anryuuepic · 1 year
Kayori Bio
Name: Kayori
Species: Dzlethian
Race: Yellowscale
Role: An Assistant-rank member of Winterkill Works, who works directly under Cindarosa. A bizarre and disturbing medical case of an Anryuu stuck partway between human and dragon forms, he’s been Cindarosa’s object of study (as well as one of her longer-lasting “children”) for years. 
Affiliation: Winterkill Works
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5’8
Appearance: Kayori is underfed enough that he’s much thinner than he should be, though his build does show broad shoulders and some inherent strength. His hair is brown, shoulder-length, and shaggily overgrown, and his eyes are hazel. His wings and claws are permanently present, his horns are upright-pointing, and his body is covered with large patches of scales. 
Personality: Kayori is a defeated, hopeless person. He’s spent so long as an object of study (while no cure for his condition has even begun to emerge) that he’s lost hope of ever being able to live in any other way. After years of no personal autonomy and being treated like a freakish attraction only good for research, his sense of self has severely deteriorated. However, he doesn’t resent his situation. In a lot of ways, Kayori is grateful that he’s at least been cared for by Cindarosa and those who came before her. He knows that it would be pointless to despise his life when there’s nothing he can do to change it, so he accepts what comes to him without complaint. Fairly deadpan in personality, he’s generally passive and non-confrontational. 
Positive Traits: Kayori, by necessity, knows how to accept an unfortunate situation without complaint. Despite all of the awful things he’s been through, he’s never built up hatred or resentment toward the world and remains more passive than pessimistic. He’s easy enough to get along with (mostly because he doesn’t care to argue with anyone), cooperative, and quite laid-back. His mental and physical resilience are both exceptional; he has an excellent pain tolerance, and very few things can truly upset him. 
Negative Traits: Kayori’s defeatist attitude isn’t doing him any good. While he sees it as simply accepting what he can’t change, the reality is that he’s also giving up on any personal ability to have some scrap of control in his life. A consistent lack of autonomy has destroyed his self-confidence and faith in his abilities, leading him to believe that he’s a helpless person whose only purpose is to be studied. He can be snarky and rude to people, especially when he feels looked down on or treated like he’s disgusting. 
History: Kayori’s life started out uneventfully. However, at some point during his childhood, his shapeshifting went very, very wrong, and he was unable to fully change back to his human form. After that, with no idea what else could be done, he was placed under study in an attempt to find some cure for his unique ailment. After multiple attempts at that goal failed, Cindarosa caught word of his situation and took a personal interest— he was transferred into her care soon after, and that’s where he’s since stayed. 
Relationships: Kayori doesn’t have any relationships outside of his connections to Cindarosa and her other “children”. He’s been kept in various facilities for most of his life, without a chance to get to know anyone but the various researchers studying him. While he thinks he’s content with his fairly solitary, isolated existence, the reality is that he’s quite lonely. However, he lacks any concept of how normal socialization works, at this point. 
Interests: Kayori hasn’t had a chance to develop preferences for much. He takes what he’s given without complaint, and doesn’t seek out personal interests on his own. While he’s sometimes allowed to help Cindarosa with her duties, he’s most often kept confined to her laboratory area. 
WW Role: As an Assistant-rank member of Winterkill Works, Kayori’s job is to assist a chosen Super Executive however they may require it. He serves under Cindarosa in name, although he’s more of an object of personal study than a proper assistant. One of his most common assignments is keeping an eye on Kitana, who requires near-constant supervision, in some form. 
Miscellaneous: Kayori’s half-shifted state is a massive strain on his body and has left him weakened, malnourished, and in near-constant chronic pain as a result. While he doesn’t outright admit it, he’s given up hope on ever being cured. He’s the Dzlethian equivalent of transgender, and realized that identity a couple of years after his shapeshifting incident. He hasn’t seen his family since the first group of doctors took him away; at this point, he doesn’t expect to ever be in contact with them again. While he mostly feels sympathy for Kitana, he hates Cindarosa more than anything. 
Connotative Description: A medical anomaly who’s spent most of his life being studied for his unique biology. Defeated and passive, he’s someone who lets his life happen without trying to change anything for himself. 
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elkedageenfotovanluus · 11 months
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een nieuw bed = nieuwe lakens en ze zijn zo gaaf!
