anryuuepic · 5 months
Do the people look like lizard folk from dnd or is it more humanoid?
Also since they are reptilian do they have specific places for sun bathing/warming up? Like have they made up for some of their needs in their architecture?
(This all sounds super cool omg i might have to deep dive this blog)
The alternate forms commonly used by Anryuu look more or less "human", yep! Their ability to shapeshift develops early in their youth, and they end up spending most of their time in their secondary forms as a matter of convenience, social decency, etc.
However, there are some indications of species that stand out even in an Anryuu's secondary form: Dzlethians retain the horns on their head, Ghiasuli have pointed ears, and Giants (a theorized sub-species/relative of the Dzlethians) have both the horns on their head and a second pair located near the lateral end of the clavicle.
As for body temperature, Anryuu are likely mesotherms! This category includes lamnid sharks and leatherback sea turtles, which generate sufficient body heat through body size/surface-volume ratio and/or muscle activity to not be truly "cold-blooded". So nope, they do not need sunbathing accommodations. (Disclaimer: I may change this idea as I do more research on the subject.)
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For an upcoming ask game.... 
Anryuu Epic Antagonists
Zaire Xavier Odiar — The major problem who initially seems like a harmless eccentric, but soon inserts himself into the worst of everything in sight. His goal is to resurrect his ancestor, Phantasmagoria Odiar, and cause chaos by her side. 
Wendigo Ratched — The leader of the corrupted Daryan Science Division, now known as Wendigo Works. A power-hungry tyrant of her organization who’s on a constant search for knowledge and power. Her goal is simply to achieve as much as possible. 
Libitina — A former Daryan military commander and the one to resurrect Amarabeth in an attempt for the throne. A major racist who believes that Daryans are the only species that should be allowed to live... and a terrible “mother”. 
Amarabeth — The supposed “lost princess” of the Daryan throne. Actually a Resurrection Statue created by Libitina as a means to get power. A spoiled brat who thinks that the world revolves around her and that other people have to bow to her will. 
Cassius — Since he’s terrified of death, his goal is simply to live forever. This is accomplished through a “Life Machine” that extends his lifespan by draining it out of other people. A paranoid, desperate man who uses his charisma to trick others to stay by his side. 
Delphi Novus — The former Dzlethian queen, killed in battle by Aracaan. A mad queen who twisted everything in her and her son’s favor. More or less drove the country into the ground through her selfish, ill-advised choices and need for control. 
Ellionette Dragomir — The highest-ranking person in the Dzlethian military and Delphi’s former best friend. A cruel woman who only cares for power and revenge... and will use her children to do it. Her goal is to finish what Delphi started.
Rosencrantz Dragomir — Ellionette’s oldest (and least favorite) son. Viciously jealous of his younger brother and desperate to get into his mother’s good graces. A nasty little bastard who would do anything to be loved. Violent, temperamental, and obedient only to mommy. 
Phantasmagoria Odiar — Her only goal in the world is to cause chaos. If you accept the consequences of your actions, you can do whatever you want, right? Lives for her own enjoyment with no concern for anyone or anything else in the world. 
Juno — A raging yandere with a sister complex whose immortality powers have allowed her to live for almost a thousand years. The one thing she cares about is being by her adopted sister’s side... forever. Works with Wendigo in a symbiotic relationship. 
Solaris Milomir — The highest-ranking person in the Ghiasuli military. His goal is to marry the crown princess and use her to take control of the country for his own gain. Arrogance is his defining trait, and he wants respect and power more than anything. 
Lucian Sylvius — A Daryan nobleman who has a similar goal to Solaris. However, he’s less picky. Involved with some generally sketchy shit, including trafficking. Just wants to be powerful and admired. A truly pathetic coward underneath it all. 
Malachi Everald — One of the current candidates for the Dzlethian throne. His mother was killed by Delphi and he’s out for revenge. An immature child who doesn’t understand how deep he’s getting himself into, or the consequences of his choices. 
Lilura — A shapeshifting magic-user who amounts to a conman, offering to grant people’s “wishes”. Actually just a sadist who thrives off of giving hope... then yanking it away. Appears cute and harmless, but is remarkably slippery and hard to pin down. 
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dixbolik-lovers · 5 years
How did this competition for the throne come into place? How is one allowed to enter?
The competition is an old, old tradition. Dzlethian society, like that of the other Anryuu, heavily values strength. The point of the competition is that, instead of relying on a single bloodline where anyone born could take over, the throne is open to whoever is strong enough to take it. There’s a political aspect too, and the woman who wins has to be accepted by society as a whole, in theory... but that’s really a formality used to make sure that the nobles get what they want.
In concept, any woman can enter. There aren’t supposed to be any rules as to who can fight, so long as they’re female. The whole point is for the strongest to win, so whoever can fight is encouraged to make a grab for the throne. 
The reality, though, is that being rich and powerful makes a huge difference. Wealthy families have ties with the higher ranks of government... and often are said government. Said nobles often pull strings for their daughters, so children from high-ranking families always have an edge. The “political” aspect is also heavily dependent on approval from the nobility, which means that those who can make good things happen for the people with power tend to win. 
And as I mentioned, the winner is primarily determined by who’s still standing in the end. Anyone can resign from the running at any time, but that’s considered shameful, and is highly uncommon. Most competitors wind up dead, and the next largest chunk are injured to the point where they can never fight again. Some surrender in political shame, but it’s considered more proper to be killed in the struggle. Dying in the competition for the throne is seen as something of an honor, and the longer one lasts, the better. 
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anryuuepic · 1 year
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Map time! This is... probably nowhere near "complete", but the general layout of all three countries (divided by the rivers) and locations of major cities/ritual sites is here, at least! :D
(Upper left is the Daryans, right is the Dzlethians, and the lowest area is the Ghiasuli)
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anryuuepic · 2 years
So the Anryuu's base forms are dragons. Do you have any headcanons for what type of dragons they are? Like, are the Daryan, Dzlethian, and Ghiasuli different types of dragons (eastern vs western, wrym vs wyvern, etc)? Or do they share common anatomy?
