#can i take growth harmones at 16
learnyogafreeforever · 8 months
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anxious-witch · 3 months
Let's talk birthstones of the main four in Dead Boy Detectives (aka the ones that we know sun signs for) because man, idk if this was on purpose but they fit SO WELL.
Edit: Sorry for reposting, I realized og thing was so fucking long, so I separated it in two parts. This one is on Charles and Edwin's birthdstones
Let's start with Edwin, our resident Capricorn, whose birth stone is garnet. Dark red stone, that is coincidentally associated with the underworld.
"There are many different myths about the origins of garnet. One such myth suggests that the garnet originated with Persephone, the Greek goddess of sunshine. Persephone was captured by Hades, the god of the underworld. Before Hades released Persephone, he wanted to guarantee her return, so he gave her some pomegranate seeds. The word garnet comes from the Latin "granatus," which means seed. The next time you eat a pomegranate, you will notice the seeds' resemblance to garnet."
Like??? Goddamn?? Quite literally perfect for Edwin.
Furthermore, let look into garnets in their natural state. Garnets are very tough stone, and as it is fairly resistant to abrasion and chemical weathering, garnet is often found in sedimentary rocks or material that is highly weathered and where only the hardest materials have been left behind, like mineral sand dunes.
Quite literally only the toughest ones even survive being collected, in a very difficult environment. Despite that they are very beautiful and prized stones. But let's also take a look at their spiritual meaning.
Garnet cleanses and re-energises the chakras. It revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. Garnet balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope. Stimulates past-life recall. Sharpens perceptions of oneself and others. Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos. It opens the heart and bestows self-confidence.
I think we can EHEM, all agree that, given Edwin's journey is S1, especially centered around his sexuality that garnet is very fitting stone for him. Especially since it inspires love and devotion, and we see several characters quite literally change themselves due to the fact they fall for Edwin. Boy might be repressed, but he inspired such incredible amount of devotion, both romantic and platonic in people, that it's insane.
Also "removes inhibitions and taboos" could very well fit with his journey of accepting that being gay isn't a taboo. Extra interesting that his inhibits are fully lowered and he confesses his love for Charles while getting out of the underworld for the second time.
Now, onto Charles, a Taurus(and yes, I am aware some people still think he is an Aries and Crystal a Taurus, but I fully subscribe to Charles being a Taurus) whose birth stone is emerald. From a historical context, this is how emerald was described:
Emerald representing youth in the age of man, the power of this lush crystal stirs the soul like the heart of spring, symbolizing hope and the future, renewal and growth. It is a Seeker of Love and a Revealer of Truth, inspiring an ongoing search for meaning, justice, compassion and harmony.
Look at me and tell me this doesn't fit Charles. Representation of youth, not only because he died at 16, but because he seems to always carry that youthful optimism(yes, which is in part a mask, but I do believe he is genuinely a very positive person), also he definitely tries his best to search for meaning, justice, compassion and harmony. Like. This boy died trying to make things right, by fighting for justice because why should someone else suffer when he isn't, and they are so alike? He also has increidble amount of compassion and we see how he best tries to harmonize between Edwin and Crystal.
Now to look at a more spiritual layer of it.
Emerald is a life-affirming stone.  It opens the heart chakra and calms the emotions.  It provides inspiration, balance, wisdom, and patience.  It is said to promote friendship, peace, harmony, and domestic bliss by enabling the wearer to both give and receive unconditional love.  Because it promotes honesty and loyalty, it is also beneficial for business transactions and all types of partnerships.
Emerald fortifies the spirit and helps to overcome misfortune.  It brings a sense of joy, recovery, and rejuvenation to the downtrodden.  It cures claustrophobia and rage as it inspires a sense of wellbeing.  It brings subconscious thought to the forefront, and promotes self-awareness.
Life-affirming stone. There is something poetic about an emerald, who is life affirming, being paired up with garnet, who is connected with the unerworld, isn't it?
But also, a stone that helps overcome misfortunes, and help with rage, specifically. Poor Charles clearly had his fair share of misfortunes, and rage as well so he could use an emerald. But he seems to embody it's qualities very well, especially as he begins his healing journey. When he learn how to be more self aware and quells his rage, he truly does embody joy and rejuvenation to others around him.
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andsoshespins · 5 years
The Year 2019 in Review
It is that time of year when reflecting and goal-setting become mainstream cool for a week or two.  The last twelve months have borne witness to the possibly the greatest amount of change and growth I have experienced thusfar.  To call it a whirlwind of a year would probably be a bit of an understatement.  
In winter I...
...kicked off 2019 wearing fleece pajamas and curled under the cover of blankets with probably the most relentless fever I have experienced in my young life.
...experienced my first upper respiratory infection as well as the misery it causes.
...learned about oil and heating.
...shoveled snow on multiple properties, even though I did not yet live at my new house.
...was ready for spring like you wouldn’t believe.
In spring I...
...collected about fifty paint samples with my brother, smeared swatches on all our walls in the new house, discussed the nuances of light and shade, and finally selected paint colors for every inch of our new home.
...tested dozens of mattresses, learned how difficult and draining it is to deal with furniture salespeople working on commission, and made a wonderful and educated selection of the bedroom furniture that will hopefully last me the next thirty years of my life. 
...survived my first Quality Review in the NYC DOE and earned a high compliment from the reviewer.
...worked many hours on my slammin’ tenure binder and letters for submission (I am still awaiting their return). 
...celebrated the wedding of a dear friend, immersed myself in the French Quarter, ate beignets, visited multiple museums, and experienced life in New Orleans.
...missed Easter with my family for the first time in my life, but the world still turned.
...celebrated my cousin’s (slightly obnoxious but still fun) Sweet 16 surrounded by family and food, including our West Coast cousins.
...made innumerable trips to Target, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Home Depot, Lowe’s, and the local hardware store because I was learning owning a house requires A LOT of THINGS.  
...learned that even while this is my first go-around as a homeowner, I can trust myself to make certain decisions and tune out the rest of the world who thinks they know better. 
In summer I...
...got a taste of care-taking when my now ex-boyfriend injured himself badly. 
...FINALLY moved into my new home, nearly a year after closing the deal, after countless renovations and preparations. 
...learned how to plan for, budget, and build a custom bookshelf for my new home. 
...found beautiful discount curtains at the stores my mother and her family shopped once upon a time, because you need to stay humble. 
...traveled the Greek isles with two of my oldest friends, tasted new foods, enjoyed new drinks, soaked in the sun and salt, breathed in the air of ancient history colliding with the modern world, a reminder of harmonizing with the two no matter where you are.
...printed some long overdue pictures so I now have hard copies of my past adventures. 
...learned to cook new dishes and desserts using cookbooks and experimentation. 
...read many great books and kept up the mini book club I have with my two dear friends.
...cried for five days straight when my now ex-boyfriend applied for, was admitted to, and accepted a program offer in Kansas as I helped him pack and tie up loose ends, knowing in my heart this was the beginning of a long and final goodbye to him.
...spent the twilight of August in my favorite place with some of my favorite people for the most relaxing vacation I have had in a number of years.
In autumn I...
...threw a BANGIN’ housewarming party with my brother and 110 of our closest relatives and friends.
...started a new school year with a fresh outlook, gained confidence with colleagues and administrators, and loosened up a bit.
...turned 30 years old, entered a new decade, reflected thoughtfully on the last few years, and threw myself a birthday brunch bash at my new house.
...discovered the many delicious uses of phyllo dough. 
...officially earned tenure and was honored at a district-wide celebration.
...traveled to California to celebrate my cousin’s quinceañera, my first ever, and experienced live mariachi music and traditions that are not mine. 
...strolled the gold-flecked beach in Coronado and dipped my feet in the Pacific.
...joined the hot yoga studio to practice bikram yoga near my home to try something new and peaceful to better balance my life. 
...spent my first Halloween in the house eagerly awaiting trick-or-treaters but was severely disappointed by the number of bell-ringers: 0. 
...saw tumbleweeds cross the highway, walked in tall prairie grass, indulged in the comfort of Buffalo Wild Wings, ate homemade ice cream, laughed uncomfortably at “No Guns Allowed” signs, and experienced the Great Plains in Kansas when I flew out there to say goodbye to the man I have known and loved for the last six years.
...officially became a single lady again, experiencing my first break-up.
...was physically and emotionally drained by the Thanksgiving holiday for the first time due, in part, to disrespectful family members.
...fell into an emotional funk. 
...remembered to appreciate my brother and the unique relationship we have where we intuitively understand each other and don’t have to communicate in words the feelings and reactions we have but always still do because we know how important it is. 
In winter’s reappearance I...
...baked and decorated Christmas cookies with my family, keeping our fairly new tradition of the last few years. 
...enjoyed a “cookie crawl” at the house of my aunt, the Baker.  Yes, capital B.
...experienced extraordinary emotional exhaustion. 
...listened to the New York Philharmonic play the score of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone live.
...fell in love with the holiday shops in Columbus Circle and indulged in retail therapy.
...actually planned a cool little celebration and gift for my father’s upcoming 60th bday with my brother.
...celebrated holidays with my grandparents and their 87th birthdays, appreciating each day I get to still spend with them. 
...realized how much weight I have gained in the last year and began making a healthier schedule of exercise and meals ready to start in the new year.
...discovered Spotify and all the greatness thanks to my brother.
...remembered that self-care sometimes means staying in your pajamas for over 24 hours to recover from exhaustion-induced sickness.
...reflected on how much good this year has brought, even if it was encased in challenge. 
Thank you, 2019. 
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thefreshfinds · 5 years
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GRIM: Damage Control
By: Natalee Gilbert
With more truth and less falsity, New Jersey-based creative, Grim creates a sound that holds nothing back and instead, paves the way for other artists to do the same. Advocating for originality, Grim says that while his music is based on real situations, he also makes sure to add in a vibe that everyone can rock to. "I like a dark trap or dark slow melody kind of vibe to match the Grim Persona" he adds. And if I'm being frank here, his project Damage Control lives up to this notion. Aside from carrying that spook in its overall soundscape, Damage Control comes with scathing verses and a cadence that could crush anyone's "so-called" ego.
In this 12-piece collection, Grim bust the clout-chasers and he even leaves room to speak about his dwellings. However, he's worked hard to get to where he is (unlike them). The artist says that the album’s theme stems from how rappers are acting now. To elaborate, Grim says “They all believe that got everything on lock, now it's time to show who deserves the recognition.” Notable tracks like “No Games,” “LEGO,” “Thankful,” and “Storytime Pt 1” deserve some spins. But really, the whole project is a bop. To say the least, Damage Control provides listeners with multiple flows, witty punchlines, catchy hooks and a variety of genres that intertwine. Grim is a persona, feeling, and vibe, in a way but the difference is that he uses his gift to tell stories that leave some sort of impact. As one flips through the tracks, they won’t be able to resist their urge to hear more. However, don’t be mistaken. By no means is Grim a rapper. To clarify, he’s an artist. “Hip-Hop helped me go through any issue I had growing up, it was my escape, my everything. It's all I ever wanted to do. It will never end it's only going to get better and I will support every artist that cares about their craft.”
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To begin, “No Games” speaks volumes in its lyrics but the beat, however, is a big misconception of the song title. Grim talks about how he works hard to get to where he is now. Due to working around the clock, he’s able to flex off luxurious jewelry, foreign cars, and drip. And the artist even says that he’d rather not be compared to others. To amp up “No Game,” Grim possesses a bouncy, articulate flow and cut-throat verses. Regardless, the soundscape goes in an upbeat tempo and integrates a gritty 808. Grim says that “No Games” was the most fun to make, “My producer and I baked some cookies and made hits.” he continues “It was a classic night.”
“See Thru” meshes faint harmonic cries with sporadic hi-hats and an anonymous eerie progression. The track itself highlights Grim’s maturity and the rhymer even goes so far as to say that he’s drippin’ now and has his water too. His collaborator, Will Harbor uses slight auto-tune to speak on how he lives by the silver lining. My favorite punchline to date is when Harbor says “Need the ice, I need the cream. Ben and Jerry’s double scoop.”
Still, “LEGO” holds weight in keeping things trap-ridden. Besides this genre, “LEGO” takes influence from country in its guitar riffs and steady, faint eerie piano progression. Even so, the synths ride out with an 8-bit backdrop to prove that Grim didn’t come to play. Starting, “LEGO” comes with a little hum and then he does a repetitive pattern on the last words of his rhyme schemes until the 0:50 mark. He says that he’s going to go and get it.
Additionally, “Story Time Pt 1.” crossovers between jazz-inspired piano riffs, boom-bap, and a steady, dark baseline. This song tells an intriguing tale that takes place on a rainy night. Praying to the one above, Grim hopes that he doesn’t get robbed. But sure enough, someone tries to stick him for his paper at his doorstep. Still, the joke is on him because Grim keeps his bands in the stash box. Shortly after, things get hectic after the guy pulls out a gun in which Grim refers to as “sunny.” To add, Grim mentions that the wangsta only pulls it out on a rainy day. And as the artist runs around aimlessly, his life flashes before his eyes, (don’t worry, he isn’t dead). In short, “Story Time Pt 1.” ends with a cliffhanger.
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Moreover, “TROOF” takes influence from the trap and follows up with futuristic synths and sporadic hi-hats. Essentially, “TROOF” takes the melody from “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” for a dark spin. To play off this idea, Grim even says “I let my light radiate,” and “I’d rather pass the shine.” Punchlines like “They be peddling their bikes, I’m on my 4 wheeler” and “They only rap what they assume, I’m recognizable in close rooms” speak volume on the song’s underlying message.
