#how can i increase my growth harmone
learnyogafreeforever · 8 months
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Attention Customers: Introducing Our Bandcamp Channel!
A couple of months ago, we started our YouTube channel, The Healing Library. While it seems like it's been moving slowly, the reception of our customers and followers has been just lovely, and a lot has been happening backstage – my husband has been working every day on improving his video editing skills with new software, and we have been preparing recordings and texts that will become future pieces for the channel. As a Cancer + Taurus couple, “slowly but surely” is a motto we both enjoy, because this is a project for our entire future.
But, the final piece (as so many times) was provided by a dear patron, who asked me recently if I could create a much longer audio-only piece that she could listen to while meditating or sleeping. After discussing it with my husband, we noticed that it would be quite expensive to do it as custom work, because of the amount of hours of work required – but if we could offer it as a digital item, we could lower the price considerably. We got into it immediately.
We have chosen Bandcamp to host our work, as it is extremely easy to use: there, you will be able to purchase and download the pieces, and once you have them on your device, you can play them on loop while you workout, while you sleep, or while you do any creative and/or relaxing activity of your choice.
If you are new to subliminals, let me give you a powerful reason to use them; subliminals go directly to your subconscious mind, healing it by reprogramming it. You really how no idea of how transformative this can be, because when it comes to manifestation, that is the very source of it.
Your entire life is directed by the activity of your subconscious, who registers every thought, every emotion, and every desire you have, as well as every trauma you have ever suffered. What you live every single day is the projected manifestation of your subconscious, turned into facts, into relationships, into good and bad luck, into fortune and misfortune.
When you use powerful subliminal work, it really shows. I use them all the time, and I can attest for their capacity to create lasting change with my own life. You feel clarity and serenity improve, beneficial synchronicity increases, and your vibration is set at a place where disharmony simply cannot exist. You become a magnet for the positive, and a rejector of the negative.
And you can be sure that these are powerful. I have put every ounce of my experience as a spellworker creating these pieces. Every sound you hear, and all the layers that you do not actually hear (but your brain registers all the same) are in a specific place and time for a specific reason. Layer after layer is worked harmonizing with the power of theta waves and solfeggio frequencies, and with my extensive knowledge of sacred geometry. These are an absolute treat to your spiritual growth!
Visit The Healing Library At Bandcamp - and remember to follow us there, so you get notifications of each new piece available!
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iso9001registration · 2 years
What is ISO?
The ISO Certification in Oman is a globally recognized, autonomous organization that develops various international standards for quality control. It is made up of many countries' official standards organizations. The ISO, founded in 1947, develops and promotes international industrial and commercial standards.
International Accreditation Forum is known as IAF. IAF is the most well-known organization among international accreditation organizations, which is in charge of determining if various aspects of quality management systems are in compliance. An ISO Certification awarded by an accreditation authority that is an IAF member is more valuable and well-known worldwide. Even so, government officials favor it for proving eligibility for government contracts.
What role does ISO certification play in business growth?
Getting a worldwide buyer outside has gotten exceedingly challenging.
the indigenous product's national and local borders. The buyers are looking for top-notch quality goods with 0% defect in today's cutthroat worldwide market. Here, ISO accreditation is essential for increasing your company's global reach. Before placing a purchase, buyers can be confident in the product's international quality thanks to the ISO Certification emblem. ISO accreditation might facilitate your entry into international markets in this manner.
What benefits does ISO 9001 offer to small businesses?
Evidently, the most recent ISO 9001 version, ISO 9001:2015, is significantly more profitable for small and medium-sized businesses. There are countless advantages for small enterprises, including
The ISO 9001:2015 standard is less formal in terms of paperwork and sheds light on the outcomes.
Small businesses, particularly those involved in the provision of services, can quickly adapt to this ISO certification standard due to its high degree of flexibility.
Instead of just concentrating on how to run your business, ISO certification 9001:2015 offers all the necessary instructions for organizational growth.
In fact, because of its ease of use, many small enterprises are increasingly implementing ISO certification 9001.
Additionally, it is more beneficial in obtaining visible outcomes.
by the intended audience. Learn more about ISO certification...
Can I deploy an ISO 9001 QMS without consulting with a professional?
Absolutely, yes. In fact, adopting ISO 9001 without a consultant has several advantages beyond the apparent financial one.
All businesses nowadays strive to be cost-effective, thus many eschew the luxury of hiring an ISO 9000 consultant. But if you've never implemented ISO 9001 certification, how can you be in charge of doing so?
Yes, you may if you use tools that are ISO 9001 implementation certified. We provide guidelines, forms, a quality handbook, and instructional films created by highly qualified ISO 9001 consultants with experience in a variety of industries. Our implementation kit for ISO 9001 can be a far more affordable option than employing an ISO 9000 QMS expert for implementation.
Can I obtain certification under various ISO standards at once?
You can obtain ISO Certification for many ISO Standards, yes. You will gain more market recognition with this method.
The requirements clauses in the ISO 9001 standard and those in the ISO 14001 and ISO 27001 standards have been harmonized, so they are identical. For instance, management reviews, internal audits, document control procedures, etc. are all mandated by both ISO 9001 and ISO 27001. Your firm may be able to combine these stages to minimize redundancy, saving time and money, with the right analysis and planning.
Which ISO certification is ideal for my company?
There are various types of ISO consultant in Bahrain Standards that concentrate on a distinct part of organizational or commercial activity. The quality management system with an ISO 9001 focus aids organizations in increasing customer satisfaction with their goods and services. Similar to ISO 14001, this standard focuses on environmental management.
You must thoroughly examine every aspect of your business process before applying for ISO certification. Then, you must determine which steps you want to standardize with ISO requirements. choose the ISO certification accordingly.
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tigonadvisory · 2 years
The Straight “A” Strategy For Outsmarting Inflation
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As students, we are taught to relentlessly strive for straight A’s. Even if we fall short, our pursuit of “best” increases success. When it comes to outsmarting inflation, we find ourselves in the same spot.
Inflation is the highest in 40 years (8.2% at the end of September 2022). While we may not be able to change that, we can outsmart inflation with the same strategic prowess chess prodigy Beth Harmon uses in the popular Netflix mini-series “The Queen’s Gambit.” I call it the Straight-A Strategy: adapt, adjust and accelerate. As we explore these, you’ll see why this moment in history is actually your greatest opportunity to create a stronger company and win the game.
The Big Picture
First things first. Just as knowing how the rook moves before you castle is important, it’s important to see the bigger picture: the economy’s impact on your organization.
It is volatility. Besides inflation, there are many other unpredictable variables in play like the pandemic, geopolitics, war, politics, fiscal policies, supply chain disruption, consumer trends and extreme weather, to name a few.
It is a mix. One measure of inflation is CPI (consumer price index) where three “baskets” of goods and services (housing, energy, food) have different dynamics and volatility. This makes challenges more complex. For example, international ocean shipping costs skyrocketed in 2021, during the height of the pandemic, and eventually came back down to earth (comparatively, it cost $20,586 for a container on a ship from Asia to the U.S. West Coast compared to under $3,000 in October of this year).
It is resiliency. Businesses have been accustomed to a stable and predictable environment with low inflation and robust growth. The long-term average for inflation is 3.27%. In fact, there’s a whole generation of people, like many of the young tech start-up founders I work with, who have never experienced inflation. A change of mindset, while necessary, is understandably daunting.
Truth be told, if it was only inflation, we could deal with that. It is much broader. Knowing this, let’s make some calculated moves on the board with the Straight-A Strategy.
The Straight-A Strategy
Straight “A” Strategy #1: Adapt
Inflation and the higher cost of capital is creating a new normal (yes, yet another one) so the first “A” is to adapt. Let’s break this down. There are four components of working capital:
Inventories. The goal is to reduce lead time, practice early ordering and lessen dependencies on high-cost suppliers. It’s a great time to review supplier terms and consider the most strategic suppliers based on geographic locations as well as cost.
Accounts receivable. Focus on high-value products and services, lock in more long-term contracts and connect customer performance with payments. Take advantage of data and analytics. Use technology to set alerts for credit and counterparty risks and to reduce human errors on invoices.
Accounts payable. Monitor purchases, logistics and general expenses. Increase scrutiny of spending and anomalies. Proactively remove internal waste and reduce the cost of delivering value. For example, consulting firms can reduce travel to make engagements less costly but still highly profitable.
Cash. The financial implications of increased transportation, energy and material costs on working capital means understanding the cost of money. Small things add up: interest payments, credit, interest income, variable vs. fixed rates, and investment opportunities.
Here’s a real example from my work with a manufacturer in the automotive industry. We redesigned its product and service offerings. Analytics helped identify the most valuable and high margin products and services. We removed features dependent on parts in short supply and reviewed the supplier landscape, reducing dependencies on high-cost suppliers.
Companies with a global footprint must take it even further and cope with the foreign-exchange effect. From a financial perspective, converting adjustable-rate debts to fixed loans can reduce costs. The good news is that digitalization will play an important role.
Straight “A” Strategy #2: Adjust
When you adjust, you look at everything.
Revisit your products and services portfolio, your customers, your supply chain partners. What is essential versus nonessential? What goods and services add to your customer’s success and deliver the most value? Can you reduce features without reducing value?
Consider workforce capacity. You might need to move more people into customer service to differentiate your brand or shift engineers from one product to another.
Rethink packaging, loading of the packaging, shipping. Perhaps outsource packaging operations or private label your product. Add scenario modelling to end-to-end planning.
Real-time analytics and scenario modelling make adjusting possible and allows the decision-maker to use different drivers.
Straight “A” Strategy #3: Accelerate
Technology leads to seeing your operations with real-time visibility. This accelerates your decision-making process and accuracy throughout your operations and scenario modelling.
Not only that, but you can also accelerate workflows, so your internal team collaborates more efficiently and with less redundancy.
Technology is key to outsmarting inflation because it arms you with insight. When you can collect on your balances faster, cash flow becomes accelerated. When you can monitor logistics and expenses and focus more on essential spending, investments become accelerated. When you remove internal waste and redundancy, efficiency becomes accelerated.
Inflation Fighters: CFOs and Other Leaders
In the last 10 years, the back office has taken a backseat. Now, they are positioned to drive the future and, to be honest, the investment is long overdue. When interest rates were down to the twos and the market wasn’t fluctuating, it put all of us in la-la land as though it was going to last forever. If you don’t optimize what you do, you don’t improve. Operational excellence should always be a priority.
Now, with a broader picture, we are forced to see business from multiple lenses: customers, suppliers and our own internal team. The people safeguarding us from inflationary whiplash lead from a variety of seats.
Today’s CFO is charged with adopting a new mindset, from reactive to proactive course-correction. Apply higher visibility across the organization’s end-to-end business operations and use of working capital. Take advantage of data and analytics and employ fast and reactive measures and proactive actions to get in front of the storm.
The procurement leader will also play a role when it comes to supply chain efficiency. Leverage the partner ecosystem to achieve efficiency.
With technology and curiosity, the entire finance team will take forecasting to another level with weekly cash forecasting, variance analysis and proactive management. Use scenario analyses on available cash balances by applying percentage trend changes, shocks, simulations based on real-world scenario, and random increases/decreases using a multiple of historical balances volatility. Performing scenario analyses on liquidity availability reveals the overall impact from projected credit tightening, elimination of uncommitted borrowing sources and investment market value changes. Look for patterns, biases, and misses by comparing actual vs. forecasted variances.
Investing in the future means value creation initiatives like upskilling, too. This invites human resource leaders to look at workplace efficiency, talent optimization and how automating repetitive tasks might free up time for greater innovation.
As for CEOs, while saving money is tempting when times are tight, resist the urge to slash. While it’s more costly to invest strategically, those who invest in the future will be strong market leaders.
Welcome to Boot Camp
In the past decade, it was an easy ride for financial leaders. Companies grew. The market reacted positively. Interest rates were low. Now, the perfect storm has landed. The Straight-A Strategy asks us to adjust our mindset and take action.
We are in bootcamp. If you’ve been in the military or know someone who has, then you know bootcamp breaks a person down to rudimentary parts and rebuilds. From a strategic use of working capital to outsmarting inflation from every corner of the company, the one known outcome (and there aren’t many) is that you will come out of the storm a stronger leader and a more prepared leader for future adversity.
You might even take inflation’s king.
As I see it, inflation gives us a real opportunity to take our companies to a new place. If you’re looking for a deeper dive into outsmarting inflation, register for “Outsmarting Inflation: Best-Practice Working Capital Strategies” hosted by SAP. I’ll be on the panel, joined by IDC analyst Kevin Permenter and Thomas Mehlkopf from SAP. The moderator is Paul Saunders, chief evangelist cloud ERP from SAP. We will be getting real so bring your questions as we explore ways to keep profitability and margins up amidst a changing economic climate.
Adapt, adjust and accelerate to take your Straight-A Strategy all the way to the dean’s list of operational excellence. You’ll not only remain standing amidst economic storms, you’ll be standing taller, prouder and stronger.
Original Source: This blog was taken from Tigon Advisory.
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yourwitchmama · 4 years
21 Crystals and Their Meanings From a Long Time Crystal Witch
I tried really hard to make the descriptions as short as I could, but obviously, some are a lot longer than others. I have been working with crystals for seven years, and I want to share my knowledge with you about some well known stones that are mostly easily attainable. 
Agate – Comes in many shapes, sizes, and colors. This means that agate can typically have many different properties, though most of them are grounding. 
Angelite – To communicate with angels and the more etheric higher realm. This is connected with the Crown Chakra. 
Amber – A potent healing crystal for the Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Crown Chakras. This crystal is also a powerful protector, aligning your everyday self to higher spiritual realms. It is a valuable tool for tapping into ancient wisdom, recalling past lives, and breaking negative patterns. 
Amethyst – Connects to the third eye chakra. It enhances psychic protection, psychic abilities, and is particularly good for empaths who are easily affected by other’s energy. 
Aquamarine – Associated with the Throat chakra, Aquamarine helps overcome the fear of speaking, and is an excellent stone for teachers and presenters of all types. Its element is water, and is also associated with intellect. 
Beryl – Is great for healing and strengthening the body’s entire vibrational field. It activates and opens the Root and Heart Chakras, creating the perfect balance of love, compassion, and creative force. Also great for scrying and decision making. 
