markinuka · 1 year
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Azel denied leave by Arvis to go to Dozel Castle.
Belhalla, 757 Grannvale Calender (Colorized)
And a recolor
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The Demonic References in the Loptr Church
Befitting the cult of the dark god Loptous, many members of the Loptr Church, particularly those in Chapters 10 and Endgame of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War take their names from grimoires of demonology and the occult.
Beginning with the sect's archbishop, Manfroy (JP: マンフロイ; rōmaji: manfuroi) gets his name from legends regarding Manfred of Sicily, son of Emperor Frederick II. On page 436 of Jacques Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal is a section dedicated to Mainfroi, which claims that following his excommunication by Pope Innocent IV, Manfred studied magic and alchemy, all while communing with demons. This was largely based on a similar passage on page 303 of Pierre Le Loyer's Histoire des spectres et apparitions des esprits, which instead refers to Manfred as Manfroy. Rumors of King Manfred's deal with the devil would go on to inspire Lord Byron's Manfred, a poem telling of a noble convening with dark spirits to erase his memory of a lost lover - a sentiment based on his own failed marriage and an affair with his half-sister Augusta Leigh. The wiping of memories seemingly influenced Manfroy's act of erasing those of Deirdre, while the topic of incest likely served as a basis for the conception of Loptous' vessel.
Moving on, Zagam (JP: ザガム; rōmaji: zagamu) is the Loptrian stationed over Miletos Castle. He is named after Zagam, attested on page 711 of Dictionnaire Infernal as a Great King and President of Hell, sourced from Johann Weyer's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, where he is instead called Zagan. The name Zagan would also be used in the later-released Ars Goetia, part of the Lesser Key of Solomon. Most mentions of Zagan claim that he could turn wine or oil into blood, and could transmute water into wine and vice versa.
Juphiel (JP: ユフィール; rōmaji: yufīru) is a Loptrian bishop defending Edda dukedom. His name comes from Uphir, a demon seemingly first mentioned in Dictionnaire Infernal on page 674. He is said to be a chemist who maintains the health of Beelzebub and the other high-ranked demons of Hell.
Dagon (JP: ダゴン; rōmaji: dagon) is a Loptrian bishop that protects Dozel Castle. His name comes from Dagon, described in Dictionnaire Infernal on page 194. But before this, Dagon, also called Dagan, was an ancient Syrian god of prosperity, kingship, and the father of many other gods. Dagan was also said to guarantee a successful grain harvest. First attestations of Dagon as a demonic entity began with the texts of the Old Testament, which claimed the Philistines to have worshiped the god above all others. De Plancy would expand Dagon's role among other demons, interpreting him to be the Great Baker of Hell - likely based on his association with grain.
Lastly is Baran (JP: バラン; rōmaji: baran), who serves to stop Seliph's army at Friege. He is named after Balan, covered on pages 76 and 77 of Dictionnaire Infernal. In other texts like the Ars Goetia, he is instead called Balam or Balaam. He is said to be a three-headed demon who responds to questions with perfect answers, whether it be about the past, present, or future. The name Balaam comes from a magician in the Old Testament, who told the Moabite king Balak how to make the Israelites sin, leading to punishment upon them by God.
Saving the most speculative for last, Veld is a high-stationed bishop of the Loptr Church who carries out Manfroy's orders throughout the Munster District. The name seemingly comes from the Old Norse veld, appropriately meaning "I rule over; I am the cause of".
In Japanese, Veld's name is written ベルド (rōmaji: berudo). It is possible that the name is a greatly truncated form of ベルゼビュート (rōmaji: beruzebyūto), Belzébuth, a French name for the Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub. Similarly to Dagon, some of the earliest mentions of Beelzebub come from the Old Testament, where he was a god of the Philistines. The Testament of Solomon would go on to assert that this was but another name for Lucifer. Other sources interpret the two as separate, however. On pages 89 and 90 of Dictionnaire Infernal, Belzébuth is claimed to be the prince of demons, the absolute leader of Hell, and second in power and wickedness only to Satan himself. For "Manfroy's Rock" and seemingly the second most powerful member of the Loptrian Order behind the archbishop to be named after Beelzebub would be rather appropriate, though the connection is certainly a stretch.
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mrmissmrsrandom · 4 months
Fake amnesia Julia 😉
"The Liberation Army will be here soon." Lewyn said, looking out from a small window in their room at the inn. They had already been in Ganeishire for several weeks, and Julia had spent most of it in this room. "Once Dozel's forces retreat, we will meet up with them."
Julia leaned back against one of the chairs, likely wearing a hole into the floorboard beneath it. "Why can't I go with you to Leonster? If I spoke with Prince Leif--"
"--I told you, saying who you are to anyone, even our allies, could be dangerous." Lewyn answered. "No one here are friends of the empire. I'm sure you've seen enough of the occupation in Isaach to understand why."
Julia got out of her seat with enough force to slam it against the wall. "Then that means I should be able to do something about it! You've kept me from my home and my family for years, Lewyn! You've taught me how to use magic, but have given me no chance to prove myself! Am I suppose to keep sitting, out of sight, never to do anything while people go to war and die?" Lewyn's visible eye narrowed as he stared her down, but Julia remained firm, feeling something deep inside her snarl at his gaze. And for a moment, Lewyn's head bowed. "... You are still young, and still unexperienced. Joining the Liberation Army is a way for you to gain that experience. Sir Seliph is young, but he is a kind boy, and you will easily join his ranks---" "---Without him knowing me." Julia spat out, feeling more uncomfortable at the prospect. "Who I am, whose daughter I am." "And you know why." "..." Julia tossed her head, walking back to the bed and flopping herself on top of it. Tomorrow, Lewyn we leave her in the care of someone who wanted her father dead, and she could do nothing about it.
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louvay · 8 months
Gen II invites Gen I to hotpot! Who likely makes the savory broth as spicy as possible? Who casually nearly shoves a Gen I's face to the pot? Who refuses to eat vegetables? Who makes the strangest sauce? Who pours the first tea and for whom?
Parents and kids of Jugdral, welcome to a one in a lifetime chance to rekindle bonds you thought were long gone and start new familial disputes over who gets to have the last red beans dumpling! It’s time for the Crusaders’ Hotpot Bout 778 festival!
Over at the soup kitchen, Scathach tries to dissuade Larcei from dumping a whole container of hot chili into the pot, insisting that their mother cannot in fact handle that much spice. Of course, it was already too late for negotiations and Larcei presents a bowl to Ayra in which she thanks her daughter earnestly and then proceeds to tell Shannan to try it out first “for auntie’s sake”.
And oh! It seems House Dozel has garnered quite the infamy in recent times as Lex is forced face first into a boiling pot by Ares, Leif, Lester, Arthur and Fee after one too many “your mother” jokes were flung around by the blue blooded brute.
But a hotpot is incomplete without a healthy batch of lovely greens boiled to perfection yet discarded by the ever so mighty Brigid whom insists that though she may catch scurvy, it would take her being knocked out of her memories to even put any of them near her mouth. Febail tries to reprimand her on having such a poor diet yet Patty has never felt more vindicated than before.
Keep your nostrils closed for this next scene as Coirpre mixes and matches an assortment of ingredients such as lemon slices, pink salt and live lizard into a pot to create the most bizarre sauce these lands have ever seen. Though the others stay far away from him due to the scent, his father Hannibal awaits for his son’s concoction to be finished, proud that he remembered the old Thracian recipe for Revival Soup, a broth described as so potent it can bring the dead back to life.
And finally, as the teapots are finally ready to be served, Tine unexpectedly rushed in to pour the first teacup for her mother. As she presented the cup to Tailtiu with excess courtesy, her mother could only smile and laugh nervously, not wishing to tell her daughter that the cup is far too hot for her to even take a sip from.
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feshippingpolls · 17 days
About Ayra and Lex: I think it's very interesting story wise for Ayra's kids to be half dozel and the brave sword is an amazing weapon but other than that it's uhh fine? Not the best ship ever and certainly not the worst one.
( -∀・)
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You know how FE4 has Seliph’s easter egg conversation with the ghosts of his parents, right? I think a FE4 remake should add conversations like that for all the Gen 2 kids. I think this purely because I want to see the Ayra/Lex convo with their twins where Lex is like “look at you two, liberating Isaach from my shitty family. You beat the absolute tar out of my garbage-ass brother. I’m so proud of you.”
I think Lex also haunts Iucharba and by haunt I mean shows up like “hell yeah kiddo, it’s good to be a Traitor To House Dozel, dab on your dad’s corpse” and Iucharba is like. “hey cool. Who are you.”
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randomnameless · 1 year
@dimiclaudeblaigan replied to your post “Now I can’t say FEH really was warning us…because...”:
Also about Leopold, he's relatively likable sometimes in Hopes, whereas that's not the impression I got from him in Houses. Caspar was TERRIFIED of him in Houses. He literally expected the man would murder his own son (Caspar himself) on a battlefield. That's not the impression I got from AG Leopold, at least.
I have my own beef with Leopold, first by being a retcon but that's not the most important, imo Nopes made the deathly choice of...
Not having Leopold explain why the fuck he
1/turned against Ionius to begin with to side with Aegir and
2/ turned against Aegir to side with Supreme Leader -
It's, imo, as bonkers as having, in FE7, recruited Jaffar without ever talking about that "incident" with Leila.
FE16 suggests Supreme Leader bribed him (iirc?) but in Nopes, bar being "dumb muscle Sr", we don't learn anything about Adrestia, his eldest son (Caspar's bro who is supposed to inherit his title?), why he changes allegiances like Supreme Leader changes her outfits, or anything of importance.
The War against Dagda'n'Brigid? Icing Petra's parents? Leopold doesn't talk about it, doesn't even talk about who asked him to ice them, what were his thoughts about it, no, nothing.
FE16 tries to have Doro (as always!) play the violon for him saying he accepted to lay down his life so his men would be spared in Enbarr which we are supposed to find honorable - and sure, it is in a way, because he stops or at least reduces the bloodshed, but damn if coming from the corrupt Minister of War (who ends up with Leicester in Tru Piss) who was in charge of leading the invasion of several states is a bit... too much. Bergliez is willing to offer his life to save his men, but wasn't giving a fuck about trouncing loldiers/civilians defending their home?
