#Drew side characters first but now that I landed in the main (Dip. Mab. Bill. etc.) I just forget how I drew them
200llbun · 2 years
"Touch me without barriers and you'll be ashes"
Wanted to post this, like, 2 days ago, but I kept forgetting to send myself the pic so🧍anyways, cover for my rewrite, but it's not my top fav tbh🤏😔
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Bill looks kinda weird, but I'm so bored now when I start drawing cuz my hands started to stop working again💔 also ignore the random ass dude in the right, he's just an OC part of the story🥱 his pose is definitely off looking, but yknow idrc🤷 (HIS ARM IS SO FUCKING LONG AND SHORT LEGS💔)
I still like how 🌲 face turned out tho✊️🍊
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