dailystir · 7 months
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So many missed opportunities in this case.
FTFY, Capcom. 🍣🍔
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itlearns · 5 months
Also I can rant about it for literal hours but can we just admit that the fact that English translation made all the ace attorney plot happen in USA is just INSANE.
Like its beyond any common fucking sense and concept of what normal is in society + kinda disrespectful + bad from translation standpoint + unBELIEVABLY arrogant.
It's not even just western-centerd its just. Crazy. Just fucking unreal
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I was just reminded of this Awkward Zombie comic: https://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic/eureka
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Edgeworth honey darling babygirl
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princehatterene · 7 months
hi. yeah i’m normal now sorry bout that
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wilted-woman · 1 year
absolutely wild of capcom to translate bonsai to pine in bridge to the turnabout
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pleuvoire · 1 year
love ideny's ace attorney fics forever but one aspect i'm not a fan of is heavily grounding it in california via lots of little details. normally i am a big fan of heavily grounding a story in its setting via lots of little details, and i appreciate that ideny does it in a skillful real-feeling way that is on its own some damn good writing. but i feel like ace attorney works best when it's in a nondescript whimsical storybook version of reality + the distinctly japanese visuals and locations in the games are hard to ignore
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floatyflowers · 8 months
Dark! Percy Jackson Reverse Harem x Reader|| Chapter Five
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<<< Chapter Four
"My back hurts so bad right now"
"It must be the seats...There is no way this is what sacred smells like"
Percy whines, as all four of you sit in the back of the bus.
The blond boy feels bothered for not being able to sit beside you.
"We’re soldiers on a mission. It’s not a vacation." Annabeth shoots back.
You start scratching your back from the itchness and the pain.
"I will go to the bathroom in the store, be right back"
You announce and leave before they can say anything to you.
Percy stands up to follow you, but Annabeth forces him back in his seat.
"No, you will stay right there, I'm going to go check on her"
The moment Annabeth enters the toilet, she is shocked to see white wings on your back.
"Are those wings? And your eyes, they are red"
"Yes" you answer nervously.
"I know, do you think I can fly with them?" you ask excitedly.
I mean it's every child's dream to have wings to fly.
And now you got the chance to do that.
"Your wings might cause a huge problem it will attract monsters"
"Don't worry, my dad gave me a music box to keep the monsters away"
You pull out the music box from your bag.
"Also, can humans see my wings?"
A woman enters the toilet after you ask that question.
She only washes her hands then walks out.
"No, they don't" Annabeth says after the woman leave.
"We need to leave, I sense that we are being followed by a monster"
You turn on the music box as a beautiful melody begins to play.
"This will keep us safe"
You and Annabeth walk into the bus with Annabeth shouting to the two boys to open the windows.
Percy only stares at you in surprise at your new appearance, then hurries off to break the window with Grover when he sees Mrs. Dodds.
As the passengers get off the bus when the driver announces emergency, one of the furies fly into the bus through the broken window.
The monster looks at you ready to approach you.
But the melody makes it scream in pain when it was close to touching you.
Annabeth takes her chance and throws her dagger at the fury, killing it as it turns into dust.
All four of you escape quickly.
"Hades has kidnapped your mother, (Y/n)"
Annabeth says, as you walk all together in the Satyr path.
"What? Why would he do that!" you exclaim, worried for your mother.
"Who told you that?" Percy inquires, looking at her in suspicion.
But before she could answer, Grover sniffs the air.
"Do you guys smell that?" 
"Grover, I’m not kidding..." Percy asserts.
"No, neither am I. Just shush."
"Hamburgers" you sigh at Grover, causing him to blush.
"I think you are just hungry, Grover"
"No, I'm not, somebody's making hamburgers in the middle of nowhere, on a satyr path. Whoever it is... they’re from our world."
You don't know what made you trust Percy and go inside Medusa's house along with Grover and Annabeth.
Probably because Mrs.Dodds is outside waiting to snatch you and Percy away.
"You're concerned I would hold a grudge against you simply because you are a daughter of Athena?"
You don't dare to look at Medusa even if she is hiding her eyes.
