pelipper · 8 months
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I have a type.
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💥 Interdimensional Smash Brawl 💥
Redemption Bracket - Round 5 Results
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"Good morning, everyone~ Oh, you mean it's evening? Anyway, we're getting close to the end of the Redemption Bracket so it's time for us to know the outcome of its 5th round!
While we only have one match this round, we see how tough it got. But of course, only one team will be able to proceed to the next round. And that team is-"
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"Uh, Lucoa. You might wanna hear this first. Or I don't know if you'd even like this."
"What is it, Tsukui-san? Sounds urgent."
There was a bit of a discussion in the midst of the announcement. And after some time...
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"Ehh?! They forfeited just when they won?! But that's... well, I guess it can't be helped."
She adjusted herself for a bit before resuming her announcement.
"We apologize for that intrusion. We just recently received a notice that the team of Kiana Kaslana and Son Goku (@ancicntforged) declared themselves forfeited.
Thus, the team of Baldwin and Sarmenti (@thebreakfastmuses) has been announced as the winner for this round and will proceed to the next round.
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Yes, even I am surprised by this news. While that disappoints us, we're still grateful that Kiana's team made it this far. So to show our appreciation, we'll be giving them prizes soon which we promise that will be given to them after the next round.
And now, we move on to the roster which has... oh, looks like we have 3 teams remaining. We'll soon have the final round of the Redemption Bracket. And after that is the Championship Round!
So for our current lineup...
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As you can see, Baldwin's team will be facing the team of Mori Calliope and Takanashi Kiara (@cutetubers) in the last round.
After that, whoever wins will be fighting the team of Nanada Maroon and Vegeta (@lawain-dimensional-heroes) who won in the Main Bracket.
That's all for now. More will be announced soon regarding the upcoming round so stay tuned, everyone~"
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pochqmqri · 8 months
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Some other people found out from the teaser that Saki has a ring on one of her fingers, likely a wedding one. It doesn't seem like any of the other girls have rings, so she might be the only one in this sequel that is married, initially at least.
My hope is that she's married to Mai, or Michiru, I'm not picky, but it's most likely to a man.
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Off the top of my head, there are two possibilities from the original Splash Star. The first is Mai's older brother, Kazuya, who Saki is very clearly crushing on throughout the season, but it seemed more like an unrequited love a young girl might have for an older boy the same way in Cardcaptor Sakura where Sakura has a crush on Yukito.
The other option is Kenta, the boy that Saki occasionally banters with, and he also seems to crush on her a few times early on, but as the season progressed, their "romance" didn't really develop, like Saki never really saw him as anything more than a friend. I wouldn't be that opposed to him being her husband, since he's not bad compared to some of the other guy love interests in this franchise later on.
They could also just make up a man for Saki to be married too, and it's not like that's unrealistic, you don't always end up marrying your childhood friends/first love. In my opinion, that would feel a bit odd, because OtonaPre has about a 10-20 year timeskip from when we last saw these women, so to start off with Saki married to someone we know basically nothing about, feels a bit cheap, unless there is enough backstory to make it work. Even so, it's still up in the air how many episodes OtonaPre has, so I'm not sure they'd want to spend too much time laying the groundwork for that potential new character.
Moving onto Mai, it would be really sad if Saki was the only one of the two who got married. Like, for better or worse, in Splash Star, Saki is shown to be crushing on guys, while Mai didn't get as much development regarding romance, other than acting like a third wheel for Saki's endeavors. I don't recall Mai ever falling in love with a guy, in fact, you could say she was in love with Saki instead.
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Similarly, in the original Futari wa, Nagisa was the one who got most of the romantic development. Hell, in Max Heart, Honoka barely got episodes focused on her while Nagisa had several where she tried to vie for Fuji-P. Should they be in OtonaPre, and although I don't want it to happen, Nagisa would probably end up with Fuji-P. It would be such a shame, because one of her traits in the original anime is that she's popular with the girls, even getting love letters from them. She exclaims how she'd rather be popular with the boys than girls, but in a later episode, she says that if Honoka was a boy, she'd be in love with her, which I think does a good job at hinting towards her closeted feelings. I really detest the trope where romance between girls is seen as a thing to "grow out of," like it's just a schoolgirl fad.