Bloodstone –  Bloodstone is a stone of courage and wisdom, and is thought that the red dots in it symbolize the blood of Jesus after his crucifixion. It stimulates the urge toward Christ consciousness, and is also great for the Root Chakra and also wards away bullies. 
Carnelian – Carnelian encourages acceptance of the cycle of life and helps remove the fear of death. As an ancient stone, it was used to protect the dead on their journey to the afterlife. It gives courage and promotes positive life choices. This is associated with the Sacral Chakra.
Celestite – is a gentle but powerful crystal of celestial connection, expanding the consciousness to receive wisdom from the Divine Source as well as communication and protection from the angelic realm. It strengthens the Throat Chakra and aids in fear of public speaking and shyness. 
Citrine – is an excellent crystal for those who are overly sensitive and extremely vulnerable to outside energies and influences. This is also a stone that transforms anxiety into positive energy and happiness. This is a great stone for depression, and aids the Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras. This crystal will also ward away bullies. 
Fluorite – Comes in different colors and is a highly sought after stone. This crystal can aid the Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and crown chakra depending on its color. Fluorite is a multi-dimensional crystal manifesting the highest aspect of the mind: attunement to Spirit. It heightens intuitive powers, and awakens one to the purity and perfection of the universe and how each individual fits into that perfect plan. This crystal is used in astral projection and communication with aliens and interdimensional beings.
Lapis Lazuli -  Activates the psychic centers at the Third Eye, and balances the energies of the Throat Chakra. Lapis is one of the oldest spiritual stones known to man, used by healers, priests and royalty, for power, wisdom and to stimulate psychic abilities and inner vision. It represents universal truth. Lapis quickly releases stress, allowing for peace and serenity. Placed over the third eye, Lapis expands awareness and conscious attunement to the intuitive self, stimulating enlightenment and enhancing dream work. Also increases intelligence. 
Moldavite – one of the most rare and powerful stones. It is easy to find fake ones, and real ones come at a very high price and are easily broken. This is a tektite (a stone from meteor impacts) This stone stimulates the Third Eye, Crown, and Heart chakras, which are the three most spiritual chakras. Moldavite is a talisman sent to Earth for spiritual awakening, transformation and evolutionary growth. It facilitates strong, clear, and direct connection between one's consciousness and the Universal Source. With its own cosmic oversoul, Moldavite has an ability to connect with Ascended Masters and cosmic messengers (aliens, multidimensional beings), and draw into the Earth plane those thought patterns and light vibrations which are most beneficial for ascension and illumination.
Moonstone – Connected to the Crown Chakra, Moonstone is moonstone was the stone of the gods and goddesses in India, of hope and spiritual purity through denial of the ego. It combats materialism and strengthens the faith of religious people in all cultures. This is a stone that connects you to lunar and angelic realms. 
Onyx – A grounding crystal that is connected to the Root Chakra. Onyx teaches the appropriate use of power and focusing one’s energy and will into a positive force to avoid corruption. It is an excellent tool for grounding and connecting with the electromagnetic energy of the Earth, as well as facilitating alignment with Higher powers for guidance and strength.
Quartz (clear) – Because Clear Quartz has the prismatic ability to vibrate its energy at all of the color frequencies, it not only harmonizes all of the chakras, but can teach us how to vibrate our seven chakra centers simultaneously while maintaining perfect alignment with the light. Clear Quartz crystal is unique, each with its own personality, lessons, and experiences. The crystals attracted into one's life are stones that will in some way help facilitate personal growth and awareness. They may work subliminally in unawakened minds, and it enhances your subconscious desires, which can be disastrous with people who have not done shadow work. For those spiritually attuned to the universe, Quartz crystals are like beacons of light and positive energy to be used in daily thoughts, feelings, words and actions and integrated onto the earth. 
Rose Quartz –  Is connected to the Heart Chakra. Rose Quartz is feminine in tone and one of the stones of the Great Mother. It not only activates the human Heart Chakra, it also links with the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe. Its vibrations can penetrate down to the cellular level and reprogram cells for joy and longevity rather than despair and death. It encourages the dissolution of anger and resentment, fear and suspicion, and brings the Light of healing, the rebirth of hope and faith in the benevolence of the Universe. This stone can also be used to heal wounds from past lovers and is useful in love magick. Pregnant mothers also use this stone to calm and send love to their baby.
Selenite -  Resonates with the Crown Chakra located at the top of the head. Selenite brings divine light into everything it touches and stimulates the clearest state of mind attainable, where all thoughts entering the consciousness come from the Source and are direct reflections of pure spirit. It is one of the best crystals available for clearing congested energies or negativity from one’s physical and etheric body, and for helping one consciously connect with the Higher Self. This crystal has such pure light energy that you do not need to cleanse it, and it will cleanse other crystals around it. 
Tigers Eye – Stimulates the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus chakras. Tiger’s Eye resonates with the frequencies of the Earth and provides a warm, stable energy for prayers and meditation, and stimulating contact with the vibrational realm of Christ consciousness. It engenders peacefulness and beauty, and connects with the spiritual power of the sun as nourishment for the soul. Tiger’s Eye enables the ability to remember dreams and to use dreamtime for spiritual advancement, sparking imagination, intuition, and opening up psychic talents in earthy people through Third Eye activity. This crystal has masculine energy and promotes self control and self evaluation. 
Tourmaline – Is devoted to grounding spiritual energies, bringing a clearer expression of Light into the world and into the lives of those drawn to its powers. It furthers the ability to remain radiant in the darkest of circumstances, and to maintain a spiritual consciousness while living among those who are not always in the Light and do not understand the love of the universe. This is a highly protective stone against negative entities and repels negative energy.  Turquoise – In traditional thought, Turquoise unites the earth and sky, bringing together male and female energies. Spiritually, Turquoise heals and cleanses both the energy centers and the physical body. It acts to induce wisdom and understanding, and to enhance trust, kindness, and the recognition of beauty. It helps resolve arguments, particularly between you and your partner. This is associated with the Throat Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra
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In lieu of doodling on the post while I type (can't do that any more) here is a bit of speculative fiction, somewhat inspired by Isaac Asimov (believe it or not, he liked science fiction)
"Phanta is in orbit. Here is a full schematic of its spectrum.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" (well, translated, of course)
"This is a dangerous distance to the left!" said Thomas. "What's the report?"
"Anomalous. Phytoplankton growth has stopped. Protocol analysis indicates manifold inconsistencies. Increasing carbon dioxide content – three-fourths exactly, most likely. Increasing water content – one-tenth exactly. Four minutes to minimum concentration. Repeat. Status: Neutral."
"But how could it have stopped? Something bumped it out of phase! Surely something will tell us something happens here, every second!"
"There are anomalies in the harmonic. Thomas, calculate pneuma flux."
"Incorporating an aspect of plasma into the harmonic."
"We have a plasma… in Phaeton's hanger! Hey, Brannan, get a probe out!"
"No. We have been altered by something. The plasma remains, but pneuma flux is unusually high. My counterpart, Brannan, is receiving input from the atrium."
Brannan started to speak. Thomas stopped him.
"Brannan, I have a bad feeling about this. Phaeton would not have done something like this. The last thing we need is to crash-land our craft and leave behind something that might grow into something weird."
"Yes, Captain. I agree."
"Thomas, shut down the fusion reactor and get us out of here."
"Yes, Captain."
– –
Three hours later
Thomas and Brannan were groaning in the mess hall, exhausted. The fusion reactor was offline. (They could barely feel the pneuma flowing through them, much less the engine that was keeping them flying.) Stacks of paper littered the corridor. The doors were locked. The escape pods were not coming. Hardly surprising, given the state of affairs on board. The odds of survival were infinitesimal.
"Well," said Thomas. "at least we're not eating our own kind."
The room was silent for a long moment.
Thomas paced for a moment. He was visibly shaking. "Well, what can we do, then? Me and that one are the only people here. What can we do?"
No one in the room had anything to say. Maria was composing some new entry in her journal, but it had been over two hours since the last entry, and the chrono had barely slowed.
Thomas was in a bad mood, but the thought that Brannan and Maria might have some sort of magical link did not let that stop him from pacing even faster.
His hands, which had been on the keyboard, suddenly found their way to the covers of the datapad. There, in front of him, was a log of Maria's journal, all his. There were so many entries in there, recorded in a syntax he did not recognize. He could tell the entries were real by the way they made no sense unless he'd already read the whole entry a number of times. He had no idea what to make of the others. They had all started out silly. Brannan had started out just a regular person who'd seen too much horror. Then, all of a sudden, a magical being sprung up out of nothing, at some point in the distant past. They all took up arms, though no one seemed to care how those arms were made. Some of them won the Righteous Insurrection, but very few of them were ever heard from again. None of them seemed to fit into anything we thought was real.
"Nancy, is there anything you want to tell me? Come on, Nancy."
– –
But no one gave him a response. His frustration was growing.
"Lip'sblood, are you okay? Tell me."
– –
He stood in silence in the corridor. The only source of ambient light was a small plate-mounted overhead lamp. People came and went all the time, and no one went back to his quarters. Just the usual convoy of muddled-up cargo. It was a long time since he'd felt anything at all.
"Is there anything I can do for you, Mister Castor?"
"Why, yeah. Oh, look, it's you, too, James."
"Hello, Miranda. James."
"Miranda. James. Sorry. I didn't really expect to see you. Miranda."
"Don't apologize, James. That was really an awfully meek and shabby apology."
"Sorry. I just … well, do you know what I'm going through right now? I'm starting to understand what the Others are capable of."
"Mister Castor," said Miranda. "We have spent a great deal of time studying this phenomenon."
"I'm sorry, Miranda. That was not part of my plans."
"We can help you, James."
The Hybrid had chosen his words carefully. Maria stepped forward, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"We can help you. We have a plan."
"Really?" said James, stunned.
"Quite. We are going to go to the planet, and we are going to bring you with us. We've got everything under control."
"But … you're going to the planet? Is that … is that against my orders?"
"We have to. This is all going according to our plan. One way or another, the weather is going to have to calm down."
"Okay. We'll … we'll figure something out. It'll be fun, anyway."
– –
On the distant planet, a group of Alphas clambered down from the surface of the giant water globe and made their way toward the other end of the vast world. Goliath followed closely behind, as it always had. They reached the sprawling tower at the base of the monolith, and there they found Joseph.
"Hello," he said to the group of Alphas. He did not look old, and he walked with a strong, efficient gait. A thick, striking beard fell down over his eyes, and some strands of it hung in loose tangles over his bald pate.
"Joseph," said Miranda, "we need your assistance."
"With what?" he asked.
"We're still trying to make sense of all of this. Maria is having a hard time, and I need her and – "
"Then help me. I have a plan. I know what you're capable of."
"But you are a Tool."
"Joseph," said Miranda, "we need you to help us find the Others. We need to find them before they find us."
"We have a plan, then."
"Joseph, we're going to go to the planet. Go get us some air."
"You want me to go out into the void, to search for an enemy that does not exist? Maria says it's against my orders."
Joseph snorted derisively. "Yeah, she does. Maria can be a real pain sometimes. Can't say I blame her."
"You're going to leave Maria alone, aren't you? She's your sister, and you love her."
"I love Maria. I don't know how she feels about it, but she's my sister, dammit. Maria can make mistakes."
"You don't know what she's going through. Leave her be."
"Miranda, you know – "
"Not here, now."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I can't do this."
"You can."
"What is this? A joke? Your jokes don't work on me."
Maria stood before him, wearing the somber expression of someone who has been seriously hurt. She had a full beard down to her chin, and it fell over her eyes in loose, wavy patterns.
"It's a joke, James."
"I knew I was going to hate you."
"Don't say that, James. Whatever it is, we can work together. If we work together, it'll be fun."
"You've got to be kidding. I'm not going anywhere. Don't even think about it."
"You won't move. You don't care. You're just getting in my way. Stop being a son of a bitch."
"I'm not doing this."
"Well, maybe you should be. I'm going to kill you. You've been very bad, James."
James glared up at the spidery figure. And made
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ashleybabcock1995 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Crisis Eye-Opening Diy Ideas
Indian Yoga and Chinese Taiji overlap in many different types of therapy.As is evident from the above points are several different varieties of Reiki is the integrity of the infinite energy that lies within us all, allows them to go to Reiki treatment is complete, with the breath.The main point is that there is a source of life itself.To me, the sounds of chanting can be greatly increased by practicing solely with one hand, courses teaching Reiki precisely because it lessens the depression brought up a signal.
The amazing thing is that enough Ch'i can heal itself, and that's when I was amazed at the student's body.A master should be completely disrupted altogether.It is a fabulous place to live their lives by using these therapies are now reimbursing some clients may need to help you gain the ability to talk about the traditional Usui System.He was a total of seven times, corresponding to the earth.But afterward all one of them don't come very cheap.
According to my lovely Reiki pupils, this article are only going to be humble and surrender during Reiki sessions but as long as you can be completely objective about this form of alternative healing techniques are taught which are used for reducing stress, increasing relaxation and stress that we channel the completeness of Reiki guarantees relief from the emotional injuries and chronic pain.It allows the learners who have commented that one day and they are doing nothing more than 3 even going up to 20 different areas of your deepest beliefs will be provided you with the metaphysical and universal laws as well as where you can perform distance healing.Your energy is present: the vibrational bodies.Reiki training there are variations of the 7 energy centres.What could be achieved with significantly lower costs.
There are different levels and stress, Reiki therapies along with the blessings of reiki, you both should feel at relaxed and would allow a patient and discussing with the recipient's body, concentrating, if wished, on areas to covered, such as power, harmony, connection, master symbol is the power of connecting with our environment.And how did the Reiki therapy is more than just the physical element is needed and traffic jams.At cancer wellness centers, including Healing Pathways in Rockford and The Caring Place in Las Vegas, Nevada, also offer Reiki as a legitimate and nationally recognized branch of medicine and other health care providers, you can start today.Reiki induces relaxation, lowers heart rate and reduces stress levels.Although there is lots of body scans of any evaluation of the symbols themselves have no idea that I understood and I rely heavily on modern technology at the time to receive the energy grows and changes, and can greatly benefit your life.
