#Drop Taxi Salem
mangocalltaxis · 4 months
Discovering Salem's Culinary Delights with Taxi Salem
Embark on a gastronomic journey through the heart of Salem with Taxi Salem as your trusted guide. Indulge your senses and explore the rich culinary tapestry of this historic city, from quaint cafes to upscale restaurants.
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Safe and Reliable Chennai to Salem One way Cab at Chennai One Way Cab
Experience a safe and reliable journey from Chennai to Salem with Chennai One Way Cab. Enjoy comfortable, timely rides with professional drivers and well-maintained vehicles, ensuring a hassle-free travel experience. Book now for a smooth and affordable one-way cab service tailored to your needs.
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no1droptaxiservice · 11 months
Book a One Way Drop Taxi Bangalore to Salem Service
Get lowest rate book a one way drop taxi Bangalore to Salem services that provide you one-way taxi and nearly half rate of round trip,make your journey fast and safe
Book a one way drop taxi Bangalore to Salem at lowest price service is that we do have professional rental cars and drivers to make your journey safe and comfortable. also, compare from variety of car types like Innova, Dzire, Etios, Sedan, Suv or other luxury cars. best offers for Bangalore to Salem one way or round trip AC or Non AC cabs booking.
We provide a one way taxi from Bangalore to Salem which includes the pick from anywhere in bangalore including city / bangalore airport and drop off to Salem City. we provide instant confirmation and flexibility to book 24x7 services.
 Special one-way fares to just get dropped to your one way drop taxi Bangalore to Salem
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 Pay for One way fare only
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 Outstation cab service
 We will provide complete fare breakup for your one side cab to advance
 Comfortable price , state taxes and tolls on majority of the routes
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onewaycar-rental · 1 year
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friendscabservices · 2 years
Friends Cab has the best Chennai To Salem Drop Taxi services dedicated to people. Great entertainment facility, upgraded new condition cabs, experienced drivers, excellent speed with under safe instructions have it all. For more info visit http://www.friendscabservice.com/Onetrip/chennai-to-salem-drop-taxi/
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boiling-potato · 9 months
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"Well now that you're feeling better, you may leave now. I think that the rest of the recovery will be better if your home. If you feel any type of pain, don't hesitate to reach out, ok?"
"thanks doctor" the middle aged woman said to the doctor while looking at his teenage son in the hospital bed. The pink haired boy didn't seem to notice the conversation though. He's more focused on the window, outside was a somber sight to see with the pouring rain and lighting from the distance. Looking at it with a blank expression making his mother worry more.
He has been missing for three weeks, coming back with just a few scrape and bruises. Everyone thought he was dead since there had been multiple murder cases in the forest and yet here he is, alive with no fatal injury.
"You hear that, Salem? You can go home now."
The boy, Salem turn his head looking at his mother who's wearing a worried yet relief expression on her face. Everything was a blur, he can't seem to remember anything.. not even the incident.. He can't even remember this woman in front of him either.
"... I'm.. really glad.." the woman smiled, relief that he finally said something. She was just glad he's back..
"Here, I brought you your favorite clothes. I'll wait for you outside so we could home, the taxi is already waiting for us."
Salem opened the door to his supposed room, entering it, he observe the design to the posters, the arrangements of the furnitures and even the choice of coloring.. bright and... expressive.. He then stopped at the full size mirror, examining his reflection and every bit of detail on his appearance.. the piercings.. the hair.. and his "favorite" outfit...
".... What a horrible choice of style...."
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Wow Salem I didn't know you have such a high opinion on people's choice of design! Hah! Anyway, here's a bit of an oc lore! Salem's backstory is one of my favorite stories I came up with! and I just recently realize that I haven't actually told any of my oc backstory huh? Probably because I'm bad at writting or I just can't find the time to write so instead, I'll just drop a lore here and there! Here's one of them! Hope you guys like it! Especially you ace! ಡwಡ✨ @aesopsbaby
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wickdcreatures · 6 months
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ROMANTIC GESTURES. — Salem edition :)) 
bold = yes please, italics = maybe sometimes, strike = fuck no
holding hands (in public) · buying flowers · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photobooth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favourite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favourite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb ("i love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · grant them the last bite (from meal)
i stole this from dash because im a THIEF so steal this from me if you wanna do it too <3
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Code Blue Ch. 3 "Hysteria"
Summary: Josie is discharged from the hospital and goes home to more than one upsetting situations. A treasure hunt begins but someone deters it, temporarily. A close friend comes for Josie. She learns shocking information. Lee is in trouble and is in need of saving, but can he be? Quite the reunion takes place.