Medusa continues speaking to Annabeth.
"You shouldn’t be. We're not our parents after all. And you and I might have more in common than you think. Please, sit and eat."
Letting out a nervous breath after Medusa starts speaking to you.
"You must be the daughter of Calista, you look like her when she was your age."
Medusa notices that you are not looking at her, she could feel your fear.
"Your mother was a friend of mind, she visited me and told me about her encounters with the gods, poor thing, they wouldn't leave her"
"...They" you inquire.
"Your mother is the daughter of Nyx, her beauty attracted the attention of many gods including Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Hermes, and Eros" 
Percy shivers at the thought that his father loved your mother.
Maybe he can succeed where his father failed.
"Your mother is an enchanteress not a demigod"
Grover jokes, but stops when Annabeth glares at him.
That must be why Hades kidnapped your mother.
Little do you know that you might up having a similar fate like your mother.
But with demigods instead.
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milesdadworth · 1 year
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eat your hamburgers, apollo
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
Eat your hamburgers Apollo
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kchasm · 5 months
Let’s Watch: Kamen Rider: Episode 6: The Deadly Chameleon
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...Those kanji clearly say "shinigami," not "deadly," but that's the perils of localization. You can't just assume your typical English-language Kamen Rider watcher is gonna be a weeaboo who knows what a shinigami is. I mean, they probably will be, but you can't assume. That's not how localization works. Eat your hamburgers, Apollo.
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This is former Lieutenant Commander Tatsuo Sunada of the also former Imperial Japanese Navy. He runs the Sunada Gallery and has awesome taste in paintings. Look at that there. I wouldn't even have space to hang that anywhere and I still want that.
Anyway, Tatsuo looks up from his gallery-jobbing and notices someone's painted a fresh swastika on one of the works in the few seconds he's had his head turned. While he's all concerned about that, a voice begins speaking nearby... but there's no one there, except for another awesome painting.
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The voice demands that Tatsuo give up the location of the "Nazi secret" that was buried 26 years ago, Shocker having uncovered that Tatsuo is the last man alive with this knowledge. Tatsuo pleads ignorance, though, even after this guy—
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—threatens his hospitalized daughter.
The Chameleon proceeds to choke Tatsuo out and go invisible again, puppeting Tatsuo's unconscious body so it looks like the man's walking around by his own power. I mean, it doesn't look like he's walking around very well by his own power, as evidenced by when Shiro, Hiromi, and Ruriko take him for someone who's had a bit too much to drink. Hiromi and Ruriko attempt to help, but are repelled by a mysterious force! (The Chamelon, obvs.)
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Shiro is amused at this, up until the three of them notice something real odd. Tatsuo is one guy... but there are two shadows!
"But KC, if something is invisible, that means light would pass through it and it wouldn't cast a shadow—" Yeah listen if you're going to complain whenever one of Shocker's endeavors breaks the laws of physics, you'll wear yourself out. Leave it to me.
Shiro, Hiromi, and Ruriko come to the totally reasonable conclusion of "ghost" and, totally spooked, hightail it to Amigo, where they tell Takeshi all about it. Takeshi, apparently smelling a plotline, goes to the scene to investigate, where his enhanced cyborg hearing picks up something inaudible to common ears: The sound of a person being dragged.
Meanwhile, at the hospital, Tatsuo's daughter, Yumi, is working on some embroidery as a present for her father, mostly because handheld video games consoles won't be on the market till 1979 but also because she knows her fragile constitution puts him through a lot of trouble, so this is her way to thank him. We know this because she picks up a framed photograph of her father from her bedside and tells it so.
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Suddenly, though, her papa stumbles through the hospital room door—except, of course, it's not just Tatsuo, but also the Chameleon, and a couple of Shocker mooks I guess he picked up somewhere along the way!
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The Chameleon wakes Tatsuo up and restates his offer—either Tatsuo spills about the Nazi secret, or he'll have Yumi tortured. And you know he means it because the Shocker goons immediately start giving Yumi some unapproved chiropractics.