Grim grew up in the 732, so he only had to bring it! “Let Em’ Dance” talks about everlasting growth and how he’s only going to reap the benefits of being an icon in the game. Sure, others can do what they want, but just know that he’s going to get it regardless (and lend a hand to his loved ones along the way). Production-wise, “Let Em’ Dance” uses daunting hi-hats, piano riffs, wind percussions, and an oh, so heavy base. The metaphoric line “Just wait till I blossom, a flower needs to water and b*tch I’m dripping like a faucet.” takes a jab at one double entendre whereas the rest plays out as a punchline.
Categorized as a trap song, “UFO” provides hi-hat progressions, a dark snare pattern, speaker-knocking base, and distorted spacey synths. Grim goes to say with a little flex that he’s trying to make the proper moves to get two steps ahead. Lines like “I’ve been trying to find a place and time/Park the ship and make the stars align,” express this message to the max. The feature, Will Harbor carries a deep tonality and just has fun with his verses.
Now “Story Time Pt 1’s” predecessor, “Story Time Pt 2.” switches the tempo and turns into boom-bap. Over the deep piano riff, an 808 cuts in now and then. Sure, they make a sudden appearance but the instrumentation refuses to stay in the same pattern. To further put it, the soundscape just always seems to fit. “Story Time Pt 2” basically speaks about how all rappers fight for the same spot. In first verse, Grim metaphorically exposes how clout chasing rappers glorify drugs and alcohol by saying “Slip him half of a Xanny and watch him wash it down with Jack/told him spit a 16’ all the sh*t that you can think of.” and “He dropping to the ground/every smile turns into a frown. I’m asking where the clout at now?” “Body and Prada up in a box” Speaking of which, Grim would rather stay in his lane and build rappers up. In means of encouraging others, he hints that he’s always going to stay true to himself no matter what.
Then the song shifts to “Lights Out” which implements eerie, spacey synths in a trap-ridden fashion. In “Lights Out,” Grim reminisces the hard days and celebrates the good ones. And he doesn’t forget to add that he likes a girl who wears Louis Vuitton. On the other hand, “Lights Out’s” strongest component is its bounce and to take it up a notch is Grim’s collaborator, Will Harbor who weaves into a fast flow as well.
Second to last, “White” tackles onto cash register synths and deep, booming bass. Here, Grim flexes off the jewelry while his featured femcee, KillaKay lets her natural swag take over and she ends up shutting it down!
Finally, “Thankful” comes in as a somber ballad and provides listeners with a dark, bellowing bass. Through switched up flows, Grim allows himself to be vulnerable and lines like “I got too much on my mind, I don’t know where I’m going. I don’t want to close but I don’t want to open” prove this very statement. He’s tired of others excluding him out because he’s different. And one can just hear his pain through his rhymes. In means of relatability, Grim says in this very line, “Every soul know the struggle of the come-up/The 9-to-5, then come home, record till sun up. It ain’t for the fame or Hussle, boy you better nut up/Deserve some plaques now/Not a little, I need a tunnel. All-in-all, Grim is thankful for all those past situations because it helped him to become who he is today.
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With Damage Control, Grim hopes that fans hear that he’s taking this seriously, “I'm not here to just talk about drugs, guns and sex 24/7.” he continues “Yes, it has its place but you can do more with music.”
If you haven’t already, listen to Damage Control. It is available on all platforms.
Fun Fact: Grim says that 17 by XXXTENTACION saved his life.
1. Instagram: @real_grim
2. Damage Control: https://soundcloud.com/realgrim/sets/damage-control
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tabernacleheart · 5 years
As a young pastor, I was eager to discover and implement God’s vision for our congregation. I strained to understand what it could be. I would get frustrated when I thought I’d figured it out, and other people wouldn’t get on board. I didn’t realize it, but I was looking outside for a vision for our future. It never felt like any plans fit quite right. It all felt like imposition, obligation, more wearying messages of “this isn’t enough.” I was cleaning up after a community event when I walked into the sanctuary as early evening sunlight poured in the windows. A congregant was kneeling on the floor, helping a disabled friend. As I witnessed this simple, spontaneous act of love, it was as if God was speaking into my heart, “This is my vision. It is already here. You don’t have to figure it out on your own. You just need the willingness to see where it is already emerging.” For a time all I could see was what we were not, and I wanted us to be better. Once I started to pay attention to who we were, where we were, I could not look anywhere without seeing the presence of God issuing invitations from that place of truth and integrity. Rather than trying to create something new to “fix” us, I grew more curious about how the Spirit was working in the details of our life together. What felt most alive in us? Where were tensions or questions opening new growth? How were deepening relationships naturally leading to new ways of being in sacred community? The pressure to be something else or somewhere else subsided. Instead, a desire emerged to tend the vision that was present within us as we learned to be our true selves in God. David Benner in his book, Presence and Encounter, reminds us: 'The whole world is sacred—as is everything within it and beyond it. Presence is an act of realizing the sacredness of life and of everything that exists. It is an act of awakening. It is a moment in which our eyes are suddenly opened and we see what truly is as it truly is. Such inner alignment and purity of vision is hard to sustain, and so most of us quickly drop back into ordinary awareness and experience. But if we are attentive to it, each act of presence touches and heals us, restoring something of our lost spiritual perception.' In cultures constantly bombarded with messages of more, it is courageous to trust what we already are. At first, this may feel uncomfortable because it requires our full presence to reality as it really is. Reality can be messy and complicated, but there is unending grace in the presence of God. Just as I began to wake up to God’s vision emerging within my congregation, I saw opportunities each day to tend the sacred life that exists wherever I am. If only I would respond to these invitations more frequently! The next time you watch the news, practice waking up to the presence of God in the news anchors, the stories, the pundits from across the political spectrum. Can you dare see each one as a beloved child of God? The next time you walk into your faith community, consider asking, “Where is the Spirit of God present here and now?” What if you spent the entire worship experience looking through that lens? What might be different? What if you asked that question at the grocery store, among your colleagues, in the midst of traffic? What might happen if we began to practice restoring our “lost spiritual perception” and reclaimed a conviction in the holiness of every moment, person, and place? We would be like Jacob, awaking from his dream and proclaiming, “Surely, the Lord is in this place—and I did not know it!” (Genesis 28:16 NRSV). The practice of holy attention invites us to wake up to divine presence here and now. The quality of a pilgrim heart is attention to the journey itself, watching the way unfold and recognizing each step as sacred. Holy attention is not just about noticing what feels good and is going right, but it is a practice of seeing the sacred in all things as they are. Sometimes we are captured by beauty, and seeing sacred presence comes with ease. In other moments, it takes practice to be able to say, “Yes, God is here, too, in this place, even where I least expected God to be.” The prevailing wisdom of the spiritual life is that the real journey is to discover and live our true self in God. We spend a lot of time, energy, and money trying to be someone other than who we truly are, imagining ourselves somewhere other than where we are. The church is no different. Especially in a time of significant change, loss, and anxiety about the future, the wisdom remains. It is tempting to see everything we are not rather than to notice where the Spirit already is present and where God’s vision already is emerging among us. What gives me profound and sustaining hope is that the Spirit already is present. There is nowhere I can go where I am out of God’s presence. There is no person I can encounter where the Living God is not already at work. Can I be attentive enough to see, in the substance of who we really are, where the Spirit is coming to life now? God already inhabits every heart, every place. With this many hearts coming together, walking with anticipation along this pilgrim way, how can we not be in awe of the abundance of the Spirit’s presence already among us and everywhere we ever will go on the path that stretches ahead?
Katie Harmon-McLaughlin
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magzoso-tech · 4 years
Quibi Review: Bite-Sized Content, Terrible Pricing
New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/quibi-review-bite-sized-content-terrible-pricing/
Quibi Review: Bite-Sized Content, Terrible Pricing
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I’ve binge-watched 16 episodes and four quarter-movies since morning. Why do I have such free time? Because it was work. The better question though is, how? Well, that’s because I’ve been using Quibi — a portmanteau of “quick bites” — a new streaming service with the tagline: “watch in 10 minutes or less.” Launched Monday globally with over 24 shows featuring the likes of Jennifer Lopez, Nick Jonas, and Game of Thrones’ Sophie Turner, Quibi offers a variety of content, spanning mystery dramas, action thrillers, prank shows, cooking competitions, courtroom comedies, nature documentaries, late night, dating, and even news.
Having bite-sized episodes — most are between five and 10 minutes — isn’t the only way Quibi is trying to set itself apart from its competition. For one, its content is formatted for both landscape- and portrait-viewing, which means you’ll never see any black bars no matter how you hold your phone: horizontally or vertically. (This works even if you chose to download for offline viewing, if you’re wondering.) As you can tell, Quibi is built for mobile and that’s why it only has apps for (Android and Apple) mobile devices. Except Quibi’s decision to intentionally reframe has very real side effects.
In an early shot of Turner’s drama, Survive — one of four premium entries Quibi is calling “lighthouse”, which are essentially one long movie split into several 10-minute chapters — her character Jane wakes up from a nightmare. If you watch this in landscape, Jane is on the right-hand side of the screen, and you can see someone else sleeping on the left-hand side. But in portrait, it only offers an extreme close-up of Turner’s face. The other character only comes into the picture 18 seconds later in portrait, while they are shown to have woken up in landscape during that time. Those two versions, of the same scene, give us different information and a very different idea.
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This reformatting is much easier to digest with unscripted content, which forms the bulk of Quibi’s slate at launch. LeBron James talks up his Ohio public school in the docu-series I Promise. Grammy-winner Chance the Rapper leads a new take on MTV’s Punk’d. Kristen Bell, Lopez, and Jonas kick off a gifting chain in Thanks A Million. Chrissy Teigen hosts the aforementioned courtroom comedy, Chrissy’s Court, where she weighs in on cases with the help of others, including Oscar-, Grammy, and Emmy-winning husband John Legend. Idris Elba and Ken Block challenge each other at crazy car stunts in Elba Vs. Block, which arrives next Monday on Quibi.
Speaking of what’s coming up, in two weeks, Anna Kendrick stars as an aspiring writer who tries to become friends with her boyfriend’s (Dan Harmon) sex doll in the buddy comedy Dummy. A man stalks and tries to murder his female rideshare cab driver in thriller The Stranger, out next Monday, which sounds like another take on Netflix’s You. In Fight Like A Girl, women WWE Superstars mentor and transform 10 women in need. And in the reality series Barkitecture, premiering May 11, dog parents build lavish and extravagant homes for their furry friends.
All these shows will drop with three episodes on release date, followed by new episodes every weekday. Unfortunately, that’s where the excitement, if any, comes to a halt. Quibi says it’s made for mobile, which equates to being more personal and hence, no profiles and simultaneous viewing. Accounts are limited to a single user and screen. That means everyone needs their own subscription.
And it’s certainly not helping itself with its pricing. While Quibi has two tiers in the US — one with ads at $5 (about Rs. 380) and another ad-free at $8 (about Rs. 610) — with the latter priced below most competition, it’s botched that elsewhere. For one, it’s not offering the ad-free tier to users outside the US. Not having an ad-supported tier is basically bonkers in a market like India, where that continues to be the way to grow. Case in point: Hotstar and Voot. To make matters worse, not only has Quibi not localised pricing, it’s in fact charging more in India at Rs. 669 a month.
The fact that Quibi costs more than any service out there, including Netflix, is laughable. Just look at its tiny slate. It’s essentially a death knell for any potential growth here, even if it could’ve convinced precious few English-speaking customers to pay for another entertainment subscription. For what it’s worth, Quibi offers a three-month trial — unheard of in the video streaming space — that came into place after the pandemic. (It was two weeks earlier.) But you’re not likely to find anyone tuning in after their trial ends. I know I won’t be.
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junker-town · 5 years
How long can Doeren keep up NC State’s steady improvement?
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The Wolfpack won nine games in a transition year and now face another one.
Bill C’s annual preview series of every FBS team in college football continues. Catch up here!
There is no Tom Brady-Bill Belichick relationship in college football. Your reward for success is to lose those who helped to make you successful. Doeren’s gotten a pretty good taste of that by now.
The seventh-year NC State head coach has slowly raised the bar. He had shown signs of being a methodical builder in his career, and here’s what I wrote when State hired the former NIU head coach in 2013.
We don’t know Dave Doeren’s ceiling yet because he hasn’t reached it. He grew into previous jobs, and he didn’t take long to do the same in his first head coaching position. He inherits a roster that is intriguing but thin, and it’s conceivable that, before successfully bringing MACtion-level excitement and wins to Raleigh, he’s in for another growing-into-the-job experience.
After a 3-9 debut, Doeren’s Wolfpack averaged 7.3 wins and a 41.7 S&P+ ranking over the next three seasons. He raised the talent level and depth within the program (per the 247Sports Composite, State’s average recruiting ranking improved from 60.7 from 2011-13 to 42 from 2014-17), and in Eliah Drinkwitz, he made a nice hire in replacing talented offensive coordinator Matt Canada.
By 2017, State was ready for another step up in status. The Wolfpack went 9-4 and rose to 24th in S&P+, almost disappointing, considering how much draft-worthy talent the team had. But despite losing a truckload of defensive standouts, they backed up their newfound status by going 9-4 and ranking 35th last fall.
Again, there were some missed opportunities. They got blitzed early against Syracuse and couldn’t claw their way back. They were also upset by Wake Forest for the second straight year, and they ran into a buzzsaw in a blowout bowl loss to Texas A&M. But they backed up the previous year’s growth, produced another four draftees, and, better yet, signed their second straight top-30 class.