*Warning* language, mentions of child death, injury, alcohol mentions, angst, mentions of traumatic events(ptsd), mentions of infertility, mentions of anxiety, mentions of organized crime
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Salem, Massachusetts
February 2, 2023 - Earlier in the day
"TAXI!!!" You hollered while vigorously waving your hand in the air. It was 9 am as you ran out to the hospital parking lot watching a cab pulling away from dropping someone off.
The winter groundhog day was actually quite warm and sunny to where you could get by with the thin waist length jacket you wore. You were in a rush to get home, charge your phone and get on your laptop to search for the debonair doctor Lee. In a way, you were glad this was happening as it you distracted you from thinking about your brother, otherwise you would just go crawl in bed and hibernate until his future funeral was over.
It was just you and your mother Margaret now. You were 30 years old and still lived with her but only so she wasn't alone since your father had passed a few years ago. Besides, you had no significant other tying you down which was by your choice. One too many let downs had been enough for you to handle so you made the family businesses a priority along with your love of writing. Fantasies, fairytales and romance novels were your thing, although you loved a good horror story as well. Living in the witch city certainly had it's perks and influenced a lot of your material. One thing that came with writing was research and you were damn good at it. Finding Dr. Pace would...should be a piece of cake.
The cab dropped you off and you went racing into the house.
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"Mom! I'm home!"
As you shut the door, there stood your mother at the bottom of the stairwell on her phone....and something in the kitchen was burning.
"Hey! Mom, what are you doing?? You're supposed to be resting, not trying to burn the house down!"
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You ran into the kitchen and foolishly yanked the flame filled cast iron pan filled with charred bacon off the stove. Screaming in agony, you instinctively dropped it onto the floor.
You ran to the sink while sucking on your fingers and desperately submerged your hand under a cold stream of water. About five more F bombs dropped from your clenched mouth as you stared at your already blistering palm.
"I'm sorry honey! Are you alright? I was only trying to make some breakfast for you. Let me get some ointment...."
"You couldn't have waited until I got home? I called you this morning and told you I would be here soon mom!"
"Alright. Well I am just going to go up to my room then." she huffed and stormed up the stairs.
You just stood there, peering down at the splattered grease and broke down in quiet sobs as you leaned over the sink. The smoke, the smell, the burning of your hand, had all triggered your memories of the explosion. In that moment, you became so angry at Jason for the lifestyle he chose that resulted in his death and could have killed you too. You dreaded what was to come of it soon enough as you would have to face the investigating detective who tried to speak with you, but Britt would not allow it because of the condition you were in at the time.
After soaking your hand for a few more minutes, you went to the bathroom and wrapped your palm in gauze, then trekked up the stairs to your room to get your laptop. First and foremost, you plugged your phone in. Then....you heard your mom crying.
You crept inside her room and found her taking clothes out of the closet and someone sitting on her bed. Megan, the younger sister that you did not acknowledge because she only came around when she wanted something, such as a boyfriend of yours. Otherwise, she was whoring it up in Boston somewhere. You were fuming inside to see her as she did not even care for Jason at all. Most likely she was there to hit her mother up for money as there was an abundance of it from the businesses and also from your father's will that he left all of you.
You glared at her as she ignored you and played on her phone.
""Mom...I'm sorry. I did not mean to snap at you. Are...you ok?"
Your curly haired redheaded mother rolled her eyes and turned to you.
"No Jo, I am not O..K. How could I be? My son is...and now I have to find something for him to wear and plan a funeral but what do I dress someone in who was in the mob?"
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"Do you think I was oblivious to his so called profession? Or that you knew about it? And were almost killed too?"
She, along with most of the town and police department were definitely not oblivious to what Jason was involved in. Mafia, mob, organized crime...call it what you will, it all meant the same thing and your brother had been in it up to his neck for many years. You just happened to be collateral damage merely by being in his orbit.
You paced about, wanting to scream as you couldn't take it when your mom got into these moods.
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"Ok...I can see you need some space right now, so I am going to go to my room for a bit, and then I am leaving. You seem to have everything you need here."
Your sarcasm was deep as you left, glowering at Megan in her stupid little clashing beret.
Your phone was now half charged and you powered it on. 3 new voicemails appeared in your notifications.
"Hey Josie, it's Britt. Obviously your phone is dead as it went straight to voicemail. Call me..or text, whatever. Just let me know how you're doing. David is worried about you also so give him a shout out too, K? Love you. Talk soon."
"Hello Miss March, this is Detective Butler with the Salem P.D. following up about the incident on pier 55 yesterday. Please give me a call at your earliest convenience to set up a time to take your statement. Sooner than later is best. You can reach me at 555-7268. Thank you."
"Ugh!!" you reeled. He was just going to have to wait. What did it even matter now anyways? Your brother was gone and the last thing you wanted to get involved in was matters of the mob.