I have art! It is not exactly good art, but it's good enough! >3>
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Ghiasuli —> Daryan —> Dzlethian
Ghiasuli are the "tallest", but they're nowhere near as sturdy/solid as Daryans. Their limbs are thinner and they don't have as much muscle mass, but they have large ribcages and massive wings that make them the best fliers of the three.
Daryans are a similar shape, overall, but much thicker/stockier than Ghiasuli. Their wings are proportionately smaller, and not designed for long periods of flight.
Dzlethians are the odd ones out. They're more lizard-like in general anatomy, and have two sets of wings instead of one. They're meant for traversing thick forests and steep mountain areas, so being small and agile has been a historical advantage.
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anryuuepic · 5 months
Test Subject: Vulcan
Name: Test Subject Vulcan
Species: Daryan (originally), Dzlethian (attached parts)
Race: Bluescale
Role: A Test Subject of Winterkill Works whose experimental power is among the most disturbing— half of his body has been replaced with someone else’s. A gentle, inoffensive person with a soft heart (that often gets him hurt) who’s struggling not to bend under his circumstances. 
Affiliation: Winterkill Works
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: 6’0
Appearance: Vulcan is a tall man with a strong build. The original half of his body has dark, red-hued brown skin, thick, black hair that reaches his neck, a bit of facial hair on his chin, and a dull, teal-colored eye. The half attached to him is lighter skinned, with a burgundy eye, a curved, sharp horn, and ruddy, dark brown hair that’s shorter-cropped than on the other side. 
Personality: Vulcan is a kind, mild-mannered person who prefers to avoid conflicts and keep the peace. He gets attached to things and people easily, and despite all rational arguments to the contrary, ends up caring for them far more than he should. He’s not overly emotional, but he wears what passions he does have on his sleeve, heedless of how often they get him hurt. Though far from bold or brave, he has a calming, steady sort of presence that makes it easy to rely on him, and his sheer sincerity makes him hard to dislike. Since the experiments, he’s had recurring problems with thoughts and impulses that don’t feel like his own, however, and the silent, hidden dread of what (or who) he’s becoming is eating away at him inside.
Positive Traits: Vulcan is earnest, straightforward, and has very little to hide. He’s compassionate, willingly offering aid to those he sees as needing it, without demanding repayment in return. He’s even-tempered and patient, and good at easing others into his pace because of it. Content not to stand out, he’d rather serve as support for someone he loves than seek glory or pleasure for himself, though this can mean he neglects his own needs in favor of others. He loves strongly, and is deeply loyal to anyone he values. 
Negative Traits: Vulcan is prone to worrying, though more about other people than himself. He’s self-sacrificing to a fault, and his freely-given honesty means he’s easy to manipulate by those who are willing to use his kindness against him. He’d rather push his own problems and distress down and out of the way than trouble others with them, but bottling everything up only leaves it to fester. When it comes to conflicts with others, he’s not very strong-willed, usually letting people get their way rather than fight back. 
History: The earlier part of Vulcan’s life involved industrial construction; growing up studying the field, and then working in it. He had a calm, peacefully aimless youth, pursuing mundane goals, but a friend’s misguided money-making scheme eventually (and somewhat accidentally) led to his involvement with Winterkill Works. Vulcan still thinks it’s better that he ended up like this than his former friend (who had far more to lose), but he was painfully ignorant about what he was getting into, back when he joined.
Relationships: Vulcan gets along well enough with most of the people around him, though that’s very much a deliberate choice on his part. He makes an active effort to be agreeable even when not offered the same courtesy in return, and is fairly well-liked as a result. He’s especially fond of Minerva; the two have remained close despite Minerva’s attempts to dissuade him from getting too attached while her time is running out. 
Interests: Vulcan likes architecture and related studies, hands-on craft projects, and being useful to people. He dislikes arguments, medical environments, and uncertainty. Since he’s been away from his career for a while, he’s resorted to various hands-on hobbies to pass the time. 
WW Role: As one of the specially selected Test Subjects, Vulcan was given a particular experimental power. In his case, his body was bisected vertically down the center, and the left half was replaced with a Dzlethian transplant. Vulcan doesn’t know who that other person was, where his body came from, or how much of himself is really “himself” anymore, with it attached.  
Miscellaneous: The experimental modifications done to his body were fairly successful, in the physical sense— Vulcan isn’t in any intense amount of pain from them anymore, and his body, mutilated though it is, remains mostly functional. It’s the mental and emotional consequences that haunt him. He genuinely loves Minerva, and can’t stop himself from hoping for a future with her, no matter how impossible that may be. His memory has also been impacted by the experiments; he especially struggles to remember things from years in the past, even major details about his life and family. 
Connotative Description: A disturbing experimental subject whose body has been partially replaced with a stranger’s. Kind and almost naively earnest, with a deep, romantic attachment to a fellow Test Subject.
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anryuuepic · 9 months
Test Subject: Ceres Bio
Name: Test Subject Ceres
Species: Dzlethian
Race: Redscale
Role: A Test Subject of Winterkill Works and a Dzlethian immigrant with few positive feelings toward her home country. The kind of self-centered person who only values her own interests, and who will happily make use of anyone who crosses her path. Carefree on the surface, but scheming underneath.
Affiliation: Winterkill Works
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Height: 5’10
Appearance: Ceres is a tall woman with a slender, long-limbed build. Her hair is sleek, black, and falls almost to her waist in subtle waves, her eyes are narrow and burgundy-red, and her horns are long, thin, and gracefully upward-arching. Her expressions and posture convey leisurely, yet deliberate confidence, and she prefers clothing that reveals a fair amount of skin.
Personality: Though she’s friendly and seemingly carefree on the surface, Ceres is always carefully considering her next move. She considers using others to be the only foolproof way of getting by in life, so she chooses her companions with some future purpose in mind. Spontaneous, if not rather impulsive, she follows her whims wherever they lead, whenever she pleases. Though she dislikes attachments and debts tying her down, she seems to always find herself wrapped up in others’ lusts and dreams— both personal and professional. Extroverted and charismatic, the delicate, treacherous balance of social escapades she holds often turns out to be her downfall. 