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With his daughter being threatened right in front of his face, Tatsuo has no chance to indicate the model ship that Yumi's also got at her bedside. But before the mooks can get more than their grubby little Shocker mitts on it...
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And here's where I need to tell you that I had a bad pun here that had to do with ships, something about Takeshi ruining someone's OTP, but tonally it didn't really fit with the recap so I junked it, except now I've told you about the joke anyway so it's like I'm eating my cake and having it too, and for that I deeply apologize.
Anyway: There's a brief fight scene, which Takeshi's well on top of, up till the lights go out. When they come on again, the Chameleon and the Shocker goons are gone—and so is Tatsuo.
Takeshi promises Yumi he'll get her her father back, to which she is immediately all smiles despite everything she just went through in the last five minutes.
The ship, it turns out, can be taken apart. When Takeshi removes the bottom, he reveals—cheese!
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I mean, a map! (That was a joke and is much funnier if you know enough Japanese.) The upper banks of the Tama River, Tobee identifies it as, which means Takeshi knows where to investigate next!
Takeshi heads to the marked location, but it's already occupied—there are a bunch of construction workers there, working on building a dam. As Takeshi watches, they set up an explosion which, just in time for Takeshi to see, reveals a mysterious cave. The construction workers take a curious look inside, but are driven out by... gazooks! A g-g-g-ghost! Or, you know, something burning in midair, but apparently this is traditionally what some Japanese supernatural stuff looks like, so chalk that up to differences in folktales. Also there's a mysterious box with a swastika on it, but the workers fail to notice that because they're too busy skedaddling.
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Takeshi is less unobservant, though. After hearing out the workers' supernatural concerns, he retrieves the box. Unfortunately, the Chamelon has been watching all of this, which means he knows where the Nazi secrets are too, now. Bummer.
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"But KC, how is the Chameleon looking through the binoculars if his eyes are all like—" It's Shocker science don't worry about it.
(Incidentally, Takeshi refers to the swastika as the "Hakenkreuz," which is another name for it in German that literally means "hooked cross." This isn't really important but I thought you might like to know.)
Takeshi's motorcycle ride home is interrupted by one truck coming at him from in front of him while another truck comes at him from behind, which seems to be a variation of a common Shocker maneuver—they pulled this in the first episode, remember? Takeshi deals with the problem the same way: By somehow jumping his bike significantly despite being at a standstill, which I'll remind you is something he could do before he became Kamen Rider. I assume now that he's got the cyborg strength it's a lot easier. Looks like he's gonna, et cetera.
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As an added bonus, the jump apparently provides enough wind to facilitate a Kamen Rider transformation. A fight scene ensues, with Takeshi also doing the thing where he's got a Shocker mook contained and tries to interrogate him, only for the mook to be killed by someone else. This episode's method of getting around showing a corpse on Japanese children's TV is "just straight up disappears."
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Mooks eliminated, Takeshi heads off, with Chameleon—who's been watching all of this without helping, by the way—swearing vengeance.
At Shocker HQ, the Big Shocker Voice is a bit irked at Kamen Rider having gotten all up in his business so much, and as such has gathered some Shocker scientists to figure out how to defeat him.
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One of these dudes is surprisingly white, for a Japanese TV show. Also he's wearing a giant Iron Cross necklace. Call it a leap, but I suspect he might have had some connection to Nazi Germany (which at the time of the episode's airing would have been less than 30 years disassembled).
For the viewers just tuning in, the Big Voice lists off some Kamen Rider stats for the scientists to take into consideration:
Kamen Rider's power comes from the windmill dynamo in his belt.
The skin on his chest is completely bulletproof.
The slits on Kamen Riders chest that give it that whole segmented look are radiators.
He can jump 15 meters (49 feet and 2.551 inches, or 8.814 smoots).
His arms and legs posses "incredible destructive power."
The Shocker scientists talk about themselves, discussing this important matter. Finally, the Nazi Shocker scientist comes to a conclusion:
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The genius of Shocker, ladies, gentlemen, et cetera. I guess they really took the leftovers after Operation Paperclip, huh. Even the Big Shocker Voice sounds incredulous, asking if they're sure sticking Takeshi in a locked room is enough to stop him.