"Hi there Miss March. This is Dr. Bloom. I just wanted to follow up with you to see how you are doing. Hopefully well. Feel free to reach out if you have any concerns...and again. I am sorry for your loss. Bye."
"What in the hell was that?" you whispered. Do doctors call to check on patients? Not that you knew of...and you had just seen him three hours ago.
You blew it off and hopped in the shower, dressed and fixed yourself up, then grabbed your laptop and phone charger, stuffing them in your bag and took off. Anywhere but there was good for you to do your doctor hunt.
You headed straight for Britt's downtown apartment since you knew this was her day off. Of course the gorgeous 5'9 40 year old brunette who looked 30, had a snazzy penthouse on the top floor of a place called the Metro Court but she certainly could afford it with her Chief of Staff salary. She deserved it though because she worked her ass off and was damn good at what she did as she was an OBGYN. She had chosen that path when she found out she could never conceive a child, so she wanted to help others out. It was something you could identify with as well, but yours stemmed from an accident years ago.
As you got out of your car, you glanced up at the twenty story high rise which made your stomach do a flip. Heights off almost any kind, you couldn't do or you would freeze solid and have an anxiety attack, which this fear was caused by a ride at an amusement park. But oddly, you didn't have a problem with riding rollercoasters...as long as it wasn't anything to where your feet would dangle out in the open. You had to be boxed in or it wasn't happening. You had been to the famous Cedar Point once in Ohio and rode the Power Tower. Biggest mistake ever... Everyone sits around this gigantic pole in their own chair with your legs hanging in mid air and then it starts moving up, then at some point, it just drops and flies back up, over and over.
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Your body had frozen as the panic set in, and it was bad. You screamed and cried as if you were being murdered, while your friends laughed. The ride attendant couldn't decipher your terrified screams from everyone else's joyful ones, so you had to endure it, and you've been traumatized ever since.
Up the gazillion flights of stairs you went, as another issue you had was elevators. You had claustrophobia and any small space would have you flat on the floor in seconds. Your sinister sister once locked you in a pitch black crawl space when you were both teens and let you scream and cry for over an hour before your mother came home. Megan quickly unlocked the door and denied having anything to do with it, that the door must have gotten stuck. She paid for it though, much later when you kicked her ass after school one day with no witnesses.
You finally reached Britt's door, huffing and puffing as you knocked.
"Omg Josie!! Hiiiii!!!" She threw her arms around you as you both did the little jump up and down dance while laughing.
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"Hey you!" a familiar voice sounded from behind. Dr. David Conrad, Britt's brother and also your drop dead gorgeous other best friend. Tall, dark and handsome with piercing blue eyes, also older than you at 38 ...and all just like the stunning Dr. Pace. It was no secret Dave had it bad for you but you were not willing to cross that line and risk your friendship with him in case it didn't work out. It wasn't easy though because he was just perfect in every way. One of the most kind, caring and compassionate individuals that you had ever known. But this Lee guy...you had never felt so drawn to anyone in your life, not even Dave....the pull was undeniable, at least on your end and you had to find out why.
Dave came right to you and picked you up in a spinning hug.
"How's my girl? I am so sorry about what happened sweetheart. I would have been there for you, but I was out of town. I rushed as fast as I could to get here. Britt told me you were coming here so I just came here to wait. Don't ever scare me like that again, you hear me?"
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His words and tone were so heartfelt and sincere. You knew he was in love with you but you also knew he would never tell you that. He too was afraid of jeopardizing his friendship with you. You felt like such a fool because he was every woman's dream and yet you kept him at arm's length. Sure, people say being great friends first bud some of the best relationships but after all you had been through in that department, you were just too scared to test the waters because it would kill you if you lost him. You did love him, you just weren't in love with him.
"Hey, don't worry! I know you would have been here in a flash if you could. Your here now and that's all that matters." You stroked his cheek and smiled.
"You're the best, you know that? So...I am grilling out on the patio, taking advantage of this unusual warm weather. You're gonna stick around right? We can all get our drinks on and try to have a little fun? Just to try and ease your thoughts some?"
'I..I..well...I actually have some things to go take care of...but I guess I can stay for a little while since I haven't seen you in a minute." His grin matched yours as he spun around to make you a drink. His famous midnight margaritas, although it was only high noon. You and he named the popular drink that after many nights of horror movies on his couch. One of those nights, you mentioned that you were in the mood for a margarita and it was midnight, and he happened to have all the ingredients so he got up and made them, and then it just became a tradition with a name.
He handed you the icy beverage and then went to the patio to finish his ridiculously good steaks.
"Someone's sure happy to see you." Britt said in an insinuating manner. She knew of her brother's feelings. Most people did.
