#Duncan’s like : most my my cloths are black wtf
plutosschild · 1 year
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Courtney asked if they should all wear black out of respect and Blaineley said f that black in banned
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charliesimss · 1 year
Gotta whip out the mouse anD laptop for these ones
1. Who sleeps on the left and right side of the bed? Issy sleeps on the left, Mason on the right because the right is closer to the bathroom door in case someone breaks in and kills them.
2. Who does most of the cooking? They don't cook their poor children will starve. Probably Mason, but Issy makes the tea now because it's all she can make confidently. Maybe they'll both get better at following recipes soon.
3. Who’s the little and big spoon? MASON is little. Change my mind.
4. Who says creepy paper and who says crepe paper? Wtf is creepy paper?
5. Who screams and who kills the spider? Issy screams, Steve kills the spiders, but Mason seems like the take outside type instead.
6. Who’s the sun and who’s the moon? Issy's sunny, Masons moon cause it's very witchy vibes of him.
7. How do they share chores? They'd probably both just do whatever needs doing, they're adults so they'd want their house clean and if they have free time and energy they'd do the necessary chores. But I feel like they'd tackle hard chores like laundry and dishes together, like Issy would put away while Mason washes, Mason would carry the laundry and put it on but Issy would organize the loads and fold them.
8. What are their cooking habits? Who cooks meals and who “cooks” insta-ramen? Mason looks like he can cook real meals and Issy can barely boil water to make instant ramen. She can make oatmeal in the microwave tho.
9. How do they handle arguments? What do they argue about? They literally sulk away from each other and cry but then cuddle and make up.
10. What are their love languages? Issy does words, and makes him crafts like cards and stuff on her cricut, and Mason probably is more physically affectionate.
11. Who says marco and who says polo? They've never played this game before but mason being a lifeguard would probably say polo and be out of the pool like a cheater saying it.
12. Who says “party rockers” and who says “party rock is”? I didn't know this was a THING. Mason says BOTH issy probably doesn't know the words.
13. What’s their age and height difference? Ah lemme refer to the chart, 2 years, and 1.5 ft 😌
14. How does their personal styles differ? Do they share clothes? Fashionably they're quite different, issy is all pink and cozy, and Mason is all crop tops and black and punky, but Issy might wear some of his plain t-shirts as dresses of his crop tops as regular tops.
15. How do their past relationships (or lack thereof) affect their current relationship? Issy doesn't really have any solid boyfriends to compare him to but she does have an abusive dad :crygun: and that's affected her by making her apologetic all the time and not feeling worthy of love :)) thanks duncan ♡
16. Who takes charge during grocery trips? Who picks out all the silly snacks and munchies? I think Mason gets snacky during grocery trips but Issy eats before she goes because her dads taught her to not go grocery shopping while hungry.
17. Who made the first move? What was it? Mason did and he asked her out for valentine's day.
18. What’s a typical date night for them? Do they go out or stay in? They'd go out to a fancy restaurant probably that Mason picks cause he knows them, and Issy would compare it to olive garden.
19. Do they engage in PDA? If so, what kind? Casual kisses probably
20. Do they want kids? If so, who initiated the question about having them? YEs, and I think they just started talking about it even before they were dating because they both like kids and have always wanted lots so it just came up in casual conversation.
21. Who drives and who’s the passenger princess? Mason drives like Linc in ntwyw, and Issy sits because she gets into about 3 car crashes a day.
22. What do they bring out in each other? Mason brings out her determined side, not so much spiteful, but determined to be better and be organized to better the both of them. And Issy brings out his self consciousness and makes him want to better himself.
23. Who’s messier? How does the other react? I feel like by male default it's Mason. Issy tries to be very organized like asmr tiktokers. And she'd just clean up for him and organize his drawers with little compartments so he'd always be able to see things and find everything he needs. 😌
24. What’s their song? This one or this one 🥺
25. Who said I love you first? How did it go? I wish very badly that i remembered this :)))
26. Who asked out who first? Mason asked her out fist
27. Who takes the most photos of the other? What are the photos like? Issy takes candids of him all the time, probably blurry and mid sentence of him, because he's always moving or talking
28. How would they describe each other? Issy would describe him as protective, smart, and creative. He would describe her as sunshine :lotslove:
29. What’s their go-to takeout order and movie night combo? It's the Mummy (1999) or Prince of Egypt (1998) because he got Issy into brandon fraser movies after saying he was his bi awakening, and because of the songs in prince of egypt. And idk they seem like sushi people. Low carbs and all that.
30. What are their nicknames for each other? (If any) Issy makes nicknames like it's her JOB. She nicknames him like I nickname Henry. She calls him Mase, Masey, Maseroni, beepers. And I guess she'd throw in a cute basic one like babe. And he calls her a stor (?), and my love.
