#Dr Lazarus Chakwera
sulemanchitera · 2 years
Chakwera Inaugurates 2022/ 23 National Forestry Season
Chakwera Inaugurates 2022/ 23 National Forestry Season
President Dr Lazarus Chakwera has officially launched the 2022/23 National Forestry Season with a call for a switch to alternative sources of energy that do not rely on charcoal. According to Dr Chakwera, human invasion and deforestation have for the past years derailed Malawi’s aspirations of replenishing forest cover hence the need for multiple actions towards reversing the challenge. He was…
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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13 October 2022 The Countess of Wessex presents a letter from The King to the President of Malawi Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera congratulating Malawi today, on World Sight Day, of the countrys successful elimination of trachoma, at the State House in Lilongwe, Malawi 📸: Jane Barlow
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chinemagazine · 21 days
Xi Jinping rencontre le président du Malawi, le Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera
La Chine est prête à renforcer la coopération avec le Malawi dans l'agriculture, les télécommunications et les infrastructures
La Chine est prête à renforcer la coopération avec le Malawi dans les domaines de l’agriculture, des télécommunications, des infrastructures et d’autres domaines, et à encourager les entreprises chinoises à investir au Malawi. Le matin du 3 septembre 2024, le président Xi Jinping a rencontré le président du Malawi, le Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, qui se trouve en Chine pour le sommet de Beijing…
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Four people, including a pregnant woman, were killed after a vehicle tried to avoid the convoy carrying the body of the late Malawi Vice-President Saulos Chilima hit mourners, witnesses say.
Twelve other people were injured in the incident on Sunday night and were being treated in hospital.
It followed clashes between local people, the police and soldiers escorting the late vice-president's funeral convoy from the capital, Lilongwe, to his home village for burial.
Mr Chilima died in a plane crash a week ago and was buried on Monday in his home district of Ntcheu, some 180 km (112 miles) south of the capital.
During the burial, some mourners sang songs criticising President Lazarus Chakwera.
The traffic accident happened on Sunday night, when thousands of people had lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the coffin as it was being transported for burial.
As the procession passed through areas close to Mr Chilima’s home, some people started to throw stones at government vehicles and officials.
In the commotion, one privately owned vehicle travelling in the opposite direction swerved to avoid the funeral convoy and went off the road, hitting a group of mourners, witnesses say.
Two men and two women lost their lives, according to a police statement.
The car was not part of the official convoy as had been earlier reported.
The spokesman for Mr Chilima's UTM party told the AFP news agency there was some tension along the route as mourners demanded the procession stop so they could see the coffin.
“In Dedza, people blocked the road and demanded to see the coffin," Felix Njawala was quoted as saying.
The convoy proceeded after the mourners were pacified.
The party has condemned the acts of violence, and asked supporters to refrain from any violence or destruction.
"We cannot tolerate violence, Dr Chilima advocated for peace, let us do the same," state broadcaster MBC quoted UTM secretary general Patricia Kaliati as saying.
Mr Chilima, 51, died last Monday along with eight others when a military aircraft on an internal flight crashed in a forest in the north of the country amid bad weather.
On Sunday tens of thousands of Malawians turned up to a funeral service at the national stadium to pay tribute to him.
Mr Chilima had a special connection with people, especially the youth, and was considered a breath of fresh air in Malawian politics.
His party formed a coalition government with that of President Chakwera after contesting and winning the 2020 elections as alliance partners.
In 2022, Mr Chilima was arrested on corruption charges but these were dropped last month. He always denied any wrongdoing.
Some of Mr Chilima’s supporters have been critical of how the government handled events leading to his death and loudly booed the president when he delivered his eulogy at the funeral service on Sunday.
Mr Chakwera has promised a full investigation into the cause of the crash.
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andronetalks · 4 months
Malawi Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima killed in plane crash along with 9 others
CBS News By Sarah Carter Updated on: June 11, 2024 / 10:04 AM EDT / CBS News Johannesburg — Malawi’s Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima and 9 other people were killed when the plane they were travelling in crashed in the Chikangawa mountain range, the government said Tuesday. President Lazarus Chakwera declared Tuesday a national day of mourning. It later became unclear whether Chilima’s wife Mary…
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera (born April 5, 1955) on the outskirts of Lilongwe to Ernest Person Chakwera and Mallen Mwale. His parents were subsistence farmers. His father named him Lazarus to express his faith that he would defy the odds and live long as the Bible character who was raised from the dead.