Even if he is in some sort of similar shoes, I still prefer Burian (or whatever is his name now!) of Dozel over Leopold, both are generals to an Empire who does Empire things and target civilians, but Burian wasn't presented as a weatherwane like Leopold was and he only wonders, as he dies, if he was fighting on the "wrong side", showing, imo, how misguided he was (without summoning Doro and her "sad uwus" concerto).
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dithorba · 1 year
The question of "Arvis expanded rights" should be a question of "who did Arvis expand rights to."
Because I'm pretty sure House Dozel and Friege are fine with their lands under stewardship of someone else if it means they get free reign to occupy Isaach and Northern Thracia like kings. So, Isaachians and Northern Thracians are not included, and we can only guess what this means for Verdane, Agustria, and Silesse.
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swiftscion · 1 year
deep dive character sheet
stolen from: ree and everyone else tagging: you there, all the way in the back!!
height: 160cm / 5′ 3
strength ★★★☆☆ (while not physically built, larcei has strength in her ability to generate momentum. acrobatics and evasiveness are her strong suits, with a body type built on lean muscle rather than overwhelming bulk)
dexterity ★★★★★ (goes hand-in-hand with her streamlined physique. her swordplay is also a honed art, learned by countless failures. she'd be caught dead (quite literally) if her stroke missed an enemy's vital)
health ★★☆☆☆ (in addition to being reckless, larcei pushes herself. her pursuit for power often leaves her lacking in personal care, but at the very least she understands the importance of eating and sleeping)
energy ★★★★★ (high-energy, though quick to burn out. larcei has low stamina and fatigues easily, but when she gets fired up there is little she lets stand in her way. also just generally an active/energetic person)
beauty ★★★★☆ (she does little to maintain it, but according to a handful of others, she is very beautiful. also reminiscent of ayra, who is similarly seen as beautiful by other characters. tell her she looks hot and she'll pull you into a stump but say she looks like her mother? and now you've got her listening)
style ★★★★☆ (laugh at the no pants thing but i think her default outfit and casual fits in some of the manga are quite stylish. the boots and gloves are eye-catching while her outfits as a whole enable her high mobility)
hygiene ★★★☆☆ (perhaps a little stinky. definitely waits a day or two more than she should to wash off the bloodstains after a big battle. she grew up in hiding so this was never exactly a priority for larcei)
perception ★★★☆☆ (in battle, being aware of an enemy's strengths and weaknesses is what allows her razor-edge style to succeed. she does get tunnel-visioned rather easily though, and loses points for being perceptive of little else)
communication ★★☆☆☆ (anger she communicates easily, as well as joy. but feelings of affection or things that otherwise make her feel like a burden fall victim to near-tsundere levels of denial)
persuasion ★★☆☆☆ (the only example of persuasion we find with larcei is her recruitment of the dozel brothers and this poses a few issues. firstly, she only really persuades iucharba to change his mind, as the mere sight of her is enough to convince iuchar. secondly, she cannot convince both to set aside their differences and join together, displaying a lack of this trait. and thirdly, she doesn't even try with any other enemy characters, meaning it's just not in her. she can kick and scream and threaten though )
mediation ★☆☆☆☆ (while threatening to whack both parties across the head could work in some scenarios, the vast majority where they don't and also her failure to resolve the dozel conflict earns larcei another low score)
literacy ★★☆☆☆ (a skill taught to her in group sessions in tirnanog but never anything she received formal lessons in, until coming to the officers academy. even then, she's more of a tactile learner)
creativity ★★★☆☆ (her one art is the art of the sword but she's decently creative with it. scion larcei kind of opened my eyes to her using astra for more than just swordplay so i think that is also kind of like a creative outlet for her)
cooking ★★☆☆☆ (it is edible and it gets the job done. definitely better at doing hard farm labor than cooking what she harvests)
tech savvy ★☆☆☆☆ (honor is big for her and she refuses to touch weaponry that is nontraditional (magic, ballistae, siege weapons) lest she let down the pride of her people)
combat ★★★★★ (it is literally in her blood and not only something she does for its own sake, but for the pursuit of her mother)
survival ★★★★★ (under imperial rule this was number one. calling larcei a survivor is a perfect summation of her character)
stealth ☆☆☆☆☆ (it goes against her personal creed to sneak up on people. combat must be announced and challenges shouted so that victory can be achieved against an opponent at full strength)
street smarts ★★★★☆ (see survival. she's watched one too many girl get snatched up to become, to quote her directly, "dead, or wishing i was..." loses one star for the time shannan had to save her but she has not forgotten that day)
seduction ★★☆☆☆ (is found attractive by some people (including her current partner) but doesn't actually know how to leverage that)
luck ★★☆☆☆ (this one is hard to pin down statistically since her lck base and growth are slightly parent-dependent, but given that she's got the lower stat between her and scathach i'd say she's on the unluckier side of things)
handling animals ★☆☆☆☆ (has yet to obtain a mount and things will stay this way for quite some time)
pacifying children ★☆☆☆☆ (definitely more of a hard-discipline kind of parent. she's the one who gets fed up of kids yelling for mcdonalds and pulls in to order a single black coffee)
intelligence ★☆☆☆☆ (choosing to interpet this as book-smarts, which are an obvious 'no'. she fits the jock archetype fairly well)
happiness ★★★☆☆ (this is a score that's gotten better the more she bonds with people in the group but the tragedy of her family still hangs over her head)
spirituality ★★★★☆ (sort of a big deal for anyone in jugdral, and with multiple quotes revering the sword saint it can be safe to assume she uses him as a measure of strength. definitely more focused on the human-side of the crusaders though)
confidence ★★★★★ (she risks her neck every time she rushes into the fray. to not do so with confidence would spell a quick death)
humor ★☆☆☆☆ (sometimes she does things that can be laughed at but humor isn't really a focus of larcei's character)
anxiety ★★★☆☆(with regards to ayra's whereabouts, specifically. and whether she's been living her life all wrong. the realization that she's been chasing a shadow for nearly 20 years is going to hit her hard)
patience ☆☆☆☆☆ (nope. none. gotta do it now and do it loud!)
passion ★★★★☆ (yes but only in the things she particularly cares for. if it's not a contest or chance for her to grow she will not bother)
nice         ☆☆☆★☆ mean (snippy and rude with her nice moments)
brave       ☆★☆☆☆ cowardly (cowardly only in the sense that she cannot accept the truth that is right in front of her)
pacifist   ☆☆☆☆★ violent (incredibly so)
