#Dyan whump
Cloudwalker Series Part 30
OKAY, finally. I’d been trying to think of things to include before I went onto the next arc so that’s why things have been so slow. I ended up giving up and after this chapter I’m going to write the big whump- the whumpening if you will.
Warnings: Mentions of slavery/death, overexertion, horn whump, touch starved characters, heartache. Contains magical exertion/losing control of magic.
Masterlist: Here
Approx WC: 2400
Taglist: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @thegreathowdini
A few days had passed. Though Dyan was still somewhat distant, he had settled more, and after seeing Blue once or twice, Avizon decided now was the time to teach him how to find his magic. To use it. He hoped he was doing the right thing, but if cloudwalkers could yield… perhaps it would be the key to saving them from all the misery they endured. Maybe they could fight back? Maybe it would only make things worse? No. He wouldn't let that happen.
Dyan swallowed hard from where he sat on the floor, cross legged, hanging on his every word, looking so afraid of making a mistake before they'd even begun.
Avizon sat down in front of him and smiled. "Don't be frightened. Today is going to be nice and easy. We're just going to go over how you find your magic, maybe use it, but that all depends on how confident you are."
Dyan nodded. Avizon kept smiling, fear and magic were a terrible combination. It was important to avoid that within the first few lessons.
"I'm going to go over the basics with you, the rules we're meant to abide by, the dangers and what you have to be very careful of when wielding."
"Yes, master."
Avizon used his powers to bring a history book closer to him from the table beside him. “The first thing you have to know… magic in this world is no blessing. For most of us, it leads to servitude and misery- but I will protect you. Still, you need to know our history." He clicked thought he book, finding images to show him, of mages bowing at royals, leading armies. "For hundreds of years, people with magic have been taken by those in power, royalty usually, and have been forced to serve… not too unlike cloudwalkers, I suppose. Royals used us for a long time, some still do, but I believe I… shook things up somewhat. By turning on the kingdom, it meant other kingdoms fear a repeat… I did explain this to you, didn't I? Why I attacked the castle?"
"You said they took something from you, master. So you took over the castle."
Avizon sighed softly. "That's… close enough. The king killed the man I loved and tortured me… he was a terrible person, so I killed the royal family and took over. But you must remember, Dyan. I use dark magic, and it's bad. You will only use light magic, and you won't struggle like I do. But I need you to know, once you tap into your magic, there's no going back, and you will be a target, even more so than before. You'll be the only cloudwalker in the world with magic. You change everything, little bird. I will protect you, I swear, but you have to understand there's always a chance I'll fail. It's your decision, and you must be sure. You can say no, we'll stand and walk away from this. I wouldn't be mad. I'd be unsure what to decide myself in all honestly."
Dyan was quiet for a few moments. Avizon was patient. "But having magic would mean I could protect myself too… wouldn't it- if you'll let me, master?"
"Yes, it would."
Dyan rubbed his arm nervously. "Then… if I could be safe from Erix… I would like to learn, master. I want to be strong, like you, and I could protect you too!"
Avizon stroked his hair softly and smiled. "Do this for yourself, Dyan, not for him or me. But, if you want to learn, close your eyes, focus on that darkness… be patient, let it wrap around you… until there's nothing but my voice, and the gentle dark. It's a nice dark, trust it."
Avizon waited until the tension began to leave Dyan's body. "Good… just relax… There is magic inside you, Dyan, power. But it is not to be feared, just as you don't fear your wings. The magic is part of you, it belongs with you, and can be used as easily as wiggling your fingers with practice."
Dyan's brow furrowed ever so slightly and Avizon saw him moving his fingers, but then he relaxed again. "But just as you're responsible for your own actions, you must be responsible for your power. Light magic is part of you, not just an entity inside of you. Can you do that for me?"
"Yes," he murmured.
Avizon nodded to himself. So far so good. "Try to feel the magic inside you, you might feel it buzzing or pulsing or flowing like water. Imagine it inside you, a soft glow… I suggest imagining a well or a glass, a container that can be added to or taken from. What do you see? What comes to mind first?"
"A bucket… t.there's a big tap above it, drawing water from the ground- like the water pump you have in the castle…"
"Good… good, that works nicely. Now, all of your magic resides in that bucket, waiting patiently. You can take magic from it. You can pour only a tiny bit out, perhaps keeping it as a steady flow, or you can dump it all at once. Your emotions usually influence that, they influence how much pours. It's important to master your emotions. Even when I am angry, even though I have dark magic, I do my best to never let it mix with my emotion. I keep them separated. If not, things can end badly, but you don't need to worry about that just yet. Imagine your power, little bird, feel it."
Dyan concentrated hard, and Avizon was surprised when a gentle light emerged in Dyan's fingertips. His smile widened. "Good, very very good. You've found it. Spend some time with it, get to know it."
Avizon waited and watched as Dyan explored his newfound power, but he frowned when Dyan's hands got brighter.
"Easy… don't pour so much. Just a little trickle…"
But it only got brighter. Avizon wasn't too concerned, he simply put his hands on Dyan's. "Open your eyes, Dyan. Close the door in your mind to the power."
"I… I can't…" he whimpered, even after he opened his eyes.
Avizon studied him softly and saw how his broken horn was glowing, getting brighter and brighter. The power grew and despite Avizon's gentle attempts to ease Dyan away from it, the power was only getting stronger. "Try to calm it, ease it back. Don't be afraid."
It happened so quickly, Avizon wasn't able to prepare. He was thrown back against the wall with a worrying amount of force. He hit the wall hard and dropped to the floor, stomach lurching, head spinning. He groaned and looked up to see Dyan floating in the air, magic swirled around him, bright white and fierce. Stray pages of paper went flying, documents Avizon had been working on were scattered. Paintings swung on the walls and some fell. The fear was clear to read on Dyan's expression, and his magic was responding to it, wrapping around him, protecting him. Avizon grimaced. He'd never seen or heard of anything like this before. It needed to be contained. "Master!" Dyan yelped.
"Sleep!" he ordered, sending a powerful wave of magic out at him. Dyan yelped, but the magic jerked outwards, batting his spell away and Dyan remained awake.
"Don't be frightened, Dyan. You're safe, I swear," Avizon said quickly. "You just need to contain it. Don't be afraid, trust me. Calm down, be brave."
But Dyan was struggling, though he was trying to take deep breaths. It would take too long and he'd get too drained before he calmed. This wasn't natural. Avizon dug deeper, concocting a perfect attack, a sleeping spell perfectly wrapped in an attack to get through Dyan's defenses. It was clear Dyan was naturally good at resisting, but he hoped this would work.
"Close your eyes!" he called out. Dyan clamped them shut, giving Avizon the chance to hurl the attack at him without him being prepared. The attack hit, struggling for only a moment before breaking through the defenses and knocking Dyan out cold. He fell to the floor and Avizon barely managed to catch him with his magic.
Avizon wasn't sure when Ihuka had rushed into the room, feathers up and teeth bared, but now he only stared, greatly confused… and afraid.
"It's alright, Ihuka. It's alright."
Avizon frowned deeply. This shouldn't have happened. Certainly not on the first lesson. He brought Dyan closer to him and carefully carried him to bed, settling him down under the covers. Then he went to get his mirror. First of all, he needed Orrien. He had no idea how he was meant to explain this.
Orrien appeared within a few minutes, bringing Blue with him who immediately scurried to Dyan's side. He lay by his side and gently nudged him with his head, frowning deeply.
"He's just sleeping, Blue, he's alright," Avizon promised him. 
Ihuka was content curling up at the bottom of their bed, and so Avizon decided it was safe to leave them all be. He and Orrien sat in the room next door, making use of the two chairs and the table, where board games were usually placed. For now, the table only carried their cups.
"Explain to me then, from the beginning, how Dyan lost control as you say," Orrien said softly.
Avizon did so, leaving no detail out.
"It's… odd. When I asked him to calm, he said he couldn't. It was like something was stopping him. You told me magic was a like a sapling when you first found it, but that… that was like years of practice."
Orrien's gaze had wandered down to his hands where Mouse the dragon was weaving through his fingers. They stopped once or twice, stuck their tongue out at Avizon, and then continued on their way.
"You said his horn was glowing… was it just the broken one?"
"Yes and at the source of the break. I can't help but wonder if that was why he couldn't stop his magic- almost like his little bucket has a hole in it."
"If that's the case, I can advise against teaching him to produce magic. Spells like using the mirror should still be possible… perhaps. I think Rhix would be able to help him with his horn, but, well, that solution has its own set of problems."
Avizon grimaced. "I'm not sure if I like the idea of the circle knowing Dyan has power, especially if Erix should hear. I fear how he would react to such a thing. I don't want to put Dyan in any danger. Besides, so long has passed I don't even know if I can trust Rhix. I should be able to make something myself, I wasn't awful at containment magic, Rhix is just better."
Orrien inclined his head. "Yes… I think you could manage such a thing. But I imagine you'd have to replace the tip of the horn or cap it. That's no simple feat."
"I have the time. But I need your help, I want you to try to teach him, see if you can find a way or if it's just my presence- the dark magic." "I don't think it will make a difference, lad, but I can try." Avizon pursed his lips. "Maybe this was not the best idea."
"One failure does not make something a bad idea. We need time to learn this to understand. Dyan is strong hearted. He can learn. He can do anything with the right help."
Avizon smiled softly. "Aye, you're right…"
"Master?" a soft voice came from next door. Avizon raised an eyebrow and stood up. He made his way next door and Orrien followed. They found Dyan was waking up, but his horn was beginning to softly glow again. Ihuka, who had called for them, pointed at it with concern. Blue was hugging Dyan's arm, pressing his head against him and softly pleading that he calm down.
Orrien stepped forward quickly and began to murmur magic under his breath, holding his hand out over Dyan's broken horn. He kept murmuring until the glow faded away. Dyan whimpered and carefully reached up to touch his horn.
"That should be the end of it for now. I used a simple but strong containment spell for now, so you can use all of your magic in making something for him. I'd hate for you to burn out, Dyan.
Blue raised his head and smiled softly at Dyan. Dyan let out a happy cheep and hugged him tight, which brought a lump to Avizon’s throat. He could only guess Dyan had only just realised who was beside him.
“How are you, Dyan?” he asked gently. Dyan pulled away from Blue and tried to bring himself to look at Avizon, but his nerves were clear. “I, I’m fine. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to-”
“It’s not your fault, but we will find a way to mend this little problem. You don’t need to feel guilty.” “But I hurt you...” Dyan whimpered.
Orrien’s attention shot back to Avizon, looking him up and down for any sign of injury. Avizon waved it off as nothing. "It's alright, I promise. It was an accident." Though he’d bumped his head, he was sure he was fine. He hadn’t lost consciousness, and the bump was very small.
Yet still Orrien checked his head when Avizon finally confessed what injury Dyan was referring to. Avizon closed his eyes and relaxed a little as Orrien looked through his hair and he couldn’t help but lean into it. He sighed softly, realising how much he’d missed people over the years, how much he missed being held by Ro, by anyone. He hoped he'd be able to ask one of the birds to cuddle with him later, to ease that need for physical contact. 
Avizon, once Orrien had deemed him well enough, ruffled Dyan's hair. "Get some rest. Using your magic the first few times can be tiring."
Dyan snuggled with Blue and eventually faded off to sleep. Ihuka looked to Avizon with big sad eyes. Avizon wasn't sure what was wrong, but he sat down and patted his lap to encourage him to come closer. Ihuka cautiously climbed up and rested his head on his chest. Avizon smiled and held him close, taking a moment to savor the company. It helped him more than he expected it to. He wondered if Ihuka was just missing the contact, if the the changes to Dyan’s behaviour were beginning to affect him too. He wasn’t sure, but at least Ihuka was brave enough to come to him for help.
"Good bird... We’ll get this sorted, you don’t need to worry." He’d do everything in his power to make sure they never had to worry.
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Blue, I dare you to give Dyan a hug. He's been through some things lately
Edited since I wrote this at 2am and it didn’t copy properly because mobile hates me
Blue walked in to find Dyan curled up on the bed in perfect agony. He'd been warned that Avizon had been forced to hurt him, but seeing the sweat on his face, the pain in his eyes... He struggled to fight the urge to just drop onto his knees and cry. He carefully came closer until he was at the bed.
Dyan whined and tried to reach for him. Blue wasn't really sure what to do or say, but he found himself hushing him softly. He moved forward to close the space and hesitantly climbed onto the bed. His fingers interlocked with Dyan's. Dyan let out a sob and inched closer and closer, Blue lay back so Dyan could lay on top of him, his wounded back on show for anyone to see. Blue lay still, like a perfect pillow and stroked Dyan's hair with his free hand, keeping him close.
"H.hurts..." Dyan whimpered. Blue kissed the top of his head. "It... it will get better. I'm sure once Orrien gets back he'll help you. For now just... Try to keep still. The pain will ease, I promise and I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere."
"I.It is better now you're here... I was so scared. M.Master lost control I... I thought I..." Blue hushed him. "It didn't happen. You're safe now."
Dyan let out a soft chirrup and buried his face in the crook of Blue's neck. Blue leaned into it and squeezed his hand a little tighter. "It's going to be alright, my sun," he whispered.
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Flint Sterling (Cloudwalker Series)
Alright, you can all have a Flint. Let me know what you think of him! :) This is set a fair bit further along in the story (like a year). Word Count: little under 2000.
Warnings: Uh not much, contains biting, abduction/ restraints, a kinda intimate whumper for a few moments and a dirty joke. Yeah, I think that’s it. Avizon is trying to be intimidating but it’s a bit difficult with Flint’s dumbassery.
Picrew for Flint here
Avizon tossed and turned in his sleep. He knew something was amiss. He could feel it, enough to wake him. He dressed quickly and went to find his cloudwalkers, to check on them. He needed to know they were safe. Dyan was still fast asleep when he opened the door, but Ihuka was awake, feathers fluffed up and ready to attack… something. Ihuka snarled at him, but stopped as recognition struck.
Avizon put a finger to his lips, telling him to be quiet. He opened the door wider and let him pass “Search,” he whispered. Ihuka disappeared down the corridors, sniffing the air. Avizon turned to Dyan, who was waking. “Be prepared, I fear there is an intruder. Stay here.”
Avizon closed the door and went after Ihuka, hoping that he was wrong, that there was no one here. For one thing, Avizon should have been able to feel their presence, but it wasn’t as clear as usual. It was blurred, far away, hard to aim at.
Whatever it was, he could only hope it wasn’t dangerous.
Ihuka had heard the great clattering of something in a room, even if it was far away. He wasn’t sure if they had just fallen by themselves, but when his master came to his room, he knew it wasn’t just him that was worried. His feathers were fluffed to make him look bigger, his teeth were bared. “Search.” Had been his master’s order, and so he did, hurrying after the source of the noise to be sure the castle was safe.
He found a man stuffing a sack full of shiny things, expensive things. That wasn’t allowed! They belonged to his master! Ihuka silently flew up to the ceiling of the ball room, using his height to stay hidden until he was directly above the man. Then he swooped down, just as he would for a hunt. He grabbed the man by the arms and lifted him into the air.
He screamed loudly, and in a higher pitch than Ihuka had expected, making him accidentally drop him. He wasn’t far off the ground, so he fell with a thud. “What the fuck are you?” he cried, eyes wide with fear. He scrambled back and tried to get up to run away but Ihuka pounced again landing on his back, pinning him down. “Get off me!” he yelped. “No, no, no! I don’t have time for this- get off me, you oversized pigeon! Back! Sit! Oh, come on!” Ihuka was struggling to hold him, but his master soon appeared to see what he caught.
“Good bird,” he said with a smirk. “Very good bird.”
Ihuka beamed, but he had to focus on the wriggling man. He was strong, but Ihuka wouldn’t let him go.
Avizon watched him for a moment and remarked, “Are you finished, thief?”
The man stopped struggling, panting, and Ihuka slowly relaxed. A mistake. As soon as he did the man used a gush of energy to throw him off.
No, Ihuka was not going to lose him. With a yap, he jumped on him again and bit him on the back of his shoulder.
“Ow!” he yelped. “Ihuka, back!” Avizon ordered calmly. “I doubt he’ll be able to get far now.”
The man groaned and tried to crawl forward, toward the window. Avizon stepped on his back, pushing him down with one foot. "You're either a fool, or incredibly brave to dare come here. I haven't decided which yet," he murmured. Ihuka watched him and tilted his head, licking the blood off his lips. Human blood wasn’t the best. He much preferred the meat from rabbits and deer, even from the cattle his master gave him
“T.that… is rude,” the man slurred, “C.could have at least bought me a drink first...”
Avizon rolled his eyes, “Oh, you’re one of the brave jokers,” he mumbled. "I've made up my mind. You're a fool. Ihuka, go and get the antidote. I want this one alive.” Ihuka frowned, but did so. When he returned with a bottle which he was sure was it if his letters were right, he found his master had tied the stranger up. His hands were behind his back but tied to that his arms were crossed and kept together, his wrists at the opposite elbow. And his ankles were tied to his thighs. 
Avizon picked him up like he were a hay bale and dropped him onto a chaise. He took the bottle from Ihuka, checked it, and praised him. Praise always made him happy, it made him as giddy as the liquorice root he ate. He knelt and waited for Avizon to force the unconscious man to drink it. Ihuka was glad he'd brought a pipette now. It made things a little easier.
"Well then, now our guest isn't dying, I fully intend to go back to sleep. Go back to bed, Ihuka, it's safe now. You did very well, I am proud of you. You've earned a reward tomorrow."
"Thank you, master," he peeped.
Avizon watched Ihuka leave and then turned his attention back to the thief. He was a pretty thing, he had to admit. With lush red hair and emerald green eyes that had stared so wildly at him. The white line of face paint beneath his eyes seemed to pull even more attention to them. He smirked, he wasn’t used to thieves being so bonnie-faced.
Avizon was able to see, now that he was still, that he had a small part of the top of his left ear missing as if it had been bitten or cut perhaps. That didn't stop him from wearing an earring in his ear lobe. Perhaps a piercing had been the cause of the injury. He had a scar on his freckle-covered cheek and small shaved lines in his eyebrow.
Speaking of injuries, he would have to treat the wound Ihuka had left. He went to collect some salves and turned the thief onto his side. He rolled his shirt up to apply it. He paused seeing a tattoo, and not just any. This was a magic tattoo, a rune of protection, invisibility. No wonder he'd struggled to locate him. To most magic users he'd have been untraceable, but he was more powerful. Still, this was an ancient rune. He hadn't seen this for a very long time. "The Northern Mountains… you are a very long way from home, thief," he mumbled.
The wound was small, and with the salve, it soon stopped the bleeding, acting almost like a seal. It would do. He wanted him alive, but that didn't mean he particularly cared about him. As long as the venom didn't kill him that would be enough.
So Avizon used his powers to lift him and carried him downstairs to the old dungeons. They'd been empty for a long time, but it seemed they still had their uses. He put the thief in a cleaner cell, leaving him on the old stale bed and untied his legs before leaving, locking the door behind him. He heard the thief groan, but he paid it no attention. He was going back to bed.
Avizon woke early but he felt rested enough to go downstairs, check on his birds and serve them their breakfast. He ate his own meal and only then did he go to the dungeons.
It seemed he'd timed it well; the thief was only just starting to wake up.
"Ow…" he mumbled, still half asleep. "Shoulders… what…" "Wake up, thief," he called impatiently. The man yelped in alarm and tried to turn over, succeeding in falling off the bed with a painful thunk. "Ow…"
Avizon couldn't suppress a smirk. He watched the man turn onto his back and strain to sit up. He paused, seeing him standing there.
"Um… hello?" he gulped. "Don't suppose you feel like untying me? Not the most comfortable thing in the world."
"And why should I untie the man who tried to steal from me?" Avizon raised an eyebrow. "Do you even know where you are? Who I am?" The thief stood up with difficulty. "You don't have wings like those other things so I'll wager you're human- and very good at tying knots," he grunted trying to wiggle out of the bindings.
"Those 'things' happen to be cloudwalkers, and they deserve the respect of a human. Then again, you are from the Northern Mountains. Cloudwalkers aren't native to that land," he grumbled.