31. What’s their first dance song? (If they have one) Boop 32. How are they intimate with each other in a nonsexual way? Holding hands :) they are children of god after all
33. What do their families think of their partner? Issy's dads really like him and his dads and they all hang out together like gay dads do (how did you meet each other? ""uhm we're all gay""?) And Mason's fam treats issy so nice, like royalty, she's shocked how Gen treats her and buys her things and cooks for her and stuff, more than Gemma ever did 🤗
34. What couple from another media reminds you of them? Violet and Linc from not the witch you wed!!!!
35. What are their favorite couple activities for each season? I think they'd like Winter a lot and go skiing, and in the summer they'd go swimming a lot.
36. Who wakes up and falls asleep first? Issy does both. Mason doesn't have healthy sleeping habits :/
37. Who initiated the first kiss? What was it like? Mason probably and it was when they were drinking hot chocolate actually that's as much as i recall
38. What do they love most about each other? Issy loves how family oriented he is and how passionate he is about things he likes.
39. Who worries and who calms? They both be worrying so much they got some type of complex anxiety i swear. Gen fucking calms them both. :notlikethis:
40. Do they have any jealous tendencies over each other? Issy is the one to get sad before she'd get jealous, but she hasn't had a reason to be jealous.
41. Who is the most physically affectionate? he is
42. Do you have a playlist for them? Gimme?????? Sometimes I add issy songs to his playlist that u literally made. 💀
43. Which one of them did you make first? Good question. I made issy in like 2018? But idk when Mason was made in game
44. How long have you been playing with them (or making edits with, etc.) Hmmm since Last February!!! "hey babe happy one year. I'm 27."
45. How long have they known each other? What age did they meet? They've known each other for uhm 3 years this month I think, and were 18 and 20 when they met I think.
46. Who takes longer to get ready? Depends where they're going but probably Issy if she's doing her makeup, if not it could be either one. Mason looks like he takes long to get ready, his hair alone.
47. How did they meet? Working at diamond peaks 🥺
48. What is something they have given the other that has a lot of meaning? A baby
49. Who’s more of the “protector” in the relationship? probably mason by instinct because the world hasn't been nice to issy
50. What is their dynamic playing board games and video games? (versus each other and/or on the same team) Mason gets competitive if he's playing with other family members, and Issy is like "I'm just happy to be here :-)"
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
 Do you ever find yourself worrying about things that probably won’t happen? I’m great at that. I mean, a lot of my worries are things that are certainly possible and have good reason to, but there’s things I worry about that might not happen or before I have a reason to worry. I just always assume the worst. Has your imagination ever made it hard for you to sleep? My mind is always going. Have you ever had a weird dream and obsessed over what it might mean? Yes. My dreams are usually quite weird and random and I’m just like... wtf? Or do you usually forget about your dreams? A lot of the time. Do you know your heritage? Only a little. 
If not, would you ever try one of those DNA kits? Yeah. I am curious. Which languages can you speak? Just English fluently. Which language do you speak the most and why? English because that’s what I know. Which languages do you wish you were fluent in? Spanish. With films in languages you do not speak, do you prefer a dub or subtitles? Subtitles.  Which cuisine do you like the least? Chinese. Are there any foods you dislike because of the texture? Oh yes. Canadian bacon, chicken with bone-in, jello, and pudding just to name a few. Which type of chocolate do you like best? White chocolate. Do you have a favorite kind of dog? I do especially like Labs and German Shepherds. Do you let your pets sleep in your bed? I would, but she loves her couch. Do any of your favorite musicians ever write music for/with other artists? Some do. What is your favorite collaboration between two different musicians? I have several. One that came to mind is the collab Linkin Park and Jay-Z did. Who are your favorite songwriters? Hmm. Do you like any of those oldies groups (like the Four Seasons)? Yeah, there’s several “oldies” groups I like. Do you know who Bernie Taupin is? I don’t think so. What are your favorite one-hit wonders? I have a lot of those, including but not limited to: Tainted Love--Soft Cell Relax--Frankie Goes Hollywood Maniac--Michael Sembello Too Shy--Kajagoogoo Take On Me--A-ha Don’t You (Forget About Me)--Simple Minds I Can’t Wait--Nu Shooz No Rain--Blind Melon Lovefool--The Cardigans Barely Breathing--Duncan Sheik Criminal--Fiona Apple Torn--Natalie Imbruglia Sex and Candy--Marcy Playground Closing Time--Semisonic Save Tonight--Eagle-Eye Cherry Absolutely (Story of a Girl)--Nine Days Butterfly--Crazy Town All The Things She Said--t.A.T.u. Collide--Howie Day