thoughtful ☆☆☆☆★ impulsive (incredibly so)
agreeable ☆☆☆★☆ contrary (constantly ready for fights, conflict, and competition--though she is rather pleasant with similarly-minded folk and those who earn her respect)
idealistic   ☆★☆☆☆ pragmatic (the hope that ayra is alive is the only thing sliding that star to the left. otherwise she is a very realistic person)
frugal        ☆★☆☆☆ big spender (grew up without a lot of money since isaach was not ruled by her family during her childhood. she knows its value well)
extrovert   ★☆☆☆☆ introvert (to no one's surprise)
collected   ☆☆☆☆★ wild (her penchant for violence is only matched by the quickness of her accusations. truly a loose cannon )
ambitious / possessive / stubborn / jealous / decisive / perfectionist
charisma ★★★☆☆ (she has a kind of plucky charm but is otherwise not remarkable in social settings)
empathy ★★★★★ (an important part of her character, having watched her people suffer at the hands of the empire. she will never forget their pain. never)
generosity ★★★☆☆ (there is a kindled yearning for her to give back to the world and ensure nobody has to grow up parentless but we have yet to see any examples of charitability from her so this one is hard to pin down)
wealth ★★★★☆ (i headcanon that she has a huge lump sum leftover from her participation in genealogy's many arenas that she uses to buy birthday gifts and stuff. she also has a tie back to isaach's throne and can sort of ask for money whenever she wants, though she never does)
honest  ☆☆★☆☆ deceptive (wants to be honest but will be meaner than she wants to if it means not exposing a vulnerability. also can get up to mischief)
leader   ☆☆☆★☆ follower (imagine being told, at like age five, that you have to protect some kid with your life. still dedicated to seliph in a retainer sort of way but also strikes out and does her own thing)
polite    ☆☆☆☆★  rude (most people reading this do not know she is a princess)
political ☆☆☆★☆ indifferent (leaving jugdral has separated her from its politics but if she were in a paired ending or the ending in which both scathach and shannan die and she ascends the throne, this would lean left)
higher power ★★★★★ (the proof of their existence is within her)
fate/destiny ★☆☆☆☆ (more of a believer in everyone making their own fate)
magic ★★★★★ (it is very real to her and she loathes it)
soulmates ☆☆☆☆☆ (she has been called that one too many times by a man she watched die so. nope)
good and evil ★★★★★ (i don't think she got the same spiel about the loptyr cult that lewyn gave seliph so to her, the conflict is very black-and-white)
luck ☆☆☆☆☆ (skill is far more reliable)
family ★★★★★ (ayra quest aside, she cares deeply for her isaachian relatives and the rest of the tirnanog group. her caretakers are loved just as much as real fathers and mothers)
friends ★★★★★ (this was a big moment for her in toa, actually. fighting for those who care about her by choice is equally as important as those who care by birthright)
love ★★★☆☆ (she is taken from a iucharba-recruit timeline but lucina exists so she is questioning this one)
home ★★★★★ (repaying debts to the land, its people, and those who would lend it their assistance, is a cornerstone of isaachian culture)
health ★★★☆☆ (neglects it if she's mad but otherwise tries to be healthy)
praise ★★★☆☆ (kind of. "an admittance that she's better than you" is more apt)
justice ★★★★★ (see repaying debts. extends also to ensuring punishment goes to those who wrong the innocent )
truth ★★★★☆ (she's a little hypocritical in this regard whenever she gets emotional but this is important to her nonetheless)
power ★★★★★ (her pursuit for power is, at times, shonen-esque)
fame ☆☆☆☆☆ (not one bit. if she did care for this, she'd introduce herself with the royal title she technically has)
wealth ★★★☆☆ (enough to survive and enough to make a difference. if she ever does take an interest in raising money, it'd be for the sake of ensuring a better future for someone else)
others' opinions ★★☆☆☆ (of those close to her only. being seen as a child or otherwise helpless blows a quick fuse on her)
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I don't even know, just... Simple, zero-cluster names. Sounds kind of Dwarvish to me, but as in dwarves from Worldbox. Who knows. You can maybe use it or take inspiration or something. If you combine a long word with a short one, a city name (-ish) can be born. Like, Mozal Gur
Bafer Bafon Bahar Bajul Bakey Bal Balar Balel Baler Balim Baliy Balom Balor Balul Balun Baluy Bam Bamam Bamar Bamim Bamor Bamoy Bamul Bamun Bamuy Ban Banel Banem Banen Baner Baney Baniy Banol Banoy Banum Bapar Bapay Bapol Bar Barel Barem Baren Barim Barin Bariy Barol Barom Baron Barul Barun Barur Basim Batar Batel Batey Bavey Bavir Bay Bayam Bayey Bayil Bayiy Bayon Beban Bebim Bebun Bebuy Bedol Bedon Bedoy Befuy Begen Begim Behiy Behon Behor Bejun Beken Bekun Bel Belam Belir Belom Belon Beloy Bem Bemam Bemel Bemem Bemil Bemir Bemol Bemon Bemor Bemuy Ben Benal Benel Benen Bener Benom Benul Benuy Bepar Ber Beran Berar Beren Berey Berir Berum Berun Besal Betul Bevil Bevim Beviy Bey Beyal Beyam Beyan Beyel Beyer Beyim Beyin Beyor Bezuy Bibay Bibol Bidin Bifoy Bigem Bigim Bihol Bihul Bijul Bijun Bikan Bikuy Bil Bilim Bilol Biloy Bim Bimer Bimim Bimin Bimol Bimom Bimum Bin Binel Binin Binol Binoy Bipay Bir Biram Birer Birul Bisey Bisim Bitam Bitar Biy Biyar Biyer Biyey Biyir Biyiy Biyom Biyum Bizan Bizer Bizil Bodin Bodiy Bodum Bodun Bogel Bogol Boguy Bohan Bohay Bokem Bokon Bol Bolil Bolim Bom Boman Bomem Bomen Bomin Bomiy Bomom Bomor Bomum Bomun Bomur Bon Bonan Bonem Bonol Bonur Bopen Bopin Bopon Bopor Bor Boran Boray Borem Boren Borin Borir Boriy Borol Boron Boror Borun Bosel Bosim Bosul Bosur Bovol Boy Boyal Boyam Boyay Boyel Boyem Boyil Boyir Boyom Boyor Bozin Buber Bubul Budan Budom Buher Bukin Bul Bulel Bulem Bulen Bulil Bulom Bum Bumey Bumir Bumol Bun Bunam Bunay Bunem Bunol Bunoy Bunun Bur Buran Buray Burem Buren Burey Buril Burol Burum Burun Burur Busam Buvar Buvir Buvun Buy Buyal Buyam Buyen Buyiy Buyul Buyun Buzay
Dadim Dadum Daduy Dafel Dafen Dagur Dahor Dahoy Dahun Dajey Dakal Dakem Dakum Dal Daley Dalil Daloy Dalum Dalur Dam Damam Damar Damel Damil Damin Damir Damon Damuy Dan Danem Daner Danil Danin Danor Dapen Dapin Dar Darar Daror Daroy Darur Dasul Dasum Datoy Davem Day Dayen Dayiy Dayoy Dazel Dazen Deben Debim Debuy Degey Degir Degun Dejal Dejin Dejir Dejon Dejoy Dekir Dekuy Del Delam Delen Deley Delir Deluy Dem Demal Demam Demay Demem Demir Demol Demom Demum Demuy Den Denal Denay Denim Deniy Denor Denoy Depam Depim Depin Depon Der Deral Deray Derem Derer Deril Derin Derir Deron Derul Derun Derur Desem Desen Desil Detal Deter Detur Dey Deyal Deyam Deyel Deyer Deyim Deyin Deyir Deyom Deyon Deyum Didul Difun Digel Digon Diher Dihir Dijin Dikim Dil Dilel Dilen Dilim Dilir Diliy Diluy Dim Diman Dimel Dimem Dimim Dimom Din Dinal Dinam Diner Diney Dinir Dinor Dinum Dinuy Dir Diray Dirim Dirom Diroy Ditar Ditil Divin Divun Diy Diyin Diyir Diyiy Dizan Dizun Dobil Dobiy Dodan Dofel Dofen Dofin Dofiy Dofun Dojay Dojoy Dojuy Dol Dolay Dolel Doler Doley Dolol Dom Domal Domar Domay Domem Domen Domey Domim Domol Domoy Domum Domun Domuy Don Doney Donun Dopiy Dopuy Dor Dorey Dorin Doriy Dorol Dorom Doron Dorun Dorur Dosam Dosan Dosuy Dotan Dotol Doton Doy Doyal Doyen Doyey Doyol Doyul Doyum Doyur Dozay Dozel Dudur Dufam Dufel Dujir Dukur Dul Dulam Dulan Dulil Dulim Dulir Dulur Dum Dumel Dumem Dumil Dumom Dumuy Dun Dunam Dunan Dunem Dunen Duney Dunom Dunun Dunur Dupom Dupul Dur Dural Duran Duray Durer Duril Durim Durol Durom Duroy Durum Dusoy Dutor Duver Duy Duyal Duyan Duyar Duyay Duyer Duyon Duyum Duzal Duzey Duzom