He graduated from the University of Malawi with a BA in philosophy. He received a second degree from the University of the North in South Africa. He was awarded a Master's from the University of South Africa, and a Ph.D. From Trinity International University.
He was an instructor at the Assemblies of God School of Theology in Lilongwe. He became principal of the school. He was the President of Malawi Assemblies of God. On April 14, 2013, he announced he was running for president under the banner of the Malawi Congress Party. In May, he resigned as head of the Assemblies of God to concentrate on his presidential candidacy. While not successful in his bid for the presidency, he won a parliamentary seat and became the Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly.
He ran again in the hotly contested 2019 presidential election. Despite complaints and accusations about irregularities, the Electoral Commission declared the incumbent the winner by a margin of 3.1%. He announced his decision to challenge the election result.
After a six-month hearing, the Malawi Constitutional Court nullified the 2019 election and directed that a new election be held within 150 days. This was appealed but the Malawi Supreme Court upheld the nullification. The election took place on June 23, 2020, under the oversight of a newly constituted Electoral Commission. He won with 58.57 percent of the vote.
He and his wife, Monica, have one son and three daughters. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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amazoniaonline · 10 months
COP 28 - Mais de 120 países apoiam a Declaração sobre Clima e Saúde
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A Presidência da COP28, em colaboração com a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), anunciou hoje uma nova "Declaração da COP28 dos EAU sobre Clima e Saúde". Este documento histórico, endossado por 123 países, foi revelado durante a Cúpula Mundial de Ação Climática, marcando um reconhecimento mundial sem precedentes da necessidade urgente de proteger as comunidades e preparar os sistemas de saúde para lidar com impactos relacionados ao clima, como calor extremo, poluição do ar e doenças infecciosas. A Visão por Trás da Declaração Desenvolvida com o apoio de vários 'países campeões', incluindo Brasil, Malawi, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Holanda, Quênia, Fiji, Índia, Egito, Serra Leoa e Alemanha, esta ação conjunta surge num momento crítico. Com quase 9 milhões de mortes anuais devido à poluição do ar e 189 milhões de pessoas expostas a eventos climáticos extremos anualmente, a urgência de uma resposta global é clara. O Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, Presidente da COP28, destacou a importância da declaração: “Os impactos das mudanças climáticas estão à nossa porta, tornando-se uma das maiores ameaças à saúde humana no século 21.” A Crise Climática como uma Crise de Saúde Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Diretor-Geral da OMS, reforçou que "a crise climática é uma crise de saúde". Ele agradeceu aos EAU por priorizar a saúde em sua presidência da COP28 e acolheu a declaração, que sublinha a necessidade de construir sistemas de saúde resilientes ao clima e de baixo carbono. O Presidente do Malawi, Lazarus Chakwera, enfatizou que as mudanças climáticas estão afetando a saúde e o bem-estar das comunidades. Ele compartilhou a experiência direta de seu país com eventos climáticos extremos que deslocaram milhares de cidadãos e provocaram surtos de doenças infecciosas. Principais Áreas de Ação A Declaração abrange uma série de áreas de ação no cruzamento entre clima e saúde, incluindo: Construção de sistemas de saúde mais resilientes ao clima.Fortalecimento da colaboração intersectorial para reduzir emissões e maximizar os benefícios de saúde da ação climática.Aumento do financiamento para soluções climáticas e de saúde.Os signatários também se comprometeram a incorporar metas de saúde em seus planos nacionais de clima e a melhorar a colaboração internacional para enfrentar os riscos à saúde das mudanças climáticas. Financiamento: Um Motor Crítico para o Sucesso Reconhecendo a importância do financiamento, a Presidência da COP28 se uniu a diversas organizações para desvendar um conjunto de dez princípios para reforçar o financiamento para soluções de clima e saúde. Parceiros