Positive Traits: Ceres is outgoing and pleasant to be around; she’s the kind of person who can surround herself with friends no matter where she goes. Spontaneous and easygoing, she’s rarely bothered by life’s ups and downs, no matter how turbulent they might be. She’s self-aware and honest on a personal level, with a solid understanding of who she is and what she wants in the world. When she has a goal in mind, she can be ambitious and highly persistent, with innovative solutions for the problems that come her way. 
Negative Traits: While Ceres is perfectly honest with herself, her relationships with others are the exact opposite. She’s a people pleaser with a selfish streak, always wanting others to like her so she can make use of them later, for her own gains. She dislikes commitments and feeling tied down, and is notoriously repulsed by responsibility in nearly any form. Though she’s well-liked in the short term, she’s poor at maintaining long-term connections; once conflict hits, she’d sooner leave an inconvenient friend behind than put in any real effort to keep the relationship alive.
History: Ceres was born in the Dzlethian country, and spent the early portion of her life there. She was more or less an aimless wanderer in her childhood and early adult years, merely following entertainment from one place to the next. She came to the Daryan country on a whim, and ended up involved with Winterkill Works when the new dwelling place proved difficult to navigate on her own. She wasn’t aware of the full commitment made by joining, however, and quickly started looking for a way to back out. 
Relationships: On the surface, Ceres gets along well with most people she meets. She’s easily bored and highly extroverted, which means she actively seeks out interaction whenever possible. However, her shallow attachments and habit of using others mean she’s never had any true, close friends, and she drops relationships quickly when she starts to feel trapped. Among her fellow Test Subjects, she gets along best with Proserpina... sort of. 
Interests: Ceres likes lively social gatherings, the sights and sounds of a city at night, and getting what she wants without a struggle. She dislikes perceptive people, waking up early, and long-term routines. Her main hobby used to be attending parties, but her role at WW has paused that pursuit. 
WW Role: As one of the specially selected Test Subjects, Ceres was given a particular experimental power. In her case, all of her bodily fluids contain an intoxicating substance that dulls the senses, inhibits movement, and induces feelings of euphoria. Ceres herself is entirely immune to these effects, and the most potent dose seems to be delivered through her blood.
Miscellaneous: Ceres has experimented at length with recreational substance use in the past, in both legal and illegal forms. Currently, though, her options for a high are few and far between. She can’t imagine what it would be like to love someone else enough to sacrifice her own happiness for their sake. Although she enjoys how useful her experimental ability can be, she regrets her connection with Winterkill Works, overall. She’s always been most alert and active at night; fittingly, it’s notoriously difficult to get her up and out of bed in the morning, especially after a wild night. 
Connotative Description: A carefree and socially adept Dzlethian who freely uses others to get ahead. Irresponsible, easily bored, and only loyal to herself, with a strong dislike of duties or debts holding her down. 
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anryuuepic · 5 months
Besides the three main species, are there others?
Another notable species is the Giants. Thought to be a sub-species of Dzlethians due to their horns and geographic distribution, Giants are a fairly small population that resides solely in the most dense and otherwise unoccupied areas of forest in the Dzlethians' territory.
There are just enough sightings of/interactions with them to keep their existence a popular urban legend, but they typically avoid contact with the other species. They range in height between 7 and 12 feet, and have a second set of horns, matching the ones on their heads, that grow from the lateral end of the clavicle. Contrary to the popular assumption that they're Dzlethians, however, the Giants are actually a sub-species of Daryans, and a close enough biological relative that the two can still interbreed... and a particular case of that interbreeding is what eventually brings them into the plot.
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anryuuepic · 1 year
Test Subject: Proserpina Bio
Name: Test Subject Proserpina
Species: Dzlethian
Race: Yellowscale
Role: A Test Subject of Winterkill Works, Orcus’s childhood companion, and a kidnapped Dzlethian servant. Devotedly loyal to him in a way that goes beyond any form of self-preservation. Orcus’s silent, ever-present shadow, convinced that there’s some good buried deep inside her cruel owner. 
Affiliation: Winterkill Works
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5’4
Appearance: Proserpina is a young woman of average height and build. She has soft, pleasant features that nonetheless always seem melancholy. Her hair is thick, dark, earthy brown, waist-length, and worn in a loose, somewhat poorly maintained style. Her eyes are a dull, yellow-toned hazel, and her horns, the same hue, are curved, blunt, and fairly short. 
Personality: Proserpina is the definition of a beaten-down person. Whatever personality she may have had on her own has been worn away by years of dealing with Orcus’s temper and constant demands. She’s nervous, withdrawn, and exists in a constant state of stress and anticipating his whims. Keeping him pacified is the main thing she thinks about, and it takes up nearly all the time and effort she has. After existing as nothing but his servant for so long, it’s hard for her to remember what her “real self” was ever like— or to be anything but his silent, opinionless, always obedient shadow. She loves Orcus (or at least, she’s convinced she does), but that love is really all she has. What else is there that makes up “herself”? 
Positive Traits: Proserpina is an amazingly gentle, patient person. She puts up with far more than most people would be capable of, and often more than she should. She’s a natural caretaker who finds fulfillment in seeing others happy, and tends to be too selfless for her own good. Her cautious, persevering nature makes her highly resilient to stress; despite coming across as fragile, she’s far more durable than one would assume. She’s very emotionally aware, and good at predicting patterns in people’s behavior. 
Negative Traits: Put simply, Proserpina tends to be a doormat. It’s most notable with Orcus, but she’s genuinely terrible at standing up for herself in any regard. She’ll excuse downright terrible behavior from others, especially in terms of how they treat her, and she tends to be forgiving to the point of self-destruction. Unused to expressing any opinions or feelings of her own, she’s an empty person who lacks any sense of self or distinct identity— and by now, she’s afraid to even try. It’s easier to go along with expectations. 
History: Proserpina was born in the Dzlethian country. However, she was kidnapped as a child and trafficked to the Daryan side of the border, where she was sold to Orcus’s family to be used as a “companion” intended to keep him sane. Her youth was spent attending to his every cruel whim, but in the process, she developed a sick sort of sympathy for her captor and now strongly believes that he’s worth pity and love, deep down. When Orcus joined Winterkill Works, Proserpina was brought with him by default. 