Now comes yet another challenge.
Last year’s turnover came mostly on defense, where four key linemen and seven overall starters had to be replaced before the Pack fell 16 spots in Def. S&P+. This time, it’s the offense’s turn. Drinkwitz is now head coach at Appalachian State, and Doeren has to replace a nearly 4,000-yard passer (Ryan Finley), a 1,000-yard rusher (Reggie Gallaspy, Jr.), two 1,000-yard receivers (Kelvin Harmon and Jakobi Meyers), an all-conference tackle (Tyler Jones), an All-American guard (Terronne Prescod), and a Consensus All-American and first-round draft pick at center (Garrett Bradbury).
Whew, that’s a lot.
State is projected to improve by 13 spots in Def. S&P+ but fall 32 spots in Off. S&P+. The job for new co-coordinators Des Kitchings and George McDonald, both promoted from within, will be to mitigate the regression, not prevent it. And a defense that has been slightly disappointing has to carry some serious weight.
After flirting with both the Tennessee and Ole Miss openings in the 2017-18 coaching carousel, Doeren signed a contract extension, then signed another one this spring. If recruiting rankings are any indication, his attempt at projecting stability is working. And lord knows he can sell his ability to produce draft talent by now.
In 2019, we’ll find out just how, uh, stable that stability is. If State again produces eight or nine wins and a top-40 ranking — a possibility, though S&P+ is projecting more like seven wins and the top 50 — then you have to like the program’s chances of maintaining top-30 status moving forward.
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Drinkwitz’s 2018 offense definitely leaned on its strengths. Despite Gallaspy’s 1,000-yard status and the apparent quality of the offensive line, State pretty much stunk at running the football and therefore didn’t do it a ton. They ran just 55 percent of the time on standard downs (national average: 60 percent) and 27 percent on passing downs (35 percent), instead entrusting its efficiency to Finley, a deep receiving corps — five players were targeted at least 47 times — and a line that almost always kept Finley upright.
By promoting from within, Doeren basically confirmed that he was okay with this approach. That’s probably good, because it’s hard to assume the run game’s going to get better without Gallaspy and the line studs.
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Adam Hagy-USA TODAY Sports
Matthew McKay
State has some intriguing quarterback prospects, but the battle to replace the ultra-efficient Finley will continue into the fall.
Sophomore Matthew McKay backed Finley up last year. The 6’4, 210-pound hometowner went 7-for-8 for 87 yards, mostly in garbage time against Louisville, and rushed 13 times for just 36 yards.
Florida State transfer Bailey Hockman redshirted in 2017 and put together a solid performance in the 2018 spring game but transferred after losing the starting job to Deondre Francois.
Redshirt freshman Devin Leary was a four-star prospect in 2018, and freshman Ty Evans was nearly a four-star in 2019.
There’s lots of potential and no non-garbage time experience whatsoever.
Whoever wins the job will have a pretty fun supporting cast, even without Harmon and Meyers. Junior Emeka Emezie caught 53 balls and was nearly as efficient as Harmon/Meyers last year, and sophomore Thayer Thomas’ per-target stats were basically clones of Meyers’.
Junior C.J. Riley is particularly intriguing to me — he was used conservatively when games were close (14 catches for just 118 yards when the score was within a touchdown) but unleashed with great effect when games weren’t (10 catches for 162 yards when the scoring margin was 15 points or more). Plus, Doeren brought in a ringer: former Wake Forest and Oregon receiver Tabari Hines, who was both efficient and occasionally explosive for the Demon Deacons in 2017.
That’s a pretty exciting quartet right there, and it’s possible that players like tight end Cary Angeline (nine catches, 169 yards) or redshirt freshmen Devin Carter and Jasiah Provillon get more involved, too.
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Jamie Rhodes-USA TODAY Sports
Emeka Emezie
The Pack’s run game really was strangely bad. Opponent adjustments were kind (they were 66th in Rushing S&P+), but the raw stats were universally awful: 104th in rushing marginal efficiency, 128th in opportunity rate (non-sack rushes of four or more yards), 112th in stuff rate (run stops at or behind the line). Gallaspy was far more efficient than any of his backups, two of whom return: blue-chip sophomore Ricky Person Jr. and redshirt freshman Trent Pennix.
Again, that was with three highly decorated linemen. Starting tackle Justin Witt does return, and Joshua Feed-Jackson and Joe Sculthorpe appear to be solid interior linemen, but the running back position has so much to prove. 2019 would be a very good time for both Person and four-star freshman Zonovan Knight to prove their potential.
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Bradley Chubb (No. 5 pick in 2018). Josh Jones (No. 61 in 2017). B.J. Hill (No. 69 in 2018). Germaine Pratt (No. 72 in 2019). Justin Jones (No. 84 in 2018). Kentavius Street (No. 128 in 2018). Jack Tocho (No. 245 in 2017). Seven undrafted free agents who signed with teams between 2017-19.
A clear talent upgrade allowed Dave Huxtable’s 2016 defense to surge to 19th in Def. S&P+. A lot of it returned in 2017, especially up front, and some of it stuck around for 2018 as well.
Such evident talent made it a bit frustrating to watch NC State field a merely good defense in 2017 (38th) and a merely average one last fall.
Even more frustrating: the defensive front held up in 2018, even while dealing with such turnover. NC State was 23rd in rushing marginal efficiency and 21st on standard downs, and once opponents were leveraged into passing downs, the pass rush teed off — the Pack were 18th in blitz-down sack rate.
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James Guillory-USA TODAY Sports
James Smith-Williams
It was seemingly the rest of the defense where letdowns occurred. State was 76th in passing marginal efficiency and a horrifying 118th on passing downs. They were excellent on third-and-short to medium and horrible (90th) on third-and-long. If they weren’t sacking the QB in pass rush opportunities, they were getting gashed repeatedly.
The good news is that there’s better continuity throughout the defense this year: five of last year’s primary seven linemen are back, as are every linebacker but Pratt and every defensive back but safety Dexter Wright.
There is both talent and class balance here:
You’ve got senior leadership in the shape of guys like defensive ends James Smith-Williams and Larrell Murchison (combined: 17.5 tackles for loss, 10 sacks, five passes defensed, 20 run stuffs), safeties Jarius Morehead and Tim Kidd-Glass (combined: 4.5 TFLs, nine PDs), and cornerback Nick McCloud (10 PDs).
You’ve got some particularly precocious sophomores in linebacker Isaiah Moore (7.5 TFLs), tackle Alim McNeill (5.5 TFLs, three PDs), safety Tanner Ingle, and corner Teshaun Smith.
You’ve also a wave of young former blue-chippers — McNeil, redshirt freshman linebacker Payton Wilson, freshman tackles C.J. Clark and Joshua Harris, redshirt freshman corner Taivon Palmer, and maybe former USC linebacker Levi Jones (who might or might not be deemed eligible) — ready to provide competition at worst.
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Photo by Lance King/Getty Images
Jarius Morehead
Huxtable has a lot to prove, too. He inherited from O’Brien a defense that had averaged a 38.7 Def. S&P+ ranking from 2010-12, and he has had a lot of talent, but he’s only cracked the top 40 twice. There’s upside and experience here. But there has been upside and experience for a while.
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Special Teams
After three straight years of ranking 116th in Special Teams S&P+, State surged to 27th, thanks primarily to the emergence of Christopher Dunn. In any conference that didn’t contain Syracuse’s Andre Smzyt, Dunn would’ve been the best freshman kicker. His return, along with that of Thayer Thomas (another sophomore) in punt returns, gives the Pack a couple of anchors. Punter A.J. Cole III will be missed, though.
2019 outlook
2019 Schedule & Projection Factors
Date Opponent Proj. S&P+ Rk Proj. Margin Win Probability 31-Aug East Carolina 113 23.2 91% 7-Sep Western Carolina NR 38.6 99% 14-Sep at West Virginia 38 -4.8 39% 21-Sep Ball State 110 21.7 90% 28-Sep at Florida State 28 -7.1 34% 10-Oct Syracuse 56 4.2 60% 19-Oct at Boston College 72 3.1 57% 2-Nov at Wake Forest 62 0.7 52% 9-Nov Clemson 3 -21.1 11% 16-Nov Louisville 87 11.5 75% 21-Nov at Georgia Tech 89 7.3 66% 30-Nov North Carolina 61 5.6 63%
Projected S&P+ Rk 47 Proj. Off. / Def. Rk 61 / 41 Projected wins 7.4 Five-Year S&P+ Rk 9.9 (35) 2- and 5-Year Recruiting Rk 32 2018 TO Margin / Adj. TO Margin* 1 / 1.4 2018 TO Luck/Game -0.2 Returning Production (Off. / Def.) 53% (32%, 74%) 2018 Second-order wins (difference) 8.3 (0.7)
I’ve long talked about NC State as maybe the most baffling program in college football. The talent it has sent to the pros — from Philip Rivers to Russell Wilson (mostly, at least) to Torry Holt to Mario Williams to all those recent draft picks to Roman Damn Gabriel — is excellent. And yet, Doeren just became the third coach ever to win nine or more games twice with the Wolfpack (the other two: Lou Holtz and Dick Sheridan). No one’s done it three times, and to date, no one has led them to an actual AP top 10 finish.
Granted, Doeren did think about leaving for another job a year and a half ago, just as Holtz turned success in Raleigh into the New York Jets job. But he’s still there, signing a contract extension every offseason, and pulling off a level of steady growth lots of programs would kill for.
The primary question is how many more steps he can take, but we probably won’t get an answer this year. With the amount of turnover the offense is dealing with, this is a “hold steady at best” sort of year.
There are worse fates. Per S&P+, State is a favorite by double-digit points in four games and a heavy underdog in one. Seven games are projected as one-possession games, and if the Pack split them, that puts them in position for another finish between about 7-6 and 9-4. Considering whatever answers they find offensively will be underclassmen — as few as two or three seniors will start on that side of the ball — that’d be a solid result for what amounts to a second straight transition year.
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Team preview stats
All 2019 preview data to date.
0 notes
johnchiarello · 7 years
Acts 21
ACTS 21-
Acts 21:10 And as we tarried there many days, there came down from Judaea a certain prophet, named Agabus.Acts 21:11 And when he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.
Acts 21- https://youtu.be/Yi1v7scIEYs
 https://youtu.be/wObmN7404hs Can you see them? [Saw some dolphins at North Beach]
.Paul’s travels
.Many ports
.Phillip the evangelist
.Had 4 unwed daughters- who prophesied
.The strange prophet Agabus appears again
.Luke the historian
.the Holy family
.The feds intervene!
.Paul speaks Greek [or Aramaic] and Hebrew [next chapter]
.James confronts Paul- again
.Paul writes about it in his letter to the Galatians
.The Nazarite vow- they burned their hair at the end!
.Customs passed away
.Salvation by Grace and faith in Jesus Christ is the issue
  NEW- I’m sitting here on Saturday [9-2-17] reviewing this teaching video I made last week.
It’s funny in a way- because I made this video on a day where I made lots of other ones https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/08/25/thursday-night/ .
 Yes- this was the day I wound up walking from Rockport to Corpus.
On the video I talked about Paul’s travels- Port cities- etc.
Yes- I walked thru Port cities later in the day. And of course I did teach this chapter on the video as well. I’ll add my past teaching below.
 Few notes-
The famous port of Tyre was conquered by Alexander the Great a few hundred years before Paul passed thru.
We also read of Agabus- the strange prophet who used signs- parables- as God spoke thru him [Grabbing Paul’s belt in this chapter].
  We also saw him earlier in this study- prophesying of a famine to come [Acts 11: 27-28].
And I mentioned the Nazarite vow- which Paul joined himself to some brothers in this chapter- I think he sort of compromised-
The vow is found in Numbers 6:1-21.
 The main issue in this chapter is Paul’s message of grace.
James- the lead elder at the Jerusalem church- had many believers in the congregation who also kept [tried to] the law.
 These were the judaizers who went behind Paul's back and taught the gentile converts that they too had to keep the law in order to be saved.
We read about this issue earlier in Acts [chapters 12-15].
 At this stage Paul gained a reputation among these Jewish law keepers as being against Moses and the customs.
So when Paul showed up at Jerusalem James got him to compromise- by having Paul join into the Nazarite vow- sort of saying ‘see- I too keep the customs of the law’.
 So the issue is about grace and faith- and the uprising against Paul- came from those Jewish believers- who quote ‘kept the law’- more below.
