#Draco’s Patronus is also a lion in that fic
okay so Allie @oflights got me thinking about this fic I wrote last year where Harry teaches Draco how to conjure a Patronus, and I just find the scene so fun that I’m going to post it here 🥰
“Right. Okay. So,” Harry leaned back against his desk, feeling a little self conscious. “The Patronus Charm is one of the most ancient pieces of magic still in common use. You can actually track surges of its use through history. It’s associated with troubled times, obviously. At the moment, we have an unusually high number of people trained in its use. Some of that is down to Dumbledore, actually. Because of the talking Patronus messages you saw Hagrid use yesterday. That was a favoured method of communication used by the Order of the Phoenix.” 
Harry paused to let Draco catch up in his notetaking, picking up the thread again when Draco raised his head and resumed eye contact, “There’s been this idea in the past that a Patronus can only be cast by someone pure of heart, which. I think is kind of silly. What does pure of heart even mean? The reality is that because it takes so much magic, it requires an equally incredible amount of focus and clarity of purpose.
“I find it helps in casting to understand what exactly a Patronus is-”
“It’s a physical manifestation of hope and joy,” Draco interrupted quietly. 
“Exactly. I’d add to that, it’s a physical manifestation of your survival instinct also. And since a Dementor's a sort of personification of despair, a Patronus can drive it away. The incantation actually translates to ‘I summon my protector.’”
“Poetic,” Draco said, scribbling in his pad. 
“Yes, well. It works. So the most common way to summon a Patronus is to fix a powerfully positive, joyful memory in your mind, focus on it with all your might, and then cast. Generally, I have my classes practise focusing on the memory before trying to cast the spell.”
“All right.” Draco didn’t move. 
“You should put away your notebook,” Harry advised, raising his wand, “Nox.” 
The torches in the wall brackets extinguished themselves, and they were plunged immediately into a much deeper darkness than Harry had been expecting. The curtains were drawn, and it was rather dark outside anyway, as it was snowing. 
“Potter,” came Draco’s voice, bemused from the sofa. “Are these theatrics strictly necessary?”
“Shush, you’re meant to be focusing.” 
“Fine. For how long?”
“That’s up to you. When you’re ready to try casting, try casting.” 
Draco fell silent then. Harry tried to keep as still and quiet as possible. The only sound in the room was Happy’s slightly whistly breathing from her bed. 
Presently there was a shifting as Draco rose from the sofa, “Expecto Patronum!” 
The room was illuminated by the silver cloud that burst from his wand. It hung moon-bright between them for a moment, then faded away into nothingness. Draco inhaled loudly and steadily and cast again, “Expecto Patronum!” 
This time, the thing that exploded from his wand was a distinctly animal shape, four legged, hairy, huge and dazzling in the dark office. It vanished too quickly to make out what it was, and Draco promptly dropped his wand. 
“Did you see it?!”
“Of course I saw!” Harry was so excited he could have hugged Draco. “I wasn’t expecting you to get it so fast.”
“One would think you’d have learned not to underestimate me by this time, Potter,” and Harry could picture exactly the whisk of his hair that accompanied that remark. “I told you I’ve cast the incorporeal form before. I’ll bet I have it perfect next time.” 
But Draco tried twice more, and produced only silver mist, even more indistinct than his first attempt. 
Harry heard him throw himself back onto the sofa with a huff, “Got to focus. Give me a moment.” 
The silence that followed lasted far longer than the first time. It set Harry wondering what happy memory Draco was honing in on. His desire to ask grew stronger as he waited in the dark, though he knew it would be abominably intrusive, and he didn’t dare break Draco’s concentration. 
Harry was thinking so hard about what Draco might be thinking that he didn’t even notice him get to his feet, and the bellowed incantation took him quite by surprise. 
“Expecto Patronum!” 
This time, the enormous shape that sprang forth was perfectly clear, a shining, silver-white lion so dazzling and so huge that it obscured Draco from him completely. It opened its jaws in a silent roar, then faded away, leaving them in darkness again. 
Harry felt hot all over, his skin too tight. He thought of Snape’s silver doe. Tonks’ wolf. His mouth went dry, and he fumbled for a seat more secure than the edge of his desk. 
