drekkii · 6 months
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sneaksandsweets · 2 years
It’s a sad WIP Wednesday my friends.
I unfortunately lost most of my art files so I have to redraw a bunch of stuff. In the meantime I’m taking the advice of my wonderful friends and going crazy and draw different Dreki related pieces.
Tagging some pals @thequeenofthewinter @oblivions-dawn @blossom-adventures @caliblorn
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Hello all, I am back with a short piece of writing which I made for my beautiful friend @sneaksandsweets which involves our favorite Dunmer, Teldryn and Neloth. They are her OC's (Dreki's) parents. Enjoy the sassy banter. <3
They had been over this several times before. Dreki’s medicine was supposed to be in reach at all times no matter what.
Who would have thought that someone so handsome could also be so horridly dull?
Neloth sighs as his slippers clack in short staccato notes across the hardened wooden floors of his home. Brilliant in construction—as with everything House Telvanni—, the strange mushroom abode thrives in the middle of the ashen wasteland he finds himself in. Everything down to the last detail has been tested over and over again meticulously to make sure it works perfectly—except apparently for his husband.
“Teldryn,” he raises his voice, but only slightly, with irritation as he holds a crying Dreki in his arms.
Slowly but steadily, her body has been filling with many angry, raised welts from some unidentifiable allergen. While this has happened before with a number of other substances—nuts being the most notable—the rate at which this new reaction is snaking up their adoptive daughter’s flesh is alarming. This coupled with manner in which she is wheezing—as if her lungs were straining to draw in breath—has Neloth almost in a panic.
Where is Teldryn?
His state of less than calm causes Neloth to quicken his pace, the time between the clacking of his slippers reduced to next to nothing as he enters the kitchen.
“What in Oblivion are you doing? Standing around with your—hair?” Neloths vaguely gestures to his husband in frustration. “Are you good for nothing else, or are you just a pretty face with good swordsmanship.”
Teldryn does not miss a beat. Having become accustomed to Neloth’s infamous tantrums and sharp tongue, he knows exactly how to respond, even if he is currently panicked himself. “Of which you seemed of have enjoyed immensely last night.”
While an excellent quip under any other circumstances, it does not even earn a derisive sniff from the Telvanni wizard. “You were supposed to be in charge of Dreki’s medications! Look at her! If she continues like this, she soon will not be able to breathe.”
“I am well aware of this, dear husband. However, it seems that there is no more. Instead of pointing fingers and blaming me, how about you use that brain of yours for something productive, hm?” Teldryn straightens his back as he levels his husband an unamused look. “I am doing all I can, but unfortunately I am not a master wizard unlike someone else in this room.”
“You aren’t?” Neloth feigns shock. “Ah, yes but if Dreki needs a sword, you’ll be the first one to come running, yeah? Fat load of good that will do her right now as—”
Suddenly, Dreki starts a worrying fit of coughs, effectively quieting both of the bickering Dunmer.
“You had better get started, Neloth.”
Point taken, the wizard reluctantly places an uncomfortable and squirming Dreki into Teldryn arms. “I see I have to be the one to do everything around here as per usual. While I am a master in many schools of magic, my pursuits do not typically fall into Restoration or Alchemy; however, I am sure I can turn up something.” He sniffs and turns to walk back towards his laboratory.
Once he is gone, Teldryn begins to bounce Dreki on his hip as he tries to comfort her as much as he can.
“Your dad really is something else, isn’t he?” He mutters under his breath. While he doesn’t really expect an answer from Dreki, it does elicit a small smile from her.
“I heard that.” Neloth calls out from somewhere deep in their home.
“Stop worrying about me and start with the magic, master wizard.”
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theminiartblog · 1 year
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Lol gross
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hofudlaus · 2 years
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my beloved disaster lesbian dreki <3
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tronodiferro · 1 year
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Daniel Oxford - Longboat
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antvnger · 1 year
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Heard something about dragons, thought I'd drop this Dreki in. (Yes, more fauna from the dossier I am writing and publishing.) <3 MEET KEIKEINIJA Kay-kau-ni-jah (The Sky Reaper). This animal is a direct decedent of the well known Wyvern family, combined with genes of modern day birds, and the well known Utah raptor, this beast is known to soar high in the skies and tower over man. Males are of a light blue and yellow coloration, as females are more darker and duller.
