#Does vitamin D increase growth harmone
learnyogafreeforever · 5 months
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asmaks · 4 years
How to have healthy pregnancy?
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It's so exciting to know that you are going to be a mommy for the first time. Once you have your pregnancy test confirmed, you will be overwhelmed with joy. Now you should be extra careful about your health. A healthy pregnancy is important to have a healthy baby. Let me tell you this journey not only has its ups but also some downs like for the first trimester some of you will be experiencing morning sickness. This is where you have to be careful about your health as the harmones will not let you take the food as you want.
Tips to reduce morning sickness:
Take medications prescribed by your doctor. Eat some biscuits which do not have oil like marie gold. Do not keep your stomach empty, as the gastric juices on your stomach can make you even more sick. Avoid foods which will trigger the sickness. Eat whatever you can at this time. If you can't take solid foods, try to have fruit juices, coconut water, buttermilk etc. Try taking soups if you can. Do not worry as this phase does not last long. Once you complete you first trimester you will slowly get your appetite back. In no time you will be craving for different foods. Make sure to take supplements given by your doctor. Avoid alcohol, cigarette smoking and limit caffeine intake. Take foods rich in calcium and iron. Increase hemoglobin levels by adding iron rich foods. Drink lots of water and be hydrated. Nutritious foods to eat during pregnancy:
Dairy products: Include dairy products in your diet especially yogurt which is a great choice for pregnant women. They are helpful in meeting increased protein and calcium needs.
Legumes: Legumes are great sources of folate, fibre and other nutrients. Folate is an important nutrient during pregnancy and may reduce the risk of some birth defects and diseases.
Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, which your body transforms into vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for the growth and differentiation of cells in your growing fetus.
Salmon: Salmon contains the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA which are important in the brain and eye development in your growing baby. It is also a natural source of vitamin D.
Eggs: Eating eggs is a great way to increase your overall nutrient intake. They contain choline, an essential nutrient for brain health and development.
Broccoli and leafy vegetables: They contain most of the nutrients that pregnant women need. They're also rich in fiber, which helps in preventing or treating constipation.
Fish liver oil: A single serving (15ml) of fish liver oil provides more than the required amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and vitamin A. Fish liver oil may be particularly important for women who don't eat sea food.
Berries: Berries contain water, carbs, vitamin C, fiber antioxidents and plant compounds. They help pregnant women increase the intake of water and nutrients.
Whole grains: Whole grains are packed with fiber, vitamins and plant compounds. They are rich in B vitamins and magnesium, all of which pregnant women needs.
Avocados: Avocados contain high amounts of mono saturated fatty acids, fiber, folate and potassium. They help improve fetal health and relieve leg cramps that are common in pregnancy.
Dry fruits: Dry fruits are highly beneficial for pregnant women since they are small and nutritient dense. Just make sure to limit portions and avoid candied varieties to limit excess sugar intake.
Add physical exercise to your daily routine like walking, squats. Squats helps in strengthening of your pelvic muscles. These exercises makes it somewhat easier at the time of delivery. Once you reach nineth month of your pregnancy, prepare your bag which you want to take with you to the hospital for delivery. Include all the essentials which you will need at that time. Do not forget to add some baby clothes and diapers. Prepare the bag beforehand because you cannot do it at the last moment as you can have pains, water breaking, anxiety at the final moment when you start for the hospital. So be prepared and do not worry
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optimizenutrition · 3 years
8 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Immune System
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Having a strong immune system is crucial in preventing illness and infections and maintaining optimal health. Even the healthiest people get sick every now and then, but if you find you are getting frequent colds, having digestive issues, skin problems, increased allergy symptoms, or are just feeling generally un-well, your immune system may need a boost. The good news is that you can do this naturally by making some simple lifestyle changes.
1. Support Gut Health: Having a balanced immune system begins in the gut, as the majority of immune cells are located there. This means following a balanced diet that is based on whole foods, and avoiding processed and artificial foods. Probiotic supplements are very beneficial as they help balance the good bacteria from the bad and lower inflammation in the G.I tract, therefore supporting immune function. https://www.optimizenutrition.ca/vitamins-health-supplements/nova-probiotics-daily-immunity-15-billion/
2. Include Immune Boosting Foods: Theses include fermented foods and beverages, berries and citrus’, dark leafy greens, beets (increase fruit and veggie consumption in general), raw honey, full fat organic yogurt, garlic, onions, mushrooms, healthy fats such as coconut oil, olive oil and avocados, bone broths, sea vegetables, and wild fish such as salmon and oysters.
3. Correct nutrient deficiencies: Even while following a healthy balanced diet, you can still be lacking in key vitamins and minerals for a variety of reasons. Deficiencies in vitamin D, zinc, omega 3’s, calcium and magnesium are a few of the most common. Symptoms of a deficiency will vary depending on the nutrient, so it is a good idea to have bloodwork done every so often. Ask your doctor for a vitamin and nutrient analysis. General symptoms include pale skin, weakness and fatigue, brittle hair and nails, dry skin, numbness and tingling in extremities, and periods of light-headedness.
4. Avoid Toxins: This means avoiding excess sugar, processed foods and artificial additives, as well as substances such as alcohol and tobacco. Chemicals such as BPA’s, phthalates, and pesticides are also very detrimental to your health. It may be a good idea to invest in a water filtration system as well to reduce exposure to contaminants such heavy metals, xenoestrogens, micro-organisms, anti-biotics, and organic and non-organic chemicals. https://www.optimizenutrition.ca/equipment-accessories/santevia-5-stage-filter/
5. Reduce stress: Because the endocrine and immune system are so inter-related, excessive or long-term stress can supress the function of your immune system greatly leaving you vulnerable to illnesses and infection. Practice stress relieving techniques such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing, getting outdoors, participating in activities you enjoy, and using calming essential oils like lavender and lemon balm.
6. Get enough Sleep: Lack of sleep is associated with a wide range of health effects, and mounting evidence indicates that it can disrupt the immune system and make it easier for you to get sick. Those who get less than 6-7 hours of quality sleep per night are at a greater risk for infections and common colds, as well as long term health conditions. Making sleep a priority will improve the function of your immune system and your over-all well being.