Relationships: Aside from the excessive time she spends with Orcus, Proserpina mostly keeps to herself. He’s highly possessive of her, disliking when she reaches out to the other Test Subjects, so she tries to stick close to him alone. However, on the rare occasions they’ve interacted, she got along well with Ceres. When she does have to interact with other people, Proserpina is terribly nervous— and much too easy to push around. 
Interests: Proserpina likes plants and flowers, routines where nothing goes wrong, and Orcus. She dislikes loud voices, handling important objects, and having to make choices on her own. She doesn’t have any interests of her own, and merely does whatever Orcus allows her to at the time. 
WW Role: As one of the specially selected Test Subjects, Proserpina was given a particular experimental power. In her case, it’s a power that rots the things she touches. Of course, this power came with a cost— she can’t control when it activates, and it happens with little warning. All she can do is pay attention to the subtle signals and be careful with what she handles.  
Miscellaneous: Proserpina has vague memories of her childhood before she was kidnapped, but she doesn’t like to think about them; her life is with Orcus now, and it’s a betrayal to linger on the past. Sometimes, she’ll find herself crying and not know why, or when it started. She thinks she probably loves Orcus romantically, but she doesn’t expect him to reciprocate her feelings, nor devote his life to someone as unimportant as her. While she’s not aware of it, her natural talent for magic is quite high-level. She doesn’t think of herself as a Dzlethian— she’s always lived as a Daryan, after all. 
Connotative Description: A kidnapped Dzlethian forced to serve as a companion to a cruel young Daryan. Sickly attached to her captor, yet too broken down as a person to realize just how unhealthy her love really is. 
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anryuuepic · 2 years
Lux Dunn Bio
Name: Lux Dunn
Species: Giant
Race: Redscale
Role: An Assistant-rank member of Winterkill Works, who works directly under Ethereal. Part of the rare and reclusive Giant species, her origins are unclear. With a worshipper-like attitude toward Ethereal, she believes that Ethereal’s unique powers are the only true good in an evil world. 
Affiliation: Winterkill Works, Giants
Gender: Female
Age: 41
Height: 8’2
Appearance: Befitting her species, Lux is a massive woman with height and build far exceeding that of a normal Anryuu. Her skin is dark tan, her eyes and horns are dark, red-hued brown, and her hair is upper-back-length, straight, and a deep, dull shade of magenta. Both sets of her horns are thick, curled, and ram-like, and she has notably large lower canines. 
Personality: Lux is a stoic, serious person who doesn’t show much in the means of emotion. She’s fairly passive and non-violent, or at least, when she’s not provoked. Known for brutality, her approach to solving problems is a mixture of sheer force and whatever gets the job done to the greatest possible extent. Her personal values, while unusual, are deeply rooted and a major driving force in her life— when she sees something as “good”, she’ll follow it wholeheartedly. Devotion comes easily to her, regardless of what she’s become attached to. Generally secretive, she dislikes talking about her past and personal matters. She’ll avoid socialization when possible, preferring to stick to her duties and not get into unnecessary involvements.
Positive Traits: Lux takes her responsibilities seriously. She’s very dedicated and reliable, and dislikes failing to honor any kind of commitment. While she’s not exactly pleasant to be around (for most), she doesn’t go out of her way to cause trouble or pick fights. She minds her own business, keeps to herself, and silently does what’s expected of her with no complaints. When she’s attached to someone, she’s incredibly loyal. Alliances matter greatly to her, almost more than her own safety and well-being. 
Negative Traits: While she’s generally fairly placid, Lux is capable of extreme brutality when she believes the situation calls for it. She’s prone to overkill and extreme measures, even when they’re not rationally necessary. Aside from her personal values, she’s not a particularly kind or moral person, preferring to serve her own interests in whatever form they may take. She’s gruff, blunt, and downright rude more often than not, with a distinct lack of delicate social skills... and an utter lack of interest in learning them. 
History: Lux’s history is intentionally kept a complete mystery, and she doesn’t respond well to any attempts to learn more about her. As a Giant, virtually nothing is known about her species, including where they originally reside— and Lux intends to keep it that way. She tells people to consider her a Dzlethian in any way that matters, and unfailingly ends the conversation there. The main thing that’s known about her is her connection to Ethereal, who she views with extreme worship and awe.
Relationships: Lux’s main relationships are with Ethereal and Whimsy. She avoids interacting with most people, and keeps any necessary engagements brief and impersonal. While she’s very close to Ethereal (and regards her with utmost adoration), most of the time, she’s merely tolerating Whimsy for whatever use Ethereal sees in him. She dislikes large groups of people and prolonged socialization to the point of visible discomfort. 
Interests: Lux likes solitary, rural areas, people who can keep their mouths shut, and Ethereal and everything she stands for. She dislikes being stared at, most aspects of Daryan culture, and “evil” things. Her only clear personal interest is attending to Ethereal, including whatever that may require. 
WW Role: As an Assistant-rank member of Winterkill Works, Lux’s job is to assist a chosen Super Executive however they may require it. She serves under Ethereal, although that job often resembles babysitting more than a boss-and-subordinate relationship. While not a scientist by any means, Lux silently and obediently carries out any duties that are expected of her. 
Miscellaneous: While Lux rarely admits it, she strongly dislikes being stared at or singled out for her appearance— for this reason, crowds make her highly uncomfortable. Whimsy’s easygoing attitude frustrates her massively, but she still respects him for their shared devotion to Ethereal. During her time at Winterkill Works, many people have attempted to “study” her in various ways. This has ended in the deaths of a few low-ranking members, and a number of injuries beyond that. She’s generally ignorant about Daryan culture and society... and doesn’t care to learn about it. 
Connotative Description: A stoic, secretive member of the virtually unknown Giant species. With a worshipful devotion to Ethereal, she devotedly follows the person she believes is the only good in the world.
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anryuuepic · 2 years
Verne Laska Bio
Name: Verne Laska
Species: Dzlethian
Race: Redscale
Role: An Assistant-rank member of Winterkill Works, who works directly under Ymir. Part of Ymir and Blaine’s former gang, the three turned to Winterkill Works after she developed a terminal, blood-based illness. However, she doesn’t have much faith that they’ll be able to find a cure. 
