#Double pink hellebores in pots
ahamiltongarden · 5 years
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We are coming to the close of autumn. The two oak trees still have many golden yellow and green leaves to shed. We have big white bags of dry leaves lining the studio verandah and they will soon be mulched and put on the garden. Decent rain is coming in a day. The white camellias we planted last year along the driveway are starting to flower. It was quite a battle keeping the bushes alive over the hot dry summer. After flowering, new foliage should take off, aided by some fertiliser, and hopefully next year, there will be a more prolific flowering. The petals of the flowers are thick and waxy. Our Meyer lemon tree outside the kitchen window is laden with young yellow fruit that are too bitter to harvest just yet. The English parsley is starting to flourish in time for soups and parsley sauce. Our grass has at last turned green again, thank goodness, as that swathe unites the whole garden again, and on a beautiful mild sunny day, with white clouds billowing above, and the half tame thrush singing her heart out to gain my attention, makes one feel glad to be alive. I have recently dug up some double pink hellebores and put them in terra cotta pots to see how they flower with a little more attention from me. Potted sweet pea seedlings are coming through and the tulip bulbs lie beneath their covering of potting soil. Pots of grape hyacinths and daffodils are all serried together on the potting table to receive their daily dose of sun. The daphne bushes in the side garden are budding and will start to flower around the first of July, not so far away. Today I cut the old yellowed foliage off the sedums as the new rosettes are breaking through the soil. I am ready for winter.
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buntycake · 4 years
The Brothers and Wedding Day (Suit-Wearing MC)
Diavolo having asked Lucifer to take care of some tasks before school, he met you at the entrance of RAD. On the steps of the school, illuminated by Devildom’s moon, Lucifer stood dressed up in a black suit and red vest that were tailored to perfection. He made you hope that you looked even a fraction as stunning.
The white and black embroidered suit that the two of you had picked out together had looked amazing – at least it had on the hanger. You owed it to Asmo for looking as good as you did. This morning he made it his goal to help you with your hair, makeup, and accessories this morning. Even if he was a few ideas away from going overboard, you were thankful.
So when his gaze met yours, eyes widening in surprise and a bright smile cracking over his face, your heart fluttered with happiness. He offered his arm as you reached the top of the steps and looked over your costume appreciatively. “Stunning, as always,” he’d complimented.
As you walked arm in arm through RAD, stares from the student body were abundant. Even Diavolo did a double-take when he met up with you two. He joked that you should hold a ceremony. After all, it would be a waste to look so good only for a school event.
Mammon had insisted on getting dressed together and ended up worming his way into your room. He claimed that he couldn’t risk someone seeing you in your outfit before him. You were his human and he had to be first in everything. So, he stayed, and you dressed in the bathroom.
The outfit you picked out was a dress shirt, fitted pants, and a simple tie. There was gold detailing on the shirt that made you shimmer under the light. You had thought that with all the gold accessories added on you would look garish, but looking at yourself in the mirror, you looked lavash. Like you bathed in money for fun.
Mammon was pacing nervously around the room when you exited the bathroom. He seemed to freeze and buffer when he caught sight of you. You couldn’t help but chuckle and took the chance to take in his appearance, too.
He looked roguish in a suit. Mostly because he didn’t button up his shirt, tighten his tie, or fix his hair. Of course, his black suit was accented with gold – you were his human, so you had to match. Honestly, between the two of you, you kind of looked like you were attending a mafia wedding.
He blinked furiously, finally breaking out of his daze. With surprising speed, he stepped forward and grabbed your hands, he got down on one knee. “Marry me.” You laughed out of surprise. Mammon insisted that he was serious and that he’d buy you a ring later.
You’d never seen Levi sew until the first day of Spirit Week. That morning, you had tried putting on the traditional black kimono and hakama he’d made for you, but with all the fabric you ended up tripping over yourself and tearing one of the layers while trying to put it on.
When you brought the torn kimono to his door, you expected him to be mad. Instead he just took it from your arms and shuffled you into his room. He pulled out a sewing machine from god knows where and within 10-15 minutes he had gotten it patched up.
You could barely hear him offering to help you put on the kimono as he murmured. Even so, you accepted the offer. As embarrassing as it was to be undressed in front of him, you had a feeling that Levi was even more embarrassed, if his flushed face was any indication. But he diligently helped you put on each layer of the outfit. His hands steady the entire time.
When he had finished, his gaze lingered on you for a moment longer than necessary. Then he excused himself and went to put on his own outfit. He exited his bathroom with a traditional black kimono and hakama – his sigil of envy embroidered on each shoulder. His blush returned when you told him he was handsome. From the corner of his room he produced a parasol and surprisingly bold this morning, he took one of your hands.
Even though your outfits weren’t as flashy as some others at RAD (looking at you Asmo), there was something more intimate to them. Walking hand-in-hand under a paper parasol, you almost feel like true newlyweds.
Satan took a more historical approach to the prompt. Instead of dressing in modern wedding styles, he was set upon basing your costumes on a different era. So, the two of you researched weddings across the ages and decided on the Victorian Era. He had some suits fashioned for the two of you – with a couple of modern touches, like less scratchy fabrics.
The day of, you had expected to look much more uncomfortable in your suit. Afterall, the whole ensemble included the appropriate socks, high-waisted pants, an undershirt, a collar shirt, a vest, a cravat, a morning coat, and (of course) a top hat. The whole outfit was a bit stuffy, given all the layers, but you felt exceedingly charming in it. Maybe it was the top hat or the smart mulberry coat, but you were struck with a surge of confidence as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You were startled by a knock on the door. On the other side you found Satan, looking absolutely princely. He wore a traditionally blue morning coat with a white waistcoat and green hellebore flowers tucked in his coat pocket. It looked as if he tried to slick back his hair, but a few troublesome strands still managed to fall in his face.
Admittedly, you had felt shy under his gaze as he seemed to take in every element of you. He took your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it.  “You look absolutely exquisite.” With how hot your face became; you could have boiled a pot.
It turned out wearing multiple layers in Devildom wasn’t the best idea. It was a blessing that Satan was around to remind you to drink water or to sit down and shrug off a few layers when you got too woozy. Even so, the two of you were the most elegant looking couple at RAD. It was like you had stepped out of a vintage photo.