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freakinname · 1 year
Unpopular Opinion
After reading the plot and watch a bit of clips from Your Lie in April and Tokyo Revengers, My imagination became wild. I started to imagine that, few years after Kaori's death, Kosei is now 26 and is now a successful pianist. At some point, Tsubaki dumps him and Ryota dies in a car accident. Kosei is now single and heartbroken. On his way to the train staition and waiting for the train, someone pushed him and he landed on the train tracks. As he was was about to get hit by the train, he suddenly teleports exactly 12 years into the past where he was in middle school. At first, he thought it was a dream, but then he went with it. While reliving his middle school years, he suddenly remembers something, Kaori. He then went to see her and after seeing her, he suddenly cries after seeing her for such a long time and the two began to hang out much often. Kosei thought that God was giving him a second chance to see Kaori again, even if it's just temporary. He then bumps into Ryota and divulges the exact date he and Kaori will die. When they shake hands, Kosei is suddenly transported back to the present, creating a time paradox where Ryota survives and is now a scientist and has studied a cure for Kaori's illness. Ryota deduces that every time they hold hands, Kosei is transported 12 years into the past. Using his knowledge from the future, Kosei vows to spend as much time with Kaori as possible and maybe even save/cure her one day.
EDIT: 13/2/2023
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non-sequitur-ocs · 1 year
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Sometimes your twins all pop and classic but you're rock and punk.
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chattercap · 3 months
🎙️Kanau Casting Announcement #1! 🎙️
As we head to release day, I'll be announcing the voice cast 🫡 I was very lucky to have Noah Belachew on as Carter, unfortunate college student, and Theresa MacGillivray on as Kayori, Raku's little sister!
Kanau is a yandere horror/romance game that's a prequel to my previous game, Karamu! It'll be about how the yan falls in love with the MC. I'm planning to release it on Friday, March 8th!
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
[Jerma's voice] Would Medic watch Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack? Serious answers only! Just kidding, let's be silly about it.
If you don't know what I'm talking about. Don't ask how I do huehuehue ( ◡_◡ )
Medic And Junji Ito's Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack
JERMA MENTION??? Lol, I've seen the anime adaptation of Gyo, and ough, I'm torn. On one hand, it's super cool to see the work animated, but also it's not as fucked up as the manga. But it's just fine to write about!
ALSO mutual appreciation comment! Love you for all the asks and ideas, also love you for giving me a chance to talk about Medic (he's so silly I love talking about him, but you've probably figured that out by now :p)
Okay to start, he definitely would watch it. I think this man has always been a hard-core Junji Ito fan. He loves how disgusting (Listen I love Junji Ito so much, but good god is Gyo gross 😭) Ito's works are. For the sake of being able to give you his take on the episode, we'll pretend he hasn't seen or read Gyo already.
We're maybe twenty seconds in and he's already a little disappointed, this isn't nearly as good as the mangas he's read, but he continues to give it a chance. The second Kayori crushed the first fish walker and he saw the blood spurt, he was very much enjoying his choice to stick around. Is also thrilled at the fish walker itself, what a disgusting little thing! He pauses the show to just, look at every detail of the fish walker, maybe even has a sketchbook that he grabs to just get a quick idea of the anatomy it would have. LET ME TELL YOU WHEN THIS MAN SEES THE SHARK FISH WALKER. Giggling, screaming, obsessed. He thinks it's so cool. When it dies he's very upset. Genuinely wishes they were real so he could study it. Also takes sketches, pausing to get different angles. Thinks Kayori is insane for getting on a plane and going to Tokyo, like, mouth agape at the stupidity. But then again, he'd go to the heart of all this madness to get some research done, so he let it slide. Gets so upset at the scene where Kayori and her cameraman friend are running away from the shark, he hates how it looks. (No hate to the animators they had a big ask but it's so bad guys 😭) Remember the reaction to the shark? Yeah, multiply it by ten for the octopus. Is just floored by how cool of a concept it is. Like he'll be up for hours imagining all different types of animals and sea life as fish walkers and how that would work.
The minute the infection aspect comes into play he's also so hyped. Body horror is his favorite type of horror after all. Picks up on Kayori's cut before the anime even really expresses it as an issue (him being a doctor and all) and is weirdly excited to see our main character turn at some point. Is slightly disappointed to learn that the fish walkers are a mix of machinery and viruses, (he'd rather these things just be full-on viruses) but hey maybe Engie would be down to talk about how the process of engineering of these freaks would go with Medic sometime, who knows? Human fish walkers are a whole other fascination for him. Immediately starts trying to work out in his mind how a real one would work and operate, has a couple of sketches going, and wants to teleport himself in to study and prove it. He loves it. The mega fish walker is yet another "I have those visceral need to study this." Like I don't think I can put into words how rabid this man goes over all the opportunities he would have if he was just dropped into this world for one day. Is mildly upset at the fact that Kayori is immune to the disease as he loves the trope of a main character turning into a monster.
So after all that, I feel like there's one burning question.
"Would he make fish walkers happen?"
And in my opinion? No, he wouldn't. Sure he's insane, and maybe a little sadistic, but I don't think this man would make such a risky decision to make a virus, and a virus that causes incredible pain and graphic body horror at that. He might be a silly guy, but he's not silly enough to cause actual damage to those he cares about.