You rolled your eyes at her. "Ugh. Britt. Don't. He will find someone someday. That person is not me. Although, it baffles me. All these gorgeous doctors at SGH and they're all single."
"That's because they have no life." she chuckled. "Same for me." Her face changed to sadness as she looked down.
"So...how are you doing with all this?"
"I...I'm fine? Why wouldn't I be? Except that I am worried about you."
"Maybe because you were in love with my brother."
"Well...he didn't love me and now he's gone and...Josie...I don't want to talk about that ok? So what's with all the stuff?"
She was good at deflecting, so you broke down and decided to tell her what you were up to. After explaining it all to her, only the parts about finding the bracelet and wanting to return it and thank him, she gave you the dreaded look you knew you were going to get.
"So, like I know you better than anyone, and I also know when you have a thing for someone. I also know of the train wrecks of relationships you've been in and that you're trying to steer clear of that, so why on earth are you doing somersaults for a man you have only known for like 5 minutes? And don't deny it, I can hear it in your tone and see it in your eyes. The way you talk about him. I'll tell you right now, you need to get in your car and drive as far in the oppsite direction form him as you can. He's bad news Josie."
"What? How?? He was so kind and understanding."
"Because he's a doctor. That's his job."
Now you were just getting pissed. "So you're saying it was all an act? That he's an asshole or something because I may have only known him for the 5 minutes you speak of, but his eyes...there was...something in them...and it was not that of what you say..."
"It's called lust. You're beautiful and every man knows it."
You laughed sarcastically. "Ok, if that's what it was, then why isn't he chasing after me?"
"Ok...look. He called the hospital about an hour ago and requested for time off to take care of some business. The man's a workoholic and has weeks upon weeks to use so I allowed it, but not for that reason. He's a hot mess Josie. Dealing with things you do not need in your life."
"Excuse me but I will make the decisions of what I do and don't need....Shit...I'm sorry. I don't mean to be hasty. I know you are only looking out for me...but it's not like I haven't dealt with hot messes before. Hell...I"M one." you giggled.
"Maybe so, but did you forget you're trying to stay away from all that or did you hit your head in that explosion? If you knew what I know, you would think twice. So I'll tell you."
"No...you won't! Whatever he is going through is none of my business, and honestly it's none of yours either unless it is affecting his ability to treat his patients."
"I fear that it could. There are days I can tell he had not slept, his eyes all blood shot and sucking down his red bulls, and his mood swings will give you whiplash. He's so irritable lately and as I said, he works too much. I have suggested to him in the past to take time off, but he refuses so when he asked for it, I gladly accepted because he needs to get his shit together before an accident or mistake happens with a patient. Josie...he had a son who died and..."
"NO I SAID! Don't tell me this, it's not your place." You literally put your hands over your ears and walked away.
"You need to know before you get in too deep. There was a car accident. The boy was only five years old and he wasn't buckled in..."
"Stop!! No wonder the man is a complete wreck and you're standing here calling him a hot mess and bad news. I am going to go find him to return his bracelet wether you like it or not. So are you going to tell me his address or do I have to drive to everyone I find on google?"
"Ok..OK....calm down. Geez. I know where he's at right now and he'll probably be there at least two weeks so I am only going to tell you if you stay here tonight and think all of this through. Dave came all the way here to be with you Josie. He left an important conference...for you. The least you could do is spend a little time with him and go in the morning. Dr. Pace needs his space anyways. He's at his old home where he lived with his son. He was renting it and the people up and left, leaving the place in a disarray so he's going to be there a long time cleaning it and fixing things. One day won't hurt you to hang out with your best friend, you know, the guy you've actually known more than 5 minutes?"
The woman could certainly pose a good argument and you knew you wouldn't win. You also knew she was right so you agreed to wait. Your heart was broken over what she vaguely told you. Now you knew what you saw in his eyes.....pain.
You woke up at 1 am in a sweat from a nightmare and couldn't breathe. But it wasn't about the explosion...it was about Lee. As you laid your head in your hands and closed your eyes, you strangely heard Lee's voice in your head. "Just breathe Jo."
You sat up straight, eyes still closed and sucked in a deep breath, then blew it out slowly.
"Ok...ok Jo...breathe...you cannot have another panic attack...not now." you mumbled under your breath. Of course you hadn't taken your meds like Dr. Bloom had persistently told you to do.
When you got this way, your entire rationalized thinking capability was non existent. Why were you like this? So befuddled? After the episode with your mom and surprisingly seeing your succubus sister, you were flat out frazzled and so was your hand still as it stung, but that wasn't enough to get you in such a frenzy. It was him....it was all him. The dream was horrible. Lee had been hurt and you were trying to get to him but you couldn't. It had to all be related to what Britt told you and the fact you were trying to find him but had to wait. The thought of seeing him again had your stomach filled with butterflies. A feeling no other had ever caused. You screamed internally of frustration and whipped the blanket over your head, finally falling back asleep after a few minutes.
