max decides to say. 
Daniel rolls over him to grab his data pad off the table and the screen immediately lights up. Max scrunches his nose as he tries to cover his eyes with his arm and Daniel says a quick, “Sorry.” 
“Holy shit Max. We’re docking on a beach planet,” Daniel says.
Max mumbles an affirmative. 
“You wanna go surfing? Look, Max,” Daniel rolls back to face Max and tries to shove the data pad in front of his face. Max barely opened his eyes before he turned his body away. 
“Max, c’mon babe.”
Max mumbles—“Whatever you want.”
“Sorry I didn’t catch that babe, what’d you say?” 
Not wanting his sleep to further be interrupted, Max fully opens his eyes before rolling back to face Daniel. He’s scrolling endlessly on the datapad, more than likely just looking at what the planet has to offer. Max huffs. 
“Daniel. I obviously have no preference over what we should do. I just want to enjoy some time with you,” Max says earnestly. Daniel turns his head to look at him, smiling widely. He turns the datapad off and puts it back on the table. Then, snuggles closer to Max until their noses touch each other. 
Max had closed his eyes already when Daniel suddenly asked him, “D’you wanna know something, babe?” 
Max simply acknowledges him with a nod. 
“I like you so much.” Max still has eyes closed but he blindly throws his arm around where he guesses Daniel’s waist is to get them closer together. He uses the opportunity to nuzzle his nose to Daniel’s collarbones. 
“I like you so much too.”
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oftincturedwords · 1 year
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Title: A Precaution Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars : The Bad Batch / Star Wars : The Clone Wars Rating: T+ Chapter Warnings: Mild Descriptions of Medical Equipment , Thoughts on Potential Injuries , Thoughts on Potential Illness , Medical Equipment , Implied Medical Experimentation , etc. Characters: Hunter , Tech , Mentioned Omega , Mentioned Echo , Mentioned Wrecker , & Mentioned Crosshair. Additional Tags: Conversations , Brothers , Shopping , Team as Family , Family , Supply Runs , Heart-to-Hearts , etc. Timeline: Set during series one Star Wars : The Bad Batch ; between s01e09 ( Bounty Lost ) & s01e10 ( Common Ground ) Pairings: Gen. None. Word Count: 4296 Summary: Tech brings up a point Hunter hadn't thought of whilst they are out on a supply run, and he worries, but Tech is there to help reassure him. A/N: This fic scene has been in my head ever since I watched this series , but I haven't been able to find a way to slip it into any of my other TBB stories , but I am having it here as a one-shot. This was supposed to be under 1k words , but it grew a bit more than I was expecting agdkflg it was still fun to write , even though it made a bit sad to write it. I have no beta thus all mistakes are mine. Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to Star War : The Clone Wars & Star Wars : The Bad Batch. Neither am I associated with Lucasfilms , Disney+ , nor any of the actors who portray these characters. I make no money off any of my stories , this is purely for entertainment purposes. Read On : ao3 | under the cut
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The loud bustling of the market in this town came mostly from the volume at which everyone spoke here and the various trios of musicians that seemed to be stationed at every other street corner. Hunter could name a few of the instruments, but most were of a variety he hadn't ever seen before. This world was one he, nor any of his brothers had visited prior to now, but Tech had been insistent over checking this advertised market for the supplies they needed since he hadn't been able to find what they needed on Ord Mantell.
But seeing as it was a new and unknown place, Hunter had Wrecker and Echo stay back on the Marauder with Omega. It was safer for the kid, and Tech and Hunter would draw the least amount of attention. Given their size and appearances became unremarkable when they took a leaf from Rex’s book and wore cloaks over their armour.
Besides Tech was adamant that he be on the supply run no matter who accompanied him, which wasn't uncommon when his youngest brother was being pedant over the specifics of the list. Thus Hunter had let Tech lead him around the vast market set between a multitude of shops that dotted the streets here, past stalls and venders of all sorts. Pausing here and there to check prices or pick up what they needed, with Tech proving to be a rather unyielding haggler much to Hunter's surprise. And endless amusement to see the most shady of merchants bend under his brother’s shrewd bartering.
He’d learnt a lot since they had first docked on Ord Mantell.
Thus Hunter was content to simply follow Tech’s lead and carry the items they accumulated over the last hour, from replenishments of their rations to some spare connectors and a coil of wires for minor repairs to the Havoc Marauder. As well as a spool of duranex thread for mending their clothes along with a new needle set, a box of chemwipes, a canister each of desealer and grease, and a new tuning stylus.
And Tech was finishing a deal with a vender for several patch circuits and a converter, which marked off the final few items they had been searching for. Waiting patiently until Tech had collected the purchase, holding out a hand to take the patch circuits from him to tuck them away in the backpack he carried for the express purpose of holding their shopping this day. Tech’s was already stocked full from their earlier buys.
Stowing the supplies before he shifted the pack back over his shoulders, Hunter said, “That's the last of it. Ready to head back?”
“Not quite yet actually.”
Hunter, who had partially stepped away to make back towards where they docked the ship, turned back to Tech, asking, “What is it?”
“There are a few more items I wanted to check if this market has that I did not write on the list.” Tech answered, gaze flicking away from him.
Hunter felt one of his eyebrows raise at that unusual omission from his vod’ika, it was unlike Tech to forget something like that nor was he one of deviating from the carefully budgeted docket, “Any particular reason you didn't put these items on the list?”
“Not to worry, they have already been allocated into our current sum of funds.” Tech reassured.
“You just didn't write them down.” Hunter filled in the blank that the other had left open, “Why?”
“Omega has a habit of scanning the supply lists before we set out and given her recent quandaries with Bounty Hunters along with her history on Kamino, I thought it would be prudent to keep them to myself.” Tech explained without truly answering his query.
“Tech.” Hunter sighed, exasperated by the deliberate verbal run-around the other was giving him.
“A paediatric medical kit and medpac.” Was the immediate answer from his brother.
