#Drew this at 3am while listening to How to Be A Human being by glass animals
waitzia · 3 months
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Elias Selberg
Dmitri Volodim
Alexander Hilbert 👍
#waitziart for my digital art
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topixfortoday · 1 year
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was feeling super silly so I drew this at like 3am while listening to How to be a Human Being lol
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kyulkyungs · 6 years
Request: Hi! May I please request a reverse idol! Au with Doyoung of NCT? Thank you so much
(part 2 found here!)
others: jaehyun (part 2) | jaemin (part 2) | haechan (part 2) | renjun | jisung
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i might interpretate his personality incorrectly i deeply apologize ono
but closing my eyes and thinking about it, i can see doyoung as a gfx maker???
doing those pastel or neon edits, either or but most times he likes working with lavenders and light blues
he absolutely loves taking his time to make colors or features softer, loving the effect he has on being able to make things even more beautiful than they are
on the rare occasion he does typography and honestly why doesn’t he do it more??? the composition and colors are fantastic but he doesn’t find it as fun to do as coloring and smoothening people
but for the longest time he was just
he had no idea what to do for his next work and it was frustrating him to no end
models, actors, singers, dancers, even his whacky friends
nothing inspired him
it wasn’t until he saw a picture of you on one of his friend’s phones
he had merely glanced over to tell his friends to stop talking so loudly about some weird band when he saw a photoset of you and his breath was taken away
he was all like “……………who is that??”
and the boys would turn slowly and peer over their shoulders only to see doyoung extremely close and trying to get a better glimpse of the image on the phone
they’d look at each other and give him a weird look
“you always tell us you’re not interested whenever we bring this up, what changed?”
and doyoung just waves it off because he. HAS. TO. KNOW!!! WHO!!!! YOU!!!!! ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!
and then all of a sudden he’s listening to your music, even some solos you had released because it “helps him focus and is really background noise for him”
yeah, no, he’s not even working while listening he’s jamming out and running the choreo in his head
he’s familiar with all the members and does edits on them too
but his main focus is on you
the only thing is, he can’t really seem to edit you that much???
because he sees no way to highlight or recolor or sharpen or smoothen out features when they’re already…………. there and beautiful
that’s one of his reasons for being so drawn to you, how beautiful he finds you and all he needs to do is make sure the colors work out together
and every comeback you destroy him even more and you can bet there will be a flurry of appreciation posts and more graphics of you
you can bet he probably has ten different screenshots of each scene you appear in
he still denies that he is becoming increasingly more loving and interested of your group when the others tease him about it
died internally when he saw your dance solo in the most recent comeback and nearly died for real when you started spitting out raps while doing it
screamed about it with mark for a week
because the contrast from how soft and sweet you looked normally in comparison to the major badass monster you threw at his face made him weak
when yuta comes up with his bias and claims that they’re the most beautiful being in the world doyoung pounces and has an entire list of why you’re so amazing and talented and godly
he even drew a couple diagrams
“you see the way their hair falls around their face?????? PERFECT 30 DEGREE ANGLE RIGHT…. HERE!!!!!”
he “caved” and bought an album for your comeback
no he wasn’t staying up late until he could purchase online and refreshed at least 5000 times
he loves your vocals and closes his eyes sometimes and tries to picture you singing in the studio, trying your best and hardest
honestly as much as he loves your stage presence and aura in videos
he loves those behind the scenes videos or those “what we’re doing on break or not on tour” videos that keep the fans caught up on what they’re doing in life
your domestic life looks so sweet and watching the way your charisma is still present when you’re not in performing mode makes him extremely soft
once one of the members video taped you sleeping and waking up and doyoung died inside because how???? can you still look so perfect???
and you were smiling sleepily to the camera and he nearly fell to the floor
the others never let him live this down
he calls you a sweet summer child and swats taeyong away from his monitor while he’s editing pictures of you because nO GET AWAY FROM THIS WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING
and taeyong is swatting him back because thAT’S HIS BIAS WRECKER HE WANTS TO SEE HIS BABY TOO
when seeing you do some sexy moves in a more mature concept he swears he cannot get enough of your expressions and how perfectly executed they are 
eventually he had the one in a lifetime chance to go to a fansign
and he got really nervous because ????WHAT DO I DO??????
does he bring you a gift? write you a note? a question? two? should he wear his favorite pair of socks? or the ones in your favorite color? does that seem really tacky?
he gets really panicky and ends up buying a small little keychain of your favorite character from a cartoon show you said you watched when you were younger
tbh he really hated that show but seeing you get so animated over these 2D characters going on random adventures made him look at the show in a different light
that was until he got caught at 3AM into the third season of the show singing along to one of the songs by johnny who just wanted a glass of water
but when the others find out that he gets to go he goes into denial real fast because he’s “not really interested still and just needs better materials to edit since some of the fansites are at weird angles sometimes”
he apologizes a thousand times in his head because he LOVES those fansites for allowing him and so many others to see such glorious pictures of you and your group
the day of the fansign he’s so jittery and even brought his own camera for photos and brought maybe three extra sd cards
while he’s in the crowd he almost falls to his knees because yOU’RE RIGHT THERE!!!!!
he has to take several deep breaths in order to calm himself and his shaking hands and snaps the first photo
surprisingly it’s actually a well taken photo given that his hands were practically their own earthquakes
when he’s about to take the second picture he sees that you’re looking in his direction and the sparkle in your eye tells him that you’re looking at him directly
and you smile
his heart beats a lot quicker and then he snaps the photo
when he looks away from his camera he finds that you’re still looking at him and you’re giving him a thumbs up, almost as if you were saying “was it good?”
and he gives one back and you smile even brighter and then nod and look away to tend to someone and doyoung swears that he might faint
he keeps taking pictures of you and even some of the other members because they’re also really amazing
but like at least 90% of the pictures are you
when it’s his turn to go through the line it’s honestly at this time that he realizes that you’re the last person along the table
when he’s talking with the other members some of them point out that they saw his favoritism for you and are teasing him a little
one even calls out to you that you have an admirer coming up and his face goes red but the encouraging smiles make him a little more confident
especially when you turned a little pink
when he finally gets to you, he finds that a grin is on his face and it won’t go away
“are all the pictures you took of me good?”
“yeah……” doyoung finds himself just staring at you a little bit and you laugh because you realize that it’s his first time seeing you guys in person
“you’re new? will i be seeing you more often then since you’re here?”
and doyoung finds himself joking around with you a little bit “idk cause i’m starting to have second thoughts”
and instead of finding his humor offensive you laugh and pat his hands a little bit
and you both are like ……….soft
and the two of you keep joking around a little bit until it’s time for him to go
and when you wave at him while holding the little keychain (which yoy loved) and call out for him to make sure he comes more so you can see him often
and he feels his cheeks turning pinker and nods in promise because
he really wants to see you more often too
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