7. Exercise: Studies show that engaging in regular physical activity strengthens your immune system by stimulating lymph flow and therefore helping prevent infections and diseases. However, too much exercise can have the opposite effect as this can result in stress and inflammation in the body. If you generally lead a sedentary lifestyle, it would be wise to implement some kind of weekly exercise routine, ideally an activity you truly enjoy doing and does not create more stress in your life. If you are regularly doing intense workouts and have been struggling to complete them or are feeling exceptionally fatigued during the day, you may want to consider scaling back the intensity or incorporating more recovery days.
8. Herbal Remedies and Supplements:
- Medicinal Mushrooms: All medicinal mushrooms contain powerful polysaccharides called beta-glucans, which have been found to help fight inflammation and balance the immune system. They also have many other benefits such as reducing stress and fatigue, improving sleep, supporting cardio-vascular health, and many more. https://www.optimizenutrition.ca/vitamins-health-supplements/harmonic-arts-5-mushroom-blend-45g-dual-extract/
- Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays a role in supporting your immune system’s natural ability to produce proteins required for it to function at an optimal level. Deficiency is associated with increased susceptibility to infections as well as auto-immune diseases. It is produced in our skin from sun-light exposure, however in northern parts of the world we do not get enough sun throughout the year to produce adequate levels and therefore deficiency is extremely common. https://www.optimizenutrition.ca/sports-nutrition/vitamins-minerals/prairie-naturals-vitamin-d3-1000iu-500softgels/
- Zinc: Zinc is an essential mineral that is important to the body in many ways. It plays a large role in the growth and function of immune cells and if there is a deficiency these cells can not do their job properly, leading to a greater risk of illness. https://www.optimizenutrition.ca/vitamins-health-supplements/canprev-zinc-bis-glycinate-25-120vcap/
- Quercetin: Quercetin is a flavonoid that is especially helpful to those with seasonal allergies or histamine intolerance. It has to ability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which have negative effects on the immune system. https://www.optimizenutrition.ca/vitamins-health/now-quercetin-with-bromelain-120cap/
- Oregano Oil: Oil of oregano boasts potent anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. Its active ingredients help support both the immune system and the respiratory system and it has been used for centuries to maintain good health and well-being. https://www.optimizenutrition.ca/vitamins-health-supplements/new-roots-wild-oregano-c93-30-ml/
- Echinacea: Best taken at the first signs of a cold or flu, as it has shown to reduce symptoms and shorten the duration of sickness. However, this is not to be taken as a preventative measure as it can over-stimulate the immune system and have the opposite effect. https://www.optimizenutrition.ca/vitamins-health-supplements/now-echinacea-goldenseal-roots-1-1-500mg-100cap/
Witten by Hayley Dickenson, Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN)
Original Source: https://www.optimizenutrition.ca/blog/8-ways-to-naturally-boost-your-immune-system/
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michellelewis7162 · 4 years
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 Something to chew on. What you consume offers a substantial impact to your health and wellness as well as the amount of sperm you ejaculate. Protein-rich meals are typically the diet plan of selection if you're seeking to increase sperm volume. Creature sources such as pork, beef, poultry, fish, liver, dairy, eggs, and cheese are quite outstanding resources of healthy protein. If you are vegetarian, cowpeas, algaes, tofu, pumpkin leaves, almonds and also seeds deliver good option. You would certainly prosper to steer clear coming from fatty foods as these will certainly not assist you in any way Porn Star Escorts In Boston.
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 Masturbate Before Hand
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 Porn star actors regularly keep their breathing in inspection to be sure it does not get fast and heavy. Prompt as well as massive breath ruins males's sexual strength quite promptly. As an alternative they stay familiar with their breathing spell and take in a regulated and deep fashion Boston.
 Relax Your Muscles
 One more method is to keep your physical body rested, specifically your abdominal region, thighs and butt. It is actually natural for those muscular tissues to start stretching in the course of sexual activity, but along with a bit of interest you can conveniently see to it they are actually kicked back. Stretching your abdominals, butt and also lower legs may considerably quicken your ejaculation Escorts In Boston.
 Correct Mental Game
 As you may recognize porn superstars are actually extremely positive which helps them considerably to final long. Maintain your mind clear of all the notions regarding sexual activity and also be actually self-assured. You can see substantial remodelings from this alone
 Remain in Control
 Due to the fact that of their peace of mind, male adult actors consistently remain in control in the course of gender. If you really feel that you are actually reaching an early climax, perform certainly not hesitate to draw out and also rest. When you recover management of your stimulation levels, put your penis back right into vaginal area and also carry on the sexual intercourse. Ladies like males that reside in control Boston.
 Personal Computer Muscle Squeeze
 Lots of adult porn superstars utilize this enhanced strategy. Basically there is a Personal Computer muscle mass in between your anus and also testicles, which handles your climaxing response. When you are actually urinating in the shower room, if you make an effort to cease your pee form showing up, you are utilizing this muscle mass. Similarly to pee, you can quit semen from happening out through flexing this muscle mass currently of ejaculation.
 The problem is actually that you need to have a quite developed PC muscle mass to become able to accomplish that. However carry out certainly not stress: newbies can use a less complex method. Rather than flexing the muscular tissue, push it with your finger the moment prior to climaxing. Secure it snugly for 20-30 secs and also you should have the ability to protect against the ejaculation. Afterwards you may proceed your sex.
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tejasamale · 6 years
Citral Market to Record Ascending Growth by 2025
Citral is an aroma chemical widely used in the flavor and fragrance industry. The chemical name of citral is 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienal. It is a characteristic constituent of oils in lemon and Litsea cubeba. This chemical offers a citrus, fruity, green note. Citral is an important starting material for the chemical synthesis of linear monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diterpenes. It is a valuable intermediate for the synthesis of odorants, terpinoids, and vitamins.
The global citral market can be segmented based on type and application. In terms of type, the citral market can be classified into natural citral and synthetic citral. Citral obtained from natural sources is called natural citral, whereas citral producted chemically in laboratories is called synthetic citral. Natural citral is more expensive compared to synthetic citral. Synthetic citral is produced from isobutylene, to which formaldehyde is added to form isoprenol. Citral can also be produced from isoprene.