“What?” The word leaves his mouth in place of an actual response, his brain still reeling from the fact that it was something they needed, things they should have picked up immediately as they could when they knew Omega would be staying with them. After so many close calls and it was only now that they were searching for one.
“Omega is smaller and physically younger than any of us, scanners and bandages are one thing, but if she were to require any medical intervention or medicine. We do not currently possess any for a child upon the Marauder.” Tech answered as if Hunter’s question hadn't been reflexive or retortic, “Which is an oversight on my part. One that I am working now to rectify.”
“Gods Tech.” Hunter breathed, seeming to wilt where he stood, knees feeling well at the implications of Tech’s words and outcomes that could have occurred when they weren't medically prepared to handle them for Omega.
Tech’s frown deepened, contrite and self-ramificating his expression was, “I know I should have seen to it the moment that we had the requisite credits available for such an expense, which has been three separate times now.”
“No, Tech.” Hunter shook his head, knowing this wasn't solely on Tech to prepare for nor his fault it wasn't addressed before this, “There's been a lot going on and we've all had more to deal with than ever before. Having a kid around is new for all of us.”
“Be that as it may, as our squad's sole corpsman—” Tech began to argue, but was interrupted by Hunter disagreeing back.
“You may be the one with the most medical knowledge on our team, Tech, but you can't be expected to think of everything.” Hunter strove to reassure, a corner of his lips upturning when he tacked on, “Even with that brain of yours.”
Tech huffed, eyes rolling towards the sky, but he too offered a small smile at his ori’vod to show he understood the other’s meaning and accepted the gentle teasing. It wouldn't dispel with what he thought was a grave mistake he had made in not ensuring they had purchased these precautionary items earlier, but it was a relief to know he wasn't thought less of or blamed.
“We're fixing it now, that's what matters.” Hunter gingerly knocked his van race against Tech’s in further show all was well between them, “Now we're doing you supposed we’ll find them here?”
“There is a shop up ahead that is most plausible in having something similar to what we are looking for.” Tech suddenly spoke up, waving a hand to point out the shopfront with the universal chemist sign over its door with the aubresh for ‘apothecary’ on the door itself, “In the very least, they are likely to have some items of use for children that we can add to our aidpacs until we can procure an official kit. And we need to replenish our supplies of medpatches anyway.”
“All right, I’ll follow your lead.” Hunter angled his head to signal for Tech to lead the way, to which his brother did over to the shop and up the few small steps to the door to enter it.
Following behind, Hunter was instantly met with the spiced aroma that belonged to actively burning incense which was mingled with the tang of herbal tea brewing and the accumulated redolence of hundreds of dried herbs. The strong odour had him blinking several times in quick session and clearing his throat to cover up a cough, and shaking his head at Tech, who had pointedly looked back at Hunter after catching the scent as well.
It wasn't overpowering, just surprising to his enhanced sense of smell after the open atmosphere outside. He could nearly taste the smoke and earthy resin on the air with every breath, but it wasn't the worst fragrance he had been subjected to nor the strongest, thus after a moment to grow accustomed to that essence on every inhale, he was fine.
Nodding twice at Tech, returning the other's pointed look to ensure his brother knew he was all right and set to continue, Hunter followed Tech further into the cluttered shop. Surveying the various herbal merchandise laid out in individual compartments along the nearest workbench, admiring the vastness of the collection and the variety of pre-mixed tinctures that were lined up upon the shelving units above the table, Hunter still kept half a mind on keeping up with Tech, who appeared to be headed towards the far set of worktops near the till that held assembled medpacs and an assorted allotment of replacement pieces.
Coming up next to his vod’ika, Hunter watched Tech peruse the handful for kits they had on display. Watching his brother’s eyes narrow, then him reach out to pick up a medpac that held the universal medical insignia on it, but instead of it being red, it was painted in four sections. Each a primary colour with the fourth addition being green.
Without sparing a glance towards the shopkeeper, Tech cracked open the kit to view the contents inside to which Hunter stepped closer to shield his brother’s actions from the shop-owner should he look their way. Simply appearing interested in Tech shuffling through the diverse abundance of bandages, patches, and ointments. There was even a folded sling, a finger brace, one for the wrists, trauma shears, and several different small packets of child-grade medications.
“This medpac will suffice.” Tech told Hunter, reorganising the items he had moved about to check the quality of the pac, then setting it aside but still near him before he reached up again to pull down a medkit with the same colouring, only bigger.
When Tech opened this one, there were a few of the same things from the medpac, but far more in amount and there was a lot more to the kit than the pac. Hunter spied hydration gel, spray splint, flexclamps, a hypospray with a variety of phials, a basic analyser, irrigation bulbs, bacta patches and gel, bone stabiliser, two stim-shots, and a resuscitation kit.
It held nearly everything the medical kit back aboard the Havoc Marauder had, except it was all modified for use upon a child. The size of the braces, tubes, and instruments had all been crafted for smaller, younger bodies. Even the dosages outlined along the cases of the medications were far less than what he or his brothers would take, positively minute was what it prescribed in comparison.
Seeing this had Hunter’s earlier horror over the fact they hadn't considered getting a medpac and kit sooner for Omega. If anything had happened to her prior to them purchasing this that had required more than a bandage and some bacta gel, they could have very well made things worse by having to delay treatment or face a potential overdose.
Hunter began to feel nauseous at the resurgence of those thoughts and as he watched Tech shift through the rest of medical kit’s contents. Unable to quiet the grim images his mind conjured up of what injuries would have to befall their littlest batcher for those items to be of any use. Even though they were purchasing them to err on the side of caution, with how they lived, it wasn't outside the realm of possibility that something would happen to Omega that would require such medical aid.
“Are you all right?”
Attention drawn up from the med kit and his brother’s stilled hands towards Tech’s face, a slight dazed, Hunter shook his head as he backed away from the till stand and turned to stumble out of the shop. Nearly stumbling down the few short yet uneven steps out of the entrance and over towards the side of the building. Unheeding of the call he heard from behind him.