Affiliation: Winterkill Works
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Height: 5’6
Appearance: Verne is a woman of average height. Her build is soft and a bit stocky, her features are sweet, and her eyes are peach-colored— as were her ram-like, curled horns. Her hair is hip-length, black, thick, and slightly wavy, with long bangs and sidelocks. It’s usually worn in a loose, flowing style, and she often uses headbands to hide the stumps of her horns. 
Personality: For the most part, Verne is the “good one” of her trio. Despite her harsh circumstances growing up, she’s always been sheltered and protected by the people around her, so she manages to still be somewhat innocent. She’s pleasant and good-natured, easy to be around, and excellent at dealing with difficult and violent people... especially the two she’s spent her life around. However, she also doesn’t have much of a moral compass. While she’d rather be kind to others, the “right thing” is rarely a factor in her decisions, and she’s unnervingly desensitized to violence and other cruel acts. She’s a very loving person whose actions are driven by her feelings for the people she’s close to, and she values their well-being above her own. 
Positive Traits: While not exactly an optimist, Verne has a realistic, yet positive outlook that keeps her grounded. She’s highly resilient, able to handle painful situations without growing resentment or breaking under the pressure, and it takes a lot to wear her down emotionally. Her primary motivation in life is the happiness of the people she cares about, which leads her to be kind, considerate, and warm-hearted to those she’s fond of. She’s a “live in the moment” kind of person, rarely dwelling on the future or past. 
Negative Traits: Verne can be too accommodating for her own good. When she cares about someone, she’ll overlook any wrongs they do— and especially those done to other people. She doesn’t have a strong moral code or any deep convictions, and tends to allow herself to be pulled around by others instead of making any major decisions of her own. Prone to accepting her fate rather than trying to change it, she’s often unhealthily passive, especially when it comes to her own safety, happiness, or well-being. 
History: Verne grew up as a street orphan under the care of her older brother. The two were Dzlethians stuck in the Daryan country, and her brother led a small gang at the time. After her brother was killed and the gang was wiped out, Verne stayed with Blaine (who had been exceedingly close to her brother) and Ymir, having nowhere else to go. Soon after, though, Verne developed a terminal illness, which drove the trio to join Winterkill Works in one of their many attempts to find a cure for her. 
Relationships: Verne’s relationships are generally positive. She gets along well with others, as a whole, though she’ll always be closest to Blaine and Ymir. Despite both of their flaws, she sees them as her precious family... and is better at dealing with Blaine than anyone else. Verne is highly loyal to them, allowing her life to be decided by the two because they care more about what happens to her than she cares about herself. 
Interests: Verne likes flowers and brightly colored things, her family, and making other people happy. She dislikes days when her illness flares up, major life changes, and things that make her family unhappy. Her favorite thing to do is whatever allows her to spend time with Blaine and Ymir.
WW Role: As an Assistant-rank member of Winterkill Works, Verne’s job is to assist a chosen Super Executive however they may require it. She serves under Ymir, though her job is really more of an excuse given to have her stick close to him. She does assist with whatever work she can, though, and enjoys anything that lets her interact with him and Blaine.
Miscellaneous: When they were first on their own among Daryans, Verne had her horns removed so she could better blend in. The process was exceedingly painful, and she hates the blunted stumps that were left behind. While she misses her brother more than anything, she’s truly content with the two who have taken up the role. She’s the one who’s called to step in when Blaine is on a rampage— while he’ll viciously deny it, he hates doing anything that upsets her. She doesn’t remember her early childhood in the Dzlethian country and often wishes she could see her homeland again. 
Connotative Description: The adoptive younger sister of Blaine and Ymir, whose illness drove the three of them to Winterkill Works. A pleasant person, for the most part, but lacks a moral code and her own will. 
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anryuuepic · 2 years
Kayori Bio
Name: Kayori
Species: Dzlethian
Race: Yellowscale
Role: An Assistant-rank member of Winterkill Works, who works directly under Cindarosa. A bizarre and disturbing medical case of an Anryuu stuck partway between human and dragon forms, he’s been Cindarosa’s object of study (as well as one of her longer-lasting “children”) for years. 
Affiliation: Winterkill Works
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5’8
Appearance: Kayori is underfed enough that he’s much thinner than he should be, though his build does show broad shoulders and some inherent strength. His hair is brown, shoulder-length, and shaggily overgrown, and his eyes are hazel. His wings and claws are permanently present, his horns are upright-pointing, and his body is covered with large patches of scales. 
Personality: Kayori is a defeated, hopeless person. He’s spent so long as an object of study (while no cure for his condition has even begun to emerge) that he’s lost hope of ever being able to live in any other way. After years of no personal autonomy and being treated like a freakish attraction only good for research, his sense of self has severely deteriorated. However, he doesn’t resent his situation. In a lot of ways, Kayori is grateful that he’s at least been cared for by Cindarosa and those who came before her. He knows that it would be pointless to despise his life when there’s nothing he can do to change it, so he accepts what comes to him without complaint. Fairly deadpan in personality, he’s generally passive and non-confrontational. 
Positive Traits: Kayori, by necessity, knows how to accept an unfortunate situation without complaint. Despite all of the awful things he’s been through, he’s never built up hatred or resentment toward the world and remains more passive than pessimistic. He’s easy enough to get along with (mostly because he doesn’t care to argue with anyone), cooperative, and quite laid-back. His mental and physical resilience are both exceptional; he has an excellent pain tolerance, and very few things can truly upset him. 
Negative Traits: Kayori’s defeatist attitude isn’t doing him any good. While he sees it as simply accepting what he can’t change, the reality is that he’s also giving up on any personal ability to have some scrap of control in his life. A consistent lack of autonomy has destroyed his self-confidence and faith in his abilities, leading him to believe that he’s a helpless person whose only purpose is to be studied. He can be snarky and rude to people, especially when he feels looked down on or treated like he’s disgusting. 