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Based on application, the citral market can be segmented into fragrance, flavor, and synthesis of vitamin A and E. The fragrance segment can be further divided into cosmetics, detergents, perfumes, personal care products, and cleaners. The flavor segment can be further categorized into confectionery, beverages, etc. BASF SE had first synthesized vitamin A using a Reformatsky reaction between b-ionone 2 and a propargyl bromide. Ionone is prepared from citral.
Citral is a mixture of two geometric isomers namely geranial (trans confirmation, approx. 55%-70%) and neral (cis confirmation, 35%-45%). Citral is readily biodegradable and is rapidly decomposed at a pH between 4 and 9, but slowly decomposed at a pH of 7. This chemical is regulated for labelling for leave-on and rinse-off products. The International Fragrance Association’s (IFRA) restrictions for citral currently given in the Inventory part II, is ‘Only in conjunction with 25% its weight of D-limonene or mixed with citrus terpenes or α-pinene.’
Expansion in the global citral market is driven by the rise in demand for perfumed consumer goods and increase in disposable income of individuals. A factor restraining the global citral market is regulations controlling the flavor and fragrance industry globally. IFRA recommends that any material used to impart perfume or flavor in products intended for human ingestion should consist of ingredients that are in compliance with appropriate regulations for foods and food flavorings in the countries of planned distribution. The countries where these regulations do not exist, should consider the recommendations laid down in the Code of Practice of the International Organization of the Flavor Industry (IOFI). Since this chemical is used in food products, citral producers need to keep a watch on the purity of the product. For example the U.S. EPA regulates citral as one of the synthetic flavoring substances and adjuvants that are generally recognized as safe for their intended use, within the Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 Act. The European Chemicals Agency also has citral under the harmonized classification and labelling (CLP00) as citral can cause skin irritation and may cause an allergic reaction on the skin.
Asia Pacific dominated the global citral market in 2017 due to demand for this product for use in cosmetics, detergents, perfumes, personal care products, and cleaners in the region. The citral market in Asia Pacific is anticipated to expand at a rapid CAGR. In terms of market share, Asia Pacific is anticipated to be followed by Europe, North America, and Middle East & Africa. In Asia Pacific, China is projected to dominate the market due to its leading position in the production of perfumed products, in which citral is majorly used. Key companies operating in the global citral market include Symrise AG, BASF SE, Robertet Group, Takasago International Corporation, International Flavours Fragrances, Wujiang Ciyun Flavor And Fragrance Co.,Ltd. Berjé Inc., Indukern F&F.
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The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
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Nutrition Tips to Prevent Hair Thinning
Healthy Hair Requires a Correct Nutrition and a Healthy Diet
Your hair is a reflection of your diet. Healthy eating habits will benefit not only hair but your whole body as well. Moreover, the good health of your hair can be impacted by the proper or improper performance of other body organs. By eating healthy, your hair will be by natural means in perfect shape and will look great.
A healthy diet will prevent hair falling and thinning or, for those predisposed to alopecia at a young age, will help by slowing down the progression. On this page I will sum up all the important thing you need to know to prevent hair loss. If you want to dive in further to find best hair loss products, make sure to visit hairwiz.net - your hair growth advisor.
Intensive Protein Treatment for Hair
HairMax Hair Fibers Treatment is a high concentration of protein that helps repair hair and it solves problems with thinning hair. This compound is the foundation for rebuilding weakened hair. This product is know as instant solution that covers bald spots and thinning hair. Source: HairWiz.net - full review of HairMax hair fibers.
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Eating Protein is Essential for Your Hair
Hair is mainly made from protein. As a result, eating proteins assists hair to remain healthy and grow normal. Foods rich in protein are also great sources of Vitamin B12, that is needed for hemoglobin production. Hemoglobin are the blood red cells which transport the oxygen inside our body. Protein can be found in large amounts in meats, brewer’s yeast, fish, cheese, eggs, nuts, beans, and dairy. Many vegetarians and vegans lack proteins in their diet. It is recommended and smart to know the quantity of protein eaten regularly. If you do this for while, until you get to estimate your protein consumption and you’ll not need a log any more.
If you calculate your protein intake, note that the recommended consumption for adults is: women 46 grams daily, and men 56 grams daily and consumed proteins should be around 10% to 35% of your daily calories. For more information visit: http://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/everyone/basics/protein.html
Viviscal Hair Nutrient Tablets
The Viviscal hair nutrient have received the best and the most constant reviews from users over time. Its formula is designed to take in consideration all of the important aspects of the hair health. Viviscal contain a special ingredient named AminoMar, which is a marine complex.
Iron Assists the Correct Oxygenation of Hair Follicles and Scalp
A normal functioning scalp is going to encourage and promote the growth of hair. The scalp requires also oxygen for a proper functioning. For a proper oxygenation to your scalp, you want excellent blood flow in the upper body. Iron is critical for oxygenation because it is used to create hemoglobin. Hemoglobin has the function of carrying the oxygen within the human body. Iron can be found in large amounts in aliments such as cherries, eggs, dates, liver, dried fruits, dark green leafy vegetables and also in cereals.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Problems
Massaging of hair & scalp using a good hair oil nourishes the scalp and preventing hair thinning and other hair problems. Rubbing the scalp also increases the blood circulation within the scalp. This oil is great for fighting dandruff and dry scalp. It contains fresh Brahmi (Gotu Kola) leaves in a coconut oil base.
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Ayurvedic Brahmi oil has been traditionally used as a stimulant for the hair. According to Ayurveda, Brahmi Oil can be used to maintain a healthy scalp and naturally preventat dandruff dry scalp and flaking. Brahmi Oil contains a mixture of pure coconut oil and other carefully selected Ayurvedic herbs, known for their specific action on the hair.
Supplements for Hair Thinning
Nioxin is a multivitamin and mineral supplement for your hair growth. Its formula contains the essential vitamins, minerals that your hair needed for a healthy hair, and also and herbal supplements such as bladder wack, a green algae.
The supplements list includes vitamins A, C, D, B6 and B12, as well as Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin and Biotin.