Halting there because he didn't want to leave Tech entirely in this scarcely known market on a planet they only just this morning set foot on, but he needed to be physically away from the source of those thoughts. Or so he had thought, for they followed him here. Although it was easier to breathe without the overwhelming smell of incense and the lingering scents of all the patrons that had been inside that cramped shop all morning. The air wasn't without its harsh and burning smells, but it was clear and the subtle breeze that blew through the maze of short buildings helped.
Leaning back against the sturdy brick of the alleyway’s wall, Hunter drew several breaths as he pressed the back of his head to the unyielding surface and closed his eyes tight. Willing away the memories of battlefield wounds he had seen on troopers and civilians throughout the war when they had been stationed with companies or battalions of the GAR that tried to overlay onto every instance that Omega had been in danger. And there had been too many.
Another deep breath in, Hunter exhaled heavily as he leant forwards to place his hands on his knees. His lower back was still supported by the roughened brick behind him in order to keep his frame steady whilst he tried to get his thoughts together and emotions under control.
He didn't enjoy the idea of any of his siblings being hurt or injured, but he as well knew that his brothers had faced much already in their short lives and had been expertly trained from their birth to fight and defend against a multitude of enemies amidst active combat. For the worst of missions, the ones that were considered suicide runs for any other unit. They had the conditioning, education, experimentation, and training to craft and hone such skills for that.
Yet Omega hadn't. She was younger than them in every way except years lived and hadn't gone through even the basics of training the standard regs. went through. Her training had been in medical assistance, and even though she showed so much promise in the skills they were all teaching her and hoping to instil with proper training. None of them had wanted to instruct her as they had been trained, it had been an unspoken, unanimous decision.
And even though Hunter knew it was the right thing to do and he knew Omega was intelligent enough to help herself, he still feared at times that it would leave Omega vulnerable if they weren’t around to offer an assist and look out for her. An irrational fear he tried to tell himself and work to quiet its voice, but still it reared its head routinely and persistently.
Sliding down the wall, Hunter cringed at the scraping noise it made when the plastoid of his armour was dragged down the brick surface. But it wasn't lasting, only a moment of the grating sound before he was sitting. His buttplate clacked against the stone permacrete and he drew his knees up to rest his elbows on before leaning forwards a slight to lay his head into his upturned palms.
A few more measured breaths and the reflexive nausea began to abate, but Hunter didn't raise his head yet. Working to reassure himself, though it didn't silence the fear nor tame the anxiety, it aided in quieting it and bolstering it with facts of reality rather than the worries of imagination. No matter how real those what-ifs could become, they hadn't happened. And they were taking steps to ensure her well-being and safety persisted, thus they had plans if a worse injury or illness did come to pass for Omega.
Hearing a specific tread of footfalls coke up near him, but pause a pace away then the sound of shifting fabric and soft clack of armour as Tech crouched down near him without reaching out to touch nor overcrowd him.
“Is it a migraine?”
Hunter heard his brother softly whisper the question, pitched low enough that he would be able to hear it yet if he had been experiencing a migraine, it wouldn't have caused him any further pain to hear. The care and gentleness of Tech’s actions was appreciated, even if it wasn't needed, and it warmed something in his chest. For all their upbringing was cold and professional, detached and driven to hardened them for war, his brothers were all capable of so much kindness and tenderness.
Raising his head from his hands whilst he shook his head, Hunter blew out a long breath before he looked up at his littlest brother. Noting how Tech’s eyebrows were pinched behind the rims of his goggles and how a frown was playing at the corner of his lips, he had the other worried.
“You are rather pale.”
Hunter could tell his vod’ika wished to say more, to elaborate on every observation he had noted about Hunter that showed he had deviated from the norm to hopefully spur an explanation from him yet he saw as well as heard Tech clench his jaw closed to silence that desire. Likely surmising it would do little good at present.
“I’m fine.” Hunter added in hopes to reassure the other clone, or in the very least show that he wasn't suffering any sort of sensory overload induced ailment, “Swear it.”
Tech hummed noncommittally, seeming unconvinced by his haleness or unbelieving of his consolation, but willing to proceed under what guise Hunter wished, albeit reluctantly by how stiffly he said, “Then we should return to the Marauder. We have all the supplies we could locate here.”
“Tech.” Hunter sighed an apology within the utterance of the other's name, realising then how dismissive his reassurance had sounded.
“No, it is all right.” Tech said plainly, attempting to be unperturbed, “Perhaps Wrecker or Echo can offer an assist where I cannot?”
“No, no, it's just I,” Hunter shook his head at himself, his eyes closing for a moment, “Seeing all that medical equipment, all of it made for someone Omega’s size, a karking child, and knowing what kind of life we're leading right now… I couldn't…”
A moment of silence passed between them, Hunter dropped his head back down into a hand of his as he struggled to articulate his feelings into words. His emotions felt both frivolous yet weighted and important, yet despite knowing his youngest brother cared for Omega, he wasn't certain he wasn't alone in his anxiety.
“I understand.”
Hunter’s head whipped up from where it had slipped to hang between his drawn-up knees, a heavy weight between his shoulders whilst his arms rested on his knees and his hands hung limply over them, to stare at Tech. A touch surprised yet searching his brother’s face to see if they truly shared the same mentality on this.
“We have not exactly had what most nat-borns would consider a healthy childhood ourselves. We were commissioned for combat, crafted to be soldiers, and our very existence is thanks to an intergalactic war, thus how could we be fit enough to help raise a child ourselves?” Tech’s head tilted to the side a fraction whilst he spoke, seeming to be reciting more than speaking, as if he had heard such arguments before and knew exactly how to counter them, but Hunter knew that was simply how Tech approached more emotionally driven conversations, “However, Omega is healthy and alive in our care at the moment. We rescued her from her isolated existence on Kamino, have ensured she has her autonomy ever since then, and have given her a vast amount of off-world experiences she never would have gained if she were still on Kamino.”