Well! I had to rewatch Gyo at least twice to write this. I'm sorry it's not super long, or particularly good, I had to pause multiple times 😭 I hope you like this though 🫶🏻
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kool-kiid · 9 months
hii!! intro post!!
you can call me kae/kay, star, kaori, or kayori! i mainly rb alterhuman & lgbt+ content. i hope you have a wonderful day!!! ☆
my pronouns (no particular preference! any of my pronouns can b used as aptnouns if u want, btw!):
no discourse pls!
posts that i made are tagged #my post!*.~°+
(my main blog is @mmmicrowave-ka & my art blog is @wiiggleworm)
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wawtman · 2 years
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Corvus Kayori Commissioned artwork. An unusual character that was a pleasure to work on.
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kayolily · 24 days
word vomit ni soleiliesse sa katauhan ni kayori 🌷୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
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cursestitched · 10 months
I suppose Satoru can identify as genderfluid since his curse manipulation technique houses the curse "idle transfiguration" and he can essentially transform and shape his body into anything regardless of his biological gender still being and identifying as a male. If that makes sense?? His female form, faceclaim wise is between Shoko Ieiri and Kayori Itadori from JJK and "she" goes by the name Sayuri Jinso.
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anryuuepic · 2 years
Winterkill Works: Basic Character Intros (Part 5)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
RANK: Assistant
Foxglove Kovalenko
Silverbell's assistant. Along with Nightshade, she's there to watch her boss inevitably crash and burn. Her origins are entirely unclear, and she seemingly exists only to revel in whatever chaos goes down around her. Despite their similar appearance, she's not at all related to Nightshade— they're merely coincidental friends.
Chipper, carefree, and seemingly unbothered by the dangerous world around her, Foxglove hovers somewhere between an enigma and the ultimate annoyance. She's stuck with Silverbell for quite a while out of a desire to see when his schemes come crashing down, but she makes it very clear that she has no loyalty toward him. Her borderline sadistic tendencies are all too apparent.
Nightshade Kovachev
Silverbell's assistant. Along with Foxglove, he's there to watch his boss inevitably crash and burn. Like Foxglove, his origins are a total mystery, and all he seems to care about is observing the greatest amount of chaos possible. While the two look like they could be twins, he's not related to Foxglove in the slightest.
Like Foxglove, he's an upbeat, carefree person who doesn't invest himself in anything but the best sources of chaos and suffering he can find. He's less intense than her, however, and his sadism is far more subtle and contained. The two of them have been a duo for years, and have followed Silverbell recently because they want to watch his downfall when his lies eventually catch up to him.
Biological Hazard
Korose's assistant. A former experimental weapon of a particular insurgent group, she's the oldest of the triplets. Despite being siblings, they view themselves as one person spread across three bodies. Biological takes the most assertive role among them and tends to speak, act, and think in the other two's place.
Being raised as child soldiers-slash-living experiments did massive damage to all three's mental states, and Biological lives their beliefs the deepest. She takes refuge in the bizarre things they were forced to believe, intentionally dehumanizing herself so she doesn't have to face the reality of how broken she is. While she acts the boldest of the three of them, she's in a perpetual state of fear.
Chemical Hazard
Korose's assistant. A former experimental weapon of a particular insurgent group, she's the middle of the triplets. She has the most doubt about their so-called single-person identity— not that she voices it for fear of upsetting her siblings' worldview. Highly submissive, she goes along with whatever Biological wants.
Being raised as child soldiers-slash-living experiments did massive damage to all three's mental states, and Chemical developed a fear of thinking for herself from it. While she rationally knows the truth of their existence, she's too afraid of her siblings' reactions to ever try to fight what they've been taught. She blocks out what she knows is real so she doesn't upset the fragile balance they have.
Physical Hazard
Korose's assistant. A former experimental weapon of a particular insurgent group, he's the youngest of the triplets. Eerily quiet, he never seems to think for himself, instead simply accepting whatever his older siblings decide. No one quite knows what he's thinking... or if there's anything at all going on inside his head.
Being raised as child soldiers-slash-living experiments did massive damage to all three's mental states, and Physical seems to have fully shut down from it. He doesn't talk, doesn't make his own choices, and barely responds to anything or anyone. It's safer for him to keep his thoughts and feelings to himself, so he makes himself be nothing but a silent shadow of his siblings.
Cindarosa's assitant. A mutated Dzlethian who's caught between his human and dragon forms, he's kept by his boss as one of her "children". While she cares for him, Kayori is also a captive being placed under intense study by the rest of Winterkill Works. He lacks any personal autonomy and is treated like a freak show attraction.
For the most part, Kayori has given up on ever being his own person. He's known little but being kept in a cage and studied, and he's rationally aware that he wouldn't be able to live normally even if he wasn't no better than someone's pet. He's defeated and hopeless, but not particularly resentful of his situation; there's nothing he can do about it, so hating it would be pointless.
