#Dream X you
writethrough · 2 months
Can I request a morpheus x reader where his s/o has curly/wavy hair? Or just reader being obsessed with touching his hair and he absolutely love it and he likes to do the same
Mid-Afternoon Dream
(Morpheus x Gender-Neutral Reader)
Synopsis: Morpheus enjoys his moment of peace with you.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 430
A/N: Thank you for being patient with me! I went with the second half of your idea since I like to try and keep Reader as up-to-interpretation as possible. I hope you enjoy!
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You were lying on your couch, music playing softly from your record player. Spring was slowly shifting into summer, enough that you had opened your windows to feel the breeze drift through your home. 
The early afternoon rays filtered in, and everything seemed brighter and newer in that way only the warm weather brought. For this moment, everything was peaceful. 
Even Morpheus couldn’t find fault in it. Not when his head rested on your chest, and you were carding through his hair to the base of his neck. Your nails gently dragging down his scalp to the ends of his strands would’ve made him shiver if he were human. 
You’ve been like this for some time now, relaxing in each other's arms. It was a rare moment for the Dream King. He couldn’t recall the last time he had felt this content. Though, it’d been happening more frequently since he’d met you. 
When he’s working, his mind often wondered to you, what you were doing, when he would see you, it’d become ever the distraction—be it a welcomed one. 
He hummed as your nails traced his neck, and you giggled lightly. He squeezed your side in return. 
Never had he thought he’d let anyone see him like this, not after all those years in that cage. But there was something in you that called him. He could let his guard down around you. And it was easier than he thought. 
You opened your arms to him and all he had to do was step closer. 
You placed a kiss on the top of his head, pulling him from his thoughts. 
“Have I put the Sandman to sleep?” you teased. 
He answered with his eyes closed. “You are the only creature capable of such a feat.” 
“You deserve some rest.” He could hear your smile, but there was seriousness, too. It made him lift to his elbow to look at you. 
You stared at one another a few moments until you reached out a hand to cup his cheek. Your thumb grazed his skin reverently, seemingly amazed that he was before you now. 
The corner of your lips ticked up as you took him in. This otherworldly being that wasn’t really a being at all. He was too perfect. It only made sense that he was a concept, one that provided all with the ability to escape, to wrap themselves in imagination, to set themselves free. 
“My Dream,” you whispered, almost like you hadn’t meant to. 
His eyes softened. His own hand reached up to caress your hair. 
“My heart.” 
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Tags: @sayumiht, @hatterripper31, @snowsatsu, @1950schick, @navs-bhat, @bookshelf-dust, @sapphireonline, @fictional-hooman, @steph-speaks, @ladyredstar1991, @secretdreamlandmentality, @ababycake, @morpheuss1mp, @boofy1998, @alice-the-nerd, @herfantasyworldd, @poemfreak306, @tronnily, @commanderfreethatdust
Let me know if you want to be added to the list!
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heavenly. ~ morpheus x reader (18+)
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Summary: There are no words for how heavenly the sight of Morpheus falling apart underneath you is. II smut
Words: 719
Warnings: smut smut smut
Pairing: Morpheus x fem!Reader
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Head thrown back, eyes closed, lips parted, hair tousled – a memory of your hands gripping it when he slid inside of you –, Morpheus is a sight for the Gods as you move on his lap.
The sounds escaping his mouth when you leave a trail of kisses on his neck are downright heavenly and the way he grabs your thighs, fingers burying themselves into the softness of them, makes you shiver.
The moonlight dimly illuminates his pale face and the stars and galaxies move slowly in the inside of his coat that he spread underneath you. When your name falls from his lips, soft and murmured like a prayer not meant for your ears, he shows you his true essence for the first time, becoming the very definition of a dream.
You lean back, looking for support on his legs, to see him better, to drink up his presence, drown in his sounds, melt in his touch.
“You’re distracted.” It’s a statement or an accusation, you’re not sure but it bothers you nonetheless. You don’t want him talking, you want to hear what sounds you can draw out of the Endless with the simple movement of your hips.
His eyes are now open, hands holding on even tighter. You don’t stop and feel him shudder. “I’m watching you,” you whisper into the night, a smile tugging on your lips. “Not such a bad idea after all, wasn’t it?”
He hears the challenge in your tone, the spark in his eyes tells you and the raspy tone confirms it. “I still prefer you underneath me, my love.”
You roll your eyes and your rhythm changes. You speed up, hips moving in the most delicious way and it makes him fucking moan. “Keep telling yourself that,” you chuckle, knowing full well that he will get back at you for this later on. But now, he is too occupied with the way you feel all around him.
Your breath hitches when he presses you down onto him and his hips rock up. A curse leaves your mouth that turns into whimpers and soft moans as he moves with you. One of his hands travels down but you push it away. He groans.
“Later,” you murmur. Now, you want to see him being lost in you, want to see him unravel. The thrill that rushes through your body feels unreal – it’s the pure thought of the God of Dreams, an Endless, falling apart from your touches, that turn you on even more.
Morpheus is close, you can feel it. His voice grows darker, his moans louder, and in your own body, the knot tightens. It tightens and tightens and when his movements begin to lose control, become more erratic with each thrust, it doesn’t take long for you to see stars in front of your eyes. You come, soft and trembling, back arching and with his name on your lips. He follows you shortly after and fuck, you just know that the image of him will never leave you again.
The waves of your orgasm wash over you and suddenly you lack any strength to hold yourself up any longer. He wraps an arm around you when you sink down to rest on his chest. He’s still breathing heavily, even when his fingers trace lazy lines on the skin of your body. You smile.
“You are awfully proud of yourself right now, aren’t you?”
The smile only widens at his words. “I have every right to be, Dream Lord,” you tease him. “I proved you wrong.”
He laughs silently underneath you. “Did you now?”
“Mhh,” you make and prop yourself up on the elbows. “Admit it, you loved having me on top of you.”
He watches you, mischief in his eyes. “Not more than having you underneath me.”
“As if. I believe the whole Dreaming heard you just now.”
He moves quick. So quick that you can’t help but yelp as he flips you over, pinning your wrists above your head. His lips hover about yours, his breath a ghostly touch, and your heart starts to beat faster. “My love, it doesn’t matter if they heard me. They didn’t hear you,” he murmurs, “and I believe that is the true shame here.”
They hear you after that, Morpheus makes sure of that.
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thank you for reading! <3
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tulipsforyourlips · 1 month
✧˖°. i found you MASTERLIST ✧˖°.
|| the sandman x dead boy detectives || ★゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜☆゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜★゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜
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PAIRING: dream of the endless x fem!reader+charles rowland x edwin payne PARTS: 8/? WARNINGS: angst, slowburn, vivid depictions of gore, blood, violence, mentions of sex
SUMMARY: You run the dead boys detective agency along with your two best friends. And somehow two ghosts and a living girl make it work. Until you dream one night, of dream himself.
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lilywastaken · 2 years
CC!Dream, CC!Sapnap, CC!GeorgeNotFound, CC!TommyInnit x GN!Reader.
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SUMMARY: how cuddling with some of my fav CCs would be like!
A/N: my first headcanons! I'll probably do a part two soon with some of the other CCs (quackity, karl, jack, etc), but I'll see! Please please please don't forget to reblog or comment if you enjoy the post, it helps a lot!! Thank you so so much for reading!! &lt;3
Also on Ao3!
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I feel like Dream's love language is mostly physical touch, so he'd be the most willing to cuddle.
And although he probably has a very fucked up sleep schedule and only gets to cuddle you for a few hours before you wake up, his soft touch and warm body is so worth it.
If you're asleep by the time he gets to bed, he quietly sneaks underneath the covers and instantly searches for you with his arms, wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his hold.
He mostly likes being the big spoon, pressing your back to his chest so he's able to snuggle his face into the crook of your neck and press soft kisses along your skin, smiling if you giggle or try and playfully wriggle away from his affections.
But just because he's normally the big spoon, doesn't mean he dislikes being held.
There are a few days where he just wants to collapse into your arms and let you hug him, run your fingers through his soft hair while he snuggles his face into your chest.
Much like everyone, he likes being held and comforted at times, it just reminds him that he isn't alone, and that whenever he has a bad day, he can come to you so you can make it better.
This man will drop whatever he's doing if you ask for a quick cuddle session. Training for mcc? He can train later. Cooking dinner? Food can wait. In the middle of a stream? The mute button exists for a reason.
Speaking of streaming, if he's live without his face cam on and craves affection, he will most definitely text you non-stop to come and sit on his lap so he can hold you while he plays.
Doesn't matter if it's Minecraft or some first person shooter, he'll manage. You're more important, after all.
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Much like his best friend, Sapnap's very touchy when it comes to his s/o.
His hand is always either intertwined with yours or slipped into your back pocket when you're outside, the need to be close to you too much for him, and it doesn't really change in private.
Whenever you're lying down, be it on the sofa or in bed, he will always find a way to be draped on top of you or holding you to his chest, depending on his mood.
Sometimes he wants nothing more than to be held and kissed, and sometimes he just wants to hold you flush to his chest and nestle his face into your hair.
How he wants to cuddle fully relies on his mood.
If he's sad or angry or annoyed, he just wants to be held and coddled, with his head either resting on your lap or on your chest, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed as he waits for you to run your fingers through his hair and massage his scalp, an action that turns him into putty almost immediately. Sometimes when he's too pissed off or upset, he keeps quiet, letting you do your thing while he clings to you; but if he's feeling up for it and you let him, he'll rant about whatever got him in a mood, appreciating your patience when it comes to him.
But, if he's in an actual good mood, happy or cocky or confident, he feels the need to show off, in a way. And so, he hugs you tightly to his chest, your legs wrapped around his waist as his hands run over the soft skin of your stomach, head snuggled right next to yours as he whispers sweet nothings and presses sweet kisses up and down your jaw and finally your lips.
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George is a heavy sleeper.
And because he's a heavy sleeper, he doesn't realise what he does at night, and it makes it quite hard for him to be woken up during his sleep.
He makes sure that he's always pressed up against you, be it with his chest against your back or with your legs wrapped around his waist, his head resting on your chest as he snores softly.
If he can't fall asleep (which is unlikely), he stares up at the ceiling while he plays with your hair, braiding it or running his fingers through it or simply pressing his face into it, enjoying the softness of the whole situation.
And although it makes up for really great and warm cuddles, it's a bit uncomfortable when you have to get up to go to the toilet or to start the day, his arm heavy over your stomach as he sleeps, peacefully unaware of your struggle as you try and get him off you.
Normally, you just cave into his warmth and snuggle into his side, brushing through his fringe with your fingers and running them over his sleeping features, pressing kisses over his jaw in an attempt to wake him.
Spoiler alert, it doesn't.
After a few hours of just lying there either scrolling on your phone or admiring his beauty, he finally starts to stirr, letting out soft groans and moans as he moves to hold you properly. He smiles at you and wishes you good morning, and when you try to move, he pulls you back, asking for "a few more minutes" to which you audibly groan, but succumb to his ministrations.
He isn't really a touchy person out in public, but he always makes sure that he's holding your hand, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. But when you're alone, he lets himself indulge in your touches and hugs, running his warm hands over your skin under your shirt as you lay next to him, eyes drooping closed, threatening to once again fall asleep.
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Taking the sleepover vlog with Ranboo as reference, Tommy seems to sleep in a fetal position like most people, which makes me instantly think of curling up with him like that.
Assuming that he's way taller than you, you can easily snuggle your back up to his chest and let him hold you, your legs resting on his as he lazily holds an arm over your waist, drawing weird patterns onto your tummy or waist until he falls asleep.