"H.How did you know that?" he gulped. "Your tattoo." "My… oh. Right. Magic people tend to know about magic things…"
Avizon struggled to hide his smile. It was strange seeing someone so naive near him. He appreciated the change, but this man needed to know who he was dealing with. He needed to fear him as everyone else did. He wasn’t used to talking to anyone any differently.
"An astounding deduction. What's your name, thief?"
"Ma always taught me not to share my name with people who could kill me, sorry," he answered warily. "Even if I untied you?" Avizon raised an eyebrow. He thought for a minute. "That's… fair."
Avizon opened the cell door, watching as the man stuck his chest up, raising his chin.
He grabbed him by the arm and turned him around, pinning him against the wall with a hand on the back of his neck. “Steady on!” he exclaimed, but Avizon ignored him. He kept his focus on the knots, unpicking them and unravelling some of the rope but not all of it. “Well?” Avizon said. “The name’s Flint Stirling, I’d call myself a master thief, but I’d feel a bit stupid considering you’ve caught me… Who are you then?”
Avizon smirked. He grabbed the two ends of the rope and pulled them tight in one hand, while the other reached around, grabbing Flint by the neck and jaw, pulling his head up close to his. Flint froze, but Avizon could practically hear him thinking, planning, scheming.
Avizon leaned in close to his ear, “I believe in the north they call this castle the Palace of Everblood, the place where the rivers flow red...” Avizon felt the man stiffen in his grip, felt him try to get his arms free, and he couldn’t help but get some satisfaction out of it. He felt him gulp in his hand. The bottled up panic.
He leaned in a little closer. “Ah, familiar with the name? I wonder what stories made it so far north.” Flint shuddered in his grip. “I am Avizon the Terrible, killer of Royals, destroyer of Kingdoms. And you had the gall to try to steal from me.” Flint gulped, “How silly of me,” he murmured, his breath hitching. Avizon saw him grit his teeth. “That a knife in your pocket or are you enjoying yourself, Mr Terrible?”
Avizon was unable to hold back a splutter. He had not expected for him to say that. Avizon couldn’t lie, he enjoyed holding him, having that control, but it had been becoming too intimate and now far too awkward. He shoved him away in disgust.
“It was liquorice root, thank you very much,“ he retorted. He couldn’t quite find his words. This one had courage, that was for sure. “This time, I will let you go free. Let it be known, Flint, that no unspeakable amount of money is worth even a drop of life. Don’t waste yours.”
He stepped back and allowed Flint to wiggle out of the rest of the ropes and cautiously walked past him to the door. “Tell me,” Avizon said, unable to resist the question. “What did you plan to steal from me last night?”
Flint hesitated at the doorway. “Anything I could get my hands on… Let’s just say I’m in a lot of… debt.”
Avizon inclined his head. “You might find work in the village.” Avizon hoped he took the hint that he wasn’t welcome to stay here. “Is there nothing I can do for you here? Please, there has to be something. I’m desperate-”
Avizon shook his head. “Go. Out the door, up the stairs and then left. Be grateful you’re leaving with your life.” Flint’s posture deflated. “Yeah… lucky me.”
Avizon frowned, but decided against arguing with him. He let him leave and assumed that would be the last he'd see of him. He sighed to himself. He was getting too soft.
So yeah, lemme know what you think of the boyfriend to be XD
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Cloudwalker Series Part 29
Alright, part 29 is done, and you can have some cheeky Rhix whump.
Warnings: Mentions/brief descriptions of murder, brief part on previous eye whump and descriptions of it, mentions of nsfw and a non-con assumption, but it does not happen.
Approx WC: 3500
Taglist: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, @thegreathowdini Seeing the castle of Everblood come into view, the enormous towers and mighty walls, the ragged eerie flags that hung lifelessly in the cold air, seeing the old battle scars where the castle had survived attack after attack didn't quite give Avizon the comfort he'd expected it to have despite longing to return- and it wasn't because he was out in the open. He didn't feel like he could be safe anymore. He feared an attack from unseen enemies at any moment. He willed the metal gates to open until he was through and then slam shut behind him. He doubted it would be enough anymore. Maybe Orrien was right; he'd become too dependent on walls and stone despite his claims he was the most powerful in the land.
He set to work on unloading the supplies and tending to Secret, brushing her coat, feeding her and getting her settled for the evening. He smiled at his birds once the work was done and let them do as they wished for a while until dinner. He'd hunted some rabbit along the way so their dinners were sorted. He didn't really feel like eating after killing that man. He'd deserved it for causing such pain, but Avizon still felt like a monster, he still felt out of control. He did wish he could give up his power, but he just didn't have the courage. He knew what he was with that power, but what would he be without it...
He sighed, thinking back to the time where he'd returned to this castle years ago after his wounds eventually healed, after he'd lost Ro and been found after weeks of torture. He'd kidnapped the king with ease, teleporting in, grabbing him from his bed, and teleporting out. It had been that simple. He'd forced him down on the stone altar despite his cowardly begging and pleading.
Oh, the riches and powers he had promised him, wealth beyond measure, the ability to pick any man in the land to replace Ro and Halve would make sure he was able to have him as he wished, fine steeds, castles and servants to command. As if Ro was some cheap toy! As if everything he'd suffered through was so quickly washed away. He'd stared him in the eyes and stabbed him clean through the heart, giving him the sacrifice he'd needed to be able to inherit the dark powers that had soon controlled him.
That had been the easy part, but the sacrifice he had to personally give in exchange had been his eye. That pain had been unlike anything he'd ever felt, the heavy rotting, burning sensation. He didn't like taking off his patch. He hated seeing his eye, how it was black as coal, weepy and so painful whenever light reached it. It did nothing to stop him feeling like a monster. Sometimes it still hurt, the heavy burning withering feeling returned and nothing could ease the pain…
He'd taken over the palace in a rage after that. He'd given the innocents the chance to leave, Orrien helped see to that. Avizon had been left with the scum, and their screams still echoed in his mind. He didn't fully regret what he'd done. Especially to the princess. Eriona had deserved it and so much more. Not just because of what she did to him, but to her two cloudwalkers. Fluffy and Flutter had suffered just as much as he had, perhaps worse at times.
He wanted to find them as soon as he could. Now he was finding himself again, he wanted to give them a chance at happiness. He should have remembered them, he should have cared more. He'd remembered to save Rhix before he drowned in darkness, but he hadn't been able to remember the birds. Back then he was a different man and didn't view them as well as he should have. He'd hated their suffering of course, but he hadn't considered them to be so human… but things were different now.
If they were out there. He would find them and give them the chance to be safe from harm.
Avizon sighed, thoughts wandering to Rhix. Rhix had been a good friend before he'd taken over the castle. Avizon had been the only one Rhix had dared tell about how the King, Kellis, treated him, how he suffered and was constantly being humiliated, treated like some common entertainer. His castle had been almost as bad as Avizon's. Avizon had saved him from that, giving him the chance to grow into a more confident young man. He'd saved him, and it hurt to think all the circle saw him as a truly evil. But Orrien's words gave him hope. Maybe Rhix hadn't completely given up on him…
Avizon struggled within his own skin as he sat on the throne in the gallery. Sometimes twirling a small parchment around in his fingers, other times scrunching it up, waiting impatiently for his 'guests' to arrive. He'd sent a message days ago, a message to the neighboring kingdom where Rhix 'served'. In his hand he held their cowardly answer.
Surrender your sorcerer, Rhixius, to me, alive and well. If you do not bring him, your kingdom will be next to fall. It is my one and only demand.
It was no surprise when a message had been returned quickly. They'd given him up, without even thinking about the possibilities of what Avizon could do with dark magic and a sorcerer with containment talent. Fortunately for them he wasn't interested in that, though the darkness inside certainly was. For now Avizon could only wait for them to bring him. He'd managed to fight the dark part of him that wanted to tell the king he knew his secrets, how they treated Rhix, and send all his rage at him. But he feared that they would harm him for telling someone. Avizon wanted Rhix alive and well and there was no point in risking that.
He felt the presence of men in his domain. He could feel Rhix was with them, but his powers were… weak, incredibly so. As if he'd been sapped of all his energy. He crushed the paper in his hand. If they'd leeched him then so help him…
The men carefully made their way to the throne room. Avizon barely managed to tuck away his shock. He'd expected for Rhix to have resisted, to be bound, but this was different.
Rhixius had been a pitiful sight, his hands were bound in front of him with rough ropes and he was shirtless, covered with shining jewelry and silky baggy pants. His body was littered in bruises and scratches. Avizon wondered how much he'd struggled on the way here. They really thought he wanted Rhix as a partner. No doubt Rhix was terrified. He didn't suppress the growl that rose in his throat, seeing Rhix's pale skin, the old scars and signs of torment, new and old.
He'd been gagged and blindfolded, and was so unaware of what was going on around him. He swayed, but Avizon wasn't sure if that was because of the blindfold or not. Rhix whimpered when they forced him to a halt and shoved him down on his knees. He groaned and struggled not to fall forward. A hand in his hair ensured he couldn't.
"We brought your whore," one man sneered. Avizon brought fire to his hands and glared. "Repeat those words." The man gulped and let go of Rhix, backing away and bowing. "I… I.I thought that you- I didn't- I beg your forgiveness-"
Avizon had already hurdled a ball of fire at him, hitting him hard in the shoulder. The man screamed and rolled around the floor, trying to put out the flames. The flames tore through the clothes quickly and chewed at his skin until he managed to put the last if it out, panting, sobbing. Avizon didn't care.
Rhix tensed up, bracing for pain. Avizon saw how he ducked his head down, trying to seem as small as possible. Avizon didn't want to scare him too. He'd clearly been through enough. The others deserved to suffer. He clenched his fists.
"Do not speak of this man as though he were nothing," Avizon snarled. "One word from him seeking revenge and I will destroy every last brick of your kingdom!” "B.but we have your word you will not attack our kingdom or any other?" The leader spoke up carefully.
"It's true I have what I wanted. But I will not deny Rhixius the chance of revenge if his heart desires. You'd best pray he is far more forgiving than I. If I am left alone and Rhixius chooses peace, then you've nothing to fear. But if I ever hear-" Avizon summoned a wave of dark magic, the deepest he could feel at the time which engulfed the room in darkness.
From the shadows, hands reached out and grabbed all the men, restraining them. He brought fire to his hands and approached the leader slowly, bringing the fire closer and closer to his sweating face. "-that the king is using another man and hurts him as he did Rhix I will not hesitate." Avizon clenched his fists again to put the fire out, ignoring how his hands went numb for now.
"I… I will inform him of your conditions, my Lord." The men bowed, fear radiated off their bodies. Avizon stood and snatched the rope from him that was connected to a collar around Rhix's neck. He let the magic disappear in the blink of an eye and his body felt so heavy from it. His eye throbbed, but he let the pain fuel his anger for now.
That had been enough for them to flee, as if they'd never even been there.
Avizon's attention turned to Rhixius. He struggled with his dark side, he could feel it churning inside him. He circled his trembling form. Part of him wanted to savour the sight, but the rest of him was appalled at the thought, yet unable to stop himself. He felt like a puppet. He grabbed Rhix by the chin and made him look up. Rhixius whimpered. Avizon groaned trying to beat his urges back. He let go and Rhix's head dropped forward limply.
He wanted him. He wanted a pet, a servant, something to be dependent on him and to have complete control over. Rhix would be perfect- He was able to break out of it when he saw Rhix sway badly. He slumped forward with a groan and Avizon's body acted without his mind. He caught him and pulled him close to his chest protectively. No. Rhix was a friend. He would not hurt him! He had to protect him, even from himself.
Avizon was stunned at just how cold he was. He reached for his blindfold. Rhix yelped and flinched away. "Shhh, be at ease." Avizon continued, sliding the white material up, revealing what really were beautiful iridescent eyes. Rhix blinked hard to adjust before he stared up in shock. Avizon ignored him and carefully eased the gag out of his mouth. He cupped his cheek to support his jaw.
"There… I always swore to you that I would save you from that place. I have done so."
"A.Avizon… why…" tears shone in his eyes. "Why did you turn to the shadows… y.you were free…" "Because I wasn't strong enough," his voice harsh like sandpaper. "I couldn't protect him."
"Ro? Avizon, that wasn't your fault…" Avizon shook his head. "I don't expect you to understand. I'm not important. Where is your power?.. Did they use a leech?" "N.No… I. I breathed in powder… they found a way of blocking it for hours at a time… I… I don't know how it's made."
Avizon took a deep breath. He felt better, being closer to him, closer to light magic. It was easier to think clearly, but it made his eye hurt more. Avizon hissed and covered it with a hand.
"Let's get you a bath, a meal, and bed," he managed.
Avizon started to free his hands but Rhix whimpered "Is that why I'm here? What the other man said, what they've all been saying…"
"No." His voice was firm. Solid. "I swore I would free you and I found a way of doing so. It's true that I… I want you to stay, as a friend, so I can protect you but… I already know you wouldn't want that. I'm dangerous now, and the best way to keep you safe would be if you weren't here. Once your powers have returned, I can only beg of you to go to the spire. They should be able to do what I cannot."
Rhix's expression was hard to read. Relief, worry, shock. Avizon gave up trying to understand it. He sighed. "Can you walk?" Rhixius nodded hesitantly. "I think so?"
Avizon managed to put his own pain aside and carefully helped him up, teleporting him upstairs. Using his powers, keeping the darkness flowing, made it easier to control the urges. He sat Rhix down on the side of a bed for now. Rhix only frowned and reached up slowly for Avizon's face. "What happened to your eye?"
Avizon turned his face away. "It… was sacrificed, let's say. It's not a pretty sight. Hopefully time will ease the pain." "May I see? Perhaps I can help?" "I doubt it…"
He let Rhix reach up with trembling fingers and ease the eyepatch away. He winced at the sight. It was dark magic for sure. The eye was pitch black, weepy, and looked almost like stone or charred wood. The surrounding skin was practically purple as the darkness had made its way into the surrounding capillaries. It was a terrible mess, and Avizon despised it.
"Avizon…" but words would not come to him. "Please let go of this magic before it's too late. Let go of it a.and I'll stay. I swear it. You'll have enough power to stay safe with me. You don't need it."
Avizon shook his head and moved Rhix's hands away, feeling another wave of darkness. "I can't. I am sorry…" "But it could kill-"
Avizon's mind slipped. He grabbed Rhix by the throat before he could stop himself. Rhix tried to bring magic to his hands on instinct, but nothing happened. Fear glowed in his eyes. 
"The magic stays," Avizon hissed. "Unless you care for a share of it too? We could rule together, be unstoppable, and reshape the world in our image."
Rhix brought his elbow down hard to force Avizon to let go. He coughed hard and shook his head. "I. I don't want that. Take a look at yourself! You can't control it! It's not meant to be controlled. Avizon, please do not go down this path, I'll do anything. Let me help you, let me at least stop it from destroying my friend!" Tears pooled in his eyes.
Avizon groaned and fell back against the wall, clutching his head. He looked up at him and whimpered. "I am so sorry. I.I'll go before I really hurt you… I'm sorry, Rhix. I never wanted this." Avizon rushed away, keeping his hands close to his body. What had he done?!
Avizon wished he'd taken Rhix up on that offer. Maybe he'd have been happy with a friend by his side, but there was no point thinking about it. He'd made his decision and had been miserable and alone.
Avizon finished up at the stables and found Dyan's dreamcatcher still hanging up in the cart where he'd first stored it. He'd have to put it up for him before night fell. He sighed, took it down, and went to the birds' room.
He found Dyan laying glumly in bed. He sighed softly. "What's wrong, Dyan?" "Nothing really. Just… I miss Blue. This place is so big that it makes me feel more lonely…" "I understand that feeling all too well. You can stay in the tower today with me if you like?"
Dyan nodded and rubbed his eyes. He watched Avizon put the dreamcatcher up in the window. "There, that ought to help you," Avizon smiled.
"Thank you, master, for doing so much for me a.and buying me nice things. I'm the luckiest cloudwalker in the world to be by your side." That caught Avizon off guard a little. He smiled softly and ruffled his hair. "Thank you, Dyan. Now let's get going. I need to study the venom I collected from Tashka."
Dyan sat sleepily beside Avizon, resting against his knee, drifting off to sleep with his head against him. Avizon smiled and left him to rest, for now focusing on his work. He needed to know what had happened, to know just what Borgurk was planning. Tashka had certainly been right. The magic he could feel in the venom certainly belonged to Borgurk. That scum had lingered in the shadows unsupervised for far too long, ever since Avizon had fought him. In truth, Avizon wished and had even thought him dead. It scared him to know he could come back. He had loved ones he could lose again…
He was still working when Dyan woke up from his rather long nap. He startled awake with a loud cheep before flopping back down against his master's leg. "It's alright, little bird. Bad dream?" "I'm not sure.. I think I was being chased."
"Are you well enough for me to ask for a little of your venom, for comparison?"
Dyan gulped but nodded and got up on his knees. He opened his mouth and waited. Avizon was patient as he massaged behind his ear, sometimes a little rougher than what was relaxing, but it worked. Venom dripped and Avizon collected it. Avizon had what he needed. He patted Dyan's hair and invited him to lie down again.
Dyan peeked over the top of the table to see what his master was doing. He was surprised by all the bottles and tools and devices.
"I don't like this at all…" Avizon mumbled. "Borgurk's up to something terrible… Dyan, I don't want you or Ihuka leaving the magic circle that surrounds this castle, you understand? Something dark and dangerous is afoot."
"Yes, master."
Avizon wished he knew what but until Borgurk played his hand he feared he wouldn't know. Of course he realised Borgurk was interfering with cloudwalker magic, probably to make himself stronger but… Then what? Did he have a target in mind? A goal? That's where he was less sure. He needed to prepare, take measures to protect everyone…
"Master?" Dyan said softly, breaking Avizon out of his thoughts. "Are… are you alright? Can I help?..." Avizon looked down and smiled at him. He stroked his hair lovingly. "You already are helping. Good bird. Are you feeling better?"
Dyan nodded and decided to hug Avizon's leg.
"I wonder where Ihuka wandered off to… its almost dinner time. This can wait a little while, I need time to think. Come, let's go find him." Dyan let go and waited for his master to stand before he rose up off the floor. "Maybe he's at his favourite window?"
"You go search there and then your room. I'll wander until I can sense him."
And so he wandered, Dyan returned without Ihuka and Avizon frowned in mild confusion. He knew Ihuka was still in the grounds. He wasn't worried, just curious.
He didn't expect to find him sitting at the top of one of the towers, looking out at the immense view, hugging his knees with the stuffed toy Avizon had bought him.
Avizon approached noisily so as to not startle him. Ihuka turned quickly, likely not sure if he was in trouble or not. "Good bird," Avizon said softly, hoping to ease that anxiety as soon as he could. Ihuka visibly relaxed and went back to looking at the view.
"It's dinner time… Ihuka? Anyone in there?" Ihuka seemed lost in thought, in emotion. He stared out into the world and… longed? Grieved perhaps?
Ihuka flinched when Avizon carefully touched his shoulder. "You miss your brother?" "Sorry, master," Ihuka said quickly. Avizon hushed him softly. "We'll find him. Let's get you fed now, alright? Dinner time."
Avizon ruffled his hair gently and then made his way down for a meal. Ihuka hugged Dyan when he saw him sitting at the table. Avizon was glad they had each other since they couldn't find much comfort with him. He really did wish he could do more, but as Orrien said, they needed time.
He hoped giving them some time back home away from everything would help all three of them. He knew fate was in motion, conflict was nearing and they needed the time to rest. If it didn't work, he didn't know what else he could do. 
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Cloudwalker Series Part 32
Okay so work had me a little busy BUT I’m a few chapters ahead again so hopefully I post a bit more regularly again. I have been waiting for so long to get to next little plot arch but we’re finally there and the whump will be glorious.
Warnings: treating attempted murder/neck trauma, animal whump (Enchanted object), missing people/kidnapping, mentions/fear of death, eye whump/pain. Masterlist: Here Approx WC: 2300 Taglist: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @thegreatwhodini
Avizon appeared at the foot of a bed in the tower, in a room just beside where he kept his potions and ingredients, his research, and his office. He gasped in relief when the pain in his eye eased so suddenly that it made him dizzy and stagger, but he had a job to do which couldn’t wait. His own needs weren't important.