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Look at them!! These are gorgeous!!
Wow! I’m blown away by them. They’re stunning, my friend!
I love whenever you drop some fricking awesome work in my inbox! Thank you for sharing.
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cookie-waffle · 2 years
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By god this dragon is EMO and he BITES PEOPLE
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littlecello · 2 years
For the artist ask game, 1, 9, 20 & 27 ? <3
Eee so many!! Thank you!! 💖
1. Art programs you have but don't use
Hahaa I'm boring - I got a new computer in Feb and have been very economic about what I installed :'D that said, I previously had Photoshop and After Effects which I hardly ever used.
9. What are your file name conventions
It... depends 8D
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I've seen people do it really well with including dates and stuff and I wish I did that... but also, that's a lot of work ghjdk. I don't save my art in yearly folders either, I have it sorted by fandom/original/etc. :')
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
Can I say John Simm's face in a realistic style? Because I feel I've gotten really good at getting his likeness right over the years and really enjoy drawing/painting him haha!
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
Rarely! Though every time I have consciously warmed up it really has helped, so I should probably make a habit of it. Anyway, to warm up I will usually do thumbnails for other ideas I have, or start a new sketch! I especially like doing that before I ink/do lineart, because it will help me keep my lines loose. ❤️
Weirdly Specific Artist Asks~
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scienceoftheidiot · 2 years
(Alors déjà merci encore et toujours pour tes tags, je opazkjfirhjfgjrg à chaque fois. <3) Et pour le artist ask game : 2, 4, 5, 9, 30 ?
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
Left. I'm right handed 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3/4th left faces ftw
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
Hmm lol these days I'm getting angry at Roy Mustang because damn his face is awesome but annoying and my style makes it hard to draw manga characters lol
Usually though I tend to have trouble with female characters mostly because I give them too harsh features.
And subject 🤔 I really need to get better at anatomy and full body poses but I'm too lazy 😅
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
Mhhh I think I post most of it. Like obviously I'm not going to share the fucked up doodles but I'm a perfectionist somehow (yeah you can be both lazy and a perfectionist, watch me) and unless there is really no saving and in this case the sheet is torn to pieces in rages, I tend to try and make all I draw at least good enough to post.
Thing is, I also post to keep a place where I can easily access my stuff, and I tend to document failure, too. So I post.
9. What are your file name conventions
Usually I try to have at least subject + number or date if I'm feeling fancy
But really 50% of the time it's a keysmash and good luck to find it again later quickly
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
First I want to say that currently, I feel absolutely wonderfully welcome by the royai/FMA fandom, like, my art had not had so many people reacting to or reblogging it in years, nor had this like at almost everything I post, so I really want to thank y'all, because really, my art doesn't feel underrated at all these days ❤️ I am amazed, thankful, and energised to make more !
But let's say this piece, that I did this year, because I really like it and I'm proud of it, lol. I do need to scan it or take a better pic though.
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Et ahhhh mais de rien tes tags à toi me font la même ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰 toujours contente de voir tes dessins 😍 je suis toujours aussi a fond sur tes lumières haha !!
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inoankin · 2 years
if you're still doing the fanfic writer ask thingy: 🥚 ?
🥚 an easter egg i put in a fic that i hoped people would notice: honestly this is probably super obvious but in chapter 15 of DCSH emily says, "Well. Aren't you two just a couple of cards?" and it's a reference to arin hanson's iconic "look at us. a couple of cards." from the grumps playthrough
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drekkii · 6 months
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sneaksandsweets · 2 years
WIP Wednesday…I’m actually prepared for this lol.
Fellow WIPs @thequeenofthewinter @oblivions-dawn @blossom-adventures
Welcome to the continuation of drawing my three favorite girls
What are they talking about??? Possibly their partners maybe?