Calcium and Magnesium - Supplements Against Hair Thinning
Food Sources of Magnezium Calcium and Magnesium are very important for a healthy hair. It is also important to be taken together, as they will complement each other.
Calcium and Hair Growth
Calcium is essential for the hair growth. The hair follicles use calcium and protein to synthesize keratin. Keratin is what makes up our hair, nails and the outer layer of skin. Usually, people in North America consume enough Calcium. The low level of Calcium in our body is usually caused by other nutritional deficiencies such as low vitamin D levels, or Magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium and Hair Loss
Magnesium does not have a direct role in the growth of hair, but a reduced intake will result to hair thinning in an indirect mode. Magnesium is needed with calcium, and it helps our body to process the Calcium. It is important to maintain the calcium-magnesium proportion nicely balanced because, an imbalanced ratio of this mineral duo, will leave your hair fragile and it may easily break and fall. This unbalanced ratio between the two minerals may be the result of an improper diet or sometimes, the result of consumption of large quantities of sugar. An excessive amount of insulin in your blood, caused by sugar consumption spikes, will diminish Calcium sources in your body.
You can find Calcium in dairies, sardines, almonds, tofu, salmon, sesame seeds, molasses, flax seeds, collard greens, herring and green leafy veggies. Great sources for Magnesium are nuts, oat, sunflower wheat, rice, molasses, sesame seeds.Too prevent this, don’t consume an excessive amount of sugar, and try to harmonize the balance of the two minerals in your hair growth diet.
Fat is Not Good for your Hair
Men Alopecia is associated with an increased testosterone secretion. Testosterone converts into DHT, which in turn makes the hair follicles weak, causing the hair to fall. Large quantities of high fat foods increases testosterone values above normal resulting in hair loss. As a natural consequence, eating too much fat results in hair thinning.
Zinc Reduces Hair Falling
Pumpkin Seeds for Healthy Hair Zinc is an essential element for the cell reproduction and for the hormonal balance. Zinc helps promotes the health of the hair follicles and, if your diet lacks Zinc, the hair follicles will become weakened and will not be able to hold the hair and it will fall. Zinc can be found in poultry, pumpkin seeds, red meats, nuts, mussels, shrimps, oysters and molluscs.
Silica Promotes Hair Growth
Silica helps growth of hair and contributes to the prevention of hair thinning. Silica allows your body to process and absorb the vitamins and minerals. It can be found in considerable quantities in cucumbers, bean sprouts, potatoes, and peppers.
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Vitamin C Keeps a Healthy Hair
Strawberries and Oranges For a Healthy Hair Vitamin C, (Ascorbic Acid), is essential for a beautiful hair, because it assists to absorption of the iron. Without enough Vitamin C in our diet, Iron will be simply eliminated and not used by our bodies. You can find Vitamin C in any fruits and vegetables but the best sources are oranges, lemons and all citrics, fresh thyme and parsley, broccoli, cauliflowers, peppers, Brussels sprouts, guavas, kiwis and strawberries. The good thing about Vitamin C is that is very hard to overdose it, so you can safely take supplements.
Did you Speak to Your Doctor about Your Hair Loss Problems?
Losing hair is not simple to diagnose, sometimes you need blood tests to understand if it's a nutritional problem. This is an important step so make sure to take it. And don’t forget to visit HairWiz.net to read about 10 best products for fighting hair loss.
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Continuous Glucose Monitoring Beneficial in Insulin-Treated Type 1 Diabetes
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-type-1/continuous-glucose-monitoring-beneficial-in-insulin-treated-type-1-diabetes/
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Beneficial in Insulin-Treated Type 1 Diabetes
Melissa Foster, Digital Content Editor February 08, 2017 Continuous Glucose Monitoring Beneficial in Insulin-Treated Type 1 Diabetes Share this content:
Patients with type 1 diabetes who used multiple insulin injections daily experienced reductions in HbA1c with continuous glucose monitoring.
Patients with type 1 diabetes who use multiple insulin injections daily experienced improved blood glucose with the use of a sensor implanted under the skin that continuously monitors glucose levels, according to 2 studies published in JAMA.1,2
In the DIAMOND study (Multiple Daily Injections and Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetes; ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02282397), the researchers randomly assigned 158 adults with type 1 diabetes (mean age: 48 years; 44% women) to continuous glucose monitoring (CGM; n = 105) or usual care (control group; n = 53). All patients were using multiple daily insulin injections and had glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) values of 7.5% to 9.9%.
In the CGM group, 93% underwent CGM at least 6 days per week in month 6.1 Average HbA1c reduction from baseline was 1.1% at 12 weeks and 1.0% at 24 weeks in the CGM group vs 0.5% at 12 weeks and 0.4% at 24 weeks in the control group.1 The researchers noted that adjusted treatment-group difference in mean change in HbA1c from baseline was −0.6% (95% CI, −0.8% to −0.3%) at 24 weeks.1
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Median duration of hypoglycemia was 43 min/d in the CGM group vs 80 min/d in the control group (P =.002).1 Severe hypoglycemia events occurred in 2 participants in each group.1
Study limitations included the eligibility criteria, which prevents generalizing results to patients with type 1 diabetes younger than 26 years or those who have HbA1c values outside the range studied. In addition, the researchers noted that the informed consent and run-in phase may have excluded patients who may be less likely to adhere to CGM than patients who were studied.
“Among adults with type 1 diabetes who used multiple daily insulin injections, the use of CGM compared with usual care resulted in a greater decrease in HbA1c level during 24 weeks. Further research is needed to assess longer-term effectiveness, as well as clinical outcomes and adverse effects,” the researchers wrote.
GOLD Study
In the GOLD study (CGM Treatment in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Treated With Insulin Injections; ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02092051), researchers randomly assigned 161 adults with type 1 diabetes (mean age: 43.7 years; 45.3% women) to treatment with a CGM system or conventional treatment for 26 weeks, separated by a washout period of 17 weeks. All patients had HbA1c of at least 7.5% and were using multiple daily insulin injections.