He carried Blue and Mouse with care and eased Blue down on the bed, minding his whimpers, the raspiness to his breathing. He let Mouse snuggle up against him on the pillow for now, hoping they had enough magic left in them to hold on, but he grimaced, seeing how their back legs were turning solid, unmovable. They were running out of time.
But right now he couldn't help them, being near Blue was the best he could do for them. “It’s going to be alright, I promise," he said to both of them. He eyed Blue's bruised neck, how he still held onto it and his breathing just was not right. He needed to heal him. "Will you let me look at your neck? Please?” he asked softly.
He sent a small orb downstairs to retrieve Ihuka and Dyan. He was going to need their help, and Blue was going to desperately need the comfort. Blue curled up and whimpered, flinching as Avizon settled a hand on his shoulder. Avizon’s thoughts raced, there was so much he needed to do but time was not on his side. He knelt down by the bed and calmly said “Trust me, Blue. Let me help.”
Blue shuddered but wordlessly, he raised his chin. "Good lad, you're being so brave." Avizon didn't rush to touch it, for now, he simply looked, hushing him gently. The rope burn wasn't too bad, or at least not as bad as it could have been. Blue had clearly tried to keep as still as he could. It showed in his exhaustion, in how he couldn't move his head for the pain. “I know, I know… it’s alright.” Avizon slowly brought a hand up and stroked his hair, noting how he flinched. "Will you let me heal this?"
Blue pursed his lips. "I.I’m fine…"
Avizon soothed him as best he could as he slowly brought his hand further down to his neck, at the back for the sake of saving him from unnecessary pain and panic. "We both know that’s not true. I can heal this if you wish, but it will hurt a little."
Blue shook his head. "H.help Mouse first."
It was then that Ihuka and Dyan came rushing up the stairs. "Blue!" "Dyan, get me the bag of feathers and a bowl. Make me a little nest in it to put Mouse in. They need magic, quickly."
Dyan battled past his urge to rush to help Blue and obeyed swiftly, filling it as best he could with small fluffy feathers, a mixture of feathers he and Ihuka had molted, and a few Avizon had yanked out in their first few days.
Avizon turned his attention back to Blue. "Mouse will be just fine. Will you let me help you? Yes? Thank you. Try to relax and take deep breaths." He focused on healing Blue. His healing magic was very poor now, it took more effort than he expected to get the light magic past the dark and to Blue's trembling body, to let his magic soak into the bruises, the rope burn, the internal damage. Coldness washed over his body as he filtered the magic through. Avizon could feel the sweat forming on his body, the deep ache that returned to his eye, but he kept going with clenched teeth.
Blue grabbed at his neck for a few moments, trying to pry Avizon’s hands off as he gasped, but Avizon ignored the scratching, the pain that burned the tops of his hands. He kept focused, kept healing until Blue finally settled, dropping down limp on the bed, sucking in deep breaths amongst coughs, but he sounded so much better than he had. Tears pooled in his eyes. Avizon stepped back and shook his head. "That's the best I can do. The rest will ease on its own. Ihuka, bed. Cuddle with Blue. Keep him warm. You did well, Blue. I'm sorry it hurt so much."
Ihuka carefully made his way onto the bed and Blue leaned into him, clinging to him with fear. Dyan soon returned to the bowl. Avizon took it off him and left him to see Blue. He carefully scooped up Mouse, hushing them gently as he transferred them to the bowl. He then covered them with a handkerchief so they felt more covered and safe. He gently stroked their head with one finger as they settled down to sleep their injury away. He could only hope the magic of those few remaining feathers was enough.
"What about mister Orrien?" Dyan asked weakly. "Is he…" Avizon couldn't bring himself to meet Dyan's gaze. "He's been taken. But I will find him.” Dyan gulped. “Erix...”
Avizon sighed and nodded slowly. “Stay here, look after Blue and Mouse. I’ll… see if anyone can help.”
Avizon kept his back straight, his shoulders broad, and his head high as he made for the next room. He glanced behind him to see Dyan holding Blue close as they both trembled, as he watched Ihuka stroke Mouse’s head and how they seemed to grow stronger from it. He bit back his panic and left the room, shutting the door behind him.
But once that door was shut, everything hit into him like a battering ram. The terror of his master being taken, the exertion from trying to heal Blue, the deep stinging brought on by the bite mark caused by Mouse and Blue’s scratch marks- the sheer agony behind his cursed eye. He groaned and slid down to the floor, leaning on the door for support. For a moment, he could only sit, panting, panicking, trying to desperately weave a plan together, a means of finding his master before it was too late. Orrien didn’t deserve this. He needed help, but before he even tried, he knew that no one would help him. He had one chance, and if he didn’t agree to help, then he would have to do this on his own.
Dyan stayed by Blue’s side for as long as he could, until his trembles had subsided and left him weak and tired. His head had gradually fallen to the side, resting against Dyan's chest. Dyan kept him warm with his wings, doing all he could to make sure he was comfortable. It was a welcome distraction from his own fear. Erix had acted, and now instead of taking it out on him, he was taking and hurting those Dyan cared about. Orrien was a nice man, he let Blue be free and he’d looked after his master. Blue was everything to him, and the thought of Erix even looking at him was enough to make him feel sick.
“Dee,” Blue murmured. “C.can I have some water?” Dyan startled out of his thoughts slightly but nodded quickly. “Stay here, I don’t think master will mind. I’ll go and get you some...” he inched his way off the bed and eased the blanket over Blue so he didn’t lose the warmth.
Dyan exchanged worried glances with Ihuka, who had kept a lot of his attention on helping Mouse. Mouse had left their nest and snuggled up amongst the feathers of Ihuka’s wing, sleeping soundly, and looking a lot better than they had. Their back legs were moving again, though sluggishly. Dyan didn’t need to say a word to know Ihuka would protect them both until he returned.
With some hesitation, Dyan went to the door and opened it. He tried to trust in his master enough to know he wouldn’t get in trouble for getting Blue water, but he couldn’t lose his instincts. He hoped he’d be able to see his master on the way, to check it was alright.
Dyan froze when he found his master kneeling on the floor, uttering syllables and sounds Dyan had never heard before. Dyan needed to get Blue water, but he was too afraid to disturb his master’s… what was he doing?
“Rhix...” Avizon whispered. “Please, hear me-”
The tranquility was abruptly cut off when Avizon was thrown back, as if someone had kicked him in the forehead and sent him tumbling backwards. He groaned and turned around, stuck on all fours for a moment. “M...master?” Dyan whimpered. His mouth became so painfully dry with nerves. Was he going to be angry at him for seeing that? Had he caused it?
Avizon groaned and struggled up to his knees again, covering his eye with his hand, but he still had the eyepatch on. “Dyan?” he grunted. “I thought you’d be with Blue.” “H.he asked for water. I’m sorry, master, I didn’t mean to disturb you-” Avizon struggled onto his feet and Dyan wasn’t sure if he should offer him his help. “That wasn’t your fault, little bird. That was the circle.” “The circle?” Dyan frowned. “Let’s go and get that water, I’ll explain on the way.” Dyan came closer to him, and hesitantly asked “Do you need any help?” “H.help me balance. Ignium’s powers are still as painful as ever...” he rubbed his head. Dyan helped as best he could as they began to walk down the stairs. 
Avizon took a deep breath as he tried to explain. “The Circle, or the Sorcerer’s Circle is a very ancient group of people- of magic wielders. Anyone who can do magic is invited into it. I was once one of them, in the innermost circle- that’s the circle that has the strongest sorcerers. Once, there was a magic wielder from every kingdom- that’s why there are eight members. The best of them served and protected the royal families, but over time, kingdoms fell or were reshaped. Now it is made up of eight of the most powerful sorcerers in the world. The Circle is... meant to help keep the land in peace, and also protects those of us who have magic. Because of my actions, for killing King Halve, things changed again, and we no longer serve kingdoms.”
“So it’s just a group of sorcerers?” Dyan asked, puzzled. He was trying his best to keep up with what his master told him but there was a lot to take in.  “Well, now it is. I was banished from it because of my actions, and Erix took my place. The circle protects all the sorcerers and magic wielders in the world.” Dyan tensed for a moment. Would he count? Yes, he could technically make magic, but would being a cloudwalker exclude him from that protection if he was given it. But then... Erix was part of that circle, so his hopes deflated. There really just wasn’t anywhere in this world where he could be safe and happy.
Avizon continued, “So I was hoping they would hear me, that they would help me save Orrien. But I am exiled, they do not trust me, and I don’t doubt Erix is dripping poison in their ears… What you saw was the sorcerer Ignium getting in between me and… my friend, Rhix. He cast me away from Rhix- why, I don't know. But it means the only way I’ll be able to help Orrien is to do this myself.”
Dyan could barely focus on what Avizon said. “But master… if I have magic, would that mean...” “Yes. You will be part of the circle- all cloudwalkers might be. You might just be the reason we can protect them all. That's why I was hoping to train you.” Dyan’s stomach twisted. He’d never even considered all the other cloudwalkers. He struggled to suppress his nerves. This was all so complex...
Avizon helped Dyan fill a jug with clean water, and then he began to climb the stairs. “I would ask you to try to speak to him, but it’s difficult magic, and I don’t want Ignium to hurt you… I should be able to find Orrien, but it may take a few days. Until then, I need you all to stay safe, to stay in the castle.”
“Master… why is Erix in the circle? If you were bad and weren’t allowed in, why is he?” “Because he has never hurt one of them until now. That’s their flaw… they only care if their own are affected. They can’t remove him for how he treats cloudwalkers. I know, it’s disgusting. But he has taken Orrien, hurt him. That changes things. Once I get him back, we can get him kicked out, disgraced.”
Dyan nodded slowly. It gave him a sense of hope, but his worry for Orrien was too great. “But… why would he take him then?” Avizon shrugged. “Perhaps he is desperate, or perhaps he has a plan. I don’t want to tell you ideas and theories that will do nothing but scare you. As I have said, I will find him and bring him here… I think I am steady enough now to leave. I will first go to Erix’s abode, check that he is not there, though I doubt he’d be so obvious. After that…”
Avizon’s voice trailed off, but Dyan couldn’t help but get the impression that he didn’t know. “I will track him down. I’ll try to keep checking on you all, but time is of the essence. You are free to get whatever food and water you want until I return. It might take a few days. You don’t need to clean or do any chores aside from looking after the horse. I’ll make sure Orrien’s farm is looked after.” Avizon opened the door for him which led to the bedroom. Dyan filled a cup with care and helped Blue to drink.
“I’m sorry I didn’t think to bring you any water sooner, Blue. I… lost my composure. Rest. I will be back soon.”
Avizon hurried to pack a bag, furiously shoving bandages and herbs into it. If he ever got hold of Ignium, he’d knock him into next week, old man or not. His stubbornness was going to get Orrien killed. And it was becoming clear that that was Erix’s plan. Was he going to try to frame him for what happened to Orrien? To kill him, set the circle after him, and scoop Dyan up once all the damage and death was done?
He packed his bag faster. He had to find his master before it was too late.
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Febuwhump ‘21 #8
#8 Hey, Hey, This Is No Time To Sleep
For the record, I will make a master list at the end of this which puts everything in order. Some of these don’t happen til a lot later in the story so I need to sort it all out. Contains head injury.
WC: 1055
Dyan had been determined to do a good job of cleaning the library for his master. He was desperate to do a good job and make him happy. If master was happy, then he could be happy. So he worked all day, he didn't stop unless he was told to by Avizon.
So he cleaned, and he cleaned and he cleaned.
He was so distracted, he didn't even realise he was missing dinner. He had no idea, there was just him and the chandelier that he cleaned so gently from his ladder. 
"Dyan?" Avizon called suddenly.
Dyan startled badly, his body curled up on itself before he could remind it of what a terrible decision that would be. He fell from the ladder with a cry, trying to use his wings to steady his fall but he couldn’t fly, he barely slowed himself as he hit the floor hard. He mewled and then there was nothing.
The next thing he knew, Avizon was in his face, his eye full of worry and he grimaced. “Dyan, can you hear me?” Dyan groaned and rubbed his sore head. He tried to sit up, but Avizon’s firm hands kept him down. The pressure on his shoulder’s made him freeze and whimper. Old memories haunted him and filled him with panic. He couldn’t breathe.
“Do not move,” Avizon instructed. Dyan closed his eyes tight and braced for pain, but none came. “Relax, little one, I am not angry, you’re safe. You’ve hit your head badly, I wasn’t able to catch you in time.”
“I’m sorry,” Dyan whimpered. Bad, bad, bad! Yet again he had made a mistake! “Jus’ wanted...” his words wouldn’t come to him. What did he want, really? He wasn’t good, he wasn’t allowed to want things. He was nothing, and not even good at being nothing, as Erix so often told him. He shuddered and began to cry.
“Shhhh, Dyan, calm yourself. You’re hurt, so you’re a little confused, that is all. You are not nothing.” Wait, had he said that outloud?! He wanted to just curl up and sob. Why was he always so bad?! Things had made more sense to him when he was punished, he had rules to go by, reinforcement, but Avizon was different. Avizon was letting him get sloppy and it scared him. “Punish me,” he slurred, his body felt so heavy, so rusted and tired. “I… I’m bad… Please, I. I don’t want- n.no… can’t want...”
Avizon stroked the hair out of his face, noting how he flinched. “You are not bad. I will not punish you. But I am going to get this wound treated for you. It will take magic, and therefore feathers, but I can treat it.” He let out a soft breath; if his master wasn’t going to punish him, then sleep sounded so good… His eyes were so heavy, it meant he could get away from Avizon’s stare. “Dyan, no, stay awake. That is an order.” Dyan groaned but opened his eyes, feeling the light sting. Avizon carefully sat him up. “If you stay awake, then you’ll be a good bird, okay? Just stay awake for me.” Staying awake felt impossible, but he so desperately wanted to be good. He groaned and tried to fight with his dizziness.
“Let’s get you to the tower.”
Avizon picked him up, grunting as he held all of Dyan’s weight. “S.sorry,” Dyan mumbled, seeing the blood on the floor he’d spent hours scrubbing. His fingers showed the agonising sores he’s collected in doing his task. He’d just been so determined to make it pretty...
He didn’t know if he’d fallen asleep or not, but after a blink, he found himself in the tower. “Stay awake, good bird.” He lay Dyan down, face down on the table. “Awake, Dyan. Do not fall asleep.” Avizon retrieved his sack of feathers and cut the nibs of a few of them, letting the light magic within them seep into his fingers. “This will help.”
Dyan yelped when Avizon pressed his fingers lightly against the head wound. Dyan desperately tried to get on all fours, to get up, but his arms shook with exertion and he dropped back down. He mewled as Avizon continued with his work. He could feel things moving, amongst the pain. He whined and couldn’t help but try to crawl away.
Avizon had to put a hand on the centre of his back and push to ease him into staying still. “Shhh, it’s almost done. Breathe, Dyan, deep breaths.” “‘M sorry!” he cried, but finally the pressure came away from the back of his head. He fell limp, panting, sweating, and yet shivering. “It’s finished. It’s all healed. You’ve done well. You’re such a good boy. Steady now, you need rest.”
Another blink, and Avizon had teleported him back to his room. “It’s safe to sleep now if you want to...” Avizon’s voice trailed off when he saw Dyan’s hands, how red and sore they were, covered with blisters and callouses. “You worked so hard today...” “I thought it would please you?” “The library looks wonderful, but I care more about your safety, your comfort.” Avizon brushed his fingers over Dyan’s hands, having just enough healing magic left to ease the pain.
“Thank you, master...” Dyan sniffled. “But if I lie down I’ll get the pillowcase dirty...” Avizon ruffled his hair gently. “There are spares, but would you like me to prepare a bath?” “Your dinner...” Dyan realised. No, he couldn’t make his master miss his meal! “Dyan,” Avizon grumbled softly. “None of those things matter. They are nothing compared to your well being. My food will reheat. Let’s get you cleaned up then, so you have one less thing to worry about.” “I’m sorry,” he blubbed. “I. I always do things wrong.” Avizon hushed him softly. “You don’t, I swear it. I hope one day you are able to worry less, but I do understand why you are so afraid. It’s hard to change when it’s all you’re used to.” Dyan scrubbed his tears away with his palm. He was so lucky to have such a kind master, to have someone so forgiving. If this had been Erix, he’d have been punished so many times by now. Avizon smiled at him. “Come on then, little bird, bath time.”
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Cloudwalker Series Part 20
Okay I managed to unwriters-block myself so we’re back on track. I’m treating you all to some Blue and Dyan whump.
Content Warnings: Contains descriptions of rather gross magical wounds, hiding injuries, magic whump, negative self talk, and passing out from wounds.
Master-list Here
Approx WC: 1900
Taglist: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
Blue woke with a soft groan. He immediately felt awful, sick down to his bones, but it was not like anything he was used to or had felt before. It wasn’t from blood loss, or a bad stomach or aches from fighting. He’d experienced all of those and so much more and it wasn’t that. 
It was magic related, he could feel the draining deep in his chest, but again, it wasn’t like usual, it wasn’t like he’d just ran out and needed Orrien to give him some magic. He just didn’t understand it, but he knew it wasn’t going to be easy to act like nothing was wrong. Orrien was good at noticing when something was wrong.
His eyes fluttered open to reveal a head of brown hair. He smiled weakly, knowing it was Dyan. For a moment, he savoured the comfort, the warmth that Dyan’s wings brought, the kind of warmth that just couldn’t be replicated by a blanket, but he quickly felt too warm. He could only assume he had a fever coming on.
He could hear Dyan’s breathing, the incredibly soft snore. Blue would have stayed there all day if he could, but he had to carry out his chores. He sat up, battling against the wave of dizziness that it brought him. He rubbed his head and looked down at Dyan, seeing him all cuddled up against him, so at peace. It was nice to see him looking more relaxed.
But he had to do his chores, he had to prove his worth and he had to try to work through this sickness to get rid of it. He began to sit up but someone cleared their throat. He jumped and saw Avizon sitting on the floor with Ihuka asleep in his arms. 
"Maybe you should stay in bed," he said quietly, like he was choosing his words carefully. "But my chores…" "You're wounded. You shouldn't do heavy work," Avizon advised.
Blue didn’t like hearing it. He didn’t like hearing that he wasn’t good enough to do a job- no matter what the reason. "But…" "It's alright, Blue, really," Avizon said softly. "They're no doubt already taken care of. Orrien isn't as fragile as you fear. It's alright to rest… in truth, I think you and Dyan both need time to process what happened. I think he needs you- and I'm not just saying such things to keep you in bed."
Blue slowly shuffled back down and asked, "What do you mean?" "I think he was so shocked by what had happened he'd gone numb, hidden away in his own mind. He was in a daze and I couldn’t help him. He looked so lost but the only real thought getting through to him was you…"
Blue frowned but nodded slowly. He felt… special? Important? He wasn’t sure how to explain it. To be the one thing that Dyan was holding onto… well, he was just glad he was able to help. Dyan must have been so worried…  so scared.
Blue whimpered in the back of his throat."I… I think I've run out of magic… I need to tell mas- I mean… tell Orrien." "He was going to come up in a few minutes. Can you hold or is it an emergency?"
"I.it can wait a little longer," Blue answered but he winced in pain at his shoulder. The bite that cloudwalker had left behind still hurt him badly. He didn’t want to look at it. He didn’t want to see the disapproval from his own kind that would scar his skin forever.
Avizon frowned at him and sighed, “It… It’s going to be alright, Blue. I am not always good with my words and I am sorry I cannot say or do more, but things will be alright.”
Blue’s head shot towards the door as quiet footsteps neared and Orrien appeared. “Easy, easy… You look awful…” “He told me he needed magic,” Avizon said. Orrien rolled up his sleeves, “That can be arranged. Hold still, my lad.”
Blue offered him his neck with a whimper, letting his weather-worn fingertips gently press against the tattooed skin, for him to begin to mutter the spell that would give him some magic to keep him alive. Blue battled against tears, but it wasn’t because of pain. Orrien was always so gentle when he gave him magic, but he hated this, he hated having to be dependent on another. He wanted his wings back, he wanted to fly, to fish- to be accepted!