History: Kayori’s life started out uneventfully. However, at some point during his childhood, his shapeshifting went very, very wrong, and he was unable to fully change back to his human form. After that, with no idea what else could be done, he was placed under study in an attempt to find some cure for his unique ailment. After multiple attempts at that goal failed, Cindarosa caught word of his situation and took a personal interest— he was transferred into her care soon after, and that’s where he’s since stayed. 
Relationships: Kayori doesn’t have any relationships outside of his connections to Cindarosa and her other “children”. He’s been kept in various facilities for most of his life, without a chance to get to know anyone but the various researchers studying him. While he thinks he’s content with his fairly solitary, isolated existence, the reality is that he’s quite lonely. However, he lacks any concept of how normal socialization works, at this point. 
Interests: Kayori hasn’t had a chance to develop preferences for much. He takes what he’s given without complaint, and doesn’t seek out personal interests on his own. While he’s sometimes allowed to help Cindarosa with her duties, he’s most often kept confined to her laboratory area. 
WW Role: As an Assistant-rank member of Winterkill Works, Kayori’s job is to assist a chosen Super Executive however they may require it. He serves under Cindarosa in name, although he’s more of an object of personal study than a proper assistant. One of his most common assignments is keeping an eye on Kitana, who requires near-constant supervision, in some form. 
Miscellaneous: Kayori’s half-shifted state is a massive strain on his body and has left him weakened, malnourished, and in near-constant chronic pain as a result. While he doesn’t outright admit it, he’s given up hope on ever being cured. He’s the Dzlethian equivalent of transgender, and realized that identity a couple of years after his shapeshifting incident. He hasn’t seen his family since the first group of doctors took him away; at this point, he doesn’t expect to ever be in contact with them again. While he mostly feels sympathy for Kitana, he hates Cindarosa more than anything. 
Connotative Description: A medical anomaly who’s spent most of his life being studied for his unique biology. Defeated and passive, he’s someone who lets his life happen without trying to change anything for himself. 
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anryuuepic · 2 years
Ardemis Bio
Name: Ardemis
Species: Dzlethian
Race: Whitescale
Role: A Super Executive-rank member of Winterkill Works. A mysterious man with no discernable background outside of his unquestioning loyalty to Winterkill. He’s the person who works silently from the shadows to make any and all of the organization’s enemies disappear without a trace. 
Affiliation: Winterkill Works
Gender: Male
Age: 29*
Height: 5’10
Appearance: Ardemis is a fairly tall man with a toned, muscular build. His hair is waist-length and snow-white, with a somewhat spiky, tousled style. His eyes are a pale shade of bluish-gray, his horns are fairly long and arch backward, and his features are eerily handsome. He has strange, stitched-up scars on certain parts of his body, including a Y-shaped one across his torso.
Personality: Initially, Ardemis comes across as a polite, soft-spoken individual who’s driven by strong loyalties and personal discipline. He doesn’t voice his thoughts or opinions often, preferring to carry out orders without involving anything personal. However, when his behavior is examined more closely, it becomes apparent that he lacks anything “personal”, to begin with. Hollow in personality and demeanor, he seems to operate only on instructions from certain people. His emotional responses are consistently shallow and mild, and he presents the same placid, eerily calm attitude no matter what circumstance he’s faced with. He’s strongly loyal to Winterkill and doesn’t speak of any sort of past connections outside of her. 
Positive Traits: Ardemis is very direct and efficient. He’s straightforward, mild-mannered, and keeps to himself more often than not. Exceedingly loyal, he dedicates himself to whatever he does without complaint. He’s easy to get along with, for the most part, with a serene demeanor that people find hard to argue with. He has notable skills for handling tense, chaotic environments, staying calm in crisis situations, and defusing conflicts. He has a sharp mind, excellent perception, and an incredible memory. 
Negative Traits: Ardemis is a very hollow person. Despite his outward persona, closer examination reveals that there’s something distinctly missing from his behavior and personality. He doesn’t seem to think for himself or have any self-motivated goals, merely obeying the orders given to him by Winterkill. Despite all of his talent and ability, he doesn’t do anything to advance his own life. Most notably, he lacks all morals when it comes to the orders he’s given— he’ll do anything he’s told, no matter the act. 
History: Ardemis’s history is entirely unclear. He’s very close to Winterkill, though, and seems to know inside details about Winterkill Works that someone of his rank reasonably shouldn’t. Aside from these connections, he doesn’t appear to have anyone or anything he’s tied to; no family, no friends, no background. He’ll dismiss any questions about his past, with no apparent concern for any part of his life but his current loyalties. 
Relationships: Ardemis’s only distinct relationship is with Winterkill. The two communicate regularly, to an unusual degree. He’s distant with his coworkers, though, including his fellow Super Executives— even after years of working with him, no one knows any more about him than they did, to begin with. He’s polite, agreeable, and sociable enough when the situation calls for it, but he never forms any deep, personal connections.
Interests: Ardemis has no particular likes or dislikes, or at least, none that he voices. The only thing he seems to care about is his duties to Winterkill Works, and he lacks any personal passions or interests outside of that. He just obediently follows the orders he’s given, and nothing more. 
WW Role: As one of the Super Executives at Winterkill Works, Ardemis has a specialized role designed to make the organization run smoothly— and his, at least officially, is to dispose of anyone who poses a threat to the organization once negotiations fail. He carries out his duties with unnerving efficiency, never questioning his orders or failing an assignment. 
Miscellaneous: Ardemis almost always keeps the scars on his body covered. He doesn’t seem to be ashamed of them, but he’ll go out of his way to hide their existence from others. Winterkill’s behavior towards him is unusually fond, and she pays an odd amount of attention to his work. Of all of the Super Executives, he gets along best with Korose. Despite being a Dzlethian, his knowledge of his country’s culture is curiously slim. Many of the members of Winterkill Works are uncomfortable around him— they can’t name a reason, but something about him feels consistently unsettling.
Connotative Description: A mild-mannered, quietly efficient man who has strong loyalties to Winterkill Works (and especially its leader), but no apparent history or life of his own outside of what he does there. 