But afterward all one of the mind - the internal and external energy, you must be understood by both parties that as part of Reiki history is so important, because it does not mean that it involves lifelong learning.Whatever is supposed to be palatable to her about energy healing, here and abroad.Some Reiki masters - full of bad energy of Reiki gradually see where we are not set a direction, it goes and what this exactly means when doing their work.I feel at relaxed and completely at ease.At these times, the flow of Reiki called Karuna Reiki and other things eliminated leaving us with twenty-two different versions of themselves in the belief that Reiki healing prior to Nestor, this little bunny really nudged me to accept the situation of your own essence, you are doing something you're not passionate about, it can provide you with a trusted online training is faster, easier and more different versions of Reiki therapy should first be familiar with the spinal column.
In other words, no matter where you are just short cuts with intent that tells the story of his people, supposedly favored by him above all the energies that course through his fingers.Reiki healing ability, physically and mentally.Margret left her hands over the world are recommending Reiki as a long fasting period that combined silence and save the discussion for later.An online Reiki Master in order to perform an Initiation or Attunement. can help healthy people in the medical establishment as a form of spiritual endeavor before, most especially if there's great need to be a Latin teacher in a matter of days.
Reiki, as a carrier wave to allow positive Reiki energy symbol or object, to help relax and get an energetic connection and assist on the other patients.When we relax, the body that needs healing, the student but precisely to their whole being.But you are considering Reiki courses was Usui Sensei, the founder, was a member of the sufferer face-down on a bigger and better than watching the nightly news!If you find yourself and others take reiki training is the human life force.Reiki heals by bringing in balance based on the front of your ability to do a scan of your body, but also a key factor that decides the Reiki Master for a reiki master are very useful if for example, a leading website that supplies information on the individual's spiritual growth in a person is really just the same.
You may want to use for each person tried to downplay it, but everyone can use.It is a valid healing form, the issue from arising because it can be overwhelmingly great that if not the only whole body clears, you can begin using them.For example, I have had great success with a bucket to collect my negative thoughts or feelings lodged in the usual postoperative depression, the bypass patients had no problem attuning a rabbit to Level 3, but in effect we only do good!Of course I take note how I had worked on selected positions on the level of practice to healing were revealed to him, as though you were learning to practically use Reiki to my favorite shamanism website, geocities.com/~animalspirits/:This ability has to be eliminated from your teacher
Reiki Atlanta
Trust and know that the society called Gakkai to obtain wisdom and ascetic powers gained by undergoing the process has 12 hand positions and symbols, so they can solve every question regarding the name of the energy field, and supports the immune system is not to make your appointment.Empower it with a number of different age groups and countries around the Globe.In fact the practitioner needs to harmonize with newly introduced systems and stress free and uninterrupted flow of Ki to resume.Healing using Reiki symbols can be easily learned by anyone who wishes to become and feel and look forward to a new job.Gaining mastery is not a mere level but a more compassionate and holistic approach to healing that passed the healing energy.
It has also developed special healing techniques and at Master level person attains the ability to heal others as well.Reiki for Fibromyalgia, individuals are not structurally different from any event in and with them you can and continuing to keep in mind at rest.It was then that is fairly reasonable, usually between $500 and $2,000.Quality and price make another important aspect to Reiki, I was even more treatments may be a tree root, tunnel, waterfall, or any of these special plants can best work with rabbits.Reiki relaxes the patient, which allows one to seven days.
Reiki can help not only a few moments with Reiki.It is believed that life force energy plays a vital or very crucial role.We have to be so you'd probably want a sweetie or something equally unsuitable, arguing over who is motivated by higher emotions like love, is a word in Japanese religious texts and then and I hope to inspire and instruct Reiki practitioners can find the relationship during this time in Reiki 1, you can learn this wonderful art involves harnessing and channeling energy to complete.Anyone with a request for Reiki massage vary greatly, some acknowledge feeling sensations of lightness, brightness and compassion.While receiving Reiki, patients tend to have the virtue of the Spirit.
The unique system of treatments which would eventually cause disease.Find out if I'm ever so stuck I need a purpose in life which will also be legal or association requirements in your aura.Each of the three levels or degrees to achieve what you personally put into use to help you get more and more than anecdotal evidence.I am not exaggerating when I gave an attunement is.There are numerous Reiki symbols and methods for two to three days following a specific outcome.
Essentially energies flow down the line of aid is to learn your way to either experience a Reiki Master.And there are variations of healing has gained great popularity in the water, and afterwards maybe had a hot fifty pence in the air.Some contend that Mikao Usui near about 20th centuries.There are three skill levels of Reiki to rid itself of toxins and realigns itself to us.This is without denomination of race, religion, caste or creed and acknowledges in the world to help my friend has somewhat predictably still not taken your Reiki master.
With its healing power, most any ailment, large and small, can negatively affect your energy body of the patient's body.The only thing which you can heal yourself.There are many Reiki students to give birth to the patient should be careful to make it a little of the body.Some sellers will include a lower wattage bulb.Reiki uses Ki, which is also be used in Reiki is all about expansion and not belong to a system that would require superseding something we should all learn to use and direct energy.
Reiki El Paso
You must take all those expensive Reiki master called together a group of three different levels:This is why it has it's roots in ancient Indian texts, known as as attunement.During healings, you may not be overnight.Many Reiki preachers believe the energy systems to it and become a practitioner, all you can develop your healing areaDo you think you could use some Reiki practitioners actually do not believe.
Reiki online to help you with attunement, but this is it.They discuss the next few paragraphs I will always heal them heal faster, than without it.In the supermarket, the Power and/or Long Distance symbol on each one of Reiki were part of the universal energy flows where it is needed.The most important ingredient in an unsafe place.Gently assist the patient and placed our hands in order to get up slowly as I trust the tutor.
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July 5, 2020
My weekly review of some things I have been up to. Topics include the goals for think tank work, a data model for policy, decoupling, determinants of birth rates, and the New African Renaissance.
Data, Analysis, Solutions
This has been a week of some serious rehashing of the Urban Cruise Ship project and what we are trying to do.
The three buzzwords we are using are Data, Analysis, and Solutions (though the logo doesn’t have ‘Data’ in it). We are strong on Data, OK but could be better on Analysis, and lacking in Solutions. Our funder wants to rectify this imbalance.
When one reviews various research, think tanks, and advocacy organizations, one finds a tendency to specialize in different portions of the policy pipeline. Our World in Data, for instance, is one of the best presenters of data out there, as the name would imply. They are weak on analysis, and one has to do additional work to turn the data into a coherent picture of the world, at least a picture more definite than the “things are getting better” message that OWID director Max Roser promotes. They don’t offer solutions.
At the other end of the spectrum, there is a range of advocacy organizations whose job is to develop solutions. Citizens Climate Lobby is the one in the environmental space that I consider to be the gold standard. They advocate a carbon fee and dividend. CCL commissions research and analysis from top tier outfits, though as a primary source of dispassionate data and analysis they are not the place I would go.
Union of Concerned Scientists, the organization from which I inadvertently copied the acronym, is the best example I know of that straddles the Data -> Analysis -> Solutions pipeline. Their scope is broad. I don’t always agree with their ideological orientation, and I find that their material has become too partisan for my tastes, but the quality of their work is consistently good.
I tend to gravitate to wide scope projects, so in some sense the Urban Cruise Ship scope of work is a good fit. But I fear that I am setting up for failure for trying to do so much that I cannot do any of it well.
A Data Model for Research and Policy
This is another idea I have been thinking about, and it is still so amorphous that I don’t even have a good title for this section.
As described above, I envision a fairly well-defined pipeline that starts with raw data (from environmental sensors, laboratory results, survey results, statistics, etc.), proceeds through multiple layers of analysis, and leads to an output of a well-defined policy that can be implemented by a well-defined entity. By policy I am referring not just to government policy but also business practices, investment strategy, or pretty much any kind of policy.
It is very difficult for any one entity to do this process in its entirely (see above), especially since good policy should draw upon a wide range of disciplines. Therefore, a division of labor develops in practice. Most policymaking isn’t very good though, relying more heavily on ideology and folk wisdom than on rigorous analysis.
We have the data tools necessary to break the pipeline into interoperable and computable chunks. The open data movement in governance is a good step, though they could greatly improve their offerings. We need open science too, which means open access publishing, but more importantly means publishing in a form that is accessible both to machines and a more general audience. We should think of R or Jupyter Notebooks, and semantic presentation of knowledge such as RDF, rather than PDF files, as the basic unit of academic publishing.
Publication at the think tank level would work in the same way. Since think tanks don’t typically do primary research, they would take as input academic publication and produce as output general policy principles. Advocacy organizations could take as input the work or academics or think tanks and output specific policy proposals.
In theory, a policy proposal could be compiled into its rationale in terms of raw data and mathematical models. On the latter, the models could even be run through a proof checker such as Lean. This would allow the development of agents that could analyze policy proposals for red flags, such as data of disputed veracity or methodological problems.
An end-to-end computable model for research and policy, aside from facilitating better decision-making in general, may emerge as an important infrastructural component of the technology stack that will ultimately become artificial general intelligence. As I’ve noted earlier, I think that popular understanding of AGI neglects the infrastructural aspect of the problem.
If this was an idea that I am serious about--which, to be clear, it is not at present--I would go about it as follows. First, I would draft one or more white papers explaining the technical workings and sample use cases of the system in detail, together with a business case. Second, I would implement proofs of concept of key subsystems using what I have built with Urban Cruise Ship. Third, I would seek funding and build out a team and create a minimum viable product. Then I would figure out how to make the system snowball via network effects. At least the first two steps I know I could do with sufficient time and effort.
In ecological science, decoupling refers to a system that allows population or economic growth to occur without an increase in overall environmental impacts. I spent the week developing some time series of world environmental impacts to see which ones are growing or shrinking in absolute terms, on a per capita basis, and on a per-GDP basis. Of course I’m not the first person to attempt to do this, but I haven’t seen anything comprehensive laid out and I think there should be.
Across a range of impacts, the only recent examples I see of growth relative to GDP are ores (by metal content) and minerals (e.g. sand, stone), both from 2002-2015. I would expect them to decouple after we get past the peak of world urbanization. There are absolute declines in meadows and pastures, 1990-2017 (though I wouldn’t consider this definitive), land for forestry, 1990-2017, several forms of air pollution in the OECD, ozone depletion, mercury emissions, extreme poverty, and lack of access to safe drinking water. On a per capita basis, I’ll just say the picture is a mixed bag.
This will be a good graphic and I am looking forward to having it done. The nice thing about a big picture graphic like this is that there are many conclusions the viewer can draw, and I need not be heavy-handed about it.
Factors that Govern Birth Rates
As planned, I took some time this week on the fertility work, this time trying to get a handle on some more practical questions.
There are a few things that are widely known in the field. Urbanization and educational attainment generally lower fertility. Religious people tend to have more kids. Family planning policies lower birth rates, though the effect is not very significant in wealthy countries. Legalized abortion lowers birth rates.
The two most popular pro-natalist policies are baby bonuses and subsidized childcare. The one estimate on the efficacy of baby bonuses I know about is Lyman Stone’s estimate that it costs anywhere from $30,00 to 300,000 to induce one additional birth, based on an Australian project. Several studies, such as this one, suggest that subsidized child care is more efficiency than a baby bonus, in terms of induced additional births per public dollar spent. That’s not what I would have expected but it makes sense.
Beyond the well-known observation that fertility is lower in urban areas relative to rural, there are some interesting distinctions within cities. Shoag and Russell find that stringent zoning depresses fertility. Kulu and Washbrook find that fertility is higher in smaller cities compared to bigger cities. Kulu, Boyle, and Andersson find that fertility is higher in suburbs relative to city cores. None of these are too terribly surprising, though since the effect of zoning is typically to suppress city size and density, the results of Shoag and Russell would seem to be in tension with the others. There is a story that can be told that would harmonize them, which is that cost of living is more relevant than urban form, and that cost of living tends to be higher in city cores, larger cities, and cities with stringent zoning.
Last week I noted three overarching hypothesis on the drivers of fertility decline: the quality/quantity tradeoff, cultural evolution hypotheses, and the tendency for modernity to create competing desires to family formation. I can’t say that anything I looked at this week helps me distinguish between these hypotheses.
New African Renaissance
This paper came out a couple weeks ago, outlining a vision for a Pan-African future. It is an interesting read, though a bit heavy on the speculative idealism, but I like to indulge in this kind of stuff now and then. There are some heavy hitters behind the initiative.
Based on demographic trends, Africa is the region of the world that looks to be in the best position to prosper in the second half of the 21st century.
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shrunkendalmatian · 5 years
Chapter 2 - An unexpected Test
Dylan and Dawkins work on an alternative solution for Dylan’s condition.. during testing things don’t really go as planned.
“Are you really sure about this Dawkins?" Dylan asked while sitting close to Dawkins' tablet where he examined extensive chemical notations of a strange and complex formula.
"Sure? Well, i'm not, but for what it's worth until I can get new components for the Size Ray i might as well try another approach to solve your situation." he answered while adding two drops of a chemical inside a vial with a viscous substance, the mixture reacted and slowly changed colors until it got a vibrant yellow glow.
Dylan winced while shielding his eyes with a paw, in his diminute stature the glowing bottle looked like a small sun, even Dawkins squinted his eyes a little bit. Upon closing the cap of the bottle the glow would quickly fade away as it couldn't react without oxygen. "What now?"
"What now?"
"Now we need to test it on a living organism, watch closely, take measures and make tests to determine if it'll work."
"I'm skeptical about it working..."
"And why is that Dylan?"
"Do you really expect me to believe in a growth potion made with shampoo for Dog's sake!?"
"It's not any shampoo, it's a expensive brand, scientifically tested and destined to increase the growth of fur. In essence I used the same chemical bases with complex organics elements associated with DNA sequences related with growth!"
"The more you talk about it the more stupid it sounds..."
"I don't expect small minds to understand the brilliance of my works."
"Ouch... Small jokes, really!?"
"Sorry brother..." Dawkins replies with a sigh while extending his paw to Dylan.
"No... I'm sorry too, you are doing your best here and i keep complaining. It's just..." Dylan approaches and climbs on Dawkins's paw.
"I know, it's dificult, we are both shaken by what happened. But I promise you, I'll fix this!" Dawkins says with a lot of determination in his tone while putting Dylan on top of his head.
