zomaribon · 6 months
Big ass doodle dump part 11
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fandomstuffsworld · 10 months
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kayllek · 14 days
Mafirat - Awkward situation
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onesacrificiallamb · 4 months
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Full layout to dragon au, and some descriptions!
This is in order of shortest to tallest
Son of the storm, dark cacao cookie
Daughter of nothing, white lily cookie (a little hint for what’s up with her: her soul jam isn’t where it’s supposed to be, is it?)
Queen dragonmother, Hollyberry dragon cookie
Scourge of the sand, golden cheese cookie
Avatar of truth, pure vanilla cookie
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therentyoupay · 29 days
Which of your last five works is your favorite/extra special to you?
you will make me choose between my own CHILDREN??? 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 💕💕💕💕💕 seriously, thank you for always asking such thoughtful and interesting questions to play with 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🙏
here are my last five works, from most recent (1) to least recent (5).
🌟 updated aug. 24 (today, lol): more than you know the first collab i've ever done with CO-AUTHORING!! i've done writing+art collabs before, like for not in so many words, which was our KRIS+XRIS super fun soulmate!au, but mtyk is my very first author-author collab (+AND ART/PRODUCTION lmao) and this would literally only be possible with a twin flame like @callimara, i literally could not imagine trying to take on (let alone accomplish!!) a project of this caliber with anyone else!! 😂😭✨ so, this one is extra special, for sure 💕
posted aug. 21st: only honor a very quick ficlet that i did not expect to write, and love, about dragonmother!elsa and astrid in a brotp!alliance ❄️🔥😂
🌟 posted aug. 17th: two homes a full-length one-shot that i REALLY did not expect to write, to answer the question of "how might elsa fall first, before jack?" this one is also so so special to me because it's been like, a solid 9 years since i sat down and wrote something like that all in one sitting, in a true, good, ol'-fashioned one-shot 🤣🌟
🌟updated. aug. 7th: snow globe i love this modern au that i created out of the prompt, "just say it," because i feel like it really represents the kind of genre that i'm most interested in reading at this stage in my life! i feel like each of my stories is, in so many ways, a time capsule of who i was as a person, and so i'm really especially loving this story on an emotional, intellectual, and creative level 💕 so that's extra special, too 🥺💕🌟
posted jun. 19th: uninvited another prompt-based ficlet, based on "Jelsa + office/workplace AU for 3 sentence fic please?" that i really loved writing!! 😭💕 writing quick little ficlets and micro-fic for askbox prompts can be so soothing and refreshing 😭💕💕
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horizon-verizon · 4 months
Many stans say that neither side won the war. What do you think? Did the blacks won? Did the greens won?
Aegon just comes out as losing out more than Rhaenyra either way you slice it, though we can't call what Rhaenyra and the blacks. His rival's descendant is going to likely if not completely destroy but greatly trouble and undo the precedent against higher female political power not just in Westeros but the entire world. So I'd say he loses.
I mean, he only also rules for a few months to Rhaenyra's few months...so...him being declared king over her was purely by the whims of sexist maester and regents. Rhaneyra was/is a Queen.
If we talk about each sides' goals (which is to both establish their candidates as the ruler AND to continue the dynasty/legacy through those people's lines/children/descendants), then it's obvious that the blacks and Rhaneyra won, but it was a pyrrhic victory:
is a victory that comes at a great cost, perhaps making the ordeal to win not worth it
Rhaenyra does have the entire Targ dynasty come from her & Daemon through Viserys II to our beloved and savior Daenerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, Slayer of Lies, the Silver Lady, the Breaker of Chains, the Silver Queen, the dragon's daughter, the dragonmother, the bride of fire, the Daughter of death, child of three, Mhysa, the prince that was promised, the queen across the waters, Azor Ahai returned.
However, she was murdered by her rival, Daemon died, her first three sons died, and she couldn't sit the throne as a ruler for long enough and uncontested enough for no one to even try to deny she was queen. The greens here lost utterly; their kids birthed no ruling Targ descendants. Jaehaera, Jaehaerys, and Maelor never had kids before they died and Jaehaera was the very last before she is also killed off. Aegon may have become king and stayed so for a few more weeks...but he contributes no direct "blood" to the current Targs and he's remembered as a bad king [below].