coletivos se comprometeram a dedicar US$ 1 bilhão para enfrentar as crescentes necessidades da crise climática e de saúde. Iniciativas e Compromissos Financeiros Diversas organizações, incluindo o Banco Asiático de Desenvolvimento, a Fundação Bill & Melinda Gates, a Wellcome Trust, a Bloomberg Philanthropies, e a Fundação Rockefeller, anunciaram compromissos financeiros significativos para apoiar a pesquisa e as ações relacionadas ao clima e à saúde. Olhando para o Futuro No Dia da Saúde da COP28, ministros da Saúde e delegações de saúde de mais de 100 países participarão do primeiro Ministério do Clima e Saúde na COP. Este evento representa um passo crucial para aumentar o financiamento e as intervenções que protegerão e promoverão a saúde humana no contexto das mudanças climáticas. Notas para os Editores - COP28 EAU A COP28 EAU, que ocorrerá na Cidade Expo de Dubai de 30 de novembro a 12 de dezembro de 2023, reunirá mais de 70.000 participantes. Esta conferência incluirá a primeira Avaliação Global de Estoque conforme mandatado pelo Acordo de Paris, e os EAU liderarão um processo para acelerar o progresso na transição energética global e ação climática inclusiva. Com informações da COP28 Read the full article
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oasismagazine · 1 year
Press Release- Africa Economic Summit 2023
His Excellency, Dr Lazarus Chakwera, President of Malawi, Dr McDan McKorley, Chairman, McDan Group, Dr. Kwaku Afriyie (MP), Hon Minster MESTI, Ghana, Hon. Fabakary Tombong Jatta, Speaker, National Assembly of The Gambia, Atty. Janga A. Kowo, Comptroller and Accountant General, Republic of Liberia, Others to Speak at the 2023 Africa Economic Summit in Accra The Africa Economic Summit Group has…
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zambianobserver · 2 years
President Of Malawi Fires His Minister Of Agriculture
PRESIDENT OF MALAWI FIRES HIS MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE. President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has with immediate effect fired Minister of Agriculture, Lobin Lowe and his Deputy Madalitso Kambauwa Wilima due to underperformance and negligence. In his national address, Chakwera said the Ministry of Agriculture failed to meet September targets to have the AIP programme rolling in the country. Dr.…
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malawistar · 6 years
Banda Drops Out Endorses Chakwera
By Gracian Lungu
Demonstrating a commitment towards building a new Malawi, former Malawi President Joyce Banda who is also People’s Party (PP) president has taken a bold decision by withdrawing from the presidential race and endorsing Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and its 2019 tripartite elections presidential candidate Lazarus Chakwera. Dr. Joyce Banda states that Lazarus Chakwera is the only presidential candidate who has the capacity to bring a government which can be enjoyed by all Malawians.
  While addressing journalists at a joint press conference between MCP and PP, PP’s Ibrahim Matola says the decision to join hands with MCP was arrived at after considering the need to build a new Malawi. This can only be achieved by Malawi Congress Party and its leader Lazarus Chakwera. Matola further says the discussions between the two parties to work together in building new Malawi dates back in 2015 when Dr. Joyce Banda was in America.
Rumors had been circulating around in different sections of Malawi as well as on different social media platforms. These rumors became reality Thursday when PP National Executive Committee (NEC) held a caucus with MCP envoy where the deal was sealed. The joint press briefing revealed Banda’s withdrawal from the forthcoming presidential elections race and the endorsement of Chakwera and MCP.
Many people have hailed Banda for her bold decision where she has forgone self-glorification, by endorsing a platform for other leaders to do their part for the development of the country. MCP’s Secretary General Eisenhower Mkaka applauds PP for joining MCP to form a block which shall work very hard towards replacing the current government of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). This move hopes to create a government which is good for all Malawians driven by Chakwera with his 5 concepts of servant leadership, uniting Malawi, prospering together, ending corruption and rule of law.