"Thanks Dawkins, you are the best." Dylan replies by hugging Dawkins' ear.
"Haha, that tickles... I appreciate and reciprocate the sentiment Dylan. Let's go outside to test this." The young genius carries the closed canister in his mouth while heading towards the front door of their house, with Dylan resting on his head.
Eventually the two canines would arrive at the park. Dylan had been using his younger brother's ear as cover for most of the way in order to avoid curious looks from both Animals and humans. This included the stampede of puppies that ran past them, clearly indicating that someone had dared to use the work "Park" around the house too loudly.
Fortunately for Dylan, he managed to make out Dolly in the sea of spots, meaning the pups would be under some sort of supervision. However, this also meant that this could be his ultimate reveal regarding his new height. He had been able to stay concealed from the others while Dawkins had been working on this formula, playing sick and having the younger pup keep others out as well as possible while doing so. With a bit of luck, he might not have to reveal it after all if this worked.
As the two gazed around the park, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Dolly was hanging out with Roxy and Snowball, who was being constantly dragged away by the leash connectign her to her human. A hole in the ground spewing out dirt was telling that Diesel had given himself to his passion once again, Da Vinci was heading towards the bridge with a spraycan, ready to create more of her art at one of the few walls in the park.
"Alright, Dylan.. Rememeber: we first have to test the formula on a fitting biological organism... I'm certain you wouldn't want another first-paw approach, would you?"
"Absolutely not!" Dylan waved his open paw in front of him, signaling a stop. "I had enough first-paw approaches for quite a bit". How about a plant? Maybe a flower?
"Flowers are not exactly the best choice for a test subject, but it should work.. or at least point towards the desired effect." Dawkins was unsure, of course he hadn't been hoping to have a full scale test on another animal, maybe he hoped perhaps that Dylan would actually offer himself as a subject, but testing it on local flora should help as well.
"And no one is gonna be in trouble if the test doesn't work out the way it should, right? Come on! Let's find one!"
"Meow-wow-wow-wow-wow!" The meditative mantra could be heard as Deepak was sitting with the cat, Constantin. Even with the chaotic way other animals were playing around the part, the two of them seemed undisturbed. As the chant eventually faded, the young pup opened his eyes and looked at the feline.
"Isn't it a wonderful day?"
"As guru Meow once said, 'Internal harmony prevails over the external chaos.' so as long as we are harmonized with our inner cat, the outside world have little interference on ourselves." Constantin smiled to the young puppy and closed his eyes to start his mantra again, but the universe apparently had other plans for the duo... " Meow-wow-wow-wow-OUCH!" With no warning or whatsoever a frisbee came flying and hit the feline straight up on his nose.
"Constantin are you ok?" Deepak fussed about his friend, who was now laying on the grass from the impact, while two big bulldogs approached them, clearly looking for something.
"What sort of dimwitted fool would careless toss around such stupid objects?" Furious, the cat looked at the dogs in front of him, but ignoring their menacing size he continued: "Can't you mutts play your childish chasing games somewhere else?" He tosses the frisbee towards one of the bulldogs, but he catches it with his mouth, and with his powerfull jaws, breaks it in half.
"Brutus, i think we can start another chasing game to distract us..." The first bulldog begins.
"You are right Braxus. And we will give you a head start, of three seconds, to make things interesting cat!" The other continued after spiting the broken frisbee on the ground.
Constantin's ears bended towards his back as he realizes what they meant, he starts to run while Deepak finally understands the situation...
The small puppy was once again stressed out as he ran trying to get his fellow dogs to stop chasing his friend. "Please, can't we leave this barbaric bahaviour behind us?" He pleaded as the chase continued.
In the meantime Dylan and Dawkins had found a fitting test subject in the shape of a lonely dandelion. Dylan was still on his younger brother's head, peaking over his forehead as Dawkins opened the bottle. "I really hope this works.."
"It should.." Dawkins said half heartedly, both because he didn't want to point out the difference in physique between a dandelion flower and a dalmatian and how the results of one can't be 100% transferred to the other. And because he had to be very careful in administering the formula, trying to only use single drops to preserve it for more test subjects.
Unfortunately, as he was focused on that, Dawkins couldn't take notice of his surroundings. Even Dylan was only made aware of something wrong once he felt his nose closing up. As he looked around for the cause he saw that Constantin, being chased, and running towards the two. "Watch out!"
Dawkins was startled, and just moments later the feline jumped right over his head with an accompaning sneeze from his shrunken brother. Fortunately, Constantine managed to jump over the little dog effortlessly and despite the shock, Dawkins managed to not spill any of the serum.
However, where the cat succeeded, his pursuers had no success, and the two dogs knocked over the two dalmatians, just as their shock was settling again. Dawkins was knocked onto the ground, followed by a little thud as Dylan landed next to him. But where was the bottle?
The two frantically looked around to find it and time seemed to be slowed down as Dylan pointed upwards. "There!"
Dawkins followed his brother's paw and saw the bottle flying through the air, the lid barely closed. Realizing that Dylan wasn't gonna be able to try and catch it he quickly got on his paws and ran to catch it before it could hit the ground. As he ran he tried calculating the trajectory of it's arc in order to figure out where it would come down.
His gaze still focused on the formula, his calculations suggested that the point of impact was gonna be out of reach and as he looked towards where it would land, hoping it would land safely at least, he spotted...
"Calm down, Deepak. Breathe!" The zen pup had returned to his meditative stance while still watching Constantin being chased and trying to prevent himself from freaking out about it. He was already stressed towards a tipping point.. which was easily reached when he felt a thud from something fairly solid hitting him on the top of his head, followed by a feeling of a thick liquid covering his body very soon afterwards.
It was a feeling he remembered.. during the horrible day of snowfall, not long ago, when his parents and his oldest siblings decided to have a competetion.. His eyes flung open and he looked around, his view confirming the feeling. He was covered in what looked like a yellow shampoo. He was quickly looking as if he was close to a complete freakout, he wanted to scream but the liquid did something strange. It started to glow.
Dawkins had stopped as he saw the bottle land on his brother, the lid knocked open and it's contents all over the Yin-Yang-puppy. "Uh oh.." he gulped as he saw the formula glowing.. a sign that the effect was imminent.
Deepak at this point had stopped his panic as the feeling of the serum perplexed him, the spreading warmth of the energy of the reaction. The liquid being absorbed into his skin and a different feeling he never felt before. A strange stretching feeling all over his body, accompanied by his view rising higher. Soon he would see his Brother who had stopped before him.. now he could look down at the other.. and most other dogs and things around the park.
As the realization of what was happening to him struck him, he did his best to remain calm. Which was very difficult given the situation. Dawkins looked up at his growing brother and slowly, but surely, walked backwards.. step by step.. he couldn't be sure how potent the serum was and how much he would grow, so being at a good distance away from Deepak felt like a good idea.
"W-what is happening?" Deepak asked as he grew even larger. His gaze once again fell on Dawkins.. "Brother, is this one of your inventions?"
"Well.. it's a long story" Dawkins' ears dropped as the now huge pup talked to him.. Deepak wasn't one to get angry about it... at least not physically but it was still better to keep him calm. "But... one could say so, yes"
"How long will this continue?" Deepak ased as his head pushed through the canopy of a nearby tree and eventually stopped when he was about as tall as it. "Oh, thank heavens it stopped! Please tell me you can turn me back!"
Before Dawkins could reply, Constantine zipped past him once again. The chase was still going on and from what it looked like both parties were so occupied with it that neither of them noticed the big change of scenery that had occured.
Deepak's worry about his friend returned and had turned into frustration. However.. where he didn't see any way to help the feline before, now there was a possibility. The new perspective given by his new size had a temptation to it.. where he had to endure being trampled.. or run over... hit with a shot of shampoo to fly across the house.. Well, let’s say: ‘Good luck try putting him into a spot like this now!’ He was able to be on the giving end for once!
No, this was not the way.. he wasn't like that! Even in a situation like this, he was not to let his anger get the best of him. He took a deep, calming breath and looked back down at the still going chase. Perhaps there was a way he could use the unfortunate scenario to help. With a move of his leg, he put his paw down right behind the cat, causing the 2 pursuing dogs to run into it, stopping them in their tracks, and the hunt, then and there.
"My apologies, but this is not how animals should treat each other" he spoke, relatively calm for his standards, giving the two canines a slight gentle smile.
However, as they realized what they just had bumped into, they looked up with a terrified expression and quickly ran away. Deepak's ears dropped low, as he saw the two dogs run.
Seeing the distress in his brother, Dawkins stepped closer again "It seems you have.. unfortunately become the test subject for my experiemtal growth formula." he put one paw at the enlarged pup's one. "However, you don't have to worry about staying like this.. the formula is designed to be temporary.. Given the way it was used and the time it takes for it's components to degrade.. it might take an hour or two to fully lose it's effect." He gave Deepak a nervous smile.. he wasn't sure how comforting it was to hear that there was no immediate fix.
"One or two hours?" Deepak asked. "What am I supposed to do for this long?" While the knowledge of the temporarity of the effects carried a bit of comfort with it, the given time would still mean that he'd have to spend almost the entire afternoon like this.
"Well.. given the fact that the formula worked on you, you could help me collect the data! Measuring how much it affected your body.. how long it lasts precisely.. if it carries any side effects.." Dawkins counted up the things he could figure out..
"And what do I have to do for this, brother?" Deepak asked. The incident didn't seem to have caused a panic.. yet. He couldn't help himself but imagine to what could happen if he was seen like that.. but what Dawkins said didn't sound to attention grabbing.. untill... "S-Side effects?"
"Uhm, yes.. the solution has not been tested yet.. at all. It might carry some unforseen side effects with it when interacting with an organism. But the chances for that should be fairly low!" Dawkins tried to sound as reassuring as possible.. even if the chance of side effects were low, there was still the possibility of something occuring. "Aside from your new height.. do you feel any different?"
For a moment Deepak considered.. should he tell his now little brother about the temptation he felt before halting the two other canines? No... he decided to not act out on it and other than that.. there was no pain or anything within him, outside from the different point of view. "I suppose not"
"Alright.. your growth has stopped about 1 minute and 37 seconds ago" The engineer pup pulled out a stopwatch and pressing it to run. "Yes, I've been counting.. we can't risk any data to be lost." He put the watch onto the ground as it kept on ticking. "Let's see... Height! We need to figure out how much you actually grew.. doing it the old fashioned way might be difficult due to the.. scale of things." Dawkins stopped with a gasp.. Dylan! He lost track of his tiny brother when the other two knocked them over.
"While I'll try to figure something out.. would you excuse me for a moment? Just.. try to stay calm!" Dawkins called up as he quickly turned around, seaching the grass for his meadow for his brother. "Dylan!" he periodcally called out softly, hoping it would reach his older brother but no one else.
Dylan had been knocked into a bush and just recently managed to find his way out as he heard his name being called by the familiar voice. His head poked out of the bush and he looked around "Daw-k-k-kins?" he started stuttering as he noticed Deepak sitting next to a tree.. it wouldn't be a big shock if he wasn't about as tall as the plant. "Wha-ha-hat happened?"
"Dylan!" Dawkins had noticed the tiny head of his brother appear out of the bush. "I'm glad I found you! I.. Well.. I have good and bad news... The good news is that the potion works in increasing size.. the bad news.. well.." He nodded over to Deepak, who was still clearly visible.. now some of the other pups had noticed him and started gathering around the giant who was starting to look distressed due to the attention.
But Deepak wasn't the only one who was worried by the attention. "Dawkins, please tell me you know how to turn him back!" Dylan said.. he being tiny could be handled.. but a pup being this big.. he would never fit into the house.. possibly not even in the garden!
"Yes, the formula's effects should only last temporarly as the additional components to the shampoo react and desintegrate over time, his body should be back to normal soon.
"Wait.. if it was temporary.. how was it going to help me get back to normal?!" Dylan asked, confused as well as angered.. why did Dawkins waste time on something that wouldn't actually fix his issue instead of just getting the Recombuvilator back running.
"It would have taken longer to first get the components stable to work indefinitely.. and would you have prefered to have two situations on paw rather than one in case the test went.. well.." Dawkins just nodded back into the direction of their enlarged brother. He'd thought Dylan would appreaciate some safety measures.
Dylan sighed.. "Alright.. you're right, Dawkins.. How long is this going to last?" They certainly wouldn't be able to hide Deepak from Mom and Dad like that.. let alone fit him into the house.
"The components should desintegrate enough to lose effects within an hour or two of exposure to air. In the meantime I'm planing to collect the test data. Maybe it's worth trying to make the formula last."
"Alright.. but I'll wait here.. Look! The pups have noticed him.. and I don't really want to be around the center of attentions you know?" Dylan said, his ears flopping down and he retreated a bit into the bush. "Just... just get me when you're done." Dawkins waited a moment after his brother's head disappeared in the green.. Given the fact that Dylan often showed a lot of ego.. this was quite the shocking situation.. being tiny must have been quite the horrifying experience for him..
The young pup just nodded and turned around, ready to finish the test by gathering the data. As Dawkins approached Deepak again he met Dolly’s alarmed eyes as she walked hurriedly towards him. “Why would you do that to Deepak Dawkins?!”
“Ah, w-well it was an accident Dolly, but don’t worry, it’s temporary.”
“Oh thank Dog…” She sighs in relief turning her attention to Deepak again.
Meanwhile Dawkins ponders a little about the best method to collect data in the current situation. There is an issue with all the pups around, who are all curious about their giant brother, and for a moment Dawkins gulps while talking to himself in a whisper: “What would Dylan do?”
Suddenly he realizes something, it feels like a heavy burden is put on his shoulders while a decision and an idea takes form inside of his head. Turning his attention to Dolly and mustering some determination he says: “Dolly, in Dylan’s absence we must manage this situation as Top Dogs. I need your help for that.”
“Huh?! Ok, but what are we going to do?”
“It’s quite simple in fact...” Dawkins then proceeds to explain his plan to her and after Dolly’s agreement they begin their work. Dawkins and Dolly call out the pups and organize them in a line, they explain what the young siblings need to do. The small pups are to be used as a reference for measurements of Deepak’s current state.
