#Dravidian movement
newslime · 6 months
M K Stalin's Vision for Tamil Nadu: A Journey Towards Democracy and Social Justice
In the bustling political landscape of Tamil Nadu, amidst the echoes of historical legacies and the clamor for a brighter future, CM M K Stalin stands as a beacon of hope. With a resolute determination and a vision deeply rooted in the principles of democracy and social justice, Stalin charts the course for a new era in Tamil Nadu’s political narrative.
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As he stands against the backdrop of his father’s legacy, the late DMK stalwart M Karunanidhi, Stalin exudes confidence, ready to lead Tamil Nadu into what he terms “a second struggle for Independence” in the forthcoming elections. Having already proven his mettle by leading the DMK to sweeping victories in both the Lok Sabha polls of 2019 and the state Assembly elections of 2021, Stalin emerges as the face of hope for the INDIA bloc in Tamil Nadu.
In an exclusive interview with The Indian Express, Stalin articulates his anti-BJP stance, portraying it as a fight against the central government’s hegemony. He emphasizes the critical importance of defending the core values of India: democracy, secularism, and pluralism. With unwavering determination, he positions the DMK and its allies as bulwarks against what he perceives as fascist forces threatening the nation’s democratic fabric.
Stalin acknowledges the uphill battle ahead but expresses confidence in the strength of his team, which includes prominent leaders like Akhilesh Yadav, Arvind Kejriwal, and Uddhav Thackeray. Together, they stand united in their commitment to safeguarding Indian democracy from authoritarian tendencies.
Reflecting on his tenure as CM, Stalin highlights the Dravidian model’s core ethos of “Everything for Everyone.” He underscores his administration’s focus on education, social justice, and skill development, aiming to fulfill the vision of an educated and equitable Tamil Nadu.
Addressing the issue of political corruption, Stalin emphasizes transparency and accountability as fundamental pillars of democracy. He points to the escalating financial demands of elections and the Supreme Court’s scrutiny of the BJP government’s electoral finance practices as indicators of the challenges faced in maintaining integrity in politics.
While the DMK’s influence in national politics is significant, Stalin emphasizes that its goals extend beyond mere ministerial positions. Rooted in the principles of federalism, secularism, and diversity, the DMK has played a pivotal role in shaping India’s political landscape, contributing to alliances and movements aimed at national welfare.
In navigating the evolving political landscape, Stalin emphasizes the importance of ideological commitment, contrasting it with the BJP’s strategy of cultivating larger-than-life personas. He sees a dynamic young leader like Rahul Gandhi as a potential challenger to the manufactured image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Stalin’s success in maintaining a united alliance in Tamil Nadu reflects his leadership style, which prioritizes shared principles over political expediency. He envisions a legacy defined by steadfastness in upholding the values of Dravidianism and unwavering dedication to public service.
Beyond politics, Stalin’s personal interests reflect a multifaceted persona. From his passion for cricket to his dedication to physical fitness and his love for cinema, Stalin embodies a holistic approach to life, grounded in family values and cultural heritage.
As he forges ahead in his journey, Stalin remains steadfast in his commitment to serving the people of Tamil Nadu, guided by the principles of democracy, social justice, and inclusivity. In his vision lies the promise of a brighter future for Tamil Nadu, where every citizen has the opportunity to thrive and prosper.
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mariacallous · 3 months
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Ram temple in Ayodhya in the key northern state of Uttar Pradesh in January in hopes it would earn him a massive victory in the national election that concluded in June. That didn’t happen—at least not to the extent that Modi, his Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and their ideological fountainhead Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) expected.
In what has widely been described as a shock result, the BJP won merely 240 seats in the 543-seat parliament, after setting a target of 400 seats. Modi has formed a government but only with support from other parties.
Like any election result, the outcome had multiple causes that will take time to fully sort out. But one thing is already clear: Modi failed in his long-running bid to homogenize India’s Hindus across castes and cultures and consolidate their vote for his political benefit.
In 2014, Modi came to power on the back of religious nationalism and security issues, and he continued that trend in 2019. This year, in the absence of any urgent security threat from regional rival Pakistan and rising concerns over unemployment, inflation, and authoritarianism, Modi banked on the RSS’s homogenization strategy.
The Ram temple was built on a site long disputed with Muslims, where a 16th-century mosque stood until December 1992, when a group of Hindu nationalists razed it to the ground allegedly on the BJP’s provocation. Experts said the BJP had envisaged the temple would instill pride in Hindus, feed their Muslim animosity, and bring them under the Hindu umbrella to choose Modi.
Even though, by and large, the Hindu community seemed to have been pleased with the inauguration of the temple, that didn’t translate into votes for Modi across the Hindu hierarchy. Instead, the results exposed the weaknesses of the homogenization exercise.
Hartosh Singh Bal, an Indian journalist and the executive editor of the Caravan, said there is “diversity in Hinduism” and the election results prove that it can’t be “papered over by directing attention and hatred outwards” toward Muslims. This election proves that “Hindus are not a monolith” and that “various segments of Hinduism have a successful chance of taking on the BJP,” he added in reference to tactical voting by lower castes in Uttar Pradesh against the BJP.
Karthick Ram Manoharan, a political scientist at the National Law School of India University in Bengaluru, said that in Tamil Nadu, a state in southern India with the second-biggest economy in the country, the BJP did not win a single seat out of a total of 39.
“Hindus are the absolute majority in Tamil Nadu, but they still mostly vote for the secular Dravidian parties,” Manoharan said in reference to local parties that have emerged out of social movements opposed to an upper-caste Hindu order that the BJP and RSS have been long accused of nurturing and propagating.
In March, just a month before voting began, I witnessed saffron-colored flags expressing support for Modi’s party jutting out from rooftops and windows in tightly packed homes in western Uttar Pradesh. Some people I spoke to said that BJP workers had decided to adorn the neighborhoods as they pleased, but underneath the flag-waving, a large-scale discontent was brewing over a lack of employment opportunities.
The upper-caste youth seemed confused, if not yet disenchanted, with Modi and in the absence of industry and strong local economies once again mourned the loss of government jobs to affirmative action. (The Indian Constitution reserves almost half of all state jobs for people from lower castes and others who confront a generational disadvantage and historical discrimination.)
Meanwhile, Dalits, who sit at the bottom of India’s Hindu hierarchy, in hamlets nearby who depend on the quota for their dignity and livelihood were quietly recalibrating their options. The mood was starkly different from 2014 and 2019 when I visited some of the Dalit-dominated parliamentary seats in Uttar Pradesh. Back then, Dalits I met were upbeat and decisively pro-Modi. They said they supported him since they believed that he might raise their stature in the Hindu hierarchy.
But 10 years later, they suspected the BJP was plotting to weaken the constitution, the only assurance of rights for marginalized communities in a country where upper-caste Hindus continue to hold social capital and economic power.
Recent comments by BJP leaders that if Modi won 400 seats, he would change the constitution spread anxiety among lower castes that the party intended to scrap the reservation system. The BJP repeatedly denied this, but the suspicion that it is first a party for upper-caste Hindus is deep-rooted among lower castes, and experts believe the comments were part of the BJP’s political strategy.
“They were testing the waters to see what would be the reaction,” said Sushil Kumar Pandey, an assistant professor of history at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University in Lucknow and the author of Caste and Politics in Democracy.
“The opposition picked it up and campaigned on it, telling people a change in the constitution could mean losing your livelihood, your jobs,” Pandey added. “That worked at a time [when] people were also scared of privatization” and in government-run sectors.
For Dalits, it was about more than jobs. The Indian Constitution is nearly worshipped by the community and celebrated en masse on the birth anniversary of the Indian intellectual who wrote it. B.R. Ambedkar was no fan of Ram and advocated against the caste discrimination inherent in Hinduism all his life, even converting to Buddhism when he felt there was no escaping caste-based prejudice. While he couldn’t annihilate the caste system, he ensured that the constitution offered lower castes a quota in government jobs to gradually uplift them.
In his honor, and as an ode to the progressive document, Dalits sing songs in praise of the constitution and hail it as the upholder of their dignity in a society where they continue to be belittled. Any change to the text was unacceptable. “Their cultural identity is linked to this book,” said Ravish Kumar, a journalist and the host of a popular YouTube news show.
In the south, too, there was a fear of culturally being subsumed by a Hindi-speaking upper-caste elite. Indian federal units, or states, were defined in the 1950s on the basis of language, and to this day south Indians identify themselves on the basis of the language they speak. The Ram temple had no resonance in the southern states, particularly in electorally significant Tamil Nadu, with the highest number of seats regionally. Tamils were wary that the RSS’s homogenization agenda would drown out their cultural ethos and impose a secondary status on the Tamil language.
Manoharan, the political scientist, said that in Tamil Nadu, it was “not so much religious but fear of cultural homogeneity” and “a language policy which will give importance to Hindi speakers over Tamil speakers and upper-caste Tamils over other backward castes.”
In a state where “88 percent people come from so-called lower castes” and “69 percent have jobs under affirmative action through a special act,” people were also extremely worried that the BJP may “water down” the employment quota promised in the constitution, Manoharan added.
The southern Indian states have a longer history of resistance to upper-caste domination, a higher literacy rate, better economies, and a tradition of secular politics. While the BJP maintained its tally of 29 seats from the last election, it is being seen as a poor result considering the inroads the RSS has made in the south.
For instance, in the southwestern state of Kerala, the RSS has more than 5,000 shakhas, or branches, second in number only to Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state—yet “despite the fact that the RSS has thousands of training grounds in Kerala, they are unable to get influence,” said K.M. Sajad Ibrahim, a professor of political science at University of Kerala. “That’s because while religion is important, communal harmony is more important to people here. BJP tries to create tensions, and that doesn’t work here.”
The BJP managed to gain one seat for the first time in Kerala, but that isn’t being attributed to its ideological success or expansion of homogenization project but to the winning candidate’s personal appeal. Suresh Gopi, the winning candidate, is a popular movie star.
