#Dream x George
whotookquiche · 2 years
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Welcome home
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chitakkki · 1 year
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– Uh... I'm tired
–But u didn't do anything man :)
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nanamithebunny · 12 days
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sunshine-on-marz · 10 months
Here’s some Dream team x reader for the soul
For the first time, you and George could both be there to celebrate Dream’s birthday with him. So it’s to no one’s surprise that at exactly midnight you three run into Dream’s room to hug him and smother him with kisses. “DREAM!” George yelled as he jumped onto the blonde’s bed, Dream slowly waking up and mumbling something incoherent. “Baby wake up, wake up! You’re twenty four now, you’re old” You giggle as you hug the man. Sapnap ruffles his hair and kisses his cheek “happy birthday” he whispered. Dream smiles, “you guys are the best thing that’s ever happened to me” he whispers as he wraps his arms around you and George, he pulling you tighter against his chest. Sapnap climbs in bed, cuddling up to Dream’s side. It’s only a few minutes until you all pass out, you sap and George having stayed up, and Dream being tired from being woken up at midnight, but it was worth it. It was the best way any of you could’ve imagined starting the day.
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(that vlog got me SOBBING)
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draventhedemon · 1 year
Sapnap's Snapchat...
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sunny-sasithorn · 2 years
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this is our life now
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emthetheatrekid · 2 years
hold me while we're close darling, and never let me go
Dream has always enjoyed Christmas, and so when George finally moves into the Dream Team house, he is undeniably excited to share the festivities with him.
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A fluffy dnf one-shot <3
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starwarsloverpizza · 2 years
It is 10/10/22 and I’m calling that Dream and George are gonna confirm that they’re in a relationship in/under a week.
Trust me :3
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ourplacetobefree · 2 years
“How about our hug?” he shrugs, feigning indifference. “What would you rate it?”
“You want a rating on our hug,” George repeats seriously, like he’s voicing his own thoughts out loud. A beat. “Why?”
Dream lays on his back, staring at the ceiling, mentally digging at his brain for answers. Not just a rating. George’s rating, specifically. All he knows is that George’s opinion is one of the only ones that properly matters, no matter how small the question is. He can be honest about that. “I care about what you think.”
Or, George spends the night in Dream's hotel room and is subjected to Dream's silly questions.
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crumblymuffin · 2 years
anyone else remember when Dream said he’d barely be on streams post face reveal and that he would still probably never show his face and now he’s a snapchat girlie and on every stream ever
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mochiwritesstuff · 2 years
I wish I where Heather
Dream x gn!Reader(kinda) Dream x George
Warnings: mentions of self-harm and suicidal thoughts, mentions of alcohol, death mentioned once, depression is kinda implied, angst, not proof read so there’s probably mistakes
A/N: Hey, Ik I haven’t posted any stories in so long. I haven’t had much motivation to finish any of the stuff I finished so he’s something short until I can finish up the bigger stuff. This is all stuff that happened to me in October this year so I figured I’d make a little thing out of it
Staring at the ceiling of your room, you sighed softly, wrapping the blanket tighter around your body.
“Maybe he’s not ready for a relationship yet” he said, referring to himself.
“Well then when he’s ready I’ll be here waiting for him.” you spoke, a smile on your face.
Another tear fell down you face as you thought about the conversation you had with him. A week before a big party you both had admitted feelings towards each other yet didn’t make anything official. You promised to wait until he was ready only now you wished you’d never said anything at all.
“Do you wanna make this official?” he asked, his hands on your waist. You where shocked, it was only a week later and he had finally asked you’d the question you’ve wanted to hear since the year started. Being left speechless, you nodded you head yes, pulling him into a hug. Your heart was racing as you held him close, feeling his own pound against you. He had kissed you that night, your brain malfunctioning each time and you’re heart fluttering.
For a week you were the happiest you could ever be, the one thing keeping you motivated to get out of bed every morning was finally yours.
“Do you think we moved too fast?” he sent you. You panicked but agreed with him. You knew what was going to happen. All you’re happiness gone after a week. A week of felling loved, cared for, wanted, all down the drain. You knew he was pressured into asking you out before he was ready so you held on, hoping one day things would back to how they were.
A chocked sob left you as you relived memories you tried to bury away. You should’ve known it was too good to be true. How could you of all people be wanted by someone. Week and weeks of nonstop pain attacked you harder than ever. 
Crying almost daily, your arms stinging with the marks of self hate. Every morning you’d wake up with a hangover form all the alcohol you’d consumed the night before to help rid yourself of thoughts to painful to have. As much as you knew people cared for you you couldn’t help but believe you’d be alone forever. 
Every day it was always the thought Why did he kiss you, why did he have you believe he was the one. No one had hurt you like Dream did, no one had destroyed your heart the way he had done to you. It only took him two weeks, two weeks to get over you and move onto someone else. 
Could you blame him? To anyone with eyes George was prettier, he was smarter, he was an angel. How couldn’t you hate someone like him, all he did was make people happy with his presence. You loved him to pieces but sometimes you couldn't just help but wish he was dead. You couldn’t help wish you were him.
The worst of it all was having to watch them together. Having to watch Dream and George walk down the halls with they’re hands together. You couldn’t say anything, you couldn’t tell them you’re hurting, you couldn’t ruin their happiness. George knew you’d almost fallen in love with Dream, he knew how deeply you cared for the boy but he still went after him. 
To be fair you did encourage him to, you saw how happy he was whenever he was around Dream. How the smile couldn’t leave his face whenever they were together. He asked you time after time if it was okay and you lied to his face, you lied and said you weren’t bothered. No matter how much it killed you, you couldn’t ruin this for him. In the meantime you would just hide your emotions, hide the pent of sadness, the didn’t need to know. And they never would.