Trust that Asmo has spent WEEKS planning for this day and you were absolutely dragged into that preparation. This included tearing through wedding boutiques looking for the perfect dress. Make no mistake, he gets to wear the wedding dress. Period.
Inevitably, none of the dresses met his expectations and he designed his own. Poor Levi was roped into helping make the dress. Once all that was completed, then it was your turn. He helped you pick out a chic suit. The two of you decided to ditch the plain, traditional suit for a sleeker vest suit.
You saw the dress on the hanger before you saw it on Asmo because he insisted you get ready together so he could help you with your ensemble. After Asmo’s 100 step self-care routine and getting dressed in your own outfit, he finally stepped out in his full costume.
Draped in silvery organza that gathered on a floor like a blooming flower, his modesty barely saved by the plunge line, stark white sheath underneath the transparent fabric, Asmo looked beyond stunning. He forwent the traditional veil for a giant, wide brimmed lace hat.
Of course, you complimented him, and he ate it up. However, the rest of the morning was devoted to you. Your brightly patterned vest was the statement piece of your outfit and Asmo was able to bring it all together with a few choice accessories. Together, the two of you were so dazzlingly, that the student body has a hard time looking at you directly.
At RAD, Asmo insisted on a photo shoot. Of course, he roped other students into it, too. He spent a decent part of the day photographing other’s outfits. When he showed you the glamour shots he took of you, you were floored. Even dressed in an outfit out of your comfort zone, Asmo had managed to capture you candidly – truly as yourself.
Honestly, Beel was just happy that you wanted to dress up with him. He went shopping with you to pick out outfits and worked to match his outfit to whatever suit you chose, but he didn’t really have an opinion on his own outfit. So, he ended up choosing a classical tuxedo.
The day of, he came to your door, a rose and a sunflower in hand, and looking like the sweetest thing in the world. You felt the heat rising in your cheeks as he tucked the flowers into your coat pocket and complimented your appearance.
The two of you weren’t the flashiest couple at RAD, but you sure did get a lot of looks when Beel decided to carry you bridal style for the rest of the day. The action had Lucifer in a tizzy, but it just made you feel warm and loved to be tucked into his chest. Asmo just had to take a picture of you two like that. You were glad he did, since you now keep that photo tucked in a safe place.
The highlight of the day for Beel was absolutely the massive wedding cake that Barbatos made for lunch time. It had to have had at least a hundred tiers to it. The cake was the traditional white with intricate pink and red frosting roses as decoration. Beyond Barb’s beautifully crafted cake, Beel seemed to really appreciate the tradition of couples feeding cake to each other. Especially when he could use it as an excuse to kiss the remaining crumbs off your lips.
Belphie decided he was going to wear a pajama suit to Wedding Day. You know, the ones with a suit printed on the front? Yeah, there was zero effort to be had for Spirit Week. So, you just decided to roll with it.
You found a suit made of satin pajama material, some slippers, and used a bed sheet as a cape for some flair. Belphie couldn’t help but laugh when you went to retrieve him from the attic. It was enough to prompt him to go to school that day. BUT you had to bridal carry him there. (Don’t worry, Beel helped you out if you weren’t strong enough.)
The two of you were clearly out of place in your pajamas among the sea of white dresses and suit. You got plenty of odd stares from the other students as you passed them in the halls. Asmo was personally offended by the costumes you showed up in. Even more so because the two of you wouldn’t take a proper photo. The two of you looked like a walrus passed out on Ambien every time someone turned a camera on the two of you.
It wasn’t until the two of you started napping anywhere and everywhere at RAD that Lucifer began to rag on the two of you. The temptation was too much for Belphie. He was wearing pajamas and your bed sheet cape made naps easily accessible. It was just too easy for the two of you to cuddle up together.
Apparently, Lucifer had been holding back a lecture on proper attire because it was Spirit Week but sleeping in the middle of the hallway was the last straw.  The two of you got a scolding that was about half a day long, but according to Belphie, it was completely worth it. He could never regret spending a day creating mischief with you.
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Before starting the ID I want to say there are some OC characters in this, and I’ve described their general appearance in this google doc for ref!
[ ID: Wide front view colored art drawn traditionally and colored digitally. Every character is in fullbody except Dr Habit whos drawn till above legs. In the scene many people are gathered out in the winter snow at a backyard. Snow falls everywhere. Overall pic is light blue toned. There is slight pale vignette around it.
Dr.Habit is looking away and wiping a tear, smiling. In the artists interpretation he has yellow fur, pink hair, stitches on hands, deep red nails.He wears long brown fur coat, big white knitted scarf, black fingerless gloves, black fur ushanka with orange fruits and green leaves design. Wears hair in a long plait. A dark grey maine coon leans into him.
Putunia is laying down, hands on cheeks making a ''ooo'' face in anticipation and glee. In the artists interpretation she has long dark brown curly hair. She wears a purple petunia shaped dress, blue pants, short brim straw hat with fake purple flowers,  thick yellow socks. Wears hair in big pigtails tied with pink bobble ties. She is looking at Lil Habby( the puppet) holding a fire gun to a melting chocolate bar, melting into a cup for making a drink. He wears the usual with a pink flower in hair. He has long thin simple shadow arms and legs here.
Marigold is sitting idle on the grass, looks curiously at snow on his petal hair, maybe even irritated. Near him on a pink cushy sofa with green highlights and little yellow flower designs sits Rose playing his flute eyes closed and legs kicking casually. In this picture his hair is longer. His hair tie rests on a sofa arm.
Behind him the Carlas are making a Snow Carla. Fortune Teller Carla is smiling and keeping a camellia on the snow figure. A red sleeveless dress and red gloves are drawn on her, wears hair in double buns with sparkling grey flower bands encircling buns, green eyeshadow. Another Carla laughs heartily, adding more snow.  A green buttoned dress with yellow ''fluff''  and striped brown cap with same fluff is drawn on her. The third Carla's face is away from viewer, she too is adding snow. A blue dress like Elsa's icy dress and a purple flower crown is drawn on her, though the cape is actually worn. The Snow Carla has one swirly eye dug in, a button eye with leaf lashes and branch eyebrow, carrot nose, red wax lips stuck on. From the camellia tree behind the red-clothed one, a pair of green cat eyes with thick brown brows stare.