To be fair—and I shouldn't be fair, dude's a Nazi and thus better off dead—this is basically what Mantis did, one episode ago. Remember? He had Takeshi pushed into a very narrow hole in the ground and everything, and Takeshi couldn't build up enough speed to get his dynamo to spin and start up the transformation. The only mistake Mantis made there was lowering a bomb after Takeshi, and then when the bomb exploded the force of the explosion set off the dynamo, which I still feel like isn't how that should work but I still don't know enough about physics to refute it. So it really is a solid plan when you take into account the known information on Kamen Rider's capabilities, one that's even already been tested in the field and everything.
Aight, says the Big Shocker Voice. Get that ready.
(And the Nazi scientist responds, "Ja." You know, in case you haven't caught on.)
Takeshi leaves the mysterious Nazi box with another scientist friend—this one's named Abe (that's Japanese, pronounced "Ah-beh"), so I'm pretty sure he's a different scientist than the bat virus guy.
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From his initial observations, Abe's figured that the box is made of some sort of "special alloy." More important, he's not sure he can open it, as the box has no lid, which as you know means it can't be penetrated in any way. (Okay, okay, that's probably where the "special alloy" aspect comes in; I assume the implication is that it's something you'd have a devil of a time piercing or cutting into.) Takeshi leaves the box alone with Abe for him to do further research on, which is a brilliant thing to do when an international terrorist organization is after it.
Takeshi and Ruriko hail a taxi to ride to Shinohara Hospital, where Yumi is. Ruriko feels a bit of sympathy with Yumi—as someone who lost her father to Shocker, she doesn't want what happened to her to happen to Yumi. Unfortunately, these two aren't going to get to the hospital any time soon.
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So this is something else the Chameleon can do, I guess? Fine, I'll accept that.
The Chameleon raises the divider between him and Takeshi and Ruriko and gasses them to knock 'em out, and you know what? It works. Before Takeshi can break out—or do anything else, in the cramped car interior—he's rendered unconscious, which neatly solves the whole wind turbine issue. Congratulations, Chameleon, you've actually defeated Kamen Rider! What are you going to do now?
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I see, you've decided to go full Snidely Whiplash and leave them tied up on the train tracks. Chameleon. Hey, Chameleon. Does this look like a meter-by-meter-by-meter room to you? There was a plan, Chameleon. This is a serious divergence from the plan, Chameleon.
Indeed, the narrator informs us that though the sleeping gas knocked Takeshi out, his enhanced constitution grants him recovery speeds ten times faster than an ordinary person. Which means Takeshi wakes up just in time to break his own chains, grab Ruriko, and get to hanging from the underside of the bridge the train tracks go over while the train thunders overheard. And then the Chameleon doesn't even check his work, so he thinks Takeshi's dead. Always for check the body, man! This is Evil 101. But instead, the Chameleon and his mooks head off to relift the Nazi box.
Meanwhile, at the university, Abe wraps up for the night, bumping into Tobee and Shiro on the way out. Or is is Tobee and Shiro? We just established that the Chameleon can make himself look like not the Chameleon. Disguising yourself as the dude you're supposed to be okay with handing the box to and then coming in and going, "I'm here to get the box handed to me," is a passable plan, right?
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... But no, it actually is Tobee, which makes this, what, zero for two for thinking Tobee's involved in something nefarious? My bad. Tobee moves in to get the box, while Shiro tries to dial up Takeshi, and that's when Chameleon and the Shocker mooks burst in. Tobee, sadly, doesn't get to even throw a punch before he's overpowered and the box is taken, but Takeshi also arrives—not in time to stop Chameleon or save the box, but just quick enough to knock out the mook in the back of the fleeing mook squad (an alarm's gone off, see) without anyone else noticing.
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Next scene: The inside of a truck. The Chameleon, with the box on his lap, is riding alongside his Shocker mooks, which is a bit weird, if you think about it. Shouldn't they have noticed that one of them's missing? Did the Chameleon not do a post-mission headcount? Did nobody in the mook squad notice that they were one mook short?