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Regarding Honoka, they don't really give her much in hetero romance. There are like, three guys that I can think of that only maybe could be paired with her, barring another new man they invent. The first is Fuji-P's friend/teammate, Kimata, but he barely interacts with Honoka at all, and I would hate that, because it would feel like a "consolation prize" if Nagisa ended up with Fuji-P. The second is Kiriya, the former Dotsuku Zone denizen who infiltrated their school to try and defeat them, only to end up developing a strong bond with the sisterly Honoka, but I never really saw this as a budding romance, especially on Honoka's end. Plus, Kiriya basically dipped by the end of the original Futari wa, and didn't even show up in Max Heart, so it would just feel like an afterthought if they paired them together with that missing development. The third option is Nagisa's younger brother, Ryouta, who has a crush on Honoka, but, lmao, that's really just played as a joke.
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In fact, I think the anime actually portrays Honoka as being mostly uninterested in boys, despite being popular with them. She rejects all of their advances, says that if she were to go out with a boy, there'd need to be mutual respect, which implies that she doesn't feel respected by them and thus doesn't even consider them. There's also the fact that she admires Nagisa's popularity with the girls, which I feel hints at something a bit more about her romantic desires. I could go on here, but I hope this gets my point across.
To sum it up, Saki ending up with a family while Mai doesn't would create such a disappointing incongruity for these two women who were very intertwined in the anime we watched them in. The same is true of Nagisa and Honoka should they also appear. I would rather none of them end up with any romantic conclusion (thus leaving it up to interpretation) whatsoever than only some of them having it.
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caruwu · 3 months
I've been really planning to add team RW.BY (plus Penny) as muses because my current muses have been screaming at me to meet them so badly. Why I haven't done so yet is because I want to make them completely AU. Well, with a bit of huntress stuff and use of semblance I guess.
The plan was to make them members of Total Intersection Group. The same group that Lala, Carl and Dotsuku are currently part of. But the information about this group hasn't been polished yet. I had some plans for it but kept forgetting it because of other muses, including OCs.
So yeah. This might take some time while it has already been considered.
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ffprecurespain · 11 months
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[Pretty Awards 2023]
¡Tenemos nuevos resultados de los Pretty Awards! Esta vez es de la categoría de «Mejor diseño de un reino enemigo».
Los ganadores de la categoría en esta ocasión son:
1º) Dysdark: Hope Kingdom & Bosque de la desesperación – Go! Princess PreCure
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2º) Bad End Kingdom – Smile! Pretty Cure
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3º) Jikochuu: ‘GoGo Jikochuu’ & Trump Kingdom – DokiDoki! Pretty Cure
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Tenemos también menciones honoríficas para la base Notraiders (Star Twinkle! Pretty Cure) y para la Zona Dotsuku (Futari wa Pretty Cure & Max Heart) por quedar ambos en 4º puesto.
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¿Qué les han parecido los resultados? ¡Coméntanos en comentarios tu opinión y a quién pondrías en primer lugar!
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gale-dragon-writer · 7 months
Here are some moments from my non-Miraculous stories that aren't in any particular order.
Phantom Relations
Danny sighed as he handed out the booklets of the Ghost Zone Ghosts to the new Fenton Recruits when he said, "Here, Mr Walker made these to show which of the Ghosts are the most dangerous here in the Human World. Memorize them or else you'll get in trouble."
Jazz held up her right index finger when she added, "With both the Ghost in question and Mr Walker himself if he catches you slacking off on learning these Ghosts."
Sam shrugged when she said, "He's gotten better at that."
Technus leaned back a bit with a weary look on his face when he got out slowly, "No... Why are YOU telling me this?"
"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Paulina said as she waved a hand. She then pointed at Sam when she asked in disbelief, "How do YOU know someone as super popular as Ember?"
Sam raised a brow when she replied, "Uhh, she's gotten in trouble with the law a few times. So I have the unfortunate joy of knowin' her."
