#Dreamcatcher reactions
panda-writes-kpop · 17 days
I'll crawl home to her ~ k. mj.
a/n: only one week late woo!! improvements are happening, y'all!! happy belated jiu/minji day! wrote this at the request of @dark-night-insomniac - enjoy, my platonic soulmate <3
tw: arranged marriages, love at her sight trope, running away from responsibilities (me too), quick mention of blood, reader is a professional little shit
wc: 1.8k
summary: your party-crashing antics go awry when you sneak into the engagement party that celebrates the union of the oldest Kim girl and another high-ranking member of society. you don't expect that Kim girl to be Minji, the one you've been dreaming of for weeks, or for Kim Minji to recognize you right away.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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To mask oneself is often a way of hiding emotions, to shield yourself from any physical, mental, or emotional harm. A mask hides your identity from the world and yourself, if you keep the mask on long enough. For you, a mask was most useful for some good, old-fashioned hell-raising.
Dressed in your second-best outfit (to sneak into the party required going through a muddy stretch of road, and your maid would’ve had a fit if you got something on your future engagement outfit), you slip past the guards and head inside of the Kim manor.
You adjust your mask as you’ve landed directly in enemy territory - the Kim family and yours have been feuding for many generations- and you didn’t need the backlash from your appearance. 
Siyeon links her arm with yours as you navigate through the party, one that was supposed to celebrate the engagement of the oldest Kim girl to another. You felt bad for the girl - the Kim family was old-fashioned, and had taken to arranged marriages to marry off for the girl. At least your family lets you decide on your marriage partner, even if the stuffy clothes and constant public appearances could be a little much for you.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Siyeon whispers as you hand her a vial filled with a red liquid. 
“No, but it’ll be hilarious if we manage to pull this off.” You say as she hides the vial within the deepest pockets of her overcoat. 
“Why do I have to help with all of your schemes? Why not drag along one of my cousins?”
“Dami would never agree to do something this daring, and Gahyeon would babble to her parents and get us caught before we even started.” You explain before placing a hand on her shoulder. “Remember, if you get caught-”
“-Play the foreigner card, I know.” Siyeon finishes your statement before smiling to herself. “My life would be too simple if we weren’t friends.”
“There’s the Siyeon I know.” You rub her shoulder before offering her a parting sentiment. “Be careful, and make sure to keep your head down if you run into a Kim.”
“Got it.” She blends into the moving crowd too easily as you allow yourself to be pushed towards the main center of buzz and activity. The gardens surrounding the manor are gorgeous, but they don’t hold a candle to the interior of the manor itself.
The ballroom that you find yourself in is expansive and wider than you could’ve imagined, covered head-to-toe in expensive wallpaper, flooring, and decorations.
“It’s beautiful.” One of the party-goers stares in amazement as another comments on the interior.
It’s tacky, you think as you automatically roll your eyes, and you’re impressed too easily.
Is your home nearly as fancy as this? No.
Do you feel a small spark of jealousy within you? Perhaps.
You drown the negative feelings with a glass of champagne. Maybe two glasses would be the best way to enjoy the fireworks to come?
It’s all fun and games, games that you’ve played plenty of times before, until you see her.
You know who she is - she’s a Kim girl, but you were completely unaware that she was the oldest Kim girl. 
Your first and only interaction with her happened when you were out with Siyeon, playing around as you normally did.
“Ah, I apologize, ma’am.” You bow to the girl who you’ve nearly sent tumbling to the ground, all because Siyeon has bad aim.  
“No, it’s alright, my dress is the only thing that is harmed.” She turns and shows you the small amount of mud on the bottom of her skirt.
“Let me pay for it,” You say before noticing the Kim family crest on her attire, “and I can walk you home if you’d like?”
“That would be wonderful, thank you.” She nods before taking her arm. “Forgive my rudeness. My name is Kim Minji.”
“Minji,” You repeat to yourself, “what a lovely name.”
You both had chatted for hours, long past the time it would take to clean her dress and walk her back to the manor. Minji never questioned how you knew exactly where the manor was, or the fact that you made a few shortcuts to avoid your home.
“Thank you for your utmost kindness,” She smiles before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek, “and good night to you.”
“Good night.” You mumble to her as she lets go of your arm and heads inside of the gates.
It was worth the lecture from your housekeeper for being late to dinner, and you weren’t able to keep the smug smile off of your face until you fell asleep that night.
You never forgot Minji, she was the girl in your dreams. The one you’d dream of running away from this fanciful life with. You weren’t sure that your feelings were mutual - you only met her once, of course. 
Minji looks radiant in her princess-style dress that spills out over her feet and onto the floor. You’d swear she was a princess herself if the family crest on her arm didn’t give away her current familial standing. 
You notice that her fiancé is off in the distance, drinking a little more than they should. They weren’t royalty, not by any means, but a respectable match for a lady of Minji’s standing. 
Minji greets a few of her closest friends and family before wandering into the crowd. You find yourself pushing through the many people inside of the ballroom, wondering if you’ll even be able to catch her before she sees the one she’s supposed to marry. 
Luckily, the crowd breaks just enough for you to see the back of Minji’s dress. Once you’re an arms-length away, you lightly tap her shoulder as you think of something to say.
“Thank you for coming to my party, you’re-” Her beautiful smile causes your heart to pound as you’re left speechless. “You’re the stranger from a few weeks ago, the one that helped clean up my dress and walked me home.”
“How did you know it was me?” You ask.
“I could recognize you in a crowd of millions, and besides,” She leans in close to you, “I saw the family crest on the inside of your overcoat.”
“Ah,” You shyly pull the overcoat closer to your body, “you know my secret, then?”
“It wasn’t much of a secret to begin with, really.” She shrugs before backing up and laughing. “What mayhem are you here to cause?”
“I wasn’t-”
“-I know of the things you’ve done, and I must say, I’m quite… amused by you.” Minji folds her arms after fixing her hair. “You have such a notable reputation.”
“Now you sound like my mother.” You roll your eyes before silently laughing. “I knew you were a Kim girl, and I was surprised by your kindness and grace. My parents had raised me to hate your family, but I’m starting to think that they were just blinded by past feuds and bitterness.”
“We should make new beginnings for ourselves, then. Wipe the slate new.” She offers you her hand, which you gladly take. “To new beginnings?”
“To new beginnings.” You take a sip of your champagne as she squeezes your hand.
“May I tell you something, in confidence?” She asks as a waiter takes your empty glass.
“Of course, Minji, you may.” You let go of her hand as she takes your arm and leads you to a nearby balcony.
“In all truthfulness, I haven’t been able to sleep without seeing your face. You’ve managed to consume my sleeping moments, as well as some of my waking ones. I never knew how someone could be so enchanted by a stranger, but you, you’re… so different.” Minji softly confesses to you. “I was okay with the arranged marriage, it was always going to be a part of my life as a Kim, but now I want so much more.”
“I’ve felt similarly, in all honesty. I never was one for balls and suitors, but you have completely changed my mind. My foolish tricks were not the only things that brought me here tonight. I was hoping you would see me, and maybe I would have a chance, but…” You trail off as you stare at her fiancé. “You have someone here for you.”
“I-” She pauses as a guard storms into the ballroom.
“There appears to be… unsavory company in our midst. We are requesting all attendees report to their nearest guard to be checked for the family crest that they adorn.” The guard announces as a few more appear behind him.
Well, shit.
“C’mon, I know of a secret passageway. I can help you escape.” Minji pulls you towards the exit as you try to hide your face with your overcoat.
Your escape from the party was a lot less eventful than you expected. You ended up in Minji’s private garden when the passage door closed behind you.
“I don’t think I will be able to express my gratitude for you, Minji.” You say before sitting on a park bench.
“It was my pleasure to help you.” She gently pulls up her skirt before sitting next to you. “Pray tell, how will you make your daring escape?”
“The hedges aren’t too tall or thick, so I could climb over or squeeze through them, depending on the durability of my pants.” You lightly pick at the stitching as she laughs. “Then, I will use the nighttime to sneak away to my home, where my housemaid will surely belittle me until I fall asleep.”
“It sounds perfect, except for one thing.”
“What’s that?” You tilt your head in confusion.
“Doesn’t the adventurer, after escaping near death, need to show their affection for the love interest before they leave?”
You chuckle before lightly smacking your head.
“Of course, how could I forget?”
You lean in and softly kiss her lips as her arms wrap around you. You deepen the kiss as your arms meet her waist, and you find yourself missing her lips as soon as they leave yours.
“Would the love interest like to travel with the adventurer, explore the world a bit, before settling down?” You unwrap yourself from Minji before standing up and offering her your hand.
“What would their family and friends say?”
“Nothing bad, if they truly cared for the person they were traveling with,” You smile as she grabs your hand, “and I truly care for you with all of my heart.”
“Then I suppose a bit of traveling couldn’t hurt, then.”
The two of you wander into the night, far away from the places you call home, in hopes of finding what truly lies behind the walls that have entrapped the both of you. Maybe you’ll find peace, or another place to stay.
Or maybe you’ll realize how much you need Minji, how you’d crawl home to her from the pits of hell if you had to.
Maybe you’ll find nothing at all and return back to your normal lives.
But as you hold Minji’s hand and run through the forest with her, it seems like everything is possible. The world is at your fingertips, ready for a new story to be told by a new generation.
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awisespirit · 10 months
This was just supposed to be something random but it turned into a reaction??😶
Warning: Smut
Gp Dreamcatcher X fem reader
A/N: I didn't really check for any mistakes before posting so if there any please forgive me 😭
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Being the second youngest member was nice, all of the unnie's pampered you. Even if Gahyeon was still younger than you she pampered you too. With love and affection. There was just one thing that separated the girls from you. They had dicks? You didn't mind this just meant more fun. And you were to become their little toy.
Minji would most likely fuck you after dance practice, when the both of you are sweaty and tired. She pushes against the wall pulling her pants down as her cock springs out from her own sweat pants and into your your cunt.
"ahh baby, your being such a girl for mommy honey. You like fucked by unnie like this don't you baby?"
Sua's way is fucking you early in the morning. I don't know what it is with her and morning sex but she loves it. After waking up she goes to your room. Climbs into your bed and starts eating you out first. When she's hard enough, she fucks you good. It depends on her mood on how she's fucking you. If she's in a good mood then she'll be soft. If she's stressed out then your gonna be sore throughout the day.
"shhh it's alright baby, it's just me, go back to sleep and let unnie finish this."
Siyeon, opposite from Sua just loves to fuck you right before bed. After saying your goodnights to your members you went to bed. Not aware of a little wolf following you. Stroking her cock, and pouting, as if asking permission. How could anyone reject her request?
"y/N look here unnie is really hard, can you do something sweetie? Please~"
Handong, shower sex!!! I REPEAT SHOWER. SEX. She will randomly come into the bathroom while your taking a shower. She will strip herself down then get in with you. Pushes your back against wall and starts fucking you while holding one your legs up.
"ahh my pretty slut, getting fucked in the shower. You know your so cute trying to take me in y/n. Tell me baby, does Dong unnie fuck you good baby?"
For yooh, I think it varies on when she fucks you. And sometimes she doesn't instead she makes you cockwarm her instead. Like when your relaxing on your day off watching TV in the dorm, she comes to you half naked and her cock all hard.
"Babe will cockwarm unnie? Come her and sit on my lap honey."
Studio fucking sessions. When she's stressed out about the songs she's been working on she'll call you into her studio. Would ask you to ride her if she's tired if she still has energy she'll make you lay down on that small sofa and fuck you hard. Probably has wrote about sexual lyrics about you which no one really knows about.
For gahyeon, she'll fuck anywhere in the dorm doesn't matter to her. She mostly fuck you after tiring schedule's. She'd be into massaging your breasts while fucking into you. But just because she's younger doesn't mean that your in control. Your still her little slut.
"look at my precious y/n unnie, love getting fucked like this hmm?"
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mashup-writing · 6 months
How Suyaeon would react to Y/N feeling left out of the relationship
Summary: It's not always sunshine and rainbows in a relationship, there's a close bond between Sua and Siyeon which comes from them being cut from the same cloth- Y/N can't help but feel like an outlier.