“I know.” Hunter sighed, rubbing his fingers of one hand along his forehead, “I know that and I’m glad for that, but it, sometimes it feels like it's not enough. That no matter what we do, it won't be enough to keep her safe and happy.”
“Your concerns are both valid and shared. Although I usually do not wish to speak for our brothers, I can assure you, you are not alone in your uncertainties nor your anxieties.” Hunter noticed Tech shuffled a bit as he said this, likely he was wishing to break the eye contact he had kept up to ensure Hunter knew the truth of his words and their significance, “And I especially find the uncharted territory of having a younger sibling for the first time rather harrowing, as much as it is rewarding.”
Watching Tech fiddle absentmindedly with the datapad clutched in his left and finally glance down towards it, as if desiring to bring it up and tap on it, but he left it as it was. His gaze flicking back towards Hunter after a moment, seeming nervous over admitting his apprehension so openly on this matter.
“Can you imagine having four younger siblings? I’ll have grey hair by the time I’m thirteen.” Hunter allowed a small smile to upturn at his lips and directed their conversation towards a lighter note without dismissing Tech’s unreserve, “But I wouldn't ever trade knowing you or the others for anything. Grey hairs and peace of mind be damned.”
An upwards quirk came to Tech lips then and a Hunter watched his brother’s gaze drift up a fraction towards his hair, “I think you will find you won't have to wait until thirteen for those grey hairs.”
Eyes widening, Hunter involuntarily raised a hand to his head to lay it over the hair there as his mouth fell open a slight. Aiming a mock glare at the other over the rare joke a moment later when he noted Tech’s smile merely grew at seeing his actions. Jokes at his expense over his attention to his hair weren't new, but they had waned in the last few months and Hunter found, in this very moment, that he missed that teasing banter that used to fill the Havoc Marauder. It had lessened since the fall of the Republic… since Crosshair…
Shaking his head minutely at the direction his thoughts were taking him, his mind seemed to be determined to have him feeling down this day, Hunter was once again faced with Tech’s concern. His drop in mood having been easily spied on by his most observant vod.
“We saw on Saleucami, even living on a remote farm can have its dangers. Nowhere is guaranteed to be one-hundred percent safe, nor is life possible without injury or illness for anyone.” Tech spoke again, likely taking Hunter’s downturn in mood again as his persistent worry over their littlest sibling, “Which is why we do our best in the field to keep her safe, why I have accumulated several holobooks on parenting and fostering, and why we continue to try our very best with what we have. Just as we always have.”
“You've been reading parenting books?” Hunter asked, blinking in surprise, although he nearly smiled in fondness thereafter because of course his intelligent and ever learning little brother would seek out what information there was on a new subject. Especially one as important and pertaining to their lives now.
“With no other avenues available for gaining such information, I began searching the holonet for it and found several lists of recommended reading that have proved very insightful.” Tech answered, “I have a few more pertinent ones downloaded to a spare datachip if you wish to read them?”
Hunter nodded, “Yeah, that'd actually be great, Tech.”
“I shall give it to you when we are back aboard the Marauder then.” Tech returned Hunter’s nod, “And if I should come across any others that prove to be useful, I will compile them for you?”
“Thank you.” Hunter said emphatically.
Tech shook his head, “It is no trouble, but we should return before the others begin to worry. We have been gone longer than we told them to expect.”
A low chuckle came from Hunter then, a smile playing at the edges of his lips, “Last thing we need is a search party led by Wrecker and Echo in a small town.”
“Precisely.” Tech agreed, amusement clear in his voice.
Nodding twice, Hunter shuffled his feet outwards a slight to gain leverage enough to stand up. Pushing off the wall at his back with one hand and reaching the other out to keep his momentum, he felt the ghost of Tech’s hand near his elbow and upper back what he gathered his feet beneath him. But Tech hadn't touched him, only ensuring he stood in tandem with him and was at the ready should he need to steady his ori’vod.
Hunter offered a nod in thanks, appreciative of his brother’s attention even though it was unwarranted. Tech returned the gesture, seeming to stare a moment longer at Hunter as if to assure himself that the other was steady enough to continue.
“I'm good, Tech.” Hunter reassured again, knowing he still looked troubled, but he felt better after having talked with Tech over this, but upon seeing the flat look his brother sent his way, Hunter amended, “I'm… I feel better having talked about it with you. Thank you.”
A ‘tckh’ noise of rebuttal came from Tech then, “You do not have to thank me for listening to you and providing what verbal assurance I could, we are brothers, Hunter, and just because you are our ori’vod and leader doesn't mean you must carry every thing alone.”
“I know.” Was Hunter’s automatic response, but he caught the eye roll Tech gave at his words even as he stepped forwards to knock his white vambrace lightly against Hunter’s black painted one whilst Tech said, “Of course you do. Which is why you have brothers who will be here to remind you of it."
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whitherwordswither · 1 year
Logs from the Starfields, IV
Captain's Log #0.04:
So, sometimes, when I'm visiting New Atlantis I like to take a stroll down through The Well. Sure, the air quality ain't all that great but… there's some decent shops down there. And the Trade Authority allows me to drop off a lot of random lost and found items I come across.
One shop though, the surplus market Antonio runs. I was mindin' my own, browsing his goods when a customer comes in demanding a refund for some boots. Because they bring her bad luck? What did she say now? Somethin' about… "It's like walking under a ladder with a broken mirror in my pocket!" …And he gave her a refund! I ain't ever seen this man give refunds. So, after she leaves I decide to ask him about the boots.
Turns out she's not the first to return them. Apparently these unlucky boots are cursed. Hah. Like, are ya kiddin' me? Cursed space boots? Sounds like something straight out of one of them Tamriel Adventure novels. So anyway. Apparently these boots are so unlucky Antonio just wants to get rid of them and offers to pay me some decent creds to take them to a whole 'nother system and stash 'em away somewhere.