Farther away on the other side Kamal is walking in, holding a half eaten pitha in hand while approaching. He holds a bag with a box saying ''To Kamal, with love''. In the artists interpretation his face is acne scarred. He wears a blue-black sweater, purple scarf, blue pants, brown winter shoes with white fluff at the top, one gold earring, frog shape chew necklace, hair is in a bun.
At the center Trevor is reaching up  with a stool and fiddling with a giant vibrating hot chocolate machine. He wears his usual coat with added blue jeans, red scarf with yellow and black stripes, leopard print heels, green goggles, mask for mouth, silver ear piercings. Hair is in a mullet and nails are sharp and black. The machine has a funnel streaming black smoke, and many bright devices on it. In the center of it is a radioactive symbol. On one side to its bottom is a part reading ''DEVIL MODE'' in allcaps with fire graphics, a big red button in a glass case is above it with a note that reads ''Never(underlined) touch'', stuck with a smiley face pin. There is a mounted fish figurine on one handle. The hot chocolate is fizzling over the brim.
Behind him a long table laiden with food is seen. There are swirl designs on the wood's sides. There are red and green apples, borscht, three colored drinks, yorsh, glintvein , 3 tier chocolate cake, shchi, cut open peaches, cut round bread, bowl with sweet bread cakes, three small buns, full breasted chicken in aluminium foil. Lily is looking over the table edge, grinning with the aim of stealing the cake.
There are plants around, a winter garden. In some places a green color overtakes the snow with grass growing. All over the yellow fence, to the left side, are huge clumps of winter jasmine.
To the horizon trees in blue-green shades with snow coverings are seen, closer and then farther and farther away. In that distance the silhouettes of Jimothan smiling and waving to Trencil, while dragging Parsley through the snow behind him are seen. Trencil stands and smiles, a little of his towering purple castle with red highlights, many turrets, visible.
end ID]
yisssss MFERS I made a winter piece before winter was FUCKING OVER sobsob
heres my yearly tribute to the season of nosebleeds cracked lips and flies aND SNOW!!!!!!!!(NOT WHERE I LIVE ;W;)
Also my birthdays really soon. Like next week soon
Ermmm ahffjd to talk a little about what I drew...hmmhfhg...well idk if the perspective( god i tried) makes this look different so ill just throw it out there thats Habits not looking at my sonaJDJVNJ hes looking away and crying due to found family feelings. Carlas doing some gay shit. Pabit+Putunia about to start a small localized natural disaster. I mean how else do u make hot choco without setting chocolate on fire tbh. Hotted chocolate. aNd YeS mY fAmIlY SeLf iNsErTs ArE ThErE tOo >:3. The machine will explode tommorow but its OK. They can make bath bombs from the carnage. Hrhggh I had a different idea but then my sis changed my HC so Im just gonna say Habit built it but with Trevors help hence the flashiness nd DEVIL MODE. Now that ive watched hlvrai i cant stop dropping references this series is so quotable .   Sawww those guys in the back? Honestly Trencils probably a winter person with the low light, fog and blocked sun.
I dont Expect a lot of notes or anything but I suppose its alright, one of the important things to me is just archiving my art somewhere.
I know the IDs long but I’d recommend reading through if u also wanna like know the specifics of what I drew, OVER 15 PLANTS I THINK   I’d be flattered,
If you reblog with tags i’ll be happy though!!
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[ID: The same drawing but with no editing- no vignette, snow overlay, blue overtone or color correction. end ID]
EDIT: Shortened the rlly long ID, but if someone wants to know the plants i drew under ‘winter garden’;  The flowers and plants visible at front are virginia rose, red chokeberry, snowdrops, a single frost covered rose, piers japonica in pots. To the middle inkberry, more snowdrops, colored hellebores patch,  glory of snow, black hellebores patch, pansies, cyclamens, yellow aconite, some more snowdrops. A little farther are two winterberry plants, a camellia tree, witch hazel, english primroses, staghorn sumac. 
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sussex-nature-lover · 4 years
Wednesday 8th April 2020
What’s Going On Out There?
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Mid morning yesterday we looked out of the front windows and saw...other human life! Two tractors turning over the field - so now we have something to look forward to, watching and wondering what’s going to be going on over there.
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The Rooks were soon there checking it out too.
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The most activity that’s happening here though is with the Pheasants. One dominant male, up to eight females in the harem and another Prince Charming trying his arm.
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Here he is guarding some of the girls while they peck amongst the rough patch.  We’ve moved the two Towers because of the damage to the lawn alongside the patio...could do with some rain for that to start recuperating.
Yesterday we also took the chance to get the jet washer going and cleaned the patio, the table and loungers. Time to get the chairs out of the garage so we can take advantage of this sunny spell. It’s glorious at the moment and let’s face it we won’t be going further than the garden this Easter.
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I’ve potted on a few plants outside, but only have one bag of compost. Like most people I was going to stock up right about now and order a bulk bag of top soil too <sigh>  It’ll be good to have a rummage through the old pots though, see what needs cutting back and what’s still worth looking at. The Hyacinths are nearly all over now, but we still have a few Narcissus in bloom giving us a bit of cheer and colour.
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and this lovely Hellebore, a form of Helleborus Orientalis aka Lentern Rose
Hellebores are so welcome as they bloom soon after Christmas at a time when flowers are so scarce. They come in such a wonderful variety of colour; whites through to pinks and blue-black purples, with some in shades of green and yellow. Many are beautifully spotted inside, but no two are ever identical. Nowadays there are a bewildering array of doubles to add to the mix. Anyone taking the time to stop and lift up a bloom is always well rewarded.
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Mine is a variety called Swirling Skirts, which I can’t seem to find anywhere now.
This Double Queen would seem to be the closest at the moment.