Fabun Fadal Faduy Faful Fafuy Fagir Fajol Fal Falem Falir Faliy Falom Faloy Falum Faluy Fam Famal Famay Famen Famil Famim Famin Famol Famon Famoy Famul Fan Fanam Fanan Fanar Fanel Fanem Faniy Fanol Fanoy Fapan Fapil Fapim Far Farer Farim Farul Farum Farun Faser Fatun Favan Fay Fayal Fayar Fayay Fayer Fayim Fayin Fayol Fayun Fazin Fazoy Febam Febon Fedam Fedim Fefar Fegor Fegun Fegur Fehor Fekin Fekum Fel Felal Felam Felay Felin Felon Fem Feman Femin Femum Femur Fen Fener Fenil Fenir Fenom Fenor Fenul Fenun Fepim Fepiy Fer Feral Ferey Ferol Feror Ferul Fesin Fesom Fetan Fey Feyem Feyen Feyil Feyon Feyun Fezim Fiber Figul Fihiy Fihoy Fijir Fijol Fikar Fikey Fikul Fil Filal Filer Filiy Filun Fim Fiman Fimen Fimer Fimim Fimiy Fimom Fimum Fin Finim Finur Fipil Fir Firal Firay Firer Firey Firin Firiy Firol Firon Firum Fisun Fitay Fivom Fiy Fiyar Fiyay Fiyen Fiyol Fiyon Fiyor Fodim Fodin Fodiy Fogel Fogil Fohen Fohol Fojom Fojoy Fokel Fokuy Fol Folay Folen Folil Folim Folin Foliy Folol Foloy Fom Fomar Fomen Fomer Fomey Fomin Fomon Fomor Fomul Fomuy Fon Fonan Fonim Fonir Fonol Fonoy Fopay Fopey For Foral Forey Foril Forim Forin Forir Forom Foron Foroy Foter Fovel Foy Foyan Foyar Foyay Foyen Foyey Foyon Foyum Fubil Fubom Fuday Fudun Fugor Fuhay Fuhum Fujey Ful Fulan Fulel Fulen Fulil Fulir Fum Fumar Fumay Fumel Fumem Fumey Fumim Fumiy Fumol Fumum Fun Funam Funar Funay Funer Funim Funin Funiy Fupon Fupor Fur Fural Furan Furem Furen Furey Furil Furom Furul Furum Fusey Fusim Futem Futin Fuvay Fuy Fuyal Fuyar Fuyel Fuyer Fuyil Fuyim Fuyin Fuyol Fuyon Fuyun Fuyuy Fuzen Fuzol
Gabam Gadun Gafen Gafun Gagor Gagoy Gaguy Gaham Gahan Gahar Gahel Gahiy Gajuy Gakel Gal Galar Galen Galer Galin Galom Galum Gam Gamar Gamel Gamem Gamer Gamey Gamil Gamin Gan Ganam Ganar Ganey Ganin Ganom Ganon Ganun Ganur Ganuy Gapun Gar Garal Garay Garel Garem Garen Garor Garoy Garum Garun Gasiy Gatal Gaver Gay Gayam Gayel Gayey Gayin Gayoy Gazuy Gebum Gedum Gefan Gehen Gejel Gejim Gejun Gekom Gel Gelam Gelar Gelom Gelon Gelor Gelur Geluy Gem Gemen Gemim Gemom Gemun Gen Genan Genay Genem Gepen Gepom Ger Gerar Gerer Gerey Gerol Geruy Gesey Gesor Getel Getey Getum Gevim Gevin Gevon Gevur Gey Geyam Geyan Geyer Geyiy Geyom Gezay Gezil Gezol Gibal Gidan Giday Gidoy Gidul Gifey Gifiy Gigar Gihem Gihil Gijam Gikan Gikon Gil Gilal Gilan Giler Giliy Giloy Gilum Gilun Gim Gimam Gimel Gimer Gimir Gimun Gin Ginal Ginan Ginoy Ginum Gipor Gir Giral Girar Girem Girin Giriy Giron Giroy Gisor Gitur Givur Giy Giyam Giyen Giyim Giyol Giyul Giyun Gizay Gobiy Gofir Gofoy Gogan Gogil Gogir Gogom Gogor Gogum Gohun Gojam Gokam Goker Gokom Gol Golal Golel Golen Golim Golom Golul Gom Gomam Gomem Gomon Gomum Gomun Gon Gonel Gonem Gonen Goner Gonim Gonom Gonoy Gonun Gopem Gopoy Gor Goran Gorin Gorir Gorom Goron Gosay Govim Govur Goy Goyal Goyel Goyer Goyir Goyiy Goyol Goyon Goyor Goyum Gozal Gozur Gubay Gubon Gudil Gufin Gujil Gukay Gukur Gul Gulem Guler Gulin Gulom Guloy Gulun Gum Gumal Gumem Gumim Gumir Gumoy Gumul Gumum Gumur Gun Gunan Gunar Gunin Gunir Gunol Gunom Gunor Gunoy Gunum Gunuy Gupin Gur Guram Gurey Gurir Gurul Gurur Gusan Gusil Gusol Gutey Gutol Gutul Gutuy Guviy Guy Guyam Guyan Guyar Guyel Guyer Guyim Guyir Guyiy Guyol Guyor Guyoy Guzan
Hadum Hadur Haduy Hafen Hagum Hahan Haher Hahoy Hahul Hajol Hakol Hakun Hakuy Hal Halar Halay Halel Halem Halen Haloy Ham Haman Hamel Hamin Hamir Hamiy Han Hanan Hanem Hanen Haner Hanul Hanun Hanur Hanuy Hapam Hapun Har Haran Haren Harer Hariy Haron Harul Haruy Hasar Hasum Havam Havem Hay Hayal Hayan Hayer Hayil Hayin Hayom Hayul Hazal Hedan Heday Heden Hedor Hefin Hegem Heger Hegor Hehar Heher Hejay Hekam Hekar Hel Helim Helul Helun Hem Hemem Hemir Hemiy Hemom Hen Henan Henay Henel Henen Henum Henur Hepam Hepar Hepil Her Heral Heray Herem Herer Herul Heruy Hesol Hesun Hesur Hevom Hey Heyil Heyir Heyom Heyon Heyum Heyur Hezen Hezir Heziy Hezur Hibar Hibem Hiday Hidey Hiful Higer Higum Hihar Hijor Hijur Hikar Hil Hilay Hiler Hilil Hiliy Hilor Hiloy Him Himen Himer Himey Himin Himol Himon Himoy Himum Hin Hinar Hinay Hinem Hinil Hinim Hiniy Hinun Hiper Hipum Hir Hirel Hirem Hirer Hiril Hiriy Hiron Hiroy Hirul Hirun Hiruy Hisil Hison Hisur Hitil Hitir Hitum Hival Hivay Hiy Hiyam Hiyey Hiyil Hiyin Hiyom Hiyon Hiyuy Hizer Hobay Hobem Hobin Hobor Hofun Hofuy Hojon Hojun Hokin Hokul Hol Holan Holen Holon Holum Hom Homar Homey Homoy Homul Homuy Hon Honam Honey Honil Honon Honum Honur Hopen Hoper Hor Horan Horar Horay Horem Horen Horer Horim Horon Horul Horum Horun Hoson Hotam Hotan Hoten Hovum Hoy Hoyer Hoyey Hoyim Hoyon Hoyoy Hoyuy Hozur Hubam Huber Hudol Hudor Hudum Hugel Hugen Hugoy Huhel Huhir Hukar Hukor Hukum Hukuy Hul Hulen Huley Huliy Hulum Hum Humal Humen Humil Humin Humol Humun Humuy Hun Hunan Hunel Hunem Hunen Hunil Hunim Hunom Hunoy Hunum Hupan Hur Huram Hurem Hurer Huril Hurin Hurir Huroy Hurul Hurum Hurun Huruy Huson Hutey Hutul Huy Huyem Huyen Huyey Huzan Huzay Huzey Huziy Huzun
Jabel Jabom Jaday Jadun Jaduy Jagal Jahan Jahil Jajiy Jakey Jal Jalal Jalar Jaler Jaley Jalor Jaloy Jalul Jam Jamal Jaman Jamar Jamem Jamin Jan Janar Janil Janir Janol Janur Januy Japam Japer Jar Jaram Jarel Jaren Jaril Jaroy Jarur Jasar Javuy Jay Jayar Jayel Jayer Jayol Jayoy Jayun Jazar Jazol Jefel Jegam Jegim Jegin Jeguy Jejay Jejol Jejor Jejul Jel Jelam Jelar Jelay Jelel Jeler Jelim Jelin Jelom Jelon Jelul Jelur Jeluy Jem Jemal Jemam Jeman Jemen Jemey Jemim Jemor Jemum Jemun Jen Jenel Jener Jeney Jenir Jenol Jenuy Jepay Jer Jeram Jerar Jerol Jetar Jetom Jey Jeyay Jeyom Jeyor Jeyul Jezan Jezir Jezon Jiben Jiboy Jiden Jidum Jiduy Jifen Jifur Jiham Jihon Jihul Jihum Jijam Jiker Jil Jilal Jilen Jilon Jilul Jilun Jim Jimam Jimem Jimim Jimiy Jimom Jimon Jin Jinam Jinem Jinen Jinim Jinol Jinun Jir Jiral Jiren Jiril Jiror Jisin Jison Jisul Jiy Jiyey Jiyin Jiyom Jiyon Jiyun Jizam Johir Jojan Jojum Jokir Jol Jolal Jolan Jolar Jolel Joley Jolom Jolor Jolul Joluy Jom Jomal Jomen Jomil Jomir Jomiy Jomul Jon Joney Jonom Jonum Jonuy Jopen Jor Joram Jorel Joren Jorer Joruy Josil Josin Josum Joton Jotul Jotun Jovol Jovun Jovuy Joy Joyan Joyer Joyir Joyor Joyur Joyuy Jozan Jozay Jozuy Juban Jubem Jubiy Judam Judiy Jufel Jufuy Juhen Juhiy Jujer Jukol Jul Julan Juley Julir Julol Julor Julul Jum Jumal Jumel Jumer Jumol Jumom Jumon Jumum Jumun Jumuy Jun Junal Junan Junin Junol Junom Junum Junuy Jupoy Jur Jurel Juren Jurey Jurim Juriy Jurol Jusol Jusuy Jutam Juval Juy Juyam Juyay Juyiy Juyoy Juyum Juzal Juzam Juzin Kabam