In many states in the Hindi belt and even in the south, the BJP did well. The upper castes and urban voters are standing firmly behind Modi. Kumar, the journalist, said it would be foolhardy to dismiss Modi—and the bigger Hindutva, or Hindu nationalist, forces backing him—just yet. He said Hindutva hasn’t lost and only faced a setback. “The BJP was trying to dominate caste politics with Hindutva,” he said, “but the election result shows that dominance has cracked.” However, he added, “it has only cracked—the ideology still has wide-scale acceptance.”
Everyone else Foreign Policy spoke to concurred but added that Hindus are far too diverse to be homogenized. Manoharan said the results exposed the weakness of the homogenization agenda and its faulty premise. “Hindutva’s aim for homogeneity is confounded precisely by a structural feature of the religion-culture it seeks to defend—caste,” he said.
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akhzi · 2 years
Many of us ,truly are convinced that we have completely secured a hold on the ferocious atrocities and centuries longing discrimination against the Dalit community, but the truth is ,the Dalit community were ostracized and are being ostracized till date. Most of us aren’t even made aware of the atrocities which took place years back. During the phase of pre independent India , though there were formidable and meticulous pieces of literature , most of them were written by non Dalit authors. It was only during the nationalist movement that we’ve witnessed some authentic Dalit works. When India was getting close of being liberated after its prolonged period under colonial rule, some of the greatest ever Dalit works were produced in India, for our Telugu speaking states , the infamous “Gurram Joshua” with his outstanding work ”Gabillam” , and throughout the whole Dravidian territories we had the much more celebrated author and leader “EV Ramaswamy Periyar”. People don’t realize Ramaswamy’s influence and power in upholding the rights of Dalits .A man who passed away almost 40 years back , yet his ideas are evidently subsisting among the Tamil population who refuse to vote for Hindutva positioned parties , all because the Periyar movement is still instilled in their living. Most of the dalit literature focuses on the way we think even right now, which is problematic but also extremely normalized. In the book “KARUKKU”, bamma talks opposing the present belief of how one shouldn’t look down on the physical labour, she also talks about this physical labour slowly turning into incessant labour for the Dalit communities as their access to other lots of work gets occluded. Babytai, in her book “ the prisons we broke” recollects an unnerving tale of how Mahar women were forced to carry the feces of newly wed Brahmin women as Hindu custom required the Brahmin women not to leave the house even for the purposes of defecation during this period to ward off evils and because of the Hindu custom being averse to the idea of building toilets inside homes for the purposes of sanctity and purity of the household. It is deplorable and despicable for India , for sheltering this practise this long. Though the Sc and St atrocities act was enacted in 1989, the viciously planned Tsundur massacre which took place in 1991 is an utter disgrace to the state and also exposes the lack of concern for efficiently shielding the vulnerable communities. We do see and think India is well progressed to have a Dalit woman as its president but the constant fear of Dalit communities in competing with the upper caste groups at the grass root levels still remain unheeded.
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pooma-today · 3 days
சமூக நீதி நாள் - பெரியார் பிறந்த தினம்
Erode Venkatappa Ramasamy (17 September 1879 – 24 December 1973), often revered as Periyar or Thanthai Periyar, was a Great Indian social activist and politician who started the Self-Respect Movement and Dravidar Kazhagam. He is popularly known as the ‘Father of the Dravidian movement’. He fought against Brahminical dominance and gender and caste inequality in Tamil Nadu. He was often called ‘A Man Ahead of his Time’.
Since 2021, the Indian state of Tamil Nadu celebrates his birth anniversary as ‘𝗦𝗢𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗟 𝗝𝗨𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗗𝗔𝗬'
“As long as we give room for domination and the dominators, there will be worries and worried people. Poverty and pestilence will live eternally in the country"
“A male has the right to wander about as he pleases. He has the right to marry any number of girls. This practice has led to prostitution."
“Wisdom lies in thinking. The spear-head of thinking is rationalism.”
“Any opposition not based on rationalism or science or experience will one day or another, reveal fraud, selfishness, lies and conspiracies.”
“You cannot expect any rational thought from a religious man. He is like a rocking log in water.”
“Even if I were to live in a place where I would have to experience much worse sufferings than those of a hellish life, I would consider it a pleasant life than this mean, caste-ridden existence, if only I were respected as a man there.”
“Capitalists control the machinery. They create difficulties for the workers. Consequently rationalism, which has to lead the way for peaceful life to all, has resulted in causing poverty and worries to the people because of dominating forces.”
“Because our ladies mostly attend Kalatshepams, (Religious discourses) they have fallen prey to the superstitions, blind beliefs, and immorality by the false and fictitious propaganda of the Brahmins.”
“As there was no open opposition to Aryanism from the beginning, it grew in stages and degraded us”
“By helping the poor, we must be able to remove their poverty. By extending help to one here and one there in the form of providing food will not remove poverty.”
“Foreigners are sending messages to the planets. We are sending rice and cereal to our dead fore-father through the Brahmins. Is it a wise deed?”
“I am a plain person. I have merely spoken out my mind. I do not say you should believe what I have said because it alone is certain. Accept such ideas as can be accepted, with the help of your reason, after a sound inquiry. Reject the rest.”
“I express, plainly and openly, thoughts which occur to me, and which strike me as right. This may embarrass a few; to some this may be distasteful; and a few others may even be irritated; however, all that I utter are proven truths and not lies.”
“Everyone has the right to refute any opinion. But no one has the right to prevent its expression.”
“I want to say a word to the Brahmins, “In the name of God, religion, sastras you have duped us. We were the ruling people. Stop this life of cheating us from this year. Give room for rationalism and humanism.”
“I want the Brahmins to realize that the Dravidian people today are very much hate those who cunningly cheated them with absurdities. They are now aware of the particular community making a living by spreading foolishness. People have begun to hate god, religion, caste, mythologies (puranas) and so on..”
“If we have a girl at home who has attained puberty, someone should come and ask for an alliance. Otherwise the girl will have to remain a virgin only. But in a Brahmin’s house if there is a girl who has attained puberty the Brahmin will go from door to door seeking a bridegroom. This is the difference between the Aryan and the Dravidian customs.”
“If one is to be considered high, some one should show some just reason. Brahmin calls himself high and superior. In what respects is he superior to others? Are there not Brahmins who are connected with all the trades in the world, good and bad? Do we not see them eating all things as others?”
“In other lands, knowledge alone is respected and trusted and held as the basis of everything, but in this country, men believe only in rituals and ceremonies, in God, in religion and such other rubbish.”
“In the Kural there is a chapter on invocation to God. But there is no place in it for the principle of idol worship.”
“It gave me extraordinary pleasure to fling at the pundits of their own contradictions and Thus perplex Them. It also gave me the reputation, among our neighbours, of being a clever speaker. I believe that it was this experience which deprived me of faith in castes and communities, in religion, in “puranas”, in “sastras” and in god.”
“It is absurd to quote religion or God or religious doctrines to render the people as the lowest castes.”
“Man treats women as his own property and not as capable of feelings, like himself. The way men treat women is much worse than the way landlords treat servants and the high-caste treats the low-caste. These treat them so demeaning only in situations mutually affecting them; but men treat them cruelly and as slaves, from their birth till death.”
“Man is equal to man. There should not be exploitation. One should help the other. No one should harm anybody. Generally there should be no room for grievance or complaint from anybody. Everyone should live and let others live, with a national spirit.”
“Everyone has the right to refute any opinion. But no one has the right to prevent its expression.”
“Man does not grow by merely accepting whatever others have said. However, do listen to others, but later think with the help of your reason. Accept and try to follow what appears right to you.”
“What is marriage? It is to unite a man and a woman to enjoy a natural life with happiness. It is to find solace after hard work. Most of the people do not realize that marriages are for sharing pleasures of the wedded life.”
“Money lending is a horrible profession. If we are to call it otherwise it is lawful plundering.”
“Religious devotion is for the individual. Character is for all. There is no loss if there is no devotion. Everything is lost if there is no character.”
“Marriages should culminate on account of the wishes of the couple. It is their knitting of the hearts that should lead to marriages.”
“Only education, self-respect and rational qualities will uplift the down-trodden.”
“Our thoughts of the literary renaissance should always center themselves on the removal of superstition, meanness, indignity and ignorance.”
“Politics does not concern itself with who should rule us. It is about what kind of rules people should have.”
“Our country would be considered to have gained independence only when the villagers are completely rid of god, religion, castes, and blind beliefs. South India is quite different from the North in many respects. It is a distinct and separate State of Dravidian race.”
“There is no use of simply acquiring titles or amassing wealth if one has no self-respect and scientific knowledge.”
“The proper task of social reform is to remove poverty from society and to ensure that people do not sell their conscience to make a living.”
“That which enslaves you to customs of the world to orthodoxy, to the rigours of religion, contrary to your rationality and awareness of truths of experience, is what I shall describe as antagonistic to self-respect.”
“The word ‘Sudra’ which means ‘Son of prostitute’ should not find a place even in the history hereafter. We will not allow it to find a place in the dictionary or encycl”
“The number of those who do selfless public service and those who serve without expecting any return, should increase. Their sterling qualities should show the way to the people at large. Their life would be a model to show how man should conduct himself in public life.”
“Whosoever I love and hate, my principle is the same. That is, the educated, the rich and the administrators should not suck the blood of the poor.”
“The way men treat women is much worse than the way landlords treat servants and the high-caste treats the low-caste. These treat them so demeaning only in situations mutually affecting them; but men treat women cruelly and as slaves, from their birth till death.”
“There is no god, there is no god, there is no god at all. He who invented god is a fool. He who propagates god is a scoundrel. He who worships god is a barbarian.”
“There’s no god. He who created god was a fool; he who spreads his name is a scoundrel and he who worships him is a barbarian.”
“Those who still believe the Brahmins should take a serious note of the changing times and start leading an awakened life.”
“Till the end of my life, I shall never canvas for a vote. I shall not even expect a word of praise from any quarter.”