Well, shit. I didn't have any plans when I woke up this morning so why the heck not! Looks like we're going to some place called The Den. Pretty specific locale, if ya ask me. He could've just said to drop 'em in any 'ole corner of the galaxy. Guess we might find out why once we get there maybe? I'm kinda curious m'self.
So off we go! The Wolf System. I dig the name.
Turns out The Den is an old UC station. According to the Vanguard folks posted here it ain't seen much action since the war ended. Fine by me. I enjoy the calm. I mosey my way around and find a nice lookin' crate to stash the boots in back in a corner down some janky hall. Surprisingly, there's some young buck here, eyeballin' me.
Real good eyes too. Spots the boots. Can tell they're his size and everything. Even offers to buy 'em off me. Tempting. But I can see the risk comin' a mile away. Antonio's an alright guy. I don't want this to somehow blow back on him. So I decline and stash the boots in the crate. I mean. The guy could just as well pilfer them from the crate when I'm gone. It's the principle of the matter. Plus… well. I ain't gonna do my contract dirty like that. And sure as hell not for 500 measley creds.
But that was it. I'm still not sure why the boots had to be put in this specific location. Suppose it will remain one of life's great mysteries.
With that out of the way I decide to explore the station a bit. I find some cute plushies in an unoccupied room past the hall and I… Sigh. …Ok, ok. I admit. I might have a tiny problem. Ya see. I love all these cute lil plush toys. I can't keep my hands off 'em. So, yeah. Frown on me all ya want. I takes 'em when I sees 'em. Have you seen how frickin' adorable the plushie Parsec Pooch is? C'mon now. Ya'll'd be nabbin' 'em for that sweet five-finger discount too!
Anyway. The Den is… has a disappointingly small interior to explore. Besides the bar on the lower deck the only other post of any interest is the Trade Authority. Though the man here does have a charm about him I kinda like… I'd almost like him to invite me to see the special stock in back, if ya get my drift. Ahem.
Well. While we're here, I do a cursory scan of the system. Nothing really of interest. It really is the ass end of nowhere. I scavenge a couple wrecked ships near the old Den station. Would've liked to board the derelict, but. Didn't see any ports to dock to. Ah, well. I jump back to New Atlantis and give Antonio the good news. He gives me credits. All is right as rain.
As I'm pondering what to do with my day next I decide to pay a visit to my scientist friend and see if he's learned anything new about his tree. He seems to think the vibrations it is sending out are like a matin' call or whatever. All that science-y stuff is a bit above my pay grade. What he needs to test his theory though, that. That I can go and get. Seems like an old tree was given when the colonies were first established here as a peace offering to Akila. Though that tree died, it's branches are still in the museum there and apparently my friend may be able to science up some of its DNA and reciprocate a response to get the tree here to calm down its ponies.
I was wantin' to visit Akila anyway so this works out! Ain't been to the Cheyenne system in a long while. Not since before I lost my haulin' ship.
Akila's got some nice folks. Bit of an old Earth west feel to the place. That's kinda helped by it bein' on a rocky, desert kinda planet. I don't care too much for the area around the port though. Too muddy. I'm not a big fan of mud. Gets everywhere.
Soon as I hit the outer gate of the city a guard advises caution. Some ruckus happening at the local GalBank branch. Because of course there is! And it's a hostage situation. Sounds like my kinda party to crash and wouldn't ya know. I can see it from the gate. So of course I'm gonna mosey on over and offer my assistance since the sheriff ain't makin' any headway. It don't take too long before I've persuaded the gang to release the hostages and come out all quiet like without a fuss. It's almost like I'm the main character in a sweet intergalactic space opera. Maybe I should be sheriff. Hahah. Wouldn't that be cute? But I got things to do. Did I mention Akila has one of my favorite little bookshops? No digital content. Purely physical. I could spend hours in there. The owner's a nice gal.
I swing by the museum and manage to convince the owner to let me take the tree branch out of storage and back to New Atlantis with me on the contingency I bring it back in one piece. So. I hope the science won't damage it. Before I head out I take some time to wander around the city. There's a couple cheap properties here I can afford and I just might. I run in to another little squabble between a couple of guards and a woman who has some ideas about making security safer from the local beasty population outside the gates. The head of security doesn't want to listen because "Gosh darn I done it this way for years and it works so I ain't changin'!" blah blah. It's that kinda stuck-to-my-dusty-old-guns no-woman-gonna-tell-me nonsense I don't really care for. It don't hurt no one to listen to some new ideas. Especially if the new ideas could actually increase safety. And in the end, ain't that what this is about? So I end up helpin' the lass on the sly. She gives me some modules to set up along the perimeter of the town wall and then I casually occupy the attention of one of the guards near their security tower while she adjusts some settings on one of their computers to work with the modules. Technically, she's not really allowed in there.
Might be a bit shady but… like I said. If it's something that could keep people safer, what's the worst that could happen? She'll need a good 24hrs to collect a decent amount of data. Which works for me since. Since I got a date. With science. Back to Atlantis!
I touch down and jog my happy ass over to give my scientist friend the branch. He does his science stuff. And then figured the best way to serenade the tree is to have the audio he's created play from a near kiosk.
I offered to sing it, but. Apparently. My chops ain't cut for it. Pfft. Figures. So anyway. I skidaddle on over to the SSNN and upload the vibrational-sound-DNA-data or whatever. Which apparently, I can just do. From a weird little wall terminal without askin' nobody. Maybe MAST is authorized to just change up the tunes? I dunno. Again. Logisticalities are above my pay grade.
According to my friend, this method seems to be working. Visually, the has tree stopped dripping its drippy stuff. But otherwise still looks like the same ole tree its been. A win for science! Or somethin'. I guess. Well. Credits for me and my science friend is sporting a bigger smile. I suppose we saved the day and no one is the wiser. And no trees got to get harmed. Sometimes good happens quietly. Roll with it.