If by chance you're taller than him, I'd like to think that he probably wouldn't think of changing the way he sleeps just to cuddle, so you sleep back to back, with him curled up with his own pillow until you feel him turn over and drape himself over you like a blanket, head lying on your shoulder as he softly snores.
That reminds me, snoring. Although it doesn't really relate to cuddles, I see Tommy as a big snorer. Like even asleep he has to make as much sound as possible. He always denies it as well, even if you've had his head right next to yours the whole night or even if you've recorded him, he refuses any claims that he snores.
Moving on, cuddles during daytime with Tommy are… an experience.
If you're sitting down on a chair or even on the floor, expect to be tackled from behind and picked up. You'll end up flailing your arms in surprise as he attempts to move you into a better position to cuddle, which normally ends with both of you on the floor.
Apart from the mini heart attacks you get from his sudden explosions of affection, cuddling with Tommy isn't that bad. He secretly likes being held sometimes, even if he screams at you whenever you bring it up amongst your friends, resting his head on your tummy or chest and falling asleep happily while you talk about whatever.
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 (𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬)
Pairing: Morpheus / Dream x (female) Reader
Summary: being reunited with your lover, Morpheus, after he’d been captured for nearly a century
Warnings: angst, smut, tiny bit of dry humping I guess?, oral (f receiving), fingering, penetrative sex (m+f), multiple orgasms, minors DNI
A/N: here we are adding another pale emo boy to my never ending list of men I’d like to fuck lmao! title is of course from Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics! I hope you guys like this <33
p.s. this was not properly proofread bc I was in a rush to post it before I left for holiday so I’m so sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes, hopefully it’s still readable lmao
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This is for people 18+ only. Minors do not read on. By clicking ‘keep reading’ you are hereby agreeing that you are 18 or older.
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“Here’s here! He’s back!” Lucienne pants as she barges through your door, or what was left of it at least.
You sit upright from where you were lying on the bed.
“What?” You squeak.
“He’s back. Morpheus. He’s here. He’s back at last,” she smiles at you, elation and sadness both mixing in her eyes.
You waste no time in following her, the two of you running through the ruins of your once beautiful castle until you reached the throne room. Your breathing fast and shallow, your heart pounding ferociously in your chest.
“Morpheus!” You all but sigh in relief as you finally lay your eyes on your lover.
He was standing by his throne, one hand rested on its back, dressed in his usual dark attire. For a moment your breath hitches in your throat. For a moment it was almost as if he’d never left, as if he’d been there, where he belonged, all this time. But your reverie is quickly broken when you feel the pang in your chest, the pain as it hit you again just how long your lover had been kept from you.
“My love,” he calls back quietly, his tone as serious and calm as it ever was.
He descends the stairs slowly, making his way towards you. You didn’t have it in you to be as calm and reserved as him. You raced towards him, closing the the distance between you as quickly as you could. You almost don’t stop when you reach him, you just crash into him. Your arms fling desperately around his neck, pulling him down into you. His hands snake around your waist and pull you flush against him, his palms flattening against your body, his fingers digging into your back.
You bury your face into his chest, titling upwards to nuzzle against his neck. He buries his own face into your neck, the warmth of his breath tickling your skin, making your hair stand on end. Your hands wander up his neck, moving to run through his hair, tugging it tightly, afraid that if you let go he’d somehow disappear again. You’re so lost in the moment, of having Morpheus back in your arms, you almost completely forget about Lucienne until she clears her throat lightly.
“I’ll, er, let you have some time alone,” she murmurs.
Morpheus raises his head slightly to nod an acknowledgment at her. As soon as she’s exited the throne room you tug him down by his hair, crashing his lips against yours. You both moan desperately into the kiss as your mouth greedily devours his, as if you could somehow make up for a century of having his lips parted from yours.
You didn’t need to talk, to say anything. There were no words to comprehend this moment. Instead you let all your feelings pass to him though your lips; a century of torment parted from your lover, a century of aching for him, of feeling so empty and incomplete. ‘I missed you’ simply wasn’t enough.
You moan softly again as you push your body against his even harder, arching your back and curving yourself into him. You feel a gentle smile tug at Morpheus’ lips as his hands hold you even tighter against him. Your hands move to tug at his long coat, pushing it off his shoulders. He lets the coat slip off his body before he presses into you even harder than before, walking you back a few paces.
You gasp in surprise against his lips when you feel something hit the back of your knees. You twist your head to suddenly see a magnificently large bed placed behind you. The sheets were black silk, it’s frame made from darkest of brown woods, gothic twists and turns carved into it’s structure.
It was beautiful. It was Morpheus.
“I almost forgot how much I missed that trick,” you smirk, referring to Morpheus’ ability to manipulate everything around you in the dreamworld.
Morpheus just hums deeply against your lips, his fingers digging into your hips as he tilts you further backwards, gently lying you down on the grand bed. He moves to kneel at the edge of the mattress, pausing briefly to slip off his black t-shirt and toss it to the floor. You feel your heart flutter with a mix of pain and excitement as your eyes take in the sight of his pale torso. He looked exactly the same, exactly as you remembered him. The nostalgic familiarity of his body causes a flood of emotions to surge through you, a tear blinking in your eye.
Morpheus notices your tears as he leans down over you, positioning himself above you, his hips against yours. He shushes you gently, bringing a hand to cup your face, his thumb swiping at your fallen tears.
“Shh, I’m here now, my love. I’m here,” he whispers before kissing you gently again.
Suddenly the messy urgency of before dissipates, melting into a languid and lazy kiss, as if the two of you had all the time in the world. Your hands roam over his torso, revelling in the smooth skin you hadn’t touched for a century. You feel the soft contours of his body, the ripple of his muscles as he holds himself above you. You scratch your nails down his stomach, eliciting a deep groan from Morpheus. You stop your movement just short of the small trial of dark hairs on his lower abdomen, sliding your hands back up his body until they clasped around the back of his neck once again.
As Morpheus kisses you his body starts to slowly rut against yours. You can feel the buckle of his belt dig into your lower belly as he grinds himself on top of you. Another moan passes your lips when you feel how hard he is; his cock straining against his dark jeans and poking between your thighs. You shiver and whimper when he moves his hips further forwards, pushing against your clothed pussy, providing the tiniest amount of friction.
Your hips buck up into the movement, humping him just as fervently as he was humping you. Your back arches, your covered chest pushing against his bare one. Slowly the urgency and desperation from before starts to creep back into your kiss, into your bodies. His mouth starts to attack yours more hungrily again, his lips moving faster and more greedily against your own. Your hands tug on his hair again, silently pleading him for more. His hands run down your body, grabbing at your hips and giving them an almost painful squeeze.
“Morpheus please,” you whisper. “I need you,” you whine, pushing your hips up against his for emphasis. “I need you to fuck me.”
He groans deeply again at your words, his fingers almost trembling where they held onto your hips. His eyebrows furrow, his face twisting in contemplation, almost as if he was fighting with himself, or fighting to control himself.
“I- I want to take my time with you, love,” he murmurs against your lips.
You shake your head lightly, your nose bumping against his.
“We can take our time later. We have all the time in the world now you’re back,” your sigh against his lips. “But right now, I just want you to fuck me. Please. Please,” you plead with him.
You continue to murmur the word ‘please’ against his skin as you kiss down his jaw, along his throat. You make your way to the spot just below his ear, the one you knew always drove him absolutely wild. Once you find the spot you bite gently at his pale skin, sucking quickly to pull a bruise to the surface; you were determined to show the worlds, dreaming and waking alike, who Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams himself, really belonged to.
Morpheus grunts when you suck harshly on that sensitive spot. His hands run up your body quickly again, snagging on the hem of your shirt and hurriedly lifting it free of your body. He groans deeply when he realises you weren’t wearing a bra, his gaze burning as he takes in the sight of your perfect tits. It seems he practically has to force his gaze away as he sits up and begins to make quick work of undoing the fastenings of your jeans. You shimmy your hips, helping him as he tosses them aside. You sit up, ferociously crashing your lips against Morpheus’s again as your shaky hands fumble desperately with the fastenings of his own jeans.
But he pulls your hands away, not so gently shoving you back down onto the mattress. He looks down at you with a commanding glare in his eyes. You move to sit up again but he grabs your jaw in his hand, pushing you back yet again until you were lying hapless on the bed.
“Morph-“ you whine, cut off when he squeezes your jaw.
“I will take my time with you, my love,” his voice is a whisper and yet it holds all the command and authority of a king.
A whimper lodges in your throat as Morpheus starts to drag his hand down your body. He gives your throat a gentle squeeze before his hand is trialing down your chest, between the valley of your breasts, over your stomach, right down until he reached your navel. His gaze follows his hand, his eyes mapping your entire body as you squirm naked beneath his stare.
“I’ve missed this body,” he muses to himself, his eyes glazed, drunk on the sight of you. His eyes snap back up to yours before he adds; “I’ve missed you.”
He looks at you with such an intense and sad gaze that you feel your heart twinge again, a tear pricking your eye. You take one of your hands and place it over his where it still rested on your lower abdomen.
“I’ve missed you too,” you squeak, giving his hand a squeeze.
He flashes a soft smile, taking your hand in his and bringing it to his lips so that he could place a chaste kiss to your knuckles. Your heart twists at the gesture; it was something he used to do frequently before he’d disappeared. He bumps his nose against your knuckles before gently placing your hand back on your stomach. His small smile twists into a smirk when he finally leans forwards again, hovering over you. His lips land on your chest and begin following the same trail he’d just made with his hand.
You shiver as he kisses down your body, his lips somehow cold and yet burning like fire as they sear down onto your skin. You bite your lip as you look down at him, his eyes trained on yours even as he kisses lower and lower down your body.
When he finally reaches the apex of your thighs he first places a gentle kiss to your pussy lips. His hands move to tuck under your thighs, helping to hold you open. He flashes you that tiny beautiful smirk again before he finally licks a stripe up through your folds. You shiver at the sensation, throwing your head back immediately. It was almost outrageous how just the lightest of touches was already driving you wild; you are simply just horrendously desperate for your lover’s touch. And he was more than happy to oblige.
Morpheus licks through your folds a few more times, spreading a mixture of your arousal and his saliva all through your slit. A strained profanity slips past your lips when he finally starts to focus his attention on your clit. He sucks it into his mouth, his tongue swirling it languidly. Your hips buck, your body jerking under his touch as the feeling almost overwhelms you. You swear you can still feel his smirk as he brings one of his hands from under your thighs, moving it to splay across your lower belly again, pushing you down and pinning your hips to the mattress. You whine, a sound somewhere between frustration and pleasure.
“Mmm, I’ve missed your taste,” he groans against your cunt. “You always taste so exquisite. Just heavenly,” he hums.
You whimper, his name falling from your lips in a sinful moan. He reciprocates your moan, the noise vibrating through to your clit as he sucks it back into his mouth. Pleasure sears through your body, a fire inside that you’d not felt for over a century. Your head almost feels dizzy, your breathing shallow and fast, your skin tingling, your fingers and toes almost going numb as all feeling is focused in your core.
“M-Moprheus,” you whine, twisting your head to hide in the sheets, almost embarrassed by how quickly your orgasm was building.
Your thighs tremble and shake on either side of his head, your toes curling and pushing against his shoulders. He moans against you again as he feel you start to buck your hips more fervently against his face. He glances up at you and sees how you’ve twisted to cover your face, hiding the heat in your cheeks as your body surged closer and closer towards your climax.