 PAST POSTS [ Past teaching I did that relates to this post- ACTS 21- verses below]
 ACTS 21- Paul goes to Tyre and the saints prophesy for him not to go to Jerusalem. He makes it to Caesarea and Phillip has 4 daughters who also prophesy. Agabus shows up, he is a prophet, and he takes Paul's garment and does one of those weird prophetic actions and wraps it around him and says ‘the Lord says whoever owns this garment will be bound like this at Jerusalem’. A few things, many good men teach that the word for ‘Prophecy’ [to prophesy] is simple preaching. Now, true simple preaching of the gospel is a function of the prophetic. Paul says in Corinthians that whoever says the name of Jesus is speaking mysteries that only the Spirit knows. So preaching does fall into this category. But a simple reading of the text shows you that Agabus, who functioned in the office of a Prophet, was doing more than simple preaching. There obviously was a predictive element to what he did. Agabus is an ‘ascension gift Prophet’. In Ephesians Paul teaches that after Jesus ascended he gave gifts unto men. Some of these gifts are Prophets. Why would Jesus establish an entire class of New Testament Prophets, and take them away as soon as the New Testament was complete? Now Paul makes it to Jerusalem despite the warnings. Right away James and the Elders call him to a meeting. They rejoice over all the Lord is doing with Paul’s gentile outreach, but they tell him ‘look, we have many Jews. They are all believing in Messiah, and they all keep the law’. There is a fundamental rift between James and Paul. Most preachers do not say or admit this, they feel to admit it would violate the Canon of scripture. First, read my commentary on Hebrews 11 on this site. Second, I believe we are simply seeing the historic development of truth as we progress thru Acts. Peter, James and Paul [later we read Johns epistles] never contradict each other as far as the overall message of the Cross is concerned. But God does allow us to peer into the different insights that these key 1st century elders were seeing. So James might really be seeing things from a different vantage point than Paul. Paul might not fully see James reasoning. They are both being used of God, their writings will harmonize. But they don’t necessarily see it yet! James pressures Paul to take a vow with some brothers to basically show he isn’t teaching Jews against the law. Paul does it. The city finds out Paul is in town and they drag him out of the Temple and they beat the guy! The local police come and rescue Paul. As he is being carried away he speaks Greek to the soldiers, they are surprised he speaks Greek. He then addresses the Jews and speaks Hebrew. Paul used positioning and all the influence he had in any area [even language] to make his point. In the next chapter we will read his defense. I want to close with us seeing that Paul was being accused of teaching Jews against Moses and the law and Temple. Was he? Actually as Paul’s understanding of the gospel of grace increases, he does teach this. If you believe Paul wrote Hebrews [the letter] then you see it there. But Paul initially was only preaching grace to the gentiles. James even says ‘show the people that the rumors about you are wrong, show them that you too are keeping the law like all Jews’ and basically Paul gives in by agreeing to join in the vow with the brothers. Some times we read Acts [as well as the bible] as if it were a single book written at one sitting. When you do it like this you don’t leave room for the development and growth of the characters themselves. God is allowing Peter to preach in a more limited way in the first few chapters, after Peter hears from Stephen and Paul he seems to leave more room for believing and being justified. He is learning and growing as the story progresses. The same with James. His epistle is obviously a different view point from Paul. Do they contradict? No. But some commentators do not honestly look at the different angles. James will actually say ‘see how a man is justified by his works, and not faith only’. Now, he does say ‘faith without works is dead’. And many good teachers say ‘all James was saying was you need active faith at the time of conversion’ [James isn’t speaking about the ‘time of conversion’!] Well actually , he was saying more. Was he teaching justification by works? No, at least not in the way most theologians see ‘justification’. But James was seeing justification thru the lens of the future result of the believer actually becoming just! [What some believers call sanctification] He was seeing the Genesis 22 justification of Abraham offering Isaac, not the Genesis 15 account that Paul emphasizes. So James is teaching ‘justification by works’ that is, Gods grace that legally justified you when you believed, actually changes you to the point where you do good works, and at that point God continues to say ‘good job son-  you are doing what’s right’ [another word for doing what’s just/right- justification!] Now, I can’t explain the whole thing here, the point is James is dealing with Jewish believers and he is seeing things from a different timeline than Paul. The strife between the early Jewish believers and Paul is intense. Ultimately the Temple will be destroyed and the future of the Christian church will be shaped by Paul’s theology. James writes a great letter! But Paul will carry the day. NOTE- I see James saying ‘see how a man is justified by works’ meaning the future act of God being pleased with the changed life of the believer. We see ‘see how a man is justified by works’ and try to make that fit ‘see how a man is initially saved/born again’ but James, in my view, is not speaking of the initial act of justification [which is solely by faith] when he says ‘see how a man is justified by works, and not by faith only’ James is working on a different timeline!
Acts 21:1 And it came to pass, that after we were gotten from them, and had launched, we came with a straight course unto Coos, and the day following unto Rhodes, and from thence unto Patara:
Acts 21:2 And finding a ship sailing over unto Phenicia, we went aboard, and set forth.
Acts 21:3 Now when we had discovered Cyprus, we left it on the left hand, and sailed into Syria, and landed at Tyre: for there the ship was to unlade her burden.
Acts 21:4 And finding disciples, we tarried there seven days: who said to Paul through the Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem.
Acts 21:5 And when we had accomplished those days, we departed and went our way; and they all brought us on our way, with wives and children, till we were out of the city: and we kneeled down on the shore, and prayed.
Acts 21:6 And when we had taken our leave one of another, we took ship; and they returned home again.
Acts 21:7 And when we had finished our course from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais, and saluted the brethren, and abode with them one day.
Acts 21:8 And the next day we that were of Paul's company departed, and came unto Caesarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist, which was one of the seven; and abode with him.
Acts 21:9 And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy.
Acts 21:10 And as we tarried there many days, there came down from Judaea a certain prophet, named Agabus.
Acts 21:11 And when he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.
Acts 21:12 And when we heard these things, both we, and they of that place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem.
Acts 21:13 Then Paul answered, What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.
Acts 21:14 And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, The will of the Lord be done.
Acts 21:15 And after those days we took up our carriages, and went up to Jerusalem.
Acts 21:16 There went with us also certain of the disciples of Caesarea, and brought with them one Mnason of Cyprus, an old disciple, with whom we should lodge.
Acts 21:17 And when we were come to Jerusalem, the brethren received us gladly.
Acts 21:18 And the day following Paul went in with us unto James; and all the elders were present.
Acts 21:19 And when he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry.
Acts 21:20 And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law:
Acts 21:21 And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs.
Acts 21:22 What is it therefore? the multitude must needs come together: for they will hear that thou art come.
Acts 21:23 Do therefore this that we say to thee: We have four men which have a vow on them;
Acts 21:24 Them take, and purify thyself with them, and be at charges with them, that they may shave their heads: and all may know that those things, whereof they were informed concerning thee, are nothing; but that thou thyself also walkest orderly, and keepest the law.
Acts 21:25 As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication.
Acts 21:26 Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them.
Acts 21:27 And when the seven days were almost ended, the Jews which were of Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the people, and laid hands on him,
Acts 21:28 Crying out, Men of Israel, help: This is the man, that teacheth all men every where against the people, and the law, and this place: and further brought Greeks also into the temple, and hath polluted this holy place.
Acts 21:29 (For they had seen before with him in the city Trophimus an Ephesian, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.)
Acts 21:30 And all the city was moved, and the people ran together: and they took Paul, and drew him out of the temple: and forthwith the doors were shut.
Acts 21:31 And as they went about to kill him, tidings came unto the chief captain of the band, that all Jerusalem was in an uproar.
Acts 21:32 Who immediately took soldiers and centurions, and ran down unto them: and when they saw the chief captain and the soldiers, they left beating of Paul.
Acts 21:33 Then the chief captain came near, and took him, and commanded him to be bound with two chains; and demanded who he was, and what he had done.
Acts 21:34 And some cried one thing, some another, among the multitude: and when he could not know the certainty for the tumult, he commanded him to be carried into the castle.
Acts 21:35 And when he came upon the stairs, so it was, that he was borne of the soldiers for the violence of the people.
Acts 21:36 For the multitude of the people followed after, crying, Away with him.
Acts 21:37 And as Paul was to be led into the castle, he said unto the chief captain, May I speak unto thee? Who said, Canst thou speak Greek?
Acts 21:38 Art not thou that Egyptian, which before these days madest an uproar, and leddest out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers?
Acts 21:39 But Paul said, I am a man which am a Jew of Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city: and, I beseech thee, suffer me to speak unto the people.
Acts 21:40 And when he had given him licence, Paul stood on the stairs, and beckoned with the hand unto the people. And when there was made a great silence, he spake unto them in the Hebrew tongue, saying,
www.corpuschristioutreachministries.blogspot.com  [Main site]
 Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on- Thanks- John.#
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eekal · 7 years
some helpful ap review guides!
So I’m taking a couple of AP classes in high school, and I’ve collected a ton of aid docs to help me through the year.
I’ve compiled them all into this one post so you can click on a specific class’ aid doc to help you. I’m still updating some of the tips and tricks, and I will add more as I take more AP classes. [update, May 2017: I’m officially done with high school, so I won’t be adding any more high school AP aid documents, but if people want me to add stuff for other classes, I’ll try!]
IF YOU DON’T HAVE MICROSOFT WORD, tell me so I can put some of the docs on google doc instead.
The more updated version is on my own blog: eekal.tumblr.com/help
More info under the cut
General Tips: It’s extremely recommended that you take the AP exams from previous years. They never repeat questions, but they will 100% repeat concepts and test question styles that they did before. For instance, the WHAP exam will have the same-styled multiple choice questions that question the relationships of civilizations and effects of major events. Always answer every multiple choice question. They take the same amount of points off if you leave it blank and get it wrong. I think they don’t take off for guesses anymore, but it’s always better to guess than leave it blank.
AP World History [took in 2015-6]
My own notes that I hope to finish one day (lmao, I only have like 3 chapters done) :  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zG5qouoO0UQE9_eN0e96c9a73lvYcwPolvTr7UaCISA/edit?usp=sharing // It’s kind of too specific, and covers too much of one chapter. Would not recommend seriously.
I love these docs; this is like the only thing my teacher has ever done for my class:  Useful Websites Maps 2 Know Gigantic Study Material
Chapter outlines for every chapter [using Traditions & Encounters: 5th Edition]: Outlines
Tips: The most helpful thing I’ve learned over the year is that the AP exam at the end is mostly about relationships between cultures/civilizations and the effects of various events. For example, the test won’t ask you the specifics about Columbus’s expedition, but it will ask you what happened because of it [ie smallpox + columbian exchange]. Memorize the big events of each section/unit/period like wars and significant trade routes, so when the test essay asks you what the effects were, you can just pull them out. Be sure to memorize certain photos like what the Hagia Sophia looked like, Mansa Musa, Alexander the Great, architect types, trade routes, what empires looked like in their prime, etc.
They always ask about the biggest changes in each time period:
Byzantine Empire
Salt/Gold Trade Route
Silk Roads
Trans-Saharan Trade Routes
The Great Schism / the start of Protestantism
French / American / Haitian Revolutions
et cetera
Remember, this tip might not work for you as I took the exam in 2016, and I heard that the CollegeBoard is going to change it in the coming years. Moreover, your teacher might present information in a different way for their finals and tests.
AP Calculus AB [took in 2015-6]
This one explains past free response AND multiple choice AP tests from like 1997 to 2015: http://www.askmrcalculus.com/index.html
Tips: Possibly the easiest AP exam. If you know what you’re doing and practiced the past free responses, you should be good to go. It’s really handy to make a notebook with like steps to show how to do each type of problem. Study and fill this notebook out throughout the year, and you’ll be more than ready to take the exam in May.
AP Biology [took in 2015-6]
Honestly, these Enduring Understanding pdfs really helped me review at the end of the year, especially if I didn’t understand a certain topic. It even has book chapters to go back to if I REALLY didn’t know a single thing.
Big Idea 1.A: Change in the genetic makeup over time is evolution. (pdf)
Big idea 1.B: Organisms are linked by lines of descent from common ancestry. (doc)
Big Idea 1.C:  Life continues to evolve in a changing environment. (pdf)
Big Idea 1.D: The origin of living systems is explained by natural processes. (pdf) 
Big Idea 2.A: Growth, reproduction, and maintenance of the organization of living systems require free energy and matter. (pdf)
Big Idea 2.B: Growth, reproduction, and dynamic homeostasis require that cells create and maintain internal environments that are different from their external environments. (pdf)
Big Idea 2.C: Organisms use feedback mechanisms to regulate growth, reproduction, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis. (pdf)
Big Idea 2.D: Growth and dynamic homeostasis of a biological system are influenced by changes in the system’s environment. (pdf)
Big Idea 2.E: Many biological processes involved in growth, reproduction, and dynamic homeostasis include temporal regulation and coordination. (pdf)
Big Idea 3.A: Heritable information provides for continuity of life. (pdf)
Big Idea 3.B: Expression of genetic information involves cellular and molecular mechanisms. (pdf) 
Big Idea 3.C: The processing of genetic information is imperfect and is a source of genetic variation. (pdf)
Big Idea 3.D: Cells communicate by generating, transmitting, and receiving chemical signals. (pdf)
Big Idea 3.E: Transmission of information results in changes within and between biological systems. (pdf)
Big Idea 4.A: The subcomponents of biological molecules and their sequence determine the properties of the molecule. (pdf)
Big Idea 4.B: Competition and cooperation are important aspects of biological systems. (pdf) 
Detailed Lecture Notes!! I used these instead of reading that giant textbook [no diagrams or pictures though…]: Assorted by chapter
Tips: There are no tips to this course. Simply memorize the notes using flashcards and mindmaps. I printed and highlighted the lecture notes during class and went over them again in my own time + looked in the textbook and copied down the diagrams and pictures. Then I rewrote the most important topics with at least one example in each category on a mindmap/flashcard and memorized them before a quiz/test/AP exam. This course is extremely content heavy. The AP exam multiple choice was easy in a sense if you understand the concepts, but the essays were harder in that you had to state examples and explain why things were happening. REMEMBER that there’s a formula sheet on the front of your test booklet [I forgot that and got 2 questions wrong ㅠㅠ]
AP Statistics [took in 2015-6]
Inference Cheat Sheets !
I also have a notebook full of notes that I would scan in, but I would have to rip apart my notebook. However, I will rip it apart in a heartbeat if someone needed it.
Tips: This was a really easy AP exam and class, partially thanks to my wonderful teacher, but if you are having trouble with the concepts and math, look up youtube videos! My friends in different classes did that, and they were perfectly fine on the AP exam.