"Ikaw pa rin ang pipiliin ko."
"You're still the one I'll choose."
Requested? ☑
Genre: Fluff, Smidge of Angst
Warnings: Insecurities, Self-doubt
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At the start you simply assumed that it'll take time for her to bombard you with energy like she does Siyeon.
Time passes but you're proven wrong, as four months in and she still doesn't get as hyper with you as she does with Siyeon.
You can't help but feel as if there's a barrier between you and Sua that you'll never manage to overcome.
At first it stings your skin when she touches you, lacking the energy that she does with Siyeon.
Eventually the sting deepens into your heart, and it collects instead of fading.
Siyeon is the first to notice.
For a while the wolf thinks that it's just her overthinking tendencies that's playing tricks on her.
Then Sua jumps her with a hug only to pull away and gently hug you, Siyeon doesn't fail to notice how your shoulders are sagged after the hug ends.
That doesn't mean that Sua is unatentive towards you.
She just has the tendency to believe that people have the courage she does when it comes to being up front.
In Sua's eyes, she's making it easier for you to be around her.
She knows that her hyperactivity has the tendency to tire people out regardless of whether they're introverted or extroverted.
One day after practice, Siyeon tells the rest of the members that she and Sua need to stay behind to polish up some moves.
Sua thinks nothing of it. She's always happy to get a bit more practice in.
She is after all one of the main dancers for the group.
She's confused when Siyeon doesn't move towards the speakers but towards her instead.
Siyeon wraps her up in a tight hug and something about it feels off. She's about to shrug the intuition off when Siyeon breaks away and something in the other girl's eyes proves her feeling right.
Sua's senses could never have predicted what she was about to hear.
Y/N steps out of the bathroom feeling tired but refreshed. Gahyeon waves at the youngest member from the couch with a cup of instant ramen in her hands, the other girl scoots over as You roll your eyes while making your way over to her.
"Unnie, what are you doing eating that when Handong unnie made dinner for tonight?"
Gahyeon blushes before scrambling to defend herself.
"Hey! I'll have you know that I asked her if it's okay if I have this for dinner tonight! It's human nature to crave something you like you know!"
You stand up with a shake of your head, preparing to run away as soon as you can before ruffling her damp hair with a laugh. "That's for rejecting Handong unnie's food!" You turn around to run as Gahyeon's shriek fills the living room but you're not fast enough to avoid Gahyeon's revenge seeking hand, which yanks the towel wrapping your hair off your head before she throws it back at you.
The girl's got spectacularly bad aim however, as the balled up towel soars past your head and hits Yoohyeon's face instead. The blonde haired member shrieks, demanding to know why there was suddenly rendered blind with a damp thing clinging to her face.
Jiu laughs at what has transpired before Handong peeks out from the kitchen and announces that dinner's ready. Leading to your leader to clap her hands and announce that she's going to go call the other members to the dining area.
Gahyeon saunters to the kitchen on high alert, Yoohyeon keeping an eye on the younger member with your offending towel in her hands.
"You wouldn't swing at someone with ramen soup in theur hand, would you?" Asks Gahyeon before she brandishes the ramen cup infront of her. Yoohyeon squints, seeming to consider her next words before she eventually says no.
You shake your head in mirth before following behind the two, paying Handong a compliment and your thanks for the dinner. Your mood brightened and your insecurities forgotten for a while.
"... Hello?"
"... Hi..."
"What is all this?"
You're tackled from the side in a hug. You turn your head to see Sua clinging to your side with a squeal, you're definitely not complaining but you also definitely want an explanation.
Siyeon tapes the last remaining length of fairy lights onto the top of your bunk before she crawls out of the tiny space, looking like she doesn't know what to say to explain what's happening.
Sua kicks the door behind you closed before breaking your hug and taking a breath to calm herself down. She transforms from the excitable puppy you see her as when she's with Siyeon, so a sheepish and apologetic looking version of herself. She surveys the room for a moment, before steeling her nerves. She holds a hand out and it takes you a moment to realize that she's reaching for your hand, not Siyeon's.
Sua tries to mask the hurt in her eyes when she realizes your conclusion.
You know people though, a performer she might be but the people you take the time to know can never hope to hide emotions from you when you look at their eyes. So you take her hand and place a kiss on each of her knuckles before gesturing for her to speak.
"I'm sorry for hurting you-"
You open your mouth to assure her that you know she didn't really mean to, but she beats you to the punch.
"I may not have meant to, but that doesn't excuse the fact that I did anyways. You're not always quiet, but you're a calm person and I thought you would've preferred me to be subdued around you for lack of a better word."
Siyeon wraps her arms around you from behind, resting her chin on your shoulder and you're glad she did. The tension in your body that you didn't know was there dissipates with the presence of her touch.
"I realise now that I should've asked you at the start if you'd prefer that I be calm around you or if you'd like me to just be as chaotic as I normally am instead of assuming what you would've wanted for yourself and in our relationship. I was out of place and I'm sorry it took me a long time to realise that."
Sua's hand in yours tightens its hold and you drop your gaze to find that her free hand is trembling by her side. You reach for it, pulling her close to you and placing a lingering kiss on her cheek before wrapping her up in a hug and peppering her face in short kisses.
Sua laughs, shrill and breaking in her excitement. She lets go of your hands to enclose both you and Siyeon in a bear hug, lifting you both off of the floor for a moment before her hug tightens even more.
You laugh along with your girlfriends as the irony hits you when Siyeon tells Sua to calm down unless she wishes to snap both your spines.
"This isn't working, is it?"
Silence greets your question for a moment, then Siyeon moves from her spot on your right.
"No, half my ass is hanging off of the bed."
You and Sua share a laugh before three of you immediately get up from your bunk. Sua moves the laptop off your lap, pausing the movie before getting to work on moving the snacks to a safe area as Siyeon takes the job of laying a blanket down on the floor of your shared room while you take all the pillows from your beds to lay them on the blanket.
Jiu cracks your door open the next morning to find the three of you sound asleep and cuddling on the floor.
A/N: This took me a whole day. To the anon who requested this, I accidentally deleted your ask in a draft (Of all things) that I published before proof reading so I apologize for that!
I hope y'all will like this work despite it being written an exercise for me to get back into the swing of things.
Song Insp. for this work: Cup of Joe - Ikaw Parin Ang Pipiliin Ko
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Being the omega
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General hcs;
- anyone other alpha gets bear you without concent then its a problem.
- the unnies will have to be held back because otherwise there is BLOOD
- Handong and Yoohyeon aren’t much better their faces all scrunched up and arms around you
- gahyeonie is most likely to either pass a rude comment or practically make out with u infront of them.
- for the rest of the day you have to be next to them or one one if their laps
- practice always becomes ways to tease eachother
- jiu in grey sweatpants
- they love seeing you in their clothes because <3333
- u look adorable in them and u smell like your alphas
- your all just piled on top of eachother watching movies or talking
- forehead kisses, cheek kisses and neck kisses 24/7
- alot of scent marking
- so alot one one or all of them just nuzzling into your neck and kissing your wrists
- the best babies is your sick <3
- make u soup, buy nesting supplies, warm hugs and kisses
- Siyeon will carry you everywhere
- if your ever sleepy from practice then piggie backs from any of them 🥺
- baths and showers together <3
- washing damis hair makes her relax so much
- handong and dami read to you if you cant sleep
- if not reading then they (the others too) will sing you to sleep
- just depends on whose bed ur in for the night
- sometimes they get a bit much and u just want your own space so they have a room thats like ur den
- has ur nest in and all ur essentials for relaxation
- when u first went in there the girls were kinda pouty and missed ur attention
- Gahyeon, Yoohyeon and Siyeon alot like lost puppies looking at the door to see if you’d come out
- when u finally did they practically jumped on u
- eventually get used to u needing space
- 7 alphas who all want ur attention 24/7 is alot.
Your heat
- they have when it should arrive on there phone calander
- prefer u dont use suppressants because of the effects they can cause
- but if u do then it is ur choice
- sometimes u have to for tours and there not all that happy especially if there put on rut blockers
- you spend ur head with whoever u want
- its 100% up to you
- alot of the time you change alpha per day because they get horny n jealous
- when u enter preheat sua will eat you out practically all day, saving her cock for your actual heat
- after heats and during cool down periods they make sure you eat and drink enough and have all the cuddles possible!!!
- gets quite aggressive and possessive when her rut hits
- yall know when shes nearing a rut cause things annoy her alot more and her dick is pretty much always slightly hard
- pressed her face to your neck ALOT
- When her rut actually hits she goes straight to you
- her scent so strong that your practically beggin for her
- likes to slowly intensify her pheromone release to work you up
- her cock is massive so you have to be really wet and completely take her
- she only fuck you to the base of her cock
- cant handle it if she cant fit
- partially fear of hurting you
- but also because she thinks its a waste not to have her whole cock in you
- when she knots you she grunts so load as it slips in and pulsates within you
- her cum feels heavy even though its pretty runny
- makes you feel so full
- her cock definitely makes your tummy bulge and when she cums that bulge increases
- while shes coming and her knots at full capacity in you, she likes to grind and shallowly thrust into you.
- the wet tight feeling makes her head spin in addition to the whimpers u make
- her moaning is deep and loud
- shes rough tbh.
- takes you from behind.
- wraps her arms or big hands around your neck and pound into you hard and fast
- lowkey has a size kink 👀
- her balls slap against you and she just grunts and thrust faster watching you fall apart on her cock over and over
- leaves marks on your neck, jaw, shoulders
- anywhere she can reach
- her rut is typically a 3-4 day event
- so prepare for the brutal events of those days and then the soft aftercare after that
- kisses, cuddles, baths everything u want u get.
- LOVES eating u out
- if ur not in heat then she cums deep in both your holes before eating every last drop out
- she loves how u taste
- thinks she tastes fucking delicious
- so why wouldnt she
- she fucks you in missionary and will pin you to the bed with her body
- her legs preventing yours from closing
- if your in heat then she just fucks and cums fucks and cums
- u two dont leave until the two of you are sated and shes fully bred u
- her balls arent all that big same with her not
- her cocks sort of an average size but throbs ALOT
- she can get LOUD
- bites your neck
- marks you alot and tbh has a little thing for seeing you cry from overstimulation
- her ruts only last like 2 days tho
- shes bigger than average
- fucks hard and fast when shes really worked up
- I feel like siyeon has a tattoo on her hip
- if ur sucking her off and giving it little kisses, they way shed look n smile at u-
- It’s a little heart in your favorite color
- Kiss her tatoos please she goes soft 🥺
- i feel like ya know how some ppl have like thing like saying a safe word or double tapping their arm? All you have to do is stroke or kiss it and she will slow right down and ask if ur okay.
- Ofc if u outright say it hurts or to stop in a tone on pain, seriousness or urgency she will stop anyway
- just because she this big bad girlfriend doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love or want you safe because you’re safety is her main priority
- also feel like she doesnt really like seeing u cry during sex, even if its from pleasure she panics and is like “omg are u okay!? Does it hurt!? Too much!?”
- Might stop alltogether if u cry from her going rough, guilty even if u say ur okay
- like one time when you asked her to hit your ass harder she accidentally hit you too hard and you started crying
- And she immediately went soft
- No because she was so hesitant to do it but u asked so desperately that she did but the minute you cry and say it was too hard or it hurts her heart stops and she hold you close.
- If you want to stop the she will but if u want her to slow down and go soft the shell lay you down sort of in a spooning position and softly thrust. Giving you kisses and rubbing your hip or leg 🥺
- And then when you guys are done she brings you ice cream in bed
- Icecream, movies, kisses and cuddles
- Just a soft soft siyeon
- her ruts are between 2-3 days
- small cock, a little under average and it curves to the left slightly
- she likes to use your throat as her own personal cocksleve
- cumming deep in your throat is her fav thing
- holds you down on her cock and pinches ur nose to stop u breathing if u act up
- enjoys chocking and squeezing your throat
- especially while ur deepthroating her
- during the break of filming the office ep of dreamcatcher mind she made you suck her off under the table
- the other girls were so turned on that when they were leaving yoohyeon fucked you against the desk as u two were the very last to leave.