“Village reform is not merely cleaning the roads, constructing schools and worshipping monasteries. It is not a mere celebration of festivals.”
“While all men are born as equals, to say that Brahmins alone are the highest and all others are low as Pariah (the Untouchables) or Panchama is sheer nonsense. It is roguish to say so. It is a big hoax played on us.”
“We do not need to explain how the Aryans entered and settled in the Dravidian country, and subjugated and oppressed the Dravidians. Nor do we need to explain how before the Aryans entered the Dravidian country, the Dravidian country had a civilization and arts of the highest rank.”
“To discard what is unwanted, and to retain what is needed, is what reform means.”
“I have not talked of anything to despise the Brahmins, just because they are born as Brahmins.”
தந்தை பெரியார் என்பவர் யார்?
ஈரோடு வெங்கடப்பா ராமசாமி (17 செப்டம்பர் 1879 – 24 டிசம்பர் 1973), பொதுவாக பெரியார் அல்லது தந்தை பெரியார் என்று போற்றப்படுபவர், ஒரு மகத்தான இந்திய சமூக செயற்பாட்டாளரும் அரசியல்வாதியுமாக இருந்தார். அவர் சுயமரியாதை இயக்கத்தையும் திராவிடர் கழகத்தையும் நிறுவியவர். திராவிட இயக்கத்தின் தந்தை என்று புகழப்படுபவர்.
தமிழ்நாட்டில் பிராமணிய ஆதிக்கத்திற்கு எதிராகவும், பாலின மற்றும் சாதி சமத்துவத்திற்கு எதிராகவும் போராடினார். அவரை ‘ஒரு காலத்திற்கு முன்னே சென்ற மனிதர்’ என்று அழைத்தனர்.
2021 முதல், இந்தியாவின் தமிழ்நாடு மாநிலம் அவரது பிறந்த நாளை ‘சமூக நீதி தினம்’ ஆகக் கொண்டாடுகிறது.
பெரியாரின் பொன்மொழிகள்:
"நாம் ஆதிக்கத்திற்கும் ஆதிக்கப் பட்டவர்களுக்கும் இடம் கொடுத்துக்கொண்டே இருக்கிற வரை கவலைகளும் கவலைப்படும் மக்களும் இருக்கும். வறுமையும் நோய்களும் நாட்டில் நிரந்தரமாக வாழும்."
"ஒரு ஆண் சுதந்திரமாகச் சுற்றி வருவதற்கான உரிமையைப் பெற்றுள்ளான். அவன் எத்தனை பெண்களை வேண்டுமானாலும் திருமணம் செய்யும் உரிமையைப் பெற்றுள்ளான். இந்த வழக்கம்வால் விபச்சாரம் உருவானது."
"விவேகம் சிந்திக்கிறதில் உள்ளது. சிந்தனையின் முன் பாகம் பகுத்தறிவு." "பகுத்தறிவோ அல்லது அறிவியலோ அல்லது அனுபவத்தின் அடிப்படையில் இல்லாத எந்த எதிர்ப்பும் ஒருநாள் அல்லது மற்றொன்றில் மோசடி, சுயநலம், பொய்கள் மற்றும் சதி என்பதை வெளிப்படுத்தும்."
"ஒரு மதநல்லவனிடமிருந்து பகுத்தறிவுக் கருத்துக்களை நீங்கள் எதிர்பார்க்க முடியாது. அவன் நீருக்குள் ��ிதக்கும் கொம்பு போலிருக்கிறான்."
"நான் நரக வாழ்விலேயே விடுமுறைகளை அனுபவிக்கும் அளவுக்கு இன்னல்கள் அடைந்து வாழ்ந்தாலும், இந்த அருவருப்பான சாதி அடிமைத்தனத்தை விட மனிதர்களாக மதிக்கப்படும் வாழ்க்கையை விரும்புவேன்."
"முதல்வர்களே இயந்திரங்களை கட்டுப்படுத்துகிறார்கள். அவர்கள் தொழிலாளர்களுக்கு சிரமங்களை உருவாக்குகிறார்கள். ஆதிக்கம் செலுத்தும் சக்திகளால், அனைத்து மக்களுக்கும் அமைதியான வாழ்க்கைக்கு வழிகாட்டவேண்டிய பகுத்தறிவு வறுமையும் கவலைகளையும் உருவாக்கியுள்ளது."
"எங்கள் பெண்கள் பெரும்பாலும் கலாட்சேபங்களில் (மத சொற்பொழிவுகள்) கலந்து கொள்வதால், அவர்கள் பிராமணர்களின் தவறான மற்றும் புனையாத பிரச்சாரத்தின் மூலம் மூடநம்பிக்கைகளின் அடிமையாகிவிட்டார்கள்."
"ஆரியத்துக்கு ஆரம்பத்தில் எதிர்ப்பு இல்லை என்பதால் அது படிப்படியாக வளர்ந்து எங்களை தாழ்த்தியது."
"ஏழைகளுக்கு உதவுவது அவர்களின் வறுமையை அகற்றவேண்டுமாக இருக்க வேண்டும். ஒருவருக்கு அங்கு ஒரு நபருக்கு உணவளிப்பதன் மூலம் வறுமையை அகற்ற முடியாது."
"வெளிநாட்டினர் கிரகங்களுக்கு செய்திகளை அனுப்புகிறார்கள். ஆனால் நாம் பிராமணர்களின் வழியாக நம் இறந்த முன்னோர்களுக்கு அரிசியும் தானியங்களையும் அனுப்புகிறோம். இது புத்திசாலித்தனமான காரியமா?"
"நான் சாதாரணமான மனிதன். நான் மனதில் தோன்றியதை மட்டுமே வெளிப்படையாகச் சொன்னேன். நான் சொன்னவற்றை நிச்சயமாகவே நம்பவேண்டும் என்று நான் கூறவில்லை. உங்கள் பகுத்தறிவின் உதவியால் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளத்தக்க கருத்துகளை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள், ஒரு நன்கு ஆய்வுக்குப் பிறகு. மீதியை நிராகரியுங்கள்."
"நான் என் மனதில் தோன்றியதை வெளிப்படையாகவும் தெளிவாகவும் வெளிப்படுத்துகிறேன், இது சிலருக்கு விருப்பமில்லாததாக இருக்கலாம்; சிலருக்கு வெறுப்பாகத் தோன்றலாம்; மேலும் சிலருக்கு கோபமாகவும் இருக்கலாம். எனினும், நான் சொல்வது உண்மை உணர்வுகள் மட்டுமே, பொய்கள் அல்ல."
"எந்த கருத்தையும் மறுப்பதற்கான உரிமை அனைவருக்கும் உள்ளது. ஆனால் அந்த கருத்தை வெளிப்படுத்துவதை தடுக்க உரிமை எவருக்கும் இல்லை."
"நான் பிராமணர்களிடம் சொல்வதுண்டு: 'கடவுளின் பெயரில், மதம், சாஸ்திரங்கள் எனும் பெயரில் நீங்கள் எங்களை ஏமாற்றிவிட்டீர்கள். நாங்கள் ஒருகாலத்தில் ஆட்சியில் இருந்தவர்கள். இந்த ஆண்டு முதல் எங்களை ஏமாற்றும் வாழ்க்கையை நிறுத்துங்கள். பகுத்தறிவுக்கும் மனிதத்தன்மைக்கும் இடம் கொடுங்கள்.'"
"பிராமணர்கள் ஆரிய மதத்தின் மூடநம்பிக்கைகளால் எங்களை ஏமாற்றிவிட்டார்கள் என்பதில் திராவிட மக்கள் வெறுப்போடு இருக்கிறார்கள் என்பதை அவர்கள் புரிந்துகொள்ள வேண்டும். அவர்கள் பகுத்தறிவு மற்றும் பகுத்துணர்ச்சியற்ற வாழ்க்கையை முன்னெடுத்து வருகின்றனர்."
"ஒரு பால் வளர்சிதை மாற்றத்தை அடையும் பொழுது, ஒரு திருமணக் கூட்டம் வர வேண்டும். இல்லையெனில் அந்தப் பெண் கன்னியாகவே நீடிக்க வேண்டும். ஆனால் ஒரு பிராமணரின் வீட்டில் இது நடந்தால், பிராமணர் நம்பிக்கைகளை பரப்பி வீட்டிலிருந்து வீடு தேடி மணமகனைத் தேடுவார். இதுதான் ஆரிய மரபுகளுக்கும் திராவிட மரபுகளுக்கும் இடையிலான வேறுபாடு."
"ஒருவர் உயர்ந்தவர் எனக் கருதப்பட வேண்டும் என்றால், சில நியாயமான காரணம் காணப்பட வேண்டும். பிராமணர் தன்னை உயர்ந்தவராக கூறிக்கொள்கிறார். அவருக்கு மற்றவர்களை விட சிறந்த எந்த தகுதிகளும் உள்ளனவா? நாங்கள் உலகில் இருக்கும் அனைத்து தொழில்களுடனும் தொடர்புடைய பிராமணர்களைக் காணவில்லையா? அவர்கள் மற்றவர்களைப் போலவே எல்லாவற்றையும் சாப்பிடுவதைக் காணவில்லையா?"
"மற்ற நாடுகளில் அறிவு மட்டுமே மதிக்கப்படுகிறது, ஆனால் இங்கு மனிதர்கள் சடங்குகள், கடவுள், மதம் போன்றவற்றில் மட்டுமே நம்புகிறார்கள்." "திருக்குறளில் கடவுள் வணக்கத்திற்கு ஒரு அத்தியாயம் உள்ளது. ஆனால் உருவபூஜை கொள்கைக்கு அதில் இடம் இல்லை."
"பண்டிதர்களின் முரண்பாடுகளை அவர்கள் முகத்தில் வீசி எறியும்போது எனக்கு அபூர்வமான மகிழ்ச்சி கிடைத்தது. மேலும், இந்த அனுபவம் குலங்களை, சமயங்களை, மதங்களை, புராணங்களை, சாஸ்திரங்களை மற்றும் கடவுளை நம்பாமல் விடுத்தது."