Kabil Kabom Kabor Kabur Kafer Kagam Kahar Kahon Kahul Kahum Kal Kalal Kaler Kaliy Kalom Kalum Kalur Kaluy Kam Kamay Kamel Kamem Kamen Kamey Kamir Kamun Kan Kanal Kanar Kanay Kanel Kanil Kanir Kanom Kanoy Kanul Kanum Kapin Kapor Kapul Kar Karam Karar Karay Karom Karoy Karum Karuy Kasey Kasur Katil Katum Kavem Kay Kayam Kayar Kayen Kayer Kayey Kayil Kayim Kayir Kayur Kayuy Kazan Kazen Kazon Kebem Kebil Kebuy Kedom Kegem Keher Kehey Kehil Kejom Kejuy Kekey Kekil Kekin Kekol Kel Kelal Kelan Kelar Kelin Kelir Kelor Kelun Keluy Kem Kemay Kemer Kemir Kemom Ken Kenay Keney Keniy Kenor Kenoy Kenul Kenuy Kepil Ker Keram Kerel Kerim Kerin Kerir Kerum Keson Kesul Kesuy Keten Kevol Key Keyey Keyin Keyon Keyor Keyoy Keyur Kezim Kezuy Kiboy Kibul Kibum Kifan Kifim Kigay Kigor Kihan Kihey Kihiy Kihol Kijal Kijin Kikar Kikay Kil Kilam Kilan Kilar Kilem Kilen Kiley Kilil Kilim Kilin Kilon Kim Kimam Kimay Kimor Kimoy Kimun Kin Kinay Kinem Kinon Kinul Kipar Kipay Kipel Kipun Kir Kirem Kiren Kirin Kiron Kiruy Kisiy Kisol Kitam Kivel Kiven Kivor Kiy Kiyay Kiyem Kiyer Kiyoy Kizum Koben Kobum Kobun Koduy Kofim Kofir Koguy Kojal Kokay Kol Kolal Kolan Kolen Koler Koley Kolol Kolom Kolul Kolum Kom Komon Komum Komun Komuy Kon Konen Koner Koniy Konum Konun Konur Kopon Kor Koral Korel Korer Korom Koter Kovar Kovay Kovuy Koy Koyal Koyay Koyem Koyey Koyol Koyor Koyul Koyum Koyun Kozer Kozim Kubil Kubuy Kudar Kudom Kugil Kugir Kugom Kugun Kujur Kukar Kukin Kul Kulay Kuley Kulum Kum Kumen Kumer Kumir Kumon Kun Kunen Kunim Kunin Kunon Kunor Kunoy Kunur Kur Kuran Kurer Kurey Kusel Kuvel Kuvin Kuy Kuyen Kuyim Kuyiy Kuyur
Lab Labal Lad Ladem Ladul Laf Lafiy Lag Lagam Lah Lahar Lahen Lahoy Laj Lajul Lak Lakol Lakon Lakul Lal Lalim Laliy Lalol Lalum Lalur Lam Lamay Lamen Lamey Lamim Lamiy Lamol Lamoy Lamuy Lan Lanay Lanen Laney Lanil Lanim Lanin Laniy Lanur Lanuy Lap Lapam Lapay Lapir Lapun Lar Laral Larar Larel Larin Larom Larur Laruy Las Lasay Lat Latan Latem Lav Lay Layen Layil Layim Layiy Layol Layor Layul Layur Laz Lazam Laziy Leb Lebul Led Ledan Ledol Lef Lefam Leful Leg Legen Leh Lehum Lej Lejal Lejul Lek Lekiy Lel Lelal Lelam Lelil Lelir Lelom Lelor Leluy Lem Lemel Lemey Lemom Lemuy Len Lenal Leney Lenil Lenim Lenin Lenir Lenon Lenur Lep Leper Ler Leray Lerel Lerir Leriy Lerom Leron Leror Lerul Lerun Les Lesay Lesin Lesiy Lesol Lesum Let Letal Letoy Letuy Lev Level Levey Levim Levum Ley Leyal Leyay Leyir Leyom Leyor Leyoy Leyun Leyuy Lez Lezar Lib Lid Lidel Lidul Lif Lifem Lifun Lig Liger Lih Lihan Liher Lij Lik Likan Likiy Likur Lil Lilan Liler Liley Lilim Lilom Lilor Liloy Lilum Lilun Liluy Lim Limel Limol Limom Lin Linan Liney Linim Linom Linoy Linun Lip Lipim Lipol Lipon Lipum Lipuy Lir Liray Lirer Lirey Lirim Lirom Lirul Lirun Lirur Lis Lisem Lisir Lisom Lit Liten Litey Liv Liy Liyal Liyan Liyay Liyer Liyiy Liyun Liz Lizar Lizum Lizur Lob Lobey Lod Lof Lofem Lofun Log Logem Logim Logiy Loh Lohey Loj Lojoy Lok Lokan Lokay Lol Lolay Lolim Lolir Lolol Lolon Lolor Lolum Lom Lomer Lomey Lomim Lomon Lomum Lomun Lon Lonal Lonar Lonem Lonen Loney Lonim Lonin Lonon Lonun Lonur Lop Lopey Lopin Lor Loral Lorar Lorer Loril Lorin Lorir Lorol Lorom Loroy Lorum Los Lot Lov Loy Loyen Loyil Loyon Loyul Loyun Loyur Loyuy Loz Lozem Lozom Lozun Lub Lud Ludum Luf Lufin Lufom Lufor Lug Lugil Luh Luhan Luj Lujal Lujey Lujim Lujol Luk Lukey Lukim Lukor Lul Lulal Lulel Luler Lulir Luliy Lulom Luluy Lum Lumem Lumey Lumom Lumoy Lun Lunal Lunay Luner Lunir Lunun Lunur Lup Lupal Lur Luran Lurar Lurir Luron Luruy Lus Lusan Lusem Lusil Lut Lutan Lutiy Luton Luv Luven Luvil Luy Luyel Luyem Luyen Luyil Luz Luzay Luzil Luzol Luzuy
Mab Maban Mabir Mad Madam Madoy Maf Mag Magem Mah Mahel Maj Majar Majim Majur Mak Makal Makam Makem Makun Mal Malan Malel Malen Malir Maluy Mam Maman Mamel Mamin Mamiy Mamol Mamom Mamor Man Manay Maner Maney Manul Manur Map Mapal Maper Mar Maran Marer Marir Maroy Marum Marun Mas Masim Mat Mav Mavey May Mayal Mayam Mayem Mayen Mayer Mayey Mayil Mayim Mayin Mayir Mayol Mayon Mayor Mayun Mayuy Maz Mazay Mazel Mazen Mazir Mazun Meb Med Meden Medum Mef Mefil Mefiy Meg Megen Megim Megir Meh Mehor Mehoy Mej Mejun Mejur Mejuy Mek Meker Mekol Mekor Mel Melil Melir Melon Melor Meloy Melul Melun Mem Meman Memem Memen Memey Memin Memiy Memom Men Menel Menil Menin Menol Menom Menuy Mep Mepul Mer Merey Merol Merom Mes Mesem Mesoy Met Metar Mev Mey Meyan Meyel Meyon Meyor Mez Mezal Mezem Meziy Mezon Mib Mibem Mibey Mibim Mid Midil Midir Mif Mifay Mifem Mig Migam Mih Mihan Mihel Mihuy Mij Mik Mikoy Mikur Mil Milam Milay Milem Miley Milil Miliy Milom Milun Mim Mimel Mimil Mimom Min Miner Miniy Minoy Minul Mip Mir Miral Mirar Mirey Mirol Miror Mirur Mis Mit Mital Miv Mivoy Miy Miyel Miyin Miyun Miz Mob Mobay Mobin Mobiy Mod Modin Mof Mog Mogim Mogom Moguy Moh Mohor Moj Mojuy Mok Mokay Mokin Mol Molel Molem Moley Molim Moloy Molul Mom Momal Momey Momil Momor Momoy Momum Mon Monal Monar Monay Monel Monil Monim Monir Monon Monur Mop Mopim Mor Moran Morar Moray Morem Morim Morin Morom Moron Moroy Mos Moser Mot Mov Moy Moyir Moyol Moyom Moyum Moyun Moz Mozal Mozom Mub Mubem Mubiy Mud Muf Mufin Mufor Mufoy Mug Mugem Mugil Mugim Muh Muhim Muhor Muhul Muj Muk Muken Mukur Mul Mulal Mular Muliy Mulom Muloy Mulul Mulum Mulun Mum Mumal Mumen Mumer Mumim Mumin Mumol Mumum Mumun Mun Munay Munil Munin Munir Muniy Munoy Munul Munur Mup Mur Muram Muran Murem Murer Murim Murir Murol Muroy Murur Mus Musil Musor Mut Mutun Muv Muvor Muy Muyer Muyil Muyim Muyun Muz Muzul
Nab Nabin Nabor Nad Naday Nadim Naf Nafon Nafur Nafuy Nag Nager Nagim Nagom Nah Nahay Nahiy Nahul Naj Najar Najor Najur Nak Nakan Nakuy Nal Nalay Naler Nalir Nalor Naluy Nam Namay Namen Namim Namin Namir Namol Namom Namoy Namum Namun Namuy Nan Nanam Naner Naniy Nanol Nanum Nanur Nap Napor Napur Nar Naran Narar Naron Narul Naruy Nas Nasam Nasel Nat Natul Natur Nav Naval Navin Navol Nay Nayal Nayil Nayin Nayom Nayor Nayul Nayun Nayur Naz Nazar Nazem Nazoy Neb Nebal Nebey Nebuy Ned Nedir Nedon Nedor Nef Nefam Nefey Nefil Neg Negar Negey Negur Neh Nehay Nehir Nej Nejon Nek Nekor Nekum Nekur Nel Nelal Neler Nelil Nelor Nelum Nelur Neluy Nem Nemar Nemay Nemel Nemem Nemer Nemol Nemon Nemor Nemul Nen Nenal Nenen Neney Nenil Nenim Nenun Nep Ner Neral Neran Nerar Neray Nerey Nerin Nerom Neron Nerum Nes Nesam Nesil Nesin Neson Nesul Net Neton Netuy Nev Nevan Never Ney Neyal Neyar Neyem Neyen Neyer Neyey Neyim Neyin Neyir Neyon Neyoy Nez Nib Niber Nibim Nid Niduy Nif Nifay Nifom Nig Niger Nigir Nih Nihan Nij Nijul Nik Nikem Niker Nil Nilem Nilen Niler Nilil Nilin Nilol Nilum Nilun Nim Nimen Nimil Nimir Nin Niner Niney Ninin Ninir Ninoy Nip Nipam Nipiy Nipuy Nir Niral Niram Nirem Nirer Nirir Niriy Niroy Nis Nisom Nisuy Nit Nitar Nitem Nitiy Niv Niy Niyan Niyay Niyel Niyem Niyen Niyom Niyon Niyul Niyur Niyuy Niz Nizem Nob Nobol Nobor Nod Nodar Nodel Nodil Nodon Nodun Nof Nofam Nofel Nofem Nofen Nofin Nofoy Nog Nogiy Noh Nohey Noj Nok Nokar Nokem Nol Nolil Nolul Nolun Nom Nomal Nomam Nomar Nomem Nomer Nomoy Nomun Nomur Non Nonam Nonir Noniy Nonol Nop Nopil Nor Noran Norel Norem Norer Norir Noron Norur Nos Nosan Not Notan Notar Notin Nov Novol Noy Noyer Noyon Noyor Noyoy Noyul Noz Nozon Nub Nud Nudar Nuf Nufan Nufim Nufum Nufur Nug Nugiy Nuh Nuj Nujiy Nuk Nukam Nukar Nuker Nukiy Nul Nulel Nulem Nuley Nulir Nulor Nuloy Nulul Nulum Nulun Nuluy Num Numar Numem Numen Numim Numiy Numon Numoy Nun Nunal Nunem Nuney Nunol Nunon Nunul Nup Nur Nurar Nurim Nurir Nuror Nurum Nurun Nuruy Nus Nusay Nut Nutom Nuv Nuvim Nuviy Nuy Nuyan Nuyay Nuyel Nuyil Nuyiy Nuyon Nuyor Nuyum Nuz Nuzur