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Oh. Oh! That's really clever, Takeshi! And neatly demonstrates the potential downside of using a team of faceless mooks. If you don't know what faces they've got, you don't know what faces they don't got. And then you get an infiltration and it's all goodnight Irene. Which, of course, is Takeshi's plan.
The entrance to the Shocker lair turns out to be this building on Lake Biwa, which makes it the second time we've seen a Shocker lair disguised as a religious structure, I think? I can't help but wonder what in production factored into this decision. Who does a building like this belong to, in real life? Did filming the exterior of a building like this cost less?
Anyway, the box—which clearly does have a lid don't worry about it—
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—is now in Shocker hands, and the Big Shocker Voice calls for Dr. Heinrich, who turns out to be the scientist from earlier, the one who was wearing the Iron Cross necklace. I didn't recognize him at first, here, because now he's wearing a suit and I cannot recognize faces, but it turns out he's still wearing the Iron Cross necklace, which is a big help. In other words, I have the pattern recognition skill expected of this show's target audience, i.e. very young children, which I actually already knew but it's still kind of a bummer to have proven outright.
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With the Box, Dr. Heinrich says, Shocker will be able to take control of the world's economy! But how do you open the box? Dr. Heinrich explains! The box contains a device that emits a specific wave frequency. Emit the same frequency/wavelength toward the box, and the box will automatically open! And fortunately for Shocker, Dr. Heinrich has just the sort of wave-frequency-emitting device that would come in handy in this sort of situation.
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He's a Nazi. Don't know if you caught that, yet, but it's good they made it clear.
... Say, do you think that American wave-frequency-emitting devices get little American flags stamped on them? Or maybe bald eagles or portraits of George Washington or something? Someday, someone's going to think of stamping their wave-frequency-emitting device with some other country's national symbol and deliberately leave it about the place to sow confusion.
"But KC, why would they stamp it with anything at all—" Oh, look who's trying to be Mr. Clever Clogs here.
Anyway, before the Doc can finally open up the box and reveal to us, the viewers, what's actually in the danged thing, the Big Shocker Voice interrupts. He's just received an emergency transmission. One of the Shocker mooks that left with Chameleon Man (that's his name, apparently) never made it back, despite the apparent not-change in numbers! Which means...
Takeshi, rumbled, throws off his mook outfit. Swearing to expose Shocker's plans, he makes for a frontal attack—
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—and promptly falls down a trapdoor.
To be continued.
Wait, to be continued? Huh. I honestly didn't expect that. I kept thinking, "How are they going to wrap this up in so little time?" And the answer is: They weren't gonna in the first place. To be continued.
Anyway, competent episode. See you next week, I guess. Or later. I don't know; I'm not a TV show. I don't actually have a schedule. See you.
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simcardiac-arrested · 8 months
eat your hamburgers apollo
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silverjojo08 · 8 months
I'm Sorry Women (an Ace Attorney retrospective)
Don't worry, this is going to be much shorter than my FE Engage essay. Also this is more of a personal piece than anything else.
With the upcoming release of the Apollo Justice trilogy (AA456 collection) I've started going through my old tweets to reminiscence about me playing those games. This will be spoilery for some aspects all three of those games I think, so this is your warning to turn back if you haven't played through Spirit of Justice.
Eat Your Hamburgers, Apollo
Ok this part might be obvious, but because I am an American gamer who played the US localization I will be using those names, locations, etc in this discussion.
If you are at all generally curious about localization and Ace Attorney, Janet Hsu has been one of the main localizers on the franchise and has spoken about some of the process (this interview is about DGS/GAA but there's tidbits on their work in general) here: https://www.polygon.com/interviews/22519215/great-ace-attorney-chronicles-interview-translator-localization-japanese-western-audience
Update: AA456 specific interview with Hsu as well: https://kotaku.com/ace-attorney-apollo-justice-janet-hsu-interview-1851226695
Other Preliminary Info
So unlike my Engage essay which was set in a more fantasy world, I do feel the need to state that I'm not an expert on the subjects of: adoption, teen pregnancy, teen marriage, cross-cultural adoption, political strife?, etc.