He wanted to be a cloudwalker again.
When Orrien was finished, Blue was surprised to find he didn’t feel that much better. He reluctantly admitted it to Orrien. “I… I don’t know if it worked? I still feel bad, but usually...”
“There are a lot of people with powers in this room, it could be that your body is picking up on that. But you’ve also lost blood and been healed a lot. Perhaps you should sleep, and if that hasn’t helped, I’ll see what I can do,” Orrien suggested.
Blue looked down at Dyan and then to the window. He liked being near him, but at the same time, he needed air, he needed to be alone for a little while. The barn was his favourite place to go. That was where he could think and doze off in the hay and be at peace. The more he thought about it, the more he needed to get out of this bed and go there. He didn’t like seeing all their pitiful expressions.
“I… can I go in the barn?” Orrien sighed softly. “Alright, but please don’t be doing any work.” Blue nodded. He eased his way out of bed, biting back whimpers, but Orrien could see his pain. He helped him up and out of bed.
Dyan let out a soft whine in his sleep, so Orrien lifted Ihuka onto the bed, putting him in his place. So Avizon could actually stand up. Blue felt bad. He wanted to stay, but right now, he just didn’t feel like he belonged beside a cloudwalker, and Dyan’s warm wings were just too much for him right now. Orrien watched him hobble down the stairs with great concern. Blue could feel his gaze on his back. He couldn't blame him. Moving had not made him feel any better.
Blue kept walking, even as dizziness plagued his vision. He kept going, and he was exhausted before he got to the barn, but his legs kept going. He winced and dropped down in his little corner, resting his head against a small square bale of hay. Quiet, comfortable… alone. He didn’t know why he suddenly felt a little better, like the source of the discomfort was gone. Maybe Orrien was right, it was because he was next to so many with powers, but then… he’d never felt like that before around them. 
He didn’t have the time to dwell on it. As his spirit settled back down, the pain in his shoulder increased. He whimpered and tugged off his bandages with difficulty as his arms grew heavy. What was wrong with it?!
He froze when he saw it. The bite mark had turned coal black, was crumbling and oozing like charred wood. He gulped. This was not natural. This was magic and this was bad. He thought Orrien had cleaned this up last night, it shouldn’t have been like this- but then again, despite all the wounds he’d ever gotten, he’d never seen anything like this before. He needed to get to Orrien. Orrien was his best chance. He’d know what to do.
But as soon as he stood up, he swayed badly. He tried to call for help, but it was getting hard to breathe. Every attempt came out as a wheeze. He had to make it to the door, he just had to…
He collapsed with a whimper, and then everything went dark.
*Segment Break*
Dyan woke with a whimper as he narrowly escaped a nightmare before it got too bad. He shuddered and was surprised by the feeling of warmth, of wings other than his own wrapped around him. Ihuka. He was used to that now, but he could have sworn he’d fallen asleep with Blue next to him. He wasn’t sure. That afternoon was so hazy to him now…
He dragged himself up and out of the bed, cradling his worst-felt injuries, the deep scratches on his side, that twinged with pain with every breath. Where was Blue? He was worried about him. Why hadn’t he been in bed? Had he gone to do his chores after that horrible attack yesterday? Dyan wasn’t sure, he just really needed to see him, to hold him and know for sure that he was alright.
Tiptoeing downstairs, he was met by Avizon and Orrien in the kitchen. Orrien was washing dishes while staring out of the window, in the direction of the barn. Avizon was sitting at the table, nursing a mug.
“Dyan?” Avizon said with concern. “Are you sure you should be up so soon? You were feverish the last I checked on you.” “I was worried about Blue...” Dyan admitted. “He wasn’t in bed, so. I.I thought it would be alright to look for him.”
Avizon sighed and beckoned him closer, putting a hand against his forehead once Dyan was close enough. Dyan couldn’t help but lean into the coolness. He sighed softly.
“He’s in the barn, I’ll take you over so you can see him and know he’s alright, but then I really think you should get some rest. You’ve a lot of wounds, little bird. That fever isn’t one to ignore...”
Dyan sighed and nodded, hugging his side a little closer. “I think… maybe I have an infection, master, some of my wounds are stinging a lot.” Avizon gently swept the hair out of his face. “Then we’ll change your bandages and have a look. Let’s go and get Blue, he’ll need his done as well.”
“I’ll get everything ready,” Orrien said.
Dyan helped Avizon up and passed him his cane so they could set off. Avizon took Dyan’s blanket from the back of the armchair and put it over Dyan’s shoulders. “It’s a cool wind,” he supplied a little awkwardly. Dyan didn’t mind. He appreciated the care.
They went outside to find Blue, but when Dyan called out there was no reply. Avizon frowned. “Eyes open, Dyan, be alert- just in case.” Dyan gulped and nodded, but his pace quickened. He needed to see Blue. He couldn’t shake his worry, the feeling that something was wrong.
He opened the barn door carefully, and when his eyes settled on a figure on the floor. That familiar mop of blond hair, the pretty feather earrings he wore, the clothes to hide his scars. Dyan saw him laying motionless on the floor.
He screamed in horror but bolted forwards, not caring about any threats that could be lingering. He just wanted to get to Blue. He just had to get to his Blue.
For the record, I apologise for the cliffhanger, but the next part will be up soon.
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Cloudwalker Series Part 11
Not sure if anyone’s actually still interested in this but I still love it and I enjoy writing it so I’m going to keep going. Now we start making Avizon nicer, only for worse people to later enter and whump the beans.
Warnings for this one are more squick warnings. Ihuka has wound fever, and there’s a part where feathers are put back onto his wings with magic. Master-list Here
Approx WC: 1700
Ihuka’s fever did not improve by morning, that much was clear when Dyan came to Avizon alone and asked him for guidance. Avizon went down to their room to see what was wrong with him, to see how sick he’d gotten. Ihuka didn’t even raise his head when the door opened. The discomfort was clear on his face, the blankets were on the floor and the mattress was damp with sweat.
Avizon grimaced. “His wounds were cleaned, he shouldn’t have gotten this ill...” but even as Avizon spoke, he examined the lash marks, the skin red and shiny, he saw the burn, he felt the heat behind the skin which made Ihuka groan and try to move away. He could see where his wings were getting red and developing mottled skin. “Too much,” Avizon mumbled, though more to himself. “He doesn’t look like he’ll be able to fight off this fever on his own. He needs medicine, and if not… magic.”
Ihuka whimpered as Avizon picked him up, and Dyan was surprised to see that he picked him up without using magic. Ihuka’s head fell against his chest and he shivered as his bare wings almost trailed across the floor.
“S.sorry...” Ihuka managed, swallowing hard. It was enough to make Avizon feel a pang of pity for the creature, a twinge of guilt. This was not how he wanted him to be at all. He wanted them trained, not terrified of him. He had gone too far- he should have known better! Perhaps he really was an evil sorcerer, but he didn’t want these two beautiful creatures to think of him that way. Maybe he really was a fool for thinking he was capable of anything but hurt. How had he been so blind?
“Follow.” Dyan obeyed, following Avizon up the stairs of the tower until they came to Avizon’s office, where he did most of his potion-making and other work. Dyan had spent hours cleaning the table the day before, sanding it and varnishing it and now Ihuka had been settled onto it. Ihuka writhed on the wood and tried to crawl off, but Avizon’s heavy hand on his shoulder, as well as gentle hushes was enough to make him stay still. He whined as Avizon turned him over onto his front, being careful when he moved his wings.
“You will be alright, little bird. You can sleep.”
Avizon spent hours tending to him, cleaning and resealing wounds, wiping him down with a cool damp cloth, while Dyan could only watch with wide eyes. Avizon gave Dyan the cloth and the instruction to keep dabbing his face and neck while he hurried to prepare a potion. He boiled it down, and added one ingredient after another, not caring how it bubbled and fizzed and glowed until it formed a strong elixir to help him fight the fever. 
He should not have hurt him so much. Why could he only see it now that the fire had left Ihuka’s eyes? Now that he’d broken him down enough to obey, was he able to acknowledge just how fragile his body was, how thin his arms and legs were. He should have known that hurting him so much would bring on a fever, even if Ihuka had bitten him. Perhaps he should not have lost his temper so badly, he should have stopped the punishment once he'd knelt the first time…
Why was he such a monster? And why were these thoughts only entering his mind now? Why was it only clear now the damage had been done? He felt the desire to confide in his old master, but that would have to wait- that was, if Orrien even wanted to talk to him.
Avizon approached Ihuka again and sat him up, cradling his head in his arms once the elixir was ready and cool. “Drink, little one. Drink.” Ihuka tried to look even smaller in his grip, and although he did succeed in that, it wasn’t going to stop Avizon. “Drink. Dyan, translate it for me. He must drink, it will help him get rid of his illness.”
Ihuka wasn’t paying him much attention in his lethargic state. Avizon carefully used his thumb to part his lips, to ease his mouth open just enough to pour the liquid in a little at a time. Ihuka shuddered and managed to grab hold of his wrist.
Dyan stood, shuffling from one foot to the other. “Is he going to be okay, master?” Avizon looked up at his sorrowful face and nodded softly. “I will do all I can… In truth I don’t know.”
“We have stories,” Dyan practically whispered. “That our wings… our feathers, are what give us our strength...” Dyan stopped himself, but Avizon could finish his sentence for him ‘and you took them away’. “The feathers give you vitality? The magic inside them...”
Light magic was in need fragile, Avizon forgot that. He was so used to dark power, so used to not caring, not having a need to care. Perhaps it was being in the presence of light magic again that had made him realise just how cruel he had become. His heart sank. So many people that he loved would have been devastated at what he’d become… What would his beloved Ro have thought?
Avizon looked at Ihuka and sighed. “How long does it take you to grow your feathers back?” “Months… maybe less if we're warm and fed.”
Avizon smoothed the hair out of his face. “If he does not improve on his own within the next few days-" No, not a few days. Ihuka’s weak cough made it clear he might not have a few days "Dash it all. Dyan, get the bag of his feathers.”
Dyan did so with a confused frown. He held it out to him and watched as he took out a single black feather, examined it, and then traced his finger over the nib. He murmured something, a sound Dyan had never heard before, some sort of spell perhaps, and the feather floated all on its own when he let go. It swayed slightly before it went to Ihuka's wings and settled down near the skin on the underside of his wing. There was a bright glow, and Ihuka whimpered. Once the glow died down, Dyan was able to see it had fused on his back again, as if it had never been taken away.
“This will take time, and it will hurt him. You have my permission to leave the room.” Dyan swallowed hard. “I don’t want to leave him- if that is allowable?” “Yes, but do not get in my way.” Dyan knelt by Ihuka’s head once Avizon eased him back down against the table and turned him onto his front again. Dyan offered all the comfort he could as Avizon worked. Some feathers only drew groans, but the biggest feathers were enough to make him scream. He was crying by the end, clawing at the table beneath him, but he couldn’t get up.
Yet, the longer Ihuka endured, the more feathers that were returned to him, the easier it was for him to move, to breathe, to speak. It was helping.
“Alright… that is all the feathers I can salvage. He does look better… unless that’s simply the elixir.”
Avizon picked him up as his body shook with little sobs and eased him down onto a bed by his desk that he’d prepared for him earlier that morning, a nest made of pillows and blankets for him to sleep on. “Hush, little bird, hush… I know, I’ve hurt you again, but this was for your own good, look, you have your feathers back, they’re back to stay. Good bird, good bird. Shhhhh.” Avizon decided it best to just step back when Ihuka didn’t calm after a minute. “I’m going to go and eat. Stay here with him, Dyan, calm him if you can.”
Avizon let out a half frustrated sigh before he slipped away out of sight. Ihuka raised his head but he didn’t have the strength to hold it for long. “What d.did I do wrong?” Ihuka croaked at Dyan. “Was it because I couldn’t do what he wanted?” “No, Ihuka, he put your feathers back, he helped you. It… just hurt to put them back. I had no idea humans could do things like that...”
Ihuka forced himself to sit up.
“What does it mean? Why would he...” “Because you…” Dyan bit back his answer of telling him he was dying. “You were really ill. Master was worried.”
“What does that mean… for us?” Ihuka whimpered. Dyan pursed his lips and looked up at the door. “It means things might get better, but I don’t know for sure… You should sleep, little firefly. Save your strength.”
“How do I thank him? What… what is the word?” Dyan smiled sadly before he told him and helped him practice.
When Avizon returned a little while later, Ihuka crawled towards him. Avizon walked forward to meet him halfway. Ihuka reached for his leg but thought better of it and tried to get on his knees, to hold the position he’d suffered so much to accept. He fluttered his wings a little bit and looked up at him. “Thank you, master, I’m sorry...”
Avizon crouched, and it was only then did Ihuka realise he was carrying bowls of food. “Here, little bird- back on your bed. You don’t need to thank me.” Avizon put the bowl down by the blankets and gently ran his hand through Ihuka’s hair, before it settled on his warm forehead. “Not when I was the cause of it,” he mumbled. “Eat, and sleep. You’re still slightly feverish.”
Ihuka curled up with his wings around him, which, although patchy in places, looked a great deal better than before. The bed was beside Avizon’s desk, near his chair, so Avizon could reach down whenever he wanted. Ihuka didn’t look too afraid when he sat down, though he looked to be enduring it more than relaxing. Perhaps time would change that. “Now then, Dyan, back to work, yes?” “Yes, master.”
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Cloudwalker Series Part 31
It is drama time! Whump inbound.
Warnings: Blood, attempted murder, animal whump (Enchanted object), missing people/kidnapping.
Masterlist: Here
Approx WC: 3200
Taglist: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @thegreathowdini
Saying that things calmed down as days passed didn’t feel right coming off Avizon’s tongue. Something was brewing, he knew that much, and between Erix wanting him killed and Borgurk haunting his dreams again… something was going to happen. He just had no idea what or when. All he was able to do was keep himself distracted, mostly by teaching Ihuka and Dyan things while they worked on cleaning the castle. Avizon helped where he was able, but he found helping more often than not made Dyan nervous. Besides, he still had to rest his leg, to make sure that he didn’t damage it.
Orrien’s attempts at getting Dyan to wield magic had gone about as well as Avizon’s if not worse. He was too afraid now, and until they were able to find a solution to his leaking magic, they were unable to teach him anything else. It was dangerous, and Avizon was constantly having to keep some attention on feeling for the magic in the castle increasing, feeling for a fluctuation. It was tiring and it pained him that he couldn’t help Dyan after giving him the problem in the first place.
Blue and Orrien visited more and more. It seemed to help Orrien just as much as it helped Blue, but Avizon also found himself to be more and more eager to see him, even if Orrien didn’t like to go inside unless he had to. Avizon understood that. There were a lot of memories, memories he’d forced himself to face and had been able to ignore when his dark magic had more control over him. He was a prisoner of the past in ways, he was used to it, accepted it. His time here was what everyone would know him for, his legacy. There was no point trying to run for it. At least he was safe here now. Every day, he felt more like himself, but at the same time… troubled. His eye had begun to hurt him more and more, so he trained as much as he could, keeping the darkness flowing, managing it all. Perhaps there was just too much light magic around him.
He knew just how much Orrien hated this castle, so he often took his birds to see them instead. But today, Orrien had wanted to come to him. Avizon had no problem with it. The weather was fine, so he had a table and chairs brought outside so that they could sit. Dyan sat on the stairs of the castle, so eager to see Blue again. Avizon sat waiting at the table, and Ihuka sat with him, learning more words and going over his letters. He was hoping to be able to teach them both to read and write soon, but he was patient, keeping his focus on Ihuka’s speaking for now.
And so they waited. Ihuka finished his lesson, and tried to go and play with Dyan, but Dyan wanted to wait for Blue. He wanted to be there when they arrived. Ihuka frowned, but he was brave enough now to find his own ways of amusing himself. His feathers had mostly grown back, so he’d been practicing his flying, getting the strength back in his wings. Avizon left him be, he trusted him not to fly off, and even if he did, he could catch him again.
And so they waited. And they waited. And waited…
Avizon sighed as the afternoon started to get colder. He gave up, putting the chairs back inside. “He must be busy, Dyan,” he said, seeing him still sitting on the step, waiting. “Let’s go inside. The circle must have contacted him, or a farm animal might have needed help. I’m sure he’ll explain soon.” Dyan shuffled on the stone step, wings wrapped tight around him, picking at his blunted nails. “I… may I wait a little longer, master?” Avizon put the chair down and crouched beside him. “If you like… are you alright, Dyan?” Dyan nodded sadly. “I just… I was excited but… now I’m just really worried. What if Erix...” Avizon rubbed his back, but his words cut deep into his soul. He hadn’t been too worried, he knew Orrien could take care of himself, but now… Erix was a good fighter, that’s why he had taken Avizon’s place in the circle. Orrien was a healer, and against Erix, Avizon doubted he’d win. “Try not to worry yourself. I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation,” he said, hoping to keep Dyan calm. “I will try to send a message. If Orrien does not answer, then I will go and make sure everything is well, alright? Please, go inside. I don’t want you out here on your own.”
He looked up, to see Ihuka flying through the air, chirping happily. Avizon couldn’t hide his beaming smile. “Ihuka! Inside now, it’s getting late.” Ihuka took notice at once and through he frowned at having to stop, he flew towards him and landed at the bottom of the stairs. “Well done. Good bird,” he said softly. “Come now, let’s get you both inside.”
Ihuka hurried up the stairs and pointed at the chair. “I help?” Avizon was pleasantly surprised. “Yes please. Thank you, Ihuka. Good bird.”
Ihuka lifted the chair and waddled inside with it, putting it back where it belonged. Avizon had to smile at him. He’d been doing well over the last few weeks, getting more comfortable with the fact he wasn’t going to be hurt. He was kind and was Avizon’s pride and joy, they both were. He hated seeing either of them looking down and gloomy. He was happier now than he had been for so long…
He hoped Orrien not showing up didn’t signal the end of that. He had to make sure he was alright to ease Dyan’s nerves- and his own.
He fed them both, and while they were eating at the kitchen table, Avizon went to see if he could get in contact with Orrien. He hoped with all his might that he could, that this was something easily explained, but… his instincts told him something was wrong. He patiently tried to get in contact with him. Orrien would be able to feel the attempt, but despite several attempts, there was no answer. Avizon grimaced. “Please, Orrien...”
He sighed deeply, and went back to the two cloudwalkers. Dyan looked up at him quickly, eyes wide, hopeful, but pleading. He was hoping just as much as Avizon had. “There was no reply, but keep cool. I’ll go and see. I know you’re worried, and I won’t lie and say that I’m not, but there could be other reasons other than something’s happened. You two stay here, just in case. Try to finish your dinner. I won’t be long-”
“W.what if something bad has happened? W.what if Erix is still there or you get hurt. Can I come with you, master, please?” Dyan pleaded.
Avizon gently shook his head. “Stay. I should only be a few minutes, but if- if something has happened, and I’m not back within… let’s say three days, you are both free to leave the castle, assume I’m not coming back. You can live here, or fly away, I wouldn’t mind. But I promise you, I will come back. As I said, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
Dyan rose from the table and hugged Avizon tight around the waist. Avizon was surprised. Dyan hadn’t shown such affections towards him for a while, but the worry was so clear in Dyan’s expression. He’d had too much unhindered time to overthink all the possibilities, and clearly few of his ideas had been nice ones. Avizon softly stroked his hair as he held him back. “It’s going to be alright, I’m sure. Good bird… go and eat please. You don’t need to worry, I’ll deal with everything.”
Avizon eased Dyan away from him and stepped back. “Be good, I’ll be right back.”
Avizon teleported to the farm where Orrien lived, deciding to not appear in the farmhouse in case something really had happened. He wanted to be prepared. Clearly something had gone on. The livestock were uneasy. Fox the horse was distressed, stomping and making plenty of noise. Avizon approached carefully and made the attempt to calm the horse before he got himself hurt. “Shhh, easy boy. Easy...”
He didn’t want to spend too long calming him down, but he helped enough, managing to get him to relax a little more in his stall. Avizon stroked his neck softly. This was odd. They should have been able to hear Fox kicking up such a fuss. Avizon kept stroking his neck while he stared at the farmhouse, trying to make out if there was any sign of movement, dangerous or otherwise. It all seemed perfectly still, but the shroud of dread was becoming more and more obvious as the sun faded away behind the trees.