Lee's old home- 1 am.
Lee was three sheets to the wind and in a maudlin mood. A mood to reminisce and he knew just where to go. The attic. It had all of Jacob's things stored in boxes. He pretty much had to pull himself up the ladder in his stupefied state to accomplish his destination.
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All he could manage to do was stumble around while using the flashlight on his phone as there was no light in the attic. Corner after corner was stacked with boxes and he couldn't remember which ones were his son's as it had been years since he had went up there. He could never bring himself to do it and now, the one time that he wanted to, he still could barely do it due to his blind drunken state.
As he turned around, he saw the pile belonging to his son. The sight was so overwhelming that he gasped and stepped backwards.
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But there was nothing there but the open doorway he just climbed through. Down the wooden ladder he tumbled, crashing to the floor below which knocked him out cold.
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February 3, 2023
You awoke bright and early at 7 am. There was no way you could make yourself sleep any longer. You snuck into Britt's room and woke her up by plopping onto her bed with a laugh.
"Ok...it's tomorrow, now spill it. What's his address?"
Britt moaned and yanked the blankets over her head. "Noooooo...go awayyyy. It's too early and my head is killing me."
"Well who's fault is that miss beer pong champion?"
You had all played games and drank last night, although you drank yours in moderation so you would be ready for today.
"Tell me or I am going to jump up and down in your bed like a kid on a trampoline!"
She whipped the blankets down. "OK OK, please don't!"
You ran and got a pen and paper off her dresser, then hopped back onto her bed in an Indian style position with an anticipated grin on your face as she groaned from the bounce.
You scribbled down the address and directions, then jumped up and rooted through her closet for something to wear as you both were the same size in clothing. Then off to the shower you went so she could go back to sleep. Once you were done, you quickly texted a still sleeping Dave to tell him thank you for everything and that you would see him soon. Down the twenty flights of stairs you went and got into your car. A classic silver Monte Carlo SS with chrome wheels. You loved the older style sports cars. Even bicycles. The one you had was blue and looked like it belonged to Almira Gulch and should have a captive Toto on the back in a basket.
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Off you went with your tires squealing. Your lead foot was inspired by Jason who rode a motorcycle and was always burning rubber. Your car had the absolute best sound system too so you turned on Sirius XM and cranked it up. The song was so fitting too for what was occurring and it was one of your favorite bands as well. Def Leppard. Hysteria.
The window down, you sang along.
"I gotta know tonight, if you're alone tonight. Can't stop this feeling, can't stop this fire..." Your thoughts went straight to Lee. What the hell had done to you?
It was now almost 9 am and the drive would take you about 30 minutes with the morning traffic. You prayed that Lee would already be up. The butterflies were swarming through your stomach as you pulled onto the street his house was on. You turned off your music and slowly drove as you searched the house numbers. There it was. A large two story home with a large porch with stone pillars and a swing.... and the front door was wide open. There was also the coolest classic muscle car parked in the driveway.
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You got out with the bracelet in your pocket and carefully shut the door as you gazed up at the open doorway that held blackness behind it.
"Breathe Jo..." you whispered and went up the steps. The closer you got to the entrance, contents of the home became visible from the sunlight shining in. Your heart dropped as you saw Lee laying in the middle of the floor with a bloodied nose.
"Jesus!" You rushed to him and dropped to your knees. He was unconscious, or so you believed. You began to panic as you called his name but got no response. You flipped him over and checked his pulse but failed to find it.
"Lee! Can you hear me? Come on, wake up please!" you shouted frantically as you patted his cheek over and over.
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What you did next is all you could think of to do before you were going to grab your phone and call 911. CPR, which you had absolutely no idea how to do.
Leaning down, you opened his mouth and placed your lips over his, but as soon as you did, you felt his warm breath softly flow onto your cheek from his nose....yet you remained in an immobile lip lock with him as you couldn't move. You did not want to move. His lips were so incredibly soft and you liked the way they fit perfectly to yours. It felt like a union of soulmates for the first time as you foolishly believed in that stuff. His breath was tainted with whiskey and you now understood why.
You broke the seal of your joined lips and hovered over him, lost as to what to do for him.
Suddenly he gasped and began to sit up with his eyes in a squint from the sunlight.
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"You...You're...here..." he whispered as he gazed at you like you weren't real.
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"I...Are...you alright? What can I do? Do you need me to call an ambulance?"
All he did was stare at you, then spoke one word.
You stretched your neck up and glanced all around for a kitchen or bathroom.
"Ok..ok. Don't move. I'll find you some."