If we talk about the story's themes and what the deaths/how they happened happened, again Aegon doesn't even have a good reputation as "morally neutral" king. He's remembered as "grasping" & GRRM makes sure to compare Joffrey to him:
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In comparison, the only person who has anything actually negative as opposed to neutral to say abt Rhaenyra has been Stannis. And he comes from the house that supported Aegon AND is trying to work towards his own succession goals over the Lannister-Baratheons (male primogeniture/denying Cersei's kids as bastards of her and Jaime).
Plus the Dance was the result of more than one succession crises that always included whether or not women should be considered unequivocal heirs even in the event of their being a younger brother. From the years of Targ assimilation into Andal-FM patriarchy/male primogeniture.
Which is why Rhaenyra dying from a gruesome femicide cannot rule her as an absolute "winner". Her coming into the throne and actually ruling for long would obviously have been itself a moment of precedent-making important for the political authority women can wield onto themselves instead of just on the behalf of men. Thus have Westeros on the track towards more political autonomy and protections for women, even with lower classed ones (Alysanne, Rhaenys the Conqueror). Rhaenyra herself probably wouldn't enact laws for the lower class like those two or Aegon V, but her being a woman ruler would allow for more altruistic female rulers to be able to come into power as well, instead of being shunted aside or abused alongside those women who are evil or just self-focused of different degrees & fluctuations.
And if we parallel Rhaenyra's struggle with the Amethyst Empress v her younger brother The Bloodstone Emperor (this legend of an unjust usurpation/disempowerment of a woman by her male relation ruled in the ASoIaF lore to have caused the first Long Night) AND group these with how Dany is the Azor Ahai/has had her own problems with her own brother Viserys/his abuse, I think that Rhaenyra is the 2nd "loss" to the Amethyst Empress' 1st "loss" that will lead to Dany's 3rd "win" (child of "three" can have multiple layers). And how the Dance is about sexism/about how women occupy their political landscapes beyond and in Westeros as being made subservient and objects to male violence while developing their own agency in resistance/victory to that context.
Male primogeniture also determined the rest of the successions that came up in the Targ lineage, so Rhaenyra "lost". That accompanied with more women, even non Targs, facing more emotional, sexual, and physical abuse from their male counterparts. Even relatives. At the same time, Aegon loses through Dany, who comes from Rhaenyra and is the embodiment of woman-taking-power he tried to completely vanquish for his own ends. So I take that as Rhaenyra "winning"...as long as GRRM doesn't make Daenerys lose something vital to this formula. Espe not her life or way to protect her way towards happiness or some sort of political authority. At the same time, Dany is a altruistic//revolutionary leader, Rhaenyra a more traditional-privileged//class-based one (which is part of why she falls, actually) so again, bound to lose in that way. But Aegon was BOTH gender and class based, SO AGAIN I'd say Rhaenyra takes the philosophical edge of "winning" through, again, a pyrrhic victory.
And then there is how Rhaenyra's own son prevents a woman from really being protected from her own husband's abuse...not once but twice--Naerys and Megette.
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remingtonblake · 2 years
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The Heck Knight Who Kneels enters the Bedchambers of the Dragonmother, Maldred.
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arintheman · 21 days
dude, what's your animal jam? I just got back on mine a few weeks ago
It’s dragonmoth! Idk how active I will be in the coming long run but I’ll pop in relatively frequently for a while! So much is new since I’ve played and I forgot how to do some things.
I’m playing Animal Jam classic btw idk if that matters or not.