- shes a dom but that doesnt mean shes not gonna dress up in pretty lingerie and show her cock off for you.
- fucks you desperatly
- her pretty cock oozes such warm and runny come that it drips out of you
- buys a plug to stop that happening.
- her rut is about 4 days
- big cock
- few inches smaller than jiu but way thicker
- splits you open
- fucks you deep into the bed as she empties her balls again and again into ur cunt
- also has a breeding and choking kink
- she moans and whines alot
- Semi public sex is a turn on
- makes u ride her thigh
- marks u up
- leaves hand prints on ur ass
- spits on your cunt before fucking you
- cock throbbing in you while she cums and circles ur clit through your orgasm
- knots for a LONG time
- 45 mins is the average you can be there for almost an hour n a half
- she has big balls full of cum
- saves orgasms up for her rut
- brutal with great aftercare
- fingers one hole while fucking the other
- likes 69
- squirt on her face pls
- rut is about 3 days for her then she sleeps for a week 😂
- her dick is the smallest but god is it the thickest
- her knot too
- massive, heavy balls filled with thick cum
- knots your ass and pulls out fast before slowly easing it back in
- gaping u is something she lives for
- often leaves both holes gaping and full if thick cum
- pretty silent during sex
- will curse and moan under her breath
- ears go red when she orgasms
- nuzzles her head into ur neck
- worn out giggles after sex
- takes u for a bath and fuck u again
- fucks ur thighs to cum all over you
- likes to taste herself on your lips after a bj
- fists her cock until orgasm before cumming all over your ass or shooting her load into your ass while you spread your cheeks
- might work up to fisting your ass-
- very very freaky
- likes making u squirt
- rut lasts like 4 days
- totally needy during her rut. Pretty cock all hard and she’ll whine or groan as she waits for ur help. She doesnt seem the need to want to go to u so ud have to find her. Definitely likes being ridden when she’s like that. 😳😳☺️
- I feel like her weakness is you sucking her off, has such a thing for being punished by over stim or edging.
- shes so sore and eager from being in rut that not letting her cum can make her shout and try to top u.
- Shes bratty af so is punished quite alot
- Sucking her tip only when giving her a bj makes her so bratty cause your not taking her full length
- gets annoyed and pushes you down on her cock once
- My god did she regret it as soon as you looked at her
- You edged her for hours before then over stimulating her precious cock.
- Her cock all red, covered in cum and throbbing afterwards
- She was falling asleep so you had to clean her up and fight off her cuddles till after.
- She totally TOTALLY becomes attached to you like a koala after sex.
- Pouty, whiney baby
- her cock is so pretty and she tends to always have a red tip
- she has the cutest cock and when she get desperate to cum then the tip 100 percent gets a little more red. Also the faces she makes during sex-
- you top.
- her rut is about 5 days
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gahyeonszn · 9 months
never again
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genre : fluff
warning(s) : none
note : badly rushed and all over the place, i just wanted to get something out since it’s been so long also going to start using gifs since it’s easier than making a moodboard,,,
you had always wanted to be an idol, but your preexisting idol girlfriend, jiu, had advised you not to. she loved being an idol, don’t get her wrong, but she didn’t want you to go through the hardships, crazy diets, and uncomfortable fan interactions that she went through over the years.
you were very open with jiu when it came to your aspirations and interests, but when you talked to her about wanting to audition for a company, she was quick to shut you down.
“you’re an idol though, we could have cute idol interactions and our fans could make cute montages of us…” you whined to which jiu shook her head.
“being a trainee was just as hard as being an idol, i wouldn’t want you to stress or cry over any sort of conflict you may have.” jiu wanted to protect you at all costs since she knew you could be quite the crybaby when it came to harsh comments on your abilities, hell, even she cried rivers when she was given feedback that sounded a little too harsh for her own good.
“fine.” you say with a pout, crossing your arms and letting out a sigh. jiu pat your head before receiving a text from her manager, telling her that the van is waiting for her outside.
“i have to go now, my schedule starts soon.” jiu said, placing a kiss on the top of your head, whispering an ‘i love you’ before leaving your apartment. you were sorta glad jiu kind of convinced you to not become a trainee, you couldn’t imagine a life where you were too busy to have your girlfriend over just because you had to stay at whatever company to practice for your trainee evaluation.
you sighed once more, rolling off the couch with a gentle plop to the floor where you laid there, staring at the ceiling until you had an idea.
“if i can’t be an actual idol then i’ll just pretend to be one.” you said with a mischievous grin as you got up off the floor, making your way to your bedroom.
once you got in your bedroom, you shut the door behind you before turning on the tv you had on there. after that, you went to youtube and searched up nmixx’s roller coaster dance practice. you enjoyed bubbly and happy songs that had fun choreography, you had always wanted to attempt to dance to roller coaster, but since jiu was around most of the time and you were too embarrassed to dance around her, you never had the chance to until now.
the video had started and you were easily following along. you didn’t know who to follow so you just did a little bit of everything, letting yourself get fully immersed into the song. the choreography was pretty easy to follow, it was just the jumps and footwork that messed you up a little stamina wise, but other than that you had fun.
the song ended and you were feeling great. wanting to dance to more songs, you started falling down a spiral of dance practices. bubble by stayc was another one of your favorites that you had enjoyed, but you were getting tired of the bubbly choreographies so you decided to switch things up a bit by dancing to a dreamcatcher song.
“what’s the craziest choreography they’ve done..” you asked yourself out loud as you cycled through all their dance practices. when you saw the demian special clip, you knew you had to dance to it. you remember jiu talking about how exhausting the choreography is and you thought the same when you had originally watched the special clip, but what was the harm in trying it for yourself.
you pressed play and got into jius position since what type of partner would you be if you didn’t do your girlfriends part? as soon as the music played, you quickly started realizing why jiu thought the choreography was so exhausting.
demian needed high stamina and jello bones especially during the body roll that quickly killed you. you gave mental props to sua as you continued dancing, attempting to catch your breath during the parts that you didn’t need to dance to. as the song came to a close, you were glad that you survived, but you were so exhausted that you had to lay on the floor. you were relieved to feel the cold hardwood floor, it was just what you needed after dancing to songs that required tons of jumping and whatever demian was.
you were snapped out of your hardwood floor solitude by someone clapping behind you and when you rolled over to see who it was, you saw a smiley jiu clapping her hands.
“i didn't think you’d survive that.” she said, walking over to you and squatting.
“how long have you been standing there?” you asked, unsure of how you didn’t hear her come into your apartment and open your bedroom door.
“not long, but are you ok? do you need any water?” jiu asked, moving the little hairs that stuck to your face due to sweat. you shook your head, taking one last deep breath of air to regulate your breathing before sitting up and staring into jius eyes.
“tell sua that i’m never dancing to another song she makes the choreography for ever again, that almost killed me.” you said, causing jiu to burst into laughter.
“i’ll be sure to relay the message.”
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|Dreamcatcher reaction ~ them being clingy to you
| No warnings! Just fluff
| I hope you all enjoy this lovelies! Remember to take care and rest <3
| After a long day at work, all your girlfriend wanted was to be next to you
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Minji yawned as she stepped through the front door. After taking off her shoes and her jacket, she looked around for you downstairs.
She saw some food on the counter but still no sign of you so she decided on calling for you.
She frowned when she didn't hear any reply. She looked at her phone confused. No text from you and it was 6 pm, you should have been home by now. She pressed your name on her contact list and called.
You immediately picked up
‘’Hi baby!’’
‘’Where are you?’’ You could hear the slight pout in her voice
‘’Why, is everything okay?’’
‘’Yes I was just thinking you’d be home by now’’ she said defeated.
‘’Oh babe I’m just upstairs, I was listening to music and studying, I'm sorry I didn’t hear you!’’
Jiu hung up and raced upstairs, slowly down before opening the door.
‘’Hey, baby!’’ You exclaimed before glancing back down at your notebook
‘’How was your day?’’ You added
‘’Hmm I missed you’’ she said while walking closer to the bed before sitting down.
‘’I missed you too honey, I’ll just finish these quickly’’
She looked over your shoulder, seeing you busy writing a few notes.
After a minute you noticed her closing in on you. Letting her chest press against your back and her head lay on your shoulders.
‘’Im sorry I'm almost done’’ she simply hummed before leaving a soft peck on your neck. She just couldn't help it. She had been thinking about you all day, and now that your soft kissable skin was right in front of her, she had to give it attention.
You giggled at her action, noticing her getting a bit impatient for your attention. You closed your notebook and looked down at her, noticing her slight pout.
‘’You want a hug that bad?’’ You teased her, making her whine
‘’Come here’’ you completely turned to face her, opening your arms wide for her. She immediately let her body rest on yours, head snuggling closer to your heart.
You rocked her from side to side, leaving sweet kisses on her temples. ‘’How was your day baby?’’
‘’Can we just cuddle for now’’ she mumbled against your skin, making you giggle again
‘’Of course baby’’ you replied with another kiss, this time on her lips.
You let yourself completely fall against the pillows, bringing Minji in with you. She let her arms lay on your stomach and her head on your chest.
You placed a blanket over the both of you before reaching for the tv remote.
But before you could reach it, you felt her nudge her head against you repeatedly, even adding a small whine to her plea. ‘’Please play with my hair’’
You could do nothing but obey your wonderful girlfriend, quickly lulling her to sleep after her long day
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As soon as Sua finished dance practice, she hurried home. The both of you had been too busy this week to spend more time together than the time you slept. She stepped through the front door and immediately called for you.
It was finally Friday and the both of you had ended early, it was a perfect night to spend time together after a long week.
You heard her and made your way to the entry. You smiled as soon as you saw her. As for Sua, she ran towards you without any warning and engulfed you in a hug. After saving yourself from falling, you spun her around laughing. She clung onto you and let her head rest on your shoulder.
Once you settled her down, she placed one behind your neck to bring you closer before kissing you. She cupped your face and deepened the kiss even more, leaving you smiling.
‘’Missed me?’’ You teased when she pulled back
‘’Yah!’’ She lightly slapped your shoulder ‘’I haven't seen you all week’’ and all in one sentence she had turned from offended to pouting.
‘’I know I'm sorry baby’’
When she clung onto you again that's when you realized her clothes were a bit wet.
‘’Do you come from dance practice’’ you asked still holding onto her
She nodded in your embrace. You didn’t mind the situation, warm, cold, damp, your girlfriend was still your girlfriend and you loved to be in her arms… but you sure wouldn’t pass the occasion to tease her.
You gently pushed her off of you ‘’Ah you’re all sweaty Sua’’ trying your best to look disgusted although a smile was clearly peeking through. Your girlfriend picked up on your teasing and immediately retaliated.
‘’Oh, you don't like this?’’ She grinned before she grabbed you and pushed herself onto you in a hug.
You faked being in distress and tried getting away but she caught you in her arms again. ‘’You’re not going anywhere y/n’’ she giggled
‘’Help!’’ You shouted before giggling along with her
She pushed you to the nearest sofa and made the both of you fall onto it before nuzzling closer to you.
You faked an escape once again, slightly moving your leg closer to the floor. Sua didn’t stop you this time, simply warning you,
‘’Keep up this act and you’ll regret it y/n’’ she said before slightly tickling you, making you squirm under her.
‘’I was joking jagi, I love you so much’’ you kissed her lips again.
‘’I love you too, trouble maker’’
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Siyeon texted you as soon as her day was over. She had been eager to see you all day. With the comeback approaching she had been busy for most of the week and she was looking forward to simply relaxing with you.
She drove to your apartment before letting herself in with the key you had given to her.
She spotted you looking out onto the balcony. After taking her shoes off she silently made her way to you before hugging you from behind.
You slightly jumped. ‘’Ah! Siyeon, you scared me’’
‘’I'm sorry baby’’ she pouted before resting her chin on your shoulder
‘’It's okay honey’’ you giggled before turning back to look at her. You placed a few strands of hair behind her ear before placing your arms around her waist.