Pabel Pabiy Padiy Pafiy Pafom Pafun Pafuy Pagen Pagin Pagul Pahim Pakem Pakir Pal Palal Palen Palil Palor Paloy Palul Palum Palun Paluy Pam Pamam Pamim Pamiy Pamol Pamoy Pamun Pamur Pan Panal Panay Panen Panil Panon Panoy Panul Panun Panur Papoy Par Paral Param Paran Parel Parin Paror Parul Parun Paruy Paser Patar Patur Pavol Pay Payam Payan Payer Payir Payul Pazen Pazey Pebur Pedum Pefey Pefoy Pegay Pegey Pegil Pegim Pehen Pejal Pejor Pekar Pekun Pel Pelam Peler Peley Pem Pemel Pemey Pemim Pemir Pemoy Pemul Pemum Pemur Pemuy Pen Peney Penil Penir Pepar Pepay Pepil Pepum Per Peril Perol Perur Peser Pey Peyal Peyan Peyay Peyem Peyen Peyer Peyir Peyon Peyoy Pezil Pidan Pifiy Pifun Pifur Pifuy Pigam Pihan Pijom Pikiy Pikol Pikum Pikuy Pil Pilay Pilem Pilir Pilur Pim Pimar Pimel Pimer Pimum Pimun Pimur Pin Pinar Pinel Pinen Piner Pinil Piniy Pinon Pinum Pinur Pipun Pir Piroy Pirul Pirun Piruy Pisay Pison Pitim Pivin Piy Piyan Piyay Piyel Piyem Piyen Piyom Piyul Piyun Piyur Pizer Pobay Pober Pobim Pobon Poden Podon Poduy Pofel Pogay Pogen Pogum Pohey Pohin Pojan Pojum Pokoy Pol Polay Polil Polim Polum Polun Poluy Pom Pomey Pomil Pomin Pomir Pomum Pomur Ponam Poniy Popil Por Poral Poray Porel Porem Poriy Porom Poron Porul Poruy Posal Posam Posel Potim Povey Povum Poy Poyar Poyen Poyil Poyim Poyor Poyul Poyun Poyuy Pozey Pozol Pubey Pubun Puden Pufer Pufiy Pugim Pugom Puhiy Puhor Pujar Pujiy Pukan Pukiy Pul Pulam Pular Pulem Pulol Pulon Pulul Pum Pumil Pumon Pumun Pumur Pun Punal Puner Punom Punum Pur Puril Purim Pusen Pusim Pusol Putar Puton Putuy Puver Puy Puyal Puyen Puyer Puyey Puyil Puyir Puyom Puyon Puyun
Rab Rabul Rabun Rad Radim Radir Radom Raf Rafan Rafel Rafin Rag Rager Ragey Rah Rahin Raj Rajan Rak Rakey Rakim Rakul Ral Ralam Ralel Ralil Raliy Ralol Raluy Ram Ramal Ramam Ramar Ramer Ramey Ramin Ramir Ramol Ramuy Ran Ranal Ranel Raney Ranon Ranoy Ranul Ranum Ranun Ranuy Rap Rapin Rapol Rapoy Rar Raram Raran Rarin Rarir Rarom Rarun Ras Raser Rasim Rat Ratay Ratil Rav Raven Raver Ray Rayin Rayor Rayul Raz Razir Razom Reb Reber Rebim Rebol Rebur Red Redan Ref Reful Reg Regar Regol Reh Rehim Rej Rejel Rejen Rek Rekem Rekey Rel Relan Relel Relem Reley Relol Relum Relur Rem Remal Reman Remar Remay Remem Remim Remir Remor Remuy Ren Renay Renil Renir Renom Renoy Renum Renuy Rep Rer Rerel Reril Rerim Reriy Rerol Reror Res Ret Retam Retun Rev Revol Rey Reyam Reyar Reyem Reyen Reyey Reyil Reyin Reyiy Reyol Reyul Reyum Rez Rezan Rezom Rib Rid Ridor Rif Rifam Rifel Rig Rigal Rigan Rigar Rigin Rigum Rih Rihuy Rij Rijel Rik Rikem Rikey Rikin Ril Rilar Riler Rilil Rilim Riliy Rilon Rim Rimay Rimin Rimir Rimul Rimum Rimur Rin Rinam Rinir Rinol Rinom Rinon Rinoy Rip Ripar Rir Ririr Ris Risim Rit Ritir Riv Rivay Riy Riyar Riyem Riyim Riyom Riyor Riz Rizor Rizum Rizuy Rob Robor Rod Rof Rofel Rofor Rog Roh Rohel Rohem Roher Roj Rojal Rojim Rojun Rok Rol Rolay Rolin Rolon Rom Roman Romem Romil Romir Romon Romul Romur Ron Ronar Ronim Ronol Rop Ror Rorar Rorel Rorem Rorey Roriy Rorom Roror Rorur Ros Rosim Rot Rotun Rotur Rov Roviy Rovoy Roy Royim Royin Royom Royon Royum Royuy Roz Rub Rubil Rud Ruf Rufir Rug Rugur Ruh Ruhon Ruj Rujoy Ruk Rukur Rul Rulan Rulil Rulin Rulir Rulol Rulom Rulon Ruloy Rulun Ruluy Rum Rumal Rumay Rumem Rumen Rumey Rumil Rumim Rumol Rumor Rumul Rumun Rumur Run Runel Runoy Runun Rup Rur Ruran Ruril Rurim Rurin Ruror Ruroy Rus Rusam Rut Rutom Ruv Ruval Ruvor Ruy Ruyay Ruyen Ruyim Ruyir Ruyiy Ruz Ruzey
Saban Saber Sadin Sadiy Safin Safum Safun Sagal Sagur Sahel Sahim Sahul Sahum Sajir Sajum Sakir Sakon Sakur Sal Salem Salim Salol Salom Salor Salul Salum Sam Samen Samir Samiy Samol Samom Samon Samul Samuy San Sanam Sanar Saner Saney Sanol Sanor Sanoy Sanum Sapay Sar Saral Sarim Sarol Saror Sarum Saruy Satin Sator Savey Savum Savuy Say Sayan Sayem Sayen Sayil Sayuy Sazim Sazoy Sedey Sefam Sefer Sefey Sefir Sefor Seful Segil Segom Sehey Sel Selar Selay Selim Selir Selol Selom Selum Sem Semem Semil Semon Semuy Sen Senar Senel Senem Senil Senim Senol Senul Senun Senuy Ser Seral Seran Serim Serin Serir Serol Seron Sesay Sesor Sesuy Setol Sever Sevey Sevim Sey Seyam Seyen Seyoy Seyul Sezen Sezey Sezim Siben Sibim Sidal Sidoy Sifer Sigor Sigul Sihor Sijil Sijim Sil Silal Silay Siley Silom Silon Silul Sim Simel Simen Simim Simom Simul Simuy Sin Sinal Sinay Sinim Sinir Sinul Sinur Sinuy Sipan Sipay Sipil Sipom Sipuy Sir Siral Sirar Sirem Sirom Sirul Sirum Sirun Sisam Sison Sitan Situn Siy Siyam Siyem Siyer Siyin Siyiy Siyon Siyor Siyul Siyun Sizam Sizan Sizel Sobor Sodar Sodim Sodin Sodiy Sofiy Sofuy Soham Sohin Sojem Soken Sokom Sol Soley Solom Solur Som Somey Somil Somir Somiy Somon Son Sonam Sonan Soney Sonol Sonoy Sonum Sopin Sor Sorar Sorer Soriy Sorum Soruy Soser Sosom Sosoy Sosuy Sotan Sovem Sovil Sovol Sovor Soy Soyen Soyon Soyoy Sozay Sozer Subay Subey Suday Sufem Sugar Suguy Suhon Sujem Sujiy Sukam Sukem Sul Sulal Sulem Sulen Sulil Suliy Sulol Sulon Sulor Suloy Sum Sumen Sumer Sumim Sumir Sumor Sumul Sun Sunam Sunay Sunel Sunon Sunoy Sunul Sunum Sunuy Super Supim Supum Sur Sural Surar Surin Suror Surun Surur Sutar Sutol Suvon Suvun Suy Suyel Suyon Suyoy Suyul Suyun Suyur Suzal Suzum
Tabon Tadan Tadiy Tadon Tafom Takom Tal Talal Talan Talem Talum Talur Taluy Tam Tamam Tamay Tamel Tamin Tamir Tamor Tamuy Tan Tanar Taner Taniy Tanor Tanul Tanum Tanun Tanur Tanuy Tapal Tapor Tar Taran Taren Tarer Tarey Tarur Tasal Tasay Tasim Tasuy Tatir Tatoy Tatun Tatur Tavor Tay Tayam Tayen Tayey Tayil Tayol Tayoy Tebiy Tedir Tegon Tegum Tejal Tel Telan Teler Telil Telom Telon Tem Temen Temin Temol Ten Tenar Tenay Tenem Teney Tenil Tenol Tenom Tenon Tenul Tenur Tenuy Ter Teram Teran Terel Teril Terir Terol Teror Terul Tesim Tetol Tetur Tevun Tevur Tey Teyan Teyay Teyiy Teyol Teyul Teyur Tibal Tibir Tidem Tidul Tiguy Tihon Tijal Tijun Tikul Til Tilam Tilar Tilil Tilin Tilor Tiluy Tim Timal Timen Timin Timiy Tin Tinar Tinay Tinel Tinil Tinol Tinon Tir Tiray Tirel Tiril Tirim Tirir Tirom Tiror Tirum Tisen Tivin Tiy Tiyal Tiyel Tiyol Tiyom Tiyor Tizem Tizen Tizor Tobal Tobem Tofun Togay Tohom Tohoy Tohum Tohur Tokey Tokom Tokon Tokuy Tol Tolem Tolum Tom Toman Tomol Tomul Tomun Tomur Ton Tonam Tonan Toner Tonim Tonom Tonon Tonun Tonuy Topur Tor Torar Toren Torer Torin Torom Toron Torun Toruy Tosan Tosem Toser Tosir Total Tovam Toven Tovil Tovon Toy Toyay Toyem Toyer Toyir Toyum Tozer Tubor Tudal Tudum Tufal Tufim Tuful Tugin Tuguy Tujel Tujiy Tukom Tukum Tul Tulam Tular Tulim Tulin Tuliy Tuloy Tulur Tum Tumen Tumor Tumoy Tumum Tumun Tun Tunar Tunay Tunel Tunen Tuney Tunil Tunir Tunon Tunum Tur Turar Turay Turel Turey Turin Turom Turon Turum Tusam Tutul Tuvem Tuvey Tuy Tuyin Tuyiy Tuyom Tuyun Tuyuy Tuzan