“It’s okay, my love, just let go. I want you to let go,” he whispers gently.
You mewl, your fingers knotting harshly in his hair, your back arching and your neck twisting even further away from his stare.
“Look at me, lover, please. I want to see your face,” he pleads quietly. “I need to see how good I make you feel.”
Though he may be pleading there’s still that edge of command in his tone that lets you know it wasn’t really a request and there really wasn’t any room for arguing. You bite your quivering bottom lip as you slowly lift your head to look at him. You moan lewdly as you catch the sight of him between your thighs. His gentle blue eyes are somehow dark with lust, his hair even messier than usual from where your fingers were gripping it. You can just about see, as well as feel, the smirk on his lips as he keeps his tongue swirling over your clit, sucking softly at the same time. The sight and sensation of it all is finally enough to tip you over the edge.
“O-oh, fuck,” you barely manage to choke out as pleasure races through your entire body, spreading from your core right into the tips of your fingers and your toes.
You fight the urge to toss your head back and arch your spine as you desperately try to keep your eyes on his. You feel his smirk grow into a small grin of pride as he continues to just lightly suck on your clit, enough to prolong your orgasm without making you go too sensitive. When your body has finally given every ounce of pleasure it had to offer, for the moment anyway, he removes his mouth from your cunt and starts kissing your inner thighs again lightly.
“That’s my good girl,” he murmurs lowly against your skin, placing another kiss to your thigh. “You did so well for me,” he praises gently.
You slump back against the mattress again, your chest rising and falling heavily as you try to catch your breath. Morpheus just continues to kiss all over your thighs as he gives you a moment to recover, occasionally biting and sucking a hickey into your skin. Feeling the wetness of your euphoria on his chin and lips as he kisses over your skin feels deliciously filthy.
His hands stroke the back of your thighs and your ass, grazing over your hips, causing goosebumps to raise on your flesh, a shiver running through your whole body. Your hands loosen their grip on his hair, instead just stroking his head lightly as you try to relax and just revel in the feeling of being with your lover once again.
But it’s not long before you start to feel the ache build in your core again, your cunt clenching desperately over nothing as Morpheus kisses tantalisingly close to your pussy.
“Please,” you beg quietly, your head lulling to the side again. “Please Morpheus, I need you inside me,” you almost cry, your voice pitching in tone.
“Shhh,” he kisses the inside of your thigh. “All in good time, my love,” he promises.
He continues to kiss at your thighs for a short while before you feel one of fingers gently brush through your folds. You mewl at the feeling, at the promise of more. He swipes his finger through your slit, gathering the wet mixture of his spit and your cum. It’s like fireworks explode in your chest when you finally feel his finger push into you, slowly and gently stretching you open. You swear your body was about to combust when he’s quickly able to add another finger, your wetness making it all too easy for him to pump his two fingers in and out of you.
Your fingers knot tighter in his hair, yanking hard as he starts to curl his fingers, searching for that sweet spot inside you. He hums in satisfaction, kissing your thigh again when he hears a squeaky moan lodge in your throat, knowing he’d found the right spot.
“O-oh fuck. Yes...” you whisper with a shaky breath as he adds his mouth back into the mix, his tongue smothering over your clit again.
He curls his fingers in time with his tongue, stroking your sweet spot with the pads of his fingers as his tongue swirls circles around your swollen clit. Your body feels impossibly hot, the pleasure making you feel tingly as it races through you. Your orgasm builds even faster than before, rushing to the surface and breaking over your body. You can barely moan Morpheus’ name as he pumps and sucks you through your second high. You convulse and shake, your body almost twitching from the pleasure, your pussy clamping over his fingers as he slowly continues to curl them against that spot inside you.
Morpheus hums in satisfaction again as he steadily slows down his movements, slowly bringing you down from your high. He sits up, his eyes never leaving yours, before he gently pulls his fingers free from you. You gasp at the loss of contact but the sound quickly develops into a full blown moan when you see Morpheus bring his two fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean of your juices as he continues to stare you down.
You can’t wait any more; you needed this man to fuck you.
You didn’t even care how sensitive you were from your first two orgasms. You sit up and grab him by the back of his neck, yanking him harshly down until his lips collided with yours. Another moan escapes you as you taste yourself in his mouth, the tang of your arousal coating his tongue as it roamed over yours. You pull on the hair at the nape of his neck, arching your back and pushing your chest up against his, your perked nipples brushing against his skin.
Morpheus groans into the kiss as his body starts to move against yours, his still clothed hips slotting between yours. The tent in his dark jeans rubs against your pussy and sends a flare of euphoria through you again.
But it still just wasn’t enough.
Your fingers quiver as they fumble once again with the fastenings of his jeans; only this time he doesn’t move to stop you. You moan greedily into the kiss, your lips moving with an even more urgent hunger against his as you start to push his jeans and boxers down his hips. He breaks the kiss briefly as he shifts to remove his jeans completely, throwing them to join the rest of your clothes somewhere on the floor.
The sound that leaves your throat when you’re finally able to take in the glory of his naked body is almost indescribable. He was just so painstakingly beautiful it genuinely made your chest ache. You can’t bring yourself to wait any longer as you reach forwards to grab his glorious cock in your hand. You swipe your thumb over his red and swollen tip, gathering the pre-cum and swirling it around his head. Morpheus all but shudders as you do so, his eyes fluttering as he tries to keep himself under control.
You’re just about to start stroking him properly when his hand clamps over your wrist, giving a quick but firm shake of his head. You release his cock as he gently guides you to lie back on the bed, his body crawling over yours. His nose bumps yours as he gives you a desperate and messy kiss before you feel the wet and warm tip of his cock nudge against your folds. Your fingers curl and dig into his shoulders as you desperately try to pull him against you.
Morpheus grabs his cock and helps guide it through your slit, gathering the mixture of his spit and your cum and coating himself with it. Then, at long last, you finally feel him start to push inside you. A whimper escapes traitorously past your lips as you feel the dull ache of him stretching you open. You could feel just how tight you were around him as he slowly pushes himself into you, slowly slotting himself to the hilt, until you could feel his hips flush against yours again.
You feel the light tremor in Morpheus’ body, the slight tremble in his arms as he holds himself above you. His eyes close and his face twists with pleasure, and with concentration, as if he was pouring all of his focus into not cumming almost immediately at the feeling of your tight pussy wrapped around him after a century apart. His head hangs low, his fringe ticking your forehead as he pauses there for a moment, giving you a second to adjust, or giving himself a moment to gather himself before he loses himself completely to the feeling of you.
He takes a deep shuddering breath, searching your face. You nod quickly, bucking your hips again as you silently give him permission to move. He nods shortly himself before he obliges your request from the beginning and slowly but surely starts to fuck himself into you.
He’s barely started to move and already you can feel fireworks explode throughout your body. Your hips buck to meet his, your tits pushing up against his chest, your nails tearing at the skin of his shoulders. He shudders and groans as he feels you pulse around him, hugging his cock impossibly tight.
“Oh, my love, I’ve missed how good you feel,” he whispers with a deep groan, “how tight and perfect you are for me.”
HIs voice is so quiet, almost as if he’s rambling more to himself than to you. You can feel his breath tickling your face as he hovers just above you. His one hand holds himself up, resting just next to your head. His other travels across your waist, caressing the soft curves of your body. That same hand trails higher up your body, grazing the side of your breast until he reaches the apex of your arm.
You shiver, more goosebumps beginning to litter your skin as his fingers dance back down your arm. You mewl softly when his hand reaches yours, dancing over your palm until his fingers interlock with your own. He gives your hand a quick squeeze before he lifts it above your head, pinning it to the mattress behind you.
His name escapes your lips in a plea as he squeezes your hand again. At the same time he begins to speed up his thrusts. His pace is still relatively slow and steady; he puts all his effort is focused on trusting deep inside you, the tip of his cock brushing that spot inside you with each snap of his hips. With each thrust another cacophony of moans fly from your lips.
“I think most of all,” he continues through his shaky breathing, “I’ve missed the sounds you make. The way my name falls from your lips,” he pants hotly, his breath fanning over your face. “You are divine,” he groans through gritted teeth, “like the sweetest dream there ever was.”
You moan his name again as you feel your body coil again, the fire burning and building in your core with each brush of his cock inside you. Morpheus pushes his forehead down against your own, his nose bumping against yours as his own moans start to increase in frequency. You almost smile as you feel a small jolt of joy swell in your chest. His moans grow higher in pitch and you knew it was his telltale sign that he was close to finishing himself.
But you also knew he never let himself finish first. And, as you expected, as he always used to do, he brings his hand, the one not holding onto yours, down between your bodies. His fingers find your clit quickly, wasting no time in circling it with expert precision.
His eyes search yours desperately, a century of unspoken emotions passing between the two of you. You knew there were no words to describe how you both felt. No amount of letters would ever be able to encapsulate the enormity of torment that had been your time apart.
Instead you just let your bodies do the talking. The glaze of tears in his eyes letting you know how much he loved you. The hunger of his lips when they moved with yours showing you much he missed you. The tight grip on your hand signalling that he would never let you go; a silent promise that you’d never be parted again.
You lose yourself in the moment. Nothing else exists other than here and now. You pay no mind to the crumbling castle around you, the vast and empty space that stretches on forever. All you see, all you feel, is Morpheus. Your senses are clouded and overwhelmed by him. The sight his ethereal blue eyes boring into yours. The smell of him, light and clean, refreshing and comforting. The feeling of his smooth skin under your palms are you claw at his back. The wet sounds of his cock slipping in and out of you with ease. The gentle sounds of his heavy breathing and soft groans in your ear.
“Morpheus, I- I’m close,” you breathe, nudging your nose up against his.
He nods lightly; “let go for me, baby.”
You whimper, something akin to a sob, when you hear him call you ‘baby’. He hardly ever called you that despite knowing how much you actually loved it. The pet name, his fingers circling your clit, and another deep thrust of his cock inside you, finally work to tip you over the edge once again.
This climax was different to the others; it was more intense but not in a way that felt overwhelming or too much. It was just the prefect amount of pleasure and you swear your vision goes blurry as you reel from the sensation. Your eyes roll back slightly, your head lulling onto the pillow, your jaw going slack as your mouth hangs open in a silent O.
“Oh how I’ve missed that view; how beautiful you are when you fall apart for me,” Morpheus groans lowly as he keeps fucking into you slowly.
His hips jut raggedly against yours, his pace faltering and his thrusts turning sloppy as he fucks himself towards his own climax. You paw at his back with your free hand desperately as you encourage him to let go. You slide your hand up his neck and fist his dark hair again, pulling tightly in the way you knew he liked. And it worked, as not a second later his hips still completely as he lurches deeply against you, finally climaxing himself.
He pants shakily, deep groans falling from his parted lips as his cock twitches inside you. You sigh his name contently as you feel the warmth of his release flood inside you. His hand shakes where it still holds onto your own. His other hand had moved to squeeze your hip as he slowly rocks you both through the remnants of your highs.
The two of you just stare at each other for a second, the both of you trying to make this moment last for a century, as if this could make up for the century spent apart.
Morpheus smiles gently down at you, his hand moving from your hip to palm your cheek, his thumb stroking your skin. You reach up to cup his face in return, your fingers softly tracing over his features. His eyebrows furrow when he sees a slight sadness behind your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” He asks quietly, twisting his face to place a gentle kiss to your palm.
“It’s nothing,” you shake your head slightly.
You sigh defeatedly before explaining further, warmth rising to your cheeks with a slight embarrassment.
