duncanor · 1 year
First off, I’m truly sorry for how long I took to answer ya. I often forget I even got an Ask-box ahah!
As to my opinion on why “The Leather/BDSM-like aesthetic is important to Legato’s character”...
I know my original post was a bit vague but it’s truly less about how “cool” he looks, and more about the symbolism of it. Legato outfit is outwardly menacing. It's a silent threat. Similar to those birds who evolve to have brighter colors to warn off predators.
And sure the metal skull looks sick, but it isn't as bone chilling (ah-ah). When he's first introduced, everything just Stop so you can take it in the Danger reeking from him. He’s bound by leather straps, got giant metal spikes coming out of his shoulder like some sort of fucked up pauldron, as well as bits of a real human skull directly sewn into the hard leather of his coat.
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(Adding to that my UNPROVEN suspicions that the skull belongs to Legato’s abuser..)
And that’s just his outfit. He’s surrounded by similar things. His weapon is truly the less subtle example of this.
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A mix of different truly lethal weapons in the form of an Iron-maiden/sex-toy/stress-Toy. The face of the weapon bound in leather with only one of her eyes being visible. (similar to how Legato usually only got one eye visible because of his hair).
It’s blatant and disturbing. It’s depraved Flesh and deadly Metal.
Then, he gets his spine broken by Knives. And where does that put him?
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In a metal sarcophagus pretty similar to (once again) an Iron-maiden. He stays there for the most of the story. Bound to it, stuck, mangled. Yet he’s still as terrifying as ever if not more. Sometimes portrayed similarly to a butterfly cocoon, waiting to hatch and release something more powerful..
And finally, his resident-evil goons.
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They aren’t really interesting nor are they developed as anything more than Legato’s barely human servants. They got no dialog, no personality, no free will.. Nothing but an imposing mass of flesh in hard leather binding them, blinding them. They look like they come straight from an Hellraiser movie.
Even Legato’s powers themselves are a manifestation of his trauma. They’re metal wire used to fully control bodies against the will of their owner. Making them slaves and most often than not leaving them as a mass of mangled flesh.
Even Legato’s name itself meaning “bound” in Italian. (Thanks to @jackalandhare for this information btw)
In conclusion,
Legato's whole aesthetic reeks of his trauma. It's suffocating, eerie, menacing and binding in seemingly debilitating ways at times, as well as kinda sexual in undertones. It’s Legato abuse and pain on display. And I think all of these details, this aesthetic is a big insight on Legato Bluesummers as a person and what he went and is going through.
HOWEVER, that is not to say Stampede approach will be uninteresting! The symbolism is still strong with Orange. They tend to channel it through a more solid World Building.
We know they planned to add lore on colored hair in link with sexual slavery. And the design of the metal skull as well as his arm, probably implies some sort of body modification more similar to the other Eye of Michael experiments.
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I just think it’s a bit unlucky that the change in aesthetic made us lose this much symbolism wise..
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dunkarporshop · 2 years
Okay, now
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duncanor · 23 days
From what my research in AITA on reddit found... Home Owner's associations (HOA) want to keep the property values up by keeping everything nice and clean
Annnnnnnnnd if you are in one, there is more than a little chance that a Karen rises in ranks and the HOA becomes an evil micromanaged company that fines you to kingdom comes if you aren't the perfect American Dream family.
Up until they can make you sell your house, if I got that right
This concept is beyond parody level of evil and weird.
Like, imaging barely being able to afford a house, and some random bastards living around ya get to have a say with what you bought (with great difficulty in this economy) and so what? To make sure poor people can't afford to live here? And they get to fine you if you don't comply??? Like, who are they??? Cops ?? The state?? No, just fellow citizens?? And, jésus, sell your fucking house???? With what authority???
And those 'fines', who do they go to, the state or the home owners association? 🤨
This is insanity.
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duncanor · 1 year
i'm sorry if this is weird to ask, but i just watched tristamp and for the time being i don't intend on watching the old one or reading the manga (busy with uni :/) so i have some gaps in my understanding of the story still, and since i like some of your "meta" type of posts i thought i'd ask you - i know about vash and wolfwood's sense of guilt and all, and i understand where vash's comes from but i'm a bit confused about what has wolfwood done "wrong" to make him feel so guilty. i don't know if i'm just stupid *cried* but i just can't figure it out please help!
Ah, you are not stupid buddy and it's not weird to ask ! >:]
Trigun, no matter the medium, is quite the complex story. There's many layers to each characters, especially those like Wolfwood.
I would say, in Stampede, the core of Wolfwood guilt is mainly linked to:
1. He's a murderer.
2. He couldn't stop Livio from sharing his fate.
3. 'Betraying' Vash
None of these things are quite his fault nor his choice. It's the Eye of Michael's. Ultimately, Wolfwood is a protector and will do anything to protect his loved ones.
Legato calls him out on it and say his attachement to people is a weakness. He even tried to harm them to 'free' Wolfwood from his attachement to make him a better weapon.
But the reality is, the only reason Wolfwood is 'picking the gun' at all is for the Orphanage. If he didn't have anything to protect, I even doubt he would have made it past the experiments/training. His attachements are both his strength and his shackles.
Because to protect them, he has to follow a really bloody and cruel path on which the Eye put him. His role there is to punish traitors and deserters. (both of which he will become btw). It's to kill.
And kill he has and he will. A lot. This is a bit spoilerly and mostly based off Trimax (for now) but he will have so much blood on his hands he won't even be able to face the orphanage again until he's forced to.
But what else could he have done? It's not like he had a choice from the start, if he wants to live, if he wants the orphanage to be safe, he has to dirty his hands. That's how the world works and he is just a man doing what he can.