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anryuuepic · 2 years
Ymir Liones Bio
Name: Ymir Liones
Species: Dzlethian
Race: Yellowscale
Role: A Super Executiver-rank member of Winterkill Works. A former member of the gang that Barracuda Blaine grew up in, he uses his rough past to serve as a negotiator for Winterkill Works. He’s something of a “sane man” in the group, although he still has his less-than-composed moments.
Affiliation: Winterkill Works
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Height: 5’10
Appearance: Ymir is a fairly tall man with a stocky, yet not overly bulky build. His hair is a fairly dark shade of golden blond, neck-length, and somewhat wavy, his eyes are a dark, warm shade of bronze, and his horns are small and stubby enough to be hidden by his hair. His features are handsome in a gentle sort of way, and he often sports a bit of stubble.
Personality: Outwardly, Ymir is an amiable, laid-back sort of person who takes his problems as they come. He’s patient, agreeable, a hard worker, and has a relaxed aura that makes it seem like he’s always in control of the situation. However, he’s also short-tempered, jaded, and distrustful. A youth spent in harsh conditions made him practical and resilient, but it also took away his faith in the world. Ymir is highly loyal. He’s dedicated and honors his commitments no matter what, even at a cost to himself. Lacking a strict sense of morals, he’s an “in it for himself” type who prioritizes his alliances and personal goals over being a good person. He doesn’t particularly care what others think of him— so long as he’s honest with himself, it’s fine. 
Positive Traits: Ymir is honest, straightforward, and trustworthy. While he can be selfish, he’s open about his intentions and loyalties, seeing unnecessary deception as a coward’s move. He’s reliable and takes his promises very seriously, even when he’d be better off breaking them. Adaptable enough to stay on good terms with almost anyone (if he tries), he comes across as friendly, helpful, and easy to be around. He’s very world-wise and street-smart, with a knack for thinking practically. 
Negative Traits: Ymir’s worst trait is his utter lack of faith in others. He’s jaded enough that he believes no one will ever truly like or accept him. Even though he dedicates himself to a select few, he doesn’t expect them to return the favor. He’s self-motivated and often uncaring of others, and his short temper comes with a violent streak picked up from rough living. He can often be too much of a doormat, though, especially when it’s easier to go with the flow and do what has to be done than put up a fight. 
History: Ymir grew up as a street orphan, and he doesn’t care much about his past before that point. The closest thing to “family” he had was a gang led by young Dzlethian stuck in the Daryan country— Blaine was also a part of that gang, and when it dissolved, Ymir stuck with him and the leader’s younger sister, Verne, who later developed a terminal illness. Lacking any goals or connections of his own, he followed Blaine to Winterkill Works in search of a cure for Verne, watching over her in Blaine’s place. 
Relationships: Ymir generally gets along with anyone he’s in close contact with. Whether he likes someone or not, he knows the value of not making unnecessary enemies. He’s highly loyal to Blaine, seeing him as both a brother-like figure and a capable leader. His feelings for Verne are a little softer; by this point, after everything her brother did for them, he just wants her to have the longest, happiest life he can provide for her.
Interests: Ymir likes strong, respectable people, seeing the results of hard work, and large meals. He dislikes unnecessary conflict, seeing his loved ones hurt, and dealing with Blaine’s messes. He’s generally too busy for personal hobbies, but he does enjoy sparring with Blaine when he can. 
WW Role: As one of the Super Executives at Winterkill Works, Ymir has a specialized role designed to make the organization run smoothly— and his is negotiations. His history with the underside of society left him with the skills to intimidate people into cooperation, so the job is easy enough. While he takes his work seriously, though, his real concerns lie with Blaine and Verne. 
Miscellaneous: Since joining Winterkill Works (and for a while before it), Ymir has been trying to pass as a Daryan. His horns are small enough to be easily hidden by long hair, so he’s keeping up the act in an attempt to avoid potential problems post-war. He doesn’t think anyone would like his true self, so he purposefully makes himself easy to be around. When he was younger, he thought he had feelings for Verne, but they’ve since faded into a more brotherly sort of affection. As one of the last living members of his former gang (and with Verne’s illness), he has serious issues with survivor’s guilt.
Connotative Description: An outwardly adaptable, agreeable person who’s been hardened by an unfortunate life. While he’s highly loyal and caring towards those he’s allied with, he’s also capable of cruelty and violence. 
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anryuuepic · 2 years
Winterkill Works: Basic Character Intros (Part 5)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
RANK: Assistant
Foxglove Kovalenko
Silverbell's assistant. Along with Nightshade, she's there to watch her boss inevitably crash and burn. Her origins are entirely unclear, and she seemingly exists only to revel in whatever chaos goes down around her. Despite their similar appearance, she's not at all related to Nightshade— they're merely coincidental friends.
Chipper, carefree, and seemingly unbothered by the dangerous world around her, Foxglove hovers somewhere between an enigma and the ultimate annoyance. She's stuck with Silverbell for quite a while out of a desire to see when his schemes come crashing down, but she makes it very clear that she has no loyalty toward him. Her borderline sadistic tendencies are all too apparent.
Nightshade Kovachev
Silverbell's assistant. Along with Foxglove, he's there to watch his boss inevitably crash and burn. Like Foxglove, his origins are a total mystery, and all he seems to care about is observing the greatest amount of chaos possible. While the two look like they could be twins, he's not related to Foxglove in the slightest.
Like Foxglove, he's an upbeat, carefree person who doesn't invest himself in anything but the best sources of chaos and suffering he can find. He's less intense than her, however, and his sadism is far more subtle and contained. The two of them have been a duo for years, and have followed Silverbell recently because they want to watch his downfall when his lies eventually catch up to him.
Biological Hazard
Korose's assistant. A former experimental weapon of a particular insurgent group, she's the oldest of the triplets. Despite being siblings, they view themselves as one person spread across three bodies. Biological takes the most assertive role among them and tends to speak, act, and think in the other two's place.
Being raised as child soldiers-slash-living experiments did massive damage to all three's mental states, and Biological lives their beliefs the deepest. She takes refuge in the bizarre things they were forced to believe, intentionally dehumanizing herself so she doesn't have to face the reality of how broken she is. While she acts the boldest of the three of them, she's in a perpetual state of fear.