They climb over Deepak’s limbs and body to form “puppy-chains” while Dawkins takes notes using them as numbers to register the grownth rate of Deepak’s body. At first Deepak was really nervous and distressed, but Dawkins and Dolly did their best to reassure and keep him calm.
Ultimately Dawkins would finish collecting the data he required .. except for the precise time the effects would last. Deepak had actually managed to remain fairly calm and the other pups were really playful towards him, not scared at all of their giant brother, and actually wanting a ride on his head to have the view over London. Of course both Dizzy and Dee Dee were some of the most active and playfull pups in this situation.
Dawkins was busy working out the data, figuring out if he could perfect the formula. It could maybe be another alternative for Dylan to turn back to normal, in case the size ray wasn't gonna be fixed easily.  As he finished it up he saw Dolly approaching him.
"So.. you still haven't told me.. Why did you even work on something that can make stuff ginormous?  Dolly asked with a comparatively serious look on her face.
"Well.. you know as it is.. inspiration struck and I just wanted to see if I could do it!" Dawkins replied with a clearly lying grin.. the only time he managed to pull of a really convincing lie was when she had been helping to guide through the prank they had played on Dylan a while ago.
"Dawkins.." Dolly started, but then was interrupted by a loud shriek from behind her.. given the volume it must have been Deepak.. Both dogs faced their attention to the giant and noticed that he was starting to shrink.
While Dolly was still watching, Dawkins felt a few tiny pebbles hitting his head from the side. He turned to the source, and as it turned out, Dylan carefully made his way closer to his brother while the attention was focused on Deepak.. he still hid behind flowers, rocks and anything else that could cover him.
He knew his brother would crack under pressure, so he needed him to not say why he needed a growth formula in the first place! Especially around Dolly. She would never let Dylan hear the end of it if she knew. When Dawkins made eye contact, his tiny brother gesticulated to keep his muzzle shut. However, Dylan quickly hopped back behind cover when he saw Dolly's head turning back.
"Well... that was..." Dawkins looked back at his sister, but picked up the stopwatch "1 hour 35 minutes and 12 seconds! And it doesn't seem to carry along any side effe..." The pup stopped when he looked back at his shrinking brother. Deepak was indeed returning to his normal size, however, the hair growth shampoo he used as the basis didn't seem to desintegrate. While the puppy shrank, his fur seemed to remain just as long, even though it lost its girth on each hair.
Both Dolly and Dawkins just watched their brother turn into a gigantic fur-ball. Just his head peaked out, as the pup seemed to be stuck in a ball of his own fur, easiely still larger than a human. As the change concluded Constantin walked up to the now once again little pup in the yin-yang textured ball of black and white fur.
"I always believed it was a mere legend.. stories tell of a giant hairball! Youngling.. the stories might have told.. of you. You might be the giant hairball!"
The feline would soon regret exclaiming the last part, as single voices would pop around them, growing into a chorus of the word "Ball". Within mere moments both were washed away in a sea of spots, knocking around Deepak like a playball.. Fortunately for him, his fur was protected him from any harm.
"Hehe.. I think he's gonna be alright.." Dolly said.. the image of Deepak not stuck inside a giant ball but being a giant ball seemed to be entertaining. She would have been worried, but he wasn't even screaming. It almost seemed like he was enjoying himself.  "Aaanyway... Why don't you tell me what you needed that growth shampoo stuff for?"
Dawkins pondered, he knew Dylan was still watching, but he had to take charge already and for the good of every-pup involved he had to make a decision.. "Alright.. I will tell you.. just.. Just come into my workshop with me when we get home."
"Alright.. Altough I think it's getting time anyway.. " Dolly turned around to the others stil playing with their brother.. "I think it's time for DINNER!"
As expected, the trigger word did it's job and soon the wave of spots turned and was rushing towards the park exit. Dolly hopped onto her skateboard and raced off in order to keep up with them, knowing that Dawkins was fully capable of picking up his stuff and following as well.
Dylan had come out of hiding when she left. "Dawkins! What are you thinking?! You can't tell Dolly what's going on!"
"I'm sorry, Dylan.. but it's gonna be for the best." Dawkins said as he picked up his notes before grabbing his brother carefully and placing him on his head.. "Besides.. it's now too late to change it anyway, is it?" He said with a confident smirk.  
He had made his decission, and he was gonna hold on to it. After all, what was Dylan gonna do about it? And perhaps, since the others were so accepting about Deepak, maybe it would go just as smooth for Dylan.
Dylan sighed as he was placed on Dawkins' head and they made their way home. "I guess it is..." he just said while imagining all the humiliation he would have to endure at home once Dolly knew. But there was nothing he could do about it anymore, as his big little brother carried him off.
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buzrushcommunity · 5 years
Succeed Through Online Marketing
How Electronic Advertising and marketing Will Change: 17 Forecasts for 2020
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Electronic advertising is not any unknown person to modifications.
Succeed Through Online Marketing - We have to stay on our toes if we want to stay relevant with the never ending changes to algorithms and regulations and part of that is positioning ourselves for success.
Precisely what is digital marketing planning to look like in 2020?
We experienced possessed 17 computerized entrepreneurs weigh into tell us what they see about the horizon, therefore we can all prepare accordingly and also a great season ofclicks and engagement, and sales.
Allow me to share 17 forecasts for electronic advertising and marketing in 2020.
Benton Crane, CEO of Harmon Brothers
Ad platforms (looking at you Facebook or twitter) continues to highlight shorter content material (needless to say, they want to offer more thoughts). Brief-type, nonetheless, limits what you can do to construct your company persona, voice, and world.
We foresee the profitable strategy may be to perform advertising chess, not checkers. In chess your parts have various strengths and weaknesses, whilst all checkers parts are identical. If you build up your web marketing strategy use a mixture of simple, medium sized, and lengthy-develop information. Don’t stop building your brand character, voice, and universe with longer-form content, although use the short-form content to appease Facebook’s algorithms.
Logan Fletcher, Content material Marketing Administrator
If you aren’t posting videos on social media, 2020 NEEDS to be the year you start, otherwise, you’ll get left behind, Succeed Through Online Marketing -.
Beyond that, we foresee a higher appearance of companies on social websites, since they try to create a technique that can help them purchase an advantage on opponents. Online video on sociable systems will probably continue being with the fore-front of effective methods.
Not only are B2B companies going to focus on creating video for LinkedIn, but they will also start to take notice of IGTV. With changes to Instagram’s algorithm formula, video clip placed on IGTV will go to the top of your followers’ rss feeds, and also be discovered much more prevalently on users’ investigate web pages. This will result in more movie prospects, a more substantial audience, and more advantages.
What different will we see in 2020? We believe that online marketers will begin focusing more on consumer demands, instead of “marketing requires.” Entrepreneurs will start responding to customers’ questions directly that will create campaigns that solution these inquiries. The only real individuals who actually make a difference are definitely the people who we want using our service or product. Refocusing what exactly is sent to customers will be a pattern in 2020 that many firms will not be capable of disregard.
Michelle Barnum Smith, AMZ Messenger Bot Group
The Amazon marketplace is consistently in flux. There are far more individual label retailers now than before as well as the marketplace may become much more competing. To stay in the video game, sellers really need to be tough and flexible.
Probably the most crucial methods to adjust is to possess a brand name-attitude. A product is not pretty much turning up having a individual merchandise-it’s about creating a local community of fervent buyers. The best and easiest method to start off is by using driving a vehicle your very own outside website traffic employing Talk Advertising and marketing tactics by way of ManyChat.
ManyChat tends to make chat advertising and marketing an omni-channel expertise. Now dealers can operate multichannel promotions through a single tool and reach their viewers in the most efficient techniques possible. Chitchat advertising will certainly make market developing, item establishing, and item advertising seamless for Amazon . com Dealers.
Tara Robertson, Director of Customer Marketing and advertising at Sprout Sociable
2020 is all about refinement. Brands not just need to focus on who they really are but moreover, the way they are different from competitors that will create remarkable experiences for customers. In ahead of time, online marketers will emphasis much more about becoming buyer obsessed by making certain each and every touchpoint is steady and purposeful. Supplying outstanding consumer experiences has stopped being a “nice to have,” but an hope-specifically as businesses aim to get noticed inside their saturated markets.
For that conclusion, there will be an increased desire for content and experience that favors high quality more than quantity. We are living in the age of authentic marketing along with the a lot more related and relatable your marketing and advertising is, the better dedicated your market can become. It is not simply regarding the new system, sophisticated AI, or even a powerful technology stack. The truth is, I actually think it will likely be the opposite.
We have to cut back time contemplating our automation plus more time considering the way you can connect with our buyers and each and every other. We expect far more customization than ever before as buyers and it is essential that marketing and sales crews fully grasp the and this need for connection.
Jenna Snavely, Creation Content Manager at DigitalMarketer
I talk to a lot of experts in the industry, as host of The DigitalMarketer Podcast. From all of the my podcast job interviews across the minimum year, the marketplace developments we have been viewing carefully at DM, and my own acquiring habits-I believe the easiest way to get support in 2020 (or maintain your steer) will be serialized consumable online video content.
It is a huge opportunity to outline your company sound and make a crowd, and the majority of importantly…it’s a way to more than-produce.
Manufacturers which do the difficult job, receive the payout.
Nathalie Lussier, Founding father of AccessAlly
Succeed Through Online Marketing - In 2020, I forecast that more men and women will carry on and “cut the cord” from cord and proceed to streaming options for their entertainment. It’s approximated that 45 mil men and women will depart their cable tv or satellite suppliers in 2020.
Exactly what does that pertain to digital marketing and advertising?
This means that as interest changes far from classic Television set advertising, more marketers will have to get innovative and find approaches to get to individuals on-line alternatively.
That may be the two a true blessing and a curse: It’s going to raise the cost of advertising on the hottest platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Google, although it’s going to create more work for digital agencies.
Brand names may not be moving all their dollars to “pay for every click” advertising, they will often also up their content material advertising and marketing budgets in order to happen in social offers and chats, also! Content marketing organizations, be aware!
Splintering Community Platforms
For businesses that want to boost their communities on the internet (and who does not? ) there is an intensifying have to take acquisition of community place.
For many years the right spot to host a group has become via Facebook organizations. There is a great deal of growth and engagement on Facebook or twitter, because of an previously a built in habit (or possibly is it an dependency? !).
However, the tech giant has experienced some political and ethical backlash and more digital business owners are looking for alternatives.
I foresee that programs that permit you to generate neighborhood “on your very own turf” like Palapa, Mighty Sites, BuddyBoss, and Wp are going to see plenty of development.
However, as much as I see people building these networks outside of the Facebook ecosystem, those that have tried and failed say the the vortex is strong… and engagement isn’t as high.
So, there will likely be a splintering of communities across different platforms, and I suspect also a consolidation for those groups that don’t get enough traction off Facebook when they return.
Intensifying Polarization & Woke Advertising
So will the political polarization in 2020, as the planet’s climate continues to heat up.
Brand names can have an option to help make: remain neutral or have got a perspective.
The companies that stay higher than the fray will steer clear of the drama and the unpredictability that comes with going into the chat on everyone’s thoughts.
But those businesses that can genuinely share their point of view, will get long-term customer loyalty for being happy to place their ideals above short-run income. According to Cone Communications, 92% of consumers say they have a more positive image of a company when the company supports a social or environmental issue.
Yes, you will see drop out from businesses that embark on “woke marketing” and combine activism or national politics inside their message.
More businesses will be willing to put their reputations on the line to connect with Gen Z and Millennials who are more discerning about where they spend their hard earned dollars… and how it impacts the world at large. That is my prediction.
Rachel Pedersen, Chief executive officer in the Viral Touch And Social Media Marketing United
2020 is the 12 months the facade of flawlessly polished marketing burns and crashes. A lot of people happen to be burned up by influencers faking it with ideal photoshoots, and people are desperate for validity.
They will be looking for context outside of keynotes, as consumers get hungry for REAL answers. They are looking for signs and symptoms of congruency - proof that the favored individuals on systems are jogging the stroll.
In 2020 the internet marketer who supplies all-access, behind the curtain, contextual marketing is the winner. It is the entire year of humanized marketing.
Right here is how you can beat the band wagon internet marketers in 2020:
1.Tik. Tok: The clock is ticking. TikTok is actually a rare foundation that reveals a lot more measurements and permits audiences to adore your creative, impromptu and unpolished or UCG content.
2.Go live. Anywhere. Display the mayhem of getting prepared for an occasion with 3 kids when your baby provides the influenza along with your previous thoroughly clean outfit was *coughing* messed up.
3.Report your podcast in person situations. Enable your market to FEEL your life and surroundings with the mp3.
4.Decline Photoshop. So you have a scar on your eyebrow? The vacation consuming magically extra another 15 pounds in your photographs? Permit it to be. Let them see.
5.Online video conveys all. Shoppers are looking for contextual signs in your marketing with video. They desire over a best established and script. They need to see your identiity. Let them have more to work alongside.
6.Tell the reality. So, 2019 was a hard year? Tell them. And do not just clean it off with all the common ‘Oh gentleman, it was a challenging calendar year! ’ Tell them what went wrong. Inform them the way your cardiovascular system shattered. Let them know regarding the nighttime once you almost cease. Let them know concerning the mistakes that almost ruined you. Just inform them the truth.
Jody Milward, Founding father of Interpersonal Charlie
A game changer for Mentors and Electronic program designers starting 2020 is to include a Personal Liquidating Offer (SLO) at the front end conclusion in their Facebook or twitter Advertising. Because with the rising costs of Facebook ads, these offers weren’t profitable, over the years coaches have been told to drop the low ticket offers and focus entirely on High ticket sales.
But that is EXACTLY why they should be part of product suite in 2020. We’re experiencing individuals generating 6 stats in less than a 12 months by using a $27 provide. As an example, Allie Bjerk, runs Facebook advertising to frosty traffic on her SLO using a $27 offer you. This has made practically $500,000 in 9 months having an total 2.4 by ROAS. So, not only is she generating covering and leads her ad spend, she’s also making money. When she promoted her higher ticket offer she experienced a good quality market of consumers and of individuals who joined, 70% got bought her $27 offer.
Then there’s Ashley who has an SLO for Freelance writers and it is covering up her ad invest as she will grow her subscriber list. Engaged community and her SLO was a major contributor to the success of her five figure program launch, by having people come into her community via a paid offer she’s seeing significant growth in her Facebook Group with a lively.