She simply stared at you, a smile drawn on her lips. She would often zone out while staring at you, but it always had the same heartwarming effect on you, one that reminded you of just how much you loved her.
‘’The earth calling Siyeon’’ you joked with a teasing grin
‘’Ah! Sorry’’ she giggled ‘’I just missed you so much’’
‘’So did I but we should go inside before my baby gets cold’’ you explained with a grin, to which she responded with a nod and her signature pout.
You took her hand and guided her to your bedroom before laying down on your bed. She wasted no time in joining you, letting her head rest against your clothed armpit.
‘’How was your day baby?’’ You asked while she put both her arm and leg above your body.
‘’It’s better now’’ she mumbled happily
‘’Same here but is that all about your day?’’ You questioned with a grin
She nodded against your arm, making you giggle. She grabbed your hand and interlaced her fingers with yours before playing with the skin on the back of your hand.
You loved when she was clingy, you’d never get enough of her warm embrace.
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After an exhausting day at work, Handong was excited to go back home to you.
She had been recording her special clip for her fans all day and was now ready to rest for the evening.
She came straight back home to you. Not stopping back at the studio to review the footage or change.
The crew found it unusual for her to not want to do so but she just really wanted to be with you at the moment.She knocked at your door, thinking about hiding away to prank you, but ultimately not doing so, anticipation to see you being too strong.
When you opened the door, you were stunned. You didn't expect Handong to be back so early, but definitely not dressed so majestically after her long day at work.
She slightly smirked at your awe.
‘’So can I come in?’’ She teased
‘’Oh! Yes of course babe’’ you let her in and before you could put another word in she lifted you off your feet, in a secure embrace while she spun you around.
‘’Ah y/n I missed you’’ she admitted, letting her head rest within the crooks of your neck, where she could smell the recomforting scent of your perfume.
You wanted to tease her, but it was rare for you to see Handong so clingy so you opted to tell her just how much you missed her too.
She was like an exhausted child hanging on to a parent. You giggled when you looked down to see her face squished against you. You rubbed her head and squeezed her tight.
‘’Wanna go get changed, my love?’’ You suggested while still holding on to her. She simply nodded.
You led her to the bathroom where she asked you to take off her makeup for her with a pout.
‘’Okay princess’’ you giggled
She sat on the counter, her legs pulling you closer to her body. You gently wiped away the makeup from her face. Reminding her with each wipe just how truly beautiful she was, makeup or not.
Once done, you were to turn around to get her clean clothes but she pulled you back by your collar, enticing you with a sweet kiss you wouldn't be pulling out of just yet.
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Yoohyeon called you as soon as she was done in the studio. She told you to join her at the dorm because she wanted to spend the rest of her day with you.
You obviously couldn't say no to your girlfriend. You teased her on the phone, saying you’d consider it, only resulting in her whining even more. Truth be told, you had been done with work for a while now and you were only waiting on her call.
You dressed in your coziest clothes before walking a few blocks out to join Yoohyeon at the dorm. You weren't sure if the girls had arrived yet, so you looked at your phone to see if she texted you again.
Before you could even get to the messaging app, the door was slammed open and the next thing you knew, a 5’6 foot puppy was hanging on to you.
‘’Im so happy to see you’’ she mumbled against your skin
You giggled, finding her adorable as always.
‘’I miss you to jagi’’ you kissed her forehead.
She pulled on your arm and guided you to her room quickly.
‘’I prepared a bunch of blankets on my bed for us!’’ She said excitingly
‘’And what would those blankets be for?’’ You faked being unaware of want she wanted
‘’Well...I thought we could spend the night cuddling with a movie’’ she looked down at your intertwined hands
You softly giggled before lifting up her chin for her eyes to meet yours ‘’I know my love, I would love that, anything to stay close to my beautiful partner’’ You smiled at her, making her own lips curve into a beautiful smile.
She quickly pecked your lips before pulling you onto the bed. She acted as if you were a plushie for her to cuddle. She guided you to sit against the pillow, then cuddled your side before pulling both your arm and leg over her.
You looked down at her with an amused face while she nuzzled her face within your shirt.
After a few seconds of admiring how incredibly adorable she was, she looked up at you.
You lifted one brow, a smirk plastering your face at how clingy Yoohyeon was to you. When she saw your teasing expression, she whined, gently hitting your chest
‘’cuddle me back, don't just stare’’ she mumbled
‘’Oh yes, of course, I'm sorry love’’ you smiled before bringing her even closer.
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You had stayed over the night at the girl’s dorm. You and Dami were planning to watch one of your favorite series together this weekend.
Unfortunately, she was called in along with jiu and yoohyeon to record a few more lines in the studio. So she had left early this morning and it was now a little after 2 pm.
You slept most of the day off, waiting for your girlfriend to come back.
But since you had woken up at 1 and couldn't fall back asleep, you decided on writing in your journal for a bit. You were entranced by whatever you were writing that you hadn’t noticed that Dami had entered the dorm, only finding out when she entered her room.
‘’Hi my love’’ she grinned, placing her bag down before making her way towards you.
She plopped down on the bed onto her stomach before turning her head towards you.
You smiled at how adorable she was. ‘’How was it at work baby?’’
‘’It was fine, but I wanted to come back here with you’’ you could see a glimpse of a pout on her lips while her cheek was gently squished against the mattress.
‘’Well we're here together now’’ you smiled
‘’Hmmm’’ She nodded
She pulled herself up before moving behind you. You had been sitting close to the bed rest but not exactly against it, leaving a place for Dami to cuddle up against you like she usually would.
She pulled you closer to her, letting her arms and legs wrap around you.
‘’Ah there's my little panda’’ You giggled, you always loved when she would let herself be clingy this way, clinging like a panda to a tree.
‘’Can we watch our series?’’ She asked, placing her chin on your shoulder
‘’Yes of course babe’’ you replied
As you grabbed the remote, Dami let her hand snake up to your jaw, turning you towards her so she could kiss your lips
‘’I missed you’’
‘’I can tell’’ you teased, making you both giggle
The both of you stayed this way for a while, Dami did not let go of you for the rest of the day.
She seemed to sometimes try to not make it obvious though, following a bit late after you. And you’d always end up with her arms around you if you took too much time outside her room.
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Gahyeon was so stressed for today. The music video recording would finally end after 3 consecutive days but her final scene, where a stunt was planned, would be recorded today.
Luckily, everything went well and the filming ended quite early, against all expectations.
Finally feeling the stress leaving her body, she let herself flop on the backstage lounge’s sofa. She breathed out and drank some water. She looked over at her phone and saw your name, remembering her that you were on your way to pick her up.
With all the stress she had been through, she almost forgot the sole reason why she had been motivated to get up this morning~ the fact that she’d spend the night at your place tonight.
Although she was exhausted after filming, she felt excitement brew inside of her. She grabbed her phone but before she could reply to you, she heard a knock.
She looked over to the already open door to see you standing there with a proud smile.
‘’Y/n!’’ She whined ‘’come here’’ she pouted, making you giggle
You made your way to the love chair, sitting down next to her before intertwining your hand with hers.
‘’How did it go baby?’’ You looked down at her, eyes full of love
‘’It went well’’ she replied, still with a pout
‘’Im glad, I'm so proud of you’’ you hugged her tired figure.
She stayed in your arms and felt herself relax even more.
‘’You want to go home now?’’ You asked, gently cupping her face, she nodded before following you. You grabbed her things while she changed and the both of you left in your car.
She wouldn’t let go of your hand during the ride, admiring you from the side while trying not to fall asleep.
Once you arrived at your apartment. You noticed that she was sleeping. You decided on bringing her bags inside before waking her up to go in. But when you did, she whined, asking for you to carry her. You laughed before picking up and bringing her inside.
You laid her on your bed before making your way out of the room to get some water. But Gahyeon whined at you once again, obligating you to lay down next to her and offer her all the cuddles she yearned for.
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vex91 · 10 months
Kim Yoohyeon - Never
Pairing: Kim Yoohyeon x Female Reader
Fandom: Dreamcatcher
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: hey! i love your work <3 was wondering if you could maybe write gn!reader x softdom!yoohyeon where the reader uses their safeword? the rest of the plot is up to you! (no pressure if you aren't up for it btw! thank you!)
Summary: One of the things you loved about Yoohyeon was how understanding she was of you but sometimes you still felt guilty about not meeting her needs.
Warning(s): Not fully a smut but still sex involved, 18+ content, Choking
A/N: I'm a certified whore for Yoohyeon (Still loyal to my wife JiU though). Also I hope it's fine if it's female reader because I only write female reader.
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3rd's POV
Yoohyeon was the best girlfriend you could ever ask for. She was sweet and attentive and very understanding of you no matter what. In her mind it's simple, if she wants something but you aren't sure if you want it or aren't ready or just aren't capable of something then she's fine with that. Nothing that would harm you or make you uncomfortable would made her happy, no matter how much she wanted that before.
You are always her number one priority and nothing would change that.
And despite it being the thing that you loved the most about her, you also felt guilty about it, especially in bed. Whenever you weren't able to take something that Yoohyeon was giving you or your body was just too tired that day, you always felt guilty about not meeting her needs. No matter how much she assured you that it was fine, you still had a hard time forgetting about it. You wanted her to always be content about sex with you but in your mind she couldn't be when you weren't able to always take it.
But you were completely wrong because Yoohyeon never blamed you for it and could never be mad at you about something like that. You just didn't understood that yet.
"You like it baby?" Yoohyeon said in your ear, her hips moved rhythmically with yours helping her thrust deeper into you. Her hand stayed on your neck as she applied pressure to it. Her strap stretched you out so well but soon the pleasure you felt earlier turned into pain as all of it just started to overwhelmed you. The thrust, the choking, everything started becoming too much for you and you felt like you were losing air from all this stress. So you did what Yoohyeon told you to do whenever things got too much for you.
"F-Fuck... Red" You managed to pant out and Yoohyeon's eyes widened at the sound of your safe word as her moves stilled. She pulled out of you before checking you over "Hey it's alright, you're alright baby. Do you need some water?" You nodded, still trying to catch your breath as Yoohyeon stood up and ran to the kitchen. Soon she came back and helped you drink some of the water she brought. The silence took over the room as Yoohyeon hugged you and waited until you were fully calmed down.
"I'm sorry Yooh" You mumbled into her chest. Yoohyeon looked down at you, confusion evident in her eyes "Why are you sorry baby?" You looked down as the guilt in you started building again "For not standing it and disappointing you" Your girlfriend looked at you shocked. Were you really just apologizing to her about something like this? Didn't she made it clear that you being happy and comfortable is her priority? Especially during sex?
"Why are you being sorry about not standing it? Baby listen to me, you could never disappoint me, especially by not being able to take something during sex. It's completely normal and I'll never get mad at you for it, I'm actually happy that you stopped me" She held you tighter as if to make her point even more truthful "Really?" You asked looking up at her. She smiled at you before kissing your head "Really. You being comfortable and happy is most important to me after all" You smiled at her words before hugging her back just as tight.
"How about we watch a movie hmm? I'll go make us some food" She asked before standing up and going to the door but not before sending you lots of kisses. You watched her as she left with a smile on your face, feeling lucky for having her. She was right and you had to start understanding that, it'll be hard but Yoohyeon will be there to always remind you of it.
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tinyidle · 10 months
Hi can I ask for a dreamcatcher headcanon?? Them as dom's having a piss kink?
Dreamcatcher Having a P⚠️ss Kink as Doms
ofc! for anyone else who want to see my piss kink mtls/headcanons of other groups, you can check my masterlist in my bio post (or should i make a piss kink minlist? hmm)
WARNING: tw, suggestive smut, clit stimulation, fingering, cunnilingus, dom! dreamcatcher/sub!reader, switch!dreamcatcher, sub!dreamcatcher/switch!dreamcatcher, all fiction
she'd scold you for drinking the amount of water you did, and as punishment would rub your clit until you squirted and, ultimately peed.