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The bed the Hellebore is in is as hard as rock but dry as dust, so it’s hard work trying to take out the brambles and weeds, but it’s going to look good when it’s finished. Not as good as if we had new topsoil, but tidier than it’s been all Winter.
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The lovely blue Delphiniums are coming back, but we don’t have many flowers, preferring to rely on flowering shrubs.
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There’s some Sage and also some Rosemary in this bed too, but also some Chives which have escaped from the patio. Like Mint, I keep Chives in pots because they do have a habit of running off and taking up residence wherever they fancy.
I let them off though, because I really enjoy using Chives. I use a lot of herbs in cooking and they’re the only edible thing I grow due to all the wildlife rampaging around the garden. I’d be driving myself silly trying to police anything more valuable. I still haven’t forgotten the incident where I had a lovely bucket full of beautiful Parsley at bedtime and next morning it looked like it’d had a No 1 cut and was cropped to within an inch of its life. Something had a very tasty feast indeed.
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Chives are excellent plants to pair with tomato or mixed salads, sauces, omelettes etc. and potatoes (mashed or baked) and casseroles later in the year. I’ve snipped and open frozen some in tiny bags for when we no longer have fresh. Snipping with sharp scissors is much better than trying to chop with a knife.
These easy-growing plants only ask that you be a bit careful not to over-water, or you might make the bulbs rot.
This plant is also quite ornamental thanks to its summer blooming, and it can spread along edges, pathways and flower beds.
The small flowers form pom-poms about an inch across that are almost always pastel purple. They’re edible, too! Simply chop them up as you would the spice itself. Used in dips, they’ll give a rare, attention-seeking purple touch!
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Bay Flowers early April
That’s made me think now about my favourite herbs. I have some lovely Bay Trees, although they do seem to need quite a lot of attention, plus I grow the Chives, Flat Leaf Parsley, both Lemon and regular Thyme, Mint, Oregano (which the rabbits also enjoy) Rosemary and Sage. Herbs are so easy to grow and make a huge difference to most dishes even when you only use them for a colourful garnish.
Well now, sitting and writing won’t get me any further forward on the garden tidy-up. There are quite a few shrubs that’re struggling in pots and tubs and they’ll definitely benefit from going in the ground seeing as I can’t pot them on, so I’d better press on. And talking of tidy up, there’s an area under one window where the weed suppressing membrane and the large stones have definitely not accomplished their mission. Never a dull moment in the garden.
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Please Note:
Although I proof read, I inevitably miss things
Outside links are not recommendations or affiliates
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geralldhopp · 5 years
Here Come the Hellebores
In March, when the White Flower Farm display gardens are just waking from their winter sleep, the staff’s work detail is mostly about clearing away debris and making plans. But there is at least one notable exception: The Hellebores are showing plump buds that are ready to pop.
Hellebore buds popping up in the late winter garden.
In cold climates like ours, these rugged, beautiful perennials are one of the earliest signs of spring. Their habit of flowering in late February and March, during the season of Lent, and the Rose-like form of their blossoms, are why they are often called Lenten Roses. Gardeners prize these plants for their flowers and their foliage, and for a robust, cold-hardy disposition that makes them fuss-free, long-lived additions to any shade garden.
One of Spring’s Earliest Bloomers
Winter might not be fully over when Hellebores stoically send up their buds. Unlike other early performers that might get nicked by frosts, Hellebores are just fine in cooler temperatures. Plant them wherever you need a cheering early spring display.
The single, highly ornate flowers of Hellebore Honeymoon® ‘Rio Carnival’ can wake a garden from its winter slumber.
Hellebores come in a disarming array of colors – from pearly white and cream to butter yellow, rose, burgundy and almost black, with blossom forms ranging from single to doubles, all accented by a center of yellow stamens. Single Hellebore flowers are intriguingly complex in their anatomy but always large enough to notice from a distance. Showy doubles offer layers of petals. Many Hellebore blooms feature design details. There are freckles. There are hems and bands of contrasting colors. Breeders are developing varieties that have upward-facing flowers, which some regard as an improvement on the nodding or partially hidden blossoms that are characteristic of most earlier and classic cultivars.
The golden blossoms and buds of Hellebore Honeymoon® ‘California Dreaming’ bring the glow of sunshine to the late winter and spring garden.
The appeal of Hellebores lasts far beyond early spring. The flowers don’t fizzle when warmer weather arrives. The colorful blooms remain over an impressively long period. Months go by, and even as the flowers fade, they remain beautiful. Some would say they get better as time passes and the colors deepen or blanch.
The various colors and forms of Hellebores can be combined with splendid results. The Hellebore Honeymoon® Mix blends tones from ivory and pink to deepest red and near-black.
Ornamental Foliage for All Seasons
While Hellebore flowers often get the most attention, the glossy dark green, palmate foliage is of equal value in any shade garden. In many climates, the leaves are evergreen unless covered by snow. (In winters that are cold but not particularly snowy, Hellebore foliage may get scorched or tattered, but affected leaves can be pruned away, and as spring comes, the plants send up plenty more.)
The dark green, palmate foliage of a Hellebore, lower right, keeps its great looks all season. Here, it’s grouped with Hosta ‘June,’ left, and the golden, variegated blades of Hakonechloa (Japanese forest grass) ‘Aureola,’ top.
In an additional boon for gardeners, the leathery, serrated leaves are unappetizing to deer and voles (as well as other pests), which give Hellebores a wide berth.
It should be noted that Hellebore leaves, stems and roots are toxic and can cause a dermatological reaction in some people so we recommend wearing gloves and long sleeves when handling or cutting them. (Additionally, no parts of the plant should be eaten by humans.)
Hellebore Wedding Party® ‘Shotgun Wedding’ is a spectacular double with beautiful design detail on the multi-layered petals.
Caring for Hellebores
Hellebores prefer dappled shade and a compost-rich, well-drained soil. Under these conditions, they are trouble-free, but patience is imperative. These are not fast-paced perennials. Hellebores slowly but reliably gain size and bud count every year. When planting them, remember to give them sufficient space to expand. The winning formula is dappled shade and generous spacing.