“What happened here, old friend?” he mumbled to Fox. He could not speak to animals like Zena could, he could not listen, but he could feel, even if the dark magic had chewed away at that ability. He could still feel more than Fox’s fear, there was worry, confusion, a need to protect… Something was terribly wrong. He battled with his urge to rush in, his need to protect was battling with his instincts of taking care and proceeding with caution.
Once Avizon was more sure that Fox was going to be alright, he headed towards the farmhouse. He felt his magic in the palm of his hands, keeping it hidden from sight, but oh so ready to fire out at an enemy. Only as he drew nearer to the house, he felt energy. Magic- and no small amount of it. He felt Orrien’s, and for a healer, it was a concerning amount. But there was another, and though he didn’t know the owner’s magic well, he recognised it.
Erix had been here, and Orrien had used a lot of magic because of his presence. That was enough to make him shudder like a rodent had run up his spine.
Avizon tensed his jaw and carefully crept closer, trying to force himself not to rush blindly into danger. However, his worry for his master was too great. He picked up the pace until he was able to silently open the door which would lead straight into the kitchen. Power tingled in his fingertips. He pushed the door open wide and stood for a brief second in shock. It was an absolute mess. Broken plates, cupboards blasted open and the contents all over the floor. The smell of singed hair and cloth filled his nose and he scowled. The sheer amount of energy he could feel was enough to make his cursed eye hurt. He grimaced and stepped inside, trying to ignore the digging pain.
A door suddenly slammed shut. A ball of dark fire came to his hands before he could even register it. He was met with no enemy and hesitated. Had that been the breeze from opening the door or a person? Avizon walked slowly, wincing whenever the wood would creak beneath his light footfalls. He was ready to fight- to the death if need be to protect those he cared about. He needed to find Orrien and Blue, quickly. 
The kitchen was unoccupied, but the magic was so heavy on his mind. He tried to understand it, picking it apart. It was clear Orrien and Erix had exchanged blows here, that they’d fought, but it only seemed to be the beginning of it. He saw a big dent in one of the cupboards. He wondered if someone had been thrown back against it. He kept looking around, only to freeze as he approached the door frame.
He crouched in front of it carefully, seeing a dark handprint. When he touched it with his other hand, he found it to still be wet. It was blood, of that he was certain even with the feeble lighting in the building that the sun gave him. He saw a trail on the floor inching towards the very bedroom Avizon had stayed in only weeks earlier. There were footprints too, someone had followed after them. Avizon went inside, but found only more magic- teleportation magic this time, he could tell by the way it flickered and jumped around. It didn’t soothe like healing magic would, it didn’t feel heavy like fighting magic. The spell's jittery nature made it harder to be able to tell if this was the source of someone appearing or leaving, but he felt sure enough. Someone had crawled this way, someone, he guessed Erix, had followed, and he’d whisked them away. It didn’t bode well. He bit back a groan of pain as his eye spiked with pain.
“Orrien! Blue!” he finally dared to call out. He had to find them!
He looked back at the handprint, and decided to see the room where the person had been. There was so much magic here he wasn’t sure if anyone was still here. It was rapidly giving him a headache. He went into the living area, finding just as terrible a mess, and this time, there was a small pool of blood by the chaise. Some had soaked into the material, but most of it was on the floor and had been smeared across the wooden planks. Avizon crouched by it, trying to feel for who it belonged to, who’s magic ran through it, but then he heard a soft scratching noise. He turned quickly, a ball of bright red fire ready to bite, but there was no one. But the light did allow him to see a glint of metal under the chaise. It moved, and with the movements, came the scratching noises. His heart sank.
“Mouse,” he murmured, reaching behind the wooden leg to scoop him up, from where he lay curled up, his back leg was kicking out, as if in pain or discomfort. He hadn’t even thought of him, he’d just fully expected for him to be with Orrien. He needed to be with him! “Come here, little one.” At first Mouse shot around and bit him, before they’d even seen who it was, without even thinking. Avizon battled back the urge to pull away, even when they broke the skin on the side of his palm as they shook their head. He didn’t want to hurt or scare them by yanking his hand away. “Agh, Mouse, it’s me. It’s Avizon. Shhh, don’t bite. Don’t bite.”
Mouse stopped and let go, once they recognised him, they backed away lowering their ears. “It’s okay,” he promised them softly. “Come on.” Mouse carefully climbed onto his hand and Avizon brought them close to his chest. His best guess was that they’d been hit with some magic, but with some patience and care, Avizon was hopeful that they’d recover. Azeera’s enchantment magic was strong, so he had to hope for the best. “You’re safe now,” he promised. But his worry only doubled for the others. He was sure that this blood was Orrien’s now, that Mouse had been there to cling onto the magic that remained. It was probably the only reason the enchantment hadn’t broken. The only reason the one part of Ro left in this world hadn’t gone forever.
Avizon lifted them up and put them on his shoulder, between his neck and the collar of his shirt. “Keep warm, and don’t worry. We’ll find them.”
But now it was back to looking, and desperately at that.
There was no one else downstairs, he was sure of that much. Mouse had been the only one. He hadn’t seen signs of anyone going upstairs, but he had to be sure. Orrien had been here, but there was nothing indicating Blue was around.
The stairs creaked and groaned as he hurried up them. “Blue? Blue, are you here?”
He’d only just gotten onto the landing when he heard a feeble groan. Mouse sat bolt upright, and Avizon saw they were staring straight at Blue’s bedroom. Avizon gulped and made his way towards it, opening the door with the smallest of trembles in his hand. The door opened with a creak, and Avizon’s gaze quickly found the source of the noise.
“Blue!” he cried. He dropped down on his knees in front of the cloudwalker, taking only the briefest second to understand how he’d been tied. Pinned on his front, hands behind his back, and a rope connected from his ankles to a rope around his neck. He raced to get him free from the ropes that bound him, that slowly strangled him as he lost his strength to keep his head up.
Avizon burned through the rope that was digging into his throat. Blue dropped down, almost lifelessly, had it not been for the massive coughing fit that overtook him. Avizon rubbed his back vigorously. “Breathe, Blue, breathe!” He heaved him up into a sitting position and untied his hands while keeping him upright. Blue’s head fell down against his chest, but he groaned again. He was still alive- thank the realms, he was alive!
He kept coughing, but now his hands were free he was able to hold onto his throat as he coughed and mewled. “O.Orrien,” he rasped. “M.master...” “Shhh, deep breaths. Deep breaths. You can tell me what happened later.” Avizon already had a fair guess. Erix had tied him up and left him to die a slow and terrifying death on his own. Avizon held him close, trying to reassure him. Mouse climbed onto his shoulder and slid down into his lap, rubbing his head against him in a bid to comfort him.
“Only nod or shake your head. Did Erix take Orrien?” Avizon asked him.
Blue choked on a sob but nodded, trembling in Avizon’s arms. Avizon swallowed back his anger. “I will find him, Blue. I promise. But first I have to get you two back to the castle where it’s safe.”
Blue whined as Avizon propped him up against the bed. “Breathe. I need to check the other two rooms, just to be absolutely sure no one else is here. I’ll be right back, Blue, I promise you’re safe.”
Avizon stood and feverishly checked the remaining rooms. He was confident that Orrien was certainly gone. He returned to Blue’s side and crouched down beside him. “I’m going to pick you up, alright? We’re getting you out of here-” “E.Erix took Orrien t.to get you. I. I think it’s a trap.” Avizon’s heart sank, seeing how he was forcing himself to speak past the pain.
Avizon scooped him up and waited for Mouse to climb into his hand to make sure he didn’t leave without them. He kissed Blue on the top of the head. “You may be right, but please rest. I will find Orrien once I know you’re safe. I swear on my blood I will find him.”
Avizon closed his eyes and focused on his home, the tower where he could look after both of them. Dyan was going to take this terribly, but there was nothing he could do to avoid it. With home in mind, he teleported away. At least he’d been able to save some. Erix was going to pay when he got his hands on him, that much was sure. The only question was... where was he?
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Headcanon: Avizon has nightmares where he hurts the people he cares about. Where his dark magic takes over and he can't control himself and all he can do is watch the other beans suffer because of him.
Another headcanon: when Avizon has these nightmares it really shakes him. The cloudwalkers notice and try to comfort him by giving him hugs and make cute bird noises. Flint also helps by holding Avizon when he wakes up from a ad dteam and saying something like "yeah but you would never hurt someone as sexy as me now would you?"
Avizon has a lot of bad dreams to be fair, but ones like that he'd have only recently started having, once he gets the cloudwalkers and mends his bonds with Orrien etc. They'd be the dreams that wake him up in a cold sweat and sometimes screaming. The dark magic is trying to get him away from everyone so it can control him again.
Ihuka would always go to him if he heard the screams to make sure that he was safe, followed by Dyan. They'd let Avizon hold him if he needed to. One Flint lives with him, Dyan would stop going but Ihuka would still check. Flint would maybe say similar to that, try to make a joke to help him settle and definitely hold him close until he calms and falls asleep again.
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Cloudwalker Series Part 12
Protective Avizon anyone? COMFORTING Avizon? CUDDLE GIVING AVIZON? I hath delivered.
Warnings: References to previous torture, noncon, and humiliation in a character’s past. (Erix shows up at the castle for Dyan who taunts and says some nasty things to Dyan while he’s there).
Master-list Here
Approx WC: 2200
Avizon gave Ihuka almost two weeks of bedrest and steady care until he was ready to start working again. He left him and Dyan alone as much as he could, only seeing them to feed them and check on them for the time being. He didn’t train them. He let them wander some of the grounds, and Ihuka liked sneaking out of bed to look out of the big windows for hours and hours, always lost in thought, hugging his knees and mumbling to himself. Dyan said that he was upset, grieving even, for the freedom and the brother he had lost. Avizon usually just put a blanket over him and left him to it. He was behaving, so it didn’t matter, especially if it was helping him process it all.
But Avizon hated waiting, but this time had to be the exception if he was to win back both of their trusts. He wanted them to be looked after, but he also had so many questions about their powers which he was determined to find the answers to. Just how did their magic work? Was the power confined to their feathers? He didn't know, but he intended to learn as all good sorcerers should. He needed to go to the great library, but that was a few days away and he didn’t want to travel just yet. Perhaps he could speak to his old mentor, Orrien, but he wasn’t sure how pleased he’d be to see him.
For now, that would have to wait. He worked with Dyan where he could, doing harmless tests, asking him questions, getting him to ask Ihuka questions, which most of the time was more fruitful since he was wild. Avizon took it all in, he wrote it all down. 
Once Ihuka was more healed,  he'd set Dyan off cleaning a massive ballroom with Ihuka's help. Ihuka was rough and unskilled, which came in handy for catching rats and scrubbing the floors whereas Dyan's gentle nature was much more valuable in cleaning the chandeliers and everything else that was fragile. They had a few days to finish the task, but he was confident that by the end this room would practically glow. Ihuka seemed to appreciate the exercise for the most part.
But that day was different, as he sat he felt the presence of another in his castle. He glowered, produced an orb with a wave of his hand which went to seek out whoever was there and guide them to him. He summoned his cloudwalkers to his side like mastiffs. But when the presence found them, Dyan paled. 
There stood Erix, Dyan's previous owner, though calling him that made Avizon feel sick. His yellow/orange eyes were piercing compared to his black hair and dark clothes. His skin was sickly pale and he’d let the hair on his chin grow out into a goatee of sorts. Avizon could see the earrings he wore were actually teeth, not any teeth- fangs. Cloudwalker fangs no doubt. Avizon could only just make out a tattoo on his neck, the tips of wings he guessed. Diid he even have a tattoo of one of these poor creatures.
"What are you doing here?" Avizon scowled, stroking Dyan's hair to soothe him.
"I heard you found a lost toy of mine," Erix answered, wiping his snotty nose on his forearm and glaring at Dyan. He shrugged and took out a roll of paper filled with tobacco. Dyan whimpered. Seeing a few faint burns on his shoulders made it clear as to why. Erix lit in with magic by flicking the end of it. "I want him back, he's mine."
Dyan managed a groan, but he was too afraid to shuffle away. He was tense under Avizon's soft touch, as solid as rock but trembling like he was going to crumble into dust. He wouldn't budge, he couldn't stop staring, panicking inside. “M.master, p.please...” he whispered, look up at Avizon’s face.
“Get here, you traitorous little runt- now!” Erix demanded, pointing at his feet. Dyan let out a mercy squeak, and Avizon was surprised to find Dyan quickly began inching towards Erix.
Avizon reached a little further down, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Stay,” he said softly.
Avizon turned to look up at Erix. "I think you'll find he is mine," Avizon purred, running his fingers through his hair, hoping it helped calm him while it also looked possessive. He’d never liked Erix, he was powerful, enough to be a threat at least, but now he loathed him, and he wanted nothing more than to kill him. "I don't like to share, especially not with scum like you."
“I had that little slut first,” Erix snapped. “You still would have one. Give me back what is rightfully mine! I need him!”
“Mind your words,” Avizon glowered, clenching his other fist. “Or you’ll be needing a coffin.”
Erix forced a clearly fake smile. “Payment, then?” Erix placed three bags on the table. "I'm offering you seventy five of the finest diamonds from the Northern Mountains."
Another bag. "A hundred then, here and now."
"No!" Avizon shot to his feet, hands clenched. Dyan squeaked. "Dyan is not falling back into your slimy hands ever again. He is mine! If you want him, you go through me."
Ihuka fluffed up his black feathers and snarled, focusing on Erix. Erix widened his stance, ready to fight. “Don’t underestimate me-” “Don’t flatter yourself.”
Ihuka growled again, he was all too ready to lash out. “Tell your flea-bitten mutt to stand down before someone gets hurt.” "You'd best be careful Erix, or else you might end up missing a leg, he has quite the bite to him. You have had the gall to ask for the cloudwalker, and I have said no, now leave."
Ihuka moved in front of Dyan without hesitation, without waiting for an order. He seemed to understand the situation.
"Get your stinking slimy body out of my castle before I freeze you and give Ihuka his orders. Ten-"
"He belongs to me!" Erix roared, slamming a fist on the desk, drawing another cry from Dyan. Avizon could hear him sobbing. He brought glowing white power to his hands, ready to attack or defend if necessary. Erix was not getting his little bird!
"Three, two, o-"
"Fine!” Erix spat, and Avizon struggled not to sigh in relief. “I'm going, keep the little rat. I hope you have fun with him. I wouldn’t treat him too nicely, he’ll just escape if you give him nice things and free you’re other cloudwalker as he did with me. I'll find a new one. Oh, and Dyan," he sampled the name on his tongue and smirked coldly, “I hope you can sleep at night knowing what you’ve forced upon some poor innocent bird because you’ve betrayed me.” Dyan whined, dipping his head down. Erix flicked his roll at Dyan, but Avizon quickly deflected it.
But when Erix reached for the bags Avizon slammed his hands down on the desk, the thud echoed across the room. Both cloudwalkers jumped in fright. 
"I'll keep the diamonds too. Get. Out. I will be watching you, and if you ever buy or use one of those poor creatures again, I will personally see to it that they eat you alive. Hopefully, your foul flesh won't poison them. Really, I should kill you where you stand!"
"And risk the wrath of the entire city? The evil Avizon kills a man who simply wants to buy his property back?" Erix snorted. “That’s if I don’t kill you first, you’re nothing but a lame and sulking shadow.”
"You think I fear that city? That I could ever fear you?" Avizon brought power to his hands, oh so ready to act.
Dyan whimpered with fear, stopping Avizon's trail of thought but Erix was already storming away.
"Stay, Ihuka. Good bird," Avizon said softly.
He turned to look at Dyan who was leaning against the throne, hugging the corner of it and trying to breathe. He was hyperventilating, with panic so clear in his eyes. He was trying to hide behind his wings, his eyes just peeking over the top. 
"Oh, little bird," he murmured. "It's alright, shhh. You're safe. He's gone."
"H.he won't stop until he has me," Dyan cried.
"Do you want me to kill him?"
Dyan couldn't find an answer. "I… I'm not allowed to want anything?" His eyes were red, sore, and carried so much confusion, doubt; fear.
"Answer me, Dyan. You are allowed."
"Then…No, master… you'll get in trouble. O.or you could get hurt."
"I've been in far more trouble than this before. I’ve killed royalty. If he's gone you don't need to fear him anymore, you'll be free and the world will be a better place for it…" Avizon studied his expression. "But… you don't want to run that risk of losing me, do you?.. Well, if you are sure, I will let him live and I'll watch him as best I can to make sure he hurts no one else. Either way, you're safe."
Dyan couldn’t stop crying, he couldn’t calm himself after such a close encounter. Avizon knelt beside him and slowly reached up to rub his back, to hush him and wait for him to calm. Ihuka inched closer and rubbed his head against Dyan's shoulder like a cat until Dyan reached up to hold onto him as he trembled.
"You were very brave, Dyan. I know that was hard for you… You can have the rest of the day off if you wish?" Dyan shook his head. "I. I can't. I have to clean. I'm being bad- I.I can't be bad-" Avizon cupped his cheek. "Look at me, little one."
Dyan did so, but he gulped. Avizon stroked his cheek, hoping it would calm him more. "You are not bad. You are a little treasure and your loyalty astounds me in the best of ways. You've been cleaning for six hours. The ballroom is practically finished, and you both deserve the rest. If you want to stop, to go and lie down or go for a walk with me then that is allowed, I understand cleaning might also make you feel better, but the choice is yours. What do you want to do so you can feel better?"
"I… t.the walk sounds nice…" he managed, nervously wringing out his hands.
Avizon nodded and smoothed the hair out of Dyan's face. "Good boy. Stay here until you've calmed down. I need Ihuka to put everything away, but if you need comfort you can sit on my knee or by my chair and I'll do what I can."
Dyan inched closer once Avizon sat back down, he eased his head into Avizon's lap, his arms reaching around to hug his leg. Avizon stroked his head, doing his best to avoid his damaged horn until Dyan's head flopped against him as he got more exhausted. He was struggling to keep his eyes open the longer Avizon played with his hair. Avizon waited to see if he'd fall asleep but every time he got close he'd startle awake.
Avizon gently picked him up using his powers and eased him onto his lap, putting an arm around him, letting Dyan snuggle against him. Dyan was unsure at first, but he leaned against his chest tucking a wing around himself.
"Sleep, little bird. I'll protect you."
Avizon played with his hair again, helping him to drift off. He eased a little bit of sleep magic into him to help. As he did, he looked down at his broken horn. He could see fragments of power within it, like seams of ore in a freshly mined rock. So there was power in their horns after all… perhaps that did explain why he had less power. 
Ihuka returned once everything was put away that needed to be. He looked at Dyan with concerned curiosity, but Avizon smiled softly. "He's alright." He pointed to the bed beside him, inviting Ihuka over. He did so and curled up. Avizon waited until Dyan was in a deep sleep until he used his powers to pick him up, supporting all of his body, and then settled him down in the bed beside Ihuka, who was getting drowsy. Ihuka cuddled into him and settled a little more. Avizon nodded to himself and left them to sleep while he continued his work. He focused on Erix's presence. Its unique feeling. Part of him knew it wouldn't be the last he'd see of him.
He reached forward, took one of the bags and opened it up, letting the content pour onto the table. Sure enough, there were twenty-five stunning gems. He scrutinised them carefully, and true enough they were real, but also familiar. He’d seen the king with these gems before… Had Erix really just tried to buy a cloudwalker from him with his own money? And yet this was so much more than what a typical white winged cloudwalker with a broken horn should be worth. He could have bought at least twenty cloudwalkers with this much money. He really wanted Dyan. Avizon feared it was an obsession. Whether the diamonds had belonged to him or not. He would be back, that much was true. 
And Avizon the Terrible would be ready, with all his wrath ready to rain upon anyone who dared try to take his cloudwalkers from him.
