kataibusaibiin · 5 years
A statement of solidarity on behalf of Shimanchu (people of Okinawan / Ryukyuan descent) to the protectors at Mauna Kea
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Everyone, please help signal-boost so our diaspora across the globe can see and to also help raise visibility for the kia’i. Fellow Shimanchu, if this resonates with you, please sign and share! A small group of shimanchu will be taking this statement and any signatures we have collected to deliver in-person as part of our offerings when we visit Mauna Kea to pay our respects to the kapuna and off our support to the kia’i. Okinawans / Uchinaanchu of the world / Shimanchu: This is a solidarity statement with Mauna Kea, written by Hawai’i Uchinaanchu! ▲▲▲ Here is a link to the complete statement - in English, Español, Português, and 日本語 - where you can sign: http://bit.ly/MaunaKeaRentaiSeimei ▲▲▲ 沖縄の皆さん、世界ウチナーンチュ、 島ん人: ハワイウチナーンチュたちが出したマウナケアとの連帯声明です! みなさん署名お願いします。シェアして下さい!とても簡単です!!一緒に頑張りましょう。 *** シマンチュから ハワイ島の先住民の聖地マウナケア山への連帯声明 : http://bit.ly/MaunaKeaRentaiSeimei ***
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