After that's all said and done I finally decide to head back to the Lodge and talk to Sarah. She's got a lead on an artifact and wants me to accompany her to pick it up. I'll spare you a loooong story about how this led us on a bit of a system-hoppin' goose hunt full of spacers and laser fights, bouncing around the Sol system from Mars to Uranus and boy… it was a mess tryin' to get ahold of this thing.
We finally save this poor lad from being spaced in his own ship. And here we find out he had been trying to hawk the dang artifact for extra creds! Well, lucky on us since we pulled his toasty rear outta the fire he just gave it up without a fuss at that point. Sarah got to bite off a bit more than she wanted to chew. I ended up dragging her down to some crashed ship remnants I wanted to check out on a nearby moon. And then we found a secret bio-research facility. And ya'll know I just had to waltz on in and check it out. Ran in to quite a few more pirates in there. Since I'm writing this, obviously, we made it out. And there's one group less of pirates in the galaxy to pirate. Another win for the day. Found a lot of good loot. Didn't really find out a whole lot of what the facility had been used for. Just some hints. Lots of frozen bodies. Apparently attempting to alter human DNA to better acclimate to hostile planet environments. Seemed sketch.
And hey, on the way back to New Atlantis those bounty hunters caught up to me again! This time, hopefully, I sent them a clearer message. By blowing their ships up. We'll see how that comes back to bite future-me in the ass.
Got to meet a couple other members of Constellation. A father and his kid. They seem nice enough. Kid seems like a smarty. I like 'em. Sarah points me to three new leads to follow up on. But that's enough artifact chasing for me for a minute or five. I still got a whole log of stuff that seems to keep getting bigger I want to look in to. Not to mention a whole mess of loot to sell. One step closer to a better ship!
I've managed to amass almost 200k. My eye is still on that Shieldbreaker they have in the shipyard. Just wait for me a little longer, darlin'…
End log.
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wynnummarine · 2 years
How to Optimize Storage Space on a Boat
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Sailors and everyone living in offshore homes have pioneered many advancements in small-space living. Bobbing beside a dock or anchored in a marina, sailboats, houseboats, and small yachts use clever designs to make the most of a few square feet. If you want extra space in your boat to accommodate more passengers, read this article to know how to save space in your boat.
Secure Your Gear
Do you want to secure gear and supplies in a visible location within reach? You can work wonders with inexpensive items like gear ties, carabineers, bungee cords, cargo nets and hook and loop fasteners. In the galley, cargo nets are great for overhead storage of fruits and vegetables, ready for the chef to grab. Bungee cords work well for securing windbreakers up against a bulkhead. Want to set your coffee cup down on the table and not have it tip over? Try sticking hook and loop material to its underside with the corresponding hook and loop mating surface located on the table and in other strategic locations around the boat. Have fun, use your imagination and you will find interesting ways to secure all kinds of gear.
Install a Small Charging Station
It’s best to place all gadgets in one place so they don’t tend to scatter around the boat. If you need to charge phones, laptops, and other gadgets at the same time, designate a small area in your boat where you can use it as a charging station. You can confine this on a counter or even a drawer. Install multiple outlets in one place. Make sure you also have a chord organizer where it can hold chords neatly.
Use Collapsible Containers
Your kitchen, or a galley, is definitely one of those areas in your boats where a lot of items are stored or placed. To save space, collapsible containers for everything from bowls to measuring cups. When you need the containers, you have them in their full size, but when you need to store them on board, you can collapse them, so they easily fit in drawers and other small galley storage spaces. You can use canvas baskets as your collapsible storage spaces. You can fold it up and keep it up if they are not in use.
Make Use of the Wall Space
To add aesthetics to your walls, use functional décor. There are a lot of beautiful hanging organizers or wall racks that not only add beauty and charm to your boat but can also maximize the wall space that can also use to store your belongings.
Use Foldable Furniture
To save more space in your boat, use furniture that can be folded and kept aside. A foldable table, seat, or bed is beneficial for space in your boat. These allow you the convenience of foldable furniture as well as the use of the space when these items are stowed. Cup holders are also helpful to keep drinks within reach and make a difference when every iota of space matters.
Find a Boat with Floor Storage
If you’re still looking for a boat and you’re in the market planning to purchase one, find a boat that has underfloor storage. Underfloor storage gives you extra space and it’s also completely out of sight Stacer’s Wild Rider boat range has underfloor storage where you can store other items in your boats such as fenders, angling gear, and other boating accessories.
Organized Anglers Catch More Fish
If you have a fishing boat, organizing your tackle onboard will help you to catch more fish. Where not already installed, consider a set of flush-mount rod holders. Offshore fishing boats benefit by installing "rocket launcher-style" rod holders to keep rods out of the way but also rigged and ready for action. Rod holders can also be installed overhead inside the boat's cabin. You can buy them in marine boat shops.
Multi-Use Products Save Space
Choose products and gear that serve multiple purposes or are designed to take up less space. For example, use multi-tools, that include pliers, cutting blades, screwdrivers, files, etc. These products help you save a ton of space in your storage areas.
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bhoyarankita1510 · 4 months
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bitchycrusadeking · 4 months
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shashi2310 · 7 months
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spookysaladchaos · 4 months
Global Top 24 Companies Accounted for 44% of total Floating Dock Systems market (QYResearch, 2021)
A floating dock, floating pier or floating jetty is a platform or ramp supported by pontoons. It is usually joined to the shore with a gangway. The pier is usually held in place by vertical poles referred to as pilings, which are embedded in the seafloor or by anchored cables.
Frequently used in marinas, this type of pier maintains a fixed vertical relationship to watercraft secured to it, independent of tidal, river or lake elevation.