Danny scratched his head before he asked, "Umm... Before or after she tried to, uh, hit on Walker?"
Sam shot her friend a glare when she stated, "I told you to never bring that up."
Tucker raised a brow when he got out in confusion, "Uh, no offence, but Walker doesn't seem to be the type of person, or Ghost in this case, that Ember would go for."
Danny, trying to avoid Sam's glare, was quick to say, "That's not why she did it."
Nocturne slid a glass of water to Jack when he asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"
The human took the offered glass with a tired expression before he said, "You already seem to know, so why bother?"
Nocturne's expression softened when he said, "True, but talking about it can help make sense of these dreams."
Walker cringed in disgust before he got out, "NO! Like hell I would be interested in someone like her!" He then looked to the side as he said in a softer tone, "But... I can't help but feel like I've met her before... Somewhere."
Clockwork smiled when he said, "All shall be revealed in time."
Adventuring in Another World.
Dotsuku flashed a smile, that hopefully hid his uneasiness when he said, "I guess I was lucky with being in the right place at the right time." He then took a gulp of his drink.
Takeyasu glanced at his brother when he said, "Oi, Aniki..."
Nagayuki nodded when he said, "Yeah..." He looked over the string of well-crafted, coloured beads when he added, "These were made by someone who knows what they're doing. And expertly, might I add."
"AAAAA-CHOOO!" Nezumi suddenly got out. He sniffed as he rubbed his nose. His attention was back on what he was doing. Nezumi carefully carved a bone into a couple of bead shapes. He carefully looked them over before he set the better-looking ones to the side in a growing pile to dye later.
Dotsuku walked into the shared rented room before closing the door behind him. He was quick to notice what the teen was doing before he asked, "Were you that bored while I was away?" He glanced at the pile of beads when he added, "Umm... Don't you think you made too many?"
Nezumi was now aware of the number of beads he made when he said, "Uhh, I think I did..."
Sharyu's eyes sparkled as she took another bite of the sweet.
Along for the Ride
"Sharyu, Warrior of the Monkey! Killing Peacefully!"
Conner blinked in confusion when he realised the strange-shaped gemstone had been snatched from his hands. His eyes followed the Twins as they quickly used a cloth to clean the gem's surface of any fingerprints before they placed it back in the statue's paws. But the clone could still hear the sound of the violin playing the song coming from the gem. 'Can... No one else hear that?' Conner wondered as he watched the Twins offer their apologies to the Rat statue.
Artemis stared at the scene before her in shock when she got out, "What! What the hell happened to him?!"
Kid Flash's face contorted in a grimace when he said, "He looked like he was attacked by... Something nasty."
"A lot of somethings..." Robin noted, resisting the urge to hurl, as he tried to analyze the bite marks in the raw flesh. He just could look at those for more than a few seconds.
Uuma tilted his head in confusion. Scratching his right cheek with his right index finger as he thought back to the interrupted Rite Of Passage.
As he kept his grip on the squirming orangette in his left arm, Ushii used his right to pull a gold coin out of his pocket. The Warrior of the Ox flicked the coin to the bar owner when he stated, "This should cover whatever she drank and any damages she caused. I apologise for the scene but I must take my companion back for an important mission." He turned to the entranceway and started walking out when he scolded the woman struggling in his hold, "Tora, you have been told to hold off on the drinks until after we get our Rat back."
"Meeeeeeeeeeanie!" Tora slurred out before she sniffed the Warrior of the Ox's hair. She now had on a goofy grin when she got out drunkenly, "Ooooo, you smell nice!' She then proceeds to nuzzle the other like a snuggling cat.
Ushii pretended not to notice the Warrior of the Tiger's antics, or the stares he was getting from all these Outsiders.
Ninja Chat Group
(Quick note: Sasuke is Storm Shadow's screen-name and Menekineko is Snake-Eyes' screen-name.)
Sasuke: "Brother... Regarding the last mission...'
Menekineko: "What the hell was Cobra Commander thinking?!"
Sasuke: "... Are you sure everything is alright? No one but me and the Joes saw, right?"
Menekineko: "Are you seriously asking me that after what just happened?"
