#Does corrupted Maxwell needs a tag???
sapphire-drawings · 1 year
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A whole lot of sketches of the shadow husbands, been a while since I've drawn them. Basically Maxwil but T. Wilson is in love with Maxwell's corrupted form cuz... I think that's neat. Gotta explore that concept a bit more
Also, T. Wilson in a constant insane state of mind fills my soul with something~ The black suit does part of the trick ngl
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krinsbez · 2 years
Pulptober 2022, Themes Elaborated, Part 6
OK folks, here we are. The sixth and final part of my elaborations of the themes for this year’s Pulptober.
Before we go on, rather than a recap, here are links to the previous Parts:
Also, a penultimate shout-out to @maxwell-grant for helping me with the alternate examples.
27-Six-Gun Gorilla/Pulp WTF?
It is an established fact that, even by the somewhat outre standards of the genre, quite a few Pulp Heroes are, well...weird, even by the somewhat outre standards of the genre. This day is for them. Alternate Examples: Audaz*+, Atomic Robo
28-Challengers of the Unknown/Best of the Best
It belatedly occurs to me that this title gives a somewhat misleading impression, and thus the elaboration is sorely needed. It is the nature of the genre that Pulp Heroes are awesome badasses who have a vast array of useful skills at which they excel. However, sometimes, in addiito nto or instead of such a character, we are presented with a team of individuals, each of whom is the absolute pinnacle of their respective fields. Today is for them. Alternate Examples: The Secret 6*, Leverage*, International Rescue,
29-Sam Spade/Hardboiled Justice
This one is so straightforward, I’m tempted to not bother elaborating. Y’all should know what the hardboiled detective genre is, but just in case; it’s about detectives (usually but not always PIs) who are tough and cynical, but ultimately heroic, traversing a world of sleaze and corruption and making their way through the muck with their brains, their snark, their guts, and their fists. Alternate Examples: The Continental Op, Mike Hammer, Shaft
30-Godzilla/Is This Pulp?
“Pulp“ and “Pulp Hero“ are, to be frank, rather hazy terms that defy exact definition, and every fan of the genre has their own ideas of what does and does not count. Today is for pushing the envelope as far as it can go, with characters who you can argue technically count, but many people would disagree. Alternate Examples: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Luke Skywalker
31-Batman/Pulp Hero Evolution
Finally, given the above factor, it is not surprising that there are any number of characters that, in a way, transcend the genre; they are, without any doubt or question Pulp Heroes, but the overwhelming majority of their fans have probably never even heard of the term, or know about only via digging deep into their faves’ history. Alternate Examples: James Bond, Prince Valiant, Ash Williams
*I have not actually consumed very much or any original media featuring this character.
+Suggested to me by @maxwell-grant, who I imagine is by now quite sick of my tagging him for these.
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terrablaze514 · 6 years
If I'm Invisible (Part 2)
**This is still a test.**
A preview of Marooned, prior to the events of the island. Currently on Earth, Preventers take on a dire mission to combat America's "Pedowood Agenda", which was sanctioned by a Democratic representative. Complications arise when Heero loses track of his teammates... This is also influenced by recent events, and online and offline aspects of life. I do not own these characters nor promote violence. Tags are not working properly, so you've been warned.
Rated M for mature subject matter. Trigger warnings are mentions of pedophile culture, kidnappings, corruption of power and threats of violence.
Heero had lost his mind over the massive brick door. Three of his comrades, followed by twelve students, were trapped on the other side.
Desperate, he activated his earphones.
"Duo? Wufei? Quatre? Do you read me?"
"It's the fucked up American Justice System!" Came the angered, hasty response from Duo's comm. "They've locked us in here due to Democracy!"
Heero's eyes perked. What was really going on in there?
"This is what making underage people vote does," came Quatre's curt response, albeit nonchalant.
"We should've stopped fighting for Earth when we had the chance," Wufei's voice echoed, "but that's impossible. Our hearts are incapable of achieving that level of resentment."
"I still have some serious questions about why the Democrats permitted pedophiles to buy children from their respective parents-"
"If their credit score is horrible." Quatre ended the sentence. "I understand your frustration Duo, being an American and all. But we need to stay focused. We'll deal with the president's son soon enough."
"Let's focus on how to destroy this steel door and bring these displaced students back to their respective families," Wufei said. "Let Trowa and Heero kill the evil president, and rescue Relena and Hilde from the prison located under the White House. I know they'll get the job done."
Duo heaved a nonchalant, yet desperate sigh. "So be it, then. They better act fast, so we can kill the pedophiles and habophiles who have taken the rest prisoner."
Quatre's voice spoke. "I cannot open links to Heero nor Trowa. We still need to pinpoint Mariemaia's current location. Last time she was headed for Nevada - turns out she wasn't here."
"I hope the gods have enabled high accuracy GPS to work. They're no longer driving a hybrid, hence our current predicament."
The Japanese twenty-year-old shook his head. He could only listen to them, but cannot open the link to communicate. Stretching his arms, he took mental notes of this black, pebbled building (save the yellow bricked door). His eyes shifted to the sounds of distraught cries.