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According to the new market research report “Global Floating Dock Systems Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Floating Dock Systems market size is projected to reach USD 0.37 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 3.5% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Floating Dock Systems Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Floating Dock Systems Top 24 Players Ranking and Market Share(Based on data of 2021, Continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of Floating Dock Systems include Bellingham Marine, Meeco Sullivan, Marinetek, SF Marina Systems, Ingemar, Poralu Marine, Walcon Marine, Flotation Systems, Maricorp, EZ Dock, etc. In 2021, the global top five players had a share approximately 44.0% in terms of revenue.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
For more information, please contact the following e-mail address:
Website: https://www.qyresearch.com
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marketdevelopment · 5 months
US Bike Sharing Market Size, Share, Types, Products, Trends, Growth, Applications and Forecast 2023 to 2030
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The US Bike Sharing is Expected to Grow at a Significant Growth Rate, and the Forecast Period is 2023-2030, Considering the Base Year as 2022.
The bike-sharing market refers to the industry and ecosystem of shared bicycle services that operate in a specific region or globally. It involves the provision of bicycles for short-term use to the public on a pay-as-you-go or subscription basis. US Bike Sharing enables individuals to rent bicycles for brief periods, typically ranging from a few minutes to a few hours, and use them for short-distance trips within urban areas.
Over the years, the US bike-sharing business has seen substantial expansion and adoption, particularly in metropolitan centres where inhabitants are looking for more eco-friendly and alternative modes of transportation. With US Bike Sharing, users can borrow bikes for short trips and return them to predetermined stations or drop-off places.
Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
Leading players involved in the US Bike Sharing Market include:
Motivate (US), Lime (US), Bird (US), Jump (US), Citi Bike (US), Divvy (US), Capital Bikeshare (US), Bluebikes (US), Indego (US), Nice Ride Minnesota (US), Breeze Bike Share (US),CoGo Bike Share (US), Bublr Bikes (US), Houston BCycle (US), Bike Chattanooga (US), Portland Bike Share (US), WeHo Pedals (US), Relay Bike Share (US), Zagster (US), Spin (US) and Other Major Players.
Market Driver:
One of the key drivers propelling the growth of the US Bike Sharing Market is the increasing focus on sustainable transportation solutions. With growing concerns over environmental pollution and climate change, there is a heightened emphasis on reducing carbon emissions and promoting eco-friendly modes of transport. Bike sharing offers a sustainable alternative to traditional modes of transportation such as cars and buses, helping to decrease traffic congestion and air pollution in urban areas. As individuals and governments alike prioritize sustainability initiatives, the demand for bike sharing services is expected to continue rising.
Market Opportunity:
An emerging market opportunity within the US Bike Sharing Market lies in catering to underserved communities and expanding access to transportation options. While bike sharing programs have proliferated in many urban centers, there remains a need to address transportation gaps in suburban and rural areas, as well as in low-income neighborhoods where access to affordable transportation is limited. By strategically deploying bike sharing infrastructure and implementing equitable pricing models, companies and municipalities can tap into new market segments and contribute to greater mobility and connectivity for all residents.
 Segmentation of US Bike Sharing Market:
By Bike Type
Traditional Bike
By Sharing System
By Duration
Short Term
Long Term
By User Type
Tourists and Visitors
Regular Commuters
Key Benefits of US Bike Sharing Market Research:
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We are technocratic market research and consulting company that provides comprehensive and data-driven market insights. We hold the expertise in demand analysis and estimation of multidomain industries with encyclopedic competitive and landscape analysis. Also, our in-depth macro-economic analysis gives a bird's eye view of a market to our esteemed client. Our team at Pristine Intelligence focuses on result-oriented methodologies which are based on historic and present data to produce authentic foretelling about the industry. Pristine Intelligence's extensive studies help our clients to make righteous decisions that make a positive impact on their business. Our customer-oriented business model firmly follows satisfactory service through which our brand name is recognized in the market.
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Docking Station Market SWOT Analysis of Top Key Player Forecasts to 2033
Market Definition
A docking station is a device that allows a user to connect multiple peripheral devices such as a mouse, keyboard, printer, external hard drive, and other devices to a laptop or desktop computer. This is usually done through a single cable connection or via a port replicator. The docking station acts as a hub for all of the attached devices and provides a single connection point for them.
Market Outlook
The development of docking station technology has enabled people to quickly and easily connect their laptops, tablets and other devices to monitors, keyboards, and other peripherals. This has revolutionized the way we work and play, allowing us to access our digital content from anywhere. As such, docking station technology has become an increasingly important part of computing.
One of the key trends in docking station technology is the increasing prevalence of USB-C ports. USB-C is a newer type of port that is quickly becoming the standard for connecting devices to computers. USB-C ports are smaller than USB-A ports, meaning they’re easier to fit into tight spaces. USB-C also supports faster data transfer speeds, meaning you can quickly and easily access your digital content.
Another key trend in docking station technology is the increasing prevalence of wireless charging docks. These docks allow you to charge your device without having to plug it in, and they’re becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience. Wireless charging docks are also becoming more powerful, meaning they can charge multiple devices at the same time. This means you don’t have to worry about plugging in multiple devices when you’re in a hurry.
The Docking Station market is a highly competitive and rapidly growing sector of the consumer electronics industry. The key drivers of the Docking Station market are convenience, compatibility, affordability, and portability.
Convenience is a major driver of the Docking Station market because it allows users to easily connect multiple devices and peripherals to a single device. This eliminates the need to use multiple adapters or cables to connect devices, which can be time-consuming and confusing. Additionally, users can access their devices and peripherals from a single location, making it easier to work or play.
Compatibility is another key driver of the Docking Station market. Many docking stations are compatible with multiple devices and peripherals, allowing users to connect a wide variety of products. This ensures that users can easily access their devices and peripherals, regardless of the brand or type. Additionally, docking stations can be used with a variety of operating systems, allowing users to access their devices and peripherals on multiple platforms.
The docking station market is a highly competitive one, with numerous players offering different products and features. As such, it is important to understand the key restraints and challenges that the market is facing.