After a moment, he raised his wand, “Lumos.” The torches flickered into light.
Draco was still staring in wonder at the place where his lion had vanished. “It was so beautiful,” Draco said quietly. “I didn’t know it would. I wasn’t expecting that.” 
Harry found his voice, “There’s nothing like seeing it for the first time. That bit of you that you’ve never laid eyes on before. Right in front of your face.”
“Yes,” Draco said reverently. Then, hesitant, “Show me yours?” 
Harry stood and raised his wand, “Expecto Patronum!” And the stag came at his call, as he knew it would. Quickly and easily as a devoted old friend. 
With the torches lit, the stag did not appear as dazzlingly as the lion, though it was just as huge. It stepped delicately right up to Draco, and lingered, nose to nose with him for just a moment before it disappeared. 
“I wish he could be with me all the time,” Draco said softly, almost to himself. “My lion.” 
“Well,” Harry said. “He is, isn’t he?”
A slow smile spread over Draco’s face, “I suppose you’re right.” 
read the rest on AO3!
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fedonciadale · 3 years
How are you writing such wonderful and realistic romances? Where is your main focus? I can feel every emotions that characters in your fiction feel and it is amazing! 😘😍💞💞
Hi there!
Thank you, thank you!
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Honestly, I don’t really know. I usually think about what defines the characters and try to imagine how they would react to certain scenarios. Also I try to make my couples compatible in a way where they share some characteristics but complement each other in other regards.
Take my Panville fic for example. One of the main plot points is that Neville is first in denial about his real feelings and when he finally realizes that he is in love, there is a huge misunderstanding and Neville thinks Pansy is in love with someone else. I think this would not work for another pairing. Because Neville being humble and shy is part of his personality. Another man might have a) realized that there was a chance Pansy was talking about him and b) might have tried to woo her anyway.
Draco on the other hand thinks he is going to die in ‘The Phoenix Potion’ and he uses the chance that Hermione checks on him in the Hospital Wing to tell Hermione how he feels and kiss her. That is not something Neville would ever do. It is important for the plot though, because Hermione needs to know about Draco’s feelings when the trio is brought to the Manor. But another man but Draco might not have talked to Hermione.
So, the plot I work out has to fit the characters. And the characters have to fit in a way that makes the couple work. Their flaws and virtues have to compliment each other in such a way that the couple together is somehow better than the two persons on their own - at least for the couples that are endgame. For other couples I try to work in some flaws into the relationship (not the characters). In “Perks of Casting a Patronus” it was visible early on that Neville was not 100% committed in his relationship with Hannah.
I also try to have little gestures and reactions that give away how the characters feel, so that the readers get the vibes. Every time Harry is touching his glasses in Phoenix Potion is important.
I also try to end important chapters either on a funny note or in a conflict that involves the PoV of that chapter. I think it has even more impact if the reader knows about the conflict but not necessarily the other characters. A punch in the gut to the PoV is good to get the reader invested but it’s even better if only the character and the reader know about that.
Nobody but Hermione knows what it does to her when Draco returns to the Wizarding World and brings her parents back. Nobody but Neville and the readers knows how painful it is for him to watch Harry and Pansy bantering.
Or the punch comes when some plot points finally make sense (the big reveal in chapter 102, ‘Rogues’ in Phoenix Potion has been prepared from the beginning).
Also, I try to vibe with my characters. What would they do in a given situation - and that situation doesn’t necessarily end up in any fic. I try to talk to them in my head and sometimes they are quite stubborn about how I write things. Pansy insisted on adding chapters on her and Neville in Phoenix Potion (Neville would never, of course) and Blaise just shook his head when I contemplated sending Luna and Hermione alone into the “lion’s den” of the baddies in Phoenix Potion. It is more difficult if I don’t like the character. I had the biggest problems with Dany PoV in my ASOIAF fics.
You should see me while I walk around in my flat and talk with my characters.... Probably looks like I’m nuts. lol. In a way it sometimes feel like I’m just writing down what happened in another dimension and timeline.
I don’t know how to explain it better.
Thanks for your nice ask!