In circumstances when Hellebore foliage gets beaten down by snow or tattered by the cold, some gardeners question whether to snip the foliage in autumn or wait until spring. In colder climates, you might as well snip it off in autumn and let the buds swell leafless. In warmer parts of the country, Hellebores may remain evergreen without suffering any damage. In that case, prune off leaves in late winter before the buds swell to make room for new growth. New leaves initiate rapidly no matter which way you play it.
Dividing Hellebores is not recommended. Although these plants may be slow to settle in, once they do, they rarely need division and may resent it.
Hellebore Honeymoon® ‘Paris in Pink’ pots up beautifully in a container.
Garden & Landscape Uses
Hellebores are at their best when planted in groups. Mass them in woodland areas where they will naturalize, or plant in 3’s and 5’s under trees and shrubs, along a pathway, or at the edge of a shady border. Create a dynamic display of contrasting colors, forms and blossom times by planting Hellebores with companionable shade-dwellers including Hostas, Astilbes, Hakonechloa (Japanese Forest Grass), Ferns, Heucheras, and Tiarella.
Hellebores also perform well in containers, and they make an impressive window box display with lasting appeal. Due to their thick, plentiful roots, you’ll want to afford them sufficient space for root growth and provide regular water. If winter seems too long, consider hosting a Hellebore or two indoors during the coldest months. On a windowsill, these beautiful plants blossom in the dead of winter. You’ll have flowers to carry you through the dullest days.
  Here Come the Hellebores published first on https://yeuhoavn.tumblr.com/
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reddirtramblings · 7 years
Every month Carol from May Dreams Gardens invites gardeners from around the world to celebrate what’s blooming for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. Check out her website to watch the progression of spring.
Narcissus ‘Ice Follies’ planted en masse is exquisite.
Narcissus ‘Ice Follies’
In 2016, my March garden was way ahead on Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, but in 2015, we were way behind. Such is the life of a prairie gardener. You never know what you’ll get especially in spring.
In 2017, I was in Italy on a pilgrimage. I do love to travel.
Here’s what’s happening this March for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day at our Little Cedar.
Also, I’ll give you some tips on garden cleanup. Bear with me on all the brown photos. There are blooms at the end. You see, if you clean up the garden, you get to see the flowers. Ha!
The original design for this garden came from Kitchen Gardener magazine, one of my favorite, all-time magazines. It was so ahead of its time. You can see the diamond at left, and the triangle beds surrounding it. I need to replace some of the boards in my triangular beds this year. It’s just a matter of placing them between the soil and rebar stakes.
Although there isn’t much to look at right now–in most of my gardens, the predominant color is brown–there are a few bright surprises here and there. However, with less foliage in March, you can see the diamond and triangle design in the back garden in the photo, above. You’ve read about garden rooms in magazines I’m sure. My garden is definitely a series of rooms with a mirror image of these beds on the other side and four long beds at the bottom of the back garden.
Then, there are the borders surrounding the house. I’m happy to write that I have those nearly finished. [Click on the photos in the galleries to enlarge them.]
Who helps in my garden?
Well, I do 95% of it myself. I work from home so I have more time than the average weekend gardener. Still, my son, Brennan, comes on Saturdays and helps me with heavy lifting when he isn’t mowing the yard. He likes the extra money, and I thank God for him every day, not just on Saturdays.
Front of the house. Please ignore the sun flash on this photo.
Long border next to the deck is finished, upper and lower.
Raised beds last summer as seen from our street.
Yesterday, he came over to help dig out some very unhappy hollies in the front borders. I’m replacing them with Taxus cuspidata ‘Capitata,’ Japanese yews, which grow vertically in a pyramidal shape, unlike spreading yews, because there is too much shade for hollies now. I’m also adding a ‘‘Green Tower’ boxwood in a sunnier spot.
Brennan using a pick mattock to break up the Bermuda grass and compacted soil. When I’ve dug out Bermuda for garden beds, I use a digging fork.
Bill fixing holes in the Bermuda grass with leftover grass and soil from the expanded border. Reuse, recycle.
The expanded border. In the center will be roses, and I’ll surround them with perennials.
Brennan using loppers to remove limbs from the hollies.
We also expanded a very narrow border on one side of the sidewalk that we added for the garden tour last summer. Brennan hacked out the Bermuda grass while I planted eight shrubs and trees in other parts of the garden. The 6′ x 25′ space is now ready for soil which Bill is bringing on Monday. It will take about 3.5 cubic yards of soil. Bill is bringing home a dump truck load, and we’ll also add soil to the raised beds we built for the cutting garden last summer. The soil compacted, so we need more. When we buy soil–which isn’t all the time–we buy manure mix from Minick Materials. I’ll plant roses in the center of the border and surround them with more native plants and daylilies. I have new daylilies I bought at the regional conference last year.
Daylily collecting is a sickness I tell you.
Miscanthus sinensis, maiden grass at the top of the diamond.
My garden is about an acre or so–it just keeps getting larger every year–so I take these individual rooms and work on them one-by-one. I cut back the ornamental grasses and perennials I’ve let stand all winter. Since we didn’t have snow this year, the grasses were mostly standing straight and tall. I leave the perennials in place to help overwintering pollinators, but now it’s time to cut them all back in preparation for new growth. I worked the beds all around this giant maiden grass because I knew it would be a lot of work, but I tackled it Thursday.  After you make your first cut into the grass you can see where you’re going. A lot of readers ask me how short to cut grasses. It all depends on the grass, and you’ll know because if you cut too low, you’ll get resistance from the grass itself. Maiden grass has a large crown. Pink muhly grass does not until it gets really large. I did the muhly grasses in the bed that faces the street much earlier this year.
Make your first cut into maiden grass and then you can see where you’re going.
Although I try not to touch materials more than once, with grasses, I sit and cut them with long shears and lay the spent grasses on the side. I then throw them into the garden cart or just carry them down to the pile.
I also prune and feed the roses. Below, ‘Carefree Beauty’ is trimmed up and ready for fertilizer. That large maiden grass is in the bed just behind her. You don’t need to cut back all your roses this severe, but it’s been a few years since I’ve given her a proper pruning. Hybrid Teas like to be pruned pretty heavily, but shrub roses don’t need it every year. The same is true for Rosa rugosa.