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Cloudwalker Series Part 9
This part involves a nightmare Dyan has. It contains horn removal, but it’s only the aftermath, not like a description of it happening. I don’t think there’s anything else that should be a problem. Master-list Here
Approx WC: 1900
Ihuka woke quickly as Dyan hit him in the wing. He sat up with a gasp, ready to lash out with his claws, even if they were blunt. He braced for… something. Maybe his master was back, or something had happened, but when he looked Dyan was still asleep. He was coated with sweat and tossing his head back and forth, his breath came in tiny pants as if his collar had been fastened too tightly. He whimpered, gripping the sheets, and his wriggling was getting worse. He must have been having a dream, but clearly it wasn't something nice. He looked terrified, even asleep. This must have been a night terror. Ihuka frowned.
Ihuka reached forward and tapped his thigh and then backed away and waited, nothing… he tried again, harder, harder, shaking him, but he just wasn't waking. His struggling was getting worse, he whined and rambled. "Please," he moaned in his sleep. "P.please, no… p please…"
Ihuka couldn't wake him, he didn't want him to be scared like this. Would he ever wake? Was it magic like what his master used?
He wasn't sure what else to do aside from drag himself to the door, yelping and mewling in pain as he disturbed his injuries, and bang on the door, scraping at it and crying out loudly, whining and hitting the door, being as loud as he could. He knew there was a good chance his master would be angry and hit him, maybe even send him back to the dungeon. He really didn't want to go back, to hurt even more than his body was capable of dealing with but he didn't know what else to do. Dyan was suffering, screaming and pleading now and Ihuka didn't want that. He'd risk the harm for Dyan. He was trembling even though he kept going, and a few minutes later, the door unlocked and opened.
"What are you doing?!" Avizon snapped, only in his pants, showing the large scars in his torso. He hadn't had time to really dress once one of them had started squawking something awful, and then the screaming had started. Ihuka backed off quickly in his presence, squeaking immediately, but he pointed to Dyan, who was clearly suffering. He was gasping for air and screaming and crying, almost choking. Cloudwalkers were known to have long, potent dreams, and they were often very realistic, but Avizon had never expected a nightmare could be as bad as this.
Avizon glared at Ihuka who hid his head in response. He shook with fear and looked so small and fearful. So he'd only done it for Dyan…
Avizon sighed and approached Dyan, trying to shake him awake, calling his name. It only made him worse. He tried to struggle against it. Whatever he was seeing was scaring him beyond words, but he wasn't going to snap out of this easily. 
"What do you see, little one?" Avizon murmured. He sat on the edge of the bed and put his hands against Dyan's head, one on either temple and his thumbs on his forehead. He closed his eyes, letting power flow through him. He gently made his way into Dyan's mind. 
His consciousness slipped away into blackness, and slowly an image started to emerge. It was Dyan, crying and screaming, begging for his life, surrounded by shadows, a wave of arms and hands. They grabbed at him, yanked at his wings and hair, pulling feathers, restraining him and worse, Erix was standing over him with a saw and Dyan's horn in his hands. Gods, he was reliving it all, in some warped inaccurate night terror. Avizon had missed the worst of this dream it seemed.
Dyan looked up, staring directly at him. "Master?! Master, please! Help me!"
Avizon was thrown. Dyan could see him?! That never happened with humans. But that meant… 
Oh no. 
Avizon couldn't help him. He was nothing but a figure. He couldn’t speak, couldn't move, couldn't show expression on his face. He was a statue... And Dyan was going to take it as he was watching him suffer. He was adding to the nightmare. 
"Master, please!" Dyan shrieked as the hand suddenly yanked him down. He was disappearing into the inky black floor. Drowning, he was going to drown in his dream.
"Master?!" Dyan's voice gave him chills, hearing such an agonized cry. He was beyond terrified. He had to break him out of this, now!
Avizon focused again, and he only just saw Dyan's head go under the inky water when he strained and managed to shatter the dream into a thousand shards. 
He returned to the real world just in time to feel the immense whack of a white wing hitting him hard in the head. He was knocked to the floor and had to stay still for a long minute to stop everything spinning. All he could hear was Dyan's screams, his pure terror and the sound of things falling over as Dyan scrambled away. He'd thrown himself into the corner of the room, curled up, head shielded, whimpering and crying.
Avizon groaned, and much to his surprise, Ihuka inched forward, offering an arm for Avizon to use to get back to his feet. Avizon didn't need the help, and he didn’t want to hurt Ihuka but he made the point of pretending to use it.
"Good boy," he breathed.
He turned his attention to Dyan. He was pale, trembling so badly it looked like he was going to fall apart. After seeing that dream, knowing what he'd experienced, Avizon could see why. He was wheezing for breath, clawing at the floor for grip and crying uncontrollably. He didn’t know how he was meant to calm him in this state.
Avizon waited a few moments before he softly said "Dyan?"
"Please," Dyan moaned. "I. I'm sorry. Please, d.don't send me back. I…" the words died in the back of his throat. He curled up even tighter, hiding behind his wings.
Dyan looked up at him with a red damp face. "E.Erix was right, I deserve everything I get- I'm. I’m bad. I'm worthless! I make a mess of everything, and I hurt you and- and I need to shut up because…" Dyan sobbed and smashed the side of his fist against the floor, letting out a frustrated groan. "Bad, bad, bad!" He looked so ready for some sort of punishment, a punishment Avizon had no intention of giving.
Avizon came closer to him, although he did keep some of his focus on Ihuka. His little demon was laying on the floor, awake but looking tired and drained. He’d used a lot of energy that he simply didn’t have.
"Shh, Dyan, I'm not sending you back. I told you, you are mine." Those words should have terrified any other soul, but not for Dyan.
Avizon gently inched closer, reaching out with a hand for his. "Don't be afraid. You had a nightmare, a bad one, and you were afraid. I'm not going to punish you for that. You didn't know I was there."
Dyan gulped and nodded. No words were needed to explain his anxiety.
"B. But that's no excuse!" Dyan cried. "It was never an excuse before…"
"Are you saying I am wrong?" Avizon said, and Dyan squeaked.
"Then believe me when I say you're not in trouble. I am not Erix. I am better than Erix and you are not his anymore."
"Dry your tears, little bird. Shh," Avizon reached up for his cheeks and used his thumb to wipe them away. "You have nothing to fear anymore."
Avizon heard shuffling behind him and turned sharply, ready for an attack. Ihuka had inched closer to the bed but seeing Avizon turn made him back away again, dipping his head. "Easy… easy. You're not in trouble. You did well…" he soothed.
Ihuka lowered his head a little before straining himself as he got back into his spot, tucking his bald wings around himself for the little warmth they would provide and then pulling the blanket up. Avizon helped Dyan to bed and Ihuka slowly wrapped his arms and the blanket around him in a hug, keeping most of his attention on Avizon with big teary eyes. Even once he lay down, his comfort did not help, it only made Ihuka squeak. He frowned.
Avizon sighed and reached down to gently guide Dyan up to his feet. "M.master?" Dyan whimpered.
"Shhh. It’s nothing bad. Lie on the bed, you're cold. You too, Ihuka. Bed," Avizon said.
Perhaps he had broken him more than he’d needed to, overestimated his will. He only wanted obedience from him...
He didn’t want this level of fear.
Dyan was calming in Ihuka’s arms, and with Ihuka so nervous around him, he decided it best to leave them be. His head was throbbing, so after double checking it wasn’t a cause for concern, it would be better to just go to bed anyway.
Avizon reached forward and patted them both on the head, hushing them. Dyan leaned into it, murmuring a thanks, but Ihuka only tensed. “Good birds. Sleep.”
It was strange for Ihuka to be comforting Dyan after only a few hours had passed since Dyan had been helping him. Ihuka was incredibly sore, and he couldn’t sleep with his master sitting on the edge of the bed, watching him. It felt like he was glaring at him and he was too afraid to see if he was. He tried not to flinch whenever he patted his head and stroked it in what was meant to be a soothing way. He was just too ready for him to grab him by the hair, drag him out of the bed and hurt him all over again. He’d let out a soft mercy squeak and his master had left after that.
His brother may have been gone, but he still had Dyan, and he had to do what he could for him, he had to protect him. He chirruped softly when Dyan wrapped an arm around him. They snuggled that little bit closer before he eventually found sleep again.
Avizon sighed before he got up. “Sleep well.” He carefully shut the door with a click and this time he didn’t lock it. Ihuka didn’t care. He just wanted to stay with Dyan. He snuggled in closer to him, but it wasn’t the same as when he used to huddle close to his brother. Dyan’s wings weren’t big enough to wrap around them as Ryuvek’s did. He whimpered and sniffled. He missed his brother. He was never going to see him again, but he couldn’t dwell on it long. He was so tired...
“You can sleep if you’re tired,“ Dyan mumbled in their language. “Just knowing you’re here will be enough to help me.“
Ihuka shook his head. “But I can help?”
“I probably won’t be able to fall back asleep, no point us both being tired. Besides, you have wounds that need to heal.“
Ihuka wasn’t happy about the suggestion, but he was exhausted, and staying up much longer felt like an impossibility.
“Sleep, little firefly. It’s okay, really.“
22 notes · View notes
Cloudwalker Series Part 18
You know the meme where the cat is surrounded by knives with a smug look on their face? Can’t help but wonder if that’s how I’m gonna end up by the end of this. Starts off with really cute fluff and then plummets down into angsty whumpy fun times.
Warnings: Contains injuries such as claw marks and bites, blood, characters having panic attacks, big scars from amputations, and a bit of nudity.
Master-list Here
Approx WC: 3400 (I pondered splitting this one in half but I decided nah)
The time was passing by faster than Blue wanted it to, but he was also enjoying himself. For the first time in a long time, he felt like a cloudwalker again. He liked being able to play and roll around with Ihuka, to spend time with Dyan relaxing and enjoy each other's company in the early mornings while Ihuka was still asleep. Blue liked talking to him, he liked how he listened and didn’t interrupt and just... always managed to say the right thing. He wished he didn’t have to go.
Since lifting him and Dyan up in the air, Avizon had been confined to his bed while Orrien had looked after him and treated his fever. Blue felt guilty about it, he should have known that Avizon would be drained. Orrien had swatted those concerns of his away, insisting it wasn’t his fault. Avizon had offered to do it, and had done it. 
It seemed like a mild enough illness, or at least, Orrien had told them not to worry. He was asleep most of the time, just getting it out of his system by resting. It had meant the birds had been free to do whatever they wanted, and that had been to stay with Blue.
Blue had struggled to get the image of Avizon out of his mind. He’d looked so sick and pale and his eyes were dark and dull. Blue had brought him soup a few times and Avizon had looked awful. His breathing had been raspy, but he’d managed to force himself up, to mumble a thanks and eat maybe a quarter of the bowl. but he was healing more and more. Avizon scared him more than he wanted to admit. He’d really hurt Ihuka, and he couldn’t help but fear making a wrong move, even if Orrien reassured him that Avizon had changed and certainly wouldn’t hurt him.
But around Dyan, he felt safe… he didn’t understand why. It wasn’t like Dyan could protect him. Perhaps it was because they’d had similar experiences- whatever it was, it was good. He was glad he had friends like Dyan and Ihuka now. The days weren’t so lonely and long...
The night before, the three of them had climbed onto the roof to stargaze. It was an activity Blue did more than he liked to admit, dreaming about the days when he’s been able to fly up there to try to meet them. He’d wanted to share it with them. Dyan had really loved it up there, and the three had eaten liquorice together. Blue had given Ihuka and Dyan some fruit too. Ihuka had been very confused by the taste and the texture, but after a few confused bites, he’d grown to enjoy it. Nectarines were Blue’s favourite fruit that Orrien was able to get for him. Dyan wasn’t quite so horrified by the idea of eating the fruit, but he’d been awkward with eating it, trying to catch all the juice that dripped down his arms.
Blue smiled to himself as he lay in bed between the two of them as the sun peeked through the window. They’d all stayed up late, and Dyan had ended up falling asleep against Blue’s shoulder on the roof, holding his hand as a reassurance. He’d been afraid of getting caught or falling off. But Blue had managed to comfort him. 
They had indeed been caught, not that they were in trouble. Dyan had stayed asleep, a good sign as to how relaxed he had become. Orrien had managed to carefully carry him downstairs and back to bed. Blue and Ihuka had snuggled up to him and they’d fallen asleep.
But now he was a little late for caring for the horses, so he couldn’t savour the peace. He crept out of bed, though unsuccessfully. Dyan woke up, opening one eye. “Huh… when did I...”
“Orrien carried you down, you fell asleep,” Blue explained, shoving on his big boots. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, “You wanna come?” Dyan nodded quickly and made his way out of the mess of blankets and wings. He’d only just gotten out of the bed when the door opened to reveal Orrien.
“I have a spot of news. Avizon’s fever has broken. He intends to go home tomorrow.” Blue’s face fell. “Alright...”
Orrien ruffled his hair and smiled softly. “Don’t be glum, lad. So today, I want you to all go and have fun. Chores are cancelled today.” What? No, he couldn’t let Orrien do everything on his own, he was old. “But-” “I can manage, Blue, and besides, I want Avizon to prove he’s as healed as he says he is. It’s his turn.”
Blue sighed and let his head drop for a moment, “If you’re sure, thank you… I was wondering if we could go to the lake today?” “Hmm, it’s a little further out than I’d like you to be, but I can go with you and forage.” Blue nodded, “Thank you. I would like that.”
Orrien nodded. “Well then, it seems you’d best try to wake Ihuka up.”
Orrien left and Blue and Dyan looked at each other. Dyan grinned shyly and picked up a pillow, before hitting Ihuka on his buttocks. Hard enough to feel it, but not enough to startle him and scare him. Ihuka grumbled and reached for it, throwing it back at Dyan. It managed to hit him in the face with a soft oof, so Dyan hit him again, a little harder and in the back.
“Wake up, wake up! We can go and play in the lake today!” Dyan cheeped, hitting him again and again with the soft pillow until he finally turned onto his back, taking care not to pluck out any feathers. Dyan tossed the pillow onto him, leaving it to just lie on his face. “How can you be so awake?...” Ihuka groaned. He yawned and sat up.
The three of them got ready quickly, and they heard Orrien and Avizon outside.
“Are you trying to rip my stitches?” “You’re going to manage that without my help, m’boy,” Orrien said. “My point is you’re not healed enough. What are you so determined to get back for?” "There are things that need guarding in the castle and I don't want some maniac getting their hands on them. Besides, I feel a lot safer in a castle than a little farm."
“Didn’t I teach you feel safe within yourself and abilities, not a place?” “Well, yes, but that doesn’t mean a castle isn’t more fortified than a farmhouse.” Orrien studied him for a moment. “You’re dependent on it… You haven’t left for so long… even as the most powerful man.”
Avizon sighed and shook his head, but then he looked up at the window and spotted the three of them. Blue and Dyan tried to hide, but Ihuka stayed standing, unaware the others had moved. Avizon shook his head and smiled.
They made their way downstairs once they were all ready and once Orrien was ready, they set off. Avizon was happier staying at the house, finishing tending to the animals and then he could sit and rest for the rest of the day.
Blue kept close to Orrien as they walked, keeping his head constantly moving, looking for danger, for the threat of men. “You’re alright, Blue,” Orrien said softly. “You’re safe and you’re going to have a fun day, remember? You can spend a few hours by the lake and play.”
Blue nodded slowly and took a deep breath to calm himself. “Yes… i.it’s going to be fun,” Blue said softly. “I’m safe… I’m safe.” Dyan inched closer to him and offered him a hand to hold. Blue took it with a shy smile. Orrien raised an eyebrow before shrugging and smiling. “Good lad. Here we are anyway.”
They made it to the lake and Orrien set down a basket full of fruit and meats and then a towel for them to share. “Remember, Blue,” Orrien said gently. “If anything happens, which I doubt, but if. Pretend to be a human. It’s awful, but pretend that you own them, that you’re minding them for me. It will keep you safe.”
Blue nodded silently.
Orrien smiled, ruffled his hair, and left them to play. Ihuka went straight into the water and splashed around, putting his head half under and blowing bubbles, and spending the time to wash his feathers. Dyan was hesitant.
“What’s wrong?” Blue asked him gently “T.the water… I’ve… I’ve never...” Blue’s face fell. “You’ve never been in real water- like outside water?” Dyan lowered his head. “I’m sorry. I’ve never even seen something like this before... I didn’t think it’d be scary, but...”
Blue took off his boots and then reached for his shirt but paused. He didn’t want all his clothes to get soaked, but he was also self-conscious. He felt the joints twitching in his back, joints that had once served the purpose of carrying his wings. His scars from where he’d had his wings removed weren’t clean cuts, and they’d healed badly. He hadn’t planned on really going in the water, but if Dyan had never even gotten to see something like this, well, he had to help him. He’d lived and lost, but Dyan had never gotten to experience it. He took off his shirt and took a deep breath. Dyan understood scars, he wasn’t afraid to show him. He took his pants off but left his undergarments on.
Blue held out his hand. “Trust me.”
Dyan bit his lip but nodded. Blue waited until he’d taken off most of his clothes and then Dyan took his hand. They waded forward together, but Dyan paused before his feet touched the water. “Just one little step,” Blue said softly.
Dyan closed his eyes tight and jumped, making Blue’s legs cold and wet. “Well, that wasn’t little, but you did it!” Blue cheeped. “It’s cold!“ he shrieked with a giggle.
He watched as Dyan stood fascinated for a moment, before he started to move around, to kick his legs out. He let out a happy trill noise and waded deeper, up to his hips. He splashed and giggled and Blue joined him, letting himself be silly for a little while.
Ihuka showed Dyan how to bathe his wings in the water, and Dyan seemed to really enjoy it.  They played and had contests to see who could throw the pebbles the furthest, and Blue went for a swim, but Dyan and Ihuka were too afraid to follow with the weight of their wings.
Blue guessed over an hour had passed, but he wouldn’t be surprised if it had been longer. He was getting cold, so he put his shirt back on and his boots after struggling to get all the sand and gravel off his feet. They all sat by the lake and ate, snuggling together under blankets to warm up.
Life was good, and it was better by Dyan, but then Blue paused, hearing something. Ihuka froze too. Blue heard it again, the soft whoosh. That was someone flying, and true enough, when he looked up, he saw a white winged cloudwalker.
And they were flying right towards him, with their teeth bared and claws ready. 
Ihuka shrieked out a warning and Blue tried to get up to run, to move, but the cloudwalker was fast. They tumbled backwards with the massive weight slamming into him. Blue cried out, feeling claws dig into his shoulder and skin tear. Instincts made him fight, to try to claw and bite like he used to but he had no nails, and he had no fangs. He was-
“Human!” the cloudwalker hissed. It snapped at his throat and Blue barely managed to push him to the side, saving his throat, but he bit his shoulder. Blue screamed but he didn’t get the time to do anything else. Ihuka dived at the cloudwalker, but he clawed at Ihuka’s chest, knocking him back as he did so just long enough to drag Blue into the air. Blue let out a mercy squeak.
Dyan screeched and leapt up, flapping his wings hard, just getting high enough to grab Blue’s leg, to be able to reach the other cloudwalker and actually started to fight him in midair. Biting, scratching, snarling, the noise was awful and brought the panic to spike in Blue’s chest, but Dyan’s midair fight forced the cloudwalker to let go of Blue.
Blue clamped his eyes shut, bracing for hitting the hard stone ground, but he was met by air. He dared to open his eyes and saw Orrien at the treeline, his hand outstretched. He looked over to see Dyan had also been caught from falling, covered in blood and whimpering. The cloudwalker screeched at the two of them. “Stupids!” He shouted. “He’s human! You’re prisoners! Fight! Flee!”
“He’s one of us!” Ihuka roared. “Leave him alone!”
The cloudwalker landed on the ground, fluffing up his feathers with his teeth bared, oh so ready to fight. Ihuka did the same and Dyan dragged himself up despite the pain he was in and followed suit, and he was a lot bigger. They were both in between Blue and the new cloudwalker, snapping and snarling, hurling threats back and forth. But Blue didn’t care. He had to go. He knew there was a little cave close by, just on the side of the cliff behind them. He couldn’t stay here.
As soon as Orrien put him on the ground he sprinted off, doing the only thing he was good for now, and that was hiding, letting others fight his battles for him because he was powerless. Human. Blood streamed down his body from his wounds. He heard the squawking and squealing of a small fight but then he heard flapping again and squeaked, “let me go! They took my wings, please! They took my wings!”