“I want to say 'I love you', but the words seem somehow so small and insignificant, like they’d never be big enough to capture how I actually feel,” you whisper.
Morpheus just smiles gently, leaning down until his lips connected with yours in a gentle kiss. You both smile softly into the kiss when you feel the silent message pass from his lips to yours.
Perhaps words would never be enough to encapsulate how you felt about each other. But it didn’t matter. You could feel it in your heart. And, somehow, you just knew that he could feel it in his heart too.
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A/N: just gonna tag my babies @mothdruid and @siempre-bucky as well bc I know how much they love this pale emo too!! I really hope you all liked this <33
p.s this will be my final fic for a short while as I’ll be away on holiday and taking a short hiatus from Friday onwards!
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lex-the-flex · 1 year
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Dream: Sapnap, you'll be working with Karl and Y/n.
Sapnap: Alright! My fantasy threesome!
Everyone else: *blank stares*
Sapnap: ...Of people on a team.
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paradiseinaverno · 2 years
Reader is a human and is oblivious to Morpheus's feelings for her?!?
in your dreams
aka; gn!reader being completely oblivious to morpheus’ feelings
thank you for the ask ! as always, lowercase intended :)
headcanons, morpheus x constantine!reader, established contact, slight plot derision, heavy miscommunication (idiots in love basically), GENDER NOT SPECIFIED !
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oh you silly, oblivious fool. the both of you.
in fact, morpheus should become despair, and you? denial. utter delusion.
despite having strings of passionate love affairs, morpheus is perplexed by you. the seduction has never been hard for him, only the longevity. but he can’t even reach that.
he supposes he should be somewhat grateful, as he won’t come on too headstrong. on the other hand, however, he wonders exactly how much effort he has to put in to win you over. and morpheus has never shied away from a romantic pursuit, especially not when it involves his ego (which, in fairness, it always does), but you are…something else. that’s why he likes you. you’re so different from your sibling; where she’s perceptive, you practically live in daydreams.
and that is precisely where he begins his pursuit of you. in your dreams, as you say to him. morpheus begins by making everything softer, brighter. both you and your sister are chronic nightmare sufferers, as you’ve mentioned. so, unknown to you, he keeps nightmares at bay. not this time, he chides them. not this time.
it’s the first night you get a full eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.
you suspect it has something to do with him, but you brush it off as impersonal. even despite johanna’s prodding, you think it’s probably because the sand has been returned.
“i’m telling you jo, it’s nothing.”
“well he didn’t make my nightmares suddenly vanish. next time you see him, tell him i have a bone to pick with him.”
“there won’t be a next time!”
deep down, you hope there will be.
on the other hand, it’s been at least two weeks of pleasant dreams, and morpheus’ patience is wearing thin. surely for someone of your intelligence, you’d realise it has something to do with him? fine. maybe he just has to be more obvious.
he starts by physically appearing in your dream. slowly, though. tactfully. there’s roses along the meadow you’re dreaming of tonight. maybe it’s just you, but you swear you can hear some type of slow jazz.
it takes you at least twenty minutes (if the dreaming even has a linear concept of time) to notice him. and when you do, it’s only because he has to shuffle to get a better view of you, and you’re slightly perplexed by the swath of black fabric against such a vibrant pink background.
“oh! it’s you!”
finally, he thinks. “it is. and you, y/n? how are you?”
“i’m good. i’m not sure if this is actually you, or if you’re just me. still wrapping my head around this whole thing.”
“i am quite certain that we are separate. it will take time to adjust, but i am sure you will. you have quite the mind.”
you flush. “thank you. oh! actually, i had a favour to ask.”
“anything,” morpheus replies, instantly. there’s a softness in his voice that makes you almost melt. he, on the other hand, is elated. such intimacy, already? perhaps his worries were for nothing. he’d quite literally grant you the sun, if he could (though he doesn’t have the best experiences with those).
“could you perhaps get rid of my sister’s nightmares, too? in her own words, she ‘has a bone to pick.’ if that’s not too much?”
ah. not quite the favour he was thinking, but if it makes you happy…
“of course. i will see to it myself.”
you smile at that, and morpheus feels a warmth in his chest that he hasn’t felt for a long, long time.
“thanks, man. i appreciate that.”
you physically cringe. man ? there are seven ways you can envision the ground swallowing you up alive, and the only reason it doesn’t is because of morpheus’ presence.
meanwhile morpheus himself is inwardly despairing. ‘man’ ? either humans have changed entirely, or his seductive skills are at a miserable low.
thankfully, you’re saved by your alarm blaring through. you wake up in sheer agony. so bad, in fact, that you lie in bed for another twenty minutes quite literally saying prayers to every deity you can imagine. you’re atoning for some sin you can’t even think about. what the hell have you done to deserve this?
whilst you’re busy despairing in the waking world, morpheus is slumping against his throne in the dreaming. despair must be having a brilliant time, he thinks.
it takes both lucienne and matthew’s combined efforts to pull him out. giving the lord of dreams a pep talk? never been on the agenda, but he feels remarkably better after matthew assures him “maybe they’re just shy!”
so morpheus does something he’s never done before.
he consults human dating books. oh, so a ‘light touch on the arm’ is still popular. matthew tells him to try a more extroverted approach.
“why can’t you just tell them?”
but the lord of dreams is a prideful creature, though he’d never admit it. why should he go to them?
underneath that is a piercing fear of rejection, of being alone again, especially after the burgess incident. but that’s for later.
morpheus even consults death. his sister has a wonderful track record of being good with humans.
so, armed with flowers, and newfound knowledge of “tenderness, morpheus. be tender and warm,” he shows up at your door.
when you answer, you’re delighted, though you try and hide it, of course.
“hi again - oh, are those for johanna? she’s out at the moment, unfortunately, but i can pass a message on if you’d like?”
he blinks. “no, they…they are for you, actually.”
your eyes widen in surprise. “for me? what’s the occasion?”
he looks at you, so deeply that you almost shudder. there’s something…tangible about his stare. something that looks like restraint. “there was no reason,” he almost whispers. “i just thought you might like these. they’re often in your dreams.”
you could melt right there. he saw your dreams? personally?
but of course he did. he’s quite literally the lord of dreams. he sees everybody’s.
inwardly, you recoil, too caught up in denial to continue even thinking about any possible advances towards you.
“that’s…that’s really nice of you. thank you. would you like to come in?”
but before he can, you hear a car pull up. johanna’s home. and you love your sister, you truly do, but just this once you wish she hadn’t been home on time (which is a rare occurrence of it’s own).
morpheus, on the other hand, looks distraught. he’s practically on the verge of tears as johanna approaches, and though you remind him the offer still stands, he bids the both of you farewell. much to matthew’s chagrin, of course.
“nice one, boss.”
johanna teases you about the flowers, but you brush her off.
“it’s probably just appreciation. you know, because of the sand?”
your sister’s had enough. “you’re utterly hopeless, you know that? and so is he.”
“who?” you ask, absentmindedly.
“your sand boyfriend.”
“he’s not my boyfriend!”
oh, but how he wants to be.
in fact, morpheus has all but given up, until he sees one dream that particularly intrigues him.
you’re dreaming, again. you’re dreaming, and he could fall to his knees in relief when he realises that you’re dreaming of a romance movie.
it’s pride and prejudice. and the only reason he realises this is because he was there for its publication, of course (and because there’s been a strange influx of austen-adapted movie dreams lately, for some reason).
but it’s the scene that intrigues him, where darcy is walking up to you, in this case, and profoundly expressing his love.
how odd. he never would have pegged you down for such a hopeless romantic, but now he realises. he needs to be forward in his advances.
so he swallows your pride and shows up at your door the next morning, armed with nothing this time.
you answer the door hurriedly after hopping out of the shower, wearing nothing but an artfully wrapped towel, thinking it’s johanna.
it’s not. it’s a man (a man?) you are incredibly interested in, and you’re standing in front of him with wet hair and just a towel.
“could you…could you give me a minute, maybe?”
but morpheus’ usually formal tendencies have somehow vanished, and he protests.
“i need to speak to you.”
he barely waits for an answer, striding in. you practically run to shut the door, frantically looking around for something to preserve any shred of modesty you have left. that towel is slipping and you give yourself maybe five minutes before all hell breaks loose.
to your utter horror, he launches into a speech you find all too familiar.
“-you have bewitched me, body and soul, and i-”
“were you spying on me?”
you’re seething. is this some sort of joke? does he mean to insult you? does he find humour in dreams that bring you some semblance of joy?
“you have no right to peer into my dreams. that is personal. i don’t give a shit if you’re the king of dreams, you let me have that! let me live my dreams in peace!”
you’re all but yelling into his face, jabbing a finger into his chest. embarrassment is flaring into every atom of your being at the thought of him laughing at you. ridiculing you.
to your surprise, his own eyes burn in anger. “my apologies, but you are not exactly the easiest person to please.”
“to please?”
he groans. quite literally. the sound reverberates around the walls.
“do you have any idea how utterly exhausting it is to get in your mind? to try and win your affection? i have done everything. i have lost my dignity - i even considered asking desire for advice, all for you!” his voice penetrates into every layer of your body.
bashfully, you mutter, “why?”
if he could explode, he might have. you’ve both quietened down, a palpable tension between the two of you. the clock ticking dully is the only sound that fills the room for maybe five minutes.
“i have…i feel for you.”
“what? like pity?”
“no. listen to me. i feel for you. i have feelings for you. every moment i spend in your presence is a test of my restraint. there are no words for the boundless nature of just how deeply i feel for you. i am…i am half agony, half hope. say the word once, and i will leave you in peace. i will not interfere in your affairs, nor your dreams, again. but if there is even a glimmering semblance of affection for me, i beg you. tell me so. i cannot bear it any longer.”
you’ve never been good with words. it’s not in your nature; you’ve always left the negotiating, the diplomacy, to your sister. you’ve always been the first to act.
so when you grab morpheus’ face with your hands, eyes locked, you can feel in your gut that once again, your instinct hasn’t failed you.
you can practically hear relief filled in the sigh that escapes morpheus’ lips, a wordless plea pooling in his eyes, mouth begging to be savoured with everything you have in you. so tenderly, you press your lips to his.
it’s heaven. months, of pure restraint and long-awaited hope pour into the kiss, settle into your bones, wrap around the two of you. in fact, it’s almost like you both become one, so deeply are you melded together. kissing morpheus is like being filled with every star in the cosmos; like light and dark themselves, simultaneously.
when you finally break apart, you can’t help the smile that spreads on your face, and neither can he.
he looks at you eyes full of wonder, lips lightly swollen from the kiss. you’re wrapped in his arms, and his neck is woven in between your own arms.
“nice way to sneak austen in there, casanova. i thought the lord of dreams would have been original about that stuff.”
he pulls you closer, your head nestling into the crook of his neck. “i might have been very loosely inspired.”
you hum softly. “what a shame. you owe her an apology.”
morpheus shakes his head, and you feel a low chuckle build in his throat.
“in her dreams.”
if you’d like to be added to the taglist, please let me know ! i appreciate all feedback. and thank you so much for all the love on my recent writes! it is heartwarming and i am so grateful to everybody! :)
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
how aboutttt dream hyping you up in your twitch/instagram chat/comments?
Anon, you understand me.