The first and foremost restraint is the increasing cost of components used in manufacturing docking stations. As technology advances, components such as motherboards, processors, and memory become more expensive. This makes it difficult for companies to keep their prices competitive. Additionally, the cost of research and development is also increasing, making it difficult for companies to introduce new and innovative products.
To Know More:  https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/docking-station-market//?utm_id=1014
Research Objectives
Estimates and forecast the overall market size for the total market, across product, service type, type, end-user, and region
Detailed information and key takeaways on qualitative and quantitative trends, dynamics, business framework, competitive landscape, and company profiling
Identify factors influencing market growth and challenges, opportunities, drivers and restraints
Identify factors that could limit company participation in identified international markets to help properly calibrate market share expectations and growth rates
Trace and evaluate key development strategies like acquisitions, product launches, mergers, collaborations, business expansions, agreements, partnerships, and R&D activities
Thoroughly analyze smaller market segments strategically, focusing on their potential, individual patterns of growth, and impact on the overall market
To thoroughly outline the competitive landscape within the market, including an assessment of business and corporate strategies, aimed at monitoring and dissecting competitive advancements.
Identify the primary market participants, based on their business objectives, regional footprint, product offerings, and strategic initiatives
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Market Segmentation
The global Docking Station Market is segmented by type of ports, application, end-user, and region. By type of ports, the market is divided into single display docking stations, dual display docking stations, multi-display docking stations. Based on application, it is bifurcated into home use, office use, gaming, industrial use. On the basis of end-user, the market is classified into consumer electronics, business and enterprise, gaming industry, manufacturing and industrial sector. Region-wise, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Rest of the World.
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Major Players
The global Docking Station Market report includes players like Kensington United States , StarTech Canada , Cable Matters United States , iOttie United States , Anker China , Belkin United States , Mophie United States , Satechi United States , Twelve South United States , Nomad United States 
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Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis
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jayanthitbrc · 7 months
Global Bike Sharing Market Analysis 2024 – Estimated Market Size And Key Drivers
The Bike Sharing Global Market Report 2024 by The Business Research Company provides market overview across 60+ geographies in the seven regions - Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, and Africa, encompassing 27 major global industries. The report presents a comprehensive analysis over a ten-year historic period (2010-2021) and extends its insights into a ten-year forecast period (2023-2033). Learn More On The Bike Sharing Market: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/bike-sharing-global-market-report According to The Business Research Company’s Bike Sharing Global Market Report 2024, The bike sharing market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $3.82 billion in 2023 to $4.09 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.0%.  The  growth in the historic period can be attributed to urbanization and population density, environmental awareness, government initiatives and policies, infrastructure development, health and wellness trends. The bike sharing market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $5.2 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2%.  The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to electric bike integration, micro-mobility solutions, data analytics for optimization, smart city integration, subscription models and loyalty programs. The rise in demand for e-bikes is expected to propel the growth of the bike-sharing market going forward. An Electric bike is equipped with an integrated electric motor and battery system. E-bikes play a significant role in bike-sharing programs by increasing the accessibility of bike-sharing systems, improving climbing capability, and enhancing the overall experience for users. Get A Free Sample Of The Report (Includes Graphs And Tables): https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=12457&type=smp The bike sharing market covered in this report is segmented – 1) By Bike Type: E-Bike, Conventional Bikes 2) By Sharing: Docked, Dock Less 3) By Duration: Short Term, Long Term 4) By Model Type: Free-Floating, Peer-To-Peer (P2P), Station Based Technological advancements are a key trend gaining popularity in the bike-sharing market. Major companies operating in the bike-sharing market are adopting new technologies to sustain their position in the market. The bike sharing market report table of contents includes: 1. Executive Summary 2. Market Characteristics 3. Market Trends And Strategies 4. Impact Of COVID-19 5. Market Size And Growth 6. Segmentation 7. Regional And Country Analysis . . . 27. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles 28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis Contact Us: The Business Research Company Europe: +44 207 1930 708 Asia: +91 88972 63534 Americas: +1 315 623 0293 Email: [email protected] Follow Us On: LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/company/the-business-research-company Twitter: https://twitter.com/tbrc_info Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBusinessResearchCompany YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24_fI0rV8cR5DxlCpgmyFQ Blog: https://blog.tbrc.info/ Healthcare Blog: https://healthcareresearchreports.com/ Global Market Model: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/global-market-model
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waquasuniverse · 7 months
Docking Station Market Size To Reach $2,444.5Mn By 2030
The global docking station market size is expected to reach USD 2,444.5 million by 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2023 to 2030. The market growth is largely driven by factors such as the rising popularity of the Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) work culture to reduce expenses, the growing need for faster data…
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emonita · 7 months
iPad Charging Shelf Is Surely The Safest Mode Of Charging For The Device!
Charging your device is an important work. This is something that we use to do for certain devices on a daily basis. These devices are used by us daily and they need proper, safe and complete charging so that they can work faster and better. Without enough charging for these devices, they are not going to work properly. For those who have got an iPad, proper and safe charging of the device is something they must give importance to. So getting a proper charging stand or charging station for the device also becomes more important. In the market you can also get the charging stand and charging stations for the iPad. But this time, you can go for a more advanced version of iPad charging stand that comes with certain handy feature such as magnetic charging, Bluetooth connectivity, etc.
Secure And Safe Charging For The Device
iPad charging shelf is the option that has been loved by so many iPad users. This charging stand is where you can dock the iPad and then it starts the charge automatically while getting connected with your device through Bluetooth. With this type of charging stand there is no use of wire. So the clutter that wire can create at your home or office can be avoided easily. When the charging completes for the device, this charging stand is going to stop the charging automatically. It can also stop the iPad charging in case of any electrical emergency.
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It’s The Best Charging Stand
If you are looking for the best iPad pro charging stand, then you have come to the right place! It’s a charging stand that is made from aluminum alloy. Due to this reason, it has become very lightweight and also portable in size. You can keep this charging stand on a table easily and do charging for your device.
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