“You speak?!” But Blue didn’t answer, he kept running, rushing into the little nook, not caring how he hit his body on the rocks and left bruises. He wedged himself in the little gap and struggled to not sob. He hoped this was enough to keep him safe. He didn’t want to fight, he didn’t want to bleed and hurt any more. Not anymore. He’d suffered enough for a lifetime.
The cloudwalker stopped right beside the opening of the cave and Blue whined. He kicked off one of his boots and threw it at the cloudwalker who growled. He stared at his foot for a little while. “I couldn’t stop them,” Blue whispered, “The other humans… they took everything… Please just go, leave me alone. I’m sorry- f.for whatever I’ve done I’m sorry!”
“You should be dead, ghost. How are you alive?”
Blue curled up, but after a few short moments, the others came running up to him, finally catching up. The cloudwalker hissed at them and flew up into the air and disappeared from sight. Blue could only shudder and take in just how many scratches he had as well as the bites. He knew cloudwalkers in this area had venom which could paralyse their prey. He was lucky the venom didn’t seem to be working very well, but he still felt awful from it, sluggish, and tired, but he could move.
The others were here now. Blue whimpered, but he wouldn’t move. He was scared, it was just more proof that he wasn’t a cloudwalker anymore, that neither side wanted him. He cried into his knees and curled up tight.
“Blue?” Orrien called gently. “It’s safe, lad. He’s gone. Are you hurt?”
Blue couldn’t calm down, couldn’t stop crying. Orrien tried to inch his way forward, but Blue whimpered and that was Orrien’s queue to stop. “Blue? Oh, lad, shhhhhh. It’s okay. You’re safe now… You’re bleeding, can I come and see them?”
“I just want to be happy,” Blue cried. “Why can’t I be happy?! What did I do wrong? W.what did...” his sobs got too strong and he couldn’t find his words. He choked on his tears. He hit the ground beneath him, screaming, groaning, crying uncontrollably.
“It’s not like that Blue… Come on, lad, please let me get to you. Let me take away the pain.”
But he just couldn’t stop crying. He shook his head and looked up in the sky. Blue had heard scary stories before about ghosts and monsters, stories where characters had known the things were out there. He knew how they felt, and he was terrified of that cloudwalker coming back, just like one of those monsters.
Dyan inched closer on all fours, carrying a deep cut on his shoulder and dozens of other injuries, but he didn’t seem to care. “Blue… do you trust me?” he asked quietly. “It’s not you that I don’t trust. I.It’s out there… No one wants me, everyone just wants to hurt me.”
“I don’t, Ihuka doesn’t, Orrien doesn’t,” Dyan said. “We want to protect you. You’re not alone.”
Blue was reluctant to look up at him, his eyes were full of tears and his lip trembled.
Orrien decided to step back, to give Dyan a chance to speak to him. Blue didn’t want to leave that little space, he was safe, he was secure, he was away from the pain.
Dyan reached forward, only with his hand. It was a relief on his mind when Dyan spoke the human language. The thought stung. He was forgetting his own language... “Can you hold my hand?” Dyan asked.
Blue swallowed hard but managed to do that. His hand was shaking so badly. He sat like that for a few moments, holding onto Dyan’s hand like it was a lifeline. “Will you trust me? We will all keep you safe and I promise that they’ve gone,” Dyan said.
Blue was hesitant, but when Dyan took a step back, Blue couldn’t let go of his hand. He didn’t want to, so he had to move a little further forward. He stared up at the sky, waiting for something to jump on him, but nothing did. The skies were bright and sunny just as they were before.
“Trust me,” Dyan whispered, taking another step back. Blue had the choice to let go, he could have shied away and hidden back inside, but Dyan’s expression was so calm and reassuring. It shouldn’t have been. He held on tight to Dyan’s hand, it was an anchor point and he didn’t want to let it go. Guilt chewed at him, knowing that Dyan was hurt, he was bleeding, he’d been attacked and here he was trying to help him out of his little cave of safety. He wasn’t getting the help because he was so determined to help him.
Another step, then Blue stopped, he was right at the edge of the mouth. Any further and he’d be in the open. Ihuka put his wing over the cave, like an extended roof. Orrien gave him gentle praise. A deep breath, and after a gentle squeeze from Dyan, he was finally out.
He was out, but now he was shaking, and he’d frozen up, still clinging to Dyan’s hand. Dyan came closer to him, letting him wrap his arms around him. Dyan used his wings to shield him from view. Blue let out a weak sob and fell to his knees.
“Stay here, I’ll be back in the blink of an eye,” Orrien said.
He wasn’t exaggerating. He put a hand on Ihuka’s shoulder and teleported away. Blue whimpered, but no sooner had he finished the noise, Orrien was back.
“Now you two, let’s get you home.” He held out a hand, and Blue took it with a gulp while he held onto Dyan.
When he opened his eyes again, he was back at the house, back in his room. He sobbed. He’d ended today so badly. He’d been so happy and now he was a trembling mess.
Orrien hushed him gently and eased both Dyan and Blue into sitting on the bed. Orrien managed to cup Blue’s cheek without him shying away.
“It’s alright, lad. That was a hard thing you had to go through… I’m going to heal your wounds, some of these are too deep to leave. You too Dyan, that was a nasty little scrap you got into.”
Dyan nodded silently, still holding Blue’s hand. Blue couldn’t help but lean against him. He was getting tired, everything was slowing down, fading off into nothing. Maybe it was the venom, maybe his feelings were just too strong, or it was blood loss, he didn’t know. He didn’t care. He had Dyan next to him, that’s all he needed for now.
“Blue? Eyes open, lad. Blue- Blue!”
But Blue was already asleep.
Sorry not sorry I had to hurt the boi.
16 notes · View notes
Cloudwalker Series Part 13
Okay this got split in half because it was like 3k words. Have more protective Avizon and a little Ihuka whump (mild beating).
Warnings: Mild beating, pet whumpee
Master-list Here Total WC: 1700
It wasn't long until Avizon's supplies began to dwindle. He needed to go back to town, to stock up and fill his cart. He decided to take the birds with him. They couldn't fly off, and he doubted they'd try to run. Ihuka had certainly learned this lesson. He'd been trying hard to please him since then. They'd earned a trip outside. Besides, he would need travelling supplies for when he went to the Great Library. He wasn't sure if he wanted to take his birds with him. Was it safer to seal them in the castle for the day or two he'd be gone? He was unsure.
But first things first, the market.
He went to their room and found that Dyan and Ihuka were asleep, a tangled mess of limbs, feathers and drool. Avizon couldn't help but smile. They'd settled in well overall, and they'd been far less trouble. Ihuka had his bad days still, but he found it was easier to set him off cleaning with Dyan and it seemed to work the resentment out of him that way. He couldn't afford to punish him much more. He was already so afraid of him. He thought he'd wanted a challenge, he thought he'd known what he wanted but things were changing every day. They were changing him... They reminded him more and more of his old self, before everything changed, before everything had been stolen from him. 
His master’s words rang in his ears. This is dark magic you seek. It will corrupt you, it will change you for the worst and it will eventually kill you.
"Wake up, little birds. We have a long day ahead of us," he called.
Ihuka yawned and tried to hide under his wing to get more sleep.
"I saw that, Ihuka. Wake up, there's a good bird. I might even buy you a gift if you can behave yourself.” Dyan stretched his wings out and sat up, “Where are we doing today, master?” “We’re going to the market.” Dyan gulped. “You mean...” “No, no! Not that market, a different one, for food and supplies. Don’t worry, all is well.”
The tension in Dyan’s body visibly dropped away. Avizon petted his head. “Get dressed. I’ll see if there are any coats leftover from the servants.”
“You had servants?” Dyan asked softly. Avizon cleared his throat. “No, they were before I took over the castle.” Avizon’s attack that day had led everyone to flee, leaving everything behind. Even the purple and turquoise clothes they wore had belonged to cloudwalkers owned by the princess. He shuddered at the memories, the thought of past pains.
He shook himself out of it. “Get dressed,” he found himself repeating. “and wake Ihuka up. Meet me outside by the horse.” “Yes, master.”
Avizon paused for a moment, remembering Dyan had hurt his wrist the day before because he’d been cleaning so much. It wasn’t broken, just stiff and achy. “Is your wrist still hurting?” Dyan nodded meekly. Avizon ruffled his hair, “alright, take it easy.”
Avizon left them to it. He rummaged around in the empty bedrooms until he found a chest with cloudwalkers clothes in. He knew they had to be somewhere. The princess had always spoiled her pets, and yet beaten them when she felt like it. Looking back, he really pitied those creatures. The Princess had always had a terribly good arm for striking. He wondered what had happened to those two, Fluffy and Flutter, she had called them. What had been their real names? Where had they come from?... Perhaps he could make some inquiries when he was in the city.
He looked in the box, seeing what he could find. There were shoes that looked agonising to walk in, accessories of all descriptions. He took the two bandannas out, they could be helpful, and finally he found the coats with a lace-up back. He hoped they would fit. He could always buy them new things when he got there at least. He brought it all downstairs and outside, where his two cloudwalkers were waiting patiently.
He made two piles, one for Ihuka with the white coat with purple stitching and one for Dyan with the black coat and turquoise. He gave them the bandanna. “Put these on, then I will need to wrap your wings. I’m not having those vermin stealing your feathers.”
It took a while to get everything sorted to go. Ihuka liked having the bandanna hanging loosely around his neck once Avizon had tied it for him. Dyan was more nervous, but Avizon had an idea. He tied it around his wrist and tucked it all in neatly. “There, that should support it.” Dyan cheeped out a thank you. He let them both sit in the cart, with their leads secured to it. They took it as a chance to nap. 
Avizon didn’t mind, it meant he could reflect without distraction. It seemed the past was determined to haunt him today. His horse nickered softly as she pulled the cart along. “Steady, Secret, steady girl.” She continued on her way, not caring for the rain that started. Avizon grumbled and pulled up his hood. Thunder clapped overhead, he heard a squeak from inside the cart and Secret looked unsteady. He worked on reassuring her. “It’s alright, little birds, no need to be afraid, we’re almost there.” The rain did mean that a lot of people had gone home, which meant this would be easier for him. He knew what to expect, he knew how the people were, but they feared him at least, and he could soon get them to scarper if he wanted to.
He brought the cart to a stop under a basic shelter, which kept the rain off his horse. He tethered her to the post and patted her neck. “Good girl. Steady now.”
He went to the back and untied the cloudwalkers, “You’ll have to come with me. I don’t want you getting stolen. Come on out.”
Dyan and Ihuka carefully climbed out, both looked unsure. He left their leashes short. He trusted them to stay by his side, but he didn’t trust the people. He urged them onward and brought them into the large wooden building where most of the stalls were. He set to work buying what he needed and much to his surprise, the cloudwalkers behaved. They followed him wordlessly, but Ihuka was tense, his head constantly moving. Dyan seemed used to this, but Ihuka was certainly not. He took a moment to pat his head. “Easy now.”
He bought what he needed, and the market owners would send their assistants out to pack his cart. The place emptied quickly, probably because he was here, but there were still half a dozen people or so. He relaxed the leashes, giving them more space to wander. He frowned when Ihuka’s suddenly went limp. When he looked, he quickly found the rope no longer held a cloudwalker on the end.
The rope had been cut.
“Ihuka?” he called out. He heard a yelp and a shout. “Nasty little thief! Go on, fuck off!” Avizon turned just in time to see one of the stall owners kicking Ihuka when he was on the ground. He glowered. “Come, Dyan.” 
A second man came over to Ihuka, an older man that could have been the first’s father. He slapped the young man in the back of the head. “What the hell are you doing?” “It took from the stall!” the younger man defended. “Aye, and I’ve told you to usher it off and inform its owner to pay for the items. You don’t beat the fucking things, someone owns them! They’re animals, they don’t know how the stalls work.”
The older man crouched down to look at Ihuka but Ihuka shied away.
Avizon walked calmly to the stall, seeing Ihuka curled up. He whined seeing him and got on his knees, hugging his stomach. On the floor, he saw a piece of liquorice root. “Your greatness! I… I.Is this your pet? I. I. I had no idea!” the younger one exclaimed. Avizon ignored him. He crouched in front of Ihuka, opened his coat and moved up his shirt. He saw where he’d been kicked hard, it looked like it would bruise. Hopefully nothing more…
“Dyan, ask Ihuka what happened,” Avizon said, but he glared up at the young man who realised he had just made a terrible mistake.
Dyan did so and reported back. “He took a bit of the root, he said they use it in the wild, that he couldn’t resist it… It does smell so good, I...”
Avizon took a piece of liquorice root from the stall and started to chew it. He wasn’t keen on the taste, but he had a point to make. “Where’s my beating then, sir? Or are you suddenly not so keen?”
“Please, your greatness, I… Is there anything I can do to make up for my mistake?” the young man groaned in fear while the older one kept his distance. Avizon smirked. “Well, for one thing, I’ll have all of your liquorice root, and because you kicked my cloudwalker three times, you can half the price, the half it again, and then half it again.”
The older man did not seem too happy but he wasn’t about to argue. “Yes, your greatness. Could I offer you anything for the bird’s pain?” “Yes, and if I find any bones have cracked, then I will be giving this man the same treatment.” Avizon was in no rush, he tended to Ihuka, hushing him as he tried to check for breakages but Ihuka wriggled a lot and pushed his hands away. “M.master, no… please...” He lowered his head down and let out a weak mercy squeak.
Avizon gave up looking for now. He didn’t want to upset him too much. “You’re not in trouble, little bird.”
After Ihuka had chewed on some herbs for the pain, Avizon took a fresh piece of liquorice and held it out to Ihuka, who was still curled up on the floor, no doubt still afraid. He knelt down and brushed a hand through his hair. “On your feet, good boy.” He gave him the root and picked up his lead. He inspected it, seeing where it was clearly burned.
“M.master?” Dyan suddenly whimpered. Avizon turned to see Erix in the doorway glaring at them.
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Cloudwalker Series Part 16
You can meet Blue a little bit now and hear why he’s a baby we need to protect at all costs.
Warnings: Contains a fight, deaths ( unnamed enemies), healing/treating wounds, and descriptions of previous and extreme cloudwalker whump.
Master-list Here
Approx WC: 3000
Orrien sent Avizon into a deep sleep before he could try to make a new argument. This was a bad wound, and it would need to be treated quickly. He was already losing a lot of blood. Orrien removed his hand from his forehead, frowning at how it had felt. Fever was already settling in, hidden by the coldness the weather plagued him with.
“I think you’ll be here a little more than one night,” he sighed, He took out his knife and mumbled a spell over it. The blade shone bright white for a moment and then faded back off. Now purified and clean, he set to work on carefully cutting it out of Avizon’s leg.
Avizon managed a groan, to clench his fists and whimper, which made Orrien pause and look up, he put his hand on his head and demanded him to sleep, which silenced him once again, making him go limp. “Stop fighting it, or it’s the frying pan next. Stubborn ox,” he mumbled, focusing on the wound again. He was quick but careful as he extracted the arrowhead. He grimaced at the sight of the agonising barbs. It was a good thing Avizon had had the sense not to just pull it out. Orrien put pressure on it for now, stopping the blood flow.
Orrien was surprised when Blue walked into the cottage. “Did the two cloudwalkers not find you? Are you alright?” “Yes, sir, they found me, and I’m alright, but they haven’t eaten. Ihuka is getting nervous, thinking he’s done something wrong. I… I thought it would be alright to feed them?”
Orrien frowned, hearing how Ihuka was. He hoped Avizon hadn’t been hurting them. Such beautiful creatures, so kind and loyal to those who deserved it. “Of course you can.”
“If you don’t wish to care for them, you don’t have to, mind you. I understand why it might be difficult for you,” Orrien added. “It’s… actually nice, being able to see more of my kind, to be able to talk to them, Dyan is even missing a little bit of his horn. I’d like to stay with them tonight, to be able to talk to them. I’ve never met a cloudwalker from here before, only from the south,” he said. Orrien sighed softly, watching Blue nervously scratching at his head where his horns once had been. 
“Then as I’ve told you before, you’re welcome to do whatever you wish. Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked softly. Blue nodded and dropped his hand, realising what he was doing. “Yes, sir, sorry, I got lost in my thoughts- I.I’ll go and get that food.”
“Stay alert,” he advised. “I do not know if their attackers will return. You call for me immediately if you feel endangered, you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
Orrien nodded and Blue left.
Orrien sighed, his mind filled with tender memories of Blue, how he’d first found him, barely alive, how long of a road to recovery it had been… Orrien had never intended to have a cloudwalker living in the house, but now he couldn’t imagine life without him. He cared for him with all his might and loved him like a son.
Not unlike another man he knew. With the arrowhead removed, he eased some healing magic into Avizon’s leg. It wasn’t easy, it was a complicated area with plenty of nerves but he had plenty of experience. He’d limp for a few days, but then hopefully, it would be able to fully heal.
Orrien finished bandaging up his leg for the sake of support, left his clothes to dry near the fire and carried him to his own bed to rest with his powers when he heard footsteps, followed by a loud squeak. Blue.
Orrien rushed outside and saw Blue standing at the barn doors, terrified and shaking. He'd dropped the bowls on the floor. Three men were in front of him, no doubt some of the men who’d attacked Avizon.
“Blue, inside!” he ordered.  The men jumped and two of them turned around. “Back off, old man, once we get what we came for we’ll be on our way.” Orrien’s magic sprung to life in his hands. “Last chance.”
Blue hid in the barn, kicking away the man who tried to follow him. Orrien hurled an orb of magic at the man. No! No one got to even scare that boy. The orb wrapped around him and froze him into place. Break. He willed. With a hoarse scream, there was a loud crack, and the man dropped down dead.
Orrien glared at the other two. One drew their bow and tried to fire at him. Orrien glared at the arrow, and redirected it back to the man. It hit its mark, and he too fell dead.
That left one, and he was stupid enough to have gone into the barn. He dared even get near Blue.
Orrien rushed forward, only to find Ihuka on top of the attacker, pinning him on the ground, teeth snapping as he tried to get at his throat. Orrien quickly used his magic to drag Ihuka off, which drew a squeak from him. Orrien held onto the third attacker. Stop.
The man convulsed, and then he too was dead. His heart stopped immediately. Orrien did not like to kill, but he was not going to let anyone hurt those under his protection. He permitted quick deaths.
Orrien released Ihuka from his hold and watched him curl up in fear. Orrien approached him carefully, but the other Cloudwalker, Dyan was there first, comforting him. Orrien looked at Blue, who was breathing heavily, leaning against the wall. He seemed unhurt.
Orrien ushered him closer and held him close, giving him the reassurance he needed. “It’s alright, lad, you’re safe.” Orrien wiped the tears from his eyes with his thumb. “You’re so brave… has the horse been tended to?” Blue nodded with a sniffle.
“Then you three can stay in the house, where it’s safe.” Orrien paused when Ihuka shyly came over to them both, head down in submission. He was shaking. Orrien patted his head as Avizon had before. “You’re not in trouble, little one. You protected Blue… thank you.”
It quickly became clear Ihuka’s speaking wasn’t as good, but Blue translated it for him and Ihuka smiled. Orrien frowned when he saw a piece of root in Ihuka’s hand, offering it out to Blue. Who looked at it with confusion.
“It’s liquorice… He wants to make Blue feel better,” Dyan explained.
Blue took it nervously, he wasn’t sure what to do with it, but once he smelled it, he had an urge to eat it. He started chewing on it with his back teeth. He let out a happy meeping noise and chewed away.
Orrien patted Ihuka’s head again. “Good bird."
The three of them were soon sat at the kitchen table, with Ihuka and Dyan on stools. Orrien had fed them in between checking on Avizon. Blue was happy talking to Dyan and Ihuka, and Orrien was overjoyed to see him happy. He might have to start visiting Avizon more if they befriended each other.
He heard a thump and a groan. Ihuka’s wings immediately fluffed up and he growled. Orrien hushed him gently. He knew that sound.
“You tried to walk, didn’t you?” Orrien called as he went into his room, finding Avizon clutching his leg on the floor. “I’m fine, thank you for rushing to my aid,” Avizon grunted sarcastically, trying to lift himself up with a deep wince.