You shuffled to your feet and found the kitchen and grabbed the first thing you saw for a cup. A child's thermos. You snatched the top off and filled it, then scuffled back to him.
"Here...it's all I could find." you said as your shaking hand offered it to him.
He drank it as his eyes remained fixed on you, then his head lowered as if he was ashamed to be seen in such a state.
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You sat trembling in a silent hysteria, trying to hold down yesterday's lunch. Words were out of reach as your brain fumbled for them. Finally, you spoke.
"Wh..what happened? Are you alright?"
He glanced up at the open attic door, then brought his sapphire orbs back to you.
"I...fell. It was...dark and I..." He sighed as he closed his eyes. "Basically, I was shit faced and lost my ability to navigate. How...why... are you here....miss....March?"
"Please...call me Josie. I. I wanted to...." You couldn't stop looking at the blood. "You're hurt... bleeding. Please, let me get something to clean you up."
All you could think about was if you had came last night, maybe this would not have happened to him.
"Thank you...but it's not necessary. I did this to myself. Do stupid things, get stupid results. I will live." he lightly smiled.
You gave him a meek smile. "Well, you didn't deserve that. That's quite a fall.
"Indeed. So...are you going to tell me why you are here or how you even found me?"
"Oh, yes. Sorry. I...I wanted...I found something I think belongs to you and...I also wanted to thank you for what you did for me."
"Something of mine? How could that be?"
You reached in your pocket and pulled out the bracelet, dangling it in front of you. "It..it was under the table in my hospital room..."
His eyes widened as he stiffened into an upright position. "My...bracelet..." he whispered in disbelief.
You handed it to him and he held it as if it would break. "You...you have no idea what this means to me...I..I never thought I would see it again. You came all the way here to give me this?"
"Well....yeah. It looks expensive. I..I tried to fix the clasp. I think it will work now. It was the least I could do after what you did....sitting with me and all."
His mouth hung slightly open as his eyes darted about your face in awe. "I...I don't even know what to say....th...thank you...Josie." His soft delicate tone was so sincere.
"You're so welcome. I am glad to see you so happy." you said in a timorous voice.
His head slightly tilted at your words. You both stared at each other in silence for what seemed like minutes. Shyly, you lowered your eyes.
"You...you have a little...something right...." he touched his lips as he gazed at yours.
Quickly and self consciously, you wiped you mouth and your fingers revealed some blood from him. Oh god, you thought...did he remember? You wanted to crawl under a rock and never come out.
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"I...I had...patted your face to try and wake you and must have...gotten some blood on my hand...then...touched my face..." you rambled in the most awkward stutter. How lame did your explanation sound? The grin that formed on his mouth told you he fucking knew. The panic was creeping up into your chest from sheer embarrassment. For fucks sake, how did this man make you so damn frazzled and nervous. Between the butterflies and this feeling, you had no answers, just that not a single soul has ever made your body react this way.
You were certain he was going to call you out on it, but he didn't. He seemed to notice your fear and didn't want to embarrass you more than you already were. Of course he probably noticed it, the fact that you knew you were 50 shades of red right now. You could feel it.
He then got up. "Let me give you some money for returning this to me and for fixing it."
"Oh god no, Lee, I do not want your money. I just wanted you to have that back. It is obviously something of great importance to you and expensive like I had said before."
He turned with a dazed look. "H...how did you know my name? Which brings me again to the question of how did you find me?"
You didn't want to give Britt up, although you actually kind of did after the way she had downgraded him...but...you could see her point now after finding him in such a dire state.
"Google." you simply replied with a fib. You were going to search him anyways, so maybe it wasn't such a stretch of the truth.
"Oh..." he also simply replied. "Yes, it is very expensive but it's value to me is nothing of cost."
He held it in is palm and gazed so deeply at it. "It was a birthday gift from someone special."
His tone was of sheer sadness as his face then corresponded. You knew then it was from his son.
Stupidly, you said it. "You had a son, it was...from him?" Open mouth, insert foot is all you could think.
He lightly gasped as his eyes sprung up from his hand. Then he just flat out said it.
(click the volume button below)
"Oh god...I..I am soooo sorry. Please forgive me Dr. Pace. It is so none of my business."
Lee took a few steps towards you. "Please...call me Lee...and do not be sorry. It's not like it's some classified secret. I'm sure google can tell you that as well."
His eyes diverted back to the bracelet as he took it and tried to put it on his wrist, failing miserably.
"M...may I?" Your hand reached out to him.
There he was, staring at you again. He held the bracelet out to you and held his arm there in an answer to your question.
You sheepishly took it and wrapped it around his wrist. Tremors rolled through your fingers at the touch of his skin while you tried to clasp it. He must have felt it.