Sasuke: "I was making sure that none of the COBRA Agents saw... You know..."
Menekineko: "Not like they would be believed if they said anything to the other COBRA members."
Sasuke: "... You know what, that's fair."
Sasuke: "Oh f-! KIM?!?!?"
Menekineko: "They're a group of contract hires that we ran into and were willing to "help" me with the task."
Sasuke: "Hmm, that comment came a little too quickly.
Menekineko: "I'm a fast at typing, remember?"
Sasuke: "Let me rephrase that..."
Sasuke: "That comment was sent faster than normal for you."
Usagi and the Ink Machine
Tsugiyoshi snickered as he snapped a photo with the camera as Misaki cooed.
Eiji pulled out a notepad and a pen from his outer vest pocket and started writing a ticket for the building's safety violations he could currently see when Michio said out loud, "Hello? Mr Drew? Are you here?"
The grey-haired teen squinted an eye at the cutout before realizing why it looked familiar. "Oh, it's Usagi the Demon Rabbit," he said before he quickly snapped a picture of the cutout.
Kanae spotted an old ink well under the main animator's desk when she said, "Knowing that now... It makes you wonder what kind of boss Mr Drew was back in the day..."
"The walls seem strange..." Eiji responded, only half paying attention. 
Michio raised a brow at this and asked, "And what about the walls is distracting you so much that you outright missed me calling you by a nickname that gets you flustered?" 
This got Eiji's attention when he asked, "You did what now?" 
Kanae gave her twin brother a concerned look when she said, "Eij, explain best you can about this 'weirdness' of the walls." 
Eiji glanced at the walls again when he said, "I do not know. I did notice that the walls in that animator's room also seemed strange... I think the strangeness was more potent in there, and I can not understand why..."
Inounoshishi growled before she hissed out, "I just want was promised to me!"
Until the chapters come out.
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nutcromantist · 2 years
The warriors having an S/O who’s trans? Im getting a vibe that some of them would be supportive of trans rights
Fellow trans 🤝
Warriors with a trans lover
Ushii is probably the one who knows the least about it, he might be a little awkward at first purely because he’s afraid to say the wrong thing
He’s so respectful though and he’ll pay close attention to whatever you tell him about it
He makes sure you know that he loves you no matter what and he doesn’t think of you any different
Afterwards he’ll do research on his own to be more informed. I’m talkin reading glasses ON. typing “transgender” into google with one finger
My girl Tora is loudly supportive
There’s no uncomfortable moments and you’ll never wonder how she feels
She’ll never mix up your name or pronouns
Honestly I think there’s a good chance that she’s explored her identity before ultimately deciding that being a woman fits, or I can see her being a she/they
When you tell her, she’ll demand that you celebrate and the drinks are on her tonight
Dotsuku isn’t super well versed in what it means to be transgender, I’m sure he knows of It,,, but he is going to be worried that it also means your sexuality has changed and you’re not attracted to him anymore
He’ll be supportive of you either way but he’ll be much happier for you once you explain that you’re still his
He might use the wrong pronouns or name a couple times at first but he picks it up quickly and he’ll beat the shit out of anyone who does it on purpose
Ino,,, I love her so much but she’s honestly gonna be a little bit insensitive at first
Not straight up cruel but she definitely doesn’t realize how tender of a subject it is. She’s kind of dismissive at first like “okay and?”
Ino is so traumatized by her mom to always be thinking of appearances. She has to be perfect and because you belong to her, you also have to be perfect.
You are very special to her though, so I think once she realized that she hurt your feelings and how important it is to you, she would apologize in her way
Her way being that she would spoil you with expensive gifts and offer to pay for any surgeries or hormone treatments you desired
You have to be perfect but she comes to realize you already are
Sheep (he’s your grandpa)
Hitsujii has been around the block multiple times, he’s probably been in lgbt spaces before if for nothing else than for fun
He might not have current information though, he probably still would use the term transsexual and stuff like that
Ultimately though he would try his best and he’s not judgemental
“....okay?? Like I give a shit.”