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nanamithebunny · 13 days
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First sketch of Corpse Bride George! May make some tweaks to the design in the final, might also try him in a dress though i do like the look of him in a suit! 😊 @uftopia @wolflyndraws (sorry for the @ but I would love feedback from the two best dnf au makers I know of )
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sunshine-on-marz · 1 year
Ok so I stole this idea from the lovely Stella on Twitter so go look at their thread here
DNF as quotes + cute pic
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rivisions · 2 years
❝ Waterfalls Coming Out Your Mouth ❞ .
a dnf fic inspired by glass animals’ song. will be reposted on ao3.
dream x georgenotfound / dreamnotfound fluff fic.
no nsfw finally, pure feel good. twitchcon has me on edge and ready to write LMAO
not really proofread !!
“Drip drop gimme what you got”.
It’s been a week, since you know, they met up.
The fire was ignited into sharp flames the moment George saw Dream. It was personal and they automatically felt a connection.
They clicked immediately, exactly the same as they did all those years online.
Dream was in love with him. It was detrimental. He couldn’t keep his hands off of him. He was like a guard dog over George, following him wherever he went.
And who would blame him? Finally meeting your best friend of years before in person? It was incredible.
Dream felt something different with George.
“You know, it’s weird, like- I kind of feel different with you around, George”.
“In a bad way? Wow he hates me, Dream is a George anti, confirmed!” He was obviously kidding, he knew Dream appreciated him. Just didn’t know how much.
“No! It’s like- I can’t describe it! It’s good! It’s like.. I dunno! It’s amazing!”
“Really? Love me that much? Love me enough for a kiss?”
Dream felt like George was kidding, and so did George apparently.
“What?” He knew what George said.
They laughed it off, and George walked off.
Dream would think about that for the entire day and night. Lying down, head spinning, thinking “Was he being genuine? Does he want me?”
He thought constantly about George. What he would taste like came across his mind more than once that night.
He tasted like surfing videos, without a care, completely wrapped up in the media.
He’s got scorpio eyes, burning with flame, his features were so prominent, Dream practically had them memorized after a day.
George thought to himself too, only a couple doors down from Dream. “What’s he hiding?” He was oblivious in the sense, but he knew what he wanted. His heart was sure, he just didn’t know how to take it.
His shyness was faked. Who went in for the kiss first anyway? George was determined, he just didn’t know.
“I just wish that I could see through you”.
“George you are just so cool”, Dream sat beside George and Sapnap the following morning.
“I know right? Glad you noticed finally”.
“I have noticed trust me”.
“We all have”, Sapnap rolled his eyes.
It was like chemical warfare in Dream’s mind. It’s like every time he spoke to him he felt as if he was talking to someone he shouldn’t. But he was desperate.
The day passed, went on with the incredible feeling of the three of them being together at last.
George smelled like Froot-Loops at one point, and Dream noticed it.
“George what’s with the fruity smell?”
George laughed, assuming he was calling him “fruity” in the joking way, but realized quickly after.
“What? Oh, it’s the shampoo I use that’s all”.
Oh my god.
It was addictive, Dream couldn’t get enough. George walked off late after but throughout the day he found every opportunity to hover over George.
George thought about it too, asking himself questions he thought were silly. “I want his hands tangled in my hair- what?” Why was he thinking like that? Is that normal? It’s your best friend.
The both of them sat in their rooms for hours on end that night. They both knew they’d confess something today, or at least bring up an idea.
It was odd, strange how they both coincidentally were on the same wavelength.
Dream walked out into the kitchen, got himself a water, and sat on a stool.
George must have heard it, and thought his time was running out. He waited years though, so what’s a couple minutes?
George walked out and smiled at Dream. He smiled back, but George quickly walked over to the island where he would stare at the tile.
“Chat shit, but where’s the real you?”
He turned around and tried to relax himself and ended out just staring at Dream.
Dream was puzzled, he didn’t really know what George was getting at yet. But he knew something was coming.
“Dream you make me feel something”.
Dream kept his eye contact with George, but his body twitched. His limbs felt numb.
“What do you mean?”, he had an idea and his heart was pounding. What was happening, it came down like a waterfall, thoughts going a million miles a minute, didn’t have time to compose.
“I don’t know how to explain it- it’s- it’s like how you were the other day. And I think we’re on the same page with this feeling”.
The feeling was indescribable, it really was. But neither could explain it so it was all up to assumptions.
“Dream I’ve known you for years and for some reason now, I just feel a closer- closer kind of connection to you. Am I making sense?”
“So it’s a good feeling, yeah?”
“Yes Dream, I just- I”, George paused and practically pierced Dream’s eyes. He wanted these next words to rampage through Dream’s mind.
“I want you to want me like how badly I want you”.
Waterfalls. The walls we’re closing it felt, it was tearing him apart.
“I think you assume I don’t feel the same, that’s not true”.
George’s eyes lit up. White daggers feeding into his mind that this is it, it’s happening, it’s all happening at once.
“So? I want you”, Dream’s gaze slowly did a body scan on the light of his life in front of him.
“What the hell are we doing now?”
Waterfalls coming out your mouth.
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driftlesswanderer · 1 year
Paradise Untouched by Man
Tarzan/Pocahontas AU
After the discovery of a new world called “The End”, a team of people are tasked to explore and collect resources from this mysterious portal. One of them, Clay, ends up getting lost in this unknown place. He is eventually found by this strange man that mimics the behavior of an Enderman.
- When George was left in The End as an infant, he was founded by an Enderman, Ranboo.
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