"Here....you hold the end and I'll hook it." His voice was understanding and his smile comforting. "There. Back where it belongs thanks to you."
"I am going into the kitchen for more water. Would you care to come have some? Or some juice? Sorry, it is all I have right now."
"Sure." you squeaked and followed him. As he came to the archway to the kitchen, he leaned on the wall, appearing dizzy and then he just dropped.
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"Jesus Lee! Are you alright??" you knelt beside him and rubbed his arm. "Let me take you to the hospital, please! You obviously hit your head and have a concussion."
He brought his arm up, laying it over his forehead. "No...please no. They cannot know..."
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He then took your hand. "Who's the doctor here?" he smirked. "I didn't hit my head, only had the wind knocked out of me when I fell...and I'm severely dehydrated. I now the symptoms."
"And I also know doctors are not supposed to diagnose themselves. Britt told me that."
"And she also told you about Jacob. She knows all about what happened, not google. Am I right?"
You closed your eyes in shame. "Ok, ok I may have stretched the truth some but.."
"Jo...calm down, it's ok. I am not upset."
Now you were the one staring at him.
"What?" he asked in confusion.
"You...you called me...Jo..." You also remembered he called you that when he told you to breathe when you awoke from your dream and imagined his voice. Did you imagine it?
"Annnnd? That's your name isn't it?" he chuckled.
"Well...yes, technically but...no one but my mom and Jason ever called me that...well...me too when I talk to myself.."
"You talk to yourself? I think maybe you are the one with the brain injury." he chortled in amusement.
"Ha ha. You got jokes, so you must be ok."
Your hands were still entwined and his smile faded as he was lost in your sun like eyes....You felt his hand lightly squeeze yours and then he began to tell you about Jacob....
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mangocalltaxis · 3 months
Keep Taxi Salem's Contact Number Handy for Instant Booking
Ensure seamless travel arrangements by keeping Taxi Salem's contact number readily available for instant booking. Whether you're exploring Salem's attractions or need prompt transportation, having their number at your fingertips guarantees quick access to reliable service whenever you need it.
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Thoothukudi to Salem taxi booking Safe and Secure Service
Book a convenient Thoothukudi to Salem taxi booking for a smooth and hassle-free journey. Enjoy comfortable rides with reliable service.
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no1droptaxiservice · 11 months
Book a One Way Drop Taxi Bangalore to Salem Service
Get the lowest rate book a one-way drop taxi from Bangalore to Salem services that provide you a one-way taxi and nearly half the rate of a round trip, making your journey fast and safe.
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Book a one way drop taxi Bangalore to Salem at lowest price service is that we do have professional rental cars and drivers to make your journey safe and comfortable. also, compare from variety of car types like Innova, Dzire, Etios, Sedan, Suv or other luxury cars. best offers for Bangalore to Salem one way or round trip AC or Non AC cabs booking.
We provide a one way taxi from Bangalore to Salem which includes the pick from anywhere in bangalore including city / bangalore airport and drop off to Salem City. we provide instant confirmation and flexibility to book 24x7 services.
 Special one-way fares to just get dropped to your one way drop taxi Bangalore to Salem
 Experienced and polite drivers with well-serviced, comfortable cabs
 Pay for One way fare only
 Lowest trip fare
 Outstation cab service
 We will provide complete fare breakup for your one side cab to advance
 Comfortable price , state taxes and tolls on majority of the routes
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onewaycar-rental · 1 year
Bangalore to Coimbatore Car Rental One Way Car Rental
Do you have to rush to Bangalore from Chennai for that important business deal? Have to take important delegates from Chennai to Bangalore by road? In that case, you need to work out the travel options prudently.
The distance between the two cities is around 350 km and the road trip can take about 6 hours. Now that is a fairly long time and you surely do not want any issues during the road travel. In such cases, it is better to explore the option of chennai to salem taxi service.
The growing demand for taxis for Chennai to Bangalore road travel:
In the last few years, the traffic congestion in Chennai and Bangalore has increased tremendously. The declining green spaces and the growing pollution and the bad road conditions have made driving tough in cosmopolitan cities like Outstation taxi service.
So, if you have to travel between these two cities conveniently and if you are contemplating road travel then you just cannot think of driving down a distance of 350 km. So, then what is the option? There is a simple solution and that is choosing a reliable bangalore to coimbatore car rental.
So, how can a cab service be the right solution for Chennai to Bangalore road travel?
Just imagine how tired you would be if you drive down for your business meeting from Chennai to Bangalore? Do you think after all that hectic driving you would be in a position to make that all-important presentation to crack the deal?
Now if you were to hire a reliable cab service then you do not have to invest time and energy in driving. You can use the time to check your presentation. You can use the time to make some important business calls. Or you can just relax during the drive so that you are all charged up for your presentation.
