#Dr. Douglas Pooley
ginaraemitchell · 11 months
The Un-Diet Diet ... Healthier Boomers in 21 Days: A Health Reclamation Manual for Those Age 55 Plus by Dr. Douglas Pooley | Spotlight ~ Excerpt ~ Giveaway | #NonFiction #Health #Diet #HealthySeniors
The Un-Diet Diet ... Healthier Boomers in 21 Days: A Health Reclamation Manual for Those Age 55 Plus by Dr. Douglas Pooley "Although some critical biological functions may not perform quite as effectively at eighty-five as they did at thirty-five, as we go forward into the book, you will witness how these processes most certainly can be stimulated to work more efficiently at any point in our lives." @GoddessFish @TellwellTalent @TellwellPublishing @TheUndietDiet @DRDOUGPOOLEY #Diet #UnDiet #Boomers #HealthForSeniors
The Un-Diet Diet … Healthier Boomers in 21 Days: A Health Reclamation Manual for Those Age 55 Plus by Dr. Douglas Pooley | Spotlight ~ Excerpt ~ Giveaway | #NonFiction #Health #Diet #HealthySeniors A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions. Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour. Book…
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tinadonahue · 11 months
Dr. Douglas Pooley is here to tell us about his health book The Un-Diet Diet, Healthier Boomers In Just 21 Days. He's also hosting a great g...
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“BAGLEY HUNT HAS SHIFTED ACROSS LINE,” The Province (Vancouver). January 9, 1932. Page 1.  ---- Burlington Physician Saw Jail-breaker in Cafe Friday Night. ---- WAS CERTAIN OF IDENTITY ---- Apparently Separated From Companions Guards Are Exonerated. ---- VICTORIA. Jan. 9 - Guards of Oakalla prison have been exonerated of all blame in connection with the recent escape of William Bagley and four other prisoners, it was announced at the Legislative Buildings today. 
Attorney-General R. H. Pooley has reinstated P. I. G. Cunningham and Douglas Campbell, two guards who were suspended after the escape pending an official investigation. Mr. Pooley’s action Is based on the findings of Colonel J. R. McMullin, commissioner of provincial police, who made a full enquiry.
Extensive improvements to the Jail to make other escapes Impossible are under way now. A special wing, with only one exit and all windows guarded by chilled bars, will be installed. 
WORKING, on what they believed is a definite identification William Bagley, the fugitive Oakalla convict, Skagit County, Washington, police are carrying on intensive search of the country around Burlington. 
Search for Bagley, who with four companions escaped from Oakalla jail Sunday, took a new turn on Friday night when Dr. V. H. McKinley of Burlington reported to Mount Vernon police that he had recognized the fugitive in a restaurant. He said that he had treated Baglev several years ego mid was certain of his identity. B.C. POLICE CONFIRM STORY. After recognizing Bagley he tried, with the help of a waitress, to notify authorities without arousing the man's suspicions. He believes that the suspect recognized him, for he left the restaurant a few minutes later. 
Provincial police officers, Staff-Sergeant W. C. Kier and Corp. J. Kelly, who went to Mount Vernon Friday evening to Investigate, reported by wire this morning that there is no doubt of the identification of Bagley. 
Provincial police, headed by Sub-Inspector John Shirras. conducted a search along Marine drive, Fraser river, this morning, in response to information that Fawcett and Bagley may have been in the locality. No sign of the fugitives was discovered. 
An automobile stolen from J. J. McPherson at Bellingham was found four miles south of Everett late Friday night by King County deputy sheriffs. They said Bagley may have stolen it and abandoned it there in his flight south.  HAD PLANS FOR QUICK GET AWAY. Presence of Bagley in Washington fails in with the theory that the man hatched a planned avenue of escape and separated from the four others after having the Jail. Prisoners at Oakalla are said to have told officers that Bagley confided his plans for escape before he made the break and said that he had a plan for a quick get-away to United States. He did not say whether he proposed to escape by water. 
The fact, that the stolen car In which the convicts are believed to have driven was found near the river and that Sorge got clothing in that vicinity show that, Bagley may have gone to the river to meet friends with a boat. SEEN ON STREET CAR IN VANCOUVER On Friday it was established that, Frank Sorge, who was captured Thursday, got his change of clothes from the back of Wong Guey at Marine drive and Fraser  avenue. The Chinese has identified the clothing as that stolen from his shack Monday.
City police were Informed Friday by Don McGaw, 1228 West Twenty-seventh avenue, that at 7:30 pm. Thursday, he. saw two men, wet, bedraggled and unshaven, enter a north-bound street car at Oak street and Twenty-seventh avenue and transfer at Broadway to a belt, line car. he Identified a picture of Fawcett.
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