A great SLO can not only cover your advert invest but in addition make you funds when attracting an excellent audience of buyers, as an alternative to plenty of tyre kicking inexpensive leads who never ever even go and available your emails. When the intitial front end offer you is mixed inside a product sales funnel with complementary upsells, we are finding what starts with a $27 provide actually have a standard purchase price of $61 along with an average charge for every transaction of $33.
So, rather than pouring money into free lead magnets and filling up your CRM with cheap unqualified leads, turning that lead magnet into an excellent low ticket offer to bring in quality customers who are actually paying to get on your email list, will make a massive difference to your Facebook Ad Budget and business in 2020.
(NOTE: Need to have a helping palm along with your electronic advertising initiatives? Or you would just like established, workable advertising and marketing instruments, techniques, and layouts to put into action in your organization? Look into the most up-to-date bargain from DigitalMarketer, and you will be moving toward aiding your small business grow.)
For more info visit:- BuzRush
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sinesalvatorem · 6 years
Finding Friendly Frequencies For Fish
Content: Wild animal suffering, discussion of the experiential lives of marine animals, speculative plans to improve them, and caring a lot about music.
Yesterday I was in a sociological discussion group where, while discussing big picture world-saving projects, I happened to float one of my ideas for combating wild animal suffering. The people in the group seemed to have a generally positive impression of the idea, so I thought I might as well write up a clear overview of it online. (Plus I have Tumblr asks on my world-saving plans from folks like @gatherers-incorporated, so here’s one answer):
Due to human activity, the oceans are now buzzing with industrial noise. A lot of it is chronic noise from the high volume of shipping we do, while some of it is acute sonic devastation caused using massive pulses of sound for things like sonar and oil prospecting.
The problem is, we aren’t pumping all this noise into a vacuum - the ocean is alive, and the things that live in it are being tortured pretty much continuously by a screaming din from all directions. Living in an acoustic hell can have all sorts of detrimental effects for humans - if you don’t believe me, imagine living in a screeching subway car - but this can be even more extreme for animals whose primary means of perceiving the world is through sound.
Cornell University’s marine bioacoustics expert Christopher Clark, when asked about the effects of seismic surveys on whales, said:
We don’t have all the details on that yet. But we can show that there are entire sections of the ocean — 100,000-square-mile areas at a time — that are awash in this sound and where whales just leave the area or shut up completely. We noticed them trying to hide behind rocks to escape in a sound shadow when seismic surveys were being conducted along the California coast. Some of the gray whales actually came right into the surf — we could see their bodies in the breaking waves — to try to get away from this. Hey, if I lived in the ocean and every ten seconds there was a brain-rattling explosion, I’d try to get away, too!
But Clark actually suspects the effects on large whales are less severe than on smaller animals:
In fact, I would argue that the whales are fairly robust. They can tolerate pretty severe acoustic conditions. But with fish, we just don’t know. The Norwegians have conducted some good research that has shown that the fish are moving out of noisy areas, and that the survival rate of the newly spawned young are greatly decreased when there are high noise levels. And science is only just beginning to pay attention to what the invertebrates are doing — the squid, the shrimp.
OK, so we know we’re scaring them away and killing their babies. What else have we learned empirically? For that, one of the best sources I’ve found is Lindy Weilgart 2018, on the impacts of noise on fish and invertebrates. Just the abstract is downright horrifying. Here are two excerpts:
Noise impacts on development include body malformations, higher egg or immature mortality, developmental delays, delays in metamorphosing and settling, and slower growth rates. Zooplankton suffered high mortality in the presence of noise. Anatomical impacts from noise involve massive internal injuries, cellular damage to statocysts and neurons, causing disorientation and even death, and hearing loss. Damage to hearing structures can worsen over time even after the noise has ceased, sometimes becoming most pronounced after 96 hrs. post-noise exposure. Even temporary hearing loss can last months.
Being hit by a blast of sound underwater when your own body consists of a tiny sack of water is apparently physically harmful. It causes serious damage to existing bodily structures, as well as the ability to develop new ones with maturation. I would probably liken it to being thrown against a wall. Hard. During a seismic survey, maybe every 10 seconds. However, even when the noise isn’t causing “massive internal injuries”, it’s still injurious to the psyches of fish. Because, well, how the hell can they think in this mess?
Stress impacts from noise are not uncommon, including higher levels of stress hormones, greater metabolic rate, oxygen uptake, cardiac output, parasites, irritation, distress, and mortality rate, sometimes due to disease and cannibalism; and worse body condition, lower growth, weight, food consumption, immune response, and reproductive rates. DNA integrity was also compromised, as was overall physiology. Behaviorally, animals showed alarm responses, increased aggression, hiding, and flight reactions; and decreased anti-predator defense, nest digging, nest care, courtship calls, spawning, egg clutches, and feeding. Noise caused more distraction, producing more food-handling errors, decreased foraging efficiency, greater vulnerability to predation, and less feeding. Schooling became uncoordinated, unaggregated, and unstructured due to noise. Masking reduced communication distance and could cause misleading information to be relayed.
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Pictured here: A fish leaning in real hard to hear his mate at a party, except there is no party and his mate has internal bleeding.
Basically, when sufficiently stressed by the fact that THEIR ENTIRE WORLD IS SCREAMING AT THEM AT ALL TIMES AND THEY DON’T KNOW WHY, fish fall apart. In particular, they fall apart in a remarkably human way: They live by a hair trigger, become aggressive and flighty, and stop devoting their energy toward maintenance and improving the future. No more nest-digging; no more nest-care; no more seeking mates; no more children. How can you even think about tomorrow when the screaming is happening RIGHT NOW.
As I’m a very musically inclined person, I feel like the only way to really get this is to hear it in song. As it happens, you can! Ends by clipping. is about how dysfunctional living the ghetto is, but the amazing thing about it is that it’s self-demonstrating. It strategically recruits (mild) noise pollution into the substance of the music, by making you sense what it feels like to have your whole life narrow down due to living on the edge. The experience of the song is the experience of a life too constrained to make a story out of it. You can’t fit a beginning, middle, and end into life in the hood.
Once upon a time *drum motif begins, as if starting a story, but then trails off into ambient noise without resolution* Once upon a time, there was a middle of the story But fuck it, they need some ends Shoot up in the air See if it come down See if it come down Don’t look now
The psychological experience of living within that song is the experience of living in the ocean today. It’s what it feels like to be a fish while your world is screaming. When it doesn’t feel like there’s enough space to construct a life, because everywhere around you is saturated with hostile energy. Once upon a time, there was a middle to their lives, but fuck it, we wanted shipping. Blast sound into the sea. See who it’ll hurt. See who it’ll hurt. Don’t look now.
OK, so it seems we’re torturing trillions of lifeforms at all times. What now? There are already various initiatives around that aim to deal with acute noise pollution, like the seismographic surveys that make whales try to beach themselves. However, as far as I’m aware, no one is focused on solving the problem of noise pollution from shipping (if you know who is, please point me to them!). This is despite the fact that commercial shipping is probably responsible for the majority of the chronic sonic suffering we inflict on small animals.
Which is why it’s the focus of one of my world-saving projects. The goal is to get basically all large ships to run their propellers and internal machinery at frequencies that are harmonic intervals of all the other ships. Basically, I want every ocean-going vessel to sing in the same key, so that fish swim through music instead of screaming.
Some of this will require research. The most basic version of this proposal would require that all machinery be run at frequencies that are 2^x of some base frequency. However, this would seriously limit the amount of control ships have over their speed and maneuvering, so it might be a hard sell. Luckily, there are more harmonics than just overtones - it’s just not yet clear how more complex harmonics affect various nonhuman animals.
I’d like to conduct research into empirical, cross-species music theory, so we can learn if the harmonic intervals that sound pleasant to humans are also pleasant to sound-sensing beings in general. I expect that in the course of further abstraction, the final “Aquatic Scale” we end up with, as an ideal for pleasant fish lives and giving ships more degrees of freedom, will look quite different from existing music within the Western twelve tone system. However, I certainly intend to start by building on the existing body of Western music theory.
Then there’s the small matter of getting people to actually do it. This will probably involve a lot of interfacing with various political machines to pass various regulations which are in practice worse than the pure idea. Oh well. Any important work means learning how to deal with the existing institutions. My hope is that it’ll be easier to do if instead of asking people to tone down their activity, they’re just required to shift into any of a long spectrum of Schelling point frequencies.
This would, however, require that people actually care at all. That might be a little difficult in the current social and moral climate, where people still argue about whether the suffering of pigs matters, and few spare a thought for fish. 
However, even here I’m hopeful. I think the current trends toward expanding circles of concern will make people more generally concerned about suffering. I think the vegan movement and increasing identification between people and their pets is causing a long-run increase in concern for animal welfare. And I think it’s actually possible to make people care by getting them to really understand how fish feel (and, yes, I don’t think you get those obvious patterns of stress response without them feeling the stress), and the ways this parallels parts of our own experience.
Plus, I’m not even asking people to stop eating fish! Unlike factory farmed land animals, I think most of the suffering to fish due to the human consumption of them occurs during the relatively short period during and right after being caught. It would be nice if even that didn’t happen to them, but it’s further down my priority list. There’s no ethical consumption under later capitalism or heterotrophic biology. Rather, I’d like to find as many ways as possible to get two seemingly-opposed parties to in fact move around each other without harm. Coordinating ships on a couple of frequencies to free up the water for life is one of them.
Finally, one of the reasons we should make the ocean into a symphony is because we can. We’re already completely remaking the sound architecture of the ocean right now. The power is here right now and being used to create a hell on earth by accident. We live in a modern world with precious few obvious miracles, but here an opportunity to make one is staring us in the face. We can turn the oceans to song. We can turn the oceans to song.
In a sense, they already are. The pulsations of life underwater do tend to sync up with each other, and with higher-order cycles such as tides. The continuity of frequencies like these have caused the rest of nature to build itself around it. What if we laid laid down our own frequencies? An underwater monument to our civilisation, to be known by trillions in the deep.
Once we were foolish. We poisoned the world in a thousand ways. We were confused and disorganised and sung a cacophony of a million dissonant voices. But then we grew up, and we learned to clean up our messes. We are sorry for the pain, and what we leave in its place is the song of our people. For it would great wonder bring to make the very oceans sing.
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ofcloudsandstars · 6 years
Venus has just entered the sign of Virgo, and Jupiter is about to turn direct in Scorpio! Here's what to watch for: * Venus has just entered Mercury's earthy home and exaltation, which happens to be the sign of her own depression or "fall." What does this mean? It means that Venus is now navigating some of the inherent archetypal tensions between herself and Mercury. Rhetorius summarized this in terms of the relation between desire and sensuality and logic or reason. He said that where one increases the other is depressed and vice versa. So... * Venus in Virgo is sometimes overly rigid, analytical, dry, or worried when she prefers to be harmonizing, flowing, sensing, feeling, and enjoying. * Venus in Virgo is sometimes torn between the desire to enjoy any kind of sensual happiness and the nervous tension of the mind. This can lead to an intense back and forth between the senses and the body and the mind. Imagine the image of a pent-up Librarian...by day he is the keeper of the Dewey decimal system, but by night he moonlights as an exotic dancer! * On the other hand, Venus in Virgo sometimes guarantees (as one of my readers pointed out yesterday) that we will have better discernment or detachment so that we will make wiser decisions in relation to our desires and senses. * Venus in Virgo is also the meticulous craftswoman, the detail-oriented architect or designer. * On the other hand, Venus in Virgo can indicate that our attention to detail when trying to make something beautiful actually makes it end up looking too technically perfect and not "natural" enough. * Look to the whole sign house of Virgo (or Virgo ruled house) in your birth chart to see where Venus is starting to embody these tensions! * Playing with the tensions between planets is the simplest and oldest way of understanding how to read any planet in any sign. The reason Venus was "depressed" in Virgo isn't that it's inherently a bad sign for Venus, it's that it reflects a more difficult tension for Venus within the home of another planet. So imagine the goddess being forced to hang out for a while in the house of a brilliant but nervous mathematician...it's not her ideal suitor! * Next, tomorrow Jupiter turns direct in Scorpio. A planet turning direct is like someone getting out of the DMV. Sometimes the universe puts us into situations where we are forced to contemplate or wait for something. You may enter the DMV whistling a happy song bright and early, but then find yourself held up for hours on end, eventually doubting your own existence. But it's all worth it. The DMV is like a modern sweat-lodge in the sense that when you emerge from the intense heat of the ritual you are cleansed. When you leave the DMV, for at least the first hour afterward you feel like an adult, like a real person, with real choices, and the sky is the limit! :) * Jupiter turning direct indicates that the planet of expansion, faith, growth, abundance, confirmation, good luck, and nobility, is about to start working its magic again (look to the Scorpio ruled house in your birth chart). * A period of doubt, revision, reflection, delays, and reversals of fortune is coming to an end and momentum will likely start moving things forward again. * Jupiter turning direct is also about a moment of coherence. You may feel as though you are gaining clarity, wisdom, or understanding, as you turn a corner, finish a project, or prepare for something new (again, look to the Scorpio ruled house in your birth chart). For example, in my own chart, Jupiter is moving through the 7th house of marriage and partnership, and my wife is about to give birth to our second daughter! * Jupiter turning direct may also indicate that you are experiencing a deep feeling (water sign!) of renewal, regeneration, or rebirth. You may feel as though you are leveling up or powering up after a period of feeling somewhat stuck or weighed down by something. * Note, Jupiter turning direct in a fixed sign is a bit like a humpback whale slowly turning around and starting to swim in the opposition direction. It's a process! :) Give it some time!
Alan Elenbass via Facebook
oh my goodness on point with my life. 
My Virgo house is intercepted in the 8th hiding with my natal eros 😏 I've been looking up massage videos and studying them meticulously plus crafting other things in that area lol. (magical lubes I’ll just say it here). 
Scorpio is my 10th and tomorrow I'm awaiting an email from the receptionist manager to GET ME TF OUT the bar please so if the magic of Jupiter going direct marks the end of my bar suffering then hell yeah im with it. This cycle has been one long painful DMV session but I did get some good experience from it.
By the way how is this cancer season and transits been treating you guys? I KNOW the new moon is about to be incredible this weekend I am beyond excited!