He looks like such a sweet darling baby puppy honey bunny schnookems
Dream x Reader
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It would be so funny
He would straight up use his main accounts/well known alts
Like you post a pic and he is immediately like
Dream✔️:you’re so fucking hot
The fans find it hilarious
Also, he hyped up pics he’s already seen
Like you send him a pic and ask “should I post it” and he hyped it up
Then you post it and he hyped it up again
If you’re on twitch:
He’s once again on his main
Dreamwastaken donated 15$: you’re hot
“Thank you clay”
Dreamwastaken donated 30$: you’re welcome ;)
“Stop sending me money baby”
Dreamwastaken donated 60$: No thanks
“Oh my gooooood”
Dreamwastaken donated 120$: Love youuuu
“I love you to hun”
Or he hides in chat and breaks the rules
Dreamwastaken: nice ass
GabbyIsntFound[MOD]: you’re on thin ice Clayton
Overall he’s super sweet and hyped you up so so so much
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writethrough · 2 years
How to Mistakenly Summon An Ancient Being & Keep Him
(Morpheus x Female Reader)
Synopsis: You're an insomniac and have exhausted all other avenues to help you sleep except one. What happens when that one brings you the King of Dreams?
Warnings: Language (only one f*** was given), mutual pining, inability to sleep
Word Count: 3299
A/N: I'm super pumped to share this one! Though, I do think I could've upped the pining a bit more. Let me know what you think!
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Nothing you tried worked. No amount of meditation, sleepy time tea, or melatonin kept you asleep. Your doctor had prescribed you sleeping pills, which worked for a few weeks, but the drowsiness and headaches made you stop taking them.
You had been scrolling through your social media when an ad for some spirituality website popped up. All the words were a blur except “help” and “sleep.” You clicked on it before you could think about viruses. That led you through site after site. Some hawked overpriced sleeping potions that sent up all of your red flags, and others touted crystals for pleasant dreams and to ward off nightmares, but it was a ritual that caught your attention.
It was simple enough. A few herbs you already had in your kitchen, a candle, and some sigils that took you much longer to draw than they should have. All you had to do was say the words at midnight and hope your prayer would be answered. The worst that could happen was already happening to you. It's not like you could get less sleep.
When the clock ticked to 12 AM, you lit the candle and recited the spell three times.
You waited. You weren’t sure what you were waiting for—heavy eyelids, relaxation, the inability to keep your head up. However, you never expected to hear a deep voice behind you.
“You humans never change," he growled. It was more than a glare he pinned you with; it was that of a beast, ready to devour.
It happened so quickly.
He and Lucienne were in the library, combing through books when he felt a tugging from the top of his spine. It brought him back to that day over a century ago. He couldn’t let that happen again.
“Lucienne!” he called as sand swirled around him.
“My lord?” Lucienne could only watch in horror.
Before either could do anything more, he had been transported into a bedroom. A woman sat facing away from him, and all of his anger honed in on her.
He would commit atrocities sooner than sit in another cage. And you were about to discover just how far he would go.
The man before you blended into the shadows cast by the moon. He seemed to encompass everything within the darkness, but you knew he couldn’t; he was just a man—one that appeared without explanation.
You steeled yourself. Slowly rising, never taking your eyes away.
“Who the hell are you, and how did you get in here?” you asked, impressed that your voice came out relatively steady.
The man’s jaw clenched, but he stayed silent. If anything, this angered you more than frightened you.
“You need to leave before I call the police,” you said. You would call the cops regardless, but he didn’t need to know.
This made his eyes narrow.
“You wish me to leave?” he asked as if he were trying to decipher the words.
“Yeah, people typically don’t like it when strange men just pop up in their bedroom,” you snapped. Why was he looking at you like you were the crazy one?
“You summoned me, human,” he said.
You straightened, taken off guard. “I summoned you? You're out of your mind. I did not summ—” Then it clicked. The ritual. Could that be what he was talking about? You pointed to the candle. “Is this what you mean?”
He nodded slowly. His posture seemed to relax a little.
You glanced between him and your tools.
“I don’t understand,” you said. “It was just supposed to help me fall asleep. Not bring me a…what exactly are you?”
He ignored your question for one of his own. “May I see the incantation?”
You grabbed your laptop from the floor and showed him the lines. After a moment of contemplation, he exhaled a deep, exhausted breath.
“Truly, did you not know this was to summon me?”
You shook your head. “I promise. I…I just wanted to sleep.”
How were you going to do that now? And what were you going to do about the man you supposedly summoned from who knows where?
“I can help with that,” he said. “This ritual may not be what you thought, but it will do as you wished.” He leveled you with his gaze. “My name is Morpheus. I am the King of Dreams.”
You were…different, he had decided. Neither good nor bad, just something other.
You said this was an accident and that you hadn’t expected the ritual to work. Morpheus saw the desperation in your eyes—the need for a solution to a problem out of your control. Perhaps it was that familiarity that made him want to help you.
And no matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise, there was an instinct that told him he could trust you.
You had just summoned the fucking Sandman. You weren’t sure if you wanted to praise or curse the off-the-wall website you found the ritual on. No, you wanted to finally have a continuous eight hours of rest.
“Okay, so how does this work?” you asked, maybe a tad too excited.
“Lie on the bed and close your eyes. This will only take a moment,” he said.
In any other situation, you would react very differently, but now that Morpheus seemed to have relaxed, you felt you could trust him. At the least, you could trust him to do as he claimed. 
After taking your position, Morpheus stood over you, a small pouch in one hand as he poured it over into the other.
“Morpheus,” you said before he could continue.
He only glanced at you in response.
“I’m sorry,” you paused. “For making you come here against your will.” He was borderline hostile when he arrived, but when you explained everything, he calmed. There had to be a story there. “And thank you for this.”
His lips twitched in a blink-and-miss-it moment.
“Sweet dreams,” he said and sprinkled the sand into your eyes.
The next night, Morpheus waited for you in the Dreaming. After helping you fall asleep, he grew more curious about you. What caused your insomnia? How could a human be so honest? And what made him believe you in the first place?
Though time passed differently in the Dreaming, he knew when you should’ve been sleeping. When you didn’t come, he brushed it off as having missed you. Though that wasn’t possible.
The night after, you still had not shown. By the third night, he had a strange sense of concern. Were you alright? Have you not slept at all since you met? He was determined to find out.
It was nearly 7 PM when he knocked on your door. He thought it best not to repeat his initial arrival. His eyes narrowed when you answered, dark circles gracing your under eyes. 
“Morpheus? What are you doing here?”
He slipped past you. “You have not been sleeping.”
“Not true. I slept for a few hours,” you said, sitting on your couch and indicating the space beside you.
“Not well,” he said, following. “You haven’t visited my realm.”
You stayed quiet, pulling your cardigan tighter around you.
“Why did you not call for me?” You had the means to; if you had not been sleeping, there was no reason for you not to summon him.
“That’s not fair to you,” you said. “And I wasn’t about to bother you again, especially because it seemed to affect you.”
He was silent. You took his feelings into account even though it was to your detriment.
You were not as selfish as other humans. It made him want to help you all the more.
“Think nothing of it.” He pulled out his pouch. “You must rest. Now, lie back for me.”
You nodded, evidently not having the energy to argue.
You waited to feel the gentle taps to your eyelids the sand made. When they didn’t come, you opened your eyes only to find yourself on a cobblestone path in a village. Stands were set up with various foods, craftsmanship, and jewelry. Some merchants were human, but others were humanoid with animal features. A few had skin swirled like galaxies or solid green or even wings. It was all so vibrant, so alive.
“Welcome to the Dreaming.” Morpheus stood next to you, carefully watching your reaction.
His realm. So, he had put you to sleep.
You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face as you spotted baby dragons, of all things, playing with young children.
You laughed in disbelief. “I’d tell you to pinch me, but I know I’m dreaming.”
A hand was placed on your back as he led you forward.
“There’s much to see,” he said.
A few creatures bowed to him as you passed. And it reminded you that he was indeed a king.
“How long have you been the King of Dreams,” you asked, slipping your hands into your pockets.
“Since the beginning of time,” he said.
You stopped, as did he, and you looked him over. You shook your head slightly before moving again.
“I’m not sure if I can even fathom that,” you said, a wave of naivety washing over you.
“Do not dwell on it. It’s best not to.” He paused. “May I ask you something?”
“Of course.” You looked at him expectantly.
“How long have you had difficulty sleeping?”
You shrugged. “Feels longer than it actually is. It's like one day, my brain decided it would never turn off, not fully. I get some rest here and there, but the best sleep I’ve ever had was the night we met.”
He took a moment to think this over. What he said next shocked you.
“Then I shall put you to sleep every night."
Your eyes widened as your cheeks heated up. Did Morpheus not realize how that sounded? A being as old as time itself surely knew every way that could be taken.
“That’s-That’s really not necessary, Morpheus. I’m sure you have more important things to do than make sure I sleep.”
You thought he was going to ignore you. He seemed to do that whenever he believed it suited him. Instead, his eyes held a certain glint to them.
“You should not question the Lord of Nightmares. And in his own kingdom no less.”
Was he…teasing you? The flutter in your stomach made you believe it.
“I can’t ask you to do that,” you mumbled. “I don’t want you to waste your time on me.”
You were so focused on your shoes that you missed the passing look on his face.
“Then it is fortunate I offered,” he said softly.
You met his gaze, ready to argue, but he stopped you.
“And only I may decide what is wasteful of my own time. You, (Y/N), can never be.”
Since that night, Morpheus had given you peaceful slumbers. Weeks passed, and his visits grew longer. He arrived when you prepared dinner. Though he didn’t often eat, he was keen to assist you in preparing it. You caught him taking a dish out of the oven once without mits. He was holding the pan before you could stop him, but his features showed no sign of pain. In domestic times like these, you forgot that he wasn’t human.
He stood chopping an onion while you combined ingredients in a bowl discussing your favorite films.
“I can’t believe you haven’t seen it,” you said.
He tried to hide his smile as he slid the onions into the bowl.
“I do have a realm to oversee,” he said pointedly.
“Evidently.” You gestured to where he was, in your kitchen, clearly not in the Dreaming.
His eyes turned bright.
“Perhaps tonight you will finally meet one of my nightmares,” he said, voice dipping as if he was serious.
You tilted your head and pursed your lips in thought.
“No, I don’t think I will,” you said, setting the bowl aside.
“And why is that?”
“Because you’re too nice.” You had to lift your chin to meet his eyes.
He had always been kind to you. It wasn’t just him putting you to sleep. It was his thoughtfulness and how deeply he cared for his people.
Morpheus hadn’t told you everything that happened to him prior to your meeting, but you gathered enough to know it had nearly broken him. The fact that he let you in at all spoke volumes. You hoped he knew how much he meant to you.
You may only be human, but you’d protect him with your entire being.
He had captured your heart quickly, and you wished you weren’t obvious enough for him to see it.
Morpheus reread the page for the fourth time, and its contents still failed to penetrate. Last night he had been with you making dinner. Now, all he could think about was your smile, the way your eyes lit up, and how he wanted to hold you and keep you from every wretched thing you had encountered yesterday and since you’d met.
He closed the book and stood. You were working today, which meant you wouldn’t be home, which meant he couldn’t see you until dinner tonight.
It frustrated him. He would provide you with whatever you desired—you need only ask. It was old-fashioned, but he didn’t want to be away from you. The moment you told him he could leave, it was as if something pulled him toward you. You were special. You guided him through obstacles he thought he had overcome long ago.
You became his comfort, and he hoped he had become yours. And tonight, he would tell you as much, and hopefully, you would accept him.
You had just gotten home from possibly the longest day of your life. Every minor inconvenience had culminated in the pounding in your head. But it was finally over, and soon enough, you and Morpheus would be relaxing on the couch watching a show he should’ve seen by now.
