kataibusaibiin · 5 years
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I stand in solidarity with Mauna Kea Kia’i. 私はマウナケアのプロテクターと連帯しています。 Me solidarizo con los protectores de Mauna Kea. Sou solidário com os protetores do Mauna Kea. As Shimanchu, the indigenous peoples of the Ryukyu Islands (Amami, Okinawa, Miyako, and Yaeyama), we stand in solidarity with the protectors of Mauna Kea and all who seek to defend their rights as first people in their native land.
Mauna Kea:  Lā 168, Oura Bay: Day 2000
Today - December 27, 2019 - is Lā 168 for the Mauna Kea Kia'i here in Hawai'i & the 2000th day of continuous sit-ins for protectors of Henoko's Oura Bay, back in the Ryukyu islands (what is known today as “Okinawa”) - my place of birth and maternal ancestral homeland. 
To pause and reflect on what this means and the parallels of the histories of these islands and our resilience in the face of both physical and cultural genocide is something I find to be bittersweet... 
Together, we rise!
I created this image as I reflected upon the continuous work being done and sacrifices being made by brave and fiercely loving Kia'i / protectors - day in and out - embracing their ancestral sukubun / kuleana to protect our precious land, water, and all life. It breaks my heart that we must do so; in fact, this was quickly pulled together earlier this week when Kia'i at Mauna Kea were bracing under threat of impending arrests, before the current moratorium was negotiated. And yet, despite the twinge of sorrow in why we must fight for our indigenous rights, for our right to self-determination, and for the protection of our lands and waters, there is so much beauty to see how we still rise and rise! 
This image is a small offering but made with immense gratitude to honor the beautiful way in which Mauna Kea is bringing together kanaka as a nation while simultaneously building transpacific solidarity and ultimately inspiring and uniting people all over the world as we (re)dedicate ourselves to protect all our precious land and water. It has been truly humbling and transformative to stand together with the Lāhui here in O’ahu as well as up on the Mauna and to find ways each day, however small they may be, to support this indigenous led movement. By sharing this image, I am inviting you to do the same. As Norman shinshii so beautifully said, "Although we stand on separate shores, distant valleys, or even separate mountain tops, we are emboldened and ultimately liberated in knowing that we stand together."
Aloha from Amami • Miyako • Okinawa • Yaeyama
The hands you see here are based on a photograph of my own hands with  traditional Ryukyu hajichi, specifically from where my maternal grandfather’s family is from in Shuri, the royal capital of the Ryukyu Kingdom. The main text in this image is from the solidarity statement Norman Kaneshiro shinshii wrote on behalf of Shimanchu (people of #Okinawan/#Ryukyuan descent) to the Mauna Kea Kia'i.
The complete solidarity statement, written in English, Español,  Português, and 日本語 is available here: http://bit.ly/MaunaKeaRentaiSeimei
A Note to Fellow Shimanchu/ Uchinaanchu / Okinawans:
If the sentiment of this image resonates with you: 
Please share and/or use this image to raise visibility. It’s sized so you can use it as your Facebook cover photo. 🙏 (I'll try to make twitter-sized version shortly... Feel free to message me if you’re interested.) 
Please sign and share this solidarity statement: http://bit.ly/MaunaKeaRentaiSeimei  ✍️
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kataibusaibiin · 5 years
A statement of solidarity on behalf of Shimanchu (people of Okinawan / Ryukyuan descent) to the protectors at Mauna Kea
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Everyone, please help signal-boost so our diaspora across the globe can see and to also help raise visibility for the kia’i. Fellow Shimanchu, if this resonates with you, please sign and share! A small group of shimanchu will be taking this statement and any signatures we have collected to deliver in-person as part of our offerings when we visit Mauna Kea to pay our respects to the kapuna and off our support to the kia’i. Okinawans / Uchinaanchu of the world / Shimanchu: This is a solidarity statement with Mauna Kea, written by Hawai’i Uchinaanchu! ▲▲▲ Here is a link to the complete statement - in English, Español, Português, and 日本語 - where you can sign: http://bit.ly/MaunaKeaRentaiSeimei ▲▲▲ 沖縄の皆さん、世界ウチナーンチュ、 島ん人: ハワイウチナーンチュたちが出したマウナケアとの連帯声明です! みなさん署名お願いします。シェアして下さい!とても簡単です!!一緒に頑張りましょう。 *** シマンチュから ハワイ島の先住民の聖地マウナケア山への連帯声明 : http://bit.ly/MaunaKeaRentaiSeimei ***
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