"take it like the disobedient slut you want to be"
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made sexy time extra extra dirty. because of that, you guys did it in the bathroom as she fingered you with a dangerously full bladder.
"you look so cute trying not to piss"
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you were the one to tell her that you liked that kink. she'd pretend to act like you were filthy until she kept reminding you to drink water. then at night she'd spend the night eating you out.
"come on, baby, piss for me; you came and squirted twice already "
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would be very shocked, but then would test your limits as to how far it would take before you would be in tears to relieve yourself.
"nope, wait a bit longer, honey"
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probably would support you and your kink, just to degrade you to filth if you drank way too much water on purpose. ofc she still lives you
"go ahead and piss yourself like the filthy slut you are"
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she'd have so much fun with you. so. much. fun. like 'rubbing your clit and smacking it' type fun.
"cmon, why arent you breaking? do you need another bottle of water?"
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it takes everything in her not to laugh tbh, but when she gets serious you'll wish you never told her.
"what do you mean it hurts? it never hurts to pee, go ahead and do it again for mommy"
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hope you enjoyed this! ngl this was hard to do for the last 4 members since i gave up mid way. but i hope you like it nonetheless!
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minjiarchive · 1 year
intimacy | jiu x fem!reader
warning / smut, shower sex, slight choking
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“i've missed you honey.” minji had you pinned to the shower wall – hands wandering your toned, curved body. her arms snaked around your waist where she held you in her tight grip. your body shuddered lightly as the warm water mixed in with the touch of her body on yours. you couldn't tell if it was the temperature of the water making you hot or if it was the endless kisses minji left on your back.
“so so much...” the heat in core arose when her fingers traveled down to your slit, edging you while enjoying the whimpers that slipped past your mouth. you knew she was teasing you on purpose. minji made it obvious, maybe way too obvious than she wanted. she kissed your most sensitive spot near your neck along with also circling your entrance as well.
“minji i can't take it anymore.. put your fingers inside of me please.” you coaxed with all that your body could let out. formulating words were just as hard as fighting the urge to fuck her so hard for making you into a mess. “i know baby i'm sorry,”
“is this better?” two digits slipped in you easily but you were so tight for her. your walls throbbed around her fingers that were sliding in and out of you. you trembled after feeling the wave of relief that washed over you. “that's much better. now come and kiss me love.”
minji cupped your chin from behind and tilted your head to grant her access to kiss you. as soon as your wet lips from the shower made contact with hers, she sighed into your mouth while her slender fingers wrapped around your neck. choking you slightly in a way that made you even more aroused than ever.
the position made it easier for her to successfully turn you around and push your back against the wall now. minji's hands still enveloped your neck, showing off her dominance and control over you. the tub started to brim of water and whimpers that sent you both overboard with pleasure.
“i hope you aren't too tired for round 2 on the bed babe.”
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abravesoul03 · 6 months
Welcome to Abravesoul~
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So this account is a sub-blog of Awisespirit, but here I'll be posting any contents which are not Dreamcatcher related or mixed with other idols.
-JAM REPUBLIC SWF2 (Kirsten/Audrey)
-WolfLo (Chocol)
-Manequeen (Yoonji/Redlic/Whaxxcy/Cera)
-Tsubakill (ALL MEMBERS)
-1 Million (Harimu/Redy/Amy)
-Deep&Dap (LockerZ/JJ)
(will add more later on)
( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍ)
-Random thoughts about them
-Both Soft/Hard asks are wellcomed from anons.
Hope you guys enjoy, and I do apologise for the lack of activeness these days 😭😶‍🌫️❤️
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kingmaker-a · 1 year
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Hogwarts AU Related works: Ecdysis, You're a Keeper
Hufflepuff Reader x Slytherin Handong
Warnings: Violence and Bullying
Word Count: 5.1k
Genre: Angst and fluff
Premise: The logistics of a cat or an otherwise unlucky Hufflepuff finds out why they can't make friends from a cat called Nannan.
A/N: Originally intended to be a piece for Handong's birthday which has been and freaking gone by a huge margin. What can I say except life happens.
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Logistics hadn’t always been a big thought in your head, especially so in a world brimming with magic.
Still as the early morning sun crests the rolling hills, the thought peaks through like the warm tender reach of the sun. The morning dew melts and greets you with a frosty freshness.
“So are the cats just allowed anywhere in Hogwarts?” You brush through Kneazle fur, a happy crooned pur is your reward. You're surprised it's taken you until your fifth year to even ask the question. Though your studies had always held more of your attention than idle questions.
Professor Kim's eyebrows tighten together, there's the trace of a focused grumble. "Why the sudden question?" 
Your mind dances over morning in recent memories, the dulcet purr, awakening you every morning like the croaking cacaw of a rooster. 
Though admittingly Nannan was a far better wake up call. 
You'd struggle to recollect when he started spending his mornings and some of his nights with you. 
"Uh, just wondering," your lips purse, jostling with a potential lie. "Is it rude to become so friendly with someone else's cat without their knowledge?" 
"You and I, both know better than anyone that they aren't just pieces of property. They have their own thoughts and feelings, what they get up to is their own business… Unless it's trouble." 
She crinkles her nose with an almost knowing scowl, before her eyes peek over to you filling the trough idly. 
"How's the friend hunt going?" 
Your eyes dance over the familiar beasts, "I've made plenty."
Her eyebrows knit together, a questioning arc laces one stray brow. "We are talking about people right? Magical beasts are all well and good but socialising is something everyone needs, wizard and beast alike."
A tempered sigh leaves your breath, "People? None, nada zilch. I'm starting to think I'm cursed teach."
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Rumours twist and circulate with a great swiftness around Hogwarts, rivalling the wing beat of the school’s owlery that’s for sure.
Though there was something to be said on the wizarding world’s reliance on one of the slowest birds in existence.
Perhaps there was something to do with magic? 
A thought for another day, as your feet pad across familiar concrete. The courtyard had been a familiar space of refuge for you.
A spot chosen by Nannan.
Still, as clouds crest through the sky, you’re surprised by his lack of appearance, it had been something of a regular occurrence since you started at Hogwarts.
You catch whispered words on the edge of the wind, “Did you see Handong this morning? She’s always gone before sun rise."
The quintessential ice queen, though that was an odd thought. She was far from studious, a remark commonly repeated by professor Kwon. You remember the frustration that boiled at the edge of his lips at her wasted talent.
Though you weren’t much for rumours having been caught in a few unfortunate ones in the past.
“I heard she’s been looking for Nannan, the little rascal disappears every night.”
A nervous gulp lines your throat, rumours already circulated you enough as it was, you didn’t need to add potential catnapper to the list.
You feel a nuzzling warmth burrow into your calf, a warm purr and you suddenly feel at ease.
Though something does feel off, as he hops on to a nearby bench without a notorious rattle.
His collar.
Did he have it this morning?
… Actually, now that you think about it, he seemed to have a bad habit of losing his collar, no doubt an additional stressor on the poor ice queen. Your brain bristles with the early nascent memory of when you first met.
The Hogwarts express, riddled with a deep seated anxiety. The wizarding world was so… foreign, magical and brilliant yet somehow antiquated. 
Blood purity was a weird hurdle you had to admit, being shunned like you had the plague was far from ideal. 
You remember leaving your carriage door open on the small, off chance that someone would join you. A friend to explore the newfound mysteries your life had been blessed with. 
Or cursed. 
You can still remember the rapid strum of tiny feet crossing the threshold, bounding into your lap with sudden glee. 
As well as a matching human sprint that you could almost mistake for an echo. 
The flurry of panic in her eyes remains seared into your mind to this day. 
There's a kindle of surprise laced in her brow followed by a sigh of relief. 
"Sorry about him…" her hands grab at the small mound of fur, his claws dig deep into the fabric of your pants. "...He usually dislikes strangers."
A smile tugs across her lips, offering you a handshake. 
Too bad nothing would bloom from that seed of a chance encounter. 
The sorting hat made sure of it. 
Still, you were thankful her gaze held none of the animosity of her peers, though her popularity made her more than a little unapproachable. 
"Did you lose your collar?" 
His head cocks to the side, surprised by the sudden question before looking down. 
There's a panicked flurry etched into his cute features. He always had a surprisingly human edge to him, though you suppose it was because he was a Wizarding family cat.
You were just glad that this one of the times he understood you, communication had been a bit hit or miss on the best of days. 
"Should we get you a new one from Hogsmeade?" 
A happy almost excited chirp blooms from his muzzle. 
Maybe, just maybe it'd help you start a more than middling conversation with Handong. 
Though, it did leave you with the difficult task of figuring out what to say, 'sorry I stole your cat' didn’t seem like a good start. 
"We're gonna have to walk since a broom wasn't in the budget this year," or any year really. 
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There's always comfort to be had in the company of a friend, wizard and beast alike. The sun bristles with an even warmth, your eyes dancing across what little clouds you could see. 
Even as your school shoes dust through familiar trodden dirt paths and you lean back into the brace of your hands at the nape of your neck.
Relaxation was far from your mind. 
An eerie shadow floats and clings to your mind in spite of the open air freedom away from the castle grounds. 
"Do you think I'm cursed?" 
There's a warble tilted chirp of concern that bounces from his mouth. His paws stiffen against the dirt, drawing his small form to a halt, head clocked to the side expectantly. 
Almost like a question you can somehow understand, "cursed?"
Your teeth graze against your tongue, a bubble of vulnerability clogs your chest. There's a lingering hesitance that shallows your breath. 
To admit was to make real after all. 
"... I… I'm not sure if you noticed but I'm not exactly spoiled for company." the words boil past your lips, twisting with a fraction of frustration. Still, your eyes linger on your companion catching what you can only assume is a frown. "Not that you're bad company." 
There's an affirming almost knowing purr, the brush of his tail washes away some of the unease that weighs you down. 
Yet it always comes back. 
It’s hard to ignore the way the other students avoid even being on the same dirt path as you, even with Nannan in your company.
Almost like crossing your path would spell death for them.
Still the sun glitters and dances in the air, a small ray of positive energy. Your feet trail along the dirt path as your mind wonders. A soft welcome silence, a comfort even if the only companion you had was a cat.
Your ears twitch and hitch at the sound of someone rushing your way, in an almost eager fashion.
Two Slytherin students, you can’t help but groan… you’d hate to be bullied in Nannan’s presence. Your fingers grip at your wand hidden in your sleeve.
You were far from a proficient duelist, but at least it offered you a degree of comfort, no matter how small. However, your eyes catch an almost annoyed look in Nannan’s eyes, like a cat coming across a loveable if somewhat misguided dog. 
“Nannan!” An almost jovial burst of energy that mocked the very idea of the house of snakes, you catch the glint of a leather jacket hidden under her robes.
A muggle much like yourself.
Kim Yoohyeon, Muggle born Slytherin, Seeker and sweetheart of Slytherin’s duel captain Sly.
Her boots catch in the dirt, a betrayal of her own coordination as she teeters on the edge of tripping up.
A solid, firm hand catches her hood pulling her from the precipice. “I’m glad you’re nowhere near as clumsy on a broom.”
The voice is soft yet biting, a restrained well trained snake. There’s a cold calculation to her eyes and an almost permanently pressed frown on her lips. 
Olivia Hye, Beater prodigy and potions expert.
An odd duo for sure.
Yet their focus never even inches in your direction, too focused on your companion. Yoohyeon squats down before the furred joy of your life, a smile beams on her face as she tries to her pat Nannan.
Only to be met with air, as he suddenly darts closer to you, tail brushing at your shins.
Her eyebrows knit and tighten, a flash of surprise sparks across her face finally noticing your presence.
There's the bright flash of a smile, warm and welcoming much like your house should be. Yet her eyes remained focused on your companion like her prolonged stare could reveal answers long unheard. 
You clear your throat. 
"Oh right, sorry uh-" She quickly stands at full height, whipping out her hand from deep within her robes. "I'm Kim Yoohyeon and you are?-" 
You clasp her hand, "I'm-" 
Another flash of recognition as her eyes dart from you to Nannan and back to you. 