Changing into something comfortable, you entered the kitchen to pull the dinner ingredients out when there was a tapping at your window.
Matthew waited, tilting his head in that raven way.
“Hey, Matthew,” you said, letting him in.
He flew to the back of your armchair after swooping to scoop a mouthful of gummy worms you kept in a bowl just for him. The perks of being a magical raven.
“Hey (Y/N),” he said around his food. He continued after swallowing. “The boss is running late, but he’ll be here soon.”
You nodded. Sometimes this happened. Though Morpheus’ definition of late usually meant twenty minutes or so.
“His work is much more important than cutting vegetables,” you said, taking a seat.
“You wouldn’t be saying that if you saw the look on his face,” he said. “He looked ready to cry or smite someone.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Those seem like two very opposite ends of the spectrum.”
“Not when he does it. I’m talking this full constipated gloss over his face,” Matthew said.
You let out a laugh. “Still, I can believe the smiting, but the crying? Never. Especially not over something as silly as helping me with dinner.”
“Are you kidding? He doesn’t say it, but that’s the highlight of his day! There’s always this pep in his step when he’s about to come here.” He paused. “Well, about as much pep as you can imagine him giving.”
You blushed. Was Morpheus really that excited about something so small?
Matthew had gone down a bit of a ramble, but the last thing he said snatched your attention.
“...I mean, he’s basically in love with you, so it’s no surprise.”
“Who’s in love with me?”
“Dream,” Matthew said as if you hadn’t been listening.
“No, he’s not.” You shook your head.
“Yeah, he is.”
“On what planet would an Endless love me of all people?” He was lying. He had to be. There was no way Morpheus returned your feelings.
“This one!” Matthew said, exasperated.
You weren’t sure if you could breathe or not. It felt like you were, but why couldn’t you inhale completely?
“Are you being serious?” you asked, trying to hide the hope in your voice.
“I wouldn’t lie to you about something like this,” he said softly.
You nodded. “Okay, so what do I do now?”
There was a familiar knock on your door. You both looked toward it.
“Do what’s gonna make you happy,” he said, then left out from where he came.
Okay, you could do this. It was just Morpheus. Standing outside your place, waiting for you to let him in after you found out he apparently loved you. Do you pretend not to know? Should you come out with it? You loved Matthew, but shit, you wished he didn’t talk so much.
First things first, you had to open the door.
“Morpheus.” You smiled, hopefully not too big.
“Hello (Y/N),” he said, pulling a bouquet of flowers from behind him. “For you.”
You gave him a soft smile. “What’s the occasion?”
He seemed to hesitate a moment. “I simply wanted to.”
“They’re beautiful. Thank you.” You turned to the kitchen to search for a vase, hiding your widening smile.
“I sent Matthew earlier. Is he not here?” Morpheus asked, having followed you.
“Just left.” Do what’s gonna make you happy. “He actually told me something he probably shouldn’t have.”
“And that is?” He waited patiently but sensed your reluctance. “Unless I should be kept in the dark as well.”
“No,” you breathed. “No, it was kind of about you.”
He regarded you carefully. “...Has whatever he told you made you uncomfortable in my presence?”
Your eyes widened. “No! Never.” You supposed the only way to say this was to just come out with it. “He told me that you…well, he told me that you love me.”
He had clearly not expected that response. And you wondered if he had ever told Matthew about his feelings or if the bird was only guessing.
“It’s true,” he said. “That’s the occasion.”
“The flowers. I was going to tell you tonight,” he said.
A thought occurred to you, and the corner of your mouth turned up.
“Then tell me,” you said, taking a step closer.
Morpheus seemed to be taken aback but recovered just as quickly. His jaw clenched, and he met your eyes.
“I love you,” he whispered. “It grows with each passing day.”
You found one of his hands with yours. His touch kept you grounded. You needed that with how it felt like you’d float away any second.
“I love you, too.” You beamed, happier than you had ever been.
His eyes were soft, and they became the slightest bit hooded.
“May I kiss you?”
Your response was to lift your chin and capture his lips with yours.
It was like you were on fire. And yet your heart somehow calmed.
This was right—his hands on your waist, yours resting on his chest. Each press of his lips reinforced everything since you met. Trust, safety, comfort, and now love.
You had to be the one to pull away for breath.
His thumb grazed your cheek as he examined your features.
How was it possible for someone to be so captivating?
You wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your head in the crook of his neck.
“Not even in my wildest dreams did I think you would love me,” you said, ecstatic that you were wrong.
He hummed. “It’s fortunate that I create dreams then.”
You pulled away enough to look at him. “Very fortunate.”
He leaned down for another kiss, a slow, deep peck. It burned all the way to your toes.
“I love you,” you mumbled against his lips.
He pulled you closer, intent on showing you.
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tipsy. ~ morpheus x fem!reader
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Summary: Morpheus takes care of you after you get drunk with Destiny and Death. II fluff
Words: 531 Warnings: mentions of alcohol use Pairing: Morpheus x female!Reader
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„And then I said to him – whoops!” The chair on which you currently stand to dramatically tell your story suddenly … tips. You fall, arms flailing, drink crashing to the ground but instead of following the glass, you land right in the arms of a certain more or less annoyed Dream Lord.
“Oops, didn’t see you there”, you giggle as you look up to him. In the background, Desire and Death are laughing.
“Hmm, I figured”, Morpheus says and you could swear that he sounds a bit amused. But maybe that’s the alcohol talking.
“You got her drunk?”, he asks, voice much colder now as he addresses his siblings. “Whose idea was that? Desire?”
“Don’t blame me!” Desire lifts up both of their hands, a wide grin on their face. “It was her idea!”
“That’s true, Dream”, you come to their help but he ignores you.
“I expected better from you, Death.”
“Ah, come on, don’t be such a buzzkill, brother,” Death exclaims, rolling her eyes. “It’s all in good fun.”
“See,” you repeat, giggling again. “All in good fun.”
Desire snorts, Death grins, Dream sighs.
“Let’s get you to bed then,” he mumbles and lifts you up, full-on bridal style. A second later, your surroundings have changed and you’re in his personal chambers.
“Technically, I am already sleep, aren’t I?”, you wonder as he carries you to his bed.
“Still, you need rest. Alcohol in the Dreaming can affect you just as much.” He lets you down carefully. The sheets feel nice and cool against your heated skin. Morpheus sits down next to you and reaches for the covers. You however have different plans – you sit up, the world spins, and reach for him. You actually manage to grab him by surprise and as you press his mouth to his, you feel him smile against you. He breaks the kiss quickly, holding your hands tightly by the wrists.
“We will do no such thing.”
“Why not?”, you whine.
“Because, my love, you are very, very drunk.” Slowly he pushes you down to lay down again.
“So?” You pout. “I want you. Sober or not sober.”
Dream chuckles. You love it when he does that. “Then surely you can wait until you are actually sober.”
“You’re being mean.”
“I am not. You’re being whiny.”
“Pff.” Suddenly your eyes begin to feel heavy. You hardly even notice that Dream begins to pull off your shoes.
“Besides, you stink of alcohol”, he continues. “What did they give you?”
“Did you just tell me I stink?” Slightly offended, you open an eye.
Dream nods, dead serious. “I did.”
“And here I thought you loved me.” You sigh dramatically. The blanket feels heavy on your shoulders and you already feel yourself drifting. “It was fun though”, you mumble into the pillow. “Your siblings are nice.”
“Mhh”, he murmurs. The mattress dips and he pulls you into his arms.
You nuzzle your head against his chest. “I loved hanging out with them.”
“And I love you.”
The smile appears naturally on your face. “I love you too.” You yawn. “If you change your mind about … you know. Let me know.”
His body vibrates as he laughs. “Rest now, my Queen.”
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thank you for reading! masterlist
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tulipsforyourlips · 1 month
✧˖°. i found you ✧˖°. (1)
|| the sandman x dead boy detectives ||
SUMMARY: You run the dead boys detective agency along with your two best friends. And somehow two ghosts and a living girl make it work. Until you dream one night, of dream himself.
PAIRING: dream of the endless x fem!reader
WC: 800
WARNINGS: mentions of blood
PART 1 ✧˖°.
"Promise me.”
"Hope I,-"
"Promise Dream."
"I promise." 
The Dream Lord stiffened in his seat as he banished away his thoughts to the darkest chambers of his mind, afraid they would return otherwise. But they still did, every time. The colours swirling in the glass pane that framed his throne cast vibrant hues of light on his poised face, accentuating his features that were sharp enough to cut skin. Promise Dream, the words came back as a whisper, evoking a chill on his neck that travelled through his spine. He shut his eyes willing his mind to quiet, trying to-
"My lord." Lucienne's welcoming voice pulled him to the present. 
"You have a visitor," she announced. 
Morpheus raised an eyebrow imperceptibly at his failure to come up with someone who might visit his realm, especially when he was not expecting anyone. 
"Little brother,”
The voice was accompanied by a woman with black curls and a skin that glowed before the light from the glass pane even touched her. 
"Death," Morpheus stated, bewilderment tucked somewhere in his tone. After all, he hadn't expected to meet her again so soon. 
"How are you?" She asked.
"I am truly well sister, what brings you here?"
Death knew how much truth his ‘truly well’ held but let it pass for the moment. "Lucienne would you please excuse us for a minute?" 
"Ofcourse my lady.” She dipped her head and pursued the command, closing the colossal doors behind her. 
"Something...something has happened.” Death wasted no time in speaking.  
This time Dream did not try to hide the raise in his eyebrow. "Whatever do you mean?" His calm voice floated through the room. 
Before she could follow the sentence, turmoil had already begun growing within him, Death was using his name only to soften the blow. 
"It's here."
“Bloody hell, that was one hell of a case!” Charles exclaimed as he shut the door behind you three. 
“Charles you know Edwin suffers from serious ptsd please stop using hell so much around him. It’s not like the British lack in creative curses,” you reprimanded him as you shrugged your jacket off, draping it over the couch. 
“Haha you’re hilarious,” Edwin stated monotonically while Charles started chanting ‘hell’ in the background just to spite the both of you. 
“Thanks hon,” you winked. “And Charles shut that hole up or if the ghost didn’t get you I surely will.”
“Hell hell hell hell hell- ow what was that for?” 
You grinned in delight as your boot contacted with his abdomen, “for being annoying.” 
Another “ow” escaped Charles as he sent glaring looks at you. “And that?” 
“For being you,” you beamed, devoid of both your boots now.
Your smile was quickly wiped off your face as Charles began his incantation right in your face. 
“Get away from me!” You groaned flailing your hands to push his bloodied face away. 
“Okay now I don’t know about you both but I for one am seriously tired after the events that have transpired during the day. So if you will excuse me and please take whatever this is,” Edwin gestured at the both of you with a foul expression, “somewhere else because I need to rest.” 
“Hell hell hell,” Charles resumed being annoying as if nothing had happened. 
“I swear if even a droplet of that ghost’s blood drops on my t-shirt I will fucking kill you. Again.” 
“Hell hell- you love me too much for that-hell hell-”
“Yeah? Go on and find out- NO!” You let out a scream that would have for sure woken up your neighbours if you had any, being a secretive ghost agency and what not. 
“You bitch! That was my favourite t-shirt!” You looked down at the once white fabric now bearing an impression of Charles' right profile in blood.
“I know.” He had the audacity to smirk at that. 
You went for his throat, fully determined to give truth to your previous threat when Edwin pulled you from him. 
"Enough! Both of you!” 
Charles and you stared at each other, your ears still hot with fury.