Average HbA1c was 7.92% during CGM use vs 8.35% during conventional treatment, translating to a mean difference of −0.43% (95% CI, −0.57% to −0.29%).2 Additionally, 6 of 19 secondary outcomes examining psychosocial and various glycemic measures met statistical significance, favoring CGM over conventional treatment.2
Severe hypoglycemia occurred in 5 patients in the conventional treatment group and in 1 patient in the CGM group.2 When using conventional therapy, 7 patients experienced severe hypoglycemia during the washout period.2
The researchers highlighted 2 study limitations, including a lack of follow-up in the second treatment period for 19 patients and the fact that the study could not be blinded.
“In this crossover study of persons with type 1 diabetes treated with multiple daily insulin injections, CGM was associated with a mean HbA1c level that was 0.43% less than conventional treatment. Moreover, glycemic variability was reduced by CGM. Subjective well-being and treatment satisfaction were greater during CGM than conventional therapy,” the researchers wrote. “Further research is needed to assess clinical outcomes and longer-term adverse effects.”
Clinical Implications
In an accompanying editorial,3 Mayer B. Davidson, MD, from Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles, California, noted these studies demonstrate the benefit of CGM in certain patients with type 1 diabetes who are using multiple daily insulin injections.
“Additional clinical trials are needed to determine the long-term effect of CGM and whether this approach translates to improved health outcomes and to determine the potential utility of real-time CGM for patients with type 1 diabetes encountered in usual clinical practice and in patients with type 2 diabetes who require insulin injections,” Dr Davidson wrote.
Disclosures: Dexcom Inc provided funding for the DIAMOND study. See the full studies for a complete list of conflicts of interest.
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Beck RW, Riddlesworth T, Ruedy K, et al; for the DIAMOND Study Group. Effect of continuous glucose monitoring on glycemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes using insulin injections: the DIAMOND randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2017;317(4):371-378.
Lind M, Polonsky W, Hirsch IB, et al. Continuous glucose monitoring vs conventional therapy for glycemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes treated with multiple daily insulin injections: the GOLD randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2017;317(4):379-387.
Davidson MB. Continuous glucose monitoring in patients with type 1 diabetes taking insulin injections. JAMA. 2017;317(4):363-364.
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michellelewis7162 · 4 years
Porn Star - Escorts In Boston
Porn Star - Escorts In Boston
 To boost seminal fluid to porn star volumes, there are actually points you can possibly do. What you have to notice is actually typically a healthy lifestyle. You need to harmonize your food items consumption, alcoholic beverage whole lots of water and also preserve an energetic way of living. Healthy and balanced lifestyle surely has its own benefits as well as possessing enough ejaculatory amount is actually one of them. Exotic Boston Escorts
 Food for thought and feelings. What you eat delivers a huge influence to your health and also the quantity of semen you climax. Protein-rich foods items are actually typically the diet of option if you're aiming to improve semen volume. Creature resources like pig, beef, chick, fish, liver, dairy, eggs, as well as cheese are actually very superb resources of healthy protein. If you are actually vegan, cowpeas, algaes, tofu, fruit leaves, nuts and seeds deliver good alternative. You would certainly flourish to steer clear coming from fatty foods as these will certainly not help you whatsoever Porn Star Escorts In Boston.
 Water treatment. Considering that sperm is actually comprised of water, it just helps make sense to continuously drink ample amount of water everyday. As you understand, adequate water in the body has more advantages than one. Making certain that your body system is actually never denied of fluids will assist increase semen. Although, you are actually advised to stay away coming from draft beer and other alcohols because they give a negative flavor to your sperm. Always remember that sperm is actually not actually tasty. Adding beer taste are going to merely create it much worse.
 Relocate. Exercising is actually discovered to improve the amount of testosterone level in the blood. Other than its part in the maturation of the second guy attributes, it likewise assists in the production of usual as well as healthy semen through triggering a particular type of cell. Along with reduced blood stream degrees of testosterone, potency will certainly take a free loss.
 High up on drugs. Supplements like vitamins C as well as E, Zinc, Selenium, L-Carnitine, L-Arginine, as well as the essential fats all play particular roles in the manufacturing of well-balanced usual semen, and also increase production, premium and mobility Porn Star Escorts In Boston.
 Grow Yourself a Porn Star Penis That Will Change Your Life! Start Today!
 Ever thought about why porn stars have such large penises? Properly due to the fact that they were actually probably birthed along with a big penis! There made use of to become an opportunity where adult porn stars were actually at the rivalry of every male, that you whatever you were actually born along with you needed to stick to. Over the years there certainly have actually been actually manies of different type of penis enlargers, varying coming from tablets to pumps to cosmetic surgery. Some are actually extra legitimate than others, yet truth be informed, surgery aside, each of these products offer very poor end results. None will definitely provide you irreversible development of over 1/2 in, you experience worried but don't lose hope making an effort as well as by additional products. This is actually just how the penis augmentation industry works, it is actually unfortunate, however it generates cash. It targets peoples instabilities as well as manipulates all of them for their very own individual revenue. However don't lose full belief however, there are authentic means of being to achieve that porn star penis you perform poorly want Porn Star Escorts In Boston.
 Suppose I informed you there was one thing on the market that you are going to perhaps never have actually found out about due to the fact that it is actually so low profile and also undercover. A device that has actually only lately appeared to the limited section of the public since it was leaked coming from resources inside a primary research study business. There are actually a handful of units readily available at the moment being actually, however it is going to probably simply be actually a restricted amount of opportunity being they're discovered and turned off. They all revolve around one primary guideline - Natural Penis Growth.
 Heard It All Before?
 I can almost hear the groans as you spin you eyes, believing that you've listened to that expression manies times coming from produces advertising wonder" all-natural development" supplements. Well, this is actually unlike any various other body or product you'll possess ever before seen or even become aware of previously. I guarantee. When the condition" organic penis growth" is actually made use of, we instantly consider all natural supplements, or products that use" natural" items. For the producers of natural penis development though, they all imply one factor - you carry out certainly not violate the bodies will to expand, instead you permit the physical body to allow the penis grow, normally Porn Star Escorts In Boston.
 Still Confused?