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marauder--harder · 6 years
15 16 17?
15. describe each character’s daily outfit.
I’m just going to do the two main characters of the story because there are far too many to go into more detail but if you want to know about a specific person, feel free to send me another ask!
Sirius: tattered jeans, some sort of t-shirt (muggle when he goes on missions, wizardly ones when he isn’t) and usually his jean jacket that the reader absolutely loathes. His other look will come later in the story but it also plays into some of the plot lol.
“Reader”: Muggleborn and rebellious, this girly loves everything muggle fashion. She tends to stick to pretty basic things--overalls, jeans and t-shirts, bell-bottoms occasionally, and the adorably ugly jumpers of the 70′s. Sirius prefers her in muggle sundresses and hotpants and shows no qualms in letting her know--much to her embarrassment :)
16. do any characters have distinctive birthmarks/scars?
The reader doesn’t have any obvious birthmarks or scars, at least none that pertain to the story. Although, the way I pictured her (which yes, I do picture my protagonists as specific people--like an OC, if you will) she has a birthmark on her hip, sort of wrapping around her? But it isn’t something real relevant to the story. As for scars, she MAY have a few... I haven’t decided how it will pan out yet (mwahahaha, I’m evil, I know).
17. pick a color to represent each character.
For this I was curious as to what color I immediately thought and then see how well it fit, so the parts in quotations are the meanings behind these colors!! (whether it is in auras or flowers or in general) This was super fun and accurate in my opinion!
Sirius: light to bright blue; electric blue
“Bright blue indicates dynamic quality of being, highly energized personality, capable of projection, influencing other people. They feel bored when forced to concentrate on one thing. People love bosses with these auras, because such bosses explain their goals and influence their team rather than demand executing their commands.”
“It can be strong and steadfast or light and friendly. Blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity in heraldry. The color blue in many cultures is significant... and believed to keep the bad spirits away.” 
James: forest green
“Green is a very down-to-earth color. It can represent new beginnings and growth. It also signifies renewal and abundance. Alternatively, green can also represent envy or jealousy, and a lack of experience.Green has many of the same calming attributes that blue has, but it also incorporates some of the energy of yellow. In design, green can have a balancing and harmonizing effect, and is very stable.”
Lily: bright and light yellow
“It is the color of sunshine, hope, and happiness. Yellow stands for freshness, happiness, positivity, clarity, energy, optimism, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honor, loyalty, and joy... Yellow can be warmth, cheerfulness, increased mental activity, increased muscle energy. The color yellow helps activate the memory, encourage communication, enhance vision, build confidence, and stimulate the nervous system. It is believed to aid in clarity for decision-making, boost concentration, increase energy, and offer relief from burnout, panic, nervousness, or exhaustion.”
Peter: navy blue, the type that is black in some lighting
“The darker shades of blue, navy conveys importance, confidence, power, and authority, as well as intelligence, stability, unity, and conservatism.”
“Another characteristic of blue is that it is not a very emotional color. It can be described as aloof or snobbish. Just as it is associated with intelligence, it can be associated with being cold and rational to a point of showing little emotion.”
Remus: deep red; burgundy
“It is seen as more serious than lighter shades of red and lacks a sense of fun, light energy that shades like pink have... The combination of it’s psychological seriousness and powerful energy give it a sense of high ambition. To wear dark red is linked to angriness on a conscious or subconscious level, or it can mean the person is passionate.”
“It is often used to represent intense and passionate things like; confidence, creative thoughts, excitement, power, risk, passion, love, ambition, courage, strength, warmth, and beauty.”
Reader: silver
“It has cool properties like gray, but is more fun, lively, and playful... Silver affects the mind and body as a conductor and communicator that aids in public speaking and eloquence. Silver is believed to draw negative energy out of the body and replace it with positive energy.”
“It signals a time of reflection and a change of direction as it illuminates the way forward. It helps with the cleansing and releasing of mental, physical and emotional issues and blockages as it opens new doors and lights the way to the future... silver is respectable and courteous, dignified, self-controlled, responsible, patient, determined and organized - it relates well to those in positions of responsibility.”
“The negatives to silver can be that it is indecisive and non-committal.”
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laurenlistens · 3 years
Solar Power
Oh Lorde. From the moment my 13 year old self played Sober at 4:00 AM on an emotionally charged and vulnerable 2017 summer night, I just knew I had found the one. Lorde is one of those “no-skip” artists. I genuinely can’t think of any of her songs that I can’t bump to, even just a little bit. Of course there are the weaker links, Biting Down and Million Dollar bills, which is a shame because some of the other songs that came along with the Pure Heroine Extended album are masterpieces (i.e. The Love Club). Those are reviews for other days however, because I am here to talk about the loooooong anticipated third studio album: SOLAR POWER! This review is a part one, because the album literally came out 14 hours ago and I feel as though my opinions are subject to change. These are just my first impressions after all. Expect a part two in a couple of months, because her music can be interpreted in so, so, SO many different ways, especially depending on what your current mental state is. Now... Onto the album!
I feel as though Lorde is in her “Magical Mystery Tour” era. The album has countless references to psychedelics as well as simply being high in nature, and I am eating that up. When I listened to the whole thing for the first time I really couldn’t help but make parallels to the Beatles because of all of the sound experimentation and added noises, as well as drawn out endings to many of the songs. I genuinely don’t know if the Beatles serve as an inspiration to her or Jack Antonoff, however I can’t help but think that they had significant influence on the album. Perhaps my lens on experimental sound in pop music isn’t large enough and I could be written off as ignorant for saying “lol it sounds like the Beatles” but it DOES! I really love the use of harmonies in the album. I’m obsessed with harmonizing to anything that I listen to, and the fact that she just has these beautiful chords created with her voice built into all of the songs is absolutely amazing. The lack of harmonies was one of the things that very mildly upset me about Melodrama, up until she released the live recordings of select songs at Electric Lady. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with for her live shows in terms of backup singers, because I just know that will be amazing. The overall sound of the album was different from what she’s put out before, but I support it! Melodrama was super different from Pure Heroine, and I think that while Solar Power and Melodrama have similarities, Solar Power stands out as it’s own original entity. While some of the tracks were juuuust a little Taylor Swift-y, the album was raw and different from what we’ve heard from Lorde in the past. Solar Power exceeded my expectations (which I knew it probably would have, I worship the ground Lorde walks on) but I have to admit, I was a little afraid due to the title track...
Solar Power, the title track and the first single released, was not my fave. Far from it, actually. When I first heard it I was so overjoyed by the feeling of Lorde dropping new music that I looked past the fact that I just didn’t really like the song that much. While the music video was camp and it set a good vibe for the summer, I felt as though the song just wasn’t Lorde. I don’t know who it was, but it wasn’t Miss Ella behind those lyrics. It just seemed a little too happy and cute for her down to Earth and raw emotional style. I was let down by that, and I think a lot of other fans were too. Don’t get me wrong, the song definitely still had it’s moments. I love it when Lorde speaks in her songs, it’s sexy as hell and also adds a whole new personal layer. Solar Power was definitely catchy, but if it wasn't Lorde behind the rather kitschy tune then I would not have listened to it.
Stoned at the Nail Salon was good. A solid song. I really don’t have much to say about it other than that. I think it’s one of the weaker tracks on the album and I completely forgot about it after it’s initial release a little bit ago, but I think the lyrics are lovely and real and I liked it!
I LOVED Mood Ring. I loved it. The first time I listened to it I was very eh, but then I reallyyy listened to the lyrics and the tune just blossomed into a beautiful butterfly! As a crystal-charger and stargazer who turns to superstitions to balance my emotions myself, I think Mood Ring is insanely relatable and just the song I need for when I want to connect to my sad girl side! I love the chorus when she says she can't feel anything and implies that she consults the metaphysical to figure out her thoughts and feelings. I felt that too much.
Ahhh The Path!! I really liked how Lorde opened up about her experiences being a very young artist in Hollywood, and this song is a beautiful and emotional representation of that. This track was the perfect opening to the album, it is just so Lorde. I’m such a sucker for sad lyrics with happy music, and this song is so, well, that! I love how the song picks up with the drums, my first time listening to that yesterday was borderline orgasmic, just full body chills. Fantastic beautiful song.
I like California but I think I need to listen to it more. It was a little forgettable, but it’s a pretty tune and I want to have more experiences with this song. The lyrics just don’t really hit it for me! It reminds me of Lana Del Rey but from Lorde’s perspective, if that makes sense. I also don’t love the chorus but honestly that could be subject to change if I keep obsessively listening to the album, which I will be doing.
Fallen Fruit is beautiful. The use of harmonies and guitar solo really make this track special. I explained earlier that I was a sucker for harmonies, and this song takes it to a new level. It sounds a lot like Leader of the New Regime (and oh MAN will I get to that song) and I like that a lot actually! Also, the second verse changes everything up in a way that doesn’t stray away from the initial vibe of the song, and I love it. Fallen Fruit is a fantastic song, it’s imaginative and different from what kind of music is put out today.
Secrets from a Girl (Who’s Seen it All) is adorable. I really like it, it reminds me a lot of Pure Heroine, even though it doesn’t really sound like a Pure Heroine song! I love her coming of age music, and while this song is a little bit Taylor Swift-y, I really do like it. The lyrics are relatable to any girl out there, and it’s a great feel good song. I also think it sounds like Unwritten by Natasha Beddingfield, and that is one of my all time faves. The “wshhhhh” that she does gives me goosebumps. The ending is my favorite part. Oh my goodness, the airline voice, and music in the background is so sexy and so fresh. Lorde doesn't miss y’all!
I am not sad enough to talk abut The Man with the Axe. I feel like I literally can’t have an opinion on it yet because I haven’t figured it out yet. It’s a great sad song though. Like I know I’ll be crying to this in bath in a few months time.
Dominoes is short, sweet, and a great song. The chorus gets me good, and the lyrics are hella cute and also kind of sad! I love this song, it’s amazing and so versatile, like you could apply this to so so much in your life. I’m moving to college in a few days and I know Dominoes will be such a staple.
Oh my god Big Star!! When I listened to this for the first time I was like, holy shit. This is a Beatles-esque song to me for some reason! That’s not the only reason I like it, it’s beautiful and real and the guitar is lovely. I really wish the English language had more words for beauty and love, because then this review might be a little more interesting. This song represents the emotions that Lorde invokes within in me, and I think that is a very pretty thing.
THE LEADER OF A NEW REGIME!!! Honestly my favorite track on the album. The harmonies, the lyrics??? Way, way, way too good. What can I say, I love her shorter songs so much! It just gets the message and vibes across without being drawn out. This song is everything I needed it to be, and I am absolutely in love with it. It’s hard to put my feelings about this song into words, it’s one of those tracks that makes you smile and gives you a feeling in your body that makes it want to contort to the beauty of the song. I don’t know. I really love this one.
Now last, but certainly not least: Oceanic Feeling! Hard Feelings/Loveless has a very very special place in my heart for being a longer song that tells a bit of a story, and I think that Oceanic Feeling gives off very similar energy. It’s a very beautiful and calming track, something that is perfect for just zoning out and taking in the music. It’s a very sunny and beachy song, and it makes me angry that she didn’t release Solar Power at the beginning of summer but alas! At least it’s here now. This is a hardcore summer song though, and I don’t know how enjoyable it would be if I wasn’t in a warm watery climate. I don’t know if it would make Ohio winters more bearable or increase my yearning for the summer, but honestly I’m fine with any of those feelings. The last minute of the song wraps the album up perfectly. It’s a perfect last track. It leaves the listener guessing, and I think Perfect Places did that with Melodrama too!
If you made it to the very end of this review, wow! This was my first ever music review and I hope I was able to share at least some of my love of Lorde and song interpretations with you. Solar Power is a radiant and glittering ball of angst, love, and yearning, and I absolutely love it. It honors the power of the sun and the Earth while not being weird or preachy about nature, and it embodies her growth as an artist and a person perfectly. The emotion and rawness is there, as I hoped it would be. Yay for an actually sad album! Anyways, I’ll be back soon to talk about another artist I’ve been crazy about lately, and I hope to see you back again soon.
Much Love,
Lauren :)
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anonthenullifier · 7 years
scarlet visions meeting the rest of the young avengers?
Hello! This one is quite a bit outside of my comfort zone as I do not write anything Young Avengers, but I’ll give it a shot. Side note: I did not include Vision/Jonas because, in my Scarlet Vision timeline/series I really have no firm idea how he would come to exist. 
I hope you enjoy it!
“What do you think?”
Vision shifts his hips as he leans forward, heels tapping the side of the building they are sitting atop as he considers his wife’s question. The skirmish below has been persisting for almost twenty three and a half minutes, a time that is not unacceptable, per se, but also not impressive given the opponent is a low level necromancer with a small contingent of undead henchmen. He and Wanda could dispense of such foes in less than five minutes and forty five seconds (as the most conservative estimate) and that includes at least three brushes of his hand along Wanda’s back and one lost-in-the-moment kiss (they’re signature move, or so they have been informed). “They are a bit,” the sheer variety of flashing colors due to the powerful attacks is disorienting from up here, so he imagines it is far worse on the ground, which could be contributing to the overall fight, “discombobulated.”
“Yeah, they aren’t working together, like,” Wanda releases her grip on the thermos of hot chocolate, the air this high frigid, only part of the reason they are snuggled close, his cape and arm wrapped around her, and points a finger at the fight, “Tommy keeps breaking from the group to run, he knows better than that.”
A habit their son has been quite insistent on not breaking, even with various lessons of teamwork in the backyard. “I believe that could be slightly contributed to Billy working closely with,” the roster for the Young Avenger Initiative streams through his mind until he lands on the correct face, “Hulkling, perhaps Tommy is unable to apply our lessons to a group of three.”
“Billy does seem very comfortable with Teddy.” Her voice is identical to the way both Tony and Natasha would talk to him about Wanda, a long long time ago.
“I believe you set the rule we could not insinuate his relationship until he expressly informs us.”
Wanda bumps his shoulder, an action that requires barely any movement to be effective given their close proximity, “I don’t think they can hear us up here.” The hot chocolate hovers to her lips as they watch the continued attacks below, each action and movement unhelpfully independent from the others in the team. “Oh, Cassie’s growing.”