AP United States History [took in 2016-7]
Content: Bill of Rights / 27 Constitutional Amendments // lol. pretty helpful tbh if you forgot all of your amendments at the end of the year APUSH Review // Teacher recommended me this website; never really used it, though
http://wikibenn.pbworks.com/w/page/78594635/APUSH%20Review APUSH Topics separated by periods // Useful for the periodization topic and as a really good review like right before your test 2015 MC Practice exam
Hooray for huge books: Short outlines [not mine] // also works as chapter notes More short outlines [not mine. download the doc to view the full document] // also works as chapter notes Long outlines [not mine] // more useful for reviewing for tests/ap exam More long outlines [not mine] // more useful for reviewing for tests/ap exam
Essays: 2015  Sample Essays // I basically printed out some essays that I had problems with and analyzed them to see what I would need to include in my essay. For instance, for the periodization topic, I printed out the first essay and highlighted the examples/topics/organization in the essay to see what I would need.  General long essay help Periodization formatting X / example // I didn’t really use this, but it seemed helpful Writing in APUSH review // seems more intensive than the others
Cramming: Very intensive APUSH review  Kinda long APUSH review Brief review of APUSH  Important Supreme Court cases // I’d argue that you don’t even need half of these, but Important Treaties // I’d argue that you don’t even need half of these, but Important Legislation  The Magic years // Incredibly important years/dates Political parties over the years of America  Summaries of all of the POTUS’s
AP Spanish [took in 2016-7]
I, unfortunately, did not take the AP exam for this class, and also I suck booty at spanish ㅠㅠ
AP Physics C [took in 2016-7]
Um, I basically died during the exam, but…
It's extremely recommended that you study for this exam at least 1 month prior, but if you’re like me and chose to wait until the very last 24 hours to study, use these tools to mega cram.
Physics C Equation sheet // Check with this to see if the equation you’re studying is given on the exam or it’s written differently
USE YOUTUBE VIDEOS TO REVIEW! Very helpful in getting the content across and knowing what to do for some situations. Flipping Physics // I love this man? I watched all of his ~16 minute review videos to get the basics of the topics down, but he does forget some important equations/concepts. Don’t worry, I included them at the bottom of this section. I didn’t watch his simple harmonics review video because of the lack of time, so I don’t know what he missed on that video. Dan Fullerton // What a hero. My friend recommended him, so I don’t know the faults of his review videos.
Really simple review of the equations // A little bit too simple in my opinion. This is for if you’re 2 hours away from the exam. Physics review with practice questions // I don’t know if the person writing this website ever finished it, and I’ve only ever looked at the kinematics review, so I can’t really recommend this one over the others. Really simple equations review // Again, really lacking on the concepts. More reviews // I haven’t checked this one out, but it was in my bookmarks. More intensive review // This one looks really intensive, and I appreciate Mr. B for these powerpoints. I should’ve used this one, but I didn’t ㅠㅠ Really helpful review packet (especially the applications of forces) // I mainly used this for the applications of forces pages One month physics C study plan (which I did not have enough time for) // lol. 2D Motion Review  1D Motion Review
Practice exams: 2012 MC Test  1998 MC / FRQ Test  General practice questions
What Flipping Physics forgot: Kinematics/ Certain equations that you can derive for max height / time of flight Velocity and Acceleration relationships- +v, -a / -v, -a / v = 0, a =/= 0 Concept questions for kinematics Momentum/ Types of collisions and associated equations- Elastic equations / Inelastic equations 2D collisions Ice skater-related concept Various moments of inertia for different objects Centripetal motion/ Banked turns- With friction / Without friction , Going from rev/min to rad/s Gravitons / Roller coasters / FBD for speed bumps and top/bottom of a loop on a roller coaster Gravitational/ Binary stars with circular orbits- concepts Orbital velocity formula Single object in ovular orbit and associated equations Binary star physics Basic binary star with circular orbit concept // Unfortunately, I can’t find much on these besides my in-class notes, so message me if you need those. Here’s what I’m talking about for the first one, though. Perihelion vs. aphelion concepts- 1 /  Momentum in gravitational unit- 1 / 2 // There’s also more on this, but they’re in my notes
Tips: Lmaoooooo. That curve is your friend tho. As long as you get a 50%, you’ll get a 5.
Everyone, good luck on your AP exams! I’ll probably only update this on my actual blog page to add more review sheets for more subjects later on
[pssstt, i'd appreciate it a lot if you bought something off this list if this helped you!!]
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mollylamble61-blog · 7 years
You Can Check out The 'Gal Encounters Planet' Opened Online Today.
There are actually many folks on earth that are locating the best individual for them who will be their companion for the remainder from their lifestyles. The result takes about 24 to Two Days to come but in our instance this happened within a time and our team were extremely pleased to recognize the end result considering that our team wanted a child girl and the end result revealed that my partner had actually perceived a female.
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Dating internet solution is exciting as well as practical, since you may find your love as well as romance in the comfort from your residence. Our company sat down on the couch, our company start creating some verses down, I resemble, ♫ She is actually simply a girl and she performs fire ♫ Higher than a fantasy ♫ Hotter than a follower ♫ Lonely like a freeway It is actually just flowing, boom, boom, boom.
However, rest assured, those four product lines were actually mentioned to this girl possibly 10 opportunities each presently in the last day or two( I've watched that). Much of these PotPie Gal One Full week Advertising Program materials are actually likely to either assistance hop begin your service or have your present organisation one stage additionally done in a simple to observe bit by bit resource. A more comprehensive effort to reduce hooking in Jersey City, that included reverse stings to reduce need, led to a 75 percent decline in prostitution, baseding upon a 2006 record pointed out popular Forum, an on-line resource for combating trafficking. You can easily look for a best match and quickly you are going to satisfy the gal from your desires. This normally happens when you are actually not knowledgeable on what to speak about along with a lady throughout your day, hence this makes your time a comprehensive failing. Ladies ENJOY peace of mind and also dominance which great people CERTAINLY NEVER radiate - they are too worried from carrying out something she won't as if and it will cause them losing the girl. A content control system assists in dealing with the required consistency all through the website page further delivering an improved exposure and hence creating it search-engine pleasant. I am actually certainly not heading to evaluate the that our company've left on the table, however my digestive tract informs me in being out and talking to the shops that I've seen enough smoke cigarettes where the retail stores seem like they have not had the supply to actually assist business where I understand that our team have a possibility in certainly not a great deal more supply however remaining to harmonize the stock and also acquire this much more responsible for as well as confidently behind a few of our perceptions. By watching your PH amounts you can identify when you are actually acid as well as not will certainly give you a better possibility for a gal. Opportunities are you will certainly strike click the up coming site internet and logon to some social media site to participate in an ever raising internet of on the web gamers! In 1876, her hunting detachment was ordered to the location of the Major Horn Stream for spy. That's when she is actually pushed from responsible for as well as drilled by yet another lady status facing her. Our on-line companies remain to be actually solid, along with a 11% growth in go-forward types at Victoria's Top secret and 16% growth at Bath & Body system Works.
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Infinix Note 7, Note 7 Lite Tips On Official Site Before launch
Quibi: Watch In 10 Minutes Or Less
Costs worst than Netflix? Get out of here! Get out of here. Get out of here.
I have binge-watched 16 episodes and four zone-films since morning. Why do I've such an unfastened time? because it was work. The better query even though is, how? Nice since I have been using Quibi, a portmanteau "fast bits," a brand new video service with the title: "watch in 10 minutes or less." Launched on a global Monday with over 24 shows featuring specific activities such as Jennifer Lopez and Nick Jonas, as well as a recreation of Thrones 's Sophie Turner.
Having bite-sized episodes — most are among five and 10 mins — isn't the handiest manner Quibi is attempting to set itself apart from its competition. For one, its content material is formatted for both landscape- and portrait-viewing, this means that you may never see any black bars irrespective of the way you hold your cellphone: horizontally or vertically. (This works even if you selected to download for offline viewing if you're questioning.) As you could inform, Quibi is constructed for cellular and that's why it only has apps for (Android and Apple) mobile gadgets. besides Quibi's choice to deliberately reframe has very real aspect outcomes.
In an early shot of Turner's drama, survive — one of 4 top-class entries Quibi is asking “lighthouse”, that is essentially one long film cut up into numerous 10-minute chapters — her character Jane wakes up from a nightmare. if you watch this in panorama, Jane is at the right-hand side of the display, and you can see a person else sleeping on the left-hand aspect. but in portrait, it simplest gives a severe close-up of Turner's face. the alternative man or woman simplest comes into the picture 18 seconds later in portrait, at the same time as they're shown to have woken up in panorama at some point of that point. the ones two versions, of the identical scene, provide us distinct information and an exclusive concept.
This reformatting is a whole lot less difficult to digest with unscripted content, which forms the bulk of Quibi's slate at launch. LeBron James talks up his Ohio public school inside the docu-collection I Promise. Grammy-winner risk the Rapper leads a brand new take on MTV's Punk'd. Lopez, Kristen Bell, & Jonas Kick off a gifting chain in thanks a million. Chrissy Teigen hosts the aforementioned court docket comedy, Chrissy's courtroom, wherein she weighs in on cases with the assistance of others, along with Oscar-, Grammy, and Emmy-winning husband John Legend. In loopy vehicle stunts at Elba Vs. Block, which arrives next Monday at Quibi, Idris Elba and Ken Block designation each different.
Speak of what's arising, in weeks, Anna Kendrick stars as an aspiring creator who tries to emerge as pals with her boyfriend's (Dan Harmon) sex doll in the pal comedy Dummy. A person stalks and is attempting to steal his wife's cab driving power rideshare in the Mystery The Foreigner, next Monday. In fight Like A lady, ladies WWE Superstars mentor and rework 10 women in need. And inside the fact collection Barkitecture, premiering can also 11, dog mother and father build lavish and lavish houses for his or her bushy pals.
A lot of these shows will drop with three episodes on the release date, accompanied through new episodes every weekday. Sadly, that is in which the excitement, if any, involves a halt. Quibi says it is made for cell, which equates to being greater private and consequently, no profiles and simultaneous viewing. Money owed is constrained to an unmarried consumer and display screen. Meaning anybody wishes their subscription.
And it is now not helping itself with its pricing. even as Quibi has two ranges inside the US — one with commercials at $five (about Rs. 380) and another advert-free at $eight (about Rs. 610) — with the latter priced underneath maximum opposition, it's botched that some other place. For one, it is not providing the ad-unfastened tier to users outside the united states. not having an advert-supported tier is largely bonkers in a marketplace like India, in which that continues to be the manner to develop. working example: Hotstar and Voot. To make subjects worse, no longer most effective has Quibi no longer localized pricing, it's in truth charging extra in India at Rs. 669 a month.
The fact that Quibi charges extra than any provider accessible, along with Netflix, is laughable. just examine its tiny slate. it is a death knell for any potential growth right here, even though it can've satisfied treasured few English-talking clients to pay for another enjoyment subscription. For what it is well worth, Quibi gives a 3-month trial — remarkable in the video streaming space — that got here into the region after the pandemic. (It become weeks in advance.) but you're no longer probably to locate anybody tuning in after their trial ends. I recognize I may not be.
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conners-clinic · 5 years
Rife Technology Destroys Microbes
Rife ignored the debate, preferring to concentrate on refining his method of destroying these tiny killer viruses. He used the same principle to kill them, which made them visible: resonance. By increasing the intensity of a frequency which resonated naturally with these microbes, Rife increased their natural oscillations until they distorted and disintegrated from structural stresses. Rife called this frequency the mortal oscillatory rate, or MOR, and it did no harm whatsoever to the surrounding tissues.
This principle can be illustrated by using an intense musical note to shatter a wine glass: the molecules of the glass are already oscillating at some harmonic (multiple) of that musical note; they are in resonance with it, vibrate, and can no longer remain in configuration. Because everything else has a different resonant frequency, nothing but the glass’s molecular configuration is destroyed. There are literally hundreds of trillions of different resonant frequencies, and every species and molecule has its very own.
Testing Rife’s Treatment
It took Rife many years, working 48 hours at a time, until he discovered the frequencies which specifically destroyed herpes, polio, spinal meningitis, tetanus, influenza, and an immense number of other dangerous disease organisms. In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee to bring terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to Rife’s San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment. The team included doctors and pathologists assigned to examine the patients – if still alive – in 90 days. This was obviously a different age! I don’t believe I’ll be seeing the University of Minnesota bringing any patients my way anytime soon. Remember, 1934 was PRE-big-money-chemo!
After the 90 days of treatment, the Committee concluded that 86.5% of the patients had been completely cured. The treatment was then adjusted and the remaining 13.5% of the patients also responded within the next four weeks. The total recovery rate using Rife’s technology was 100%. On November 20, 1934, forty-four of the nation’s most respected medical authorities honored Royal Rife with a banquet billed as The End To All Diseases at the Pasadena estate of Dr. Milbank Johnson.
But by 1939, almost all of these distinguished doctors and scientists were denying that they had ever met Rife. What happened to make so many brilliant men have complete memory lapses? It seems that news of Rife’s miracles with terminal patients had reached other ears. Remember our hypothetical question at the beginning of this report: What would happen if you discovered a cure for everything? You are now about to find out…
The Beginning of Rife’s Downfall
At first, a token attempt was made to buy-out Rife. Morris Fishbein, who had acquired the entire stock of the American Medical Association by 1934, sent an attorney to Rife with an offer you can’t refuse. Rife refused. We may never know the exact terms of this offer, but we do know the terms of the offer Fishbein made to Harry Hoxsey for control of his herbal cancer remedy. Fishbein’s associates would receive all profits for nine years and Hoxey would receive nothing. Then, if they were satisfied that it worked, Hoxsey would begin to receive 10% of the profits. Hoxsey decided that he would rather continue to make all the profits himself. When Hoxsey turned Fishbein down, Fishbein used his immensely powerful political connections to have Hoxsey arrested 125 times in a period of 16 months. The charges (based on practicing without a license) were always thrown out of court, but the harassment drove Hoxsey insane.