His feet took off, adrenaline pumping, synchronized with his heartbeat. The voices grew louder now; he knew he was getting close.
He'd promised to never kill again, but Earthlings were so idiotic. It made all the more sense why Duo Maxwell couldn't contain his anger, upon Commander Une's announcement of a debased, defunct United States of America.
Made to attack families.
And force children and youth to grow up faster than necessary.
Let alone compromise marriage laws.
Heero wouldn't stand for it.
The following scene that greeted him was a woman, protectively holding her son and daughter back from a grown man and two grown women.
"Your son is ours for the taking, since you cannot pay your utility bills on time."
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Just Made The Democratic Party Safe For Democracy Again
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Just Made The Democratic Party Safe For Democracy Again
In the Democratic Party primary for New York’s 14th Congressional District, progressive political outsider Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was outspent by 10-term incumbent Joe Crowley more than 17 to 1.
Crowley went all-out, pouring $3.4 million into the race, according to the latest figures from the Center for Responsive Politics. The money was raised from some of the biggest names in corporate America ― private equity titan Blackstone, health insurance giant Aetna, Nasdaq, Google, Facebook, Comcast, Boeing, Verizon, AT&T, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, General Electric, Northrop Grumman and Bank of America, among others.
Ocasio-Cortez spent just under $200,000, none of it from corporate political action committees or lobbyists. And she beat the hell out of him. With just a handful of precincts left to be counted Wednesday morning, the 28-year-old Democratic Socialist held a 15-point lead over Crowley, who had conceded the race several hours earlier.
The way Ocasio-Cortez ran her campaign will change the Democratic Party at least as much as the policies at the heart of her candidacy.
Ocasio-Cortez thrilled lefties across the country by calling on Congress to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, establish a “Medicare for all” health insurance program and implement a federal jobs guarantee. But these were all manifestations of an overarching, small-d democratic idea that Ocasio-Cortez summed up in a compelling campaign video.
“This race is about people versus money,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “We’ve got people, they’ve got money.”
These are the words of an organizer. Washington, however, is dominated by an army of lobbyists, lawyers, economists and consultants who insist that money in politics always matters more than people.
Among Republicans, the political priority of wealth isn’t really controversial. In April, Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, told lobbyists at the American Bankers Association that when he served as a congressman, he simply refused to meet with anyone who hadn’t contributed financially to his election. (His actual constituents in South Carolina were exempted from this ban.)
But Democrats are at least nominally uncomfortable with this idea, both because it is corrupt and because for more than 80 years, Democrats have understood themselves to be the party of the people, the party of progress and equality. So Big Money Democrats and Big Money groups that want to win over Democrats deploy swarms of metaphors and euphemisms to distract from their fundamentally anti-democratic enthusiasm for corporate cash. No Labels celebrates “problem solvers,” while Third Way embraces the moniker of “radical centrists.” 
Democratic Party leaders typically plead pragmatism on Big Money. Less than a year ago, former Hillary Clinton aide Zerlina Maxwell expressed the reigning ideology during an appearance on Joy Reid’s MSNBC program. She essentially declared the yet-to-be-launched Ocasio-Cortez campaign an impossibility.
“I think that the ideological purity that some Bernie Sanders supporters want to implement in the Democratic Party is really a manifestation of privilege,” Maxwell said. “People of color and women running for office can’t abide by purity tests because of the structural difficulties in running for office. And the bottom line here is, you need money to win an election.”
The endgame for Maxwell was overturning the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, which allowed corporations to spend unlimited amounts supporting any candidate they want to see in office. Until legislation could be passed ending the electoral advantage held by organized money, Democrats could never win elections by relying on organized people alone, and it would take Democratic victories to defeat Citizens United ― or so the argument went. The only way to get rid of Big Money in the long run was to rake it in right now.
People listen to such fatalism because money really does matter in elections. If it didn’t, the richest and most powerful people in the world wouldn’t keep dumping fortunes into the political process. But not every district is the same. In districts and states where the Democratic Party holds an overwhelming advantage, the power of ideas can indeed overcome the power of money. Ocasio-Cortez just proved it.
Campaigns like Ocasio-Cortez’s can and will soon be launched all over the country. The Cook Political Report lists 31 House districts where the Democratic Party holds demographic advantages at least as strong as those in New York’s 14th and 180 districts that are considered “solid” for Democrats. And a host of Democratic Party organizations are now devoted to getting candidates like Ocasio-Cortez in those seats ― from Move On to Indivisible to Our Revolution and the Democratic Socialists of America. In those upcoming contests, the ability to marshall Big Money will not be a sign of electability, but a scarlet letter.
The very fact that the seats are safe from Republican challenge means that the Democrats who occupy them have the power to sustain a genuinely progressive agenda when they get to Washington. The voters who put them in power over Big Money candidates won’t punish them for voting against Wall Street, Silicon Valley or private prisons.
As Ocasio-Cortez put it at the close of her campaign video: “It doesn’t take 100 years to do this. It takes political courage.”
CORRECTION: Joe Crowley is a 10-term congressman, not a 10-year congressman.
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