Cindarosa's assistant. While she started out as a normal Daryan, an incident in which she was brutally tortured broke her mind and left her body horribly disfigured. Cindarosa took her in after that and cares for her as one of her own "children", since by now, Kitana has a near-feral mentality where she's incapable of fending for herself.
While only Cindarosa knows her exact history, Kitana used to be part of a bandit gang. She was captured by their enemies and tortured past the point of sanity, and regressed to her current mindset to protect herself. Some level of consciousness remains, but she doesn't behave much like a person anymore, partially due to the perpetual levels of pain she's in from her old injuries.
Lux Dunn
Dzlethian (Giant)
Ethereal's assistant. Part of a virtually unknown race of (so-called) mutated Dzlethians known as Giants, her background is unclear, as is when she left her kindred and entered Daryan society. Because of her unusual appearance, she's forced to be somewhat reclusive and perform her duties to Ethereal from the shadows.
A stoic, serious person with a negative outlook, Lux believes that Ethereal and her power are the only true good in the world. She has a worshipper-like relationship with the girl, and somewhat tensely cooperates with Whimsy for Ethereal's sake alone. She's aware that she's an outcast from the rest of the world— and refuses to give away any specific details about her race and where she came from.
Whimsy Del Rayo
Ethereal's assistant. He grew up as part of a "backwoods cult" that had him thoroughly indoctrinated. After it disbanded, he was alone and confused by the real world... until he met Ethereal. Currently, she fills a deity-like role in his mind and worldview, where his life revolves around serving her and fulfilling her goals.
An eccentric man by all standards, the strange beliefs he developed while growing up still deeply linger. Whimsy is the type who needs something to cling to— if he doesn't have some kind of authority figure to see as a near-god, he doesn't know how to function on his own. He's easygoing and generally peaceful, but can turn violent when he believes it's "justified" in some way.
Verne Laska
Ymir's assistant. The younger sister of Blaine and Ymir's former gang leader, she was taken in by the two of them after her brother was killed. Soon after, she developed an illness of her blood that turned terminal, and the three of them wound up with Winterkill Works in an attempt to find a cure that could save her.
Despite growing up around violent and morally dubious people, Verne is surprisingly pleasant. She's a good-natured young woman who's trying to live her life to the fullest since deep down, she doesn't have a lot of hope that Blaine and Ymir will be able to cure her. She loves the two of them dearly, though— despite their many bad traits, they've been by her side for most of her life.
Avya Sobol
Ardemis's assistant. Originally a child slave from the White Slums, Winterkill indirectly purchased him for use in her organization. While he seems more pathetic than anything, he has unusual magical capabilities that make him valuable for her to study— not that she's told him anything about what he's really worth.
Shy, skittish, and highly pessimistic, Avya has been through horrible things for most of his life so far. He doesn't remember his family or where he's from; all he knows is being mistreated and kept as property. Despite being terrified of anyone with the slightest power over him, he's also a highly resentful person who'd love to take revenge on those who have hurt him for so long.
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catherine-esch · 3 years
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“Again” - Your Lie In April - Fan Art Sketch 
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Ibe S. Palogai & Lala Bohang, Kayori; Seni Merekam Bencana, Etnografi, Yogyakarta, Penerbit Basabasi, Juli 2021, 214 hlm, 70.000 KITA TELAH KEHILANGAN LEBIH BANYAK ILMU PENGETAHUAN DARIPADA YANG KITA MILIKI HARI INI. Migrasi, perang, dan bencana yang datang berulang membuat masyarakat yang bermukim di lembah Palu menjadikan ingatan sebagai teorema yang berusaha terus diwariskan sebagai pengetahuan bagi generasi yang datang kemudian. Tutura merupakan indigenous knowledge yang sayupnya masih didendangkan masyarakat Kaili. Salah satu bentuk tradisi yang disampaikan melalui rapalan ini adalah Kayori—syair yang diproduksi para leluhur berdasarkan pengalaman, pengamatan, dan pengamalan ini juga mencakup peristiwa bencana yang pernah terjadi di Teluk Palu. #IbeSPalogai #LalaBohang #Kayori #KayoriSeniMerekamBencana #KajianEtnografi #Filologi #PenerbitBasabasi #KatalogJBS https://www.instagram.com/p/CSGH7gfBgfZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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insideguppysworld · 7 years
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Some new art I did the other day.
Kayori: A tomboy who loves music and recently received a love letter from someone very special ^_^
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bag-kun · 5 years
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fam sketches
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kaythatsgay · 3 years
abt me:
name: kayori
age: 16
height: 5’4
pronouns: she/they
fav color: pink or silver/grey
sexuality: omni 😍
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