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imaginarianisms · 5 months
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full name :  daenerys i targaryen. other names :   dany, my lady, little princess, dan ares, wife, moon of my life, sweet queen, good lady, great lady, sweet lady, my shining queen, gentle queen, fair queen, great queen, gracious queen, just queen, bright heart, bright light, little silverhair queen, my radiance, my delight, my light of love, my love, my sweet song of joy, her grace, your grace, your worship, your high-and-mightiness, your radiance, your magnificence, stormborn, daenerys stormborn, daenerys stormborn of the house targaryen the first of her name, daenerys targaryen the first of her name, queen of the andals and the rhoynar and the first men, queen of meereen, queen of westeros, queen of the nine daughters, queen of the bay of dragons, empress of all valyria, princess of dragonstone, princess of summerhall, the dragon's daughter, dragonmother, khaleesi, khaleesi of the great grass sea, khaleesi of the dothraki, mhysa, the breaker of shackles, the unburnt, the breaker of chains, the mother of dragons, the mother of monsters, the bride of dragons, the bride of fire, the daughter of death, the slayer of lies, child of three, little girl, arrogant child, soft mewling fool, the beggar queen, treacherous sow, westerosi pig, cow, little whore, ignorant whore of a westerner, horselord's whore, whore, little whore, westerosi whore, the whore of westeros, bitch of a queen, oathbreaker, monster, the mad king's daughter, sunset savage, savage, bright shining child queen, the targaryen girl, the young queen shining from afar, mother, tato, aelalla, maela, qathei, our beloved queen, young girl, little queen, child queen, sweet young girl, little dragon queen, sweet child queen, the targaryen princess, the targaryen queen, the true targaryen, our hope, our rightful queen, the queen of the rabbits, the younger more beautiful queen, the daughter of dragons, the silver lady, the silver queen, the dragon queen, the queen across the waters, the queen across the sea, the queen in the east, the queen beyond the bones, the lady regent of the seven kingdoms, the queen of the sunset kingdoms, the queen of the seven kingdoms, lord of the seven kingdoms, protector of the seven kingdoms, protector of the realm, slayer of masters, the liberator, the unifier, aegon the conqueror with teats, rhaenyra come again, she-dragon, the fairest of them all, the fairest woman in the world, the most beautiful woman in the world, the last dragon, the amethyst empress returned, the world's deliverer, the prince that was promised, the princess that was promised, azor ahai, azor ahai returned, azor ahai reborn, the great stallion, the fiery stallion, the stallion who mounts the world, the unifier of the great grass sea, zhavorsa kazga, khal vezhven, sorceress, the black dragon, the dragon, the winged victory, daenerys the dragonbinder, daenerys the dreamer, daenerys the conqueror, the great khaleesi, the great khal, the obsidian empress. age : 16-17 (a game of thrones), 18-19 (a clash of kings), 20-21 (a storm of swords), 22-23 (a feast for crows-a dance with dragons-the winds of winter), 24 (a dream of spring). species : human; seeress & dragonrider (main); human; draconic alterhuman (modern). gender : femme leaning futch presenting cis woman. sexuality : ambiamorous demibiromantic bisexual.
origin : dragonstone, the crownlands, westeros. (main; verse varies); america (modern; verse varies). current location : dragonstone. (main; verse varies); americas (modern; verse varies). nationality : westerosi; essosi (main; canon); american (modern). ethnicity : the blood of old valyria (house targaryen, house velaryon, possibly house celtigar & house rogare), with first men (house blackwood & house massey), rhoynar (house martell & house dayne), andal (house arryn) & summer islander (house velaryon) ancestry (main); multiracial; white, indigenous, black, latina, & desi. spoken languages : high valyrian, dothraki, ghiscari & the common westerosi tongue. (main; canon); english, spanish, italian, latin, asl & basl. (modern). family : aerys ii targaryen (father-uncle), rhaella targaryen (mother-aunt), rhaegar targaryen (older brother), viserys iii targaryen (older brother), rhaego (son; khal drogo), drogon, rhaegal & viserion (her children, her dragons) the silver (her mare), barristan selmy (grandfather figure), shaera velaryon (maternal figure; @velcryons). partner(s) : khal drogo (first husband; deceased), hizdahr zo loraq (second husband; executed on charges of treason), daario naharis (paramour), currently single.
occupation : queen. (main; canon). student, activist, influencer & socialite as she technically doesn't have to work as a wealthy woman but does so anyway. (modern). religion :  syncretic view of the gods of old valyria, the dothraki horse god the great stallion, & the faith of the seven & later mother rhoyne, r'hllor & the old gods; omnist. height :   5'2". body type :  slender, hourglass, fairly well toned; short. disabilities & neurodivergencies : autistic, C-PTSD & hypersexuality due to trauma. hair : silver-gold (natural); was bald for a time after khal drogo's funeral pyre, her hair became short & recently grew long with intricate braids interweaved with silver bells. eyes :   bright eyes; amethyst eyes. tattoos : obtains traditional henna tattoos on her hands. piercings :  n/a (main; canon); beaded & a dragon in hoop earrings style (modern). scars : her hands are calloused due to being the wife of a warlord, has faded stretch marks across her belly from her pregnancy carrying rhaego, on her inner thighs & hands while riding drogon before she gets the proper saddle & reins. (main; canon).