Fishbein must have realized that this strategy would backfire with Rife. First, Rife could not be arrested like Hoxsey for practicing without a license since he had a license. A trial on trumped-up charges would mean that prominent medical authorities working with Rife would introduce testimony supporting Rife, and the defense would undoubtedly take the opportunity to introduce evidence such as the 1934 medical study done with USC. The last thing in the world that the pharmaceutical industry wanted was a public trial about a painless therapy that cured 100% of the terminal cancer patients and cost nothing to use but a little electricity. It might give people the idea that they didn’t need drugs and though the drug industry was in its infancy in 1934, it was becoming a very naughty teenager by 1939.
In 1939, a mysterious lawsuit against Beam Ray Corporation, the only company manufacturing Rife’s frequency instruments (Rife was not a partner) tied the company up in court and legal expenses in the middle of the Great Depression bankrupted the company. Fishbein and the AMA had won; commercial production of Rife’s frequency instruments ceased completely.
On the other hand, big money was spent ensuring that doctors who had seen Rife’s therapy would forget what they saw. Almost no price was too much to suppress it. Remember that, today, treatment of a single cancer patient averages over $300,000. It’s BIG business.
Thus, Arthur Kendall, the Director of the Northwestern School of Medicine who worked with Rife on the cancer virus, accepted almost a quarter of a million dollars to suddenly retire in Mexico. That was an exorbitant amount of money in the Depression. Dr. George Dock, another prominent figure who collaborated with Rife, was silenced with an enormous grant, along with the highest honors the AMA could bestow. Between the carrots and the sticks, everyone except Dr. Couche and Dr. Milbank Johnson gave up Rife’s work and went back to prescribing drugs.
To finish the job, the medical journals, supported almost entirely by drug company revenues and controlled by the AMA, refused to publish any paper by anyone on Rife’s therapy. Therefore, an entire generation of medical students graduated into practice without ever once hearing of Rife’s breakthroughs in medicine. The magnitude of such an insane crime eclipses every mass murder in history. Cancer picks us off quietly…but by 1960 the casualties from this tiny virus exceeded the carnage of all the wars America ever fought. In 1989, it was estimated that 40% of us will experience cancer at some time in our lives.
After Rife’s Downfall
In Rife’s lifetime, he had witnessed the progress of civilization from horse-and-buggy travel to jet planes. In that same time, he saw the epidemic of cancer increase from 1 in 24 Americans in 1905 to, partially because his work was squashed, 1 in 2.5 today.
He also witnessed the phenomenal growth of the American Cancer Society, the Salk Foundation, and many others collecting hundreds of millions of dollars for diseases that were cured long before in his own San Diego laboratories. In one period, 176,500 cancer drugs were submitted for approval. Any that showed favorable results in only one-sixth of one percent of the cases being studied could be licensed. Some of these drugs had a mortality rate of 14-17%. When death came from the drug, not the cancer, the case was recorded as a complete or partial remission because the patient didn’t actually die from the cancer. It’s just absurd!!! In reality, it was a race to see which would kill the patient first: the drug or the disease.
The inevitable conclusion reached by Rife was that his life-long labor and discoveries had not only been ignored but probably would be buried with him. At that point, he ceased to produce much of anything and spent the last third of his life seeking oblivion in alcohol. It dulled the pain and his acute awareness of half a century of wasted effort – ignored – while the unnecessary suffering of millions continued so that a vested few might profit. And profit they did, and profit they do.
Rife’s Technology Lives On
Fortunately, his death was not the end of his electronic therapy. A few humanitarian doctors and engineers reconstructed his frequency instruments and kept his genius alive. Rife technology became public knowledge again in 1986 with the publication of The Cancer Cure That Worked, by Barry Lynes, and other material about Royal Rife and his monumental work.
There is wide variation in the cost, design, and quality of the modern portable Rife frequency research instruments available. Costs vary from about $3600 to $26,000 with price being no legitimate indicator of the technical competence in the design of the instrument or performance of the instrument. Some of the most expensive units have serious technical limitations and are essentially a waste of money. At the other extreme, some researchers do get crude results from inexpensive simple, unmodified frequency generators, but this is just as misguided as spending too much money. Without the proper modifications, the basic frequency generator gives only minimal and inconsistent results. Rife’s work was always with LIGHT FREQUENCY. A REAL Rife unit must use a Tesla bulb.
Other theories abound on exactly why and how Rife technology works. Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD, in his book, The Body Electric, published by Harper in 1985, gives an exciting report in chapter 15 regarding the fact that photons in light act as an electron donor to tissue cells which stimulates mitochondrial function, raises tissue pH, and increases healing.
One day, the name of Royal Raymond Rife may ascend to its rightful place as the giant of modern medical science. Until that time, his fabulous technology remains available only to the people who have the interest to seek it out. While perfectly legal for veterinarians to use to save the lives of animals, Rife’s brilliant frequency therapy remains taboo to orthodox mainstream medicine because of the continuing threat it poses to the international pharmaceutical medical monopoly that controls the lives – and deaths – of the vast majority of the people on this planet.
Research and Studies on Rife Technology
Recent studies on Rife’s work have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals. The Journal of Exp Clinical Cancer Research 2009 Apr 14;28:51, published a paper titled, Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer: discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel therapeutic approach. The paper revealed, “CONCLUSION: Cancer-related frequencies appear to be tumor-specific and treatment with tumor-specific frequencies is feasible, well tolerated and may have biological efficacy in patients with advanced cancer.”
Their results were remarkable: “RESULTS: We examined a total of 163 patients with a diagnosis of cancer and identified a total of 1524 frequencies ranging from 0.1 Hz to 114 kHz. Most frequencies (57-92%) were specific for a single tumor type. Compassionate treatment with tumor-specific frequencies was offered to 28 patients. Three patients experienced grade 1 fatigue during or immediately after treatment. There were no NCI grade 2, 3 or 4 toxicities. Thirteen patients were evaluable for response. One patient with hormone-refractory breast cancer metastatic to the adrenal gland and bones had a complete response lasting 11 months. One patient with hormone-refractory breast cancer metastatic to liver and bones had a partial response lasting 13.5 months. Four patients had stable disease lasting for +34.1 months (thyroid cancer metastatic to lung), 5.1 months (non-small cell lung cancer), 4.1 months (pancreatic cancer metastatic to liver) and 4.0 months (leiomyosarcoma metastatic to liver).”
Many more articles are coming out on what is now being termed Energy Medicine or Biofield Therapies.  Here is a list of a few:
Cancer Journal 2006 Sep-Oct;12(5):425-31. Complementary medicine in palliative care and cancer symptom management.
J Holist Nurs. 2011 Dec;29(4):270-8. doi: 10.1177/0898010111412186. Epub 2011 Aug 8.
Prim Care. 2010 Mar;37(1):165-79. Biofield therapies: energy medicine and primary care.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2009 Aug;1172:297-311. Bioelectromagnetic and subtle energy medicine: the interface between mind and matter.
J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Aug;15(8):819-26.  An HMO-based prospective pilot study of energy medicine for chronic headaches: whole-person outcomes point to the need for new instrumentation.
Integr Med Insights. 2009;4:13-20. Epub 2009 Oct 19. Integral healthcare: the benefits and challenges of integrating complementary and alternative medicine with a conventional healthcare practice
Altern Ther Health Med. 2008 Jan-Feb;14(1):44-54.  Six pillars of energy medicine: clinical strengths of a complementary paradigm.
Explore (NY). 2006 Nov-Dec;2(6):509-14.  World hypotheses and the evolution of integrative medicine: combining categorical diagnoses and cause-effect interventions with whole systems research and nonvisualizable (seemingly “impossible”) healing.
Biomed Sci Instrum. 2006;42:428-33. Localized pulsed magnetic fields for tendonitis therapy.
This was an excerpt from Dr Conners’ book, Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause.
Free Download Buy the Book
via News – – Conners Clinic
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regrow hair naturally
Now that I've been expecting a number of times as well as had the excellent heavy hair that follows pregnancy as well as seen it slim again after rise, I began looking for as well as screening methods to normally market hair development.
Of course, some of the post-pregnancy shed is actually totally hormonal as well as quite unpreventable, however I've located some suggestions that seem to be to help market hair growth as well as boosted roots strength. I also question if these pointers help baby's hair development in utero, as my little ones have all featured a LOT of hair, particularly my 4-year-old (her hair is in account above and she was actually three when taken!) Her hair has actually always been normally thick, curly and also quick and easy to partner with. In reality, she was born with virtually 2 ins and I've right now removed over 16 inches of her still waist-length hair!
How To Regrow Lost Hair ?
It is actually also important to consider that the health condition of the hair and skin may be a great evidence of the state of the body system on the inside, so it is necessary address the body as a whole to boost hair as well as skin for the long term.
Regardless, these natural pointers are actually also good for the body in various other ways, therefore there isn't a lot to lose. Possess you ever done anything to help strengthen hair development? Please share your tips below! 1. Consume Enough Protein
Protein is essential for hair development, thus consuming adequate protein can easily make sure that the body system has the required building blocks for hair. Complete resources of healthy protein like porks and fish are the most useful for hair growth as well as many meat products also contain iron, which is one more necessary component of appropriate hair development.
Foods like porks, fish, eggs, and also especially bone tissue broths (find listed below) are actually great for hair growth. These foods items also contain needed fats that help ensure well-balanced hormones (view listed below) and well-balanced hair!
how to regrow hair natural ?
2. Receive The Vitamins!
Some vitamins help market hair growth- most significantly: Vitamin C as well as Biotin. The physical body needs Vitamin C to create bovine collagen, which is important for healthy hair as well as skin. Vitamin C also aids with iron absorption, which markets hair growth (plus it is an immune system booster!). Due to the fact that the body system can not produce Vitamin C, it is one vitamin that should be actually obtained coming from meals or supplements. Foods like citrus, broccoli and also spinach all have Vitamin C.
Biotin (and various other b-vitamins) may also ensure faster and also more powerful hair development, as well as it is also good for the skin. Biotin is actually a water dissolvable B-Vitamin that is actually also utilized in correct food digestion of excess fats as well as glucoses. Eggs, nuts, berries, fish as well as some veggies all deliver Biotin, though in percentages, so at times a supplement can be valuable. 3. Up the Gelatin
I've published prior to concerning the numerous advantages of Gelatin, featuring its assistance of well-balanced hair, skin and also nails. Gelatin is actually something I are sure to consume daily in some kind, either in bone tissue brew or jelly grain (or even each). From a previous post:
" Gelatin is greatly made up of the amino acids glycine as well as proline, which lots of people don't consume in enough amounts as they are actually located in the bone tissues, coarse tissues and also body organs of pets and also as a populace, we do not take in these components as a lot any longer. These amino acids are needed certainly not simply for suitable skin, hair and also nail growth, however, for superior invulnerable feature and also weight requirement!
how to naturally regrow lost hair ?
Glycine, that makes up about 1/3 of the amino acids in gelatin particle is anti-inflammatory and proof is discovering that it can easily help accelerate wound recuperation. Glycine in jelly can easily also help strengthen rest ease and also top quality."
Listed below are some of my favorite ways to incorporate Gelatin. 4. Harmonize the Hormones
" When it relates to wellness, hormonal agents as well as digestive tract bacteria have a considerably larger impact than lots of folks recognize. Actually, these 2 elements can destroy health and wellness even when every little thing else (diet regimen, supplements, etc) is maximized. On the other hand, taking care of hormonal agents as well as intestine microorganisms can possibly do a whole lot to improve health, even if not all the other factors are actually optimum. In reality, there are also research studies concerning using particular hormonal agent responses to recover mind damage."
Bodily hormones are commonly a significant source of loss of hair or bad hair growth and also sadly, there could be several reasons for hormonal agent imbalance. This is also the cause for loss of hair after maternity. Naturally, some steps could be taken to boost hair while operating to harmonize hormonal agents, as well as these are my best ideas for stabilizing hormonal agents naturally.
ways to regrow hair naturally
Worry and also lack of rest are pair of significant factors to hormone discrepancy as well as below are actually some suggestions for enhancing those.
5. Outside Hair Treatments
Though the primary sources of unsatisfactory hair top quality and development are inner, exterior procedures can help enhance existing hair and also protect against damage
I got this pointer coming from Pinterest and have been astounded at what an intense conditioning as well as enhancing treatment it is! To produce, stir 1 tablespoon of Gelatin particle in to 1/2 cup of awesome water until mixed. Include 1/2 mug warm/hot water, 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar and also 1 tsp of honey to develop a heavy gel/liquid. Pour into hair and massage via hair as well as scalp. Leave on for at least 5 minutes as well as rinse out with warm water. Shampoo as regular.
unique method may regrow lost hair
I've also discovered that several natural hair products can actually create complications along with hair! Regular shampoos and also items possess complications of their own (like being actually linked to cancer), yet natural ones are typically certainly not pH well balanced properly for hair and also bit crucial natural oils.
I've turned to natural clay-based located hair shampoos and observe wonderful results. They don't lather like typical hair shampoos but receive my hair tidy, nurture my scalp and also are actually pH well balanced for hair.