Chemical Hazard
Korose's assistant. A former experimental weapon of a particular insurgent group, she's the middle of the triplets. She has the most doubt about their so-called single-person identity— not that she voices it for fear of upsetting her siblings' worldview. Highly submissive, she goes along with whatever Biological wants.
Being raised as child soldiers-slash-living experiments did massive damage to all three's mental states, and Chemical developed a fear of thinking for herself from it. While she rationally knows the truth of their existence, she's too afraid of her siblings' reactions to ever try to fight what they've been taught. She blocks out what she knows is real so she doesn't upset the fragile balance they have.
Physical Hazard
Korose's assistant. A former experimental weapon of a particular insurgent group, he's the youngest of the triplets. Eerily quiet, he never seems to think for himself, instead simply accepting whatever his older siblings decide. No one quite knows what he's thinking... or if there's anything at all going on inside his head.
Being raised as child soldiers-slash-living experiments did massive damage to all three's mental states, and Physical seems to have fully shut down from it. He doesn't talk, doesn't make his own choices, and barely responds to anything or anyone. It's safer for him to keep his thoughts and feelings to himself, so he makes himself be nothing but a silent shadow of his siblings.
Cindarosa's assitant. A mutated Dzlethian who's caught between his human and dragon forms, he's kept by his boss as one of her "children". While she cares for him, Kayori is also a captive being placed under intense study by the rest of Winterkill Works. He lacks any personal autonomy and is treated like a freak show attraction.
For the most part, Kayori has given up on ever being his own person. He's known little but being kept in a cage and studied, and he's rationally aware that he wouldn't be able to live normally even if he wasn't no better than someone's pet. He's defeated and hopeless, but not particularly resentful of his situation; there's nothing he can do about it, so hating it would be pointless.
Cindarosa's assistant. While she started out as a normal Daryan, an incident in which she was brutally tortured broke her mind and left her body horribly disfigured. Cindarosa took her in after that and cares for her as one of her own "children", since by now, Kitana has a near-feral mentality where she's incapable of fending for herself.
While only Cindarosa knows her exact history, Kitana used to be part of a bandit gang. She was captured by their enemies and tortured past the point of sanity, and regressed to her current mindset to protect herself. Some level of consciousness remains, but she doesn't behave much like a person anymore, partially due to the perpetual levels of pain she's in from her old injuries.
Lux Dunn
Dzlethian (Giant)
Ethereal's assistant. Part of a virtually unknown race of (so-called) mutated Dzlethians known as Giants, her background is unclear, as is when she left her kindred and entered Daryan society. Because of her unusual appearance, she's forced to be somewhat reclusive and perform her duties to Ethereal from the shadows.
A stoic, serious person with a negative outlook, Lux believes that Ethereal and her power are the only true good in the world. She has a worshipper-like relationship with the girl, and somewhat tensely cooperates with Whimsy for Ethereal's sake alone. She's aware that she's an outcast from the rest of the world— and refuses to give away any specific details about her race and where she came from.
Whimsy Del Rayo
Ethereal's assistant. He grew up as part of a "backwoods cult" that had him thoroughly indoctrinated. After it disbanded, he was alone and confused by the real world... until he met Ethereal. Currently, she fills a deity-like role in his mind and worldview, where his life revolves around serving her and fulfilling her goals.
An eccentric man by all standards, the strange beliefs he developed while growing up still deeply linger. Whimsy is the type who needs something to cling to— if he doesn't have some kind of authority figure to see as a near-god, he doesn't know how to function on his own. He's easygoing and generally peaceful, but can turn violent when he believes it's "justified" in some way.
Verne Laska
Ymir's assistant. The younger sister of Blaine and Ymir's former gang leader, she was taken in by the two of them after her brother was killed. Soon after, she developed an illness of her blood that turned terminal, and the three of them wound up with Winterkill Works in an attempt to find a cure that could save her.
Despite growing up around violent and morally dubious people, Verne is surprisingly pleasant. She's a good-natured young woman who's trying to live her life to the fullest since deep down, she doesn't have a lot of hope that Blaine and Ymir will be able to cure her. She loves the two of them dearly, though— despite their many bad traits, they've been by her side for most of her life.
Avya Sobol
Ardemis's assistant. Originally a child slave from the White Slums, Winterkill indirectly purchased him for use in her organization. While he seems more pathetic than anything, he has unusual magical capabilities that make him valuable for her to study— not that she's told him anything about what he's really worth.
Shy, skittish, and highly pessimistic, Avya has been through horrible things for most of his life so far. He doesn't remember his family or where he's from; all he knows is being mistreated and kept as property. Despite being terrified of anyone with the slightest power over him, he's also a highly resentful person who'd love to take revenge on those who have hurt him for so long.
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anryuuepic · 3 years
I was wondering about the economy’s of each kingdom is either of the kingdoms super wealthy and others super poor?
The Ghiasuli kingdom is the worst off by a good gap. Their country is the smallest and has the least resources/population, so they tend to be on the weaker and poorer end of things among the three. While the Ghiasuli did have significantly more power in the past, currently, they're usually at a disadvantage compared to their two larger, more powerful neighbors. During the 300-Year War, in particular, they got caught up in the conflict between the other two and suffered economically for it. And of course, this historical disadvantage has left the country bitter and resentful toward those with more.
The Daryan country may be the most directly powerful of the three, but it does tend to hover around the same level as the Dzlethians. Daryans by far have the most land, resources, and people, and the sheer size of their country (and its large amount of usable land) means that they have a natural advantage over the other two. However, while they have a lot of power, most of their people aren't particularly wealthy— mostly due to the recurring problems with organizing society and maintaining any form of order.
The Dzlethian nation is probably the wealthiest. While they have a smaller population and far less usable land than the Daryans, they also have a higher focus on monetary gain and keeping a thriving economy. Dzlethians have a very organized and controlled society, and while the lowers castes in their system tend to suffer, the upper ranks may very well be the most wealthy and well-off of "normal" people in any of the three countries. However, their military might often pales in comparison to the Daryans, meaning that, despite their prosperity, they're not as likely to be victories in direct conflict.
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