educational background : little growing up, mostly streetsmarts for a very long time as she grew up on the streets of the free cities in exile with her brother viserys then later becomes self taught in a khaleesi then a queen's education & eventually becomes knowledgeable in magic & valyrian sorcery, particularly glass candles via marwyn the mage of the citadel. (main; canon); college. (modern). social media : n/a (canon); most general social media (modern). smoking :   n/a. drinking :   social. drugs :   cannabis to induce trance & divination by the dosh khaleen at vaes dothrak; has taken the shade of the evening while visiting the house of the undying in qarth.  athletics : a wonderful dancer, quick runner & rider of horses & dragons. hobbies :   singing, dancing, flirting, music, poetry, writing, literature, reading children's stories & songs from westeros about tall & handsome heroes, languages, history, archery, gardening, sunbathing, bathing in scalding hot baths, equestrianism, riding, hawking, sailing, swimming, sweet things, dragonlore & sorcery. favorite drink :   mare's milk, peach juice, milk & honey. favorite food :   sausages, cheese, grapes & peaches. favorite music :   classical (canon); indie, folk, pop, classical, rock (modern). clothing style :   classical gowns of the age, wears mostly gowns of silks, satins, velvets, myrish lace, furs whenever necessary and jewels, does wear dothraki wardrobe with a painted vest & riding leathers while barefoot & her hair oiled, with silk or horsehair pants, woven grass sandals, a medallion belt and a hrakkar cloak that was gifted to her by khal drogo, has a qartheen gown which leaves one breast bare & several ghiscari tokars, was gifted a lacquered dragon mask from the asshai'i shadowbinder quaithe upon her visit there that she occasionally uses in warfare for intimidation and to protect her face, and according to rumor to prevent others from falling in love with her, upon returning to westeros, she begins to wear more westerosi & valyrian cultural clothing while wearing one sun painted on each of her cheeks representing her desire for justice and vengeance for elia martell and her two children rhaenys and aegon targaryen and as homage to the princess nymeria of the rhoynar who led her people to a new home, gemstones reflecting both her valyrian and non-valyrian heritages that're connected to the silver bells in her intricately braided hair as per dothraki custom, one for each of her victories in her conquests of western essos and now westeros; while she does show homage to her non-valyrian heritage by wearing an overcoat with the sigils of house velaryon, house massey, house arryn, house martell, house dayne and house blackwood, she mostly begins wearing her black valyrian steel armor created from the forges of qohor during her conquest of essos and dresses of the black & red of house targaryen. (main; canon); casual/business casual, coquette, goth, hyperfeminine, academia & preppy (modern).
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Tagged by: stole it from ourselves& !! Tagging: anyone who breathes !
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zomaribon · 2 years
On God
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(May have perked up Fitch and Adina's designs a little lol)
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fandomstuffsworld · 1 year
First time meeting each other
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momagirl-cosmicstatic · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mother Of Dragons Pin-up Parody Tee Fury Shirt Womens sz XL Thrones Mashup.
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Omnicron Is a Draconian bloodline Black League relative to Dramins Dragonmoths
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aslov3rsgo · 2 years
The golden creature screeched at the Mother of Dragons. He had burned part of Vaes Dothrak and watched as a woman of silver hair emerged unburned from a wooden structure set aflame. I have heard of you... He moved closer, nostrils flaring and purple eyes met violet. They should not have caged the Dragon Queen. He roared to the night sky, the flames illuminating his gold and bronze scales. A dosh khaleen pointed at him and then to Daenerys. The Dragonmother and The Stormbringer, she shouted in Dothraki again and again until she fainted.
Dany slowly made her way closer towards the creature, unburned except for her clothes that fell off of her in rags. The words made her smile and relax. "No, they shouldn't have," she agreed before continuing. "But you freed me. I owe you a debt. How can I ever repay you?"
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a1exstrasza · 2 years
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world of warcraft's aIexstrasza, guardian of life, dragonmother.
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jaydenknight · 2 years
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Day 2 of Rare Pair Week: Life Swap
🦋 🔄 🐉
Redrawn from a shot of the pilot and an ancient Vivziepop piece
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