"மக்களை அடிமையாக்கின்ற மதமும் வழக்கங்களும் அவர்கள் சுயமரியாதையை விலக்குகின்றன."
"சாதியை, மதத்தை, கடவுளை, குறைகூறுபவர்களை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளாதவர்களின் எண்ணிக்கை அதிகரிக்க வேண்டும்."
"கல்வி, சுயமரியாதை மற்றும் பகுத்தறிவு மட்டுமே அடிமைகளைக் காப்பாற்றும்."
"நாட்டில் அரசியல் என்பது யார் ஆட்சி செய்வார்கள் என்பதற்காக இல்லை. மக்களுக்கான ஆட்சியின் வடிவம் எப்படியிருக்க வேண்டும் என்பதற்காகவே அது."
"நாட்டில் சுயமரியாதை என்றால், மதம், மூடநம்பிக்கைகள், சாதி போன்றவற்றை விலக்க வேண்டும்."
"நான் எப்போது ஒரு வாக்கு கேட்பதற்கான பிரச்சாரத்தைச் செய்யவில்லையோ, நான் எப்போது கீதம் கூறப்படுவேன் என்பதற்கான எதிர்பார்ப்பையும் அன்றி வாழ்கிறேன்."
"கிராம சீர்திருத்தம் என்பது சாலைகளை சுத்தமாக்குவது மட்டுமல்ல, அது எல்லோருக்கும் சுயமரியாதையுடன் கூடிய வாழ்க்கை அமைத்துக் கொடுப்பதேயாகும்."
"பிராமணர் ஒருவரை மட்டுமே உயர்ந்தவர் எனக் கூறுவது அர்த்தமற்றது."
"ஆரியர்கள் திராவிட நாட்டுக்குள் நுழைந்து எங்களை அடிமைப்படுத்திய வரலாறு விளக்கத் தேவையில்லை."
"சிறந்ததை மட்டுமே ஏற்கவும் தேவையற்றதை நிராகரிக்கவும் செய்ததே திருத்தம்."
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harishblogger · 1 month
Exploring Historical and Cultural Tourism at India's Travel Exhibitions
India, with its rich history and diverse culture, has always been a treasure trove for travelers seeking to explore its heritage. The India International Travel Mart (IITM) stands out as a premier platform that showcases the nation's historical and cultural tourism, attracting visitors from around the globe. This travel exhibition not only promotes India's tourism potential but also serves as a bridge connecting people with the country's vibrant past and cultural diversity.
The Significance of Historical and Cultural Tourism
Historical and cultural tourism plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting a nation's heritage. It allows travelers to engage with the history, traditions, and customs of a region, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of its cultural fabric. For India, a country with millennia-old civilizations, such tourism is vital for sustaining its rich cultural legacy.
Unveiling India's Heritage at IITM
The IITM serves as a dynamic platform where India's historical and cultural tourism is brought to the forefront. The exhibition features a wide array of stalls and pavilions representing various states and regions, each highlighting their unique heritage sites, cultural practices, and historical landmarks. From the majestic palaces of Rajasthan to the ancient temples of Tamil Nadu, IITM provides a comprehensive glimpse into India's diverse cultural landscape.
Rajasthan: A Journey Through Royal Heritage
At IITM, Rajasthan's pavilion often garners significant attention. Known for its regal past, Rajasthan showcases its magnificent forts, palaces, and havelis. Visitors can immerse themselves in the tales of valor and grandeur associated with the Rajput kings. The intricate architecture and rich traditions of cities like Jaipur, Udaipur, and Jodhpur are beautifully displayed, enticing travelers to explore the state's royal heritage.
Read these articles:
India's Travel Exhibitions: Promoting Local Traditions and Customs
Exploring Historical and Cultural Tourism at India's Travel Exhibitions
Exploring the Culinary Delights of India at Travel Exhibitions
Tamil Nadu: The Land of Temples
Tamil Nadu, with its ancient Dravidian temples, is another highlight at IITM. The state is renowned for its temple architecture, with iconic structures like the Meenakshi Temple in Madurai and the Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur. At IITM, Tamil Nadu's pavilion offers a virtual journey through these architectural marvels, showcasing their historical significance and spiritual essence.
Interactive Experiences and Cultural Performances
One of the key attractions of IITM is the interactive experiences and cultural performances that bring India's history and culture to life. Visitors can witness traditional dance forms, music performances, and craft demonstrations, providing an immersive experience into India's cultural heritage.
Dance and Music: A Cultural Extravaganza
IITM frequently hosts live performances of classical dance forms like Bharatanatyam, Kathak, and Odissi. These performances, often accompanied by traditional music, offer a mesmerizing glimpse into India's artistic traditions. The rhythmic movements and expressive storytelling captivate audiences, leaving them with a deeper appreciation for India's cultural diversity.
Handicrafts and Artisans: Preserving Traditions
The exhibition also features stalls dedicated to traditional handicrafts and artisans. Craftsmen from various regions demonstrate their skills, creating exquisite items like pottery, textiles, and jewelry. These live demonstrations not only showcase India's artistic heritage but also support the livelihoods of local artisans, ensuring the continuation of these age-old crafts.
Culinary Delights: A Taste of Tradition
No exploration of India's culture is complete without experiencing its diverse cuisine. IITM offers a gastronomic journey through the country's culinary heritage, with stalls serving regional delicacies. From the spicy curries of North India to the aromatic biryanis of Hyderabad and the delectable sweets of Bengal, visitors can savor the flavors of India's rich culinary traditions.
Promoting Sustainable and Responsible Tourism
IITM also emphasizes the importance of sustainable and responsible tourism in preserving India's historical and cultural sites. Exhibitors and speakers at the event highlight the need for conservation efforts and responsible travel practices to ensure that these treasures are protected for future generations.
Conservation Efforts and Heritage Management
Sessions and workshops at IITM often focus on heritage conservation and management. Experts discuss strategies for preserving historical sites, promoting eco-friendly tourism, and involving local communities in conservation efforts. These discussions are crucial in raising awareness and fostering a collective responsibility towards India's cultural heritage.
Conclusion: A Gateway to India's Past and Present
The India International Travel Mart serves as a vibrant gateway to exploring India's historical and cultural tourism. Through its diverse pavilions, interactive experiences, and cultural performances, IITM offers a comprehensive and immersive journey into the heart of India's heritage. For travelers, it provides an invaluable opportunity to connect with the country's past and appreciate its rich cultural tapestry. As IITM continues to grow, it will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in promoting and preserving India's historical and cultural treasures for generations to come.
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ebelal56-blog · 2 months
Aryan Invasion Theory: The MOST Underappreciated Theory In History?
The Aryan Invasion Theory, a narrative that has woven itself into the fabric of our understanding of ancient Indian history, is a tale that has evolved over the years, much like the cultures it seeks to explain. It begins with the notion of a great migration or invasion, a group of Indo-Aryans, speaking a language that would eventually give birth to many modern tongues, sweeping into the Indian subcontinent around 1500 BCE. This was not merely a movement of people; it was a seismic shift that purportedly altered the very essence of the land and its inhabitants. The Indus Valley Civilization, with its sophisticated urban centers, was said to have been overrun by these newcomers, who brought with them not just their language, Vedic Sanskrit, but also a complex socio-cultural system that would lay the groundwork for what we now recognize as Hinduism. Imagine the scene: a land rich in culture, with its own languages, traditions, and beliefs, suddenly confronted by a wave of new ideas and practices. The Indo-Aryans, with their chariots and horses, their rituals and hymns, arrived like a storm, imposing their will upon the indigenous Dravidian people. The Vedas, those ancient texts composed in Vedic Sanskrit, became the cornerstone of this new order, a collection of hymns and philosophies that would echo through the ages. They spoke of gods and rituals, of a cosmos governed by divine forces, and they laid the foundation for a religious framework that would evolve into one of the world's most enduring faiths. Yet, as we delve deeper into this narrative, we must confront the complexities that challenge the simplicity of an invasion. The term "invasion" conjures images of violence and conquest, but what if the reality was more nuanced? Scholars have begun to favor the term "Aryan Migration Theory," suggesting a gradual movement rather than a violent takeover. This shift in terminology reflects a growing understanding that the interactions between the Indo-Aryans and the indigenous populations were likely multifaceted, involving not just conflict but also exchange, adaptation, and integration. The language of the Indo-Aryans, Vedic Sanskrit, became the language of the learned, a medium through which knowledge was transmitted and preserved. It is fascinating to consider how language shapes thought, how the words we use can influence our understanding of the world. Vedic Sanskrit, with its intricate grammar and rich vocabulary, provided a framework for expressing complex ideas, and it became the bedrock upon which many modern Indian languages would build. The echoes of those ancient sounds can still be heard today, a testament to the enduring legacy of this linguistic heritage. But language is only one facet of this intricate tapestry. The religious texts that emerged during this period, particularly the Vedas, were not merely collections of hymns; they were a reflection of a worldview that sought to explain the mysteries of existence. The Vedic religion, with its pantheon of deities and elaborate rituals, offered a way for people to connect with the divine and understand their place in the cosmos. Over time, this religious framework would evolve, giving rise to Hinduism, a faith that now encompasses a vast array of beliefs and practices, uniting millions across the subcontinent. However, the narrative of a straightforward invasion has been increasingly scrutinized. Archaeological findings and genetic studies have begun to paint a more intricate picture of the past. Instead of a clear-cut division between the Indo-Aryans and the indigenous peoples, evidence suggests a complex web of interactions. The development of Vedic culture and the spread of Indo-European languages may have been the result of both migration and local adaptation. This challenges the earlier, more simplistic model of conquest and cultural imposition. Consider the implications of this revised understanding. If the Indo-Aryans did not simply conquer but rather engaged with the existing cultures, what does that say about the nature of cultural exchange? It suggests a dynamic interplay, where ideas, practices, and beliefs flowed in multiple directions. The indigenous populations were not passive recipients of a foreign culture; they were active participants in a dialogue that shaped the very essence of what would become Indian civilization. The caste system, often associated with the arrival of the Indo-Aryans, is another point of contention. Was it a rigid social hierarchy imposed by the newcomers, or did it evolve organically from the interactions between different groups? The complexities of social stratification in ancient India cannot be reduced to a single narrative. The caste system, with its intricate rules and regulations, likely emerged from a confluence of factors, including economic, social, and cultural dynamics that transcended the simplistic notion of an invader versus the invaded.