Also, don’t cut back your climbing roses until after they’ve bloomed. Just remove any dead canes.
Rosa, ‘Carefree Beauty’ pruned and ready for fertilizer and mulch.
In March, I also plant any new shrubs, trees, and roses. I may also plant a few perennials, but not if they have soft new foliage from being in a greenhouse. I saw a lot of those this week at the box stores.
Speaking of the greenhouse–mine in this case– is awash with color.
I cleaned the inside of the greenhouse and grouped the plants by color and type for easier transplanting outside in late April.
‘Meyer’ lemon blossom.
I spend a little time in here every day potting up, cutting back and enjoying the scent of the ‘Meyer’ lemon tree blooms. Fingers crossed I get a lemon this year. I may pollinate it myself with a paintbrush. I haven’t seen many honeybees in the greenhouse this year.
Orange cupped daffodil. I don’t know which one.
Daffodils through the garden gate.
Daffodils and ‘Ogon’ spirea. If you want a beautiful shrub for three seasons of the year, plant ‘Ogon.’
Daffodils, narcissus and the folly–garden shed.
Bright yellow narcissus beneath ‘Ogon’ spirea.
Elsewhere, daffodils bloom with abandon. We are in the first wave of daffodil bloom. The white daffodils like my favorite white heirloom, Narcissus ‘Thalia,’ have barely started. Only ‘Ice Follies’ is blooming in the whites. If you’re a longtime reader of this blog, you know how much I love my bulbs especially the older ones. My favorite source for old heirloom bulbs is Old House Gardens. You might even say I have bulbmania, and I’ve been known to tell a good bulb story.
The hellebores are about halfway through, and the tulips haven’t yet started. I told you we were behind. I planted tulips en masse in one bed under a large oak tree, which now gets water from the grass sprinklers along with more tulips in the front bed–I’m out of room–and in two containers. I also planted a lot of pansies and violas in the tulip bed for color in the meantime. It’s the greenest space in the garden.
The greenest bed in the garden is under an old oak tree. Soon, it will be full of tulips and white daffodils.
I placed a smaller pot on top of the containers to stop the squirrels. Well, they ate everything around the edge of the pots. This aggravates me. Next year I’ll put hardware cloth over the containers to stop the little buggers.
Watering the tulip pots. I don’t know if you can tell, but squirrels ate the tulips around the edges.
Let’s now move on to the hellebores.
Megan and I strolled the garden night before last, and she remarked on the hellebores.
“They look like roses,” she said.
Thrilled, I did a happy dance inside and then calmly said, “They are called lenten roses for that reason.” We’re in the season of lent now. They always bloom throughout Lent and give me hope that it will soon be Easter and spring again.
Ethereal Yellow hellebore. I can’t remember the variety.
Hellebore ‘Sparkling Diamond,’ part of the Winter Jewels collection.
Hellebore hyb. ‘Ballerina Mix’
H. ‘Honeyhill Joy’ green after pollination. This hellebore is normally yellow, but all hellebores turn green after they are pollinated. Fun fact!
H. Pink Frost after pollination and with full seeds getting ready to explode.
Purple double hellebore now turned green from pollination. I love the purple edges.
Double purple hellebore
H. ‘Winter Jewels Painted’ lenten rose
Hellebore Winter Jewels Painted.
As I walk the garden, I take pictures and think about where I need to plant more daffodils for next spring to achieve better balance. This fall I’m adding even more, Chionodoxa forbesii ‘Blue Giant,’ glory of the snow, and Eranthus hyemalis, winter aconite. I finally found a place they truly love, the border next to the garage, where it’s sandy and dry in spite of drip irrigation. The base of this border is builder’s sand from the construction of our garage. I amended it with compost, but it has the fastest and best drainage in the garden. The glory of the snow are finally starting to multiply. My most unique bulbs grow in this border, and it is just starting to bloom.
Pink-cupped daffodils in the borders in front of the house. Although pink-cupped daffodils look very pink in catalogs, they are truly more salmon in color and become more so as they age.
Chickens and chionodoxa; plant more chionodoxa.
Hamamelis ‘Arnold Promise’ in closeup. It smells like honey.
Hamamelis ‘Arnold Promise’ growing next to the front sidewalk.
Tiny Eranthus hyemalis, winter aconite is one of the first bulbs to bloom in early spring/late winter.
I can hardly wait. What’s blooming in your garden this March for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day?
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day March Every month Carol from May Dreams Gardens invites gardeners from around the world to celebrate what's blooming for…
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buntycake · 4 years
The Brothers and Wedding Day (Dress-Wearing MC)
Diavolo having asked Lucifer to take care of some tasks before school, he met you at the entrance of RAD. On the steps of the school, illuminated by Devildom’s moon, Lucifer stood dressed up in a black suit and red vest that were tailored to perfection. He made you hope that you looked even a fraction as stunning.
The white dress with long laced sleeves that the two of you had picked out together had looked amazing – at least it had on the hanger. You owed it to Asmo for looking as good as you did. This morning he made it his goal to help you with your hair, makeup, and accessories this morning. Even if he was a few ideas away from going overboard, you were thankful.
So when his gaze met yours, eyes widening in surprise and a bright smile cracking over his face, your heart fluttered with happiness. He offered his arm as you reached the top of the steps and looked over your costume appreciatively. “Stunning, as always,” he’d complimented.
As you walked arm in arm through RAD, stares from the student body were abundant. Even Diavolo did a double-take when he met up with you two. He joked that you should hold a ceremony. After all, it would be a waste to look so good only for a school event.
Mammon had insisted on getting dressed together and ended up worming his way into your room. He claimed that he couldn’t risk someone seeing you in your dress before him. You were his human and he had to be first in everything. So, he stayed, and you dressed in the bathroom.
The dress you picked out was fitted to your body and flared at your knees. There was gold detailing on the skirt of the dress that faded at the waistline. You had thought that with all the gold accessories added on you would look garish, but looking at yourself in the mirror, you looked lavash. Like you bathed in money for fun.
Mammon was pacing nervously around the room when you exited the bathroom. He seemed to freeze and buffer when he caught sight of you. You couldn’t help but chuckle and took the chance to take in his appearance, too.