"You're the magical beasts muggle," there's a flare of a smile that burns with solidarity. Her grip tightens against yours like a familiar hug. 
"I, uh-yeah I guess that's me," you shrug, it was better than any of the alternatives by a long shot. 
"Otherwise known as the sore thumb Hufflepuff or…" Olivia prods, her eyes trailing you over, sizing you up. "The cursed student." 
You swear you catch a glint of a knowing look in her eyes, as she turns to Yoohyeon. A brief wordless exchange that you can't quite grasp. 
"I wouldn't worry about it though," Despite her dry almost uninterested tone, there's an ember of warmth that you can pluck out and huddle around. Her eyes shift back over Nannan. "Quality over quantity."
Yoohyeon's boots shuffle and shift against the dirt, her mouth opens but claws itself shut before she speaks. "We gotta go… But I wouldn't recommend heading to Hogsmeade. There's rumours of unsavoury folks hanging around…" 
Still, you can see the trepidation that gnaws at her lips, rolling and tossing with temptation. Like a child with a secret they shouldn’t tell.
Nannan’s buried meow in your calf reminds you of your mission. Still your hand creases against the back of your neck, a look of sheepishness. 
“Well, Nannan said we should be fine.”
Even in a world of magic your words manage to earn a look of surprise from both of them. 
“...Nannan,” Olivia points at the small cat, a curious jutted finger. “Told you that?”
“Unless there’s some other cat that sneaks into my ro-” your hand clasps over your mouth, as a frazzled meow echoes from Nannan. “-please don’t tell Handong, she’ll have my hide if she knew.”
Yoohyeon only chuckles as she places a hand on your shoulder, “your secret is safe with me muggle buddy.”
Olivia only rolls her eyes, “the ice queen isn’t that scary. She’s more bark than bite… outside of a duel at least.”
“But we should be off, I’d have for Sly to feel like a third wheel with Yoongi and Ryujin.” She muses boots scraping across the dirt.
“Right because it’s fine if I’m the fifth wheel.”
Your laughter hides, Nannan’s low growl.
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It’s dark and cloudy when you finally make it to Hogsmeade, charged with a deep foreboding that only echoes with Yoohyeon’s warning. You’d never met a dark wizard before, and all things permitting it’d stay that way.
Yet the air holds its malicious charge, the streets emptier than you remember. Still you search in familiar nooks and alleys, ignoring the tension that boils in your stomach. 
Coloured roofs and windows blur together, each store isn’t quite right. You wanted Hnadong to understand that Nannan was safe in your care an-
You almost lose Nannan in your rush, a muffled, worried meow is all you catch as he rushes to your side.
Thinking too much as always.
You quickly crouch down to his height, your hands run through the side of his neck, ticking away at every sweet spot you remember as an apology.
“Sorry, buddy.” A frown tickles at your lips, “I-uh was getting stuck in my head as always.”
He nuzzles against your soft caress before propping himself up against your knees, cute beady eyes peering at your own.
His head tilts to the side.
A question.
“About?” Your lips scrunch together… you’re talking to a cat. Professor Kim would be simultaneously impressed and disappointed. “I… just want Handong, to know you’re safe with me.”
There’s a pause before he tilts his head the other way, almost like he didn’t believe that was all.
Your eyebrows knit together, did he see something you couldn’t? He holds your gaze for a second almost coaxing the thought out of you.
“...You’re right, I was hoping maybe we could become friends. Even if she is… less than approachable.”
The wind blows with a soft aching cold, yet Nannan looks at you for a moment before his gaze shifts side to side, almost patrolling for any passerby. You feel the soft patter of his feet against your knees before he launches himself at you, brushing his head against your cheek.
An affirmation that things would be alright, and a token of his affection.
“Love you too.”
He nuzzles into your palm with the heaviest purr you’ve ever heard from him. There’s a tickle of warmth in your chest.
Yet there’s something that gnaws at you, at the edges of your mind an almost unconscious instinct like something more was going on. Uneasiness settles back into your veins as your eyes linger on figures who weren’t there before.
Heavy black cloaks and hoods.
There’s a twinge in the back of your skull, a gut feeling, a hunch.
Their conversation is mostly muffled and hidden, but your eyes peer past their secrecy, a single word uttered yet unheard. 
But your eyes see true.
The hairs on the backs of your neck prickle with tension, stiffen with fear. 
You grip your wand tight, gesturing for Nannan to run, your throat dry and parched as your heart races. Each thump burns deep in your ears even as Nannan looks at you with a surprised expression.
Your features flare with anger… you hated this approach, but time was of the essence. You could already imagine Taeyeon’s disappointed expression.
Perhaps she’d understand.
A deep seething breath, blisters past your lips as you raise your wand. Anger etched into every movement to scare him off.
Flickers of your loneliness, anger and pent up rage from years best unthought of. 
“Scram,” you scowl, voice dragging low with a growl. 
You catch the flash of surprised fear as he scampers off out of sight.
Perhaps you really were cursed?
Footsteps bounce and echo off cobblestone paths, yet you can barely hear them over the dangerously loud thump of your own racing heart.
What was your plan? You’d spent so much time worrying about a cat, that you forgot about yourself.
Your feet dart despite your heavy thoughts, moving on instinct alone as you tuck through alleyways and side streets. 
Their footfalls become rapid and heavy like a crashing wave, how long before it crashes into you?
A Slytherin would’ve had a plan to misdirect them and mock them, a Gryffindor would’ve been brave enough, strong enough to stand their ground like a valiant hero.
Your movements are desperate as you hear them claw closer. 
“We just want to talk Puffy~”
A Ravenclaw- 
Your feet stop dead in their tracks.
A Ravenclaw wouldn’t have ended up in a dead end, nothing but cobblestone walls. Your eyes search desperately for even a window to jump through.
Though would you even have the courage if there was one?
Your throat twists as you nervously gulp, dry with fear and exertion. 
A slow clap echoes through the abandoned and isolated back alley. “That was quite some detour Puffy.” 
Voice like hoarse, dry gravel. Like someone who smoked too much in hopes of being cool one day. 
An old weathered middle aged hand, peels back his hood. 
The leader no doubt.
Scars line his lips, a misshapen moustache that looked proudly groomed despite the gaps of scarred flesh.
Yet the glint in his eyes was animalistic, primal even.
Slowly you back away, you were nothing but prey in his eyes. A chuckle lines his lips, twisting with a malicious grin.
“Cat got your tongue?”
There’s a roar of laughter behind him, though you feel like it was more fear than genuine laughter. 
Your hand tries to grip tight against your wand, as your heart thumps louder and deeper. You can’t make out the words he says, they’re muffled by your fear.
Yet, one thing peaks through the deafening anxiety of your heart. The clatter of your own wand against cobblestone. 
If you were a real Hufflepuff perhaps, you would have someone to help you, save you from your grim predicament.
“So where’s the kneazle Puffy?” he lingers close, closer than you’d like. His breath reeked of stenches you had never encountered even with your care of magical creatures. A unique blend of sour and rotten, much like his soul you predict.
You have to fight against your own throat to speak, a lump held heavy in your throat boiling with the anxiety in your heart.
“H-he’s a half kneazle,” you point out, voice quivering despite your best intentions. 
His voice echoes yours, heavy with a mocking tone, a performance for his pack, “H-he’s a h-half k-kneazle.”
A flick of his wand, bludgeons the cobblestone underneath your feet, spraying dirt and pebbles everywhere as you slip.
“I could barely understand you with how much you were shaking,” he growls a twisted malicious smile etched into his teeth. He paces slowly as his eyes hover over you.
You were nothing but prey.
But at least Nannan had gotten away.
Yet his eyebrows knit together, a sound on the wind. 
A low growl.
“Perhaps your efforts were for not Puff-” His voice catches in his throat like he 'd been struck by an arrow.
A flash of fear burns deep into his visage, as his eyes twist over the rooftops. His voice catches in his throat, stuttering like a stuck record.
Yet there’s a part of you that roils with joy at the way fear gripped his face suddenly almost like a demento-that would be worse news for you.
“Miss H-Han,” his voice croaks as he slowly stumbles back. 
You hear the shuffle of rooftop tiles as a shadow flutters over you. There’s an almost feline grace as she lands, the air around her dances at her command. Her robes flutter with a familiar green and black.
You hear it, the dry scratch of his throat as he begs for his brain to work as it stumbles in her presence.
You slowly pull yourself up, your body almost commanding you to pull yourself together in her presence. 
It’s hard to believe she was the same girl you met on the train in your first year. The deep thud of your heart is absent in her company.
You feel it, before you see it, the flare of anger in the flick of her wand. The familiar flare of scarlet energy as concussive force leaves her wand, it screeches through the air with a howling scream before hitting the man square in the chest.
Even from here, you could hear the wind leave his body. 
His earlier display of power, mere child’s play compared to Handong.
“I believe I told you and father that I would find Nannan,” You catch the flare of white across her knuckles, her voice dripping with an icy calm. 
But you could feel the anger that boiled and simmered underneath, she paced slowly much like he had. Each footstep held with gritted teeth, the flare of a scowl.
“Please, take your leave. I do not wish for my companion to see an unsavoury side of me,” her eyes flick over to you with the flash of an apologetic smile. They quickly move with a shuffled panic before her gaze can even return to them.
You can’t help but feel the incessant need to tidy up your uniform, to straighten up, to stand talle-She hesitates in those quiet moments, eyes darting between you and the exit.
“I-uh,” she frowns against her own thoughts, fingers massaging her temples. 
You’re just glad you’re able to breathe by comparison. 
There’s the briefest flash of surprise across her features, replaced with a charming well practised smile. 
She’d make a good head girl.
“You’re welcome…” still there’s that familiar frown that tugs with thoughts. Her features tighten ever so slightly, a war between herself. 
It’s weird the way words just bubble naturally past your lips, “A friend of mine would tell you, you’d feel better if you just let it out.”
At least that’s what you think he’d say.
Her mouth opens, ajar for a second longer than you’d expected… Maybe you weren’t the only one who wasn’t good at the whole social thing?
Maybe, despite what had occurred, it was your lucky day?
“That’s not fair,” she whines, her nose scrunching with the quirk of a smile. A playful smack of her hand against your shoulder.
Your heart races at the contact, your panics at the thought.
Don’t think too much of it, don’t think too much of it, don’t think too much of-
A cackle of electricity ripples in your veins, as she dusts you off. Her smile does nothing to hide the worry that lingers in her eyes. 
Her grip tightens against your sleeves, holding you there in place.
“I… I should apologise, this was all my fault-” it’s hard to behold her so close, the way worry dances through her eyes melts the image of an ice queen with a searing flame. Sure, she had a certain regalness to her, but there was nothing close to ice.
Only a soft warmth.
“It’s alright, really-” you add, yet there’s a weird almost anxious edge to her as she babbles, eyes failing to meet yours. 
At least Nannan would be proud of you? 
This was going far better than you’d expected… Wait, where was he?
You purse your lips to whistle out to your companion. You owed him an apology. 
You hear a deep sigh from Handong, the echoes of desperate courage. 
“Promise me, these events won’t make you judge me too harshly,” her eyes peer into yours with reinforced vigour. 
You hear the slight jingle of a bell. “Why would I?”
Her eyes clamp shut with a grimace, “because… I may be the source of your other… this is all-”
You feel the brush of familiar warmth against your calf, a soft grizzly purr. 
“I didn’t realise they were talking about my father’s men,” she groans, her foot stomping softly against the footpath.
“Wait who were talking about your father’s men?” your eyebrows knitting together, were you having two separate conversations?
You feel her hands grip your shoulders, her head tilting to the side.
“Yoohyeon and Olivia?” she points out, eyebrows twisted and tangled much like yours.
“When did-” her head tilts to the other side, her mouth twists into a scoff like it’s the most obvious thing.
“On our way to Hogsm-” her voice catches in her throat, as she goes pale. A flash of panicked realisation. Her voice reduced to a quiet whisper. “...fuck.”
Of course.
It all clicks together with the greatest ease, Nannan had been more… affectionate after your third year. The clues had been there the whole time, the shifts in his personality, not being able to communicate with him sometimes. 