I haven't done any reading in prep for writing this. I'm not trying to present myself as any type of authority. I'm not calling out anyone specific in the fandom besides myself. This is meant to be an analysis of me and my previous beliefs with maybe a little commentary on how the fandom at the time may have shaped those thoughts (but the only examples I will provide will be my posts and screenshots from the series).
And as like in my Engage essay, I'm not a professional story analyst or anything and this is not meant to be a literary criticism. I'm not even using fully proper grammar or anything. Sorry if it's unreadable lmao.
The Essay
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I was going through my old tweets to see my old thoughts as I was playing through Ace Attorney games 5 and 6 in particular. I don't believe I livetweeted AA4, but if I did I can't find my hashtag for it. I went back mainly to see the funny and dumb things I posted when I was younger and to relive some moments from the games to hype for the new release of the Apollo Justice Triology as I had not played them in a while. There's some funny stuff in there, especially the AA6 one where I predicted at least one thing accurately.
In my reminiscing, I came across this one in particular which immediately gave me pause:
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I understand why I said that. But still I couldn't get it out of my mind. "Why did I say that? What led to me holding this type of honestly heartless belief? Why was I like this?"
Thalassa married Jove when she was 18 and had Apollo when she was 18-19. Yes, at the time I typed that I believed she gave Apollo up willingly, which turned out to not be the case as later revealed in AA6.
But looking at it even from that lens now, even if she had given him up herself, so what? No decision she could have made at that time could have been wrong. It's insane that I thought otherwise. That was an impossible situation for her.
And yes, the specific scene is from Apollo's perspective. He doesn't know the context of him becoming an orphan. Even as of AA6 (which goes into his early childhood) he only knows the circumstances of how he lost Jove and why he ended up in the US, but not all that happened with his mother.
He is not wrong to feel as he does. And there are people irl who have been adopted and spoken on their experiences and all. I'm never going to tell anyone how they should or shouldn't feel about that because I've not been on either side of that situation.
But I completely misunderstood even just the basic context of the scene. This was a flashback scene where he was a young child (stated to be about middle school age) trying to give advice to help his friend.
I went back to the scene to get screenshots for this. And it wasn't even about him as much as it was about him helping Clay in the only way that he could, as one little kid to another:
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This is a cute scene about two kids in an orphanage working through their emotions and bonding while also dropping lore on where Apollo's catchphrase comes from.
There was no need for me to take this opportunity to speak on Thalassa at all. Especially when she literally did nothing wrong at all.
I do generally remember back in the early 2010s at least in AA fandom there was a bit of an angsty thing regarding how he may have felt towards her not raising him especially after she went on to get married again and have Trucy. I cannot remember all the details, but I assume some of that rubbed off on me. But even if that's the case, I still should have known better. A lot of stuff that happens in fandoms shouldn't be internalized.
In Conclusion
TL;DR I was a dumbass using a touching scene to slander a girl put in an unimaginable situation, and they should revoke my feminism card.
Less flippantly: It's always worth revisiting old opinions to challenge your past assumptions. Everyone grows and changes over time. And even people who believe themselves to be well-meaning have some rotten stuff to worth through. It takes work to become a better person.
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I don't think France has the death sentence anymore, so if it's set in France they should be good.
Japan, on the other hand, as well as America and Japanifornia, DO have the death sentence!
Japanifornia. Eat your hamburgers, Apollo.
So on one hand France doesn't, but this is also playing by AA rules because I have to keep the 3 day trial thing rolling so who knows.
That said!
Yeah it really doesn't matter too much what the sentence is after the fact whether it be 'death' or life or just a few years in jail, because we're /probably/ not stretching the series out over enough time for anyone to be released from jail.
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princehatterene · 7 months
i have been informed the eat your hamburgers apollo meme is just a fandom meme. sadge
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muzyoshi · 2 years
Eat your hamburgers, Apollo!
He's trying!!!! He's trying so hard!!!
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pleuvoire · 10 months
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eat your hamburgers apollo
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