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sundersea · 2 months
k armstrong's murder is a sign of why I feel it's inappropriate when fellow savarna (indian) tamils discover #tamilidentity for the first time and get really up in arms about it all. tamil nadu has some of the highest caste atrocity rates in india and the truth and bulk of the dravidian/tamil self determination movement is to break the chains of hinduism and caste. so that has to be #1 priority
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umaraheja · 4 months
Exploring Tamil Nadu: A Journey Through Dance and Culinary Delights
Tamil Nadu, a state bathed in the glory of ancient traditions, offers a captivating blend of experiences for discerning travelers. From immersing yourself in the vibrant colors and graceful movements of the Thanjavur Dance Festival to tantalizing your taste buds with the delectable fare at Sivaganga's local eateries, Tamil Nadu promises an unforgettable adventure.
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This culturally rich state boasts ancient temples, pristine beaches, scenic hill stations, and bustling cities, each with its own story to tell.
Art and dance enthusiasts will be mesmerized by the annual Thanjavur Dance Festival. Held during February or March at the foot of the magnificent Brihadeeswara Temple, this festival is a vibrant homage to classical dance forms. Dancers from across India and the globe gather to showcase their talents, making the Thanjavur Dance Festival a highlight of the Tamil Nadu cultural calendar.
Beyond the festival, Thanjavur itself is a treasure trove of art and architecture. The aforementioned Brihadeeswara Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is an architectural marvel known for its towering vimana (tower) and intricate carvings. The Saraswathi Mahal Library, with its vast collection of palm leaf manuscripts and historical artifacts, is another must-visit for those interested in Tamil Nadu's rich heritage.
For those seeking culinary delights, Sivaganga offers a delectable experience. While there might not be fancy restaurants with extensive menus, the true charm lies in exploring the local eateries and savoring authentic Tamil Nadu cuisine. Street vendors dish out piping hot idlis and crispy dosas, while small restaurants offer a variety of curries, rice dishes, and lentil soups. Don't forget to try the filter coffee, a strong and aromatic South Indian brew, to complete your culinary adventure.
Nature lovers will find solace in the verdant hills of Yelagiri, a lesser-known gem located close to Chennai. This charming hill station offers breathtaking views, serene lakes, and opportunities for trekking, cycling, and birdwatching. Yelagiri is the perfect spot to escape the bustle of city life and reconnect with nature.
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Tamil Nadu's coastline is a paradise for beach lovers. Mahabalipuram, with its captivating shore temples and golden sands, is a popular destination. Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of mainland India, offers stunning views of the sunrise and sunset over the confluence of the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean.
History buffs can delve into Tamil Nadu's glorious past at the majestic temples of Madurai, the sprawling Meenakshi Temple being a must-see. Trichy, with its famous Rockfort Temple perched atop a giant rock, is another historic town that offers a glimpse into Tamil Nadu's ancient Dravidian culture.
So, if you're looking for a destination that offers a captivating blend of culture, history, nature, and culinary delights, look no further than Tamil Nadu. This incredible state promises an unforgettable experience for every kind of traveler.
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dismantlinghinduism · 6 months
More Work on Dismantling Hinduism
In the great year of 2005, 3 organizations came together to hold the 'First International Conference on the History of Early Christianity in India from the advent of St Thomas to Vasco da Gama'. These were the Institute of Asian Studies, the Dravidian Spiritual Movement that was founded by Deivanayagam, and New York Christian Tamil Temple. A piece about the event boasted its evangelical orientation:
"May this great project enthuse our evangelists to work with a deep sense of pride and commitment with rich and fascinating material for the expansion of the kingdom of our Lord on this earth, and thus to shower peace and prosperity on humanity at large and Indian nation in particular."
The official announcement of the New York conference claimed that Indias classic traditions, including Tamil literature, Saivism, Vaishnavism, and Mahayana Buddhism, had been shaped out of Christianity:
"Christianity in Tamil Nadu . . . was a very potential force and its ethics and other theological codes find powerful expression even in secular Tamil Classics like Thirukural and Naladiyar . Its impact is felt in the native worship and especially in the local religions like Saivism and Vaishnavism. It is obvious that India received a number of missionaries, many of whom belonged to Asia and other parts of the world. The Yavanar, probably people from Greece and Rome, spread the message of Christianity in the length and breadth of Indian soil. Anyhow, we are able to understand that Christianity was deeply rooted in the Indian milieu, thanks to the works of proselytism by men of eminence, starting from St Thomas. But most of the records have been lost or destroyed and Christianity might have underwent lot of sea-changes owing to many a time of adversity faced by it. It has left its strong impact on the other religions of India; it was instrumental for the emergence of many Indian religions. Its presence is felt in all religions of India in various forms. Its impact on the emergence of Mahayana Buddhism, especially in the conception of the Bodhisatva as well as the second coming of the Maitreya Buddha, is indeed marvelous."
This is indeed a brilliant high-profile game plan to absorb not only Hinduism but the entire spectrum of Indian and Asian spiritual traditions, including Buddhism and Jainism. It received support from several American authorities, including Hillary Clinton, who wrote:
"The first International Conference on the History of Early Christianity in India will successfully combine different and diverse resources to fully explore the presence of early Christianity in India. I am confident that the breadth of resources presented during the conference will shed light on the impact of Christianity on medieval and classical Indian and its effect on the cultural and political climate of India and throughout the world."
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tadpoledyke · 7 months
I'd been thinking and I realise it's really important to build networks and communities of anti hindutva Hindus, just as it is for anti Zionist Jews.
Especially Dravidians who follow Dravidian folk Hindusim, because the Dravida Marxist movement is quite atheist. And while that's cool and good and swag we need a support system to help us weed though the propaganda, to hold on to the parts of our culture that are so true to us.
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kashmira12 · 11 months
Unveiling the Rich Cultural Heritage of Karnataka
Karnataka, south karnataka tour packages , is widely known for being rich in culture. Karnataka has seen multiple dynasties over the millennia with deep impact on the art, culture and traditions. This article examines the cultural heritage of Karnataka, tracing its origins, architecture, artforms, celebratory traditions, and the indelible spirit that defines the state.
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Historical Significance
The cultural traditions of Karnataka go way back to the paleolithic period when the first traces of human civilization were found. The region has over the centuries been home to varied dynasties and empires like the Chalukyas, Hoysalas, Rashtrakutas, and the powerful Vijayanagara Empire. These dynasties helped weave Karnataka’s rich cultural fabric, leaving behind permanent marks in the shape of architecture, sculpture, and literature.
The architecture of Karnataka
Undeniably, one of the most remarkable elements of culture in Karnataka is its architectural wonders. The old city boasts amazing ancient temples, architectural marvels that still exist. The elaborate, ornate workmanship on the temples constructed in Karnataka by the Hoyalsalas and Chalukyas shows the skill of these architects.
Hoysala temples with their minutely carved sculptures and intricate carvings are renowned for the distinctive star-shaped platforms, intricately designed ceilings and exquisite carvings that portray mythological stories. However, the Chalukya temples were elaborately built in the Dravidian style, and featured enormous vimanas and sculpted decorations.
The most notable temple from Karnataka is undoubtedly the Chennakesava temple at Belur, an outstanding work of Hoysala architecture. The skill of the Hoysala craftsmen is evident in the beautiful carvings on the temples, featuring gods, goddesses and mythological scenes.
Art Forms
Art forms have flourished in Karnataka for years. Ancient dances like Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi and Kathak have many roots in the country’s heritage. Yaksha Gana is a unique art form that combines dance, music and storytelling to tell Indian mythology. One of the oldest ancient musical traditions in India – Karnataka music – is found in Karnataka. Legendary composers like Purandardas, Kanakdas and Tyagaraja also made important contributions to this genre.
Literature and Language
The literature in Kannada, the state’s official language, is very developed. Composing epic poetry was pioneered by pampa, ranna, and ponna who are the “three gems of Kannada literature”. This marked the beginning of Kannada literature and their works enjoy a lot of veneration even up to date.
The Writings of Saint Purandara Dasa, a prominent poet and saint, have had a profound impact on the Bhakti movement in Karnataka. His compositions, known as Dasa Sahitya, are spiritual and devotional in nature, emphasizing the worship of Lord Vishnu.
Karnataka's cultural heritage is alive and vibrant through its various festivals. Ugadi, the Kannada New Year, is celebrated with great enthusiasm. The Mysuru Dasara, a ten-day celebration, is a grand spectacle featuring a procession of caparisoned elephants, dance performances, and illuminated palaces. The Hampi Utsav, set in the backdrop of the stunning ruins of Hampi, showcases music, dance, and drama, attracting art and history enthusiasts from around the world.
The state's rich religious diversity also contributes to a myriad of festivals celebrated with zeal. Deepavali, Navaratri, Makar Sankranti, and Ganesh Chaturthi are just a few of the festivals that bring communities together to rejoice in their traditions.
The Enduring Spirit
The  cultural heritage of Karnataka is not only ancient monuments but also a vibrant and rich resource. It is a collective consensus that reflects human values, traditions and aspirations. The country continues to maintain and preserve its cultural heritage through government policies, education systems and cultural institutions. Established in 2011, Karnataka Folklore University is dedicated to the study and preservation of the rich folklore and traditional knowledge of Karnataka. Museums like the Government Museum in Bangalore and the Salarjanga Museum in Hyderabad have treasures, sculptures and manuscripts that give us a glimpse of the country’s cultural history
Additionally, local artists and sculptors work diligently to keep ancient art forms alive. Continued preservation of ancient music and dance along with nurturing of young talent ensures that the artistic heritage of Karnataka remains vibrant and relevant in modern times.