Losing his collar.
She shrinks under your gaze, eventually settling into an embarrassed crouch. You swear you can catch her whispers in the wind.
“This wasn’t supposed to go like this.” 
It’s automatic the way you crouch down in front of her. Your hand pats her head before you can even question if it’s weird or not.
Did she think you saw her change when she leapt off the roof?
She hums with your touch, before another flash of embarrassment catches in her throat. 
You probably weren’t helping. 
“I-... you probably think I’m weird?” Her voice curled into a soft whisper, a weak smile is all she can manage. 
There’s a desperate edge in the way her hand latches onto yours before you can pull it away. 
“Why would I think that?” Your voice bubbles and simmers with more warmth than you expected. Odd, maybe? But weird? No. “loneliness brings out the oddities in people.”
A weird mixture between a chuckle and a grumble dots her lips, her eyes lift to meet yours with a soft tentativeness. 
Each second, each interaction with her makes you question what others see in order to label her an ice queen.
Though perhaps it was her father’s company?
She tugs at you to sit down next to her, a soft plea for company in her vulnerability. 
You acquiesce, even with rough cobblestone to rest against. There comfort to be had in her company. 
Yet, her lips weigh heavy with troubles. You’d almost forgotten that she knew so much about you and yet… you knew next to nothing about her.
Her eyes avoid yours.
“It’s my fault everyone avoids you.” her words are blunt despite her soft cadence. There’s the soft release of a sigh that aches against your heart as she leans back. 
Your chest sputters with the mud of complexity that tugs at your heart. You feel the boil of anger underneath it all, yet something calls out to you, begs you to give her a chance.
The brush of a tail caresses your shoulder.
You hand slowly tugs and pulls at hers, squeezing into any gap, as she barely resists. Which earns you a soft, yet surprised look as she finally turns to you.
All you offer is a soft nod for her to continue.
You swear you can hear her heart rate jump, as her grip tightens against your own. 
“...I didn’t mean to.” a frown tightens against her lips, which only worses when your hand leaves hers. “But-”
There’s a quiver to her voice that you almost wouldn’t expect from anyone in Slytherin, especially her. 
You tug her closer to you, letting her rest nestled against your shoulder. You catch the slightest hitch of surprise in her breath, before nuzzling against your warmth.
“Everyone found out who my dad was and that I thought you were cute-”
You laugh, always with the surprises.  She turns to you with a scowl that borders on seriousness and playfulness.
Right, vulnerable moment and everything. “Dunno, what they’re on about. But he must be a scary guy.”
If he’s anything like her when she’s mad.
“So they star-”
“Spreading rumours, I get it. But was the animagus thing because you had a crush on me or because you felt sorry for me?”
She huffs, slightly before resigning herself. “A bit of both initially, it was Yoohyeon’s idea. She said it’d be cute like a fanfic… whatever those are.”
A chuckle bounces in your chest, that you barely fight back. “And you thought it’d be weird to approach me because of your reputation, let alone if you revealed that you were a stalker.”
A slight pang of pain is your just deserts, as she scowls slightly. “I am not a stalker.”
“Sure, sure.” A flicker of a smile licks at your lips. “Just because you’re pretty doesn’t stop you from being a stalker.”
Her palm caresses your cheek, there’s a tender softness to it. As if the moment would shatter like glass between her fingers. 
“I’m glad you’re okay even if it’s made things… weird.” The words sink and drag against you like an anchor, perhaps your heart mourns the loss of ignorance you once had. A frown lingers on her lips, tight and solemn. “But I’d prefer any of the possibilities were you hate me or think I’m weird, if it meant you were safe.”
Yet you can’t help but feel more lingering on her mind, a familiar feeling that hung in your chest whenever she trudged around solemnly as a cat.
Your palm massages her shoulder as your eyes drift skyward, the last embers of sunlight die with a whimper.
“And what would be the best possibility?”
She stiffens at the suggestions, pondering with a tense breath, “that you’d at least consider giving me a chance to be your friend.”
“Well,” you say, fingers tugging, pulling the two of you to your feet. “Friend, we might not make it back in time for dinner but the Three Broomsticks is close by.”
There’s the familiar flash of surprise, quickly swallowed by that ephemeral regal confidence you’d grown fond of.
“I’ll pay, it’s the least I can do.”
“Sweet, it’s a date,” you tease, a smirk creasing your lips as she rolls her eyes. 
You walk in silence, there’s warming comfort even with the gap in conversation. She’s always a couple steps ahead of, no doubt lost in her thoughts. 
You feel the swipe of a tail against your calf, the jingle of a bell and a simple soft meow.
A suggestion.
“Hey, one more thing,” you call out, jogging towards her.
It’s simple and quick, a teasingly brief swipe of your lips against hers. While not exactly magical like being able to transform into an animal.
The gasp of surprise tickles your veins as you feel the briefest smile against your lips. 
It’s intoxicating in those brief moments before it’s gone, a couple of your fingers linked with hers as you drag her away.
Perhaps the logistics of a cat weren't your top priority anymore. 
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panda-writes-kpop · 4 months
Demon! Dreamcatcher - Giving You A Helping Hand
a/n: i wrote this to help me with my dami b-day fic... so spoilers for that, perhaps? (this has nothing to do with the fic, i just had brain rot from my own idea... and wrote this instead of the fic 🤦‍♀️) I'll get back to requests and that fic eventually, I hope. 🫠
tw: lots of blood and gore for headcannons, demon eats human, the same human gets brutally murdered again and again, my opinions about what sin each girl represents, someone spits on a dead body, lots of death, DC are murder wives (literally)
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Prompt - okay, this was pathetic. You couldn't even fight off one person who sent a right hook into your jaw. You didn't want to call her since she'll probably kill the person in front of you, but they started it by pulling out a switchblade.
Yeah, pleasantries went out the door a long time ago. Fuck, this was a bad idea.
Yet you still summon your girlfriend to your side.
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• Your girlfriend didn't have the most elegant summoning pose - she was in the middle of biting an invisible dish.
JiU - Demon of Gluttony
• Annoyed, she turns to you before smiling and going to greet you...
• -before she notices the small cut on your face.
• Her head snaps to the other direction, noticing the other person who looks terrified at Minji's sudden change in demeanor.
• "I've always wondered what human meat tastes like."
• She lunges and tackles the person to the ground, and you close your eyes as blood and guts fly everywhere
• Not a bit of human flesh lands on you before Minji calls your name.
• You open your eyes to see her wiping her face of blood (as if her clothes and hands aren't soaked in the color red).
SuA - Demon of Pride
• "C'mon, my dear, I've still got leftovers back in hell. Shall we enjoy them together?"
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• She's happy you called her - why wouldn't you call the best demon girlfriend to assist you?
• Oh, someone's bothering you? SuA simply opens a portal to hell behind the person and nonchalantly flings them into the portal.
• "Don't worry, babe, I won't touch them. Cerberus will tear them to pieces. :)"
• You forget how terrifying (and hot) she is at times.
• SuA, without dropping her smile, approaches you and gently places her hand on your cheek.
• With a bit of mischievous demon magic, the cut on your face is healed without a scar to be seen.
• She grabs your hand and drags you to a nearby bar.
Siyeon - Demon of Lust
• "Let's go have fun and forget about that miserable person, baby. Doesn't that sound like a much better way to end the night?"
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• Your girlfriend drips charisma as she appears in a brilliant display of pink smoke.
• Her eyes glance between the two of you as a wicked smile appears on her face.
• "Well, what do we have here?"
• Siyeon corners your opponent and pins them to a wall with one of her hands as the other strokes their face.
• "You're going to regret ever touching them, you wretched little thing." Her voice drips venom as your attacker's face changes from pleasure to fear.
• The darkness of the night hides the gorey scene as Siyeon, in a brutal display of power, rips every body part from the other person.
• Once she's done, with a snap of her fingers, the blood on her, the ground, and the cut on your face are completely gone.
Handong - Demon of Wrath
• "Now we can enjoy the night together without any disturbances, right?"
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• There's no warning after you summon Handong. She simply goes into attack mode after spotting the other person.
• They scream in terror and pain, but she simply scoffs at them
• "Should've thought about that before you punched them, huh?"
• Of course she knows about that, your girlfriend knows about every time someone wrongs you so she can correct things in your favor.
• With nothing but her hands, she's literally ripped them to shreds in what must be a world record.
• "Didn't even put up a fight." She rolls her eyes before landing another punch to their body. "Tsk, what a shame."
• You're the one who has to pull her off of them, with a gentle reminder that the other person was dead a long time ago.
• "I want to make sure that there's no chance that resurrection can happen, my dear." She hisses before spitting on the body.
Yoohyeon - Demon of Greed
• She's not always like this, you swear.
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• "Hey, I was busy planning another bank robbery that would be totally foolproof! What are you-"
• She pauses as she looks at you and then the other person.
• "Well, you'll work as bait for Cerberus so SuA doesn't interfere in my plans."
• She snaps her fingers and the other person disappears, but you swear you can hear them scream in the background as you talk to Yooh.
• "They'll have a quick death, I promise!" She squeezes your hands as you nod and agree.
• In her hand, she offers you a bandaid. When you go to grab it, however, she snatches the bandaid away from your grasp.
• "Let me do it, babe!" She whines before opening up the bandaid. "It's the least I can do."
Dami - Demon of Envy
• She's awfully cute for a terrifying, murderous demon.
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• She has a less flashier entrance than the other demons, and a less visible response to the other person.
• Her way of handling things is much less brutal. She simply places both of her hands on the person before gently pushing them against the wall.
• Their eye color changes to orange before running off while muttering on about coveting things or people (you can't really tell).
• Dami's attention turns to you as she wipes away any bruises, marks, or blood with the touch of her hand.
• "Are you alright, my dear?"
• Once you've fully reassure her that you're okay, you ask her why she didn't murder the other person in front of you.
• "I know that violence will scare you away, and that's the last thing I want. You shouldn’t be scared of me, darling."
Gahyeon - Demon of Sloth
• For someone who was created to be an incarnate version of envy, she sure doesn't show it off a lot.
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• You've summoned her to you, but she's sleeping while standing up.
• So much for getting help from the demon representing sloth. You should probably know better at this point.
• When your attacker tries to approach you with the knife, Gahyeon holds out her arm and catches the other person's arm.
• She then proceeded to harshly throw them into a wall, giving them a quick death with a lot of head trauma.
• Without waking up, she sleep walks over to you. (How does she not fall over her own feet?)
• "There's something on your cheek." She mumbles in her sleep as you touch your face. "You should fix that."
• Thanks, Gahyeon, that's really helpful.
• "I'm going back to bed and I need a pillow." She says before pulling you into her arms. "You're coming with me."
• You can't break out of her grasp as she sinks into the ground, but you give up and accept your fate. That's simply how your girlfriend is.
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awisespirit · 3 months
Deukae seeing you wearing their boxers at home 🫣
G!P Dreamcatcher reaction to you wearing their boxers.
A/N: I actually wrote this in a span of 15 minutes 💀
G!P Dreamcatcher X Fem reader
Warnings: slightly suggestive for a few members.
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Loves it, will coo at you and pinch your cheeks saying you look so comfy and cute in them.
Will let you borrow as many as you want.
"aww look at my little girl, so cute in my boxers yeah?"
Will never get why you keep stealing her boxers but secretly thinks it's hot. When she sees you in them would go up behind you and give you a nice smack and playfully accuse you of trying to turn her on.
"yah are you trying to get me hard babe? Your that desperate for my cock hmm?"
Shy shy baby~ she likes it when you wear anything of hers but when she sees you in her boxers she gets all giddy and shy. Would also purposely leave them unfolded in the laundry basket giving you a chance to take them.
"w-wow they look great on you- no no I meant you look great in them?"
This is just gonna be a huge ass ego booster for Dongie. Is gonna brag about it to the other members. Is a little curious on why do you like wearing her boxers tho.
"yeah I know my girl always steals my boxer, she always needs me you know."