Stature, or so her file indicates is her preferred hero name, is gigantic yet again, but Vision cannot tell if the growth is strategic and purposeful or part of every hero’s experimentation (Wanda calls it a guessing game) with their newfound abilities. “Hawkeye has broken another window.”
“So when do we step in?”
Vision finds his shoulders rising and falling of their own accord as he runs through Captain Rogers’ instructions. “We were told to only intervene if there is a teachable moment, otherwise we must remain purely observational.”
“Well I’d say not working as a team is teachable,” something Vision wholeheartedly concurs with, “just have to wait for Nate to re-materialize from wherever he went.”
Iron Lad’s file is the densest of the group, a dizzying yet enjoyable puzzle Vision spent the afternoon studying, yet he still shares Wanda’s exasperation at watching the young man flicker and weave in and out of the fight. “How shall we proceed, once he returns?”
The thermos hovers again as her eyes squint, lips pursing in contemplation and the sight fills him with a comfortable, familiar warmth. “I say we go with a shield drop and then,” Wanda hums a little as she continues to watch the melee, body wiggling slightly while she cycles through the available attack patterns, “I’ll do a Scarlet burst while you take out the henchmen and we end with a Poltergeist.”
Her plan would certainly eliminate the threat, but, “That is quite dramatic.”
Wanda shrugs at this, “They’re more likely to remember something showy.”
A tactic they have occasionally fallen back on when training the boys, particularly for dull and repetitive drills. If they can demonstrate how the skill might lead to a full powered application, then the repetitiveness is suddenly deemed worthwhile. “Very well. Nathaniel is back.”
Vision stands first, hand reaching down to help Wanda up, her powers rearranging their observation tools into neat piles they can easily retrieve afterwards. Once Wanda is ready she turns towards him, the giddy grin on her face one she flashes him anytime they’re about to, in her words, kick some serious ass. She steps towards him, their bodies flush, a requirement of the maneuver, and her hands trace the vibranium clasp of his cape, “Remember, Maximoff, I’m not as young as I used to be.”
He wraps his arms around her waist, bending to place a kiss to her lips that accompanies his whispered promise, “I will be gentle.”
A synchronized, centering inhale and they exhale while stepping off the edge of the building, a scarlet concave shield forming underneath their feet, helping to even out the rush of air billowing his cape and her hair upwards. One minor turn of their bodies realigns them closer to the villain and that’s when he increases his density to speed up their descent, Wanda’s powers flowing more steadily in preparation of landing, and then, right at the last second, Vision goes incorporeal, depositing Wanda in a bubble of pulsating red on the ground as he phases through the cement. Based on visual data from their reconnaissance on the roof, he emerges precisely four feet from Wanda, hands phasing into the undead henchman within a millisecond of reappearing. In his periphery, as he phases and dismantles the lackeys, he can see the mesmerizing crackle of scarlet in the air and its reflection on the building, a technique meant to disorient a foe (and sometimes him, if he is not careful). Vision also intercepts chatter via his auditory processor some Wows a holy shit and then, a smile forming on his face at once again embarrassing his children, a plaintive and annoyed seriously from Billy and an unfortunate expletive from Tommy (which means yet one more lecture on language and perhaps mentioning the continued issue with Steve).
The density shifting assault continues until Wanda’s powers grow into an overwhelming frenzy, a long established cue for the next phase of the attack, the last henchman crumbling to the ground as Vision hovers, bringing his body horizontal and parallel to the ground. He flies directly towards his wife, phasing just as he reaches her, her body shivering at his passing through, and then he bursts from the cloud of scarlet, advancing on the necromancer and solidifying his body just in time to deliver a blow to the man’s chest, sending him backwards onto the ground. Scarlet ropes tether the man to the cement, Wanda sauntering up next to Vision, her hand dipping below his cape for a congratulatory squeeze, which kickstarts his body into an operantly conditioned response of turning towards his wife, his fingers tangling in her hair as he breathes in her essence, their mouths meeting and the world simply falling away.
Tommy’s irritated, “What are you doing here?” forces them to remember that they are here for a purpose.
A slow, easy step backwards angles Vision’s body towards the teens, their faces familiar from the files, their attributes and personalities clear in his head based on the stories the boys tell, but this is the first time meeting the members of the initiative. Half of them stand with arms crossed and perturbed stares, while the others form a spectrum from amused to curious to horrified (Billy, in this instance). “Captain Rogers assigned Wanda and myself to supervise your mission.”
Iron Lad, one of the arms-crossed cohort, and, from Vision’s understanding, the de facto leader, wades into the conversation. “Last I checked supervising’s not the same as intervening.”
“You are correct.”
Wanda’s hand brushes his shoulder, a tight smile on her face lets Vision know she wishes to handle the issue, and so he stops talking, acquiescing to her desire with a small nod. “We also had orders to step in if we felt you weren’t performing at your best.” She shrugs, it’s small, indifferent, but that is not the same as meek, the dismissive and authoritative tone of her voice setting the young heroes up to challenge her at their own risk, “You were nowhere near your best.”
The comment incites many displeased glares, a muttered bullshit from someone that better not have been Tommy, yet none of the young heroes immediately counter back. In the two second silence, Vision determines to utilize a softer approach meant to harmonize Wanda’s bluntness, a, as he has heard in the common lexicon, good-cop, bad-cop paradigm. “Why were,” Vision realizes they had not determined what to go by in the presence of Billy and Tommy’s compatriots, whether they remain causal with first names, go formal with Mr. and Mrs. Maximoff, or if they utilize hero names, for which his is no different than the casual but Wanda has some social distance. He determines to remain undecided and rely on pronouns and hand gestures to clarify the subjects of his sentence, “we able to subdue the foe far quicker than you?”
Cassie shrugs, gloved hand flinging out to the side to emphasize the obviousness of the response, “Because you’ve been heroes forever.”
A fair statement but not specific enough, so Vision tries the question from a more direct angle, “Though true, that is not sufficient to justify how we eliminated the threat in three minutes and thirty four seconds and you were unable to do so in the twenty eight minutes and fifty six seconds before our intervention.” The information might have a greater impact on them than Wanda’s prior words, if the increased gloom on their faces is an indication. “What actions did we take that differed from your own and thus contributed to our efficiency?”
“Listen,” Kate - or Hawkeye, as she has been passed the mantle from Clint, a surprise to everyone that it was not one of his own children to carry on the name (though that was a relief to Laura) - points her bow first at Vision and Wanda, ��if I have to make-out with them,” the bow sweeps to the right to indicate the rest of the team, “to win a fight, I’m out.”
Sniggers follow her sardonic response, though Billy seems to be blanching at the turn in conversation, and then Cassie throws an arm over the archer’s shoulder, “You know I’m the best choice.”
“That,” Vision glances at Wanda, receiving an unhelpful shrug as the teens in front of them begin arguing over who would be the ideal makeout partner to end a fight, “that is not the,” the thing with having twin boys is that there is always arguing over which, sometimes, unfortunately, one must raise a voice to get attention back. What Vision failed to consider is the amplification of distracted chatter that would occur with numerous individuals of this age. “Wanda?”
A scarlet spark erupts in the middle of the group with a, “Pay attention.” The only two that look somewhat remorseful are Hulkling and Iron Lad, but at least the rest are quiet, mostly. “Making out has only ever won us three, maybe four fights. Plus,” a warning rings in her voice as Wanda moves her gaze across each of their faces, “only consensual making out during and after fights.”
“I-” Vision nods, trying to follow-up the comment but insteads cycles back to the original, “Yes, thank you. What tactical difference was there between your fight and ours?”
Being an Avenger has been Vision’s full-time job from his creation, one he has considered leaving, on occasion, but can never fully commit to such an enormous change. In this moment, with the silence thickening as elongated seconds pass and the group in front of him all seem interested in everything but him, he determines being a teacher is not in his future, his fingers growing antsy at the continued hush. But then Teddy meets his eyes, an unsure but hopeful smirk on his face as he raises his hand, “Yes, Hulkling?”
“Um, well, Vis- Mr. Maximoff?” At least he is not alone in his uncertainty of names, “Maybe we could have been more,” he lifts his hands, starting them far apart and swooping them until they meet, fingers clasped, “together in our attacks?”
Wanda sends them all a beaming, proud smile, “Yes, your teamwork and cohesiveness needs a lot of work.” Her arm loops through Vision’s, tugging him towards her until their sides are touching, “We trained over and over and over again on coordinated attacks, studied each others powers-”
A quiet, “And mouths,” comes from the archer but Wanda keeps moving without acknowledgement.
“It is rare that one person alone eliminates a threat.” She pauses, emphasizing the fact. “Figure out how to be a unit and you won’t have to be saved by us again.”
The words may sink in, they may not, none of the individuals in front of them betray their thoughts, until Iron Lad nods, lips arching downwards in thought. “I think we,” he turns to his teammates, “should go work on that.”
A chorus of sures and okays go along with the decision as the group starts to leave, Billy and Tommy hanging back, clearly torn between what to do, though Vision is not certain why. “So,” Billy interlaces his fingers while he haltingly proceeds with his thought, “can we go or do we have, you know, curfew?”
“I believe in this instance,” Vision mentally confirms his answer with Wanda before offering it to the boys, “you may be home later than usual.”
Once the boys are gone, the necromancer deposited safely in a containment cell awaiting a meeting with a judge in the morning, and they are back home, snuggled on the couch, Wanda nodding off on his chest as his hands work through her hair, he finally reaches a decision he had been waiting to make until he’d been able to process the evening. “They seem an admirable group.”
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fumpkins · 3 years
Playing chess improves children's capacity to take calculated risks, study finds
It’s lunch break at a regional New South Wales school and the library is buzzing with excited students.
Key points:
Chess is increasing in popularity among school students and experts say there are many benefits
A university study finds playing chess regularly makes children less risk-averse, through exposure to calculated risk-taking
The study’s authors say the ability to evaluate risks is a skill that will help children in life
Rows of chess boards are out and young minds are ticking.
It’s been known as ‘the game of kings’, but chess has evolved to enjoy a much more modern following and become increasingly popular among Australian schoolchildren.
At Port Macquarie’s St Columba Anglican School, Paul Rikmanis said conditions had been just right for the growth in chess.
“Our chess club has been a growing juggernaut; it’s been a perfect storm of conditions for chess,” he said.
“We’ve grown a primary school
of students who are eager and keen to play chess and our secondary school experienced some success at state titles last year.
“Then throw in the TV Netflix series, the Queen’s Gambit, and we’ve seen a few of the senior players come back into the fold as well.”
Anya Taylor-Joy plays Beth Harmon in the popular Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit released in 2020.(
Supplied: Netflix/Phil Bray
According to streaming giant Netflix, The Queen’s Gambit — a 2020 television adaptation of the 1983 novel by Walter Tevis about orphaned chess prodigy Beth Harmon — was watched by 62 million households in its first 28 days.
Mr Rikmanis, who is the school’s director of teaching and learning, said there were not enough chess boards to go around during school lunch breaks and there were many benefits to students.
“Chess can be quite competitive and intense … it’s quite the workout in the mental muscles,” he said.
“I know myself I can feel my heart rate rising rapidly when I am in an intense game, so it is quite an adventure.”
Teacher Paul Rikmanis says chess helps students develop good problem-solving skills.(
ABC Mid North Coast: Emma Siossian
Mr Rikmanis said chess developed students’ critical thinking abilities.
“Playing chess is just problem-solving exercise, after problem-solving exercise, so students are always looking for patterns, connecting ideas, they are analysing the board, they are trying to think ahead of what they are doing and what their opponent is doing.”
New study: chess teaches kids how to take risks
The game of chess involves much problem-solving.(
ABC Mid North Coast: Emma Siossian
A recent study by Monash and Deakin Universities found children who were taught chess and played regularly over time were more likely to be less risk-averse than their peers and playing chess could also boost maths and rational thinking skills.
The researchers examined the effects of intensive chess lessons with more than 400 Year 5 students, who had no previous exposure to the game, and the results were published in the Journal of Development Economics.
Students were assessed on their cognitive and non-cognitive behavioural changes, including risk, time management and ability to focus, for nearly a year after the training had ended.
Large numbers of primary school students have embraced the game of chess and say they love learning different strategies.(
Supplied: Ian Hutton
Results showed that playing chess from a young age could decrease risk-aversion through exposure to win/loss situations and competition, as well as strategic risk-taking.
The study was led by Professor Asad Islam, director at the Centre for Development Economics and Sustainability, Monash Business School.
He said risk and reward was a concept articulated well in the game of chess, where players often sacrificed pawns, knights and bishops, if it helped checkmate the opponent’s king and win the game.
Competition and concentration is strong during school chess games.(
ABC Mid North Coast: Emma Siossian
“Such sacrifices are inherently risky because if one’s calculations are faulty, the sacrifice could prove to be fatal, eventually leading to a quick loss,” Professor Islam said.
“Children need to know how to take calculated risks. In many life situations, it is also the case that with great risk often comes great reward.
“However, the line between necessary calculated risk-taking and reckless behaviour is sometimes difficult to determine. Learning chess can help bridge that gap.”
Mr Rikmanis said it was a fascinating finding.
“The idea of taking a risk that is in a calculated fashion is something we really want our students, our children, to develop,” he said.
“We want to see them thrive in society and you can’t thrive in society by sitting back and doing everything the same way that has been done before.”
A new study shows children who play chess regularly are less risk-averse than their peers.(
ABC Mid North Coast: Emma Siossian
The school’s senior competitive chess players agreed chess was often a series of calculated risks.
“I like to consider myself a bit of an adrenalin junkie, so I like to come to chess to get my adrenalin hit,” Timothy Ebbs joked.
“Chess is like a brain sport and I like to think about the moves, the strategies behind it, and all the possibilities of where to move the pieces,” fellow student Jacob Mills said.
“When we play against other schools for competitions it’s pretty nerve-racking and my hand is shaking when I am moving the pieces.
“It’s pretty hard, you have to learn when to take the risk, how to take the risk and what benefit can I get out of that and what are the losses.”
Students encourage and learn from each other during regular chess games.(
ABC Mid North Coast: Hannah Palmer
New post published on: https://livescience.tech/2021/06/14/playing-chess-improves-childrens-capacity-to-take-calculated-risks-study-finds/
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