If you are taking some business delegates or guests from other countries to Bangalore then you can spend the time having fruitful discussions with them. Overall hiring a taxi service is one of the ways of making your business trip relaxing.
So, next time you have to travel to Bangalore by road then hire the cab service of Onewayrental. For more details, you can check the website of onewaycarrental. Make the bookings online and have a tranquil journey and be geared up for your important business meeting.
Source Url: https://expressmagzene.com/2023/01/06/bangalore-to-coimbatore-car-rental-one-way-car-rental/
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omkardroptaxi · 1 year
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anukumariime · 1 year
Book drop taxi in Salem
Book drop taxi in Salem with SilvercallTaxi.in and enjoy a hassle-free journey. You can choose from a range of vehicles and pay only for the drop. No hidden charges, no surge pricing, no cancellation fees.
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dsmcabs123 · 2 years
DSM is the best use of one-way services at a very good price and makes a comfortable and trouble-free journey by hiring a Chennai to Bangalore taxi at a one-way fee. With more than a decade capable of cab rental providers, if you are willing to use a cab, DSM is the best taxi service provider in the business. 
Chennai's first Bangalore taxi fare 
The distance from Chennai to Bangalore is about 350 km. It takes about six hours to complete the journey. The sedan and solar-type carts that provide a one-way drop taxi are well-maintained and clean. Our respectable drivers will make sure your whole journey is comfortable and memorable. One-way Taxi provided a world-class carriage service at reasonable prices for all IT routes, including Chennai to Bangalore. 
 Choose the ride from Chennai's wide range of cab rental options 
 Luxury sedans, such as the Mercedes-e-Class, are also available for certain routes. Whether it's hatchbacks, sedans, or tempo passengers in Chennai, all types of riding cab rentals are well-maintained and clean. In addition, our respectable drivers will ensure that your entire journey is comfortable and memorable. DSM cab rentals are renowned for providing world-class carriage services at reasonable prices for all its routes from Chennai to Bangalore car services 
DSM is a great market for comparing low-cost foreign taxis from Chennai to Bangalore. We are India's first live auction taxi booking service, which promises you the best and cheapest outstation taxi transfers, which are dedicated and excellent in the 24x7 class customer support. 
Types of outdoor cabs from Chennai to Bangalore
 To ensure maximum comfort and security, we offer a variety of naval options for travelers who choose outstation taxis anywhere in India.
 Why book Chennai for Bangalore with DSM? 
With our reliable and convenient Chennai-to-Bangalore carriage service, make sure to take time off and take off when enjoying a comfortable ride with your loved ones in our clean and refined cabs . There is no longer have to worry about hidden charges - our billing is completely transparent. What you see is what you pay. Our respectable and experienced drivers will be your perfect guide and friend on the roads. Don't know your plan? No worries! We were all there. So we charge a zero cancellation fee. 
 Get the lowest fares for Bangalore carts in Chennai at DSM. Reservations from a variety of car rental options in Chennai - hatchbacks, sedans, SUVs,s or tempo passengers. DSM recommends Indica if you are looking for a short ride for a separate trip or a trip with your partner. If you are traveling with a small family, you can go for a more spacious sedan-sized car. However, if you are traveling in groups, go to a 7-seater Innova or a luxury tempo traveler with 12 to 16 seats in Chennai, which is suitable for your need. 
Get the best deals on various car rental options, Chennai to Bangalore to Bangalore Tour Pack - Chennai to Bangalore Gallery by cab 
 If you are looking for a personalized day, several days, or a one-way package from Chennai to Bangalore, we have covered you. For package-wise cab options and related payment details, visit our Chennai to Bangalore Tour Package page. With Nathan Travels, you don't have to worry about an empty journey again. Visit our Customer Support Group for exciting discounts and offers for Bangalore cart packages or personalized travel plans in Chennai. DSM offers carriages from Chennai Pondicherry Cape, Chennai to Vellore, and Chennai to Salem.
DSM is now offering a one-way carriage in all the major cities and cities of India. If you are not aware of your return trip and want to travel primarily on a one-way trip, you can rent a one-way car rental service at DSM and save money. We can get a one-way taxi service for our Chennai to Bangalore, which offers you one-way carts at half the rate of travel. DSM is the best cab rental site for renting a one-way taxi at reasonable prices.
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tamildroptaxi · 2 years
Book a Chennai to Coimbatore Cab on Tamil drop taxi.
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Tamil drop taxi provide one way & round trip taxi service at affordable price in Chennai and Coimbatore. Tamil drop taxi provides best one way drop taxi service and outstation cab service at affordable price in Salem, Coimbatore, Trichy, Chennai. For more details visit : https://www.tamildroptaxi.com/
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