He looked roguish in a suit. Mostly because he didn’t button up his shirt, tighten his tie, or fix his hair. Of course, his black suit was accented with gold – you were his human, so you had to match.
He blinked furiously, finally breaking out of his daze. With surprising speed, he stepped forward and grabbed your hands, he got down on one knee. “Marry me.” You laughed out of surprise. Mammon insisted that he was serious and that he’d buy you a ring later.
You’d never seen Levi sew until the first day of Spirit Week. That morning, you had tried putting on the beautiful, brightly colored wedding kimono he’d made for you, but with all the fabric you ended up tripping over yourself and tearing one of the layers while trying to put it on.
When you brought the torn kimono to his door, you expected him to be mad. Instead he just took it from your arms and shuffled you into his room. He pulled out a sewing machine from god knows where and within 10-15 minutes he had gotten it patched up.
You could barely hear him offering to help you put on the kimono as he murmured. Even so, you accepted the offer. As embarrassing as it was to be undressed in front of him, you had a feeling that Levi was even more embarrassed, if his flushed face was any indication. But he diligently helped you put on each layer of the outfit. His hands steady the entire time.
When he had finished, his gaze lingered on you for a moment longer than necessary. Then he excused himself and went to put on his own outfit. He exited his bathroom with a traditional black kimono and hakama – his sigil of envy embroidered on each shoulder. His blush returned when you told him he was handsome. From the corner of his room he produced a parasol and surprisingly bold this morning, he took one of your hands.
Even though your outfits weren’t as flashy as some others at RAD (looking at you Asmo), there was something more intimate to them. Walking hand-in-hand under a paper parasol, you almost feel like true newlyweds.
Satan took a more historical approach to the prompt. Instead of dressing in modern wedding styles, he was set upon basing your costumes on a different era. So, the two of you researched weddings across the ages and decided on the Victorian Era. He had a suit and dress fashioned for the two of you – with a couple of modern touches, like less scratchy fabrics.
The day of, you had expected to look much more uncomfortable in your dress.  Afterall, the whole ensemble included stepping into a hooped petticoat, securing yourself into a corset, and getting the actual dress over all of those things. The whole ensemble had weight to it, but that morning, as you had examined yourself in the mirror, you almost felt like you were meant to wear this dress. The white dress managed to be simple with its modest frills yet striking and gave you a strange allure.
You were startled by a knock on the door. On the other side you found Satan, looking absolutely princely. He wore a traditionally blue morning coat with a white waistcoat and green hellebore flowers tucked in his coat pocket. It looked as if he tried to slick back his hair, but a few troublesome strands still managed to fall in his face.
Admittedly, you had felt shy under his gaze as he seemed to take in every element of you. He took your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it.  “You look absolutely exquisite.” With how hot your face became; you could have boiled a pot.
It turned out moving around in a hoop skirt was more difficult than you thought. It was a blessing that Satan was around to help when you got caught in doorways or needed help getting back to your feet. Even so, the two of you were the most elegant looking couple at RAD. It was like you had stepped out of a vintage photo.
Trust that Asmo has spent WEEKS planning for this day and you were absolutely dragged into that preparation. This included tearing through wedding boutiques looking for the perfect dress. Make no mistake, he gets to wear the wedding dress. Period.
Inevitably, none of the dresses met his expectations and he designed his own. Poor Levi was roped into helping make the dress. Once all that was completed, then it was your turn. Since you were insistent that you would wear a dress too, he helped you find a chic dress in a bridesmaid style. He assured you it was better not to try to compete with his beauty.
On the day of, you almost felt he was right. You saw the dress on the hanger before you saw it on Asmo because he insisted you get ready together so he could help you with your ensemble.
After Asmo’s 100 step self-care routine and getting dressed in your own outfit, he finally stepped out in his full costume. Draped in silvery organza that gathered on a floor like a blooming flower, his modesty barely saved by the plunge line, stark white sheath underneath the transparent fabric, Asmo looked beyond stunning. He forwent the traditional veil for a giant, wide brimmed lace hat.
Of course, you complimented him, and he ate it up. However, the rest of the morning was devoted to you. Your dress is a lustrous high-low cut, with a lace detailed bodice. If Asmo’s dress looks like a blossoming flower, then you look like a flower in full bloom. Together, the two of you were so dazzlingly, that the student body has a hard time looking at you directly.
At RAD, Asmo insisted on a photo shoot. Of course, he roped other students into it, too. He spent a decent part of the day photographing other’s outfits. When he showed you the glamour shots he took of you, you were floored. Even dressed in an outfit out of your comfort zone, Asmo had managed to capture you candidly – truly as yourself.
Honestly, Beel was just happy that you wanted to dress up with him. He went shopping with you to pick out outfits and worked to match his outfit to whatever dress you chose, but he didn’t really have an opinion on his own outfit. So, he ended up choosing a classical tuxedo.
The day of, he came to your door, a rose and sunflower bouquet in hand, and looking like the sweetest thing in the world. You felt the heat rising in your cheeks as you took the bouquet and compliments from him.
The two of you weren’t the flashiest couple at RAD, but you sure did get a lot of looks when Beel decided to carry you bridal style for the rest of the day. The action had Lucifer in a tizzy, but it just made you feel warm and loved to be tucked into his chest. Asmo just had to take a picture of you two like that. You were glad he did, since you now keep that photo tucked in a safe place.
The highlight of the day for Beel was absolutely the massive wedding cake that Barbatos made for lunch time. It had to have had at least a hundred tiers to it. The cake was the traditional white with intricate pink and red frosting roses as decoration. Beyond Barb’s beautifully crafted cake, Beel seemed to really appreciate the tradition of couples feeding cake to each other. Especially when he could use it as an excuse to kiss the remaining crumbs off your lips.
Belphie decided he was going to wear a pajama suit to Wedding Day. You know, the ones with a suit printed on the front? Yeah, there was zero effort to be had for Spirit Week. So, you just decided to roll with it.
