#Dr. Semmelweis
pandemic-info · 29 days
The Doctor Who Championed Hand-Washing And Briefly Saved Lives : Shots - Health News : NPR
This does not have a happy ending.
But it's important.
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frontmezzjunkies · 11 months
West End's "Dr. Semmelweis" Has the Courage to Truly Deliver the Truth
#DrSemmelweisPlay #frontmezzjunkies reviews: #DrSemmelweis a #newplay by #StephenBrown with the play's star #MarkRylance directed by #TomMorris at the #HaroldPinterTheatre #WestEnd #LondonEngland #BristolOldVic #NationalTheatre
Mark Rylance and Felix Hayes in Dr Semmelweis. Photo by Simon Annand. The London Theatre Review: Dr. Semmelweis By Ross Music floats in, all around us, from all sides. Beautiful stringed instruments are played by secretive musicians standing there amongst us in the aisle at the Harold Pinter Theatre, London. It pulls on us, this music, into the play’s realm within an instant, and then they…
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dxcstrange-stuff · 1 year
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"We are doctors of the modern age. We are marching into battle."
I was lucky enough to be able to see "Dr Semmelweis" last month and it genuinely was the most breathtaking, compelling, gripping and stunning play I have ever seen. From acting to lighting, set design and script. It was just perfect and I will NEVER forget about it 💖
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new-sandrafilter · 1 year
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hyperlexichypatia · 6 months
hey! ive been observing this account for a while as a person who is relatively new to anti-pysch, madpunk, and youth rights related stuff. and i wanted to ask something related to bodily autonomy. would someone refusing or downright saying they hate showering count as ones right to their own bodily autonomy? i see hygiene commonly weaponized against those who are neurodivergent or have mental illnesses and physical disabilities, that and i think hygiene has moved so far from protecting ourselves from certain viruses and diseases to "if you dont follow this specific skincare routine, buy these specific products, and take a shower in a very specific way (or use an alternative method/way that doesnt involve a shower in the first place) you're gross and should be shunned from society". i feel like our quickness to judge others who dont follow these things are may appear like they dont is connected to somethings related to consumerism and classism but i wouldnt know how to explain it as im still new to all this.
Needing help with hygiene is also really stigmatized, and people are denied access to it. Lots of people who don't have clean bodies and clothes are denied access to those things -- maybe they're unhoused and don't have a working bathroom, maybe they're disabled and can't get into the shower without assistance, which they don't have -- and of course anything associated with poor and disabled people is intensely stigmatized. So yeah, stigma on not having the right hygiene is absolutely classist and ableist. Even the word "hygiene" is often used to mean eugenics. We equate "clean" with "abled" and "dirty" with "disabled." There are even studies (I'm not sure how reliable they are because I haven't done sufficient research on them) suggesting that people adopt more conservative/judgmental attitudes when there's a bottle of hand sanitizer in view.
I think what really reveals the bad faith of the whole thing is that this kind of stigma is purely about social class and not actually about cleanliness from germs. The clearest example might be how in the 1840s, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis proposed the completely radical idea that maybe doctors should wash their hands before treating patients, and being widely denounced for suggesting that doctors could be the problem or could be dirty. The second clearest example might be the American political response to the COVID-19 pandemic -- people who had spent decades opposing the rights of poor people, unhoused people, immigrants, disabled people, people of color, queer people, etc. on the basis off "They're dirty/ they smell bad/ they're gross" suddenly pivoted to "How dare you ask me to avoid touching you or your food, wear a mask, or wash my hands, this is personally insulting to me."
Hygiene requirements are certainly necessary in certain contexts -- yes, you should have to wash your hands and wear a hairnet when preparing food, you should have to wash your hands and wear a mask before performing surgery -- but these should be things the employer provides and makes accessible.
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silvyysthings · 1 year
“I worked with Harry & he stayed a friend. I thought he was very good & I was really charmed by him. He & Timothée Chalamet are the 2 most famous young actors I’ve worked with & I’ve been struck by their consciousness, their work ethic & their nice sense of humour” - Mark Rylance
saw this on twitter @ hsdaily and i wanna share with yall
❤❤❤❤thank you guys
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isitandwonder · 1 year
I’m interested in how he contrasts his experience with that of Timothée Chalamet, his co-star in Bones and All. “It’d be too much for me,” he says. “I bless my lucky stars I didn’t have to deal with that at his age.” As far as he could tell, he says, it “comes with benefits and shadows – the shadow being that you can’t go out” – but there is “a not self-deprecating, not paranoid” sense that “I’m on this particular ride, and here I am. Timothée’s got a kind of... like the clothes he wears... he’s got just a very infectious wildness to him, which is really nice, with everyone, you know, fearful and being so correct.