He doesn’t care. It’s as if you dyed your hair or something
He’ll slip up on your pronouns (assuming you changed em) most of the time in the beginning but if you remind him a couple of times he’ll get it
Calls you slurs
I’m joking (well… sort of)
He probably will tease to get a rise out of you but he doesn’t mean it
If you’re someone he really cares about he’ll feel bad about it if you get upset and make an actual effort to be nicer about it in his own way
Gjdhshd I can so see him using your new correct pronouns and being like “well you always looked (manly/girly) anyway”
You knew before you ever came out that she not only would support you but also be happy that you’re finding your most authentic self
actually I say ally but she’s definitely lgbt I just haven’t decided which way lol.
Have you SEEN her? cishet people aren’t like that
She’s also incredibly perceptive, she probably knows long before you tell her
Possibly even before you even know
I’ve thought about Usagi being trans for years just because I am and he’s my favorite lol
Whether or not you see Usagi as trans he’s still supportive of you
If you’re anything to Usagi he’s supportive of EVERYTHING you do.
Usagi also has a great memory and is focused on you anyway, so he won’t slip up even once.
Someone calls you your deadname and he’d be like “who’s that?” It’s as if he’s forgotten anything has changed
he’s not surprised anymore he’s probably seen every way this conversation can go
You’re nervously spilling your guts and he’s just like *yawn*
He’s totally chill about it, he probably doesn’t have a ton of opinions on trans people anyway and it doesn’t change the way he sees you at all
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"Hey there, Cayla. How have you been?" Dotsuku paid the little wolf girl a visit as it happened to be his day off. He even brought her some kind of a present.
Cayla smiled at the familiar face again. "Hiya, I've been good!" She answers, a wag of her tail.
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hehehe :3
I do plan on continuing in order chronologically (of what little Crunchyroll has available, meaning KiraKira is next)
I got to Episode 20 before stopping for the night; Cure Black n White got Poisony’s Prism Stone and next up looks to be Kiriya revealing himself as being from the Dotsuku Zone 👀
damn that's such a skip... that's quite literally going from season 1 to season 14
also omg that's. oh no. you're in for so much emotional turmoil. poor honoka
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jazminetoad · 3 years
Sharyu: What state do you live in?
Nezumi: Constant anxiety
Niwatori: Denial
Inounoshi: Perfection
Dotsuku: Florida
Usagi: Canada!
Dotsuku: Canada isn't a state
Takeyasu: It's a state of mind
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makeshiftvoiid · 3 years
*slams hands on table* here r a few dotsuku hcs cuz i care him:
- he’s too embarrassed to admit it but he’s scared of storms. headpats during them are very comforting and greatly appreciated
- actually headpats r greatly appreciated anytime, he loves them
- his tail wags when he’s happy.......bc dog..........
- he’s like. an actual god at cooking mama. he’s never gotten less than a gold medal
- you know zoomies? like when dogs just get rlly energetic and run around? that has happened to dotsuku on occasion. he just goes ham
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"I suppose another change of lineup has become inevitable."
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"Are you saying you're actually going to do that?"
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juseki-taisen · 4 years
Random Headcanon: Walking in High Heels
- Slays in heels, is that even a question? This woman could win a fist fight in three inch stilettos and look graceful doing it. 
- She probably was one of those unfortunate little girls that always had shoes that she could never scuff, and had a small heel to begin with. You know, the plastic kind that make you wanna die after 20 minutes as a kid
- Owns an ungodly amount of high heels. She does have some flats to rotate out for at home use, so she doesn’t shorten her achilles tendon from wearing high heels so much
- Will never admit her favorite shoes are actually a pair of Birkenstocks she keeps hidden in her room 
- Is the kinda guy who says it’s “probably not that hard to walk in them”, then falls immediately (his pride is hurt, please don’t laugh at him (but do it anyway))
- Can only do his normal boots. Anything else and it’s over. RIP
- Immediately had more respect for people who wear high heels after trying them himself
- Thinks they’re stupid, whoever invented them should be punched.
- Has a small fear his daughter will someday want a pair and hurt herself. Only buys her comfortable shoes because of this
- Wears them when she has to, not her favorite thing. 