“Well for one thing, I know you’re not fine so there's no point asking, and second, it doesn’t matter how fast I pick you up, it’s still going to hurt,” Orrien said, reaching down to help him up to his feet despite how he choked out a torn cry of pain.
“My word, lad… Come on, I’ll help you to the kitchen, I’d like to know what’s going on and you need to eat.”
Orrien helped him into the kitchen and Dyan chirruped happily. Ihuka tilted his head in concern. "I'm fine, good birds," he winced as he sat down. Orrien got him a mug of herb water and some stew.
"The water will help the pain… What in seven realms happened out there? Who have you pissed off this time?" "What makes you think I've annoyed someone?" he shrugged.
Orrien rolled his eyes. "Because I've known you since you were knee high- and more men showed up once you slept- dealt with, rest assured. But this is clearly a hunt, Avizon. So who is it?"
"Erix…" Dyan whimpered. Orrien turned to look at him quickly, then to Avizon. "We don't know that for sure, Dyan. I’ve annoyed far more than him." "B.but he said he wasn't done…" Dyan whispered, dipping his head down. "Erix?!" Orrien exclaimed. "Explain. Now."
"Dyan, you can leave the table if you like?" Avizon said but Dyan remained sitting. "I.it's okay..."
Avizon looked up to Orrien. "Dyan once belonged to Erix. You know the disgusting things the man is into. He used to hurt Dyan until he escaped. I bought Dyan, when he was recaptured. Erix wants him back and I won't give him back."
Orrien eyed Ihuka who was sitting with Blue. He was confused. Orrien had to force himself not to stare at the back of his shoulder, where he’d been branded. Blue quietly explained to Ihuka what was being said. But Orrien didn't want anyone understanding what he said next.
Orrien spoke to Avizon again, this time using a different language, one he'd taught Avizon in the castle when he was younger. "And yet here you are hurting your own birds."
Avizon's expression turned to one of dread. "I know… that was before, in the first few days. I haven't hurt them since, I've changed."
That much was a relief to hear but he hoped he could prove a point. "Yes and we both know why. It's that damned power of yours! Your dark magic. I told you it corrupts its carrier. The Avizon I knew would never have hurt a hair on their head. You wouldn’t have been able to live with yourself."
"Then why am I changing?" Avizon retorted. "Could it not just be I've found something to care about? That I have my conscience again?" "No, because they carry light magic. It's drawing your light magic nearer the surface. Avizon, what will it take for you to give up this evil power?!"
Avizon shook his head. This was a conversation they'd had so many times. "If I gave it up I'd be vulnerable to attack-" "Your light magic is incredibly strong. It wouldn't be like that." "It wasn't enough last time," he snapped, but then his face immediately softened. "I'm sorry, but I… I can't take that risk again…"
"Last time was completely different. You know that," Orrien said softly. "Maybe, but I still have to protect those I care about."
Blue, Ihuka, and Dyan all looked nervous and on edge after their more heated discussion. Avizon smiled softly at his two. "It's alright. Good birds." Dyan nodded and held Ihuka's hand for a moment, but they looked tired.
"You two have had a long day, maybe you should go to bed?" Avizon suggested. Ihuka yawned and smacked his lips. "Bed..." “Yes, clever bird.“ Avizon smiled at him and waited as Blue led them both upstairs.
"Blue seems a nice lad," Avizon said quietly, changing the topic. "Heart of gold and the courage of a lion really… He's actually a cloudwalker." Avizon raised an eyebrow. "I didn't think you would buy one-"
"Oh, I didn't," he reassured him. "I rescued him. It's because of him I found out about Cloudwalkers' magic." Avizon frowned. "How did you find out?"
"As you can see… the bastards that took him took everything that they could that made him a cloudwalker, his wings, his horns, his claws- they even filed his fangs. I tried to nurse him back to health but I found that he was dying of starvation- of magic. He stays with me and helps around the farm so that I can give him magic when he needs it. The tattoos he has help him store magic better, but healing has been a long journey…"
"Was he a tawny? Or were the men just cruel bastards?" he wondered.
"He's from the south. A tropical cloudwalker. He eats fish and fruits for the most part. He had blue wings, but the royals… well, they wanted them." Avizon sighed softly. "I had no idea there were cloudwalkers in tropics… Being able to step back… now I see, Orrien, this has to stop. These creatures don't deserve this at all…"
Orrien shrugged sadly. "There's nothing we can do." "Don't be too sure. I'm known for changing the unchangeable," Avizon said. Orrien smiled sadly. "Aye, that's true… you know, I've heard talk of a resistance- a particularly brutish group of cloudwalkers. They go around freeing birds and taking and often killing humans."
"Well I certainly won't be stopping them," Avizon mumbled. "Nor I."
"Orrien," Avizon sighed. "There's something else I discovered… Cloudwalkers don't just carry magic. They can wield it… Do you know what this means?..." Orrien frowned, "How do you know?" "Dyan saw me when I was reading his dream. He saw me and called out to me."
Orrien raised an eyebrow. "Interesting… Well, there's no harm in teaching him a few easy, harmless spells to confirm your theory. Perhaps teach him to speak in the mirror to me, then he could speak to Blue more."
Avizon pulled a face. “You’re the better teacher.” “I’m sure you can teach him something as simple as that, lad, don’t be dramatic. But for now, you need to stay here, rest, and we can speak in greater detail about our discoveries.” Avizon sighed and nodded. But he paused. “Wait, I was meaning to check on Ihuka.”
“Why?” “One of the stall owners was kicking him in the ribs when he took something. He wouldn’t let me see if they were broken.” Orrien grimaced, “I thought I’d saw him wincing. I’ll go and get him, if he isn’t in bed yet.”
Avizon nodded and waited a few moments until Ihuka came downstairs with him. He looked so very nervous, but Avizon tried to smile softly. “It’s alright. Please let me see your ribs.” Ihuka stepped back and whimpered, but Avizon held out his hand, inviting him to step forward and take it, as one might to usher a child along. “Come on, little bird, please.”
Ihuka took a deep breath, winced, and came closer. Avizon praised him softly and raised his shirt, revealing deep bruises. Ihuka had his hands ready to push him off. “What do you think?” Avizon grimaced.
Orrien knelt down in front of Ihuka, very lightly tracing his fingers across the dark purple skin, letting his magic painlessly assess the damage. He paused at a certain point. “There, I can sense it. One crack, but it’s a simple one. I can treat it, if Ihuka will let me?” “He won’t understand, you’d have to ask one of the others to translate… Blue might be better if he knows how healing feels?" "You're right," Orrien said. He paused, knowing Blue was lingering in the hallway. "Blue, come here, lad.”
Blue came into the room rubbing his arm. “Yes, sir? Sorry for creeping, I just… my pillow…” “Of course you can get it. Before you do, could you ask Ihuka if I can heal him. Tell him how it works if he wants to know. It's his choice, or I can just keep giving him something for the pain."
So Blue explained, seeming to explain in detail, but Ihuka looked reassured by it. He hesitantly nodded, but then looked down at his hands. He admitted something, and Orrien saw the look of worry on his face."
"You can, but he's scared he'll lash out," Blue finally translated.
Orrien smiled softly. "That's alright. Sit down, Ihuka, back on your stool." He patted it to emphasise what he needed him to do. Ihuka reached a hand out, considering patting it too.
"Sit?" he repeated with confusion, trying to work out what the word meant. "Yes, sit," Orrien smiled and Ihuka did so. "Good job, you don't need to be scared."
Avizon offered to help but Orrien refused. He wanted Ihuka to be able to do this on his own. He has his precautions ready anyway, casting a small shield around his head and neck.
Ihuka sat on his hands and screwed up his face tight. Orrien patted his shoulder.
"You can do it. Don't be scared." He gently put his hand on his ribs and Ihuka's breath hitched. His body tried to act but he caught himself in time and stayed still. Orrien kept an eye on him, gently hushing his whimpers as he focused on healing the wound, encouraging the bone to come back together.
He soon finished, and Ihuka rubbed at his head tiredly. Orrien lowered the shield. "Well done, Ihuka. You were very brave. The pain will die down in a few minutes. Go get some sleep."
"Bed…" Ihuka mumbled again, rubbing his eyes. "I'll get my pillow and take him up," Blue offered nervously. Orrien thanked him.
Alone once more, Orrien looked at Avizon and sighed, seeing the lost expression.
"Not only did he not lash out, but he even stopped himself… When I first got him he’d have ripped your head off… I’m really a monster, I’ve broken him…” Avizon lowered his head in shame.
"The broken can be repaired. He’s not completely broken, I can see the light in him still. He fears you, and it will take a long time to undo that but with patience and kindness, it can be done… If that’s everything I’ll leave you here while I go and dispose of our less welcome guests.”
“You killed them?” Avizon said, surprised. “They were going after the birds. No one goes after those poor creatures under my protection. If Erix organised for these bandits to attack you, to get Dyan… Avizon, you must be careful. You know how dangerous he is, even if you are stronger.”
“He’s a coward… but I do understand. I’ve learned better than underestimating someone. I didn't want to say it in front of Dyan, but he's right. It only makes sense for this to be his doing. He tried to attack me in the market,” he sighed.
"I doubt Erix will stop until he has another cloudwalker then." “Go, get rid of them, I’ll stay here until you return. I need to think.”
Orrien nodded, refilled his cup, and left him to reflect on everything.
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Cloudwalker Series Part 10
Bit of plot building and also a broken, and very sad Ihuka. The only warnings I can see are a very vague implication of a character death and maybe a warning for loneliness and a fear of being alone?
Master-list Here
Approx WC: 2200
Avizon did not wake them in the morning, but Ihuka woke to the smell of food. He was so hungry, but he didn't want to wake Dyan, he didn't want to get in trouble. He'd lost, he accepted with great heartache that Avizon was now his master. That meant doing what he wanted, but what did he even want? He couldn't understand him.
Ihuka lay still, musing over how much pain he was in, the deep burning aching that shrouded his body. The slimes and other things Avizon had put on his back felt like they’d faded away, leaving him in agony again. He couldn’t help but whine. He wondered what else Avizon would do to him if he was bad again. 
Dyan was still asleep, no doubt tired from his night terror. Ihuka wanted to stay in bed and go back to sleep but his wild instincts wanted him to get up, to get up, get on with it and survive. Instead all he could do was cuddle up to Dyan and wait for his master’s return. It was nice being able to hold Dyan, to feel the rise and fall of his chest, the hot air stroking his shoulder and parts of his chest that weren’t wrapped up in bandages. It was good to not be alone anymore.
When the door did open, Dyan groaned and woke up, rubbing his eye clumsily with his hand. “Master?” “Wake up, little birds,” Avizon said softly. He approached Ihuka and put a hand on his forehead. Ihuka flinched and squeaked immediately. He didn’t want to hurt anymore, no more!
“Easy, Ihuka, easy now. Today, you stay in bed, you have a fever. Dyan, I have a job for you this afternoon. Eat your breakfasts, then I want you to get dressed and go to the main hall. You remember the way?” “Yes, master.”
Avizon nodded and left again. The two cloudwalkers carefully peeled themselves out of bed to eat their meals on the floor.
Ihuka watched Dyan with curiosity. If he did what he did then maybe he wouldn’t get in trouble. He watched as he ate, picking up food with his hands and pushing it into his mouth. Ihuka did the same, but his attention wandered to Dyan’s missing horn. “What happened to it?” Dyan looked up, to see where Ihuka’s eyes were looking, but then he realised. “My horn? It… It got cut off by humans, because I tried to escape… It hurt… so much…” he shuddered. Ihuka frowned, raising his hand to touch it, but thinking better of it. “I’ve never seen one broken like that before, but the rest of it will still grow into a spiral. You haven’t lost much once it’s grown at least.” Dyan looked down glumly at his food. “That's true, but sometimes I can still feel the pain… Could we please talk about something else? Master wanted me to teach you human words. Maybe we could try some?”
Ihuka nodded. He needed to learn the language if he wanted to stay safe. He quietly tried to form the few words he knew, even if he didn’t understand them. He spent a few minutes trying to discover the new sounds in his mouth, how to make the M sound, and giggling to himself when he felt the vibrations in his throat.
Dyan sat with him and helped to teach him some sounds that he’d need, and Ihuka was eager to learn. Dyan taught him a few words, Master, bed, food, and blanket, and his first phrase: I’m sorry. Ihuka kept trying until he was able to make his words sound less hissy. Dyan praised him as though he were a brother, smiling gently.
“Humans aren’t usually nice creatures, but they hurt less when you make them happy,” Dyan said. “That’s why I sit still, let him cut my nails and everything else. There’s no point trying to stop them. They get what they want and they’ll hurt you to get it.”
Ihuka frowned, but he understood.
Dyan got dressed into his nice clothes and dusted them off. “Master wanted you to stay here because you are hurting. I will be back later. Keep practising your sounds, and try to sleep. Sleep helps.” Ihuka nodded with another frown. He didn’t want to be on his own anymore. Dyan could see that quite easily. Dyan helped him back onto the bed and hugged him for a moment. “I’ll be back later, promise.”
Dyan left the room and went the way he'd went the day before. He was confident he knew where the main hall was, that big room with the throne- or was that the throne room? Dyan frowned, hoping he was going the right way.
Avizon was waiting in the hallway by the large room. “Ah, so you did know your way, good bird. Is Ihuka behaving himself?”
“Yes, master, I taught him his letters so he’s practising. He’s trying very hard for you.” “Good… good. The sooner he learns, the better. I realise my harshness with his punishment means he is afraid of me, more so than I want him to be. I think being able to understand each other will help remedy that.”
“He hurts badly, master. He can’t move very well.” “I know, and if your work is good today, I will make a potion to fix that.” “Of course, master, but what is it you want me to do?” Dyan asked nervously. Avizon smirked. “Follow me, little bird. There’s… something I need to understand about you.” Dyan gulped but followed him up the stairs, past Ihuka’s room. He went inside to give him more of that plant to chew on which helped with pain, then he locked the door and then on to a spiral staircase. They went up and up until Dyan’s legs ached.
But finally they came to a door, and Avizon ushered him inside. “Your species really are remarkable. Your venom is so often collected to use on arrowheads. Your feathers make an excellent fuel and incredible explosive source once treated by a professional hand.” Dyan pursed his lips and lowered his head. Avizon took him by the chin. “And last night, when you had a dream, you saw me when I looked into your mind. You change things, Dyan, you’ve changed everything. It’s not just a case of biology anymore, but magic.” “I… I thought that was common knowledge that sorcerers can harvest our feathers for power, master?” “Yes, but you showed the potential to wield it. It’s not just that you have something magic that you don’t use… Turn around little bird, I’d like a single feather from you.” Dyan obeyed wordlessly. He yelped as Avizon tugged one out and compared it to one of Ihuka’s black feathers. He frowned. “Ihuka’s is more powerful on the surface, I can feel it… but why- well, there could be a number of reasons, wing colour, age, your broken horn-” “I’m sorry, master. W.would you return me to the market?” Dyan whimpered. “I. I can still serve you if you only wanted the feathers, I can still be useful-” Avizon hushed him gently. “Steady, little one. You’re still mine. I am too powerful to solely depend on feathers, it is more of a bonus, you feathers use different magic from what I am used to wielding, light and pure magic, something truly good in this cruel world. You’re going nowhere- Dyan, I’ve told you this. I won’t change my mind.”
Dyan nodded with a shaky breath. “Yes, master, I’m sorry.” He watched as he lay the feathers side by side. “You are indeed a mystery but you need have no fear. I will not hurt you to find out, besides, that is for another day. Today, I want you to simply tidy up this room while I work. I will give you instructions, simple ones, and once Ihuka is healed, I will give you both larger rooms to clean.” “Yes, Master. I. I can do that.” Avizon set him to work while Avizon studied the two feathers. The quiet was more comfortable than Dyan expected, but he still wanted to be finished as quickly as possible. He hoped Ihuka was alright. “I want you to take this tapestry outside and clean it, you know how to do that?” “I think so, Master, but perhaps you could tell me how you want it done? I wouldn’t want to make a mistake.”
So Avizon patiently explained, and then Dyan carefully picked it up and took it away. Avizon watched him from his balcony as he beat the dust and grime out of it, and then started to carefully clean it. He worked fast, but also with great care. It soon changed from a dirty rag into a vibrant tapestry. Dyan heaved it back inside and hung it up once it was almost dry. He looked at Avizon with big eyes, like a puppy waiting for a reward.
Avizon smiled and gently patted his head. “I’m impressed. Well done.” “Is that your castle on there?” Dyan asked quietly. “Yes,” Avizon mused, “but this tapestry is old. This was made long before I took over, before I stole it from the king.” “You did?” Dyan breathed, stunned.
“Yes, I stole what was precious to him because he took something… incredibly precious from me. The king was not a nice man, nor was his daughter. It has been a long time, but I am ready to restore this building, to make it even better than it was. I plan to change this world, Dyan, no soul will live their life without hearing my name, but what kind of change, good or bad, well, I am yet to make up my mind. I’ve been feeling... different, over the last few days.”
“Whatever your decision, it will be an honour to serve you.”
Avizon smirked. “You may go now, the key is still in the lock, turn it and it will open.” Dyan frowned. “Was I not good enough to earn the reward for Ihuka?” Avizon opened his drawer, “Yes, of course you were. I admit it slipped my mind.”
Avizon went into the corner of the room, where hundreds of bottles were lined up, all cleaned and lined up nicely thanks to Dyan’s work. He mixed a few together and mixed it with a finger. Then he took a black feather, cut off the end and closed his eyes. Dyan could see the power slip out of it, into the liquid Avizon had made. It immediately changed colour, became a shining iridescent and glowing liquid. “This should help him regain his strength. Let us go and see the little demon.”
They found him curled up on the floor under the blanket, a sobbing shaking mess.
His breathing was raspy and he had old tears in his eyes, a flushed face. He looked awful, so sick and weak and tired. Dyan rushed to his side with a worried cheeping noise. He nudged Ihuka gently and encouraged him to open his eyes. Dyan could see his pain, the upset. Ihuka grabbed him and wrapped him in a tight hug. “Please don’t leave me alone…” he whimpered. “What does he say?” Avizon asked softly, kneeling down beside him and feeling Ihuka's forehead again. “He’s… begging me to not leave him on his own.” Dyan stared in horror. Avizon sighed softly and sat Ihuka up against the wall, but he didn’t have much strength left in him. Avizon had no choice but to sit beside him, holding him and supporting him like an infant in his arms. “Alright… Ihuka, drink.” Ihuka was uneasy, but he did so, coughing badly once he’d drank it and screwing up his face. “M.Math-Master?” Ihuka managed, the word didn’t sit comfortably on his tongue, he wasn’t used to speaking as humans did. Still, Avizon smiled and praised him. “Good bird! Good bird. What else did you learn?” “I… I sorry… I bad.” Avizon stroked his cheek and this time Ihuka relaxed against the feeling.
“You’re a clever little thing,” Avizon said, gently continuing his praise as he lifted him into bed and rearranged the blanket. Dyan took off his clothes so that he could lie down on the bed with Ihuka, cuddling with him. Ihuka clung to him as tight as he could. 
"It seems the pain I caused you wasn't the only thing which broke your spirit… You suffered when you were alone down there?" Avizon frowned. "Social creatures indeed…" He could only imagine how cloudwalkers felt when they were the only one bought.
Ihuka looked up at him with wide and fearful eyes. Avizon ruffled his hair with care and then looked at Dyan.
"Tomorrow after breakfast come to the tower again. Bring Ihuka. He can sleep upstairs while you work," Avizon said. Dyan nodded. "Yes, thank you, Master." Avizon ruffled Dyan's hair and felt Ihuka's forehead again. "I'll bring you both some food and water. You can both sleep if you want."
Ihuka snuggled further against Dyan's chest and Avizon sighed. "If he gets worse, tell me. Shout, I'll hear." "I will, thank you, Master."
As Avizon left, Ihuka broke into sobs and clung even tighter to Dyan. Dyan held him back, wrapping his wings around him and whispered, "It's okay. I'm here. I will always be here for you." He was no Ryuvek, no leader or his brother by blood, he never would be, but he was Dyan, and he would do all he could to look after him.
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