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Karnataka's cultural legacy e­mbodies the esse­nce of history, art, architecture, and tradition, standing the­ test of time. It's a colorful mosaic displaying the impact and input of diffe­rent ruling families and societie­s who once inhabited the are­a. The state's cultural assortment fills its locals with a se­nse of dignity, engaging the global audie­nce with its appeal and rele­vance. Karnataka’s cultural identity impressive­ly showcases the unbroken courage­ of its populace and the ete­rnal allure of its artistic and structural triumphs.
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8072009864 · 11 months
Certainly, I can provide some information about the history of Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu is a state in southern India with a rich and ancient history. Here are some key points:
Ancient Civilization: Tamil Nadu is home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world, with a history dating back over 2,000 years. The region was known as "Tamilakam" in ancient times.
Sangam Literature: The Sangam period, which lasted from around 300 BCE to 300 CE, produced some of the most famous Tamil literary works. These Sangam poems and texts provide valuable insights into the social, cultural, and economic life of the time.
Chola Dynasty: The Chola dynasty, one of the longest-ruling dynasties in Tamil Nadu, had a profound influence on the region's history. They were known for their strong maritime presence and patronage of art and architecture.
Pallava and Pandya Dynasties: The Pallava and Pandya dynasties also played significant roles in Tamil Nadu's history. They are noted for their contributions to temple architecture, particularly the creation of intricately carved stone temples.
British Colonial Period: Tamil Nadu, like many parts of India, came under British colonial rule in the 18th and 19th centuries. The impact of British rule on Tamil Nadu's society and economy is an important part of its history.
Independence Movement: Tamil Nadu was actively involved in the Indian independence movement. Leaders like C. Rajagopalachari and Periyar E. V. Ramasamy played key roles in advocating for independence and social reform.
Dravidian Movement: After India gained independence in 1947, Tamil Nadu became a center for the Dravidian movement, which sought to promote the cultural and political rights of Dravidian people, including the Tamils.
Post-Independence Development: Since independence, Tamil Nadu has seen significant industrial and economic growth, particularly in sectors like automobile manufacturing and information technology.
Language and Culture: The Tamil language and culture continue to be a source of pride and identity for the people of Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu is known for its classical dance forms, music, and art.
Politics: Tamil Nadu has a unique political landscape with a history of influential regional parties. The state has been known for its distinct political ideologies and leaders.
This is just a brief overview of the rich history of Tamil Nadu. If you have specific topics or questions related to Tamil Nadu's history, feel free to ask, and I'll provide more information.
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pooma-today · 3 days
சமூக நீதி நாள் - பெரியார் பிறந்த தினம்
Erode Venkatappa Ramasamy (17 September 1879 – 24 December 1973), often revered as Periyar or Thanthai Periyar, was a Great Indian social activist and politician who started the Self-Respect Movement and Dravidar Kazhagam. He is popularly known as the ‘Father of the Dravidian movement’. He fought against Brahminical dominance and gender and caste inequality in Tamil Nadu. He was often called ‘A Man Ahead of his Time’.
Since 2021, the Indian state of Tamil Nadu celebrates his birth anniversary as ‘𝗦𝗢𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗟 𝗝𝗨𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗗𝗔𝗬'
“As long as we give room for domination and the dominators, there will be worries and worried people. Poverty and pestilence will live eternally in the country"
“A male has the right to wander about as he pleases. He has the right to marry any number of girls. This practice has led to prostitution."
“Wisdom lies in thinking. The spear-head of thinking is rationalism.”
“Any opposition not based on rationalism or science or experience will one day or another, reveal fraud, selfishness, lies and conspiracies.”
“You cannot expect any rational thought from a religious man. He is like a rocking log in water.”
“Even if I were to live in a place where I would have to experience much worse sufferings than those of a hellish life, I would consider it a pleasant life than this mean, caste-ridden existence, if only I were respected as a man there.”
“Capitalists control the machinery. They create difficulties for the workers. Consequently rationalism, which has to lead the way for peaceful life to all, has resulted in causing poverty and worries to the people because of dominating forces.”
“Because our ladies mostly attend Kalatshepams, (Religious discourses) they have fallen prey to the superstitions, blind beliefs, and immorality by the false and fictitious propaganda of the Brahmins.”
“As there was no open opposition to Aryanism from the beginning, it grew in stages and degraded us”
“By helping the poor, we must be able to remove their poverty. By extending help to one here and one there in the form of providing food will not remove poverty.”
“Foreigners are sending messages to the planets. We are sending rice and cereal to our dead fore-father through the Brahmins. Is it a wise deed?”
“I am a plain person. I have merely spoken out my mind. I do not say you should believe what I have said because it alone is certain. Accept such ideas as can be accepted, with the help of your reason, after a sound inquiry. Reject the rest.”
“I express, plainly and openly, thoughts which occur to me, and which strike me as right. This may embarrass a few; to some this may be distasteful; and a few others may even be irritated; however, all that I utter are proven truths and not lies.”
“Everyone has the right to refute any opinion. But no one has the right to prevent its expression.”
“I want to say a word to the Brahmins, “In the name of God, religion, sastras you have duped us. We were the ruling people. Stop this life of cheating us from this year. Give room for rationalism and humanism.”
“I want the Brahmins to realize that the Dravidian people today are very much hate those who cunningly cheated them with absurdities. They are now aware of the particular community making a living by spreading foolishness. People have begun to hate god, religion, caste, mythologies (puranas) and so on..”
“If we have a girl at home who has attained puberty, someone should come and ask for an alliance. Otherwise the girl will have to remain a virgin only. But in a Brahmin’s house if there is a girl who has attained puberty the Brahmin will go from door to door seeking a bridegroom. This is the difference between the Aryan and the Dravidian customs.”
“If one is to be considered high, some one should show some just reason. Brahmin calls himself high and superior. In what respects is he superior to others? Are there not Brahmins who are connected with all the trades in the world, good and bad? Do we not see them eating all things as others?”
“In other lands, knowledge alone is respected and trusted and held as the basis of everything, but in this country, men believe only in rituals and ceremonies, in God, in religion and such other rubbish.”
“In the Kural there is a chapter on invocation to God. But there is no place in it for the principle of idol worship.”
“It gave me extraordinary pleasure to fling at the pundits of their own contradictions and Thus perplex Them. It also gave me the reputation, among our neighbours, of being a clever speaker. I believe that it was this experience which deprived me of faith in castes and communities, in religion, in “puranas”, in “sastras” and in god.”
“It is absurd to quote religion or God or religious doctrines to render the people as the lowest castes.”
“Man treats women as his own property and not as capable of feelings, like himself. The way men treat women is much worse than the way landlords treat servants and the high-caste treats the low-caste. These treat them so demeaning only in situations mutually affecting them; but men treat them cruelly and as slaves, from their birth till death.”
“Man is equal to man. There should not be exploitation. One should help the other. No one should harm anybody. Generally there should be no room for grievance or complaint from anybody. Everyone should live and let others live, with a national spirit.”
“Everyone has the right to refute any opinion. But no one has the right to prevent its expression.”
“Man does not grow by merely accepting whatever others have said. However, do listen to others, but later think with the help of your reason. Accept and try to follow what appears right to you.”
“What is marriage? It is to unite a man and a woman to enjoy a natural life with happiness. It is to find solace after hard work. Most of the people do not realize that marriages are for sharing pleasures of the wedded life.”
“Money lending is a horrible profession. If we are to call it otherwise it is lawful plundering.”
“Religious devotion is for the individual. Character is for all. There is no loss if there is no devotion. Everything is lost if there is no character.”
“Marriages should culminate on account of the wishes of the couple. It is their knitting of the hearts that should lead to marriages.”
“Only education, self-respect and rational qualities will uplift the down-trodden.”
“Our thoughts of the literary renaissance should always center themselves on the removal of superstition, meanness, indignity and ignorance.”
“Politics does not concern itself with who should rule us. It is about what kind of rules people should have.”
“Our country would be considered to have gained independence only when the villagers are completely rid of god, religion, castes, and blind beliefs. South India is quite different from the North in many respects. It is a distinct and separate State of Dravidian race.”
“There is no use of simply acquiring titles or amassing wealth if one has no self-respect and scientific knowledge.”
“The proper task of social reform is to remove poverty from society and to ensure that people do not sell their conscience to make a living.”
“That which enslaves you to customs of the world to orthodoxy, to the rigours of religion, contrary to your rationality and awareness of truths of experience, is what I shall describe as antagonistic to self-respect.”
“The word ‘Sudra’ which means ‘Son of prostitute’ should not find a place even in the history hereafter. We will not allow it to find a place in the dictionary or encycl”
“The number of those who do selfless public service and those who serve without expecting any return, should increase. Their sterling qualities should show the way to the people at large. Their life would be a model to show how man should conduct himself in public life.”
“Whosoever I love and hate, my principle is the same. That is, the educated, the rich and the administrators should not suck the blood of the poor.”
“The way men treat women is much worse than the way landlords treat servants and the high-caste treats the low-caste. These treat them so demeaning only in situations mutually affecting them; but men treat women cruelly and as slaves, from their birth till death.”
“There is no god, there is no god, there is no god at all. He who invented god is a fool. He who propagates god is a scoundrel. He who worships god is a barbarian.”
“There’s no god. He who created god was a fool; he who spreads his name is a scoundrel and he who worships him is a barbarian.”
“Those who still believe the Brahmins should take a serious note of the changing times and start leading an awakened life.”
“Till the end of my life, I shall never canvas for a vote. I shall not even expect a word of praise from any quarter.”
“Village reform is not merely cleaning the roads, constructing schools and worshipping monasteries. It is not a mere celebration of festivals.”