Banda Drops Out Endorses Chakwera was originally published on The Malawi Star
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sulemanchitera · 2 years
Chakwera Presides Over Official Launch Of 2022/23 National Forestry Season
Chakwera Presides Over Official Launch Of 2022/23 National Forestry Season
President Dr Lazarus Chakwera is this afternoon launching the 2022/23 National Forestry Season in Mangochi. Marking the launch of the season, Dr Chakwera and First Lady Madam Monica Chakwera planted a tree each at Mangochi Palm Forest where about 2,000 trees will be planted by partners. Thereafter, the President will hold a development rally at Chipalamawamba School Ground in the district. The…
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
The wreck of a plane carrying Malawi's vice-president has been found with no survivors, President Lazarus Chakwera has said.
Saulos Chilima and nine others were flying within the country on Monday morning when their aircraft disappeared from airport radars.
The plane, a military aircraft, was flying in bad weather.
Soldiers had been searching Chikangawa Forest overnight and into the morning in an effort to find the plane.
In a news briefing on Tuesday, President Chakwera said the Malawi Defence Force commander informed him that the search and rescue operation had been completed and the plane was found.
Mr Chakwera said he was "deeply saddened and sorry" to inform Malawians of the terrible tragedy.
He said the rescue team found the aircraft completely destroyed.
The vice-president who was plucked from business
The vice-president and president come from different parties but the two teamed up to form an alliance during the 2020 elections.
Mr Chakwera paid tribute to Dr Chilima, describing him as "a good man", "devoted father" and "formidable VP".
"I consider it one of the great honours of my life to have had him as a deputy and as a counsellor,” he added.
Dr Chilima, 51, was on his way to represent the government at the burial of former government minister Ralph Kasambara, who died four days ago.
Former First Lady Shanil Dzimbiri was also on the flight, which took off from the capital, Lilongwe, on Monday morning.
It was meant to land at the airport in the northern city of Mzuzu, but was turned back because of poor visibility.
The military is transporting the remains of Dr Chiima and the other victims to Lilongwe, the president said, adding that funeral arrangements will be announced in due course.
Dr Chilima had been vice-president of Malawi since 2014.
He was widely loved in Malawi, particularly among the youth, AFP news agency reports.
However, Dr Chilima was arrested and charged in 2022 on allegations that he accepted money in exchange for awarding government contracts.
He denied any wrongdoing.
Last month, the court dropped the charges, giving no reasons for the decision.
Dr Chilima is survived by his wife, Mary, and two children, Sean and Elizabeth.
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thestreamingone · 3 years
Le président Tshisekedi attendu au sommet de la SADC le mardi prochain à Lilongwe
Le président Tshisekedi attendu au sommet de la SADC le mardi prochain à Lilongwe
Le Président de la République, Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, est attendu le mardi 11 Janvier 2021 à Lilongwe, capitale de la République de Malawi pour participer à la 42e réunion du sommet extraordinaire de la communauté de Développement de l’Afrique Australe( SADC), qui ira jusqu’au mercredi 12 Janvier 2022. Présidé par Dr Lazarus Carthy Chakwera, président du Malawi et président en…
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globalnewsafrica · 3 years
Malawian President Lazarus CHAKWERA kneels to honour Albinos
Malawian President Lazarus CHAKWERA kneels to honour Albinos
By: Uko-obong Efiok In honour to people living with Albinoism . African Report Files learnt Malawi President, Dr Lazarus CHAKWERA has directed the Minister for Disability & Elderly Affairs; Hon. Patticia Kaliati to conduct an assessment of every public institution’s performance in upholding the rights and dignity of persons with disability and to report those who are violating same . I will know…
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scarletnews · 3 years
Chakwera warns world leaders against taking Africa as their baby
Chakwera warns world leaders against taking Africa as their baby
Malawi President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera took advantage of the inauguration of Zambia’s new President Hakainde Hichilema to remind the West and East that Africa is no longer an infant continent to be baby-sat. Chakwera said Hichilema’s triumph in the General Elections held on 12 August 2021 and his subsequent inauguration as Zambia’s seventh President is a proof positive that Africa is not…
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zambianobserver · 2 years
Chakwera and Chilima Declare Assets
President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera and Vice President Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima have declared their assets and have since had their declarations gazetted. The gazetting was done on June 3, 2022, making it the first time in the history of Malawi for declaration of assets to be gazetted since 2014 when the law was passed. According to the gazette, President Chakwera has two houses, three…
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