Vabum Vadel Vafar Vaful Vafuy Vagam Vagen Vahar Vajam Vajon Vakal Vakay Vakul Val Valan Valem Valen Valer Valim Valin Valiy Valom Vam Vamal Vamam Vaman Vamin Vamul Vamum Vamun Van Vanan Vanar Vanim Vanom Vanon Vanoy Vanum Vanuy Vapel Vapil Var Varam Varay Varil Varir Variy Varol Varon Varul Varur Vasam Vasan Vasel Vasom Vason Vatil Vatoy Vaver Vavom Vay Vayel Vayer Vayey Vayil Vayiy Vayon Vayor Vazon Vazul Vebam Vedan Vefel Vefoy Vegay Vehiy Vehor Vejey Vejum Vekar Vel Velem Velen Veliy Velon Veluy Vem Vemal Vemar Vemem Vemer Vemey Vemir Vemor Vemul Vemum Vemun Ven Venal Venam Venen Veney Venir Venom Venul Vepam Vepem Ver Verar Verey Veril Verim Verin Veriy Veron Verum Vesor Vevan Vey Veyam Veyan Veyar Veyir Veyiy Veyor Veyoy Veyun Veyuy Vezam Vezum Vidar Videl Vidiy Vifil Vigan Vigey Vigor Vihol Vijin Vijun Vijur Vikon Vikum Vikun Vil Vilay Vilel Vilen Viliy Viloy Viluy Vim Vimil Vimir Vimiy Vimol Vin Vinam Vinay Vinel Vinen Vinin Viniy Vinul Vinur Vipem Vipor Vir Viral Viran Viray Virem Viren Viron Viror Viroy Virun Viruy Visiy Visoy Vitel Viten Vitom Vitum Vivar Viven Vivir Viy Viyan Viyar Viyel Viyen Viyey Viyir Viyon Viyuy Vizen Vober Vodiy Vodom Vofal Vofoy Vofun Vogal Vogar Vohal Voham Vohim Vojan Vojel Vojen Vokal Vokim Vol Volan Volay Volen Volir Volul Vom Vomal Vomay Vomem Vomer Vomin Vomiy Vomum Vomun Von Vonel Vonem Voniy Vonon Vonun Vor Voral Voran Vorim Voriy Voroy Vorur Vosan Vosar Voson Votar Vovam Vovan Vovar Vovem Voy Voyar Voyer Voyim Voyiy Voyol Voyom Voyon Voyum Vozal Vozay Vozem Vozoy Vozum Vubum Vudor Vugal Vuhen Vuhir Vujal Vujon Vukiy Vukor Vul Vulal Vulel Vulen Vuley Vulim Vulom Vulon Vuluy Vum Vumam Vumem Vumey Vumil Vumol Vumor Vumul Vumum Vumuy Vun Vunar Vunay Vunel Vuney Vuniy Vunul Vupar Vupen Vur Vural Vuren Vurer Vurey Vurin Vuroy Vurul Vurur Vusim Vusum Vutol Vutul Vuy Vuyan Vuyul Vuyur Vuzam Vuzan Vuzon
Yab Yabar Yabel Yad Yadan Yader Yadiy Yaf Yafer Yafil Yafim Yag Yagam Yagon Yah Yahen Yahul Yaj Yajer Yajuy Yak Yakir Yakiy Yal Yalal Yalam Yalay Yalen Yalim Yalin Yalom Yaloy Yalul Yalum Yam Yaman Yamar Yamay Yamel Yamir Yamum Yan Yanal Yanam Yanay Yanir Yanol Yanuy Yap Yapay Yapey Yapiy Yapum Yar Yarar Yarom Yaror Yarum Yas Yasel Yat Yatar Yatin Yav Yavan Yaven Yay Yayay Yayem Yayen Yayey Yayim Yayir Yayiy Yayom Yayoy Yayun Yaz Yazam Yazay Yazen Yeb Yeben Yed Yedel Yedir Yef Yefin Yeg Yeger Yeguy Yeh Yeham Yehem Yehil Yehor Yehum Yej Yejum Yek Yekin Yekol Yekul Yel Yelal Yelil Yelin Yeliy Yelol Yelom Yelul Yelun Yelur Yem Yemam Yemem Yemiy Yemon Yemor Yemul Yemur Yen Yenan Yenar Yenem Yep Yepey Yepir Yer Yeran Yerem Yeren Yeril Yerim Yerol Yeror Yerum Yerun Yerur Yes Yesor Yet Yeten Yetin Yetor Yev Yevey Yevim Yey Yeyal Yeyel Yeyen Yeyey Yeyir Yeyuy Yez Yezel Yezey Yib Yibam Yiber Yibom Yibon Yid Yiden Yif Yifom Yig Yigar Yigun Yih Yij Yijin Yik Yikey Yil Yilim Yilin Yiliy Yilol Yilom Yilon Yiloy Yilul Yilur Yim Yimam Yimel Yimey Yimiy Yimum Yimun Yimur Yin Yinar Yinel Yinem Yiner Yiney Yinil Yinin Yinol Yinor Yinur Yinuy Yip Yipel Yir Yiral Yiruy Yis Yisar Yit Yitar Yiten Yitoy Yitun Yiv Yivom Yiy Yiyam Yiyay Yiyel Yiyin Yiyir Yiyor Yiyoy Yiz Yizom Yob Yobel Yobun Yod Yodir Yof Yofam Yofan Yofin Yog Yoger Yogim Yoh Yohar Yohir Yoj Yojil Yok Yoker Yol Yolay Yolir Yolol Yolon Yoloy Yolur Yom Yomal Yomay Yomem Yomen Yomey Yomin Yomir Yomon Yomum Yomuy Yon Yonal Yonam Yonay Yonem Yoner Yoney Yonil Yonim Yonol Yonum Yonun Yop Yopum Yor Yoral Yorel Yoren Yorim Yorir Yoriy Yorol Yorom Yos Yoser Yosoy Yot Yotem Yotor Yov Yovoy Yovul Yoy Yoyal Yoyam Yoyan Yoyel Yoyum Yoyuy Yoz Yozol Yub Yud Yuf Yufey Yug Yuguy Yuh Yuhom Yuj Yujom Yuk Yukin Yul Yular Yulen Yuley Yulin Yulol Yulon Yulur Yum Yumem Yumiy Yumom Yumon Yumul Yun Yunel Yunim Yunon Yunoy Yunum Yunur Yup Yupey Yupur Yur Yuren Yurer Yurim Yurom Yuror Yurun Yus Yut Yuton Yuv Yuy Yuyay Yuyem Yuyiy Yuyoy Yuyuy Yuz Yuzor Yuzoy
Zaban Zadol Zadum Zafir Zahol Zakal Zaker Zal Zalar Zalem Zalin Zalom Zaloy Zalul Zalur Zam Zamam Zaman Zamel Zamer Zamon Zamul Zamuy Zan Zanal Zanem Zanol Zanuy Zar Zaral Zarar Zarem Zarer Zaril Zarim Zaron Zarur Zasay Zasiy Zatiy Zator Zaven Zavor Zavoy Zavuy Zay Zayar Zayay Zayel Zayin Zayir Zayor Zayoy Zayuy Zazen Zazur Zebur Zedur Zegol Zegul Zegur Zehin Zehum Zejan Zejin Zekor Zel Zelal Zelel Zelen Zelim Zelol Zelom Zelul Zem Zemal Zemam Zemar Zemer Zemey Zemul Zen Zenam Zener Zenim Zenin Zenor Zenoy Zenum Zenun Zenur Zepil Zepin Zer Zerar Zerel Zerey Zeril Zerom Zerum Zerun Zerur Zeruy Zesoy Zetor Zetuy Zevey Zey Zeyar Zeyel Zeyem Zeyer Zeyey Zeyon Zeyor Zeyoy Zeyum Zibal Zibel Zibur Zidam Ziday Zifel Zigam Zigom Zihal Zihey Zihon Zijar Zijol Zikar Zil Zilam Zilay Ziley Zilim Zilin Ziliy Zilol Ziloy Zilun Zim Zimin Zimiy Zimom Zimur Zin Zinar Ziner Zinir Ziniy Zinol Zinom Zinor Zinun Zipim Zipin Zipur Zir Ziral Ziram Zirar Zirer Zirin Zirol Ziron Ziroy Zirum Zirun Zisun Zital Zitun Zitur Zivam Zivan Zivay Ziy Ziyay Ziyem Ziyer Ziyil Ziyom Ziyon Ziyun Ziyur Zizem Zizer Zizey Zobar Zobuy Zodal Zodon Zodul Zofey Zofol Zofun Zojal Zojil Zojim Zojon Zokin Zokol Zokum Zol Zolan Zolel Zolem Zolil Zolim Zolon Zolul Zom Zomal Zoman Zomel Zomim Zomiy Zomol Zomon Zon Zonan Zonar Zonen Zoner Zonim Zonir Zoniy Zonol Zonom Zonul Zoper Zorey Zorir Zorol Zoror Zorun Zosem Zotey Zotul Zotun Zoy Zoyem Zoyer Zoyim Zoyin Zoyiy Zoyol Zoyom Zoyor Zoyoy Zoyur Zozam Zozey Zozir Zuben Zudol Zufal Zufem Zufen Zugiy Zugoy Zuhey Zujal Zujey Zujun Zul Zular Zulem Zulin Zulor Zulum Zulur Zum Zumam Zumar Zumol Zumom Zumon Zumul Zumum Zumur Zun Zunan Zunay Zuney Zunil Zunin Zunon Zunuy Zur Zuray Zurem Zuren Zurey Zurim Zuror Zuroy Zurum Zurun Zusey Zutar Zuvin Zuy Zuyem Zuyer Zuyey Zuyol Zuyor Zuzal Zuzin Zuzum
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gascon-en-exil · 1 year
the real thing about the Fe4 remake that worries me is if treehouse gets to do the localization when well they tried to remove Bernadetta mentioning how her father abused her (and that(s a good thing they failed) so how are they going to deal with the *whisper child hunt*
I really don't know why people ever bring up the child hunts whenever they're talking about censorship in Genealogy. It's just generic bad guy stuff, and it never occurs onscreen or to any playable characters so it's an easy topic to avoid delving into. It's far more likely that House Dozel's men sexually assaulting women in occupied Isaach will come under scrutiny, because it involves sex and because one of the playable characters almost becomes a victim of it.
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teneguine · 2 years
"Oh, hold on a moment, old friend!" Laslow says, wiping the sweat off his brow with a nearby towel. They've spent the better part of the morning on the training grounds. "Happy Midwinter." He hands over a neatly wrapped box. Once opened, Owain will find a brand new leather journal. "For writing down your ideas," Laslow explains.
"Hm?" Owain is stopped, his motion to place a training sword back on its rack cancelled by the sound of his old pal's voice. The wooden blade is instead slung around his shoulder as he turns to face Laslow, his ashen eyes lighting up when he sees something in the other's hands.
"By the fancied axes of Dozel! Laslow, mine sworn ally, such an offering to the great Scion of Legend was hardly necessary!" He is surprised, truly. Though Dark enjoys wearing the masks of bravado and confidence, his expectation that others truly enjoy his presence is kept low. It's both a relic of poor self-esteem and, perhaps, a bit of critical self reflection. "You've done more than enough to be my friend for a thousand thousand lifetimes..."
His sword is now placed proper on its shelf, so that both hands can unwrap what Laslow had gotten him. The paper is torn, tattered, and scattered about the training grounds--uncaring of the mess it makes. And it is revealed, its leather binding instantly smoothed over by Owain's hands: his new journal. Having filled the pages of many before, his eye has grown keen to the detail of stationary. It picks up the intricate design on the cover and the pristine quality of its pages, deciding not to calculate what price was paid for it, but instead admiring the effort Laslow put into acquiring such a gift.