“While all men are born as equals, to say that Brahmins alone are the highest and all others are low as Pariah (the Untouchables) or Panchama is sheer nonsense. It is roguish to say so. It is a big hoax played on us.”
“We do not need to explain how the Aryans entered and settled in the Dravidian country, and subjugated and oppressed the Dravidians. Nor do we need to explain how before the Aryans entered the Dravidian country, the Dravidian country had a civilization and arts of the highest rank.”
“To discard what is unwanted, and to retain what is needed, is what reform means.”
“I have not talked of anything to despise the Brahmins, just because they are born as Brahmins.”
தந்தை பெரியார் என்பவர் யார்?
ஈரோடு வெங்கடப்பா ராமசாமி (17 செப்டம்பர் 1879 – 24 டிசம்பர் 1973), பொதுவாக பெரியார் அல்லது தந்தை பெரியார் என்று போற்றப்படுபவர், ஒரு மகத்தான இந்திய சமூக செயற்பாட்டாளரும் அரசியல்வாதியுமாக இருந்தார். அவர் சுயமரியாதை இயக்கத்தையும் திராவிடர் கழகத்தையும் நிறுவியவர். திராவிட இயக்கத்தின் தந்தை என்று புகழப்படுபவர்.
தமிழ்நாட்டில் பிராமணிய ஆதிக்கத்திற்கு எதிராகவும், பாலின மற்றும் சாதி சமத்துவத்திற்கு எதிராகவும் போராடினார். அவரை ‘ஒரு காலத்திற்கு முன்னே சென்ற மனிதர்’ என்று அழைத்தனர்.
2021 முதல், இந்தியாவின் தமிழ்நாடு மாநிலம் அவரது பிறந்த நாளை ‘சமூக நீதி தினம்’ ஆகக் கொண்டாடுகிறது.
பெரியாரின் பொன்மொழிகள்:
"நாம் ஆதிக்கத்திற்கும் ஆதிக்கப் பட்டவர்களுக்கும் இடம் கொடுத்துக்கொண்டே இருக்கிற வரை கவலைகளும் கவலைப்படும் மக்களும் இருக்கும். வறுமையும் நோய்களும் நாட்டில் நிரந்தரமாக வாழும்."
"ஒரு ஆண் சுதந்திரமாகச் சுற்றி வருவதற்கான உரிமையைப் பெற்றுள்ளான். அவன் எத்தனை பெண்களை வேண்டுமானாலும் திருமணம் செய்யும் உரிமையைப் பெற்றுள்ளான். இந்த வழக்கம்வால் விபச்சாரம் உருவானது."
"விவேகம் சிந்திக்கிறதில் உள்ளது. சிந்தனையின் முன் பா��ம் பகுத்தறிவு." "பகுத்தறிவோ அல்லது அறிவியலோ அல்லது அனுபவத்தின் அடிப்படையில் இல்லாத எந்த எதிர்ப்பும் ஒருநாள் அல்லது மற்றொன்றில் மோசடி, சுயநலம், பொய்கள் மற்றும் சதி என்பதை வெளிப்படுத்தும்."
"ஒரு மதநல்லவனிடமிருந்து பகுத்தறிவுக் கருத்துக்களை நீங்கள் எதிர்பார்க்க முடியாது. அவன் நீருக்குள் மிதக்கும் கொம்பு போலிருக்கிறான்."
"நான் நரக வாழ்விலேயே விடுமுறைகளை அனுபவிக்கும் அளவுக்கு இன்னல்கள் அடைந்து வாழ்ந்தாலும், இந்த அருவருப்பான சாதி அடிமைத்தனத்தை விட மனிதர்களாக மதிக்கப்படும் வாழ்க்கையை விரும்புவேன்."
"முதல்வர்களே இயந்திரங்களை கட்டுப்படுத்துகிறார்கள். அவர்கள் தொழிலாளர்களுக்கு சிரமங்களை உருவாக்குகிறார்கள். ஆதிக்கம் செலுத்தும் சக்திகளால், அனைத்து மக்களுக்கும் அமைதியான வாழ்க்கைக்கு வழிகாட்டவேண்டிய பகுத்தறிவு வறுமையும் கவலைகளையும் உருவாக்கியுள்ளது."
"எங்கள் பெண்கள் பெரும்பாலும் கலாட்சேபங்களில் (மத சொற்பொழிவுகள்) கலந்து கொள்வதால், அவர்கள் பிராமணர்களின் தவறான மற்றும் புனையாத பிரச்சாரத்தின் மூலம் மூடநம்பிக்கைகளின் அடிமையாகிவிட்டார்கள்."
"ஆரியத்துக்கு ஆரம்பத்தில் எதிர்ப்பு இல்லை என்பதால் அது படிப்படியாக வளர்ந்து எங்களை தாழ்த்தியது."
"ஏழைகளுக்கு உதவுவது அவர்களின் வறுமையை அகற்றவேண்டுமாக இருக்க வேண்டும். ஒருவருக்கு அங்கு ஒரு நபருக்கு உணவளிப்பதன் மூலம் வறுமையை அகற்ற முடியாது."
"வெளிநாட்டினர் கிரகங்களுக்கு செய்திகளை அனுப்புகிறார்கள். ஆனால் நாம் பிராமணர்களின் வழியாக நம் இறந்த முன்னோர்களுக்கு அரிசியும் தானியங்களையும் அனுப்புகிறோம். இது புத்திசாலித்தனமான காரியமா?"
"நான் சாதாரணமான மனிதன். நான் மனதில் தோன்றியதை மட்டுமே வெளிப்படையாகச் சொன்னேன். நான் சொன்னவற்றை நிச்சயமாகவே நம்பவேண்டும் என்று நான் கூறவில்லை. உங்கள் பகுத்தறிவின் உதவியால் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளத்தக்க கருத்துகளை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள், ஒரு நன்கு ஆய்வுக்குப் பிறகு. மீதியை நிராகரியுங்கள்."
"நான் என் மனதில் தோன்றியதை வெளிப்படையாகவும் தெளிவாகவும் வெளிப்படுத்துகிறேன், இது சிலருக்கு விருப்பமில்லாததாக இருக்கலாம்; சிலருக்கு வெறுப்பாகத் தோன்றலாம்; மேலும் சிலருக்கு கோபமாகவும் இருக்கலாம். எனினும், நான் சொல்வது உண்மை உணர்வுகள் மட்டுமே, பொய்கள் அல்ல."
"எந்த கருத்தையும் மறுப்பதற்கான உரிமை அனைவருக்கும் உள்ளது. ஆனால் அந்த கருத்தை வெளிப்படுத்துவதை தடுக்க உரிமை எவருக்கும் இல்லை."
"நான் பிராமணர்களிடம் சொல்வதுண்டு: 'கடவுளின் பெயரில், மதம், சாஸ்திரங்கள் எனும் பெயரில் நீங்கள் எங்களை ஏமாற்றிவிட்டீர்கள். நாங்கள் ஒருகாலத்தில் ஆட்சியில் இருந்தவர்கள். இந்த ஆண்டு முதல் எங்களை ஏமாற்றும் வாழ்க்கையை நிறுத்துங்கள். பகுத்தறிவுக்கும் மனிதத்தன்மைக்கும் இடம் கொடுங்கள்.'"
"பிராமணர்கள் ஆரிய மதத்தின் மூடநம்பிக்கைகளால் எங்களை ஏமாற்றிவிட்டார்கள் என்பதில் திராவிட மக்கள் வெறுப்போடு இருக்கிறார்கள் என்பதை அவர்கள் புரிந்துகொள்ள வேண்டும். அவர்கள் பகுத்தறிவு மற்றும் பகுத்துணர்ச்சியற்ற வாழ்க்கையை முன்னெடுத்து வருகின்றனர்."
"ஒரு பால் வளர்சிதை மாற்றத்தை அடையும் பொழுது, ஒரு திருமணக் கூட்டம் வர வேண்டும். இல்லையெனில் அந்தப் பெண் கன்னியாகவே நீடிக்க வேண்டும். ஆனால் ஒரு பிராமணரின் வீட்டில் இது நடந்தால், பிராமணர் நம்பிக்கைகளை பரப்பி வீட்டிலிருந்து வீடு தேடி மணமகனைத் தேடுவார். இதுதான் ஆரிய மரபுகளுக்கும் திராவிட மரபுகளுக்கும் இடையிலான வேறுபாடு."
"ஒருவர் உயர்ந்தவர் எனக் கருதப்பட வேண்டும் என்றால், சில நியாயமான காரணம் காணப்பட வேண்டும். பிராமணர் தன்னை உயர்ந்தவராக கூறிக்கொள்கிறார். அவருக்கு மற்றவர்களை விட சிறந்த எந்த தகுதிகளும் உள்ளனவா? நாங்கள் உலகில் இருக்கும் அனைத்து தொழில்களுடனும் தொடர்புடைய பிராமணர்களைக் காணவில்லையா? அவர்கள் மற்றவர்களைப் போலவே எல்லாவற்றையும் சாப்பிடுவதைக் காணவில்லையா?"
"மற்ற நாடுகளில் அறிவு மட்டுமே மதிக்கப்படுகிறது, ஆனால் இங்கு மனிதர்கள் சடங்குகள், கடவுள், மதம் போன்றவற்றில் மட்டுமே நம்புகிறார்கள்." "திருக்குறளில் கடவுள் வணக்கத்திற்கு ஒரு அத்தியாயம் உள்ளது. ஆனால் உருவபூஜை கொள்கைக்கு அதில் இடம் இல்லை."
"பண்டிதர்களின் முரண்பாடுகளை அவர்கள் முகத்தில் வீசி எறியும்போது எனக்கு அபூர்வமான மகிழ்ச்சி கிடைத்தது. மேலும், இந்த அனுபவம் குலங்களை, சமயங்களை, மதங்களை, புராணங்களை, சாஸ்திரங்களை மற்றும் கடவுளை நம்பாமல் விடுத்தது."