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vivithefolle · 4 years
Have you read endrina's "The Secret Language of Plants" series on AO3? It is so good and so long and it does some really amazing stuff with Ron. With all characters really, except for the Death Eaters and Voldemort (and a little bit of Dumbledore) this author creates the best versions of these characters that JKR *wishes* she had been well rounded and clever and emotionally honest enough to write. "The Meaning of Mistletoe" is the first one. Its a full canon rewrite. All 7 books are covered!
I am very torn.
On the one hand it contains Drarry and Snupin and Geormione and I hate those.
On the other hand... the Ron-appreciation is fan-freaking-tastic.
Find it here.
Ah of course it’s somewhat a “Severus Snape mentors Harry Potter”, so we get those:
Severus had a tell. His face would be impassive, his voice perfectly even and smooth and devoid of all inflection. But if he found something funny, his left hand would twitch and he would close his fist instead of laughing. Harry was probably the only person who knew (maybe Remus did, he didn’t know). Twice, Severus had found one of Ron’s comments funny.
I gotta admit I have a soft spot for the Ron&Snape BROTP, AVPM has a way of making you appreciate it
“He has a… a permanent poker face” whispered Hermione as Severus waved Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, in the direction of the lake.
“You just have to learn how to read him” explained Harry while petting Buckbeak’ head to keep him quiet. “I know for a fact that he finds Ron very funny.”
“Funny?” Ron was having a day full of affronts. “He has given me more detentions than McGonagall ever has.”
(Not true. It was a tie).
How the Yule Ball ought to have gone - minus the gross Drarry shit:
Harry’s robes had belonged to three different witches of various tastes and body types before being purchased by Mrs. Weasley and adapted to be Ron’s formal outfit.
The next step had been very simple. Ron still cared about what other people thought. Harry did not. He really, really, did not. They traded. Ron resisted at first, because it was the polite thing to do, but once Harry got ahold of the dress and started to jump on the bed saying “mine, mine, mine” he accepted the exchange.
His smile had been so soft and wondering, as if Harry had given him the world. Harry felt as if he were trespassing on some religious ceremony, so grateful Ron looked, so easy it had been to make him happy.
Harry’s robes were green, to bring out his eyes. The colour also went very well with Ron’s hair and he looked quite fine. Not as elegant as Draco, for sure, but certainly one of the handsomest students in the ball
Harry could honestly say that he loved his new dress robes. Specially the cuffs. Oh, the glorious cuffs with three layers of lace. Harry could say that he loved the robes in all their frilly magnificence, but that wouldn’t be completely truthful because what he loved was the effect he had on people.
Headcanon accepted:
“Honestly, I don’t know why are you all acting so surprised.” He said to a variedly pink audience. Seamus Finnigan looked as if he had measles. “They are my brothers, you know. I had to grow up with them. And I am friends with Harry.”
Ron, like Percy, was easily overshadowed by the more explosive and flashy performances of his siblings. Ginny in particular, with her choleric character and her excellent jinxes, came on top of Ron. But Ron was not the runt of the group, not at all. Ron had slowly and painstakingly come to master a subtle non-verbal almost motionless magic, ever since his first year of school when he smuggled his wand to use during punishments. You would not see Ron cast anything, but he was, all the time. All. The. Time. Like someone compulsively pressing the save button on a computer. This was Ron, only with magic, defensive magic. It was now past conscious habit and it had become a tic.
Look, his brothers turned his favourite teddy bear into a spider, when he was on his second year a teacher tried to obliviate him, and the next year he was mauled by an over-enthusiastic Black (“so sorry, Ronald. Do you want a broom? I will get you a broom. Or better yet, a flying motorbike. I am sure you will look great in leather”). Note that he very generously was leaving the first year out, because it was the one time in Ron’s life when he actually went looking for trouble. Every other time the trouble came to find him.
It was only natural, given that he lived in a magical household where he could practice magic during the summers, that he would practice all the protective spells he could learn. He lived with Ginny, too, in case people had forgotten that. It was mere survival instinct on his part.
(Oddly, Percy had been quite helpful. He gave him tips and let him borrow his notes).
By the time he was starting his fourth year, it wasn't that Ron could cast protego in his sleep, it’s that he did. Constantly and absentmindedly. On himself, on Harry, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Luna (for heaven’s sake that girl was too fragile, someone should look after her). Really, he was casting protego on everyone all the time.