"It..." water wells up in his eyes, "It is perfect... It shall be the vessel of my genius, the blank slate on which I record the stuff of myth!"
He pulls his friend in close for a big bear hug--the kind Lissa had traditionally given him--before shifting his gaze to the back of the grounds. "You have my thanks, friend. And if you rest for but a moment, I shall return your kindness in, er, kind!"
Which he does, after a brisk walk to rummage through his bags.
"Behold!" Owain shouts, finally returning with a smaller stack of paper in his free hand, "Now that we've been here a while, the clutches of boredom are ever at our throats. With this, you shall never run out of songs to dance to!" It's a collection of musical scores, imported from every reach of the world and purchased at a novelty shop. But more importantly, it is a small reminder of their halcyon in Nohr. Back when, even with the fate of the world on their shoulders, Laslow had all the talented singers he could ever need. When they each played the hero in their own way, while retaining the core of what they are.
More than anything, he does not want his dear friend to lose sight of that here in Fodlan. So if it takes a bit of encouragement, Owain is more than happy to go to such a length.
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Brian / ブリアン, Iuchar / ヨハン, Iucharba / ヨハルヴァ, Danann / ダナン and Dahna / ダーナ
Brian, Iuchar, and Iucharba are the three sons of Danann of House Dozel in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. These brothers get their name from the sons of Tuireann found in the Irish tale The Tragedy of the Sons of Tuireann. In the story, it is said that the three sons of Tuireann and the three sons of Cainte—one being Cian, father of the god Lugh—have bad blood between each other. Anytime they encountered each other, a fight would break out. While traveling without his brothers, Cian saw the sons of Tuireann from a distance. Fearing what might happen to him, he turned himself into a pig to blend in with a nearby herd. But the eldest Tuireann brother, Brian (sometimes called Uar), noticed this man's disappearance and ordered his younger brothers Iucha[i]r and Iucharba to find him amongst the swine. The younger brothers were turned into hounds by Brian and slaughtered the pigs, with the elder brother casting a spear to pin down the fleeing Cian. Upon him revealing his identity and requesting mercy, Iucha[i]r and Iucharba were deeply apologetic; Brian, however, had no desire for peace. He convinced his brothers to join him in stoning Cian to death.
Though the brothers buried the corpse, the torn earth told the truth. Quite literally, in fact: when Lugh arrived at the site, the earth spoke, recounting what happened. As punishment, Lugh places an eric—a toll for taking a life—on the brothers: they are tasked with traversing the world and collecting eight treasures. These consisted of three apples from the Garden of the Hesperides (of Greek myth); a pigskin capable of perfectly healing anyone from King Tuis of Greece; a poison-tipped spear (debated as to being the Gáe Assail or the Areadbhair) from King Pisear of Persia; two horses and a chariot that can ride across the ocean from King Dobar of Sicily; seven pigs that can be eaten and reappear in the morning from King Easal of the Golden Pillars; the young pup Failinis from the King of loruaidh; the cooking spit of the women of Inis Fionnchuire, an underwater island lying between Ireland and Britain; and three shouts from atop the hill of Miodhchaoin. The brothers were able to accomplish the first seven tasks. These typically followed a pattern of Brian deciding to appear in the court of the given king as a poet or mercenary seeking work, directly asking the king to just give them what they want, and slaughtering everyone when they are denied. However, the last task would be the end of them: Miodhchaoin and his three sons would do battle with the brothers, already left ragged from their previous encounters. Though Brain, Iucha[i]r and Iucharba came out victorious, they would live just long enough to shout thrice from the hilltop.
The most apparent connection between the sons of Tuireann and the sons of Danann is found in the characters' personalities. In Genealogy of the Holy War, Brian seeks vengeance for the death of his father and grandfather and remains allied to Julius and the Loptrian Empire. Iuchar and Iucharba are both conditioned by their father to enact injustices upon the people of Isaach, but in truth have good intentions. Iuchar in particular leans more into the comedic aspect the younger Tuireann brothers present in the Irish tale.
In Japanese, Brian's name is ブリアン (rōmaji: burian), and is officially romanized as Burian. Far less obvious are the names of the younger brothers; in Japanese, Iuchar is named ヨハン (rōmaji: yohan), officially romanized as Johan, while Iucharba is named ヨハルヴァ (rōmaji: yoharuva), officially romanized as Johalva. As it turns out, the similar ヨハル (rōmaji: yoharu) and identical ヨハルヴァ are some of the most common renderings of Iuchar and Iucharba, though ユッハル (rōmaji: yuhharu)and ユッハルヴァ (rōmaji: yuhharuva) are also frequently used.
Though not named after their father, Danann's name is also very deliberate both in Japanese and internationally. Danann comes from the Tuatha Dé Danann, the group of deities to which Dagda, Lugh, and Tuireann's family belong. The name of the Tuatha Dé Danann means "People of the goddess Danu"; the identity is a controversial subject, as the name doesn't appear much beyond this. However, in the Lebor Gabála Érenn, amongst the genealogies of the Tuath Dé, it is mentioned that Brian, Iuchar, and Iucharba—listed instead as three of six sons of Delbáeth, also called Tuirell Bicreo—were born of Delbáeth's own daughter, Donann (sometimes called Danand). For this, they are called the "three gods of Danu". In Japanese, Danann is named ダナン (rōmaji: danan), officially romanized as Danan. This name most likely is based on the same information.
The city of Dahna also relates to the Tuatha Dé Danann; at least, with its Japanese name. In the original language, Dahna is called ダーナ (rōmaji: dāna), officially romanized as Darna. This is derived from ダーナ神族 (rōmaji: dāna shinzoku), translating to "Dan[u] god tribe", a less common rendering of the Tuatha Dé Danann in Japanese based on the literal meaning. As the city is the site the modern gods of Jugdral blessed the Twelve Crusaders—who in themselves have been deified over the hundred years since their time—it makes sense for this location to carry the name of the Tuath Dé. This name choice also relates to the Second Battle of Mag Tuired, in which the Tuath Dé, long oppressed by the Fomorians that ruled Ireland after their arrival, revolt and return to power—much like the people of Jugdral did to the Loptrians.
The localized name, Dahna, seems to come from the ad-Dahna Desert, a region of the Arabian Desert. This would relate to the city being on the border of the Aed Desert, but has no other real connections.
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handfuloftime · 2 years
10 Lines Tag Game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway!
Tagged by @solomontoaster - thanks! This also made me realize how little fic I’ve written recently, lol.
Anyway, I’m cheating and starting with a wip:
Eighteen years ago, amid the great reorganization, the crown had seized the traitors’ lands as forfeit. With the old king in such ill health, it had fallen to him to distribute them as he saw fit. Small holdings, mostly, with paltry revenues—the inheritances of daughters and younger sons, though of course the duchy of Edda was a real prize. The main portion went to Jungby and Dozel and Freege, to buy their continued loyalty and smooth over any hard feelings. But he’d kept one for himself. He’d appointed a steward to oversee the upkeep and revenues, and occasionally entertained the thought of bringing Deirdre to visit, if only to make Sigurd’s ghost howl down in hell, but in the end he’d never gone.
And for fics I’ve actually published:
a book elegantly bound but in a language that you can’t read (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Sigurd/Arvis, 2.6k)
It's at the banquet in Belhalla to celebrate the fortieth year of King Azmir's reign that Sigurd first meets the young duke of Velthomer.
a series of observations for determining the local attraction (The Terror, Rossieranne, 3.7k)
"How was he?" is Anne's first question, before Francis has even finished taking off his coat in the foyer.
meet me in the woods (The Terror, Rossier and JCR/Anne, 2k)
A clattering noise out in the dark startles Francis so badly that he nearly drops one of the oars. He looks around, trying to spot the other boat—but no, it's just a few ducks, startled by the boat's passage.
Francis sighs, readjusts his grip on the oars, and wonders for the dozenth time how he got himself into this mess. 
in the pleasure of your company (The Terror, Francis/Anne Ross, 1.3k)
The clock in the sitting room strikes the hour: eleven, later than Francis had thought.
this isn’t over (Our Flag Means Death, Stizzy, 2k)
"Captain," Izzy says.
"Yeah?" Ed says. "What's up?"
There are two captains on the Revenge's quarterdeck, actually: Ed leaning against the railing as he finishes his cup of tea, and Stede just coming up the stairs with another plate of scones. But there's no question who Izzy's talking to.
Ribbons (Our Flag Means Death, Izzy/Ed, 1.5k)
"Izzy? Izzy, get in here!"
Izzy has learned to dread the sound of Edward calling him from Bonnet's cabin. He's long since lost patience for feigning interest in whatever ridiculous toy Edward has found, Bonnet included. 
Ancestry (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, gen, 1.2k)
Sanaki tiptoes through the eastern galleries of Mainal Cathedral.
It's mid-afternoon, which means that the cathedral choir is practicing in one of the smaller chapels, somewhere a few levels down and closer to the main temple. As she slips through the arcade, she can hear the first harmonies filtering up through the flagstones, like the building itself is singing.
Resolve (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Levail/Zelgius, 1.5k)
General Zelgius comes for him a week after the world stops.
Let the Waters Roar (The Terror, Rossier, 3k)
The Portuguese coast is a gray-green smudge on the horizon, as it has been for months. Francis casts it a weary glance as he hauls himself up on deck, rubbing sleep from his eyes. Lieutenant Hastings, who fancies himself a wit, sees him looking and says, “No, it hasn’t moved.”
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louvay · 1 year
Find it funny how House Friege is seen in a more favorable light compared to House Dozel not just by the community but also seemingly by the games too. The faction that is similarly complacent with subjugating foreign land, reducing the natives of said land into slaves and then turning a blind eye to a dark cult going around sacrificing children in those lands is seemingly not given the same mockery Lewyn gives to House Dozel in Endgame.
I guess their members were just more conventionally attractive? Doesn’t exactly compensate for lacking a spine.
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adamblue · 9 months
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Rogue Newtype Custom Gunpla Builds [Lady Une, Dozel Zabi] http://dlvr.it/T15q64
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