What celebrities, if any, have you seen naked? Alexander Skarsgard is one of ‘em.  Have you ever seen anybody naked by accident? No. Have you ever wondered what somebody looks like naked? Maaaybe. Have you ever had a sexual fantasy about a celebrity? Lol yeah. Have you ever changed your clothes in the car? Yes. About how quickly does your hair grow? Pretty quick. Do you have to/choose to shave anything unusual? No. Do you groom (wax, pluck, or thread) your eyebrows? I pluck them. Most unusual thing you have worn in public? Uhh. I don’t know. If you wear makeup, what are your preferred brands? Elf, NYX, Wet ‘n Wild, CoverGirl, Maybelline.  Do you use flavored lip balm? Sometimes. What about tinted lip balm? Sometimes. What is your favorite swear word? I don’t have one. Are you afraid of fireworks or other loud noises? I’m a jumpy person, so loud noises definitely contribute to that. Do you make your own iced tea, or buy it in jugs/bottles? I don’t really drink iced tea. I mean, it’s fine and all, but it’s not something I opt for. I don’t recall the last time I even had any. Have you ever made sun tea? My mom used to every summer when I was a kid. Do you use sugar or honey to sweeten your tea? I use Sweet’N Low. Do you ever put milk in your tea? I’ve used cream and sugar before. Oh, but I do like milk tea from this one Bubble tea place. Do you prefer powdered or liquid coffee creamer? Liquid. Did your school have somewhere for girls to get emergency pads/tampons? Yeah. Did you have to wear a uniform for gym class? I didn’t in my PE class. Did you have to take showers after gym before going to your next class? No. Were you in any extracurricular activities or clubs in high school? I was in a couple clubs. Have you ever picked up and kept a rock because it caught your eye? Yeah. My Nana and I did that together all the time when I was a kid, and nowadays where I live it’s a popular thing to do to paint and hide rocks around town for others to find and either keep or re-hide. I’ve found a few of those. Have you attended any rock (literal rocks, not music, lol) shows? ...No. Have you ever laughed at a scene (TV/film) that wasn’t meant to be funny? Probably. Do you think they should make a movie about Hatshepsut? I don’t know what that is? Do you think books are better adapted as movies or TV series? I’ve seen good movies based on books and TV shows. Just depends. I feel like with TV shows; though, you can do a lot more with it and stay close to the book because you have more time to work with than just a 2 or 3 movie or having to break it up in parts. Any great books you would recommend? Too many. Any great movies or TV series you would recommend? There’s a lot. Were you disappointed with Fox’s version of the Rocky Horror Show? I didn’t watch it. Have you ever seen the original Kinky Boots movie?  No. What about the musical? Nope. Have you seen any Hannibal movies other than The Silence of the Lambs? Nope. Have you read any of the Hannibal novels? No. Do you like any Indie movies? Yeah. Have there been any movies you had fond memories of, but upon a rewatch didn’t like as well? Hmm. Possibly, but I can’t think of one at the moment. Do you like to go to the movies alone? No, I like going with my family. When you watch movies/TV with people, do you find yourself making sarcastic remarks to each other? Sometimes here and there, but we try not to talk too much during. Have you ever dried down any flowers to keep them? Well, they became that way on their own over time, ha. I still have my corsage from my senior prom, which is now over 10 years ago. It’s quite dry and crispy now. What is your favorite thing that you have made by yourself? Uhh. I don’t really make things. Do you like your natural accent (everybody has one)? I don’t like my voice. What accents do you find most pleasant? Some southern ones, British ones... Does it bother you when an actor in a musician biopic lip-syncs to a recording of the original artist, or is it better that way? I don’t care. Have you ever read about Dennis Nilsen? No. Do you ever go on murderpedia.org to read about murderers? No. Have you ever read about the Black Dahlia? No, but I’ve seen documentaries.  Any other unsolved crimes you find fascinating? Yeah, that stuff in general is interesting. Do you care what color your socks are? Nah. What about your underwear? Nah.  What part of a man’s body do you find most attractive? Hands, arms, lips, jaw lines, necks, V-lines... Do you think guys look good in makeup? I used to have a thing for guys in eyeliner. Do you like using clay and/or peel-off masks for skincare? I don’t use any masks. Have you ever had an asymmetrical haircut? Yeah. Have you ever made your own pillow or blanket? No. Have you ever made a pillow out of an old T-shirt? No. Have you ever tried lucid dreaming? (Where you can control your dreams) No. Would you ever want to try? *shrug* If you want to be cremated, do you want your ashes scattered anywhere? In the ocean. Would you ever have a deceased pet stuffed? No. Would you ever have a pet cremated? Yes. We did that with our dog, Scruffy. Brandie is buried in our backyard in a nice area under a tree. I wish we would have cremated her because one day we’ll move. :( What is your favorite sci-fi series, if any? TV Show: Twilight Zone. Movie: Star Wars. Do you believe in the existence of parallel universes? No. If you could run your own business, what kind of business would it be? I wouldn’t.
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