- Does really well in them, but probably couldn’t do cartwheels
- Flat and comfortable shoes are better
- Probably secretly complains about them after wearing them for to long
- Please don’t make her wear them. Please. She begs you
-Only can wear small heels for a short amount of time, has maybe ONE pair of wedges
- Will not wear them on anything other than flat even surfaces. No she will not go on the cobblestone. Barefoot it is.
- Surprisingly okay in heels
- In his younger day he could probably stomach them, but as an odler man his friggin’ KNEES
- Loves sensible heels on women on special occasions
- The good gentleman who will never judge someone who would rather have flats at a fancy place instead of heels
- Pisses him off when you wear heels at weird times. 10/10 judging both Toshiko and Usagi for their choice in footwear while fighting
- Let’s be real, this gentle giant would fall just trying to stand. 
- Might be okay in a wedge, but he already drank his respect juice and doesn’t need to be subjected to heels to admire everyone and anyone who wears them
- If he had to for some weird reason, band aids. Lots of band aids. He would fall and hurt all over himself
- He’s the kind of guy that if he’s dating someone that wears them, he’d always have flats in his car/on his person just in case.
- Bro this dude is short and will hide it hell or high water ( 164 cm, about 5′ 3″)
- In canon he wears boots with a heel. Please don’t point it out, he’s sensitive and will set you on fire
- Probably found a pair as a kid and wore them to be taller than his brother, it lasted for five seconds before his brother decided to fly in the air, the jerk. 
- While he wears them on a regular basis, probably couldn’t do stilettos or a heel that’s really narrow. He’d roll his ankle. 
- Also smol bean
- Not as reactionary about his height, but also wears boots to try and hide it a little. 
- He can fly bro, at any point he can MAKE himself higher than you. Fight him. 
- Would probably be okay wearing a narrow heel, but would fall on uneven surfaces
- Never has bothered him to wear them, or at least he doesn’t let on to it. Catch him at the gym working out in them. Not only is her fitter than you, but he’s better coordinated
- Could walk a wire in the shoes, let’s be honest. He’s got skills
- Could walk in the most ridiculous shoes possible. 
- Does really well in heels
- Also more comfortable in a thick heel. She’s good, but not red bottom shoe good
- Also likes that it makes her taller. She’s about 5′. Let her have this. Please. 
- Comfort is a priority. She’d honestly ditch them if they hurt to bad. 
- You’d think he’s be amazing but he’s more...okay ish?
- He can do it, but he’s gonna have blisters
- Don’t make him walk on the cobblestone. He can do it but he may stumble. Let him hold your arm. 
- But damn do his legs look good. May wear them for a short time, just to prove he can
- Already has a slight heel in canon
- Surprisingly good at this??? How???
-Hates it, burning passion hates it, but can do it.
-No one knows how but he’s a natural?
-Will still get blisters though, and complain the whole time 
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Have you ever done a collaboration mission with Dotsuku?
Hmmm, there was that one time I teamed up with him but it was all mainly a blur in my head. There is this glimpse of memory I have where he looks sad? Is that the word? Probably not the right word but I don't know how else to describe it
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He didn't get in my way so that was a good thing, it'd kinda suck if I ended up killing a good ally by accident.
Strange enough, I didn't see him all that much in the Juuni Taisen. I wonder why
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caruwu · 2 months
As the topic about "dead" fandoms were mentioned some time ago, it had me recall that some of my muses from those presumably dead fandoms were mostly in AU.
Like in Carl's case, I only went probably amidst CT events and went on a different turn, almost making him some kind of an OC at this point. One reason is the bitterness I had on what they did to him in later installments of the game.
Another is Dotsuku, whose series he came from hardly had any characters in the RPC during its run. J.uuni T.aisen isn't that much good of a series but that's another topic to probably talk about in another time.
And there's Lala who's from one of those MonMusu shows. Probably the most OOC compared to her canon counterpart because she's canonically a chuuni type of dullahan.
In short, they were separated from their respective series in a sense.
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kemonomimioftheday · 4 years
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Today’s Kemonomimi of the Day: Dotsuku from Juuni Taisen
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