Yooh would be mostly likely be turned on the first time she saw you in her boxers. Thinks you look hot. Wants to pull you on her lap and let you grind on her, as you wet the the pair of boxers. Then she would punish you for ruining them?
"y/n your such a bad girl, look at how you ruined my boxers honey~"
There's 2 sides to Yubin, like Sua is confused. Like why would you wear her boxers? After you had explained how comfortable they are she would admit how hot your ass looked. I could see her getting the both of you a matching pair. Ouh and Miss Lee might or might not have gotten a few pics of your ass in her boxers, a little something when she's away for.
"ahh so their comfortable huh? I see... Well if I'm being honest, they actually look good on you baby~ want matching one's?"
Gah basically doesn't care about it. You guys always share everything so it wasn't a big deal for her. Will playfully comment on you when you walk around the house in them.
"Aye pretty lady, something looks thight! Hahahah~"
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jiu or yoohyeon gf headcannons please! <3 i love ur blog btw 🖤
Dreamcatcher headcanon: Jiu as your girlfriend
Requests are open
Hello Anon! Thank you for your request. The Yoo headcanon will be posted in the future, just be patient. In the meanwhile I hope you enjoy this one💙
Dreamcatcher Jiu X GN!Member
SFW Content
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Such a cutie pie
No, really, she's probably the sweetest human on the earth
And as a result you're the luckiest one 'cause she's your girlfriend
Your love story started when you two met casually in a sushi restaurant
You were working there to round up, while she was a client with some of her members
You were bringing the food to their table, but right in that moment Sua made a funny joke
She started laughing so much that she hit you, tossing you on the floor
That was moment when she started taking care about you
And she never stopped since then
She's the most attentive girlfriend ever
Managing her chaotic members was not enough for her
Now she take care of you too
But it was her only choice: she loves you too much
It's not even a rational thing, she only needs to see you or listen to your voice to start giving you affection
Days spent with your head on her legs while she plays with your hear
And when you fall asleep, she will bop your nose and kiss your forehead
A big spoon in bed
It's not important that she's tiny
She just need to embrace you during the night to sleep well
And when you're outside, her hand must be linked to your
It's her way to show the world that you chose her
Dates in sushi restaurant to remember yours first meeting
Even if you don't work anymore in that local
Because she found you a work in her agency
In this way it's more easy to see each other during the day
Big brain Jiu
NSFW Content
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This beautiful lady is caring both in life and in bed
She prioritises your pleasure to hers
Like, just watching you benefit from her action give her bliss
And that's explain the fact that she's the softest dom
She know how to make you melt with her touch
Honestly a kiss would be enough to make you lose your mind
But obviously she don't stop there
From your lips she will go down
Your neck, your chest, your belly, and then...
You know it ;)
She could spend hours down there
Making moan you so hard
Just to be teased by her members the next day
But you're not that selfish
You return the favor gladly
And she's like
"Oh yeah, baby, touch me as only you can"
And her words give you the boost
You have so much fun driving her crazy
Her heart is just so happy that you are giving her so much pleasure
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Conflicting opinions
Idol: Kim Minji (Dreamcatcher)
Warnings/notes: Vampire au! Enemies to Lovers! Suggestive themes!
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When you had first met Minji she had immediately peaked your interest, a vampire so powerful and yet so unhappy. Well, unhappy isn’t the most accurate of words to describe her situation.
She loved the people she had chosen to surround herself with, her makeshift family of people suffering just like her. Suffering with what? Well immortality of course. It would seem like a gift to anyone else, but to Minji it was an illness of sorts.
Loving people became hard, you had to make a choice every time. Either love and let them die or love and turn them. Neither of which seemed like adequate options for her or for whomever she chose to love. Not that she planned to fall in love with anyone, it would be torture both for her and who she chose to be with.
She’d always hated what she was from the minute she realised she’d been turned, centuries ago now yet the pain was still there. Her life, her ambitions and all her plans ripped away from her in an instant all from a simple bite when walking late at night.
You however, had always had a fascination with vampires. How could you not? Here were these beautiful, superior and powerful creatures roaming the earth in the utmost secret. To know if someone was one of these majestic and wonderful creatures usually meant that you were about to meat death or become one. For you? It was neither. Simply turning into an alley at the wrong time coming face to face with a feeding frenzy and 7 vampires.
That was 2 years ago now, the group ending up taking you to there base and explaining dos and don'ts to make sure all of you were safe.
You were a permanent resident there now, your job being coaching them in self control and adding some warmth to the place after centuries of it being cold and somewhat depressing in atmosphere.
All the girls had immediately warmed to you, finding the way you acted and spoke somewhat peculiar to there way and yet so intriguing they couldn’t help but want to watch. Minji was taking a lot longer to win round though, particularly due to your clashing views on vampires as well as the fact that you refused to let her ignore you.
It had been five weeks since your last fight and thus five weeks since you last spoke, neither of you oblivious to the worried glances the girls sent your way. Simply choosing to ignore them and each other rather than move one, unfortunately this didn’t last long as the silence was killing Minji on the inside. Not seeing you or the girls smile and laugh, Yoohyeon and you chasing each other and regardless of her advantages her loosing from falling over. She had to make things right.
The next morning she rushed to find you in an attempt to make up only to find you actively ignoring her all day. By nightfall she had finally had enough, roughly pulling you aside “look clearly we dont agree on certain things and are hardly on the clearest terms but for them,” with a head tilt she gestures to the six vampires lounging around in the next room “we should at least play nice”.
Rolling your eyes you roughly grab her collar and pull her so close she can feel your breath “Act nice? Why do that when,” smirking at her widening eyes you lean up to her ear “we could act like lovers”. her cheeks flush as you chuckle, clearly amused by the dumbfounded and panicked expression on her face. Shaking your head smirk prominent on your face as you saunter away humming a tune. Very aware of how shes still staring at you, contemplating all the thoughts she has on you and why she suddenly has this desire for you…
The next few days fly by and the girls cant help but be totally confused as yo the sudden change in attitude between you and their leader. Today no different when you march into the main living area of the dorm, a smirk plastered onto your face as you think of all the ways to tease the vampire. Turning towards her you set your plan into action, eyes staring into hers as you take a seat beside her.
“Hey Minji, you’re looking very cute today, do you need anything?” Quickly running your tongue along the side of your lips as you ask her. Such a movement startled her, a bright red blush rising to her cheeks despite no longer having blood in her body.
“When did you two get all close,” The youngest asks in disbelief, breaking the silence and sexual tension in the room.
“Weren’t you two at each other’s throat’s yesterday?”
You smile innocently at the youngest, giving a small shrug muttering something about just being friendly before walking out of the room. The day continues with you dropping comments and doing little actions to fluster and tease the eldest vampire, wanting to know how far she’ll let you take it.
It was late afternoon when the girls came back from “lunch” and not a minute later where you ready to push the eldest’s buttons once more. Sending a wink her way before sauntering over to bora, practically falling into her lap.
Laughing a little to much at one of her jokes in Minji’s opinion. The final straw being bora giving yoh a playful bite, not enough to draw blood obviously, but enough for you to playfully moan and effectively make their leader erupt with jealousy sending a glare your way as she leapt from her seat.
Eyes glowing red she marches over, grabbing your chin and pulling you closer inch by inch till your lips are almost meeting. Muttering a “Don’t test me.” Against your lips, her voice low and barely above a whisper growling out every word. Smirking you simply tut, “Now look who’s jealou-” within seconds you find yourself pinned to a wall, the paint cracking underneath you at the force of impact.
A whine threatening to escape your throat only to be stopped by the new found pressure of her long fingers wrapping around your throat. Veins popping out across her hand as her grip hardens, her eyes steely and gaze hard…
“Dont. Fucking. Test. Me.” She leaves a harsh kiss on your neck. Teeth grazing against your pulse point before storming out your body hitting the floor as you slide down the wall letting out a small whimper when you reach the floor. The girls left wide eyed and silent at what they had just watched.
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gahyeonszn · 9 months
in good hands
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genre : fluff
warning(s) : none
note : i can not breathe out of my nose.
you haven't been feeling the best lately. you would wake up hardly being able to breathe due to your nostrils being congested, every cough hurt your throat to the point of tears, and the endless amount of grossed out looks thrown your way by your girlfriend was unexplainable.
it was another day of being sick, you woke up at 4am due to coughing your lungs out. sua, who was asleep next to you, shot up out of bed as soon as she heard your coughing fit, quickly scrambling to turn the lamp on while grabbing a bottle of water that was on the nightstand next to her. she quickly untwisted the cap and helped you drink, rubbing circles on your back to soothe you. 
you thanked her weakly before laying back down and taking a deep breath in and out. sua looked at you as you slowly closed your eyes, her eyebrows turning upwards in a worried expression. sua brushed a strand of hair behind your ear before putting the water bottle back on the nightstand and turning the lamp off, settling back into bed as well.
morning came and sua opened her eyes to not see you next to her which worried her. she wanted to make sure you were alright especially after your coughing fit from a bit earlier. sua shot out of bed once again and began searching your shared apartment only to find you making breakfast while holding a tissue in one hand. sua let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding while slowly making her way over to you, wrapping her arms around your waist once she was behind you. 
“what are you doing out of bed? you’re sick.” she said in her morning voice, kissing your exposed shoulder as she watched you flip a pancake.
“i wanted to make breakfast for you for once.” you chuckled quietly, a cough following your chuckle which thankfully, you managed to cough into the tissue that was in your hand before it could contaminate anything. sua reached around and turned off the stove, guiding your hand to place the spatula down before turning you around and holding you by your shoulders.
“you need to rest, let me take care of you.” she said with a small grin on her face. you shook your head, attempting to turn back around and finish the pancakes, but your actions were shut down. sua pulled you away from the stove completely, grabbing your hand and leading you to the bedroom where she gently pushed you on the bed. 
“get comfortable and you better be drowsy by the time i get back.” sua scolded, pointing a finger at you before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. you huffed, staring at the ceiling before touching your forehead. you didn’t think you were that sick, but when you touched your forehead, you quickly pulled your hand back since your forehead felt like you had just touched a metal pole that had been sitting out in the sun. 
you started to get comfortable, wiggling under the covers before pulling them over half your face. you sighed as you looked towards the door, wondering when your girlfriend would be back, but that thought was quickly dismissed when your eyes started to feel heavy and a yawn left your mouth. you attempted to keep your eyes from shutting, but sleep quickly won. sua was just in the kitchen, making some soup that she knew you’d like, just something that would be light for your stomach yet good for your throat. while the soup was boiling on the stove, she cleaned up the kitchen from your breakfast attempt while also searching the cabinets for medicine. when she couldn’t find any, she shook her head, mentally scolding herself and you for not being more prepared by having medicine in the cabinets. sua turned the stove off before making her way to the front door, slipping her shoes on and grabbing her purse before leaving to buy medicine. upon returning, she quietly made her way to the shared bedroom, medicine in hand. she hoped you’d be asleep, but with how slightly stubborn you were earlier, she had a doubt.
sua quietly opened the door, peeping into the room to see you asleep. as she continued to quietly walk into the room, she could hear your light snores with an occasional gentle cough. sua set the medicine down on the nightstand, her eyes never once leaving you. she brushed a strand of hair away from your face which caused you to stir for a second, but you fell back asleep, snuggling into the covers and pillow. sua bent down, kissing your exposed forehead before leaving the room and going back into the kitchen where she poured some soup into a bowl. afterwards, sua made her way back into the room, setting the bowl down on the nightstand next to the medicine before lightly shaking your shoulder.
“hey, i made some soup and got you some medicine.” sua said in a voice that was calming and soft. you mumbled, your eyes slowly opening before adjusting to your surroundings. you smiled at your girlfriend who mirrored the same smile. helping you sit up, she grabbed the bowl and insisted on feeding you.
“babe, i’m sick, my arms aren’t broken…” you playfully rolled your eyes.
“but what if you spill it because…because!” she struggled to find a reason which caused you to chuckle. you shook your head, opening your mouth so she could feed you. her eyes lit up as she fed you a spoonful of soup. 
at least you knew that any time you get sick, you’ll be in good hands.
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