“There’s so much money to be made off of people like that, young actresses and actors, that the hard thing for them, I think, is to say, ‘No, I’ve got my whole life. I don’t need to do it all in these five years and burn up.’ It’s always been the case that when a youth burns bright like that, everyone comes around the fire and throws more logs on.”
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andartblog · 2 months
C80-A rák esztétikája? / Semmelweis Egyetem 
A daganatos betegségeket övező tabuk megdöntésére készül 20 fős csapatával dr. Kiss Richárd PhD, a Patológiai és Kísérleti Rákkutató Intézet patológus szakorvosa. A EUniWell Seed Founding Programme égisze alatt futó egyéves munka során egészségügyi szakemberek, diákok, betegek és képzőművészek workshopsorozaton dolgozzák fel a daganatos betegségek különböző aspektusait. A projekt második…
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engin-program · 5 months
🌟✨ Unveiling the Power of Innovation: A Legacy from the 19th Century to Today ✨🌟
In 1847, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis dared to challenge the status quo in the obstetrics ward of a Viennese hospital. His wild idea? Simple yet revolutionary: handwashing. He observed a tragically high incidence of postpartum infections, leading to devastating death rates among new mothers. His proposed solution was met with ridicule and rejection, ultimately leading to his tragic demise.
💫 Fast forward nearly 200 years, and we're still battling against the tide of entrenched beliefs and resistance to change. But just as Semmelweis persisted in his quest for better healthcare, so too do we press forward in our own pursuits of innovation and progress.
💻 Recently, at our annual event “The Power of Conversation” ENGin founder and CEO Katerina Manoff shared her journey of innovation with us. Drawing parallels to Semmelweis' struggle, she highlighted the challenges faced in introducing something new, something that defies categorization, yet holds immense potential.
🌐 ENGin - a program transcending boundaries to offer English fluency, friendship, cultural exchange, and professional support. It's a model that defies convention, yet has touched the lives of thousands. But like Semmelweis, gaining acceptance isn't easy.
📚 Read Katerina's full story and join the movement on our blog page:
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frontmezzjunkies · 11 months
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#DrSemmelweis a #newplay written by #StephenBrown along with the play's star #MarkRylance directed by #TomMorris at the #HaroldPinterTheatre #LondonEngland #BristolOldVic #NationalTheatre @BristolOldVic​ @NationalTheatre​ #WestEnd's "Dr. Semmelweis" Has the Entertaining Courage to Truly Deliver the Truth with Passion, Clarity, and Ghosts https://frontmezzjunkies.com/2023/11/12/west-end-dr-semmelweis/ 
(via West End's "Dr. Semmelweis" Has the Courage to Truly Deliver the Truth)
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dxcstrange-stuff · 1 year
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Some more Semmelweis cos I REALLY love how he looks in that outfit with his tie tucked into his shirt pocket.....so pretty 🥺
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eurojoea · 1 year
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Dr Semmelweis play in the West End.
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bdpst24 · 1 year
„Ma több ezer elsőéves gólya válik a Semmelweis család tagjává”
elkezdődött az egyetem 253. tanéve „Önök, kedves Elsőéves Hallgatók, ma életük egyik legmeghatározóbb, és remélhetőleg legszebb útjára lépnek” – fogalmazott köszöntőjében dr. Merkely Béla rektor, aki felhívta a figyelmet: a tanévnyitóval több ezer elsőéves gólya lép a Semmelweis Polgárok kötelékébe, válik a Semmelweis Család tagjává. A hat karon csaknem 4000 elsőéves hallgató kezdheti meg…
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sethshead · 1 year
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"Mark Rylance stars as maverick doctor Ignaz Semmelweis – the man whose research could save many millions of mothers’ lives."
h/t Dr Semmelweis
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peterviney1 · 1 year
Dr Semmelweis- review
Follow the link to the review of DR SEMMELWEISS (LINK) now in London’s West End, starring Mark Rylance who co-wrote it. A giddying blend of drama, dance and music, with a fascinating story of 19th century medicine and the simple discovery that hand washing by doctors greatly reduced childbed fever deaths.
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qudachuk · 1 year
The generational stage actor speaks to Chris Harvey about Timothée Chalamet, his ‘failure’ at the Globe, and his new play ‘Dr Semmelweis’
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