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thequeenofthewinter · 2 years
Endless Days, Infinite Nights
A little one-shot I made for my beautiful and talented friend @sneaksandsweets of her OC Dreki and Vilkas which I thought I would share with you all. I hope you're in the mood for a super sappy wedding. <3
Scattered clouds roll their way over the plains of Whiterun as they chase their way across what is left of the fading day. To any other, it would appear to be a normal summer evening—a warm breeze plays its way over the long grasses, and crickets are just beginning to tune their instruments to begin their nightly chorus. It is peaceful, and it is calm. The last rays of sun reach out to stain the sky with brilliants reds, pinks, and oranges. 
Vilkas could not have asked for more.
As he looks out into the small group of people before him, many faces jump out at him as they smile and nod to acknowledge his gaze. All of his brothers and sisters at Jorrvaskr and the Grey-Manes are present. Even Ulfric and Dahlia made their way from Windhelm just for the occasion as they would not dream of missing this for anything.
The minutes stretch on while Vilkas stands next to the priest of Mara—firm in his stance as he is in all things in life. Today is no different; however, there is a slight nervous tapping of his toes as he waits impatiently for what is to come.
Despite the large space of Jorrvaskr’s yard, it suddenly feels unbearably small to him. Each second he does not see Dreki is another which makes it harder for him to breathe. But when he finally does spot her some uncountable number of moments later, it steals what is left of the breath from his lungs.
Dreki appears, and her nervous legs carry her body slowly down the path made for her. It contrasts sharply with the quick, pattering beats of her heart. Everything is moving both too quickly and too slowly for her liking. Her legs feel almost leaden as she steadily picks up one after to make her way to the altar—to her prize.
Suddenly, she is forced to stop when a particularly strong wind blows around her, casting some of the petals of her flower crown about her in a colorful rain and ruffling the skirts of her dress. She chose her attire to be simple: a light, airy cotton shift with golden embroidery swirling through the seams. It all flows effortlessly around her, emphasizing her soft curves; however, it tangles easily around her legs.
Dreki’s eyes flick around her anxiously as she notices that all of the attention is now on her. Her breath starts coming in short gasps, and she begins to panic. 
However, it is not for long.
Vilkas makes his way to her, picking her up effortlessly and carrying her the rest of the way to their final destination. She blushes furiously the entire way, not just because of the way he makes holding her look so easy, but also because she can’t help but notice the way his crisp, white tunic parts into a shallow V neck.
“Eyes up here, sweetness.” He chides her lightly. “We will have all night for that later.” He teases her.
If possible, she turns even more red.
All he does is wink at her, and put her down before the priest.
As the ceremony begins, neither of them really register the words being said to them. That isn’t what is important to either of them, and they are far too busy wrapped up in thoughts of each other.
“Now and forever” each of them repeats when it is their turn. Every word falling from their tongues with sincere feeling—honor and adoration their lifelong promise.
Finally, it is time. 
When the priest places their hands in the other’s to pronounce them to be wed, Vilkas steals a moment for himself, noting the exact way the light hits Dreki’s eyes. It is a picture he will never forget for the rest of his days—the welcoming glow of their future with endless golden days spent together at her side.
And when Dreki looks back, she is eclipsed by twinkling pools of silver—their infinite nights stretched out before her as they are immersed in a spectacular twilight sea.
Together, they are beginning and end: a completion of each other.
Together, they will spend the rest of their endless days and infinite nights until the end of time itself.
Together, there is nothing that either of them will ever want for; this is all they have ever wanted.
As the sun finally sinks under the horizon, Vilkas takes Dreki’s hands in his own, dipping her dramatically before the cheering crowd of their closest family members, and claims her lips for his own at last.
“I now proclaim this couple to be wed. May they live in light and love in Mara’s path until the end of their days.”
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theminiartblog · 1 year
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Imagine if this was a webcomic, what a lovely cover this would be...unless? jkjk
Mouse aka Mysha, and Dragon aka Dreki, in that Barbie meme that's going around because I absolutely couldn't resist, I just needed to make some time! I switched the pose around a bit though so you could see his tattoo, but the energy is absolutely the same if you ask me 😌
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hofudlaus · 2 years
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more of ✨ Her ✨
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