 As opposed to supplements that just cause a reaction in the body, which results in short-lived minor swelling of the penis. Organic penis growth activates receptors in the human brain to create it feel that it is actually once more in the age of puberty. The biochemicals and also hormonal agents in our blood stream are accountable for penis development in the course of our years via the age of puberty, organic penis growth merely replicates these effects.
 What About Side Effects?
 You 'd be best to keep in mind that throughout adolescence, certainly not only performed we experience penis growth, but acne, higher testosterone and so on. The main reason why this body has actually taken thus long to end up being readily available is actually as a result of the cancellation of these side results has actually taken an even though to formulate. There have been no mentioned situations of any kind of adverse effects aside from penis development, enhanced erections and also a more healthy sexual activity drive Porn Star Escorts In Boston.
 Dream Penis
 Guys are currently starting to achieve their goal penis using this system, no more are they the men that covet others with large penises, they are the men being actually coveted! 41 out of 50 example currently have penises over 8 inches in size. The aspiration is right now accessible, for just how much a lot longer it's unsure, however whilst it's available minority males who are actually privileged enough to have utilized the system have possessed their lifestyles transformed for good. Therefore If you're serious about penis enlargement, make certain you pick an unit that offers you the most ideal outcomes Escorts In Boston.
 What helps make adult superstars last such a long time in bedroom? Just how perform they control delay their climaxing a great deal, while possessing an energetic and intense sexual activity? Let's examines some tips of their sex-related strength Boston.
 Masturbate Before Hand
 Surprisingly good enough, even qualified porn superstars use this strategy for lasting much longer in bed. They masturbate 2-3 hrs before firing the movie. Second climaxing lasts considerably a lot longer for any sort of male, so they utilize this home of male physical body to their perk Escorts In Boston.
 Porn star actors consistently keep their breathing in inspection to be sure it does not receive fast as well as heavy. Quick as well as massive breath damages males's sex-related stamina quite promptly. Instead they stay informed of their breathing spell and also inhale a measured and also deeper way Boston.
 Relax Your Muscles
 Yet another trick is actually to maintain your physical body rested, especially your stomach location, thighs as well as butt. It is actually natural for those muscular tissues to begin bending during the course of sex, yet with a little bit of attention you may easily see to it they are actually relaxed. Stretching your abdominal muscles, butt and also legs can significantly quicken your climaxing Escorts In Boston.
 Correct Mental Game
 As you may know pornography celebrities are really self-assured and also helps all of them substantially to final long. Keep your thoughts free from all the notions about sex as well as be actually confident. You may observe substantial renovations coming from this alone
 Remain in Control
 Given that of their self-confidence, male adult stars constantly remain in command throughout sex. If you experience that you are reaching a very early orgasm, carry out not be reluctant to take out and unwind. When you restore control of your arousal levels, put your penis back into vaginal area and also proceed the sexual intercourse. Ladies like guys that remain in control Boston.
 PC Muscle Squeeze
 Numerous adult porn superstars utilize this innovative procedure. Generally there is actually a COMPUTER muscle mass between your anus as well as testicles, which handles your climaxing reflex. When you are urinating in the washroom, if you attempt to cease your pee kind emerging, you are utilizing this muscle. In a similar way to pee, you can cease semen coming from visiting through flexing this muscle mass presently of ejaculation.
 The concern is that you need a quite developed Personal Computer muscular tissue to become capable to perform that. But carry out not panic: beginners can utilize a less complex strategy. As opposed to bending the muscle mass, push it with your finger the second just before ejaculation. Secure it securely for 20-30 few seconds as well as you ought to have the ability to stop the ejaculation. After that you can continue your sexual intercourse.
0 notes
michellelewis7162 · 4 years
Porn Star - Escorts In Boston
Porn Star - Escorts In Boston
 To boost seminal fluid to porn star volumes, there are actually points you can possibly do. What you have to notice is actually typically a healthy lifestyle. You need to harmonize your food items consumption, alcoholic beverage whole lots of water and also preserve an energetic way of living. Healthy and balanced lifestyle surely has its own benefits as well as possessing enough ejaculatory amount is actually one of them. Anna's Sensual Bodyrub
 Food for thought and feelings. What you eat delivers a huge influence to your health and also the quantity of semen you climax. Protein-rich foods items are actually typically the diet of option if you're aiming to improve semen volume. Creature resources like pig, beef, chick, fish, liver, dairy, eggs, as well as cheese are actually very superb resources of healthy protein. If you are actually vegan, cowpeas, algaes, tofu, fruit leaves, nuts and seeds deliver good alternative. You would certainly flourish to steer clear coming from fatty foods as these will certainly not help you whatsoever Porn Star Escorts In Boston.
 Water treatment. Considering that sperm is actually comprised of water, it just helps make sense to continuously drink ample amount of water everyday. As you understand, adequate water in the body has more advantages than one. Making certain that your body system is actually never denied of fluids will assist increase semen. Although, you are actually advised to stay away coming from draft beer and other alcohols because they give a negative flavor to your sperm. Always remember that sperm is actually not actually tasty. Adding beer taste are going to merely create it much worse.
 Relocate. Exercising is actually discovered to improve the amount of testosterone level in the blood. Other than its part in the maturation of the second guy attributes, it likewise assists in the production of usual as well as healthy semen through triggering a particular type of cell. Along with reduced blood stream degrees of testosterone, potency will certainly take a free loss.
 High up on drugs. Supplements like vitamins C as well as E, Zinc, Selenium, L-Carnitine, L-Arginine, as well as the essential fats all play particular roles in the manufacturing of well-balanced usual semen, and also increase production, premium and mobility Porn Star Escorts In Boston.
 Grow Yourself a Porn Star Penis That Will Change Your Life! Start Today!
 Ever thought about why porn stars have such large penises? Properly due to the fact that they were actually probably birthed along with a big penis! There made use of to become an opportunity where adult porn stars were actually at the rivalry of every male, that you whatever you were actually born along with you needed to stick to. Over the years there certainly have actually been actually manies of different type of penis enlargers, varying coming from tablets to pumps to cosmetic surgery. Some are actually extra legitimate than others, yet truth be informed, surgery aside, each of these products offer very poor end results. None will definitely provide you irreversible development of over 1/2 in, you experience worried but don't lose hope making an effort as well as by additional products. This is actually just how the penis augmentation industry works, it is actually unfortunate, however it generates cash. It targets peoples instabilities as well as manipulates all of them for their very own individual revenue. However don't lose full belief however, there are authentic means of being to achieve that porn star penis you perform poorly want Porn Star Escorts In Boston.