Percy was not his dad, he did not share his fascination with muggle ingenuity, but he did pay attention to his father. More than any of his brothers, actually, not that it was ever appreciated. Percy was never appreciated. (Not a complaint, just a statement. At the moment that lack of appreciation was what allowed him to work unnoticed. Hooray for ignored middle children).
(Side note: He should check with Ron, because Ronald was also very much a middle child like him and it occurred to Percy now that his little brother might be sitting on some big secrets of his own.)
Even though this fic went with the “Draco is second best to Hermione in class” cliché and I hate it it does get some things right:
Hermione wasn’t very good with emotions, hers or anyone else’s. She had always exhibited more awareness than Ron, it’s true, but that was more due to Ron having a philosophical acceptance of life than to any particular sensitivity on Hermione’s part. She was not very good with emotions because emotions clouded judgement and Hermione put all her might in her razor sharp mind. This is something that she understood very well.
This is why that morning, after breakfast, she had unfolded a piece of parchment on the table (sadly there were only two notebooks in the house and they were mostly full) and had announced, with great assuredness, that Voldemort must had been and still be very scared.
We love a Minerva that appreciates her chess lion
Minerva had put a swift end to the competition for Most Mischievous Student Ever by naming Potter (Harry) and Weasley (Ron) the ultimate and unsurpassable winners. (“I mean it, don’t even think about trying to take their place, unsurpassable I said.”)
She stood by her judgement because Harry was giving her headaches even in absentia and although Ronald grumbled a little bit that “he didn’t do nothing” there was not much force behind it. Minerva didn’t know exactly what Ronald had done or not done, but she would glare at him as if she knew and the boy looked guilty enough.
At this point, she wouldn’t even be that surprised if he turned out to be an animagus too. He had kept quiet about Severus’ involvement with Harry and he casted protegos nonverbally, so who knew what else he could do.
Ron’s Patronus is the best Patronus and this is canon
Ron was good, had always been good. When asked, because the quality and endurance of his patronus was amazing, he said he just had to think of that pigeon message that told him that his friend was alive and that was enough.
And Ron fucking killing Voldemort is like... *chief’s kiss*
Ron had grown as a young child in a big family. Not even the youngest which is a position of honour in a certain way and often featured prominently in fairy tales. No, he was the one just before, young but not the youngest. There were so many brilliant brothers before him that he knew he would never get to have an “-est” for him. Not the brightest or the funniest or the bravest.
Ron had gone through a process of acceptance in life. By the time he came to Hogwarts he had known and accepted that if he didn’t manage to do something magnificent and astonishing, he would be a bit of an embarrassment for the family. The runt, the one who did nothing remarkable. But even if he achieved a wonderful feat he would still be following the steps of his brothers and so it would not be something extraordinary. He could not win either way and he had accepted that.
By the time he was in his fourth year he had come to accept that his best friend, Harry Potter, was too much of a good person to resent him for all the attention he got and that Ron craved. During that year with the stupid trials Ron had come to accept that he would always be overshadowed by his brothers and friends. Talented Bill and Charlie and even Percy and his good grades, funny twins, clever Hermione, and lastly Harry who was very odd but still the Boy Who Lived. Ron was none of that and it was a bit like drinking black tea with no sugar, it wasn’t nice but he could take it and he could still care about all of them.
Ron had accepted a life of being the runt, the spare, the disappointment. Not even the black sheep of the family, not even that because Percy of all people beat him to it. Ron would be the grey dull brother, not so bad to be the outcast, not so good to be someone for himself. He had accepted it because at that moment making sure all the people he loved were safe was way more important than Ron’s sense of self-worth.
He had accepted it.
Perhaps this is not clear. He had accepted it. He was resigned to a lacklustre life, to becoming an insipid note in everyone else’s lives’ accounts. Ron Weasley, brother of the founders of Weasley Wizard Wheezes. Ron Weasley, older brother of record holder Quidditch player Ginevra Weasley. Ron Weasley, brother of William the curse-breaker and Charles the dragon-tamer. Ron Weasley, friend of Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived.
Never in his wildest dreams and fantasies in which he got all the recognition and awards, never, had Ron thought he would become Ron Weasley the One Who Slayed Voldemort.