And you can easily regularly utilize exterior procedures like a hair mask to help enhance and also strengthen you hair.
For more, visit us: https://sites.google.com/site/howtoregrowlosthair/
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
Week 2 Fantasy Pickups: Priority waiver wire adds to boost your rosters
It is by no means too early to enhance a crew, folks. Profitable your fantasy league goes to require a good quantity of roster turnover. Every week all through the common season, we provide a gaggle of precedence pickups prematurely of waiver deadlines. Each participant listed right here is accessible in a majority of Yahoo leagues. Let’s add…
Operating backs to focus on on waiver wire
Coming into the yr, Hines had already established himself as one of many league’s most dependable backfield receiving choices. He delivered 107 receptions on 139 targets over his first two professional seasons. On Sunday, he added one other eight catches to that profession whole. Hines completed with 45 receiving yards and one rating in opposition to the Jaguars, including seven carries for 28 yards and one other spike. He was clearly a giant a part of the red-zone plan for the Colts…
Marlon Mack went down with a torn Achilles harm within the loss at Jacksonville, a brutal break for a top quality participant. In his absence, Hines cut up snaps evenly with completely hyped rookie Jonathan Taylor, who managed to achieve 89 scrimmage yards himself. These two complement one another extraordinarily nicely, so do not anticipate Hines to be utterly overtaken by Taylor. Philip Rivers has by no means didn’t feed targets to his operating backs. Do not be stunned if Hines manages to catch 70-plus passes within the yr forward. If he is getting 5-Eight carries every week behind the mastodons on the Colts’ O-line, that is a pleasant bonus. 
Beneficial waiver provide, assuming $100 funds: $15
You possibly can’t say we did not inform you Brown had a shot at an enormous opening week workload. He was a featured title in final week’s pickups piece and he exceeded expectations. Brown carried 18 occasions for 79 yards and two spikes on Sunday evening, plus he caught three passes for an additional 31 yards. The Rams have all the time favored him as a goal-line runner — he dealt with eight carries contained in the 5-yard line final season — and he made essentially the most of his alternatives in opposition to the Cowboys. Cam Akers noticed 15 touches within the win in opposition to Dallas, which is promising, although he gained solely 43 whole yards.
For now, Brown is the clear head of the Rams’ backfield committee. If you happen to have been a ZeroRB drafter, you gotta bounce on Brown whereas he is nonetheless broadly out there. This can function final name. 
Supply: $16
Austin Ekeler is the unmatched featured again for the Chargers, simply to be clear. Ekeler dealt with 20 touches on Sunday in opposition to Cincinnati, in a recreation that neither crew deserved to win (however one by chance did). 
Kelley, nonetheless, appeared to settle the query of which again occupies the second spot on the depth chart. The rookie dealt with 12 carries, gaining 60 yards and scoring on a nifty goal-to-go plunge. Justin Jackson solely ran the ball twice, exiting with a quad harm. After Sunday’s spectacular debut, Kelley might very nicely be taking a look at double-digit weekly touches. He is a robust runner coming off back-to-back 1,000-yard seasons at UCLA, constructed to win in short-yardage. Positively flex-worthy. 
Supply: $8
Nicely, rattling. AP can nonetheless hit a speeding lane and embarrass would-be tacklers, even at 35 years previous. He simply arrived in Detroit just a few days in the past, however he is already claimed the highest spot within the Lions’ speeding hierarchy. Peterson produced 114 whole yards on 17 touches on Sunday, averaging a wholesome 6.6 yards per carry. Rookie D’Andre Swift managed to ship a 1-yard first-half landing, however he additionally had a crushing drop on a possible late game-winning rating. Peterson was lots efficient for Washington final season, gaining 1,040 scrimmage yards on 228 touches in a largely depressing offense. He is actually value a flier in Detroit. 
Supply: $11
Extra RBs so as to add: Jerick McKinnon (nice to see him again within the recreation, with a rotational position in an awesome speeding offense), Alexander Mattison (gained 80 whole yards on 10 touches in opposition to the Pack), Peyton Barber (brutally inefficient in opposition to Philly, carrying 17 occasions for simply 29 yards, however he stumbled into the end-zone twice), Chase Edmonds (he noticed 5 targets and 6 carries, plus he made a home name in Arizona’s shock win at Levi’s Stadium).
Story continues
Extensive receivers and tight ends to focus on on the wire
Robby Anderson, Carolina Panthers (31%)
A lot for that speaking level about Teddy Bridgewater refusing to take deep pictures…
Carolina put up 30 factors in a loss to the Raiders on Sunday, and Bridgewater wasn’t precisely hyper-conservative. It is just one recreation (in opposition to a sketchy protection), however we will nonetheless really feel a complete lot higher in regards to the Teddy-Robby connection. Anderson completed with 115 receiving yards and a landing on six catches, plus he hauled in a 2-point conversion. He stays one of many league’s most harmful deep threats and game-flow will favor him as a rule. His roster-percentage is curiously low, contemplating his historical past of fantasy usefulness. 
Supply: $14
Laviska Shenault Jr., Jacksonville Jaguars (12%)
Shenault entered the NFL as a flexible, high-ceiling prospect coming off an up-and-down collegiate profession at Colorado. He was terrific as a sophomore, scoring six touchdowns as a receiver and 5 as a runner, hauling in 86 balls for 1,011 yards. He took a backward step final season, however there is no denying his upside. We heard the Jaguars have been getting artistic with Shenault in camp, then he made loads of noise within the crew’s opener…
Gardner Minshew’s 19 completions went to 10 totally different receivers on Sunday, so no member of the receiving corps had an enormous day. Shenault actually backed up his preseason hype, nonetheless, and he hardly ever got here off the sphere. The rookie calls for consideration. 
Supply: $7
Logan Thomas, Washington F.T. (2%)
Thomas entered the common season with sleeper enchantment following a buzzy camp and he actually did not disappoint within the opener. He caught 4 passes on eight targets in Sunday’s win over the Eagles, with a 6-yard landing included. Not too shabby for a former faculty QB who’s made the swap to tight finish. Loads of targets are up for grabs this season in Washington, because the crew does not actually have a longtime No. 2 receiver behind Terry McLaurin. It is hardly outrageous to think about Thomas ending a wholesome season among the many top-10 at his place in whole possibilities. He is a precedence for fantasy managers who simply misplaced Blake Jarwin to harm. 
Supply: $5
Different notable WR/TE choices: Eric Ebron (buzz retains rising about his potential red-zone position), Russell Gage (he noticed a dozen targets within the opener, one of many highest totals within the league), Parris Campbell (one other participant we’ve completely hyped who noticed a wholesome opening week workload), Jalen Reagor (returned from harm and made his presence felt early), Allen Lazard (hauled in all 4 of his targets within the win at Minnesota, with a TD included), Preston Williams (he had a quiet opener, however he noticed seven targets. Additionally, the crew will desperately want him if DeVante Parker’s hamstring harm is important).
Quarterbacks so as to add
Gardner Minshew II, Jacksonville Jaguars (25%)
We knew the setup was going to be pleasant for Minshew in 2020, however I am unsure anybody might have forecast his opening week stat line: 19-for-20, 173 yards, three TDs. He by some means related with 10 totally different receivers on solely 20 makes an attempt. If you happen to’d rostered the Indianapolis protection, trying to stream in opposition to the Jaguars, um … whoops. Gotta take the L on that one. When a quarterback has extra landing passes than incompletions, fantasy managers ought to most likely take an curiosity. Minshew could have a gunslinger aesthetic, however he hasn’t been notably reckless since taking up in Jacksonville; he solely threw six interceptions final season in 470 makes an attempt. His schedule is a present within the weeks forward: at Ten, Mia, at Cin, at Hou, Det. There’s an excellent likelihood Minshew will ship a collection of high quality fantasy performances.  
Supply: $4
Additionally addable at QB: Teddy Bridgewater (as a result of it feels as if each week is gonna be a high-scoring affair for Carolina), Mitchell Trubisky (by some means, in a recreation during which he was typically hilariously dangerous, he completed with 242 yards and three TDs. His upcoming schedule is a dream for fantasy functions, for no matter it’s value: NYG, at Atl, Ind).
Protection to think about through the wire
Washington (5%)
Soccer Crew is heading to Arizona in Week 2 for a matchup of undefeated soccer groups. <— That was a enjoyable sentence to write down. Each defenses must be in your radar for streaming functions. Washington’s D/ST occurs to be coming off an enormous fantasy week, having sacked Carson Wentz eight occasions and forcing three takeaways. Chase Younger, predictably, was an issue, a destroyer of game-plans. Washington positive looks as if a crew that is going to specialize within the very issues that feed fantasy scoring.
Supply: $1
Observe the Yahoo fantasy crew on Twitter: Andy Behrens, Dalton Del Don, Matt Harmon, Liz Loza, Scott Pianowski and Tank Williams. 
Take heed to the Yahoo Fantasy Soccer Forecast
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/week-2-fantasy-pickups-priority-waiver-wire-adds-to-boost-your-rosters/ via https://growthnews.in
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jakehglover · 6 years
Can Sandalwood Oil Treat Baldness?
By Dr. Mercola
If you struggle with hair loss, at first glance, research out of Europe demonstrating the effectiveness of a sandalwood preparation to support hair growth may seem promising. After all, the smell of natural sandalwood is a pleasing woody scent to which you have very likely been exposed.
Before you get too excited though, be advised the research was cosponsored by an Italian pharmaceutical company and was completed using a synthetic derivative of sandalwood oil that is used in the company's haircare products.
While I cannot recommend you try a chemical-based hair growth solution like Sandalore®, I will comment on the research. I'll also take this opportunity to remind you of the benefits of sandalwood essential oil, as well as share some of the most common reasons for hair loss.
Synthetic Sandalwood Chemical Shown to Promote Hair Growth
A 2018 study published in the journal Nature Communications1 suggests the woody, floral scent of a synthetic sandalwood-containing product has been shown to stimulate hair growth in both lab tests and a small pilot study involving 20 females. The product — Sandalore® — is associated with Giuliani Pharma, the pharmaceutical company that cosponsored the research.2,3
Lead researcher Ralf Paus, professor of cutaneous medicine at the U.K.'s University of Manchester and director of research and deputy of the university's center for dermatology research, and his team sought to uncover the role of cutaneous olfactory receptor OR2AT4 in the process of growing new hair.4 One source notes Paus acts as a consultant for Giuliani Pharma.5
As noted in the video above, some of the same scientists previously showed that the OR2AT4 receptor plays a positive role in wound healing.6 In the current body of work, Paus and company bathed patches of human scalp tissue (taken from people getting facelifts) for six days in Sandalore® to see if the OR2AT4 receptors might possibly affect hair formation. Notably, the group observed:7,8
A 25 to 30 percent increase in a growth hormone released in the Sandalore®-infused scalps
The delay of natural death in cells linked to hair production
An increase in keratin levels, which signaled skin regeneration and hair growth9
Along with the synthetic sandalwood chemical, the researchers coadministered an OR2AT4 antagonist called Phenirat®, which was shown to silence OR2AT4 and inhibit hair growth. About the results, the researchers stated:10
"Here, we show the epithelium of human hair follicles, particularly the outer root sheath, expresses OR2AT4, and specific stimulation of OR2AT4 by a synthetic sandalwood odorant (Sandalore®) prolongs human hair growth ex vivo by decreasing apoptosis and increasing production of the anagen-prolonging growth factor IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1).
[O]ur study identifies that human hair follicles can engage in olfactory receptor-dependent chemosensation and require OR2AT4-mediated signaling to sustain their growth, suggesting olfactory receptors may serve as a target in hair-loss therapy."
"This is actually a rather amazing finding," Paus told The Independent.11 "This is the first time ever it has been shown that the remodeling of a normal human miniorgan [a hair] can be regulated by a simple, cosmetically, widely used odorant."
What Are Odorants and Olfactory Receptors and How Do They Work?
If you're not familiar with "odorants," Newsweek defines them as "an ingredient used to give a particular smell to a product."12 While you may not realize it, your body is covered with olfactory receptors, which work to boost your sense of smell. Besides the ones found in your nose, your body has a few hundred of these "chemoreceptors" scattered throughout its tissues.
In fact, a review of more than 200 studies, published by the American Physiological Society (APS),13 asserts olfactory receptors, which can be described as "proteins that bind to odors that aid the sense of smell,"14 perform a variety of functions outside the nose. Many of these functions are still being identified.
According to Medical News Today, in the APS study researchers used DNA tools to determine each type of bodily tissue has five to 80 olfactory receptors. They also noted distinct types of olfactory receptors — different from the ones housed in healthy cells — are found in abundance in cancer cells.15 The study authors stated:16
"Olfactory receptors (ORs) are not exclusively expressed in the olfactory sensory neurons; they are also observed outside of the olfactory system in all other human tissues tested to date, including the testis, lung, intestine, skin, heart and blood.
Within these tissues, certain ORs have been determined to be exclusively expressed in only one tissue, whereas other ORs are more widely distributed in many different tissues throughout the human body.
For most of the ectopically expressed ORs, limited data are available for their functional roles. They have been shown to be involved in the modulation of cell-cell recognition, migration, proliferation, the apoptotic cycle, exocytosis and pathfinding processes."
Identifying the olfactory receptors is just one part of the equation, says study author Dr. Hanns Hatt, head of the department of cell physiology at Germany's Ruhr University Bochum. He suggests scientists also must identify and analyze the large number of odorants that trigger them, which is a huge undertaking.