Then he meets Vash. The antithesis of everything he lived by and for. Vash who also wants to protect too much, but refuse to kill. He shows Wolfwood another way is possible and it pisses him off. Because if Vash is right, What does that make him? And that's where he's at in season one. At that cross road where he is left wondering if it's like Vash said, is he a good guy? Or is it what Zazie and Roberto said, just a murderer ?
And even if it's not realistic for a mortal like Wolfwood to never kill, even if he will argue and call Vash foolish or naive, it gets to him. It really does. At his core Wolfwood is follower of Vash and the hope he represents. But not the same way Legato is a follower of Knives. Vash and Wolfwood are equals, they inspire each others and they argue, but they never coerce the other's to take the same path. However, because he's a protector, he has to be Judas. He has to lead Vash to slaughter, no matter what.
As for Livio, the guilt stem from his bond with him being the sole reason his brother got doomed to become a weapon like him. If it wasn't for Wolfwood befriending Livio, he wouldn't have followed him to EoM.
So yeah, too much blood on his hands, having to betray Vash and feeling responsable for Livio's fate. That's what makes him feel all catholic guilt in the universe.
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duncanor · 1 year
regarding your tags on my trans vash posts. i agree so much. i havent read trimax but hes so trans coded in tristamp......... in the 98 as u said not so much but ye
Sorry for not answering earlier!
But yes, Trigun is SO trans coded. It's very apparent in Stampede, especially considering the last 2 episodes and the fact that someone on the staff commented on how Vash was both the perfect male lead and female lead.
But, it's also very much present in the manga! Not just lore wise with the Plants being all females with only the twins being the exception. Which already suspicious enough 🤨
But what gets me is how the story touch upon traditionally feminine&queer problematics through the plants and the twins, but most specifically, through Vash.
I don't think I've ever seen a main character like that besides Ranma maybe. I'm thoroughly fascinated and blown away by all the queer analysis I've seen so far.
It's a bit sad that it isn't as much touched upon in the 98's anime. Which is due to a mix of comphet being pushed unto the main cast and the fact that the manga was far from being over, so a lot of those aspects were not developed. The heart is still there tho so I can still appreciate that.
Sorry, I ramble a lot but I don't develop much do I ahah. I will definitely make a more in-depth post on this once I'm done re-reading the manga. (tho, there's already a lot of interesting takes out there worth reading)
I think a lot about Elendira lately, which is a explicitly canon trans character in the manga! And I find it very interesting that Nightow chose her as the strongest GHG and Knives closest and most dedicated ally besides Legato.
I feel like the twins tend to surrounder themselves with people similar to them or Rem in one way or another, so the fact that Knives has for one of his closest ally a trans woman is pretty telling I think.
In conclusion, lots to think about and it's definitely queer ye hehe..
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duncanor · 28 days
I hope you're doing well.
Could you please share my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifeline for my family. 🙏 Feel free to share it in any other social media platform if you would like.
Our campaign has been verified ⭐️ by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi, and is entry number #167 on their list.
Good luck to you and your family 👍
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duncanor · 30 days
been looking through the knives tag and I keep seeing you i want you to know you are the most real person ever thank you
I'm honestly so embarrassed about how much I come up in the tag. I love to yap about him, I can't lie 😭❤️
Have a beautiful day anon 🫵✨
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duncanor · 1 year
Nai looks like he would be the president of the neighborhood HOA
You're so fuckin' right and you should say it
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duncanor · 6 months
war, comrade, this is war
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My hurbis will be the end of me HOWEVER,
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duncanor · 4 months
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duncanor · 4 months
happy birthday 💞🎂🎉 and good luck to the power point haha
Thank you!!!! :D
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duncanor · 5 months
I just love your Knives-rabbit drawing. The facial expression is perfect XD
Hehe, he be angy
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duncanor · 1 year
I found this video about Hobie in Across the Spiderverse and how they wrote him. And I thought it was pretty wellmade and wanted to share.
Have a nice day <3
Sorry for taking long to answer, I forget my ask-box exists sometimes xD
Thank you for this ask!!! :D as the resident queer anarchist in my friend group, I really loved Hobie as a character.
I will forever remember how my best friend and I immediately looked at each others when he said "it's a metaphor for capitalism" lmao
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duncanor · 1 year
Hi! Confession. I’ve been following you for a solid couple months now and only just realized your pfp is. Mouse Livio on the phone? Which I love very much, but until this exact moment it was just a blue-red-white swirl in my mind. That is all!
Hello !! :D
Honestly, it's a bit funny but if ya wanna know the lore being this pfp, it's just because my old one used to be this
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And since my dusty lurker blog pretty much turned into a Trigun blog because of how utterly obsessed I became... I thought It would be nice to rebrand.
BUT I still wanted to stay silly so I drew a few trigun mice and chose Mouse Livio hehe
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duncanor · 1 year
if there was a season 2 or remake or sequel to wolf's rain it would be ASSSS because the original creator died and the director who would be given control said he didn't understand her vision because she was a woman and men couldn't possibly understand the thoughts of women (he did Seven Deadly Sins which. Explains a lot)
Ah, that sucks honestly! :[
Can it really be only picked up by the old director? That probably wouldn't do well indeed. Too silly of a guy to do a good job for sure..
Tho I would say, if there was a possibility, I would take my chances anyway. Even if a follow up ends up being bad. It might gives a breath back into the old show ya know.
Good or bad, remakes and reboots are a good way to introduce to a younger audience an older story. And Wolf's rain certainly deserve that spark of interest.
I'm a hopefool kinda guy, can't help but wish for things to be good perhaps hehe
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duncanor · 11 months
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happy halloween
For you,
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Happy Halloween!
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