You found a white nightgown, some slippers, and used a bed sheet as your “veil.” Belphie couldn’t help but laugh when you went to retrieve him from the attic. It enough to prompt him to go to school that day. BUT you had to bridal carry him there. (Don’t worry, Beel helped you out if you weren’t strong enough.)
The two of you were clearly out of place in your pajamas and nightgown among the sea of white dresses and suit. You got plenty of odd stares from the other students as you passed them in the halls. Asmo was personally offended by the costumes you showed up in. Even more so because the two of you wouldn’t take a proper photo. The two of you looked like a walrus passed out on Ambien every time someone turned a camera on the two of you.
It wasn’t until the two of you started napping anywhere and everywhere at RAD that Lucifer began to rag on you. The temptation was too much for Belphie. He was wearing pajamas and your bed sheet veil made naps easily accessible. It was just too easy for the two of you to cuddle up together.
Apparently, Lucifer had been holding back a lecture on proper attire because it was Spirit Week but sleeping in the middle of the hallway was the last straw. The two of you got a scolding that was about half a day long, but according to Belphie, it was completely worth it. He could never regret spending a day creating mischief with you.
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geralldhopp · 5 years
Here Come the Hellebores
In March, when the White Flower Farm display gardens are just waking from their winter sleep, the staff’s work detail is mostly about clearing away debris and making plans. But there is at least one notable exception: The Hellebores are showing plump buds that are ready to pop.
Hellebore buds popping up in the late winter garden.
In cold climates like ours, these rugged, beautiful perennials are one of the earliest signs of spring. Their habit of flowering in late February and March, during the season of Lent, and the Rose-like form of their blossoms, are why they are often called Lenten Roses. Gardeners prize these plants for their flowers and their foliage, and for a robust, cold-hardy disposition that makes them fuss-free, long-lived additions to any shade garden.
One of Spring’s Earliest Bloomers
Winter might not be fully over when Hellebores stoically send up their buds. Unlike other early performers that might get nicked by frosts, Hellebores are just fine in cooler temperatures. Plant them wherever you need a cheering early spring display.
The single, highly ornate flowers of Hellebore Honeymoon® ‘Rio Carnival’ can wake a garden from its winter slumber.
Hellebores come in a disarming array of colors – from pearly white and cream to butter yellow, rose, burgundy and almost black, with blossom forms ranging from single to doubles, all accented by a center of yellow stamens. Single Hellebore flowers are intriguingly complex in their anatomy but always large enough to notice from a distance. Showy doubles offer layers of petals. Many Hellebore blooms feature design details. There are freckles. There are hems and bands of contrasting colors. Breeders are developing varieties that have upward-facing flowers, which some regard as an improvement on the nodding or partially hidden blossoms that are characteristic of most earlier and classic cultivars.
The golden blossoms and buds of Hellebore Honeymoon® ‘California Dreaming’ bring the glow of sunshine to the late winter and spring garden.
The appeal of Hellebores lasts far beyond early spring. The flowers don’t fizzle when warmer weather arrives. The colorful blooms remain over an impressively long period. Months go by, and even as the flowers fade, they remain beautiful. Some would say they get better as time passes and the colors deepen or blanch.
The various colors and forms of Hellebores can be combined with splendid results. The Hellebore Honeymoon® Mix blends tones from ivory and pink to deepest red and near-black.
Ornamental Foliage for All Seasons
While Hellebore flowers often get the most attention, the glossy dark green, palmate foliage is of equal value in any shade garden. In many climates, the leaves are evergreen unless covered by snow. (In winters that are cold but not particularly snowy, Hellebore foliage may get scorched or tattered, but affected leaves can be pruned away, and as spring comes, the plants send up plenty more.)
The dark green, palmate foliage of a Hellebore, lower right, keeps its great looks all season. Here, it’s grouped with Hosta ‘June,’ left, and the golden, variegated blades of Hakonechloa (Japanese forest grass) ‘Aureola,’ top.
In an additional boon for gardeners, the leathery, serrated leaves are unappetizing to deer and voles (as well as other pests), which give Hellebores a wide berth.
It should be noted that Hellebore leaves, stems and roots are toxic and can cause a dermatological reaction in some people so we recommend wearing gloves and long sleeves when handling or cutting them. (Additionally, no parts of the plant should be eaten by humans.)
Hellebore Wedding Party® ‘Shotgun Wedding’ is a spectacular double with beautiful design detail on the multi-layered petals.
Caring for Hellebores
Hellebores prefer dappled shade and a compost-rich, well-drained soil. Under these conditions, they are trouble-free, but patience is imperative. These are not fast-paced perennials. Hellebores slowly but reliably gain size and bud count every year. When planting them, remember to give them sufficient space to expand. The winning formula is dappled shade and generous spacing.
In circumstances when Hellebore foliage gets beaten down by snow or tattered by the cold, some gardeners question whether to snip the foliage in autumn or wait until spring. In colder climates, you might as well snip it off in autumn and let the buds swell leafless. In warmer parts of the country, Hellebores may remain evergreen without suffering any damage. In that case, prune off leaves in late winter before the buds swell to make room for new growth. New leaves initiate rapidly no matter which way you play it.
Dividing Hellebores is not recommended. Although these plants may be slow to settle in, once they do, they rarely need division and may resent it.
Hellebore Honeymoon® ‘Paris in Pink’ pots up beautifully in a container.
Garden & Landscape Uses
Hellebores are at their best when planted in groups. Mass them in woodland areas where they will naturalize, or plant in 3’s and 5’s under trees and shrubs, along a pathway, or at the edge of a shady border. Create a dynamic display of contrasting colors, forms and blossom times by planting Hellebores with companionable shade-dwellers including Hostas, Astilbes, Hakonechloa (Japanese Forest Grass), Ferns, Heucheras, and Tiarella.
Hellebores also perform well in containers, and they make an impressive window box display with lasting appeal. Due to their thick, plentiful roots, you’ll want to afford them sufficient space for root growth and provide regular water. If winter seems too long, consider hosting a Hellebore or two indoors during the coldest months. On a windowsill, these beautiful plants blossom in the dead of winter. You’ll have flowers to carry you through the dullest days.
  Here Come the Hellebores published first on https://yeuhoavn.tumblr.com/
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