"மக்களை அடிமையாக்கின்ற மதமும் வழக்கங்களும் அவர்கள் சுயமரியாதையை விலக்குகின்றன."
"சாதியை, மதத்தை, கடவுளை, குறைகூறுபவர்களை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளாதவர்களின் எண்ணிக்கை அதிகரிக்க வேண்டும்."
"கல்வி, சுயமரியாதை மற்றும் பகுத்தறிவு மட்டுமே அடிமைகளைக் காப்பாற்றும்."
"நாட்டில் அரசியல் என்பது யார் ஆட்சி செய்வார்கள் என்பதற்காக இல்லை. மக்களுக்கான ஆட்சியின் வடிவம் எப்படியிருக்க வேண்டும் என்பதற்காகவே அது."
"நாட்டில் சுயமரியாதை என்றால், மதம், மூடநம்பிக்கைகள், சாதி போன்றவற்றை விலக்க வேண்டும்."
"நான் எப்போது ஒரு வாக்கு கேட்பதற்கான பிரச்சாரத்தைச் செய்யவில்லையோ, நான் எப்போது கீதம் கூறப்படுவேன் என்பதற்கான எதிர்பார்ப்பையும் அன்றி வாழ்கிறேன்."
"கிராம சீர்திருத்தம் என்பது சாலைகளை சுத்தமாக்குவது மட்டுமல்ல, அது எல்லோருக்கும் சுயமரியாதையுடன் கூடிய வாழ்க்கை அமைத்துக் கொடுப்பதேயாகும்."
"பிராமணர் ஒருவரை மட்டுமே உயர்ந்தவர் எனக் கூறுவது அர்த்தமற்றது."
"ஆரியர்கள் திராவிட நாட்டுக்குள் நுழைந்து எங்களை அடிமைப்படுத்திய வரலாறு விளக்கத் தேவையில்லை."
"சிறந்ததை மட்டுமே ஏற்கவும் தேவையற்றதை நிராகரிக்கவும் செய்ததே திருத்தம்."
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History of tamilnadu
History of tamilnadu 
Arivazhagan v
3rdB.A history
Government art's college ooty
Ancient Period:
Tamil Nadu's history dates back to ancient times, with the Sangam period (3rd century BCE to 3rd century CE) being one of its most remarkable eras.
The Sangam literature, a collection of Tamil poetry, is a testament to the rich culture and literary achievements of this period.
Several dynasties, including the Cholas, Cheras, and Pandyas, ruled the region during this time.
Medieval Period:
The Chola dynasty (9th to 13th centuries) is known for its extensive conquests and the construction of grand temples, including the famous Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur.
The medieval period also saw the influence of the Vijayanagara Empire and the establishment of the Nayak dynasties.
Colonial Era:
During the 17th century, European powers, particularly the British and the French, established trading posts in Tamil Nadu.
The British East India Company gradually gained control over the region, leading to the British colonial rule.
Struggles for Independence:
Tamil Nadu played a significant role in the Indian independence movement. Leaders like C. Rajagopalachari and Periyar E. V. Ramasamy were instrumental in shaping the political landscape.
Post-Independence Period:
Tamil Nadu was a center of political and social change in post-independence India. Dravidian movements, led by parties like the DMK and AIADMK, became prominent and advocated for regional autonomy and social justice.
Tamil Nadu has been known for its cultural contributions, including the film industry (Kollywood) and classical music (Carnatic music).
Language and Culture:
The Tamil language is one of the oldest living languages in the world, with a rich literary tradition.
Tamil Nadu is renowned for its classical arts, dance forms like Bharatanatyam, and religious practices.
Economic Development:
Tamil Nadu has experienced significant economic growth, particularly in sectors like information technology, automobile manufacturing, and textiles.
Contemporary Issues:
The state has faced challenges such as water disputes, environmental concerns, and social issues, but it continues to be a key player in Indian politics and culture.
This is a concise overview of Tamil Nadu's history. The state's heritage is characterized by its ancient culture, traditions, and a continuing impact on various aspects of Indian society. For an in-depth exploration, you can delve into books and academic sources on the history of Tamil Nadu.
Ancient Tamil Nadu:
Tamil Nadu has a rich ancient history dating back over 2,000 years.
The Sangam period (3rd century BCE to 3rd century CE) was characterized by a flourishing Tamil culture, as evidenced by the Sangam literature, a collection of classical Tamil poetry.
Chola Dynasty:
The Cholas, one of the most influential dynasties in Tamil Nadu, ruled from the 9th to the 13th centuries.
They were known for their naval power, extensive conquests, and the construction of grand temples, including the Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur.
Cheras and Pandyas:
The Cheras and Pandyas were other prominent dynasties of ancient Tamil Nadu, each contributing to the region's cultural and architectural heritage.
Medieval Tamil Nadu:
The medieval period saw the rise of the Vijayanagara Empire, which had a significant influence on the region.
The Nayak dynasties also played a crucial role during this time.
European Influence:
During the 17th century, European powers, including the British and the French, established trading posts and forts along the Tamil Nadu coast.
The British East India Company gradually gained control over the region.
Independence Movement:
Tamil Nadu was an important center for the Indian independence movement. Leaders like C. Rajagopalachari and Periyar E. V. Ramasamy were prominent figures in advocating for independence and social reform.
Tamil Nadu has played a vital role in Indian politics. Dravidian movements led by parties like the DMK and AIADMK have had a significant impact on regional politics.
Cultural Contributions:
Tamil Nadu is known for its cultural contributions, including classical music (Carnatic music), classical dance (Bharatanatyam), and the vibrant Tamil film industry (Kollywood).
Economic Growth:
In recent decades, Tamil Nadu has experienced significant economic growth, with sectors like information technology, automobile manufacturing, and textiles playing a crucial role in the state's development.
Social and Environmental Challenges:
Tamil Nadu has faced challenges such as water disputes with neighboring states, environmental concerns, and issues related to social justice and caste-based politics.
This overview highlights the historical richness and cultural diversity of Tamil Nadu, making it an essential part of India's heritage and development. To explore specific periods or aspects of Tamil Nadu's history in greater detail, you may want to refer to books, scholarly articles, and academic sources dedicated to this subject.
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9342382789 · 11 months
indian fredam fighters
India fredam fighters
a. Brief introduction to Tamil Nadu
b. Mention of the significance of freedom and politics in the region
c. Thesis statement outlining the essay's main pointsBrief explanation of freedom and its importance
b. Historical context of freedom struggle in India
c. Thesis statement outlining the main aspects of freedom to be discussed
Historical Background
a. Pre-independence struggle and contributions of Tamil Nadu
b. Post-independence era and the evolution of freedom in the state
a. Discuss challenges faced by Tamil Nadu in upholding freedom
b. Political unrest, caste-based issues, and their impact
c. Economic disparities and their implications on freedom
Political Landscape
a. Overview of the political structure in Tamil Nadu
b. Major political parties and their ideologies
c. Notable political figures and their influence on the state's freedomAchieving independence and the formation of the Indian Constitution
b. Fundamental rights and principles of the Indian Constitution
c. Transition from colonial rule to a democratic nation
Social and Cultural Aspects of Freedom
a. Role of social movements in Tamil Nadu
b. Influence of Dravidian movement on social freedom
c. Impact of cultural diversity on the perception of freedom
Economic Factors and Freedom
a. Economic development and its relation to freedom
b. Industrialization and its role in shaping economic freedom
c. Social-economic disparity and its effect on overall freedom
Challenges to Freedom
a. Discuss challenges faced by Tamil Nadu in upholding freedom
b. Political unrest, caste-based issues, and their impact
c. Economic disparities and their implications on freedom
Recent Developments and Progress
a. Highlight recent positive developments regarding freedom in Tamil Nadu
b. Mention efforts made to address challenges and promote freedom
c. Discuss ongoing initiatives to enhance freedom in the region
Pre-Independence Era
a. Overview of British colonial rule in India
b. Initial efforts and movements for freedom
c. Key figures and events that shaped the struggle for independence
Gandhi and Nonviolent Resistance
a. Mahatma Gandhi's role in the freedom movement
b. Concept of nonviolent resistance and its impact on the struggle for freedom
c. Salt March and Civil Disobedience Movement
Post-Independence and Constitution
a. Achieving independence and the formation of the Indian Constitution
b. Fundamental rights and principles of the Indian Constitution
c. Transition from colonial rule to a democratic nation
Political Freedom
a. Evolution of India's political landscape post-independence
b. Democracy and electoral processes in India
c. Challenges to political freedom and efforts to overcome them
Economic Freedom
a. Economic policies and reforms in post-independence India
b. Growth and development of various sectors contributing to economic freedom
c. Economic challenges and efforts to promote economic freedom
Social and Cultural Freedoms
a. Diversity and pluralism in Indian society
b. Social reforms and movements promoting social equality and freedom
c. Challenges related to social freedoms and ongoing efforts
Challenges and Future Outlook
a. Current challenges to freedom in India
b. Measures and strategies to address these challenges
c. Future prospects for the continued growth of freedom in India
a. Summarize the key points discussed in the essay
b. Reinforce the importance of freedom and its multi-dimensional nature in India
c. Encourage continued efforts to uphold and enhance freedom in the nation
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Summarize the main points discussed in the essay
b. Reiterate the significance of freedom in Tamil Nadu
c. Conclude with a forward-looking perspective on the future of freedom in the state
Would you like me to proceed with developing the essay using this outline, or would you like to make any modifications to the structure or content?
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blogynews · 1 year
"Unveiling the Holy Debate: Congress’ Udit Raj Backs Udhayanidhi Stalin in Revolutionary Sanatana Dharma Conflict"
Congress leader Udit Raj has expressed support for DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin’s remarks about Sanatana Dharma, despite the Congress party distancing itself from those comments. Raj stated that Stalin’s views are in line with the beliefs of the Dravidian movement, which originated from the Self-Respect Movement of E. Ramaswamy Periyar. This makes Raj the second Dalit leader in Congress to…
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