 Suppose I informed you there was one thing on the market that you are going to perhaps never have actually found out about due to the fact that it is actually so low profile and also undercover. A device that has actually only lately appeared to the limited section of the public since it was leaked coming from resources inside a primary research study business. There are actually a handful of units readily available at the moment being actually, however it is going to probably simply be actually a restricted amount of opportunity being they're discovered and turned off. They all revolve around one primary guideline - Natural Penis Growth.
 Heard It All Before?
 I can almost hear the groans as you spin you eyes, believing that you've listened to that expression manies times coming from produces advertising wonder" all-natural development" supplements. Well, this is actually unlike any various other body or product you'll possess ever before seen or even become aware of previously. I guarantee. When the condition" organic penis growth" is actually made use of, we instantly consider all natural supplements, or products that use" natural" items. For the producers of natural penis development though, they all imply one factor - you carry out certainly not violate the bodies will to expand, instead you permit the physical body to allow the penis grow, normally Porn Star Escorts In Boston.
 Still Confused?
 As opposed to supplements that just cause a reaction in the body, which results in short-lived minor swelling of the penis. Organic penis growth activates receptors in the human brain to create it feel that it is actually once more in the age of puberty. The biochemicals and also hormonal agents in our blood stream are accountable for penis development in the course of our years via the age of puberty, organic penis growth merely replicates these effects.
 What About Side Effects?
 You 'd be best to keep in mind that throughout adolescence, certainly not only performed we experience penis growth, but acne, higher testosterone and so on. The main reason why this body has actually taken thus long to end up being readily available is actually as a result of the cancellation of these side results has actually taken an even though to formulate. There have been no mentioned situations of any kind of adverse effects aside from penis development, enhanced erections and also a more healthy sexual activity drive Porn Star Escorts In Boston.
 Dream Penis
 Guys are currently starting to achieve their goal penis using this system, no more are they the men that covet others with large penises, they are the men being actually coveted! 41 out of 50 example currently have penises over 8 inches in size. The aspiration is right now accessible, for just how much a lot longer it's unsure, however whilst it's available minority males who are actually privileged enough to have utilized the system have possessed their lifestyles transformed for good. Therefore If you're serious about penis enlargement, make certain you pick an unit that offers you the most ideal outcomes Escorts In Boston.
 What helps make adult superstars last such a long time in bedroom? Just how perform they control delay their climaxing a great deal, while possessing an energetic and intense sexual activity? Let's examines some tips of their sex-related strength Boston.
 Masturbate Before Hand
 Surprisingly good enough, even qualified porn superstars use this strategy for lasting much longer in bed. They masturbate 2-3 hrs before firing the movie. Second climaxing lasts considerably a lot longer for any sort of male, so they utilize this home of male physical body to their perk Escorts In Boston.
 Porn star actors consistently keep their breathing in inspection to be sure it does not receive fast as well as heavy. Quick as well as massive breath damages males's sex-related stamina quite promptly. Instead they stay informed of their breathing spell and also inhale a measured and also deeper way Boston.
 Relax Your Muscles
 Yet another trick is actually to maintain your physical body rested, especially your stomach location, thighs as well as butt. It is actually natural for those muscular tissues to begin bending during the course of sex, yet with a little bit of attention you may easily see to it they are actually relaxed. Stretching your abdominal muscles, butt and also legs can significantly quicken your climaxing Escorts In Boston.
 Correct Mental Game
 As you may know pornography celebrities are really self-assured and also helps all of them substantially to final long. Keep your thoughts free from all the notions about sex as well as be actually confident. You may observe substantial renovations coming from this alone
 Remain in Control
 Given that of their self-confidence, male adult stars constantly remain in command throughout sex. If you experience that you are reaching a very early orgasm, carry out not be reluctant to take out and unwind. When you restore control of your arousal levels, put your penis back into vaginal area and also proceed the sexual intercourse. Ladies like guys that remain in control Boston.
 PC Muscle Squeeze
 Numerous adult porn superstars utilize this innovative procedure. Generally there is actually a COMPUTER muscle mass between your anus as well as testicles, which handles your climaxing reflex. When you are urinating in the washroom, if you attempt to cease your pee kind emerging, you are utilizing this muscle. In a similar way to pee, you can cease semen coming from visiting through flexing this muscle mass presently of ejaculation.
 The concern is that you need a quite developed Personal Computer muscular tissue to become capable to perform that. But carry out not panic: beginners can utilize a less complex strategy. As opposed to bending the muscle mass, push it with your finger the second just before ejaculation. Secure it securely for 20-30 few seconds as well as you ought to have the ability to stop the ejaculation. After that you can continue your sexual intercourse.
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Does Weight Suppression Predict of Severity of Bulimic Syndromes?
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/obesity-help/does-weight-suppression-predict-of-severity-of-bulimic-syndromes/
Does Weight Suppression Predict of Severity of Bulimic Syndromes?
Douglas Strassler February 07, 2017 Does Weight Suppression Predict of Severity of Bulimic Syndromes? This article originally appeared on Psychiatry Advisor. Share this content:
Researchers sought to determine a link between weight suppression and bulimia nervosa.
Weight suppression (WS), the difference between a person's highest body weight and current body weight, measured in pounds, is associated with clinical impairment in patients with bulimia nervosa, as reported in a study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders.
Researchers from the Department of Psychology at the University of Kansas in Lawrence sought to clarify the relationship between WS and bulimia, believing that using WS as a criterion could help categorize the severity of an eating disorder. "Given that previous research has not tested whether WS explains bulimic-syndrome impairment, the goal of the present study was to address this gap...by testing the incremental validity in WS in explaining clinical impairment above-and-beyond other proposed indicators of bulimic-syndrome impairment," Kelsie T. Forbush, PhD, lead researcher of the study, and colleagues wrote.