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m4g0rtz · 5 years
2019 Accomplishments
I was tagged by @julcheninred to share my accomplishments from 2019. Thanks Jules! 😘❤️🦖
In 2019, I started making fanart after having not made any art in almost a decade. I am so proud of the things I've made and the amazing people I've been able to work with and meet irl!!! *flails in the direction of @bixgirl1 and @julcheninred*
The prints I made this year are:
Frank from The Claiming of Grimmauld Place by @bixgirl1
The Day Draco was Saved based on this drawing by @upthehillart
The Teal Suit with @pygmy-puffy from dirtynumbangelboy by @magpiefngrl
To make it even better, I sent copies of my prints to England, Ireland, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and in the US to Washington state, California, Oklahoma, Texas, Michigan, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. If I sent you one of my prints I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you. I sent every single one with the biggest smile on my face. 😁❤️
I participated in my first fest!!!! For collab fest I made:
Have You Ever Cut A Man's Hair? with @julcheninred
The paper doll posts from this year include:
Redwood Forest with Magic Cat
Harry takes Draco on a muggle ski holiday
Harry and Draco in NYC
Drarry in Hawaii
I also did some pieces for Inktober. Considering how little I knew about making digital art, these pieces were huge accomplishments for me:
Other digital work
Frogs on a Nimbus
Mountain lion patronus
I also made some silly doodles along the way including a hedgehog wizard and an illustration of one of the most surreal moments I've ever experienced at work. I can't make myself link to those here though so you'll have to search my blog for them yourself if you're curious. 😂
Although it's not art related, I have to mention here too that I started beta-ing this year and I love doing it so much. I got to work with @bixgirl1 , @tepre, @l0vegl0wsinthedark, @diligent-thunder, and @nofeartina . Beta-ing for them was without question a highlight from this year. ❤️
I want to do more collabs in 2020. Especially collabs based on fic. And I want to take pygmy-puffy's paper dolls to more awesome places. And I want to get better at making digital art. And I want to meet more fandom friends irl. You all are the best. Here's to an amazing year ahead. I am so lucky and grateful to be here with you all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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albuspotthr · 7 years
EMMA! Congrats on reaching 1k!! You deserve to so much. Can I get 🌹 (my name is Dana) and ✨? OKAY. FICS FOR MY FELLOW DRARRY LOVER. Have you read the Life Cycle series by windseeker2305 it has 2 completed stories and one WIP. Currently over 1mil words. It's amazing okay, it's also worth the time to ready. BUT. Some of the other pairings might be a little weird for some but I'll tell you some pairings so if you want I can tell you some. (1/2)
Also Malfoy Child by Vorabiza is the most recent Drarry fic that I read and loved. Draco is de-aged and Harry cares for him pretty much. It’s really cute and I think you’d like it. But you never know! Sorry I sent so much omfg. (2/2)
aww thanks dana!! i’ll def go check those outur new icon is so cute i love it omfg)
hogwarts house: gryffindor / slytherin / ravenclaw / hufflepuff
ilvermorny house: pukwudgie / thunderbird / wampus / horned serpent
blood status: pure blood / half blood / muggleborn
era: founders / marauders / lightning / next gen
best subject: transfiguration / charms / potions / defense against the dark arts / divination / arithmancy / herbology / history of magic / muggle studies / care of magical creatures / ancient runes / astronomy
patronus: bloodhound / dolphin / deer / eagle / fox / hare / lion / robin / thestral / wolf
spell: alohomora / accio / lumos / nox / sectumsempra / obliviate / imperio / expelliarmus / expecto patronum
quidditch: beater / chaser / keeper / seeker / supportive as hell
hangout: library / dungeons / room of requirement / three broomsticks / prefect’s bathroom / quidditch pitch
best friend(s): sirius black, regulus black
dana: raindrops on a windowsill, fogged up car windows, long hair in braids, stepping in piles of dried leaves, long drives in the early morning, watching sunsets from rooftops
want one?
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sagemoderocklee · 7 years
im trying to decide what i want draco’s patronus to be for this fic... like i kinda wanna make it my patronus but i also kinda wanna make it be something that’s symolic of harry.... but not like heavy handed you know? not like “oh shit his patronus is a goddamn stag or a lion” or w/e 
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