"Unfortunately, the activating odorants of only about 50 of the 350 human olfactory receptors have been identified to date," says Hatt.17
Why You Don't Want to Put Toxic Chemicals on Your Face, Hair or Skin
With respect to the current study, Paus and his team indicated the scalp tissue needed to be continuously stimulated by OR2AT4 olfactory receptors to achieve maximum hair growth. They suggest their technique, which is likely to move on to clinical trials, may one day emerge as a complementary treatment for baldness.18
In my opinion, unless you want to slather your skin with toxic chemicals, you'd be wise to look elsewhere for hair growth solutions. After all, the PubChem website suggests Sandalore® is, at the least, a potential irritant and also an environmental concern related to "aquatic toxicity."19
For certain, it contains neither natural sandalwood nor sandalwood essential oil. In fact, Paus says a natural sandalwood product would not have the same effect on hair loss because "it does not bind to OR2AT4."20
Unfortunately, just because a product is sold over-the-counter does not make it safe for use. Of the nearly 13,000 chemicals used in American cosmetics, only 10 percent have been tested for safety. Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the authority to regulate ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products, they often do not exercise it.
The reality is, personal care products are allowed to reach store shelves without prior approval by a regulating agency. Only after a product has demonstrated harm, has been misbranded or adulterated, may the FDA take action. According to the FDA's description of their authority over cosmetics:21
"The law does not require cosmetic products and ingredients, other than color additives, to have FDA approval before they go on the market, but there are laws and regulations that apply to cosmetics on the market in interstate commerce.
FDA's legal authority over cosmetics is different from our authority over other products we regulate, such as drugs, biologics and medical devices. Under the law, cosmetic products and ingredients do not need FDA premarket approval, with the exception of color additives.
However, FDA can pursue enforcement action against products on the market that are not in compliance with the law, or against firms or individuals who violate the law."
For more information on how to keep yourself safe with respect to the products you use on your face, hair and skin, check out my Hidden Dangers in Personal Care Products Infographic. For now, let's turn our attention to a natural product you can use without hesitation, although not necessarily for hair loss: sandalwood essential oil.
What Is Sandalwood Oil?
Sandalwood essential oil is derived from the heartwood of the East Indian sandalwood (Santalum album), a hemiparasitic evergreen that grows by joining the root system of other trees. The sandalwood tree belongs to the Santalaceae family.
Sandalwood oil has been around for millennia and factors prominently in many cosmetics, fragrances and personal care products. It also is used for meditative and spiritual practices, particularly in India.
India and Indonesia are the largest producers and exporters of sandalwood oil.22 The oil is extracted through steam distillation using pieces of wood from mature sandalwood trees. Some suggest trees at least 80 years old are preferred because, the older the tree, the more oil available and the stronger the aroma.23
The oil has a woody, exotic smell that's subtle and lingering. Its color ranges from pale yellow to pale gold. Although expensive, it has many wonderful characteristics that make it useful and beneficial for health and wellness, making it worth every penny.
Some of the Uses of Sandalwood Oil
Sandalwood oil is well-known for the calming, harmonizing effect it has on your mind. Simply inhaling it will help you reduce confusion and tension. Sandalwood oil has long been used in Ayurveda, India's holistic health practice, for the treatment of mental and somatic disorders.24 About this oil, one group of researchers stated:25
"Compared to either an odorless placebo or alpha-santalol (the main active compound in sandalwood oil), sandalwood oil elevated pulse rate, skin conductance level and systolic blood pressure. Alpha-santalol, however, elicited higher ratings of attentiveness and mood than did sandalwood oil or the placebo.
Correlation analyses revealed these effects are mainly due to perceived odor quality. The results suggest a relation[ship] between differences in perceived odor quality and differences in arousal level."
Sandalwood also is in demand as incense, often being used in various types of yoga and a number of Hindu ceremonies and rituals. Regardless of your religious affiliation, you may find sandalwood oil useful during periods of anxiety, chronic illness, depression, fear and stress.
Beyond that, sandalwood oil is beneficial in skincare given its ability to relieve inflammation and itching, as well as soothe dehydrated skin. Furthermore, sandalwood oil is well-known as a remedy for acne, dandruff, eczema, psoriasis, rashes and scar tissue. Sandalwood oil can be found in consumer products such as creams, deodorants, incense, lotions, perfumes and soaps.
Be advised you should not apply sandalwood oil directly to your skin. For topical application, be sure to mix sandalwood essential oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or jojoba oil. Also, for your safety, I recommend you perform a skin test on the underside of your arm to ensure you are not allergic before applying this oil over a large area.
Health Benefits of Sandalwood Oil
According to Organic Facts, the many health benefits of sandalwood essential oil can be attributed to "its properties as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic, antispasmodic, astringent, cicatrizant, carminative, diuretic, disinfectant, emollient, expectorant, hypotensive, memory booster, sedative and a tonic substance."26
A 2017 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology validated its "biological activity as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiproliferative agent."27 The study authors asserted:28
"Sandalwood album oil has also shown promise in clinical trials for treatment of acne, psoriasis, eczema, common warts and [the skin infection] molluscum contagiosum.
The favorable safety profile, ease of topical use and recent availability of pharmaceutical-grade sandalwood album oil support its broader use as the basis of novel therapies in dermatology."
For aromatherapy, you might try blending sandalwood oil with bergamot, geranium, lavender, myrrh, rose, vetiver or ylang-ylang.29 Below is a summary of the top health benefits associated with sandalwood essential oil:30
Anti-inflammatory — While beneficial for all types of inflammation, sandalwood oil is known to be particularly beneficial with respect to circulatory and nervous system-based inflammation31
Antiseptic — Soothes boils, pimples, sores and wounds, ensuring the affected areas remain infection free32,33
Antispasmodic — Given its nature as a relaxant and sedative, you may find sandalwood oil to be useful to counteract spasms by relaxing your blood vessels, muscles and nerves; apply it when you have aches, coughs or cramps34
Astringent — While mild compared to other natural compounds, sandalwood oil is said to possess astringent properties beneficial for tightening your skin; for this reason, it is commonly found in aftershaves and facial toners35
Disinfectant — The distinctive fragrance of sandalwood oil has been shown to repel insects and resist germs, which is why it is a popular ingredient in disinfectants, fumigants, incense sticks and sprays36
Expectorant — It is specifically effective in treating coughs, but it also helps fight the infections that cause coughs, colds, the flu or mumps37
Memory booster — Sandalwood oil has been noted for its ability to boost your memory and support concentration, thereby reducing anxiety and stress38
Sedative effect — This oil is well-known for inducing calmness, positivity and relaxation, driving away anxiety, fear, restlessness and stress39
Possible Reasons for Hair Loss and Steps You Can Take to Troubleshoot the Issue
If you are losing your hair, be assured I am someone who understands what that is like. Hair loss is a common condition that affects most people — including me — at some time in their lives. Regardless of your age and health, hair loss can be an embarrassing, emotional and psychologically damaging ordeal that can affect your mood, self-esteem and relationships.
In many cases, hair loss has genetic ties, but that is just one of the possible causes. You may be losing your hair due to:40
An autoimmune condition such as alopecia areata
Medication side effects
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) if you are a woman
Chronic illness such as anemia or thyroid disease
Hormone imbalance, such as producing too much testosterone if you are a woman
Vitamin or mineral deficiency, including a lack of B vitamins, vitamin D, iron, magnesium and zinc, to name a few
While there are many commercially available medications and treatment options for hair loss, I advise you to consider the natural remedies first. As a first step, work with your doctor to rule out an underlying illness, hormone imbalance, medication issue or vitamin or mineral deficiency. If it's been awhile since your last physical and complete blood count, schedule it as soon as possible.
If stress might be a factor in your hair loss, you might consider using the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to reduce your stress level, as demonstrated in the video above.
Only as a last resort should you consider applying a synthetic chemical compound, like the one mentioned earlier, to your scalp. As disappointing as it may seem, the potential adverse side effects of Sandalore® and other conventional hair-loss treatments almost always outweigh any potential benefits.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/10/01/synthetic-sandalwood-chemical-for-hair-growth.aspx
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marcusssanderson · 6 years
50 patience quotes on life, love and success
Our latest collection of inspirational patience quotes on Everyday Power Blog. Enjoy!
One thing many of us could practice more is having more patience. In a world where everyone tends to opt for quick-fix solutions, not many possess the virtue of being patient.
In today’s times, many people seem to lack the necessary willpower to wait just a bit longer for something more worthy. Instead, when they want it, they want it now; without any kind of delay.
Granted, we all find ourselves in situations where we simply can’t afford to wait. Afterall, we are always reminded that time is money.
But whether it’s in a relationship, at work, towards a stranger you meet during your day, or in life as a whole, being more patient and understanding of others can help you stay positive and happy. And remember, “good things come to those who wait.”
In that respect, here are some powerful patience quotes to help bring a lot more peace in your life and to inspire you to be patient in your journey to greatness.
  Inspirational patience quotes on life, love and success
  1.) “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  2.) “Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.” – Joyce Meyer
  3.) “Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.” – Saadi
  4.) “Patience and Diligence, like faith, remove mountains.” – William Penn
  5.) “Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.” – Samuel Johnson
  6.) “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” – Napoleon Hill
  7.) “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” – Harriet Tubman
  8.) “One minute of patience, ten years of peace.” ~ Greek proverb
  9.) “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.” ~ John Quincy Adams
  10.) “It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience.” ~ Julius Caesar
  Inspirational quotes about patience and understanding
  11.) “Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.” – Phillips Brooks
  12.) “The test of good manners is to be patient with the bad ones.” – Solomon Ibn Gabirol
  13.) “When it comes to increasing motivation and self-control, you have to remain patient and allow your mind to adapt to the new changes.” – Jill Hesson
  14.) “Struggles often serve to release the wisdom, patience, and strength we all possess but too seldom demonstrate.” – Jim Stovall
  15.) “Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” ― A.A. Milne
  16.) “Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.” ― Molière
  17.) “He that can have patience can have what he will.” ― Benjamin Franklin
  18.) “Patience is a conquering virtue.” ― Geoffrey Chaucer
  19.) “The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience.” ― Leo Tolstoy
  20.) “I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.” ― Margaret Thatcher
  Inspirational patience quotes about love and relationships
  21.) “With love and patience, nothing is impossible.” ~ Daisaku Ikeda
  22.) “Patience is not sitting and waiting, it is foreseeing. It is looking at the thorn and seeing the rose, looking at the night and seeing the day. Lovers are patient and know that the moon needs time to become full.”― Rumi
  23.) “If you have patience, then you’ll also have love. Patience leads to love.” – Mata Amritanandamayi
  24.) “For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice – no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service.” – John Burroughs
  25.) “If we could look into each other’s hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.” – Marvin J. Ashton
  26.) “No one has patience for love except their own.” – Marjorie Celona
  27.) “Love, patience, and meekness can be just as contagious as rudeness and crudeness.” – Neal A. Maxwell
  28.) “An alternative to love is not hate but patience.” – Santosh Kalwar
  Inspirational patience quotes about learning and growth
  29.) “Each life is made up of mistakes and learning, waiting and growing, practicing patience and being persistent.” – Billy Graham
  30.) “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  31.) “Patience is the companion of wisdom.” – Saint Augustine
  32.) “Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience.” ~ George-Louis de Buffon
  33.) “Patience can’t be acquired overnight. It is just like building up a muscle. Every day you need to work on it.” ~ Eknath Easwaran
  34.) “Learning patience can be a difficult experience, but once conquered you will find life is easier.” Catherine Pulsifer
  35.) “When you encounter various trials, big or small, be full of joy. They’re opportunities to learn patience.” – Scott Curran
  36.) “Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.” – Stephen Covey
  37.) “Patience teaches us to turn provocations into invocations, to transform frustrations into celebrations.”– William Arthur Ward
  38.) “If you take it step by step, you shall least miss a step!”― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
  39.) “A wise man does not try to hurry history. Many wars have been avoided by patience, and many have been precipitated by reckless haste.” – Adlai Stevenson
  40.) “Patience is the virtue of an ass that trots beneath his burden, and is quiet.” – George Granville
  Other inspirational patience quotes
  41.) “It takes patience to listen. It takes skill to pretend you’re listening.”― Harmon Okinyo
  42.) “Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow – that is patience.” – Leo Tolstoy
  43.) “Our patience will achieve more than our force.” – Edmund Burke
  44.) “Patience is the support of weakness; impatience the ruin of strength.” – Charles Caleb Colton
  45.) “All human wisdom is summed up in two words – wait and hope” – Alexandre Dumas Père
  46.) “It is better to have a hen tomorrow than an egg today.”- Thomas Fuller
  47.) “Quite honestly, most people are quick to “write someone off.” But our God is a God of the second chance. Learn from One who is patient with you, and you’ll learn to be patient with others.” – Woodrow Kroll
  48.) “Great things are not accomplished by idle dreams, but by years of patient study.” – James H. Aughey
  49.) “At the bottom of patience one finds heaven.” – Kanuri
  50.) “By diligence and patience, the mouse bit in two the cable.” – Ben Franklin
  Which patience quotes were your favorite?
  There are certain things in life that take more time than others. Sometimes we need to allow life to follow its natural course. Otherwise, if we don’t learn to be patient, we might end up inflicting unnecessary pain on ourselves and on those around us.
In a world that strives for instant gratification, being more patient can help you stay positive and happy. Hopefully, these patience quotes have inspired you to develop the inner calmness to wait.
Did you enjoy these patience quotes? Which of the quotes was your favorite? We would love to hear all about it in the comment section below.
The post 50 patience quotes on life, love and success appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.
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