“Charles go wash up that face please! And Hazel you need sleep, unlike us, so go retire to your bedroom.” 
“Like you can just order us around,” you rolled your eyes. 
But Edwin’s one look in your way got you scrambling for your jacket. 
“Yes boss.” Charles made his way to the bathroom. 
“Goodnight Edwin, fuck you Charles.” And you departed with your wishes.
You sighed as you switched on the lights in your room, and plopped down on the single bed. Not even mustering up the courage to change into your night clothes, you let sleep engulf you and entered the world of dreaming. 
A/N: hello peeps this story is set post the events of the sandman show and i haven’t read the comics so you will have to bear with the inconsistencies and the like. if i mess up real bad pls do let me know<3
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Hello, can I request a dream x reader where reader is his girlfriend and she gets pregnant and how they would both deal with that situation. Maybe a scene with there daughter years later
Aisle 43
Pettiness knows no bounds, especially when you're one of the Endless. This means that if a toddler is what's standing in Dream's way, then it's still very much fair game.
Dream of the Endless x Reader | 800+ | cw: fem!reader, pregnant!reader, vague themes of pregnancy/motherhood, jealousy, super-megapetty!Dream of the Endless, Matthew the 'I'm just happy to be here' Raven, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: hi my love... i may have totally forgotten I had this in my drafts asfhasfha;sfhasfh sorreh. I JUST DID A DRABBLE BECAUSE MY BRAIN IS MELTING CURRENTLY. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT <3
Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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I hum as I make my way out of the soup aisle. The little girl that's been following me around the supermarket tugs at my hand repeatedly. I look down at her and she immediately points, "cereal?"
I turn to the pink cereal box she wanted and flatten my lips into a smile, "sorry, kiddo, you're gonna have to-"
"Why are you with a child?"
Both said child and I look up and see a darkly dressed man in the middle of two shelves with brightly colored items. The girl that barely reached my hips looks up at the dark silhouette then grabs my hand. She mumbles, "nightmare."
Said nightmare raises a brow. It was almost as if a dark haze began to form around him. A raven swoops down and lands on his shoulder.
In stark juxtaposition, Matthew the raven chirpily greets me and adds, "mind getting me some cornflakes?"
I push my cart forward, drawing near both them, and the item. I grab the cornflakes and go to the side of the sullen looking being. I tilt my head, "Dream?"
Dream, who has not torn his gaze away from the child, finally spares me a glance. I free my hand of the cornflakes, dropping into my cart, and use it to cup his cheek. His expression softens.
My other hand, still being tugged by the baby girl, is now tucked behind me. She peeps cautiously from my shoulder.
"I'm going grocery shopping with my coworker."
"Your coworker is a child?" Dream says with a hurt expression.
I make a face but sigh. Suddenly, the dull pain on my back is blatant. I rub my round belly that was the cause of it, "yeah. Beatrice is a prodigy. She does our work better than anyone in the department."
Dream frowns and deflates even more.
I raise my brows.
Matthew croaks as he cocks his head. He whispers, "he's been upset that you haven't been sleeping properly."
"You've not been in my realm for ages," Dream knits his brows tightly, "yet here you are with a child that is not even your own."
When Dream comes close to touch me, Beatrice whimpers and pulls me back. She panics, "nightmare! Nightmare!"
The strength of the child is not enough to make me fall back, but it is enough to make me lose my balance. I feel myself slowly lose my footing. Dream grabs me before anything happens though.
The glare that he throws at Beatrice makes her instantly clamor.
If her wailing wasn't enough to make me panic, then it was when she ran away. I turn to run after her, but Dream grabs my arm before I can get anywhere.
"Let me go!" I snap.
"I can't lose my coworkers kid!"
"Don't worry!" Matthew takes off, "I'll keep an eye on her."
I watch as Matthew soars above the aisles and then look back down to glare at Dream. I pull my arm out of his grip, "you terrified a four year old."
Dream glares back, "she was stealing you away."
I am flabbergasted. "You literally put a baby inside me!" I motion to my baby bump and give an exasperated look, "yet you're intimidated by a 40 pound little girl- who, by the way, barely even makes up a fraction of how old you are."
He does not argue with this. He has no argument with it. Instead, he mumbles, "you dreamed of her when you napped."
I roll my eyes, "and how many times have I dreamed of you, my lord?"
He turns away, eyes landing on my belly. He pouts and stares a moment before he rubs it, "I do not enjoy when I must share your dreams with others."
The idea is equal parts exhausting, irrational, and somehow darling.
"What if I dream about our baby?" I raise a brow.
He lifts his eyes. He looks like he actually was mentally debating in that split second it took for him to reply. Dream speaks, "I would be willing to share with the blood of my blood."
I scoff and roll my eyes yet again.
He kisses my temple. A part of my hard expression chips away. I offer him an exasperated look.
Dream makes a face, "was I too much?"
I nod.
"I've got good news and bad news," Matthew calls as he swoops down, "good news, Beatrice found her mom and stopped crying!"
I release a sigh of relief.
"Bad news, she may be traumatized for life, because when a man wearing a black trench coat passed by, she started breaking down all over again."
My relief evaporates and I shoot a hard glare at Dream before pushing him out of the way. I drag my cart along with me as I walk off to look for them.
Matthew perches on the edge of the cart, "oooh, mind if we get some sunflower seeds too?"
"Not at all, my love."
Dream grumbles upon hearing this and watches as we take a turn on the candy aisle.
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lilywastaken · 1 year
CC!DreamWasTaken, CC!Sapnap, CC!GeorgeNotFound, CC!Wilbur Soot x GN!Reader.
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SUMMARY: CCs and their love languages <3.
WARNINGS: SFW! Fluff, Fluff, Fluff and fluff.
A/N: I'm alive!! Very late valentine's post, but classes and homeworks have been crazy :(( anyways, I hope these are good!! Please don't forget to reblog/comment if you enjoy the post, it helps a lot!! Thank you for reading! <333 If you see any mistakes, do not hesitate to let me know, please!!!
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Physical touch — Dream thrives on your touch, whether it be a quick caress to his hand or one of his long required cuddle sessions. He loves the feeling of your skin on his (he's a bit touch starved, a global pandemic and being a faceless YouTuber will do that to you.), and will take any opportunity given to hold your hand when he walks along with you or sneak up behind you to press your body against his.
Due to him not using a cam on his streams, he sometimes asks (more like demands) you to pull up a chair next to him just so he can just feel you next to him, your hands playing absentmindedly with his free one, playing with his rings and slowly making your way onto his lap, where you have a better view of his monitors and an easier way to press kisses onto his freckled cheeks.
Words of affirmation — Much like any other person, Dream enjoys the simple reassurance that his partner appreciates him, a small "I love you." will cause him to shut down immediately. He as well is very vocal when it comes to his love for you, complimenting you on the daily and expressing how much you mean to him even when you've just woken up and you're pretty sure you're comparable to the girl from The Ring, but to him, you're breathtaking whenever and however.
He also likes the small moments you both spend at night in bed just whispering how much you love each other, soft giggles and the wet sounds of kisses resonating around the bedroom.
Dream's very fond of sending you short and sweet messages at random times of the day, even when you're a few inches away from him, he'll start giggling like a schoolgirl as he watches you read over his sappy message.
Quality time — He has a lot of free time on his hands when he's not working on content, and he prefers to spend it with you and his friends, going out to restaurants and just walking around, enjoying the time he can now spend outside without worrying about anyone recognising him.
Dream likes eating out with you a lot, before his face reveal dates consisted of whatever take out was available and some shitty movie Sapnap had chosen before falling asleep on the sofa. But now they consist of some fancy restaurant of his choosing and holding your hand over the table, thumb rubbing over your knuckles and talking about whatever.
Receiving/giving gifts — Dream LOVES spoiling you. I mean, have you seen how he acts with George? He's an unofficial sugar daddy for you both. He sees your eyes linger on some piece of jewellery or an item of clothing he thinks would look amazing on you, expect for it to appear in a little box or a bag on your bed the next day. He also goes all out on Valentine's Day, booking a table for two at a fancy restaurant and gets you a single rose, since he knows it's more meaningful than an extravagant bouquet of flowers (Don't let him fool you, he's given you many bouquets before.), and some small present he knows you'll love.
Like any other person, he likes receiving gifts, and can always count on you to get him something he will love, like a little teddy bear with a Sooners jersey one with his name on the back.
Acts of service — Although he's not very good at it, Dream does enjoy cooking for you at times, and although he does try and make the end product look fancy, you can always tell that it's box Mac and cheese or some fancy ramen he got out of a packet, but it's the thought that counts. He also is very keen on cleaning for you when he's over at your flat, he likes helping on mundane chores like washing and drying the dishes or lifting up furniture so you can reach those pesky corners full of dust.
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Physical touch — Sap is very big on physical touch, he enjoys being close to you in any way he can, brushing his hand against the small of your back when he walks past you in the hallway, melting in your arms when you come behind him while he's on his computer and hugging him from behind, he lives for your affection.
He's also very cuddly during your down time together, needing to have you in his arms whenever he's sitting or lying down on the sofa and subconsciously gravitating towards your own body during nighttime, hands grabbing at your waist to pull you into his warmth.
Words of affirmation — I don't see Sapnap really being in touch with his emotions until further into your relationship, so at the beginning, you'd have to be the one to initiate that type of communication with him, but he won't actively confirm his feelings until a few months into your relationship.
Once he's comfortable, he will spend hours at a time just lying in bed with you murmuring about how much he cares for you, loves you, appreciates you being with him.
He's the kind of person to ignore any previous texts you've sent him just to send out an "I love you" text and go back to ignoring you.
He does really enjoy being reassured about your love for him as well, please cup his face in your hands and tell him how much you love him.
Quality time — Sapnap spends a lot of his time playing video games, we know that, so he doesn't really get much one on one time with you that isn't hanging out on a discord call together or having you perched up on his lap doing your own thing while he shouts obscenities at the other players.
So when you two get your time together, he makes the best of it, taking you to ridiculous places you'd never have gone to before, fancy restaurants that would inevitably end up giving you food poisoning, or just lying with you on the sofa watching a movie until George comes in and ruins it.
He honestly doesn't really care what you two do in your spare time, having your hand in his and listening to your ramble on about anything is enough for him, no matter the place or time.
Receiving/giving gifts — Sometimes, just for shits and giggles, Sapnap just buys your entire wishlist and watches your reaction when tons of boxes arrive at your porch, laughing and snickering as you run after him to chastise him for using up so much money on you.
But he doesn't care, he has money for a reason, and he likes the sparkle in your eye whenever he gives you something or he accepts some gift from you, he just enjoys spoiling you AND being spoiled.
Acts of service — When it comes to him, it's the little things. Standing in the corner of the kitchen waiting for you to ask him to cut or peel something, holding the Christmas decoration box while another hand lays on your back making sure you don't fall as you hang baubles on the tree, washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen after you make a meal for the both of you, brining you snacks or a proper meal when you're working… Just small things that show his affection towards you.
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Physical touch — George is not that big on physical touch, but he won't actively run away from it when presented with a hug or a kiss from you. He's not the type of person to initiate touch out of the blue, he's the type to take it slow and move towards a nice cuddle session while taking it easy.
But when you finally get him to yourself, know that he will be putty in your hands almost immediately, head slotted in your chest and eyes drooping closed, your warm touch and soft kisses and reassurance enough to send this man to sleep.
He's also the type to roll his eyes or groan out in disgust whenever you kiss him in public or in front of his friends, but secretly gets nervous and giddy whenever he sees you lean in to press your lips to his or move your hand to grasp his.