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This study included 101 adult participants, 83.1% of whom were female. Trained clinicians diagnosed participants with either full-threshold (n = 51) or subthreshold (n = 50) bulimia nervosa, using semistructured interviews. Participants were then asked to complete a 16-item self-report questionnaire, using a 4-point Likert scale. The goal of this assessment was to determine the degree to which symptoms of eating disorder affected the participant's functioning in the 28 days before completing the questionnaire. "Internal consistency for the [Clinical Impairment Assessment] was excellent in this study," the author confirmed.
The results of this study were mixed: researchers were able to prove a significant association between WS and eating disorder-related impairment in bulimic syndromes. "The independent association of WS and [eating disorder]-related clinical impairment represented a medium-size effect," the authors wrote.
However, the researchers found that WS could not significantly explain eating disorder-related clinical impairment more than other factors such as body mass index, frequency of inappropriate compensatory behaviors (ICBs), lifetime history of internalizing disorder, and multiple purging. "Our nonsignificant finding may be explained by the shared variance of ICB frequency and WS in explaining clinical impairment," the authors wrote. "The significant and positive correlation between ICB frequency and WS suggests that persons higher in WS engage in more ICBs, perhaps in an effort [to] maintain their suppressed weight." When ICB frequency was removed from this study, WS emerged as a significant explainer of bulimic syndrome impairments.
"While caution must be taken to not imply causality due to the cross-sectional nature of our data, our findings provided preliminary evidence that WS explains a significant amount of variance in bulimic-syndrome impairment," the authors wrote. "[I]nquiring about WS during routine clinical assessment for EDs could be informative."
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Hagan KE, Clark KE, Forbush KT. Incremental validity of weight suppression in predicting clinical impairment in bulimic syndromes [published online January 17, 2017]. Int J Eat Disord. doi: 10.1002/eat.22673
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How Does Antipsychotic Treatment Affect Cardiometabolic Factors in Young Patients?
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/obesity-help/how-does-antipsychotic-treatment-affect-cardiometabolic-factors-in-young-patients/
How Does Antipsychotic Treatment Affect Cardiometabolic Factors in Young Patients?
Douglas Strassler February 06, 2017 How Does Antipsychotic Treatment Affect Cardiometabolic Factors in Young Patients? This article originally appeared on Psychiatry Advisor. Share this content:
Early psychotic symptoms in child or adolescent patients were predictive of elevated BMI and waist circumference scores.
Researchers assessed cardiometabolic risk status in antipsychotic-naïve or briefly exposed, early-onset, children and adolescents with first episode psychosis (FEP).
Clinicians need to take weight gain and dyslipidemia into account when prescribing antipsychotic treatment in children and adolescents with psychosis, according to a study published in Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
This determination comes from a study conducted by the Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, part of the department of clinical medicine at University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The researchers conducting this study sought to examine whether children and adolescents with FEP had higher cardiometabolic factors such as higher body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and lipids than youths not experiencing FEP.1
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“To our knowledge, this is the first study in which cardiometabolic risk status was assessed in antipsychotic-naïve or briefly exposed, early-onset, [FEP] children and adolescents and compared to concurrently enrolled, matched healthy controls,” Anne Katrine Pagsberg, MD, PhD, lead researcher, said.
Researchers utilized data from the Tolerability and Efficacy of Antipsychotics (TEA) trial. This double-blind trial compared 113 patients between the ages of 12 and 17 with FEP to 60 controls, from 7 mental health centers through Denmark. Patients had to meet ICD-10 diagnostic criteria.
The average age of patients was 15.74 years, while for controls it was 15.69 years, and the most frequent diagnoses were schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders. Slightly less than 50% of patients had received antipsychotic treatment before the study, while 50.4% of patients had never taken antipsychotics.
While there was no significant difference in BMI scores between patients and controls, WC scores were significantly higher in patients than in controls (P = 0.18). More patients also had a WC z score greater than the 90th percentile (P <.019) than controls. Additionally, more antipsychotically-naïve patients than antipsychotically-exposed patients had a WC z score above the 90th percentile (P =0.23).
Meanwhile, both the diastolic and systolic BP were lower in patients than in controls (BP rates showed no statistical difference between antipsychotically-exposed and -naïve patients, however). Heart rate was higher in patients than controls (although the patient subgroups again showed no statistical difference). Patients also had significantly higher total, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and non-high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels than controls; controls demonstrated slightly higher fasting glucose levels.
“Early onset of psychotic symptoms predicted both higher BMI and WC z scores, indicating that psychotic symptoms at an early age may interfere with the adaption of healthy eating habits after the growth spurt in early adolescence,” Pagsberg said. The high cholesterol scores in patients also indicated “that the severity of the psychotic disorders has a negative impact on the patient's ability to maintain a healthy diet.”
Given that children and adolescents with psychosis have a predilection for “elevated abdominal obesity and lipid abnormalities…routine monitoring of anthropometric and metabolic parameters is essential,” Pagsberg added. “Furthermore, interventions to minimize the impact of offending medications, either through exercise, dose reduction, dietary changes, or use of medications…as well as interventions to prevent or stop smoking, are essential to reduce the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with early-onset psychosis.”2-4
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Jensen KG, Correll CU, Rudå D, et al. Pretreatment Cardiometabolic Status in Youth With Early-Onset Psychosis: Baseline Results From the TEA Trial [published online January 17, 2017]. J Clin Psychiatry. doi: 10.4088/JCP.15m10479. [Epub ahead of print]
Mostafavi A, Solhi M, Mohammadi MR, et al. Melatonin decreases olanzapine induced metabolic side-effects in adolescents with bipolar disorder: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Acta Med Iran. 2014;52(10):734-739.
Romo-Nava F, Alvarez-Icaza González D, et al. Melatonin attenuates antipsychotic metabolic effects: an eight-week randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Bipolar Disord. 2014;16(4):410-421. doi: 10.1111/bdi.12196 [Epub 2014 Mar 17].
Tse L, Procyshyn RM, Fredrikson DH, et al. Pharmacological treatment of antipsychotic-induced dyslipidemia and hypertension. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2014;29(3):125-137. doi: 10.1097/YIC.0000000000000014.
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