Words of affirmation — George isn't really good at expressing his emotions, but he does show them through other ways like his actions. That doesn't mean he won't ever say "I love you" or tell you how much he appreciates you, it's just very rare for him to actually find the words and way to express them to you.
He finds it easier to communicate those kinds of things through text, so expect a few messages written in such a way that are able to rival those 16th century love letters randomly sent throughout the day.
Quality time — George doesn't spend much time streaming (as we all know) so he's got quite a lot of time on his hands to spend with his friends and you, whether it's just sitting next to you while you work doing his own thing or actively going out on a date or staying inside to play a game together ( he always loses but makes you think that he did on purpose ).
Also please be the one to organise dates, because although George does reservate date nights at nice restaurants or clear his schedule to take you somewhere, he will forget. You'll be in the middle of a cuddle session with him, half watching the movie, half focusing on your boyfriend's pretty face when he suddenly jumps in place, eyes wide as he shouts about a reservation he just remembered. But he tries, at least. He won't always forget your reservations, but there will be a few moments where he does act like a dumbass.
Receiving/giving gifts — This man likes being spoiled, that's a given. See how happy he gets when Dream just takes out his credit card unasked? He's a prince who loves to be spoiled by his partner. So don't hesitate to get him something, even if it's a small thing like a scarf or a piece of jewellery you think would look good on him, he will take it and appreciate it a whole lot, even if it's the most useless thing in the world, he'll love it. It came from you, one of the people he loves the most and will treasure it as if it's the crown jewels themselves.
Acts of service — He's quite lazy sometimes, but that doesn't mean he won't do anything for you. As stated before, he doesn't really show his love through words, so his actions are the way to show his appreciation for you. He does chores for you around the house, the dishes, cleaning up any dirty laundry he can find strewn across the floor, cooking any random shit he can find and trying his best to make it look appetising for you, etc.
But apart from those mundane chores, he also does more little things like Sapnap: helping you with your makeup or hair or clothes, trailing after you while you cook waiting to help, instantly taking over whatever task you're working on whenever you need a break, making sure you're week hydrated and rested when you spend more time than usual in front of a screen.
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Physical touch — Wilburs a very touchy person as he's confirmed himself, always finding his hand wrapping around yours or resting on your shoulders, pulling your back to his chest so he can rest his chin on the crown of your head, enjoying how flustered you get whenever he pulls that kind of shit in public or around your friends.
He immediately gravitates towards you whenever you're both in the same place/room, his eyes finding yours and sending you a flashing smile before scurrying towards you just to press himself to your side, hand running over your back and busying himself with drawing on your skin; or if you're facing away from him when he finds you, he'll grab your waist from behind and watch you scream out of shock before hitting his chest, snickering as he pulls you into his arms.
Words of affirmation — Wilbur is a fucking poet when it comes to his love for you, spending hours at a time at his desk writing sickengly sweet verses in his little notebook about you and how fucking in love he is, leaving his notes around the house just so you'll pick them up and read through them, smiling brightly whenever you bring them back to him and ask him about it. He's very open with his love, whispering soft "I love you"s into your ear at random times of the day, strumming idly in his guitar and trying to find some type of melody that fits in with all the beautiful words he's written about you. Also expect lots of compliments through text as well, a "you look breathtaking today" sent when he's across the room from you, a goofy smile on his face as he watches you read it.
Quality time — It's the little things for Wil, like the feeling of lifting you in his arms and peppering kisses across your face the moment after a concert ends, adrenaline rushing through his veins making him more brave than usual; taking you out to bars and pubs with your friends just so you both can curl into one of the leather sofas and sip your drinks together; sitting on your bed while you scroll through your laptop as he strums on his guitar, singing softly to you or asking for your opinion on whatever riff he just came up with.
You don't really get much one-on-one dates. Let me explain. Wilbur tries his best to get a nice restaurant reservation, and when he finally gets a table, he's waiting for you to show up with a bright smile and a positive outlook on the evening, only for you to end up arriving with Tommy or James somehow tagging along with Wilbur when he leaves the office. Doesn't mean you don't have a nice time, though.
Receiving/giving gifts — Wilburs not a big gift giver, so he doesn't really mind if you don't either, but he will appreciate it massively if you do. Get him a new guitar and his old one will be out of the window (not actually, he'd probably give it to Tommy or just mount it on the wall), or some new sweaters that look amazing on him and he'll just burn every other item of clothing he owns. He isn't one to never buy stuff for his s/o, though, you see something you like and don't think you have enough for it? He's waving his card in front of your face. Tommy comments on something he heard you say you wanted? It's showing up a few days later. Also does his best to go all out on holidays/birthdays.
Acts of service — Wil enjoys showering with you a lot. Like just rubbing in the shampoo into your hair and playing with your locks, then leaning down so you can do the same to him? Peak acts of service for him. Also making tea for you (or coffee, but his specialty is tea) and bringing it to you on a cold night, cooking some recipe he saw online and making sure it's perfectly done so you're able to stomach it, and just doing chores around the house while you work or are busy.
Also will melt if you do small things like change his guitar strings or clean his desk while you're at his office.
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modelbus · 2 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could do MCYTs x female reader jealously HCs like if someone started flirting with their partner! Thank you! <3
I am opinionated on this Also, I didn’t do a little blurb thing for Tommy because I have a full one shot on him being jealous! And this got long. Fast.
MCYTs included (all CC!): Dream, Wilbur, Tommy, Sapnap, George
He gets jealous SO easy. Someone he doesn’t know is just talking to you? He’s by your side the entire time unless he gets called away or you have a problem with it.
He’s nearly always by your side but you don’t complain because he’s like a human heater.
If someone is straight-up flirting with you, he slides into the conversation by kissing you and being like “oh, who is this?”
Dream is a cocky bastard and would 100% just smirk at whoever dared to flirt with you while wrapping an arm around your waist.
When the poor person who flirted with you asks if you two are dating, he answers “of course.” as if there was no way you weren’t.
I feel like he’d get jealous in the type of way that he just wants to spend time with you more than anything else. He’d get all grumpy and complain about everyone taking your attention.
But only of people that aren’t your friends. If they’re his and you don’t really know them and they’re stealing your attention? Fuck that, Dream will privately murder them.
He’s not shy about being jealous at all. If you poke fun or ask him, he’ll admit it. Hell, he’ll openly announce he’s jealous if it’ll get you to give him attention.
Voice tipping into a whine, "Spend time with me! I’m jealous!”
“I’m lonely! Please, spend time with me!” Your boyfriend announces, dramatically collapsing onto your bed.
“Hang on.” You tell the discord call, muting yourself. “Dream!”
“What?! I’m lonely!”
“Both George and Sapnap are in this house.”
He pouts at you. “But I want to spend time with the person I’m dating! Come on, we can go watch that new movie you’ve been wanting to see!”
It’s temping and he knows it. Your discord call wasn’t too important, and besides, you were almost done with it. With a sigh, you unmute yourself to give into Dream’s demands.
“I have to go, but it was nice talking with you guys!” After a minute of goodbyes, you disconnect and turn back to Dream. “Let’s go see that movie.”
He pumps his fist in the air, making you laugh. Dream might be a little attention-needy, but you absolutely loved him.
Wilbur wouldn’t say anything to whoever’s flirting with you, but he wouldn’t let you forget he’s there listening.
Lightly trailing his hands up your sides to lean down and whisper in your ear, “this is who you’re spending your time with, love?”
He’d tear apart whoever is flirting with you but only to you.
“-and then I told him there was no way in hell I’d be doing that!” The guy you’re talking to finishes, laughing at himself.
“Oh, he thinks himself a funny guy.” Wilbur whispers in your ear.
You almost jump, not having realized he had joined you two. Although, you couldn’t help but agree with him. The dude you were talking to—Noah, maybe?—wasn’t actually funny. At all.
Wilbur’s hands settle on your waist. “What do you say we leave?”
As if he needed to prove he was better than whoever tried flirting with you, he’d take you to a fancy dinner or something.
Oh, and he’d NEVER admit he’s jealous. Keep giving excuses and act fool is his new motto.
Honestly though, his jealously comes from a fear of how much he loves you and how much power you have over him.
He gets jealous over literally nothing, but doesn’t do anything until a situation escalates a little so he feels justified.
Of course if you ask him to back off or seriously bring it up, you will have a heart to heart.
He’d be so embarrassed about being jealous. Would deny it to his dying breath istg
I have a weird feeling he doesn’t really get jealous easily though.
Tommy wouldn’t do much I feel like. Grab your hand, name drop that he’s your boyfriend if he’s feeling particularly jealous. Really he just inserts himself.
He has a special knack for making a conversation take a turn and exclude someone when he wants to, it’s kind of amazing.
He’s another person who wants your attention a lot of times (cough cough, all the time, cough cough)
Hugs from behind is his go-to move when you’re talking to someone else.
If he finds he has a problem with someone continuously flirting with you and you’re just oblivious, he’ll talk to you. Tommy’s a person who actually knows how to communicate about 80% of the time!
This man
If anyone had the balls to flirt with you, he’d straight up tell them he’s your boyfriend. Who gives a fuck if they were just staring at you? You’re his partner and they better know it.
For us southern Sapnap enjoyers:
Putting his hat on your head when you’re mid-conversation with someone.
He’s also the type to pull you out of a conversation by kissing you, hand you a drink, and walk off satisfied.
His hands are all over you. He genuinely cannot stop himself, even if it's just resting a hand on your knee. It's like he has to show everyone you're dating him.
"Sorry, repeat that?" You ask the podcast guys, laughing a little.
In your defense, it was a little hard to think with Sapnap's hand on your thigh. Every now and then he'd give you a smile, absolutely messing with you. You knew why, too.
Sapnap was jealous of the podcast guy asking you questions. Probably because podcast guy got to talk to you directly while Sapnap could only bounce off your answers, which he's been doing for the past hour.
"Yeah, of course-" The podcast guy repeats his question and Sapnap laughs quietly.
You shoot him a glare then turn back to the question. Idiot.
Depending on the mood he's in, if you tell him you know he's jealous he'll either flash you a smile or shake his head no and laugh at you.
He's a dirty look type of guy. Never directed at you, but definitely at whoever is flirting with you.
Quiet jealousy!!
George would give the person who's flirting with you a shit ton of looks. Judgy ones, cold ones, man is sending 500 signals at the person flirting with you all saying to go away.
The second he gets you alone he'll ask to leave and be super vague about it.
"I'm not feeling it." has been used before.
“Can we go?” George asks you, looking around the party. There’s a light flush across his cheeks.
“Is everything okay?”
Parties weren’t normally what you guys did, but a mutual friend had invited you both. It wasn’t like you had plans, so why not drop in for a few minutes? Say hi? That few minutes turned quickly into hours though.
“I… I dunno, I just want to spend time with you.”
You don’t even hesitate before nodding. “Of course. We should stop and get midnight donuts.”
George laughs, immediately looking more at ease. “Obviously”
He’d also be grasping at straws to find something to get your attention. Bringing you a drink, showing you a meme on Twitter, whatever he can think of.
If you ever bring it up to him, he’d play it off with a joke and deny everything.
Or he would until one night when he realizes “hey, talking is healthy!” and quietly admits what he’s feeling.
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Sapnap: Y/n! I can't do this stupid math!
Y/n: What’s the math problem?
Sapnap: Well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and hope we don’t multiply.
Dream, covering George’s ears, while Y/n smacks Sapnap upside the head: Not going to lie that was hella smooth.
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